Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

"Progressive" College Students Who Promoted Racial Segregation, "NO WHITES DAY," Furious

That Video of Their Prejudicial Behavior Went Viral

In recent days you may recall, on this site and others, reading about wild tales involving

a group of �misguided� students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington who demanded

observance and compliance with �No Whites Day� while threatening professors, staff

and other students who disagreed with the racist demonstration.

The little ingrates were making all sorts of demands from the college, including universal

compliance with the event, which required all whites to be banned for a full day � which,

of course, included white students, who also pay to attend the college.

Many of these demands were simply ridiculous, including a homework exemption that ensured

students who participated in taking over school property and harassing fellow students and

staff would not be punished by professors for turning it in late.

Now, because they obviously believe they control the universe as well, the same domestic terrorists

are demanding that all videos showing them berating, cursing at and otherwise threatening

faculty and students alike be taken down from the Internet.

As Breitbart News reported: Students at Evergreen College, demanding the

suspension of a professor who opposed a school event asking white students and staff to leave

campus, are demanding that a video of their protest efforts published online be taken


�We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen

by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken

down by the administration by this Friday,� the students said in a list of demands they

gave to university President George Bridges.

First of all, what is this �demand� business?

�We demand�?� You�re students; you can ask and you can petition, but you don�t


Secondly, this �demand� reads like it came from some North Korean propagandist,

not a reasonable person interested in resolving differences.

The �white supremacists� claim was particularly ironic, given that the pinheads organizing

this ridiculous �Day of Absence� are the ones implementing a racist policy toward whites.

As Breitbart noted, the video � which has since been taken down � shows unhinged students

screaming and shouting down Prof. Bret Weinstein, who is white, for his refusal to participate

in the �no whites allowed� day on campus.

It spread quickly via social media.

�On a college campus, one�s right to speak � or to be � should never be based on

skin color,� he said in an email.

Demanding that it be taken down would have been a tall order for the university, given

that social media is diverse, often anonymous, and often dependent on the fact that things

get shared again and again.

But the real crime here is the behavior of these students.

Not only should their �demand� that white people leave the campus for any amount of

time have been vehemently slapped down by the school administration, the resultant caving

in to other student demands is only further emboldening them to commit more disruption

in the future.

At one point, reports said, some students so incensed by Weinstein�s response were

actually searching cars for him, perhaps to kidnap him and cause him harm.

That sounds incredible, but Weinstein told reporters he was informed of same by campus


�First and foremost, I want to state that there will be, as far as I know, no charges

filed against any students involved in actions that occurred this morning,� Bridges told

students at one point.

�We will be conducting a major review, an investigation of all that occurred and will

be reporting back to you, the campus community, about exactly what happened, why it happened

and what we intend to do about the incident � not the incident, excuse me, the actions

that were taken, both students, staff and faculty involved.�

This is incredible, but it helps explain why students on this campus � and scores of

others around the country � continue to act more like hooligans than anything else;

they are being empowered to do so by weak, cowardly, enabling school administrators.

For more infomation >> Progressive College Students Who Promoted Racial Segregation,NO WHITES DAY, Furious That Video of Th - Duration: 5:50.


Enjoy Myanmar's course meal for $9.7 [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 10:15.

This is the place with the day of your birth.

- It's here? / - Yes.

- Pour water according to your age. / - I see.

Then you make a wish.

Find the day of the week you were born.

- Go there. / - Then the amount of your age.

Then pour water for each year of your age.

What day were you born?

October 18th, 1966.

- Tuesday. / - I was born on July 10th, 1977.

- Sunday? / - Sunday.

You'll have to pour

around 50 times.

Will your arm be okay?

I have to do it 50 times.

(I can do it 50 times!)

There's a crowd around Tuesday.

(It's a battle against myself)

There were a lot of people around Tuesday.

Tuesday had the most people.

On that day.

How interesting.

There's a shrine for each day of the week.

- Begin. / - Alright.

(He starts the first of the 50 bowls of water)


It must feel strange to think about your age.

That's true.

You can think of each and every year.

It's Su Dragon with water.

Su Dragon.

(Another person disappears)

So many people are leaving.

(They're leaving so quickly)

- Your age will be revealed... / - Of course.

If you keep count on others.

I'm counting how many bowls this woman is pouring.

- How old is she? / - She looks really young.

She's pouring a similar number as you.

She could be older than me.

I think so.


She kept pouring.

- Why is she pouring so much? / - She's pretty old.

Only the two of you are left.

- She left. / - Yes.

You look tired.

- He's still pouring? / - There's more.

It's the last one.

(Why's this so difficult?)

- You're done. / - You have to pray.

I can't pray here. I was born on a Sunday.


It looks like the water is here.

There's no water elsewhere?

The water is shut off.

It's been a while since I've heard that term.

- I prayed too. / - The water was shut off.

Now that I'm done, I'm so hungry.

Let's go eat.

- I said to leave the food to me. / - Right.

- Let's eat. / - I'm hungry.

- I'm curious. / - How is Myanmarese cuisine?

- I'm curious about the food. / - Yes.

I don't think we've ever seen Myanmarese cuisine.

- Really? / - Yes.

(They travel 8 minutes for dinner)


We have to replenish our energy.

- I'm so hungry. / - Of course.

I found a place that serves

traditional Myanmarese cuisine.

- Traditional Myanmarese food? / - Yes.

It's outdoors. This is nice.

- It's local. / - It's a famous restaurant.

But many famous people have visited.

(It's the restaurant everyone visits in Myanmar)

Even Park Hwisun came.

Kim Suyong as well.

It's a famous place.

Eat a lot since it was tiring today.

Will it be traditional cuisine?

Yes, traditional Myanmarese cuisine.

I ordered the set menu.

- A full course meal? / - Yes.

Aren't full courses expensive?

- Don't be shocked. / - I won't.

It's only 11,500 kyat.

- 11,500 kyat? / - Yes.

- That's around $10. / - 11,500?

- So it's around $10? / - That's right.

Famous people have eaten at this restaurant.

I'm looking forward to the courses.

(A table full of traditional Myanmarese dishes)

- It looks delicious. / - How many dishes are there?

2, 4, 6, 8... 9 dishes in total?

What stands out is that

each dish has its own spoon.

- It's hygienic that way. / - It's hygienic.

- Shall we eat? / - Yes.

I'll try the soup first.

- Suyong loves to eat. / - Right.

Isn't it like radish soup?

- It's just like radish soup. / - Right?

It's just like radish soup.


How does that taste?

It's sour.

That's the only way I can explain it.

- Like spicy beef stew? / - Spicy beef stew.

Tom yum goong?

He doesn't like it.

- It tastes like... / - Tom yum goong?

Like bean paste stew.

But it's really sour.

- Is it like tom yum goong? / - Yes, it's similar.

- It gives me an appetite. / - It's sour.

- This looks like braised beef in soy sauce. / - Yes.

- This might be a unique meat. / - Braised beef.

Could it be goat?

- You need rice. / - That's right.

Let's describe it in three words.

- Okay. / - Three words.

(What kind of meat is it?)

Three words.

This is beef.

It tastes familiar.

It tastes like braised beef in soy sauce.

Korean people would love it.

It seems like Myanmarese food

suits the Korean palette.

- It's not heavily seasoned. / - Right.

Foreigners can easily eat it.

- I think that's chicken. / - Chicken?

- It's chicken. / - Chicken.

(How does chicken taste in Myanmar?)

It tastes just like spicy braised chicken.

- It's identical. / - Right.

The Myanmarese full course meal

tastes really familiar to us.

(The house specialty appears!)

There are a lot of menu options.

- That isn't lobster. / - Lobster?

- It's shrimp. / - King shrimp.

- It must be tiger shrimp. / - Tiger shrimp.

- It's the most expensive dish. / - That's...

Let's try the shrimp.

