Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Do you want to practise your English but you've got no money to pay for a teacher?

Or maybe you need to save money?

Then this video is for you.

We've got twenty six ways for you to learn English for free

Look around your home.

Do you know the English words for everything you can see?

Stick labels on them and leave them there till you can remember the words.

Download an app that delivers an inspiring English quotation every day.

You'll learn new words, get motivation, and become very wise.

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

Read an English book.

Research shows reading really helps.

It's one of the best ways to pick up grammar and vocabulary.

What are you doing?

I'm reading.

No, you're not.


If normal English books are too hard, read a reader.

They're books with simplified English designed for English learners.

Most readers aren't free, but they don't cost a lot and I'll put a link to a free

one below.

Follow the news in English.

You want to stay up to date and this way you can learn new words at the same time.

You can read all the latest stories on the BBC website and they often have videos too.

Listen to English songs!

It's a great way to learn new words.

And why not sing along so you can practise your pronunciation?

The shower's generally a good place.

And if you can't sing, what about rapping?

It's a great way to practice the rhythms of English.

Our friend, Fluency MC, has lots of great raps on his channel that are specially designed

for English learners.

Meet some friends who are also learning English for coffee and English conversation.

I haven't got any friends.

Well, why not put up a card up in your local store or library?



This is a library.

You're going to need to learn vocabulary so get a notebook and write down English words

and phrases you want to remember.

Then check them whenever you have a free moment.

You'll be surprised how much this helps.

You can also store the words you want to learn with a app.

There are some great spaced learning apps where you can put in words and then receive

reminders so you can quiz yourself on them later.

Anki and Memrise and two popular ones.

Change the language of your GPS so it speaks to you in English.

You'll learn how we give directions in English.

Turn left in 200 feet.


Turn left in 100 feet.




Practice your listening with an audio book.

Don't they cost money?

Well, yes, most do but not all of them.

I'll put a link to a list with lots of free ones in the details below.

Speak to Siri, Cortana or Google and see if they can understand your English pronunciation.

OK Google.

What's the weather like today?

It's raining Jay.

Don't forget your umbrella.

Thanks Google!

Type these letters into Google and they'll take you to Oxford University Press' great

online dictionary where you can look up words and phrases.

It's specially designed for English learners.

You can click on words and listen to how we pronounce them.

Pronunciation In British and American English.


American's best.

These letters will take you to a Longman dictionary which is terrific too.

Download Fix it.

It's a checklist I've written to help you fix common mistakes in English and

it's free.

Just go to our website, join our mailing list and it's our gift to you.


There are lots of groups for English learners on Facebook where people share tips and exercises.

Join some today.

And make sure you check out the British Council's Learn English Page.

It's fantastic.

Laugh in English.

Yes, laugh!

You'll learn more when you're relaxed and having fun.

So, go to an English jokes website.

Find a joke you like and then learn to tell it in English.

Why can't we have tea out of doors.

I don't know.

Why can't we have tea out of doors?

Well, we could but most people use cups.

Have a language exchange.

Find an English speaker who wants to speak your language and swap languages.

Have half an hour speaking your language and half an hour speaking English.

There are lots of great apps designed for English learners that you can download to

your phone and some of them have videos.

Be sure to download the English All Stars app.

You'll love it.


Who do you know who's an English speaker?

Is there someone you can have an English conversation with?

Perhaps you have a friend with an English speaking au pair that you can talk to.

Or perhaps you have a friend with an English butler.

Yes, m'lady.

Tea please, James.


Watch an English movie.

Put the subtitles on if it's hard.

Subtitles in your language or in English - they can both help.

Oh I can't watch.

It's too scary.


Download a text to speech app.

They can read text aloud.

They use machine voices, so they're not perfect, but many are free and they can do different


For example, Google's Text-to-Speech app can take your Google Play Books and read them


With Google Translate you can put in text in your own language and hear a spoken translation

in English.


Watch YouTube videos.

There are some great English teachers on YouTube, including us.

We have hundreds of free videos for English learners on our channel, and most have captions

so make sure you subscribe today.

You've got to eat so why not cook in English?

Look for an English recipe, follow it and then eat it!

It's a great way to learn food and cooking vocabulary.

Join an online community of English learners.

English Club is a great one that's full of friendly people who are all practising

their English together, just like you.

