Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

You're out of your depth, kid.

Son of a bitch!

Please tell me you got that chopper in the air!

Sam, where are you?

41st floor! Northwest corner!

We're on it! Stay where you are!

Not an option!

41st floor! 41st!

It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building.

Hill! Where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers?

You know me.

No, I don't!


You've known me your whole life.

Your name is James Buchanan Barnes.

Shut up!

I'm not gonna fight you.

You're my friend.

You're my mission.

You're my mission!

Then finish it.

Because I'm with you to the end of the line.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | Cap. vs. Bucky - Falcon vs. Rumlow | HD - Duration: 4:09.


REVÓLVER (Sketch) || TatioShow 😄 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> REVÓLVER (Sketch) || TatioShow 😄 - Duration: 2:01.


Entrevistando Patrick Singh | Vivendo na França - Duration: 19:01.

For more infomation >> Entrevistando Patrick Singh | Vivendo na França - Duration: 19:01.


Thursday, June 8, 2017 (Full Episode) - Duration: 23:48.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

♪ Dun, dun-dun-dun, Comey Day ♪

♪ Comey Day, Comey Day ♪

[ Both imitating heavy-metal music ]

Y'all ready?!

Get your homies for Comey Day. Ahh!

Just sold out in like two minutes, baby.

[ Chanting ] Comey Day! Comey Day!

Full house. You know what I mean?


Before anyone asks a question, listen.

James Comey... ♪ My Comey ♪

...wanted to make everyone claro

that Trump's reasons for firing him were lies!

[ Speaks Spanish ]

Although the law required no reason at all

to fire an FBI director, the administration then chose

to defame me and, more importantly, the FBI

by saying that the organization was in disarray,

that it was poorly led,

that the workforce had lost confidence in its leader.

Those were lies, plain and simple.

-Ooh! Ooh! Damn. -Ooh! Ooh.

Is this James Comey or Mary J. Blige? Listen.

♪ I'm not gon' cry 'cause you think... ♪

"Put some respect on my damn name. You know what I'm sayin'?"

'Cause remember? They were doing the whole thing.

The FBI's, like, a failing organization, blah-blah.

"It's failing. It's a mess.

James Comey's not the homey. He's wack."

"You're gonna respect us. We're an honorable organization.

We're as organized as we were

when we sent the letter to MLK telling him to kill himself."

That's right.

Oh, I'm sorry. Y'all forgot about that?

Yeah, I'm bringing it up. Yeah. Yeah.

No, the FBI once sent a letter to MLK

saying you are done and you should kill yourself.

Ooh! Damn. Who sent it?

You can say that on Twitter.

You be like, "Kill yourself," on Twitter.

But if a federal organization sends you a letter...

Also, it was back in the day when you had to type a letter,

so they to do -- someone had to type the shit.

That takes effort. [ Imitates platen knob turning ]

-Anyway, back to Comey. -[ Laughs ]

Yo, your man James Comey came up with a new catchphrase

that millennials are saying left and right all over the nation.

"Lordy, I hope there are tapes. Oh, Lordy."

[ Laughter ]

He says that at the end of his jokes.

-Oh, Lordy. -Lordy, I hope there were tapes.

But why didn't you stop and say, "Mr. President, this is wrong.

I cannot discuss this with you"?

That's a great question.

Maybe if I were stronger, I would have.

I thought he was gonna say something...up like,

"Maybe if I were a bitch like you."

I thought he was into some foul shit.

He was winding up like he was about to say some...up shit.

He's not from the Bronx. Why would he do that?

Be like, "Maybe if I was an ugly bitch like you."

-It's like, "Yo. Excuse me?" -Whoa, James Comey.

Look. I've seen the tweet about tapes.

Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

[ Laughter ]

Lordy. He went to the Lordy.

That's how you know he's a stand-up, herb-type dude.

Yeah. He's from Mayberry. Lordy.

That is -- "Lordy" is James Comey's "motherfucker."

You know what I'm sayin'? Hell yeah.

He pulled that one out. He was sweating after that.

Afterwards, he came up to her and was like,

"I want to apologize for my salty language earlier."

He called his mom. "Mom, if you were watching, I apologize."

"I'm washing my mouth out with soap right now."

I've seen the tweet about tapes. Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

That's what he says when he stubs his toe.

He's like, "Ah, Lordy!"

Donald Trump has yet to tweet, I don't think.

-But -- -I got --

Listen to this conspiracy theory.