Look at the meat.

- Goodness. / - It's like lobster.

I've never seen the audience so happy.

It's the first time the audience is stirring.

You should've shown us this from the start.


(In one bite)

- I was so happy. / - The shrimp is so big.

Half is an entire mouthful.

That was amazing.

- It's fire-grilled. / - It's so delicious.

- It tastes fire-grilled, right? / - Right.

It's really savory.

It's a good choice.

I feel energetic.

(The Slow Day ends)

That's it.

(It was a healing day in Myanmar)

That was their first day in Myanmar.

Myanmar is much more dazzling than I expected.

They seem to like that.

You'd expect people

to steal gold from the temples.

But the people are so pure that they never steal.

They also donate gold if the temple needs repair.

- They do? / - In order to help with repairs.

Being a Buddhist nation and all...

You dressed very flamboyantly.

Yes. It's called longyi.

Men and women both wear the skirts.

Men tie it in the front.

- What about women? / - Women tie it with a sash.

It's worn differently.

Did you have to untie everything to use the restroom?

We didn't untie it. We just raised it up.

We raised them.

We raised them to use the restroom.

- That works. / - Thank you.

Your demonstration made it easy to understand.

However, despite being in our team...

- I didn't feel the burn of youth. / - I know.

- It was like a trip for parents. / - Even food...

- Young people scarf food down. / - They eat a lot.

It was really mild and slow.

Our concept is being slow.

We were planning on eating porridge.

- Rice porridge? / - Yes, we were going to eat that.

What you've seen so far was generally slow.

The first day is slow.

- Does it pick up later? / - Later on...

- It gets quick. / - That's a relief.

We have to hold the first half vote.

Were you two curious about anything?

- Us? / - Dujun?

I feel like we'll win with ease.

There's still the latter half. Don't get too confident.

- Let's vote first half. / - Alright.

After watching the first half,

would you go on the Slow Slow Quick Quick Tour

of Myanmar?

Please vote now.

(Slow Slow Quick Quick Tour's Myanmar trip)

(What will the judges choose in the first half?)

- Alright. / - Are the results in?

- We'll see them first. / - Right.

- Let's see the results. / - Let's take a look.

- We can't see them, right? / - Right.

- Just wait. / - We'll look at your expressions.

We'll know based on your expressions.

I don't have a poker face.

Hyelin has to be careful.

She can't hide her emotions.

- Be stealthy. / - How are they?

Anything over 80 votes is high.


It's very awkward.


- What kind of face is that? / - Take a look.

- What is that? / - Give us a hint.

Give us a slight hint.

Why'd you look so quickly?

- What? / - Is it one digit?

No, no.

- He looked so quickly. / - Seriously.

- It's not even 10 votes? / - Yes.

- Everyone, poker faces. / - Out of 100.

That's enough.

That's enough.

- Is it okay? / - Just a moment.

- I saw three people laughing at us. / - Everyone...

- I really saw three people laugh. / - No, no.

I expected around that many votes.

It makes sense.

I don't expect much in the first half.

I just hope it's more than the number

of bowls Suyong poured.

- Let's watch the latter half. / - Yes.

It's very mysterious.

- Keep your spirits up, Sikyung. / - Let's watch...

The latter half of the Myanmar trip!

For more infomation >> Enjoy Myanmar's course meal for $9.7 [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 10:15.





Would it shock you to know that by reading this article, you are presently interfacing

with artificial intelligence to enhance personal cognitive brain function?

Let�s be clear: Technology is a form of external artificial intelligence or AI.

That ship has sailed.

�The merging of mind and machine has already begun with cochlear and retinal implants,

coming neural implants, and gene editing.� TWEET THIS

As science pushes forward in its quest to upgrade the human experience, what will it

mean for human consciousness � and for you?

Self-Actualization, the pinnacle of Maslow�s five-level human needs pyramid, is close at

hand for a larger segment of the population than ever before.

Basic needs met, you have the ability to move far beyond survivalism toward discovering

your inner genius, thus reaching your highest potential as a human being.

Yet, lurking somewhere in the darkness, the fear persists that artificial intelligence

will surpass human intelligence in an AI arms race, as publicly warned by Elon Musk, Dr.

Stephen Hawking, and Bill Gates.

Darkness Before the Dawn

Let�s first look at how technology has played a part in advancing the evolution of human


Try to imagine going back to a world without a www in front of it.

Even if you�re old enough, it�s difficult: the 5 a.m. thud of the local newspaper hitting

the pavement outside your window; teaching for an encyclopedia that hadn�t been appended

since the current edition�s printing a decade earlier; waiting until 6 p.m. for world news;

community gossip.

It was a small, small, world after all � but only in the last half century.

Previously, it was much smaller.

Access to external stimuli (i.e. education, ideas, and information) was a lot more precarious.

Additionally, cultural and religious conditioning did a bang-up job of programming you to take

your lumps and like �em.

There was little to no incentive to change the status quo.

You were highly likely to be born, live, and die similarly to the way your parents did.

Innovation, rebellion, and revolution came at a steep price for those who dared buck

society and its institutions even from the inside.

Though things have improved � slightly.

Hence, except for a handful of time-honoured geniuses ahead of the curve willing to take

the blows for the rest of us, the collective evolution of human consciousness was tedious,

cumbersome, and SLOW.

Then came August 6th, 1991: The world wide web became publicly available without fanfare

by global media.

English CERN scientist Tim Berners-Lee had developed the first web browser computer program

in response to his desire to make it easier for scientists around the world to share information,

thus ushering in the Information Age.

(It should be noted that before then, an Internet of networked computers existed originating

with the U.S. federal government back in the 1960s to link supercomputers in the event

one was destroyed in a nuclear blast � also for communications/storage � the data made

safe through redundancy.)

What Is Consciousness?

Before we fast forward to today, let�s establish a simplified definition of consciousness as


In reality, scientists are still attempting to quantify the unquantifiable previously

contemplated throughout the last millennia by philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Thomas

Aquinas, Bertrand Russell, Einstein, and many more.

Research is struggling to move beyond theory to answer rudimentary questions such as whether

consciousness originates within the brain, or if the brain acts like a receiver that

processes non-physical signals.

A Harvard team of researchers think they�ve pinpointed the network of brainstem regions

that are the physical source of consciousness.

Whether it�s the origin of consciousness remains unanswered.

Dr. Lucien Hardy from the Perimeter Institute in Ontario, Canada, recently proposed a quantum

entanglement experiment to determine if consciousness is local or non-local that could even throw

previous interpretations of quantum mechanics and free will into question.

It�s complicated!

What we do know is consciousness is the individuated subjective experience.

I (subject) see an (object); therefore, I know I exist.

Theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku sums up consciousness as �the process of creating

multiple feedback loops to create a model of yourself in space with regard to others,

and in time.�

In the linked video, Dr. Kaku goes on to state he believes beings embody varying levels of

consciousness similar to what Eastern traditions call levels of sentience.

(Interesting Note: In 2014, I met Dr. Kaku at a book signing at Wright State University.

I gave him a copy of my book, What Is God?

Rolling Back the Veil, explaining sentience and levels.)

Dr. Michio Kaku, book What Is God?

Rolling Back the Veil

Feedback loop: Think back to those old dusty Britannicas sitting in your parents� basement.

Human consciousness drafted their content that went on to inform human consciousness

as a feedback loop.

Consciousness was recognized in 1918 by Nobel Prize winner and one of the founding fathers

of Quantum Theory, Max Planck, as fundamental to all aspects of life: �I regard matter

as derivative from consciousness . . . Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard

as existing postulates consciousness.�

In other words, Planck is stating his yet-unproven belief that feedback loops exist within nature.

Matter is derived from consciousness recycling back to consciousness.