This next one might sound crazy, but it works.

Talk to yourself.

Create an imaginary friend and have English conversations with them.

So where did you go to school?


That's funny!

So did I!

Make up conversations and practice them out loud or silently in your head.

Check out this video we've made about how to think in English.

Listen to English podcasts.

They're like internet radio.

Go to Google, type a subject you're interested in and the word 'podcast' and you'll find

lots to choose from.

If they're too fast, try slowing the speed down to say 75%.

There are also some great podcasts for English learners.

Our friend Craig has a great one.

I'll put details below.

OK, last one.

Share your English discoveries.

If you find a good English app or website or video, send it to a friend who's also

learning English.


Well, they'll probably return the favour and send some good links back to you.

In fact why not share this video with someone now.

Go on, go on.

Share it!

For more infomation >> 26 ways to learn English for free - Duration: 12:17.


GG LIVE | STRAFE (PC) #2 - Duration: 2:33:52.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | STRAFE (PC) #2 - Duration: 2:33:52.


What a motorcyclist. - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> What a motorcyclist. - Duration: 2:45.


Roswell's Legendary Memory Metal - Duration: 6:26.

Roswell�s Legendary �Memory Metal�

When it comes to the Roswell affair of July 1947, there are numerous issues, theories

and ideas for what happened. Or, for what didn�t happen. One of the issues that very

often surfaces � in relation to the nature of the recovered debris � is that which

concerns the so-called �memory metal� reportedly found at the site. Those who are

of the opinion that aliens met their deaths on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico

on that fateful and fatal day suggest that the memory metal can only have been extraterrestrial

in nature. But, is that really the truth? Well, it very much depends on who you ask

and who you believe. Major Jesse Marcel, who everyone � believers

and doubters � acknowledges was at the crash site, said decades later: �I saw a lot of

wreckage but no complete machine. It had disintegrated before it hit the ground. The wreckage was

scattered over an area about three quarters of a mile long and several hundred feet wide.

I was pretty well acquainted with most everything that was in the air at that time, both ours

and foreign. I was also acquainted with virtually every type of weather-balloon or radar-tracking

device being used by either the civilians or the military. What it was we didn�t know.

We just picked up the fragments�it certainly wasn�t anything built by us.� You can

find Marcel�s statement in the Bill Moore-Charles Berlitz book of 1980, The Roswell Incident.

Mack Brazel was the rancher who found the wreckage. Some say he found far more than

that. Maybe a body or two. Possibly several. Brazel�s son, Bill, would later say that

the debris found on the Foster Ranch was ��something on the order of tinfoil except that [it] wouldn�t

tear�You could wrinkle it and lay it back down and it immediately resumed its original

shape. Quite pliable, but you couldn�t crease or bend it like ordinary metal. Almost like

a plastic, but definitely metallic in nature.� It�s a quote that appears in Bill Moore�s

1981 report, The Roswell Investigation: New Evidence, New Conclusions, which was published

in the July-August 1981 edition of Frontiers of Science. For many, it is statements like

those of Major Marcel and Bill Brazel that are among the most important of all � and

particularly so when it comes to the issue of what really came down on the ranch. But,

there are other possibilities. The U.S. Air Force has offered the following

words on the matter of the memory metal: �As early as May 1948, polythene balloons coated

or laminated with aluminum were flown from Holloman AFB and the surrounding area. Beginning

in August 1955, large numbers of these balloons were flown as targets in the development of

radar guided air-to-air missiles. Various accounts of the �Roswell Incident� often

described thin, metal-like materials that when wadded into a ball, returned to their

original shape. These accounts are consistent with the properties of polythene balloons

laminated with aluminum. These balloons were typically launched from points west of the

White Sands Proving Ground, floated over the range as targets, and descended in the areas

northeast of White Sands Proving Ground where the �strange� materials were allegedly


Of course, if there had been secret, pre-1948 flights (maybe one in the summer of 1947,

in New Mexico�) then that might well have led people who were unacquainted with the

new polythene balloons coated or laminated with aluminum to assume they were seeing something

extraordinary. On a similar path, back in 2004, a well-respected Australian researcher,