-Because it's not. It's true. -Connect the dots.

Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr.

-Father, son. -That's not a conspiracy.

He's tweeting from Donald Trump Jr.'s account!

It's not that deep. Like, I thought you were

gonna come with some "Manchurian Candidate" shit.

He came through like, "Let me get your password."

"Let me get your password."

"So if he was a stronger guy,

he might have actually followed procedure and the law?

You were the director of the FBI. Who are you kidding?

LOL! Laughing emoji."

This has to be his son because he's using emojis,

and Donald Trump doesn't know how to use emojis.

Which son is this? This is the one that looks like he eats rats?

No, this is not the sniveling Nazi.

This is the other one, the one that's, like, extra-tan.

Look at him. He's like, "Yes."

-He's like, "Yo..." -He's like, "Yo..."

He's like, "Yeah!"

Someone's getting kicked off "The Bachelor."

Yeah! He looks like he just said, "Nice tits!"

[ Laughter ]

He's, like, the classiest patron in a New Jersey strip club.

He's like, "Hey, can I put my beer bottle in there?

Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'll give you 10 bucks!"

"Happy birthday, Cynthia, you...bitch."

You're like, "Whoa."

Whoa. My man. Why? Why you acting like this?"

And they're like, "Yo, he's nice.

That's Donny. He's a little rough, but he means well."

Yeah, he's just a -- You know, he's a quirky guy."

Trump sent the daughter of America's unfunniest comedian,

Sarah Huckabee Sanders... His third-string liar. deliver the response

to Comey's testimony but off camera.

Nah, the president's a liar.

Yeah, he's lying, dawg. Come on.

If you have to do a press conference to have someone say

you're not a liar, you're a liar. You're a...liar, dawg. Come on.

Also, shout-out to James Comey definitely referencing

Trump saying, "I don't have anything to do with hookers in Russia."

When he had sex with hookers in Russia, he used a condom,

and he made sure not to give them his real name.


If you don't have anything to do with hookers in Russia,

you don't have to bring it up, my guy.

You don't gotta bring that up. That's like me saying that.

If I said that, you'd be like, "What the...?"

Like, I don't casually enter conversations like,

"Yo, I'm not illegally running guns in Israel,"

'cause I'm not illegally running guns in Israel.

However, if I was, I might wanna jump in front of that.

Ipso facto, the Russia hooker thing.

But you know what? The pee tape is out there, bro.

How many more episodes until you think we're actually gonna --

The pee tape's gonna be great 'cause we're gonna dub over it

like the animal videos and shit.

It's gonna be lit. It's gonna be so lit.

I hope it's in 4K, like, and there's angles and shit.

You're gonna be making gargling noises. [ Gargling ]

"Yeah, I love it. I love it."

I hope Legal's ready for that.

They're gonna be working extra.

"Oh, it's going in my sinus."

If he was innocent, wouldn't he be like, "I'm a married man.

Why would I cheat on my wife?

I love my wife. Why would I...a Russian hooker?"

No, he was like, "Yo,

if I did have sex with a hooker in Russia,

I made sure I wasn't filmed.

So that is that."

Before, it was like --

I thought it might be, like, a grainy video of him out of focus.

I feel like now it's a 4K tracking video.

They got the fish-eye lens and shit.

That was multi -- There was three cameras in there, minimum.

-Got POV shit. -Come on.

He's just down there like, "Yas! Yes, my mouth is open."

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

Hey! De lo mío personal.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox

got a message for Trumpito.

This guy always talks spicy about Trump.

He is one of the few people who I think if he was in a room

with Trump, he would beat the shit out of Trump.

He would beat the brakes off his ass.

You just see him, like, rolling up his arms like...

Take the wild swig of, like, a tequila, just rush him.

Hit him like that guy hit XXXTentacion.

Mexico will not pay for the fucken wall!

Yeah! Yo!

He spelled "fucken" like all my cousins do on WhatsApp.

[ Laughter ]



Yo. Also, he was cheap.

He was like, "Nah, I'm not using two pieces of paper on this shit.

I'm-a spin it around."

Flip it. [ Laughs ]

-Resourceful. -Yo.





-Wow! -Ooh!


God damn! Pow!

[ Air horns blaring ]

-Oh, damn! -Damn!



And they do the Russian!


How is Vicente Fox the Mariah Carey of Mexico?

-Yo! -Damn!

My son threw the Russian outro. Damn.

He flamed you, Donald. You got to respond.