A modern-day pioneer in the field of unified physics is Nassim Haramein, Director of Research

at the Resonance Science Foundation, where he leads a team of physicists, mathematicians,

and engineers.

He says: �Everything emerges and returns to a fundamental field of information that

connects us all.�

Again, information is a form or byproduct of consciousness; consciousness is information.

That all life is inseparable and interdependent will be one of the most important revelations

in modern physics.

Man and Machine

At this year�s SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas, Ray Kurzweil, Google Director of Engineering

and futurist boasting an 86% prediction accuracy rate, forecast: �2029 is the consistent

date I have predicted for when an AI will pass a valid Turing test and therefore achieve

human levels of intelligence.

I have set the date 2045 for the �Singularity� which is when we will multiply our effective

intelligence a billion fold by merging with the intelligence we have created.�

(The Turing Test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is when machines can exhibit intelligent

behaviour indistinguishable from human behaviour.

Technological Singularity is when AI results in exponential runaway superintelligence that

would continue to exponentially upgrade itself.

Becoming self-aware, it could possibly render humanity obsolete.)

Knowledge is just one byproduct of many feedback loops that run the gamut of the five physical

senses, or sentience, that make us human.

We might begin to call feedback loops dimensions.

Socrates knew well that knowledge alone becomes a limitation.

This is key.

In the same way you look in a mirror and see a living, breathing copy of you, the mirror

is only a two-dimensional representation of the you that occupies the 11 dimensions theorized

by Dr. Kaku.

Buddhists also recognize a sixth sense � the subjective experience of the mind.

Doesn�t it reason that the sixth sense also arises as a byproduct (along with knowledge)

of the combination of the first five senses?

Now we�re getting into the fractal, multi-dimensional nature of Creation.

Chemical processes in the mind/body feedback loop then create feelings in the body, and

so on.

If the Universe is indeed unified, then human senses continue beyond six into the sublime

and yet undetectable.

Do you see the complex layering of feedback loops/dimensions and processes involved?

Technology/AI are tools that can enhance consciousness, aiding in its evolution, but represent only

a fractional part of the whole.

If the question for our times is, when does technology (AI) become self-aware and surpass

biology (human beings) in delivering Singularity as a constant, the answer is, AI can only

mimic a partial experience.

New Origin of Species Event

If all life is One, there is no line of demarcation where consciousness begins and where consciousness


Consciousness endures, and like the Universe, it expands and evolves.

�A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and


He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind

of optical delusion of his consciousness.�

? Albert Einstein

So far, we�ve mostly explored consciousness and its evolution via external forces from

the perspective of separation consciousness.

When you experience yourself as �separate� from the rest of life, you experience death

in the physical world.

�The greater shock may be that Singularity has already been occurring throughout history

without the aid of technology.� TWEET THIS

What happens when we explore consciousness by tapping into our internal world as taught

by the Masters, accessing unseen forces or higher dimensions of consciousness?

What the Masters knew and today�s awakening collective mass is �realizing� comes from

a �sense� (level of consciousness/dimension) no machine will ever experience.

Recognizing the oneness of the Cosmo, your personal experience miraculously transfigures

into one where you transcend death for eternal life as extolled by Jesus, Buddha, Krishna,

Yogananda, Maharshi, and many others.

Spontaneous evolution is the transmutation of separation consciousness to unity consciousness.

Aided by technology or not, the self-realized human being is a new species.

�Enlightenment is true Singularity.� TWEET THIS

Your brilliant future here, now, is Singularity as holistic self-awareness in the now moment

that you are mind, body, and spirit capable of miracles.

Boundaries removed, you become fearless.

Suffering and hardship end, replaced by peaceful, abundant living.

Death conquered, immortality becomes your new reality.

This is Humanity 2.0.

For more infomation >> HUMANITY 2 0 THE UNSTOPPABILITY OF SINGULARITY - Duration: 12:46.


Flip Your Everyday Reality | Welcome to Cirque du Soleil! - Duration: 1:14.

Bonjour, and welcome to Cirque du Soleil.

Come backstage with us on our YouTube Channel to watch exclusive weekly videos

and worldwide premieres from Cirque du Soleil shows,

artists and the Cirque way of life.

Thank you so much for watching.

If you want more information about this video, look in the description below.

Don't forget to share, like and comment,

because we would love to hear from you.

You can find even more videos from Cirque du Soleil in the links over here,

and remember,

subscribe to Cirque du Soleil to flip your reality the Cirque way,

where everyone, every day, is extraordinary.

For more infomation >> Flip Your Everyday Reality | Welcome to Cirque du Soleil! - Duration: 1:14.



For more infomation >> MON CONSEIL DE CLASSE SUR YOUTUBE #HorsCadreTV [ÉPISODE 11] - Duration: 3:42.


Бактериальный рак.Лечение черного рака плодовых деревьев. - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Бактериальный рак.Лечение черного рака плодовых деревьев. - Duration: 3:58.


Duelo Maestro By: Nacho21 w/ GGbuild [DEMON] - Duration: 5:13.


smash smash smash smash smash

Oh sausage soup

Are we recording?


Are you uploading this too?


Let's concentrate!

God damnit let it be this one.




Fucking shit level tbh.

Fuck you nacho lol

We did it!

I was so nervous lul




my hands are shaking god damnit


We did it!!!

For more infomation >> Duelo Maestro By: Nacho21 w/ GGbuild [DEMON] - Duration: 5:13.


The Story Of The Ultimate Pharah "Valkia" - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> The Story Of The Ultimate Pharah "Valkia" - Duration: 14:01.


Farming Simulator 17 NEW FORAGE FACTORY - Duration: 16:29.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a NEW Placeable Mod You can use to make Power Feed For Cows The New Forage Fabric.

To make Pwer Feed You need Straw Grass And Silage

NLD MAN TGS 18 480 Krampe SB30 / 60 High Frame Tipper CUSTOM ROAD TRAIN Tipper


New modules stocage but in not ready yet

FASTER SILAGE CUTTER Can't uncover the silage you must use a loader

I fill the other feeds and I unload the power feed last

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 NEW FORAGE FACTORY - Duration: 16:29.


3 minutes watermelon crafts to do when you are bored. 10 DIYs - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> 3 minutes watermelon crafts to do when you are bored. 10 DIYs - Duration: 14:48.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Daniel Tigre em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Daniel Tigre em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:20.


Trump Vs. Macron - Songify the News 15 - Duration: 4:24.

<a haunting flute echoes over a mountaintop>


Let me move on to some rather serious matters

and that's Donald Trump

shaking hands with Emmanuel Macron


And this is a handshake that will shake the world

instead of just other hands

that handshake between Macron and Trump

Macron said "yeah, I was sending a message"

Their greeting could be described as

"Screw you" in handshake form

I will withdraw

from the Paris Climate Accord

Europe, Asia

should not have more

We'll be the cleanest, cleanest air

cleanest water

cleanest here, cleanest there

Europe, Asia, Asia Asia, Europe

Asia, Asia, Asia Asia Europe

Climate change is one of the major issues

I wish to tell the United States, France believes in you

The world believes in you

American friends

make our planet great again

<what we have done>

<has neither precedent>

<what we have done>

<nor equivalent>

<neither precedent>

<nor equivalent>

I'm very proud of people voting for hope

The prime minister lost votes, that's enough to go

We look ahead and see what the results will be

I know the country needs me

You're big, you're strong

Why didn't you say "Mr. President, this is wrong"

I was so stunned, by the conversation

I was fired because of the Russian Investigation

Son, it never occurred with either Bush or Obama

I had never experienced drama, no drama

Lordy, lordy I hope there are tapes

I was alone with The President of The United States

Trump chose to defame me and the FBI

Those were lies, but the FBI will be fine

will be fine, the FBI will be fine

The President of the United States said, we had that thing

I'd like to know what the hell that 'thing' is

He was asking for something, and i was refusing to give it

this confused me

this didn't improve the relationship

the shifting explanation-ship

and he hoped i would stay longer, said can you come over for dinner

and i said yes sir

maybe other people would be stronger

i would think it would intensely arouse me


arouse my curiosity

why do you think, it is a good idea

to give 3 Trillion dollars in tax breaks

To the top 1%

because ordinary people are paying more

No, ordinary people do not have a wealth of $128 Billion

Yes! most of my friends and I only have a few million

*gasp* I'm so sorry you're going through a tough time!