Keith Basterfield, was given a fascinating account which suggested that what came down

on the Foster Ranch was a device of the military and not the product of aliens. Keith revealed

that, according to his source, ��gigantic balloons were being flown in the stratosphere

to drop craft fitted with retrorockets and a drogue chute.�

Keith added that when just such a craft came down on the ranch, �The authorities were

very concerned that the rancher had hidden souvenirs from the wreckage. The balloons

were of chrome plated cellophane to reflect the heat. The experiments were conducted at

night so balloons would not explode in the daylight.� Not only that, according to Keith�s

informant, the experiment in question had people on-board. Guinea-pigs would be an accurate

term � which echoes the theories presented in my books Body Snatchers in the Desert and

the newly-published The Roswell UFO Conspiracy. Of course, none of this proves that aliens

didn�t crash outside of Roswell in forty-seven. On the other hand, however, the idea that

the memory metal was extraterrestrial needs further evidence before

such a claim can be considered fact.

For more infomation >> Roswell's Legendary Memory Metal - Duration: 6:26.




For more infomation >> THE MOST SATISFYING MOMENTS EVER IN CLASH ROYALE!! - Duration: 10:13.


JAKE PAUL DISSTRACK (Official Video) feat. Minecraft Postman - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> JAKE PAUL DISSTRACK (Official Video) feat. Minecraft Postman - Duration: 3:16.


Hostal Casita Del Puerto Formentera Passport en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Casita Del Puerto Formentera Passport

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Get more information in

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Cavall d'en Borras is Palmador, Tramuntana or Illetes,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Casita Del Puerto Formentera Passport en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


[Parody]#GOT7_I Smile_#MARKBAM[FANDMADE] - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> [Parody]#GOT7_I Smile_#MARKBAM[FANDMADE] - Duration: 3:55.


Apartment Apartamentos Ses Botges - Formentera Break in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Apartment Ses Botges - Formentera Break

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Get more information in

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Punta Prima, Cala Saona, is Trucadors or Playa de Levante,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartment Apartamentos Ses Botges - Formentera Break in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Apartamentos Costamar II en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Costamar Apartments II

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Tramontana, Levante Beach, Cala En Baster or Ses Canyes,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartamentos Costamar II en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Ameriquest Plane Commercial - Duration: 0:51.



Howdy folks

We hope you've enjoyed your flight today

We're beginning our descending

For more infomation >> Ameriquest Plane Commercial - Duration: 0:51.


Hostal Es Pas Formentera rural tourism in Formentera - Duration: 11:00.


Es Pas Formentera Farm

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Trucadors, Es Moli Marroig, Es Arenals or Cala En Baster,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Es Pas Formentera rural tourism in Formentera - Duration: 11:00.


How to fix frozen view counts 100% working original 2017 - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> How to fix frozen view counts 100% working original 2017 - Duration: 9:49.


Apartamentos Can Toni Xumeu- Formentera Mar en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Can Toni Formentera Mar Xumeu-

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find more information

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Cala de Bocs, is Palmador, Es Pujols and La Savina,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartamentos Can Toni Xumeu- Formentera Mar en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Apartamentos Can Armat-Formentera Mar en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Can Armat-Formentera Mar

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Get more information in

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Cala En Baster, Es Pujols, Es Còdol Foradat or Illetes,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartamentos Can Armat-Formentera Mar en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Apartments Casa Fara in Formentera - Duration: 6:59.


House Fara

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find more information

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Pujols, Ses Canyes, Levante Beach or Pilar de la Mola,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartments Casa Fara in Formentera - Duration: 6:59.


Hostal Mayans in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal Mayans

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

Booking at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Es Pujols, Playa de Ses Illetes, Sa Torreta or is Còdol Foradat,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hostal Mayans in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Apartamentos Isabel en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


apartments Isabel

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find out more information

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Estany des Peix, Ses Platgetes, La Savina and Es Arenals,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Apartamentos Isabel en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Escandell - holiday in Formentera Formentera apartments - Duration: 3:43.


Apartments Escandell - Formentera holidays

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Find more information

Get your book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Punta Prima, Migjorn Beach, La Savina or Tramuntana,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Escandell - holiday in Formentera Formentera apartments - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal Rafalet in Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


Hostal Rafalet

Offers accommodation in Formentera

Get more information in

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

He visits places Migjorn Beach, Es Pujols, St. Agusti Caló or is Palmador,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

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