-Yo. You have 24 hours. Yo. -You look like buns.

That's how Nicki felt after Remy dropped that "shETHER" shit.

Fam, you looking like Meek Mill right now, B.

You better hit the studio ASAP.

-Mm-hmm. Back-to-back. Ooh. -Ooh.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]


[ Laughter ]


Shout-out to the sultry sounds of bees...

Yeah. What does it sound like?

Bees in the trap.

Is it gonna sound like the...?

Yeah. Yeah.

I guess you can say he's b-e-e-ezing up that pussy.


-Yo. -Yo.

Next-door neighbor like, "Yo, keep it down! Yo!

Come on. I gotta go to work in the morning!"

"You're gonna wake up the whole hive!"

Look at her. She's like, "Yeah."

She's like, "I'm calling out of work tomorrow."

"Oh, my G-o-o-od. Oh, my G-o-o-od.

Yeah. Right there, right there.

Yas, don't stop. Yas, don't stop.

Oh, my God."

She's like, "Aah!"


-Ohh! -Yo.

Yo, I feel you, my G. I feel you.

He hit the --


"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

"Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Ahh."

She's like, "Ahh-ahh-ahh."

Ahh-ahh. Ahh. Ahh."

Listen. She's, like, banging. She's like, "Damn, nigga! Aah!"

"Yes, daddy!"

"You hit my B-spot."

Yo! Damn. Nigga tore that thorax up.

-Oh, man. Whoo! -Yo.

And then he just flew away.

He don't even need an Uber, nigga, 'cause he can fly.

He wiped his dick and was like, "I got to go make Honey Nut Cheerios."

"I'm outta here. Peace."

Hit shorty with the sweet nectar like, "Yo, I'm off this."


She's like, "Oh, right there, right there, right there."

Ahh! He's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Yeah. Unh! Ahh! And he's like, "Yerp!"


You know what I'm sayin'? Illustrious guests every time.

This time, we got my man Ron Funches,

who is a comedian and been bodying shit all over the place.

You've seen him everywhere,

but he's currently on his Funch-A-Mania tour.

You know what I'm sayin'?

I couldn't say nothing. I was putting on lip gloss.

But come to the table.


You were born in L.A.?

No, actually, I was born -- Yeah, I was. I forgot.

Thank you. That's true.

Yeah, no, I was born in L.A.,

only lived there for like four years.

And then I was raised in Chicago, mostly.

And then when I was a teenager, I moved to Salem, Oregon,

which was a big difference.

A little bit different.

What's the difference between Chicago and Salem, Oregon?

Isn't Oregon like 9,000% white?

Yeah, that's most of the difference.

Yeah. That's a lot of it. I learned a lot of things.

I learned about iced coffees and white women

and the joys of both.

[ Laughter ]

Yo, before you blew up doing comedy --

I feel like you've blown.

Okay, okay, okay.

I believe in you. I believe in you.

I've seen you on TV in several different formats.

I'm like, "Yo, this dude's out here."

Before you were doing that, you were working at Liberty Tax?

Were you doing taxes or were you outside spinning the sign and shit?

I mean, I wasn't spinning it. I was grooving with it.

I was dancing with it.

Some would say I was making love to it,

depending on you who ask.

Wait. Were you the Lady Liberty?

-Mm-hmm. -Wow!

For those of y'all that don't know, Liberty Tax Service --

Is that, like, a nationwide thing?

I think it is.

They got the guy spinning the sign.

But then they also have someone dressed as the Statue of Liberty.

It's like a large -- It's everywhere,

but it's, like, not professional.

I wouldn't trust them to do my taxes.

Why wouldn't you trust a place that has a person

dressed as the Statue of Liberty in front, dancing

with your Social Security number

and all the money you made last year?

-Ah. You're an NBA fan. -Mm-hmm.

But you're not so much a fan of LeBron?

I'm not messing with LeBron mostly because

we were writing a show together,

and then NBC passed on it, and he never came to write.

I feel like if he was there,

we would have got it picked up.

Definitely. 'Cause listen. There's a difference between --

They're like, "Ron's here to tell you about his show."

Versus, "Ron and LeBron are here."

Yeah, yeah. We could've played a couple pickup games.

And then I could just go see my friends, and I'm like,

"Oh, we gonna play two-on-two. My friend's coming."

-And then it's LeBron. -Bro!

Did you have his phone number and stuff?

-No. -No?

it was a very one-way conversation.

He could get ahold of me.