Do you wanna crash on my yacht?

Oh, that would be great.

Answer the question!

Why the rich are becoming much richer

Like the Walton Family

One guy there owns four Ferraris and one Maserati

Four Ferraris and One Maserati

Why does a billionaire get a tax break

On four Ferraris and One Maserati


Maserati, Ferrari

Ferrari, Maserati

Maserati Ferrari

More income inequality

Like Robin Hood if Robin Hood was robbin' some peasants

Just to give King John some Gucci as a present

Like the hunger games if President Snow hires Katniss

To go to District 12 and raise Peeta's taxes

Like Batman if he told the City Council he'd save

All of Gotham by lowering the minimum wage!

I'm late to the party but I dreamed the beat was dope, though

Let's get it started again, and one two three go!

Why you gonna throw seniors off Meals and Wheels baby

Why you gonna throw children off Medicaid, baby?

Why you gonna throw women and babies off W.I.C. baby?

Then give a billionaire a massive tax break, baby?

We don't cut Medicaid - No

Meals on Wheels is not reduced - Not true

There's a small reduction - Not true

The rich are becoming much richer, they get a tax break

On four Ferraris and One Maserati

Maserati Ferrari

Ferrari Maserati

Maserati Ferrari

More income inequality

Like Oliver Twist if Fagan was the good guy

He's a job creator and no orphans die OH

Maserati Ferrari

Ferrari Maserati

Maserati Ferrari

American friends

Maserati Ferrari

I hope there are tapes

Maserati Ferrari

Asia Europe

Songify the News

Check out Allison and Gaby

If you wanna be truly happy

everything sounds better

And you can get the track too if you want to

And here's more Macron

everything sounds better in perfect tune

For more infomation >> Trump Vs. Macron - Songify the News 15 - Duration: 4:24.


Will answer your questions(eng sub) - Duration: 1:17.

Hello all

My name is Andriy, and I'm creator of Engineer Bruns channel

I have one important change in my life

Month ago was born my second daughter

So now I sleep very rarely

and my working day is extremely chaotic.

I never know in what time of the day I'll can work

In such situation, working of new projects is not very good,

and I can't say when will be ready my new video

Many people ask me to tell something about myself and my "cave" workshop

Before this moment i don't really wanted to do this,

but now is good time to make answers to all your questions

This wouldn't hurt to my main projects, because it's will not take too much time

So, in comments of this video, you can write all your questions to me,

and later, I'll make answers in video

Thank you for waiting and watching my video

Goodbye and good luck!

I need to wake up and work...

For more infomation >> Will answer your questions(eng sub) - Duration: 1:17.





Bus brunch cafe is Myanmar's trend! [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 14:45.

I'm excited.

- Great! / - Today's the quick day.

- Today's the quick day. / - It's the quick day?

- Here we go. / - That should've been first.

This is great.

(Quick day's itinerary)

Survival game?

The survival game sounds fun.

(Hotel swimming pool at 7 a.m.)

- You stayed at a nice place. / - This is a holiday.

This is healing.

The hotel costs $100 per night.

- Really? / - $100.

- It's cheaper if you split it. / - Today's the quick day.

We should do what young people do.

Why don't you take off your shirt?

We're against a strong opponent.

It'd make us lose votes.

We have to hide as much as possible.

You too.

What's with the sleeveless shirt?

- Alright. / - Cover your arms.

- Look at the CG effects. / - I dressed youthfully.

It looked real.

(When young people go swimming)

(it's fun to watch them)

That's the way.

Swimming pools are so exciting.

That's great.

(Health is the most important thing)

I haven't seen that in a while.

- You have to wet the chest. / - Father.

You have to do that.

- You should've gone right in. / - From the right.

Most young people would just dive right in.

The water's too shallow.

You look like a grandfather washing up like that.

- I may not be able to dive. / - It's not a bath tub.

- But I'll do a flying kick. / - A flying kick.

- He's displaying his youthfulness. / - Nice.

A flying kick.

Here comes a flying kick.

A flying kick.

He might get hurt.

How is that a flying kick?

- That was short. / - He landed right in front.

- That was short. / - I thought he'd go further.

- That wasn't a flying kick. / - The elders are...

Seem to be having fun.

(Hwisun also jumps in)

Both of their jumps are really low.

The jumps are low.


(This is a youthful morning swim)


My nose hurts.

The water went up my nose. It was painful.

We're so embarrassing.

We're like two old men on vacation.

- Swim straight facing the camera. / - Try it.

Swim while looking at the camera.

(Watch carefully, Suyong)



(Very charming)

- We're ruined. / - Audience members.

What do you mean, "What is that?"

You shouldn't say it like that.

(Hwisun is like a fish in water)

(He looks like a mermaid)

(Here comes Suyong too)

(But he gives up swimming and starts to walk)

I think we can't do...

What the youths do anymore.

We can't have a quick day today.

Let's take it easy instead.

This is too tiring.

Let's take a rest lying down.

- Hwisun looks like a dekopon. / - Suyong.

Swimming makes me so hungry.

- Shall we have some brunch? / - What?

- You want to have brunch already? / - Brunch or...

We need to fill up on some food.

- I'm too hungry. / - Okay.

- Okay. Let's go eat. / - Alright.

This is something for those in their 20s.


We're going to a place like Garosugil in Korea.

- It's Garosugil of Yangon. / - Really?

- It's the street of the youth. / - It's a trendy place.

- The weather is nice. / - So good.

- There is no fine dust at all. / - No air pollution.

Let's go to trendy places in Yangon today

in a quick fashion.

Trendy places young people like.

I like it since it's not crowded.

- I'm in charge of food. / - Right.

It's a bus cafe

where you can taste the Western brunch.

- A bus cafe? / - Ta-da.

It's the bus cafe.

Isn't it pretty?


(The atmosphere is different from other places)

- Let's order here. / - Okay.

- It's a pretty place. / - It is.

It looks a little like Europe.

- Here is the menu. / - Yes.

Let's eat just a little since it's brunch.

This bun is red. A red burger?

- I should try this. / - It's unique.

- The bun of a burger is red. / - I see.

The hot dog is unique too.

Quick, quick.

Since today is the quick day.

- They only take cash, right? / - Of course.

- Is it air-conditioned? / - The decorations are cute.

- Is it? / - Yes, it is.

- Young people would love it. / - Right.

- It's fancy. / - The interior design is nice.

There are also young people over there.

You may talk to them since you're young too.

- Excuse me. Okay. / - Hi.

I'm from Korea.

He is a famous Korean comedian.

I like Korea.

- He is handsome. / - Handsome?

- Who? / - Handsome boy.

- Handsome boy? / - Handsome boy.

Suyong is popular indeed.

He is a daughter.

(Am I a daughter?)

- He is a daughter. / - He is a daughter?

I wanted to say he has a daughter.

I was confused.

What I wanted to say was that he has a daughter.

- But you said he is a daughter. / - He did.

That's strange.

The food is ready.

What's that?

- They color the bun with beets. / - Yes.

- Beets? / - Looks delicious.

(A burger that draws your attention)

(A unique hotdog with a black bun)

(Today's delicious brunch set)

I thought it'd be in a cup.

- But the sodas are served in bags. / - Asian style.

- In plastic bags. / - I've never seen this before.

Let me show you how you drink it.

- It's a mojito. / - Is it a mojito?