Did he ever hit you up like,

"Yo, Ron, what's good? Yo, what's poppin'?"

No. [ Laughs ]

I mostly talked to Maverick Carter. He's nice.

So, did you watch the game yesterday and at the end, you were like, "Yeah"?

A little bit.

[ Laughter ]

Yo! Ron...

I'm watching it. I have no interest --

Either way, whoever wins, they're not the Knicks. I don't really care.

But you were watching it like, "Yeah!"

Yeah, same thing. I'm always a Chicago Bulls fan,

but, yeah, at the end of it, I was like,

"I guess I know who I'm rooting against."

I just found myself just rooting for the Warriors.

You hold the record on "@Midnight."

Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. I think actually

Doug Benson has one more than me right now.

But, but you got to look at percentages.

He's on there like 50 times.

-Oh, he's a volume... -Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

He's jacking it up like Kobe on that last game.

And I'm just like -- I'm efficient like Kevin Durant.

Fuck you, LeBron.

[ Laughter ]

LeBron's in his driveway like, "Mm-hmm."

[ Laughter ]

What's your day-to-day weed intake like?

It depends on home or away.

Here, I have to rely a lot more on the kindness of strangers

and just flour and bake pans.

But at my home, it's just usually --

I try to be very responsible. I've got my son with me.

I get him to school at like 6:00 a.m.,

and then it's like two dabs in me by 7:00, 7:30.

And then I get to the gym,

and then it's back to dabs, then it's lunch.

Then it's more dabs. Then my son's home.

Then I act like I didn't do all these dabs.

That's the best part.

The best part about being smacked with your kids

is they have no idea that you're smacked.

And they're just like, "Yo, he's mad-cool."

He's like, "He wants to go

get candy and brownies, too, right now!"

"Daddy's eyes are red! We're going to the mall!"

"We're watching several movies today!"

You feel dabbing is the most efficient way?

I do feel like that. I get you're saying.

And I got a lot of white friends

that smoke a lot of blunts all day.

We just started dabbing. We just started dabbing.

To me, it's, like, complicated

'cause you got to get the torch and the thing and heat it up.

Here's why I like that. Here's why I like that.

Everybody's smoking weed. Grandma's smoking weed.

Dabbing brings some of that danger back to it.

'Cause you pull that blowtorch out...

Yeah, you get a new girl over and you pull that blowtorch out,

she got questions.

[ Laughter ]

Somebody ever look at you like, "Yo, what the...?"


"Bro, no, that look like you smoking -- Is this weed?"

If she don't know you about to do a dab

and you just come out with the blowtorch,

She's like, "Yo, yo, yo. Chill, chill, chill. Where you going?"

"You about to make a crème brûlée? What are you doing?!"

"I wish I was making a crème brûlée."

You met your girlfriend on Tinder?

-I did. -Wow.

What dating advice for online dating can you give us?

I'll give you general advice for all of the time.

What's your strategy? Would you just swipe on all of them?

A little bit. [ Laughs ]

But, in general, I mean, I just go out on one date

with just about anybody as long as they don't look crazy.

So you shouldn't just hop in their DMs like, "Yo, let me see your butthole, ma"?

Nah. That doesn't work for me.

I feel like you gotta have six-pack abs

and, like, you know, you gotta really come strong.

For me, it's like, I'm charming, I'll treat you nice.

And then, like, uh-oh, secretly you didn't know about this dick.

[ Laughter ]

Yo! Yo.

Yo, what can we expect on the Funch-A-Mania tour?

[ Laughs ] There's dick!

[ Laughter ]

It's just me telling some jokes with my friends.

It's a great show. It's me doing an hour of new material.

I had an album come out a year, year and a half ago.

What's the name of the album?

The name of the album? Oh, I forgot.

-[ Laughs ] -It's them dabs, brother!

"The Funches Of Us" was the name of the album.

And then now I have this whole new hour of material.

Hopefully by the end of the summer,

we'll shoot a special for somebody.

Where else can we see you? What else you working on?

On tour. Your R&B album coming out?

Some wild Leonardo DiCaprio movie and shit?

I'm working on "Trolls 2."

I was the voice in the "Trolls" movie

with Justin Timberlake and them.

Yo, what are those checks like, B?

We're trying to get into some voice work.

The checks are not that great,

but they are consistent and they are easy.

It's not that hard to be like,

"I just did four or five episodes in like two hours."

You're getting paid per ep, so...

I don't have kids, so I'm not familiar with "Trolls."

Don't break my heart. Is your troll black?

No, my troll is a giraffe,

so he's like, you know, kind of black.

[ Laughter ]

You don't gotta do hip-hop, though.

No, it's not a hip-hop giraffe.

-He's not rapping and shit? -No, no.

-We -- No. -You made sure.

He's like, "I'm not wearing Timbs the whole movie, no."

Giraffe just comes in like, "Yo, my nigga."

-Like, "No." -"Fam, fam, come on."

Giraffes don't use the N-word.


Ron, what do you want your rainbow to say?

"Be positive, love life, get your money."

That's right. And that dick.

And his dick!

Ron Funches.


-Yeah, ballbags. -Shout-outs.

Shout-outs. Hyah.

Yo, shout-out to going to the liquor store drunk AF.

The rampage, the peacock destruction.

This cock ran around the store for 90 minutes

and destroyed $500 worth of champagne and wine bottles.

-Wow! -Peacock was apprehended.

Is that a cop?

That's a peacock.

Oh, shit.

And he's gone off that yac.

Oh, shit!

This female peacock is about to turn up.

Had too much merlot, a little rosé with her girls.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me!

Yo, I do not need help. I do not need help.

Excuse me. No.

Where's the Barefoot wine? Where's the Barefoot?

That's all I need to know.

Sir? Please. Sir? Excuse me. No."

"If I was drunk, I would let you know I'm drunk!

I'm not drunk. I had two drinks!

They said it's a bottomless mimosa.

I'm not ready to leave brunch yet!"

Yo, shout-out to carpooling in Russia,

which sounds wild-dangerous.

And this is from LiveLeak, so I already know what time it is.

Basically anything --

You can put "in Russia" behind any verb,

and the shit becomes dangerous.

Like, just take any word. Like babysitting.

Now babysitting in Russia.

Now it's like the baby's got grenades and is a bear.

Yeah. Same thing with Florida.

See? Look. See? I knew there was a bear involved.

Yo. Come on. Yo.

Russia's not a real place, man. Stop it.

Come on. That bear just left Putin's crib.

This is why they...up our election.

'Cause they're like, "Yo, if our shit is so wild,

y'all shit has to be wild, too."

"Y'all ain't just gonna have us out there like this."

This is a regular day in Russia.

There's a...bear in the Uber pool.

Yeah. That bear just left Putin's crib in that Uber.

The bear's like, "Rah, don't talk to me. I don't know you.

I'm getting out first 'cause my stop is closer.


You got an aux cord?" Yo, give me the aux."

He's definitely bogarted the aux, playing bear music.

Yo, shout-out to Charles Barkley,

The Young Human Werther's, a.k.a. Mr. Baked Potato Head.

You know, I do this little science experiment, Graham,

when I speak at schools.

You aren't doing no science experiment.

This nigga making a volcano with baking soda.

Stop it, Charles Barkley!

Like, let's say I'm at a white school.

I say, "How many of you kids want to play pro sports?"

Less than 10% raise their hand.

I say, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to be a doctor."

"I want to be a lawyer." "I want to be an engineer."

But when I go speak at predominantly black schools,

90% of the kids want to play sports. 90%.

There's a couple like, "I want to be a doctor,"

which makes me really proud.

But 90% of kids when I speak at black schools --

Our kids are brainwashed

to think they can only play sports or be entertainers.

Yo, Charles Barkley's a clown

because he was such a failure as a basketball player

that he doesn't anybody else to succeed at basketball

that he's just like, "No, don't play basketball."

"No, don't. Barkley did that

so hopefully you don't have to go through that."

"No. Look at me. No rings. No rings.

I'm fat as... I'm dumb.

Please. Don't go down my path."

He looks like a corn nut, nigga. Look at him.

Yo, fam! Yo!

Do you think if Charles Barkley had gotten a ring,

he would be a happier person?

He would. You know how they give honorary diplomas?

Can David Stern give him, like, an honorary ring?

Please, bro? And get him outta here forever.

Him and Ernie Johnson. Ernie Johnson's mad-corny.

Shout-out to that wild Ernie Johnson slander.


Who is definitely in heaven?

Who can we say without a fact?

No. Martin Luther King. No.

Martin Luther King was getting his dick sucked

left and right by white chicks. Like, nah.

No, 'cause Mother Teresa --

Because she discriminated

against the use of condoms in Africa.

She was responsible for the large spread of HIV in Africa.

God damn.

He's like, "Yo...that." He's like, "Yo, that bitch was trash!