Do you really know how to drink it?

I think you should insert the straw here.

What are the two holes used for?

- So that you can hold it like this. / - Like this?

- You can insert your fingers there. / - Like that?

- It's like holding a purse. / - Yes.

- You can carry it like this. / - It's convenient.

- Insert your fingers and hold it. / - Like this.

Looks delicious.

It makes you want to post up a photo on SNS.

- You're right. / - That's how it looks.

The bun of the hot dog is black...

- And that one is red. / - Yes.

- Shall we try them? / - Shall we?

This is made with charcoal powder.

There are pickles in here.

- Edible charcoal powder? / - Charcoal powder?

That looks very delicious.


This is so soft.

It's much softer than ordinary buns.

- The sausage is the same. / - It is?

- He didn't eat the sausage yet. / - Just a tiny bite.

I want him to describe the taste. That's quite big.

It's so big.

I've never seen a bun made with charcoal powder.

- Is it made with charcoal powder? / - Yes, it is.

They ground the vegetable.

- They ground the red vegetable? / - Yes.

- Look at the color. / - It looks pretty.

The patty is like a deep-fried patty of minced meat.

It looks like a croquette.

That looks good.

(Will it suit Suyong's taste?)

(Wait, this taste...)

How is it?

It tastes like Korean meatballs.

You're skilled at comparing

all western foods to Korean.

It was really like meatballs.

It tastes like knife-chopped noodles.

I tasted it and it really did taste like meatballs.

It's softer than rib patties.

Like meatballs and croquette.

- It was delicious. / - Not bad, right?

(Yes, this is tasty)

- It tastes quite familiar. / - Right?

In Southeast Asia, there are some burgers

that have a specific smell sometimes.

- This one doesn't. It's western. / - Western style.

Since we had brunch now,

let's go to a trendy place where

young people can enjoy activities.

- Let's feel the youth. / - It's survival games.

Survival games.

This is a place of an outdoor activity.

- Something Hwijae likes. / - I do.

(Survival game using water-based ink balls)

(About $10 for 100 bullets including all gear)

- It is fun. / - The set looks quite realistic.

We've gotten changed now...

We've invited some locals to play with us.

- From Myanmar. / - Yes.

It's not fun only to play games.

- Why don't we bet on something? / - Like what?

What about bowing 108 times while...

Enjoying the nightscape?

- That's good for your health. / - Is it possible?

Even 10 bows will be hard.

- Then you should win. / - I can barely stand now.

- He can barely stand. / - It must be hot.

It is really hot.

- What do you think? / - Okay. Let's do it.

- Are you going to be okay? / - Sure.

Since you like a slow pace, you're in Team Slow.

- Okay. / - And we are Team Quick.

The kings are supposed to hide this in here.

When the king is shot,

he has to scream, "I am king."

And the game will be over.

Is it a game of kings?

- Yes. / - "Protect the king."

- It's a game to kill the king. / - That sounds fun.

(They divide into two teams of three)

(Suyong and Hwisun are kings of each team)

(Once the king is shot, the game is over)

(Game continues if other members are shot)

(Which team will succeed in protecting their king?)

The paintballs cause more pain than you think.

- The facilities are very good here. / - Yes.

It just opened last fall.

So the facilities are clean.

(Suyong's Team Slow vs. Hwisun's Team Quick)

(Each team is getting in position now)

(The current locations of the team members)

Looks fun.

I'm nervous.

Let's begin. Attack!



(Hwisun's team members are not in position yet)

(One of his team members dropped the paintballs)

- Who is it? / - Gosh.

Who is that?

- You'll get shot doing that. / - Why did you open it?

- Did you open it? / - No. It just opened by itself.

They should have attacked now.

They should hide.

(Hwisun's team is far over there)

(Suyong is tired of waiting)

He should not come out like that.

Kings are not supposed to come out.

(He doesn't care)

(Suyong charges towards Hwisun's team)

(Suyong's team carry out a full-scale attack now)

Stop, stop.

Wait, wait.

They're still picking up paintballs.

- He just says stop. / - I can't believe Hwisun.

(Hwisun's team members scatter quickly)

Incredible. The ball almost hit me.

I feel so nervous.

Gosh. That was close.

(Suyong looks so excited)

(The back of the passionate veteran)


- He seems to be the most excited. / - I know.

(Suyong finds this so fun)

Gun games like that are the best, right?

Of course.

All we have to do is kill the king.

(Hwisun's team approaches in no time)

Hwisun penetrated a lot.

- Hwisun is so fast. / - Charge! Move forward.

He sounds so cool.

- He ordered them. / - Did the locals understand you?

- Someone is shot. / - I said, "Go, go." in English.

- Did you? / - Someone is shot.

- If the king isn't shot, it's okay? / - Right.

The others don't matter

but once the king is shot, it's game over.

(You can forget about your age here and have fun)

(I'll show you what the activity of the youth is)

(But Suyong's energy is depleted)

- It was so hot. / - It must've been.

Oh, no.

- There's no shade at all. / - I lacked the stamina.

(He seems very out of breath)


(Where did everyone go?)

Come on out!

(Did you call me?)

I think Suyong is lying down.


He ran out of ammo.

He used up all his rounds.

What now? Suyong just has to attack now.

(Hwisun is within range of Suyong's gun)

(He properly takes position)

(And shoots)

(He is the invincible elderly sniper)

(Did he get shot?)

(Oh, my)

(I will shoot him)


(Expressing pain)

- He's hit. / - He got shot.

- It hurts. / - It got shot.

(Nice shot)

(Gosh, I'm dying)

It's really painful.

- Does it hurt? / - It's very painful.

The balls are filled with paint.

- But they're painful. / - Are they?

- It hurts a lot. / - It stings.

Hwisun will bow for 108 times.

- Oh, no. / - Oh, no.

This trip is meant for younger people.

I think we're too old for this.

I feel young inside but my body

won't cooperate.

But let us keep trudging on.

Everyone, enjoy your youth while it's still there.

Now is the time.

- Yes. / - That's right.

- I'm so tired. / - Let's move.

But you're both still pretty fit.

I won.

For more infomation >> Bus brunch cafe is Myanmar's trend! [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 14:45.


The Youngest Tv Actress Will Shock You With Their REAL AGE - Duration: 2:32.

The Youngest Tv Actress Will Shock You With Their REAL AGE

For more infomation >> The Youngest Tv Actress Will Shock You With Their REAL AGE - Duration: 2:32.


Treat Her Right - Bruce Springsteen (subtítulos en español) - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Treat Her Right - Bruce Springsteen (subtítulos en español) - Duration: 5:34.


Average age 46.5! The youth travel of two men! [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 12:19.

(Numerous great tips on trips)

(Lee Hwijae, Hyelin of EXID)

(Kim Sook, Sung Sikyung)

Travel is war. Battle Trip!


- We have an important guest. / - That's right.

Please say a word.

I've always been a big fan of Battle Trip.

It's truly an honor to be here as a special host.

It's nice to meet you. Let's have a great show.

Earlier during the season,

EXID's Hani and Solji were here as trip designers

to visit Osaka for 2 days.

You've watched it, right?

Yes. There was so much food. That's my favorite.

So I came prepared.

Didn't you want to try being a trip designer?

Yes, of course.

So this time, I went to Osaka with Hani to eat.

There was no end to great food.

I was happily satisfied.

- But... / - That's right. You posted pictures.

Yeah, I did. I loved it.

But I notice that you keep mentioning food.

You give me good vibes. She's like me.

Have you ever eaten to the fourth round?

- Four? / - Yes.

I've been to 3 but never 4.

She's still young. You'll be there in no time.

Keep at it.

- Eating is important when travelling. / - Of course.

Let's watch today's trip request.

Let's take a look.

Hello, I live in Daegu.

I'm 24-year-old college student, Nam Junhui.

A few months ago, I was discharged from the army.

I'll soon be graduating and entering the workforce.

I'd like to leave on a trip

to say farewell to my youth.

If Battle Trip can design a trip with youth in mind...

- I'd be truly grateful. / - I'd design that pretty well.

- A youthful trip? / - He wants to live out his youth.

But first, we need to establish what that means.

Hwijae, what does that mean?

What does it mean to live out your youth?

- He has the most experience. / - I went on a trip...

With 7 to 8 of my closest elementary school friends

after being discharged.

I really lived out my youth then.

It was an 8-day trip but I didn't sleep for 6.

What did you do then?

You just drink, party and repeat.

That's what it means.

- Really? / - That's the only time you can.

Doesn't that corrode your youth?

- 8 guys... / - Didn't you age when you returned?

I returned younger than ever.

- Is that so? / - Yes.

What's your definition of living out the youth, Hyelin?

Well, if you're talking about youth...

- Then there's casual dating. / - Gosh.

- You have to drink a little. / - That's right.

- You have to stay up all night. / - That's right.

It's about doing everything and going everywhere.

- That's right. / - Yes.

We'll introduce our trip designers,

who'll show us the meaning of youth.

- Let's meet them. / - Please come on out.

- Hello. / - Welcome.

(Park Hwisun, Kim Suyong)

The applause is so much louder for them.

(Yoon Dujun, Son Dongwun)

- Hello. / - Welcome.


being youthful isn't limited to youth alone.

People pay to revisit their youth.

I'm at an age where

I can handle just about anything.

- So I went. / - That's right.

Just about anything.

Well, we've had a lot of victories so far.

- That's right. / - But today might be difficult.

- I think... / - They don't quite fit the criteria.

It's a bit unfair. Must we go this far?

I'm a bit intimidated by Dujun.

- Why is that? / - You came before...

And racked up a bunch of points.

That was the very first episode.

I remember beating Lee Teuk by a big margin.

- That's right. / - I have a good feeling today.

Generally speaking, most youths have

less money than the established adults.

And some are new to adulthood.

Yes. But they are bolder and more straightforward.

Do you have any memories of youth

where you'd say, "I've been there and done that?"

- I didn't travel much overseas. / - Oh, no.

But I did go to Hawaii with Dongwun 3 years ago.

- We went. / - Yes, to Hawaii.

I drank during the day for the first time ever.

- It was our first time. / - I don't drink too well.

But it fit the atmosphere so I gave it a try.

- It was great, right? / - It was better than expected.

- It's great. / - You're right.

They're at that age now.

- That's right. / - But during our 20s...

We didn't have the leisure of overseas travel.

- Gosh. / - I see.

That's like a whole different generation.

- Therefore... / - Please treat them well.

To go overseas,

we had to be educated for 4 hours

at an anti-communist center.

We had to get it verified

before going overseas to be able to travel.

Even being able to go overseas freely...

We had to report our trips to the district office.

- The district office? / - Yes.

- To go on a trip? / - And when you return.

In case they don't return.

I went to Canada during the 1988 Olympics.

I really lacked money.

That was 30 years ago.

1988 was 30 years ago?

I went to Canada.

You know Subway sandwiches, right?

- Yes. / - They're long.

- We didn't have them in Korea. / - That's right.

- We only saw them in movies. / - That's right.

I wanted to try it so badly but I didn't have money.

So I sold cigarettes

for 25 cents each.

- The Korean cigarettes you took? / - Yes.

- Cigarettes are expensive there. / - They are.

So people bought them for 25 cents each.

I just held it out.

I just had to unwrap it and hold it out.

Then they'd give me a quarter.

- Really? / - 25 cents per cigarette.

So I saved that up to buy myself a sandwich.

Did you struggle too, Hwisun?

In 2002, before I became a comedian,

I took a nationwide trip without money.

That's impressive.

It was $8 per person.

Our rule was to spend $40 a day.

We'd perform wherever there were crowds.

Because we didn't have money,

we even slept at a church.

- At church? / - Yes, we slept at a church.

But all five of us were Buddhists.

(Youthful trip which helped blossom their faith)

After hearing of your struggles, I'm anticipating...

- Watching your trip. / - I'm curious to see...

If our youthful pair will win over...

- Experience. / - Or the pair that's been through all.

Perhaps the team without much expectation

will do better.

Let us take a look.

Where did you go?

We visited a pure untarnished nation,

Asia's final gem,

- Myanmar. / - Myanmar.

- Myanmar. / - Really?

Actually, that's my next destination.

- But I'm so clueless. / - Me too.

Information is hard to come by.

I'm full of expectation.

Alright. So our team will be heading to Myanmar.

Where did you go, Dujun and Dongwun?

We travelled to

a timeless land.

It is a place where leisure and youth coalesces...

- Laos. / - Laos.

- They went to Laos. / - Laos.

Right now,

Laos is the perfect place for younger people.

- It's a youthful destination. / - You're right.

- You've heard, right? / - Yes. I'd like to go myself.

If you search for youthful destinations,

Laos comes out often as a search result.

- I see. / - So we have Myanmar and Laos.

It's a match between Laos and Myanmar.

Sounds fun.

As always, we have our fair 100 judges

in the audience with us.

- Nice to meet you. / - Welcome.

(100 judges in the audience)

As usual, our trips will be divided into halves.

There will be a vote at the end of each half.

The final vote after watching

both halves will be the official result.

It feels like it's everyone versus us two in here.

That's not true.

- It's not true. / - Is it just me?

- Are you sure? / - Yes.

But really...

Why am I so nervous?

- It's not like that. / - I feel nervous.

Since we're nervous anyway,

can our team go first?

- I'm curious for Myanmar. / - Me too.

- Since I'll be going to Myanmar anyway. / - Okay.

- Let's start with Myanmar first. / - Sounds good.

Shall we see where it is first?

Please show us the map.

It's bordered by China, India, Thailand,

Laos and Bangladesh.

These 5 countries are its direct neighbors.

We travelled to the old capital of Myanmar, Yangon.

How long is the flight?

5 hours and 50 minutes from Korea.

- Pretty much 6 hours. / - That's right.

What makes Myanmar different from

other Southeastern Asian countries?

The nation itself and its people...

- Are very pure-hearted. / - So they're easygoing.

Isn't the pace of living slow?

Yes, nice and slow.

Yes, we learned from their lifestyle.

What's the use of talking? Let's see for ourselves.

Let's observe with our own eyes.

Let's watch Slow Slow Quick Quick team's

Myanmar adventure.

Let's go to Myanmar.

(Preliminary meeting before the trip)

(Suyong arrives earlier than the arranged time)

Older people always tend to arrive 30 minutes early.

That's Suyong for you.

- Hello. / - Yes, hello.

- Are you Hwisun? / - Nice to meet you.

You are Hwisun, right?


I've heard a lot about you.

(He seems satisfied)

How exactly are you two acquainted?

- We met at KBS. / - We're both from KBS.

- I belong to 7th class. / - And I'm the 20th class.

- I can't see. / - That's a huge gap.

- How old are you exactly? / - I'm 41.

- You're pretty old. / - Yes.

How old are you?

Me? I'm 52.

- Really? / - Yes.

Why are you so shocked?

You look young.

Let's hurry. Who cares!

(They're Battle Trip's oldest trip designer)

We did that?

- Are you Nemo? / - I thought you were a native fish.

How many different countries have you been to?

To be honest, I've only been overseas for shoots.

I've not travelled alone for leisure much.

So how many places?

I think around 5 countries.

I prefer resort areas.

- Do you like to swim? / - Yes.

I like eating mango by the beachside.

- And drink cocktails. / - Then sleeping for 4 hours.

You enjoy relaxing.


That means you don't move around much.

I just focus on one attraction a day.

- Just the highlight. / - I focus on a single place.