I keep these facts on deck.

Y'all niggas don't know. Open your third eye."

Who else? Tupac? No, Tupac's not dead.

Jackie Rob-- Yeah, yeah. Jackie Robinson.

'Cause you know what? They were spitting on him and calling him "nigger."

-Is that enough, though? -It goes back the other way.

'Cause I feel like --

Harriet Tubman?

-Harriet Tubman! -Yeah.

Yo, imagine -- But think about it.

He said -- [ Laughs ]

No. Harriet Tubman got to heaven and was like,

"Look at all these fuckin' white people.

...this shit."

She hopped off the cloud like, "Anything is possible!"


Desus: "He was spending Russian money.

He be letting Russian bitches pee in his mouth.

Their urine smell like Georgie. It's disgusting.

He be at Trump Towers with his mouth like, "Aah."

My name is Yacenia Comey,

and I just wanted to make everyone claro."

For more infomation >> Thursday, June 8, 2017 (Full Episode) - Duration: 23:48.


Daniel Barenboim & Christoph Waltz on the Fidelity to a Text | Parallels & Paradoxes Part 1/4 - Duration: 15:21.

Sound? Let's do a first take. - Everybody ready ? -

It's so touching, that all this digital equipment still needs...

- Yes, clapper boards- - It's been done since the beginning of the medium. -

Thank you very much for coming today to have this conversation.

I would like to talk to you, very much,

about the things that may be similar or different

in our respective professions.

- Well, thank you for having me most of all.

The first thing that is obvious, that we have in common...

you as an actor and me as musician -

is that we have to deal with text.

How do we learn a text?

What do we have to do

in order to then make the text our own

and yet be faithful to what the composer or

the writer has written. And I think it

would be interesting for the public to

hear also little bit about the process

that we go through because it's not a mechanical process.

- The first thing is probably a decision

on what level you want to

compare or find analogies

or discrepancies or differences.

Because of course you could say

one doesn't have anything to do with the other.

Because a musician usually is an accomplished artist,

who's operating on the highest level.

And I would always say that the actor isn't.

I would always say the actor is, if at all,

at the bottom of the spectrum.

But maybe not in the spectrum at all.

- I don't think I meant it to be discussed on the question

of the level of the quality because

you have [that] in acting and music also.

People of different levels with different degrees of

interest in depth, interest in

understanding the text, looking for what

they can do for themselves,

looking how they can contribute to the text.

One thing is clear that we have in common,

and ours is much more complicated

than your's, because you

have words. Of course, words can be spoken

in so many different ways and by the

same person in different ways,

at different times. But the words are the same.

And it's clear what they mean,

according to how you ... well,

but a table is a table.

You're right about the table, but we

have black spots on white paper and

nobody will ever convince me, that,

that what you can buy in a music shop, in the

days when there were music shops,

is the 5th symphony by Beethoven.

The 5th symphony by Beethoven is when an

orchestra get's together and makes this sound.

Therefore the process of how to get to

how to play the sound is very intricate.

- Yeah, I totally agree and in, let's say

dramatic literature it's the same thing.

In terms of ink on paper, you know.

The letters on paper are not really

the drama because the drama is,

traditionally meant to be performed on stage.

Yet, I can read the drama but you

can't read the score and it's not what it

was written for but as a stage to get

there that that would be an analogy.

I just think...

everybody uses words all

the time, so words are familiar.

And that's very misleading. If I see a note...

on five lines I'd, I mean I personally

don't assume immediately: "I know exactly

what it is and that's ...

.... and that's how I deal with it."

With words, because we learn when we're a

year-and-a-half, we start to learn words,

so we always think we know words.

There are an infinitive amount of

possibilities to say it, now the

intention of the author is, or should be,

or can be the guiding idea.

Every note is there for a reason and the accumulation

of the notes, result in the text.

It's more or less analog to every letter

is there for a reason and the

accumulation of the, of the letters

result in the drama. - Of course but

precisely because of what you say about

the familiarity with the words,

it is clear, that a text has a meaning.

It's either about the woods or about a love story,

or about the crime or whatever

it is.

What is the meaning of music how can you,

you know, you cannot really, you cannot

really explain that. This will always

remain the mystery of music because in

a way it is the end abstract.

- The unanswered question.

- The unanswered question and

therefore we cannot speak about that.

I think when we speak about music,

we speak about our reaction to it, you know.