- Our team... / - So just the highlights?

- Will take it slow. / - He's aware of it.

- Rest at the hotel. / - Sleep like for 10 hours.

- Recharge then go. / - But this is for youth...

- This is fun! / - Amazing.

This really looks like a youthful trip.

(Feeling excited)

The word "youth" doesn't exactly describe us.

I'm 41 and he's 52.

- We're just too old. / - I know.

Backpacking didn't exist when we were young.

We didn't have the freedom to travel overseas.

We had to receive anti-communist lessons.

There was an education center in Namsan.

- Just to go overseas? / - Yes.

You had to receive training for 4 hours.

We couldn't depart unless

we received a verification stamp.

That lasted until 1988.

Didn't backpacking become popular

in your generation?

I've hitchhiked before.

I travelled the entire country for 10 days.

- We dressed like locals. / - Where are you two?

I can't recognize you among the crowd.

We travelled around in traditional local clothing.

There's the crosswalk over there so let's go there.

I see monks on screen.

It was way too hot.

- Did you walk around in barefoot? / - It was so hot.

Let's hurry. Who cares?

Well, we don't look very exciting to begin with.

They'd think that we were there for a long time.

Yes, even one day feels very long to us.

For us it's like healing or taking it slow?

At times, we'll take it slow.

When the situation calls for it, we'll move quickly.

Slow, quick, quick.

Ho Chi Minh City is the best to go backpacking.

- How about India? / - India is nice.

- How about Turkey? / - We haven't gone to India.

Vietnam also seems like a popular destination.

Do you have people around you who like to travel?

The average age between you two is 46.5?

Yes, that's right.

We know someone who's very knowledgeable.

(Who is the travelling master that helped Suyong?)

For more infomation >> Average age 46.5! The youth travel of two men! [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 12:19.



I Have my Coca Cola Pop I Drink my Coca Cola Pop

I Need my Coca Cola Pop I Love my Coca Cola Pop

Pop Pop Pop Pop...Mmmm Coca Cola Pop Pop Pop Pop...Mmmm Coca Cola

I Have Coca Cola Soda Pop I Drink Coca Cola Soda Pop

I Need Coca Cola Soda Pop I Love Coca Cola Soda Pop

Pop Pop Pop Pop...Mmmm Coca Cola Pop Pop Pop Pop...Mmmm Coca Cola

I Have Coca Cola Soda Pop I Drink Coca Cola Soda Pop

I Need Coca Cola Soda Pop I Love Coca Cola Soda Pop

For more infomation >> THIS SONG IS ABOUT COCA COLA POP!! - Duration: 1:27.


Myanmar's treasured temple, Shwedagon Pagoda [Battle Trip / 2017.06.09] - Duration: 16:52.


Did you leave something at the studio?

I have something to ask.

Isn't she a successful businesswoman?

The look of a successful female CEO.

Recommend me a good backpacking destination.

We'll go where you recommend.

Go to Myanmar, Suyong.

- Myanmar? / - Yes. Myanmar.

Is it a newly rising destination these days?

Yes, totally. It's getting hotter by the day.

- For backpacking? / - Yes, for backpacking.

Myanmar is a great place.

Myanmar is really clean.

- That's beautiful. / - The people are nice.

They're very friendly.

There's really nothing to be scared of over there.

- The people are very pure-hearted. / - Pure.

You're right. It gave me a very warm feeling.

So our opposing team is...

- Who are they? / - Yoon Dujun and Son Dongwun.

That's a strong team.

(It seems like everyone felt the same)

So strong. You're no match.

They will employ their youth...

They'll probably do lots of activities.

- You can feel their youth. / - Energetic.

- So bright. / - So much activity.


Then I guess we'll have to be on the move a lot.

That's right. And dress younger in brighter colors.

Dress in youthful hues.

We are dressed young.

I think we're dressed pretty young right now.

- Travel earlier. / - Early in the morning?

Yes, travel early in the morning.

Make sure to have a concept in mind.

- Okay. / - Thank you, Sook.

Don't fight amongst yourselves.

- Okay. / - That won't be happening.

- Have a nice trip. / - Okay.

- She recommended Myanmar. / - We need a concept.

- It's necessary. / - She gave you a good tip.

Now that I think about it, it's pretty exciting.

I'm anticipating the trip.

- Me too. / - The weather will be amazing.

And I think the sky will be very blue.

Then, let's all meet again next week.

Do we need a team chant?

Let's not make it superficial.

Shouting, "Let's go!" is too 1990s.

Usually, you jump and land at the airport.


They're dressed so colorful.

We shouldn't have done that.

We're at the airport.

- We teleported. / - That's right.

We're heading to Myanmar today.

- Myanmar? / - That's right.


What's with his expression?

(Myanmar's aroma is blowing in from somewhere)

Have you been there?

It's my first time.

But you look like someone who just arrived.

Don't I look like a Myanmar local?

It's my first time but I'm so excited.

Our key concept for this trip is "youth."

At times, we'll go slow.

- We'll rejuvenate on the way. / - That's right.

When we have to be youthful, we'll go with energy.

Hence, we came prepared fashion-wise as well.

- I tried dressing cute. / - The colors are so bright.

He bought those shirts.

- What's going on? / - Hwisun bought them.

- Like GD? / - Yes.

(Bright shirts with checkered long sleeves)

But I've seen this outfit a lot somewhere.

My outfit?

- Where? / - The public bath.

That's right.

This is men's public bath fashion.

Men and women's public bath fashion respectively.

What are public baths like?

They're very comfortable.

It's warm. You want to lay down.

Myanmar is like that too.

So let's go and enjoy ourselves.

Sounds good.

Suyong, couldn't you lower the shirt?

- It's so high up. / - Really?

(Korea to Myanmar takes 6 hours and 10 minutes)

This is so exciting.

- About 6 hours. / - Yes, 6 hours.

- But you must get a visa. / - Is it mandatory?

- There's a visa? / - Yes, there is.

It's not hot.

- Currently, it's about 10:30pm. / - That's right.

"Youth" might be the concept...

But we need to sleep.

(He has aged rapidly)

His expression is a lot wearier.

- He looks tired. / - Let's go to the hotel.

- We'll be heading to the hotel. / - Let's go.

- It's night. / - Yes, it's late.

- Getting sleep is important. / - That's right.

The first day's concept was to take it slow.


- Myanmar is like that. / - They're bare feet.

That looks good.

You have to take off your shoes for the temple.

We go there bare feet.

Now that we are going on an overseas trip,

we should try their traditional costume.

We should go to a market to experience their culture.

- You should go to a market. / - And try food there.

- Are you okay with that? / - Of course, I am.

- It's hot. / - It's really hot here.

They started the day early in the morning.

Did you put on sunscreen?

- Does my face look white? / - Yeah, a bit.

His face doesn't look white at all.

Why would he say it looks white?

Your face looks a little white

but you still have dark skin.

I should take good care of my skin.

I didn't know you care so much for your skin.

We're finally here.

This is Bogyoke Aung San Market.

We're going indoors.

It's huge.

This place looks like Namdaemun or Dongdaemun.

- That's right. / - The market looks very clean.

There are a lot of tourists here.

- Right. / - You can see a lot of them.

This is Bogyoke Aung San Market. It's very huge.

I want to buy some souvenirs like that.

- Is it jade? / - You can buy their specialties.

It's made with jade.

Now that we are in Myanmar,

why don't we try their traditional costumes?

- Let's do that. / - I heard we have to wear...

Their traditional costumes to enter the temples here.

It's called longyi.

(Longyi is Myanmarese traditional costume)

We needed them as we were wearing shorts.

It looks like a skirt.

Men wear that outfit which looks like a skirt.

I can smell cloth.

- They have pretty ones here. / - Right.

- Is it longyi? / - Yes, longyi.

- For men. / - For men? Okay.

How much is it?