You listen to a performance of the

G-minus symphony of Mozart, then you are

in a melancholic mood and this will seem to

you, [like] the most melancholic piece of music

ever written, you hear the same performance

when you're high and you will feel that [it's]

happy music etc, etc.

Therefore it's very dangerous to talk about the

meaning of music. But i think what we

could talk about, is what is our responsibility

versus the text, what we have to give

it, how much personal involvement, if you

want, is allowed or necessary.

Where does it stop?

In other words the fidelity to the text

is the first quality that we must have,

if we want to perform the text.

I would agree but, because I'm an old

conservative fart.

That's why I agree immediately,

I'm convinced that there are plenty, plenty

of self-declared revolutionaries...

and iconoclasts, who say: "No, it's my

interpretation that counts more".

I saw a poster, not too long ago, here in Berlin.

It was a red poster and it had

I won't tell you who, the name of the director.

Big, like this, a third of the poster.

It was the name of the director.

Then, a little smaller,

it said: "Don Giovanni" and then tiny

it said: "Mozart".

Well actually you know you need to turn

it around, exactly that. Mozart,

Don Giovanni, .....

So I'm completely

against it. But I'm, in that respect,

I am very conservative.

I wonder why they don't write their own

pieces to actually have a radically

different idea about something is a

wonderful impetus and motivation to

write a piece. [Say] I like Don Giovanni

but i don't really want to hear

the Mozart music and I also don't like

the fact that Don Giovanni is a man,

it should be Donna Giovanna

and also, you know, the contour should be,

you know, the little brother. And [I say]

great, great it's all wonderful.

Write a piece!

One of the most important things, I think,

for a musician is how to

make the marriage, in your own brain,

between knowledge, not information.


And intuition.

In other words,

there are different levels of knowledge as

we know. In today's world I feel

that knowledge has become a rarity because

people mistake information for knowledge.

You know, you see that the sun rises

and sets, and therefore you think you know.

You don't know! You only know, when you can

answer the question: "How?" or "What for?".

And this this is a question that every musician,

must ask himself, when he is in front of

a piece of music. - That's interesting,

because when I am in front of a piece of

writing, being asked to play it, I try to

avoid the question "How?". I say: "What?"

"What is it?", because I am convinced, if I, if I can

whittle down all the questions,

what it is

to the core, the process of how to do it,

will evolve from that, almost

automatically. - Yes, but in music you have

this element of sound, because music is..

something that has to do with

the human soul, whatever way you want to

describe it, it has to with that. But it can be

expressed through a very physical

phenomenon, which is sound.

Which starts

and stops, you hold it, all those

things and therefore the "How?" is very important.

How a wind player attacks the

first note, how a string player can....

control the bow, how a pianist put's his

hands on the piano can, in the end,

change the "What?". - Yes, I believe that, only if you

follow an intention, wouldn't

it be the first question: "What is it,

that I'm trying to achieve or

accomplish?". And then employ the

necessary means, by saying this is how I

need to do it, in order to get to it.

But in order to analyze, or to find out,

or discover, I find it very useful to

say: "What is it?", "What is it,

that the the author meant?"

"What is it, that I need to do?"

"What is it that I'm

asked to participate in?" And then,

that's why I say... I mean for me...

But that's also why I meant, you know, the spectrum,

the spectrum, the musician is at the

top end of the spectrum and the

actor probably at the bottom.

And the moment the idea is clear: "What is it?"

The "How to do it?", organically evolves.

- Yes, but the element of sound is, in the end,

I think the main difference. Because of course

you have to do with sound too, in the end...

But how sound is something that is outside

our body, unless we speak about singers,

and this is another conversation.

You know we talk about sound in a way

which is

very, very subjective, we speak about the

violinist and ..

I say: "He has such a

beautiful sound!" And you say: "That's harrowing!"

Or I say: "That singer, has a very bright voice."

And you say: "No it's a dark voice." It's very

subjective, it's very subjective and

therefore, I always try to tell the

musicians, in the orchestra, and also the

students of course, it's very important

to understand the physical phenomenon of sound.

Sound has a beginning and has

an end, and whether we say the sound is

grey or red, bright or dark is totally

unimportant and totally subjective.

But the weight of the sound, the weight of

the sound is something objective,

and therefore how do I start it, how do I

sustain it and how do I feel about it.

- Ah! You just mentioned something that is a

profound difference.

Because in what I do,

there is absolutely no objectivity involved, whatsoever.

Not even in the analysis

of the text.