- 5,000? / - 5,000 kyat.

(It's too expensive)

It's 10,000 kyat but she says

she'll give it to us for 9,000 kyat.


- 7,000 kyat. / - No.

8,000 kyat. Last price.

I'm hungry.

- I'm hungry. / - Yum, yum.

He's very poor.

- He's very poor? / - Very poor.

- A poor man. / - I'm very hungry.

Very poor.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Okay, wow.


- Purple. / - Is that $3.30?

(They choose the colors for their longyi)

(How do they put on the longyi?)

- It's long. / - It looks great.

- I think it's too long for you. / - It's a long skirt.

Is there a tailor here?

- What? / - They make a knot in a special way.

You can just tie the cloth and fold it in.

Just like hanbok.

- Like a sauna towel. / - Yes.

She just twists it like that.

- We couldn't do it ourselves. / - Two twists and tuck.

She tucks it in.

That was around $3.80 each.

Okay, okay.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Is this for women?

They look like local residents.

I see many people here

are wearing something white...

- On their faces. / - Right. I saw that too.

- I heard it's natural sunscreen. / - It was fascinating.

- What is that? / - Sunscreen?

- Is that it? / - It's like sunscreen.

- This is the sunscreen. / - Is this thanakha?


- Is it a natural product? / - Yes, it is.

They mix thanakha with water.

Like grinding a millstone.

This is fascinating.

All the people in Myanmar wear it on their faces.

- Everyone on the streets. / - Am I sweaty?


(He sweats a lot)

You need a lot of it since you have a big face.

You can't cover your face with a small amount of it.

- You should buy two. / - My face is very big.

This one, this one same.

The color changes on the skin.

This is ready-made. It's very cool.

I think this is the main street of Yangon.

It's the downtown of Yangon.

- It's quite urban. / - I know.

This is the central part of the city.

It's the downtown.

- It's a Hongik bus. / - Oh, Hongik?

You can find buses from Korea there.

There are a lot of Korean buses.

- I saw a bus to Ulsan earlier. / - Ulsan.

There was a bus to Ulsan.

That was amazing.

That's interesting.

Let's take a bus and feel the youth.

- Any bus. / - It'd be fun.

- Let's go. The bus is coming. / - Already?

The bus is here.


- The bus is here. / - Go!

(It's like he has a booster on his back)


Let's go. Let's just do that!

Let's just do that.

Oh, wow...

So many people.

I don't care.

So many.

So hot.

He looks scary. That's too scary.

Weren't Myanmarese people shocked to see you?

He does look scary.

Your head touches the roof because you're tall?


(Looks like he's facing hell)

(Looking around)

There are too many people in here.

This isn't even rush hour.

We have to pay.

There's a man who collects the fare in the bus.

He collects the money.

It's about 20 cents.

We used to have a bus attendant in the past.

He's like that.

- He's a young man. / - Right.

Thank you.

You should sit.

- Sit here. / - Okay.

Suyong sat on the bus.

Because he's in his 50s.

- It's cool. / - Yes, it is.

We can appreciate the scenery on the bus.

Yangon's temples are so amazing.

I've never heard much about Myanmar before.

Look at this.

It's gold.

- The entire temple is made of gold. / - Gold?

Yes, it's all gold.

- The entire thing. / - It's real gold?


How did they do that?

Does anyone try to steal it?

- No? / - The people are kind.

The nation is generally kind-hearted.

That's why they don't steal the gold.

(10-minute drive)

It's Shwedagon Pagoda.

Are we here?

- Shwedagon Pagoda? / - Yes.

- Hwisun, let's get out. / - Alright.

(The young at heart friends keep taking the bus)

- Get off. / - We're finally here.

- We're here. / - Shall we go?

Let's go.

There's the crosswalk over there so let's go there.

- You're so law-abiding. / - We must be.

Let's go.

The sign says, "No socks."

You can't wear shorts.

- Well, then... / - No sleeveless tops either.

- Starting here... / - That's the temple?

It's the temple.

- We have to take off our shoes. / - That's right.

Since we bought longyi.

- We're okay. / - We're fine.

- Is it the biggest temple? / - That's right.

It's a famous temple?

It's the largest and most famous temple.

It's a must-see.

- There's an admission fee. / - Right.

- That's correct. / - It's around 8,000 kyat.

8,000 kyat.

- Seeing it up close... / - I'm so happy.

Doesn't it make you happy?

- It's gold? / - It's all gold?

- It's all gold. / - Gold.

How can the entire place be gold?

At the very top, there's a 76-carat diamond.

- What? / - It's enormous.

It can be seen from a far distance in Yangon.

That's right.

When you think of Yangon...

- This place comes to mind. / - It's unbelievable.

It's radiant.

Just like Namsan is visible from Seoul.

You can see the tower from anywhere in Yangon.

- That's right. / - Right?

If you were to put a price on the gold

in Shwedagon Pagoda,

it could support all of the nation for 1 year.

Isn't that incredible?

When the Shwedagon Pagoda requires repairing,

the people of Myanmar donate their gold.

In a way, it's the heart of Myanmar.

Everything goes through here.

- It's like a mental landlord. / - That's right.

I'm so happy.

It looks even more amazing from here.

At the very top,

there's a 73-carat diamond.

It's a 76-carat diamond.

- It's at the very top. / - Can we go up?

- Is it sparkly? / - You can't see it from down here.

- It's too far away. / - There's a saying that...

Swallows go there

and steal 0.5 carats once in a while.

It's really huge.

The tower?

(Can he see it?)

I can see it.

I can see the diamond.


(They're trying really hard)

There's a 76-carat diamond at the top.

- It's 76 carats? / - A diamond.

That's awesome.

Is that gold sparkling over there?

Even the body is made of gold, right?

The entire thing is made out of gold.

That's fascinating.

How much is 7 tons of gold worth?

- Who knows? / - Who came up with this?

They sell gold leaf paper here.

You can apply it to a Buddha statue...

- And pray. / - You can make a wish.

On the Buddha...

You apply the gold on it.

- Gold on gold? / - Yes.

- It's 12,500? / - 12,500.

6,000 kyat.

- For half. / - It's half.

It's 12,500. How can half be 6,000?

That means they take an extra 500 for 2 sheets.

6,000 multiplied by 2 is 12,000.

That's an extra 500.

How can that be?

- It's more expensive? / - The calculation's a bit...

It's better to buy two half sheets.

Buy half then.

- Hold this. / - Okay.

- We'll save 500 then. / - Right.

I'm sure it's bigger if you pay more, right?

A full sheet should be 11,000.

- Then it'd make sense. / - He's like a businessman.

It's cheaper.

It's real gold.

- Oh! / - Why?

It's gold.

- Real gold? / - Yes, it's real gold.

Rich people used to mix this with soju.

- So this is it. Amazing. / - Right.

The gold is disappearing.

I won't be able to apply it.

- Let's hurry. / - It's disappearing.

Let's go stick it on.

- Where will you stick it? / - On the Buddha statue.

- There? / - There's a place next to it.

This is where you apply it.

There's Buddha lying down too.

It sticks just like that.

- It just... / - It's all layered together?

- Layered together. / - Stick it on the Buddha.

- Then you pray for what you want. / - You pray.

With care...

On an empty spot...

Press the gold leaf paper.

Stick it on.

Then remove the backing.

- Like a decal. / - Right.

- Like this. / - The gold sticks?

Looks like you took more from it.

- It's stuck to his cheek. / - Right.

I prayed.

For what?

I prayed for you.

To live a long life.

I prayed for you to live a long life.

(Please grant his prayer)

If Buddhists go there,

they would love it.

It's sacred for them.

The entire country practices Buddhism.

Many people with different nationalities were there.

It's all temples.

(There are well-built temples everywhere)

Let's take a picture.

(Take a photo at Shwedagon Pagoda)

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