There is absolutely,

nothing that could be

measured, the sound can be measured,

I'm not saying that this is necessary to

achieve a beautiful sound, but it can be

measured and, you know there are 440 Hertz

to an A, and that's it. We don't even have

an A,

let alone 440 measurable Hertz.

What we do is kind of swindle all the time.

Sort of cheat, you know, you kind of

of arrange your...the path of

least resistance. And that's not possible

in what you do. - No, in music the

only path, that is worth finding,

is the path of most resistance. That's the only

way you.. - And I'm not talking about,

you know,

artistic achievements and you know

sort of spiritual attempt to reach a

level... and all of that you know esoteric...

I'm just talking about more or less tangible.

And with what we do,

there's nothing tangible, it's all ethereal.

- And how much intuition is it?

Well, I would like to....

double, triple, quadruple

check my intuition. And you say:

"Well first impressions are usually the best ones."

I disagree! First impressions are..

just feel good because they are new,

because they are first. Of course

intuition, intuition should be, should be

allowed but I think it should be double checked.

For more infomation >> Daniel Barenboim & Christoph Waltz on the Fidelity to a Text | Parallels & Paradoxes Part 1/4 - Duration: 15:21.


ACHILLEA "ATACAME" (Attack me) (Subtitle) - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> ACHILLEA "ATACAME" (Attack me) (Subtitle) - Duration: 6:28.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | The Destruction Of The Helicarriers | HD - Duration: 4:12.

30 seconds, Cap.

Stand by.


We've reached 3,000 feet.

Sat link coming online now.

Deploy algorithm.

Algorithm deployed.

We are go to target.

Target saturation reached.

All targets assigned.

Fire when ready.

Firing in...




Charlie lock.

Where are the targets?

Where are the targets?

Okay, Cap, get out of there.

Fire now.

- But, Steve... - Do it!

Do it now!

What a waste.

So, you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?

Time to go, Councilwoman. This way. Come on.

You're going to fly me out of here.

You know, there was a time I would've taken a bullet for you.

You already did.

You will again, when it's useful.



Natasha! Come on!


Those really do sting.

Hail HYDRA.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) CLIP | The Destruction Of The Helicarriers | HD - Duration: 4:12.


NEW Peach Palette from SLEEK! + Summer Shades from COLOUR POP! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:02.


I'm Jen and this is the Makeup Minute from What's Up In Makeup for June 9, 2017.

Kat Von D used her personal Instagram to give us the first clear look at her upcoming matte

liquid liner.

Release date to be announced.

Ofra has brought back the shades Santorini, Atlantis, Fantasia and Utopia exclusively

to their selection at

and speaking of lines available at, Sleek has announced a new peach eyeshadow

palette coming soon!

Colorpop has just released some new summer shades for your hottest season

dose of colors will be Launching something NEW later this month! we do not know what

it is yet but we invite you to leave your guess in the comments...

Ciate sends a Sneak peek of their new Liquid Chrome glosses and a rainbow highlighter

My Pretty Zombie will be releasing a new eyeshadow soon called "Dolly Deadly" scary scary!!

Laura Mercier sends this Sneak peek of a new foundation coming soon

And the Too Faced Glitter Bomb arrives on their website June 15th, with 8 sparkly prismatic


That's it for now and we'll see you same time Monday.

Don't forget our full-length weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning,

9:30am eastern on Youtube!

For more infomation >> NEW Peach Palette from SLEEK! + Summer Shades from COLOUR POP! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:02.


Buy a PS3 before it's TOO LATE! | A PlayStation 3 Retrospective | Is PS5 Next? - Duration: 11:57.

Despite its rocky start, Sony's Playstation 3 home gaming console has just ended a long,

11-year run and has officially ceased production and shipment in Japan.

If they haven't already, worldwide shipments will soon end, as well.

Despite its initial pricing issues, the "Yellow Light of Death" controversy, and other early

generational stumbles, the PS3 has officially shipped more than 80 million units.

That's not quite as impressive as the 144 million units shipped by its predecessor,

the Playstation 2, but still a nice milestone regardless.

The PS3 left an interesting legacy behind.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun.

Today, let's take a dive down the rabbit hole of Sony's seventh generation console.

Right after a word from our sponsor.


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With production having just ended mid-way through 2017, this is the best time to buy

one for yourself before prices start to soar.

And there's a huge market of Playstation 3 consoles out there, too, given the four

or so iterations released.

The original "Phat PS3" - noted by 4 USB ports, a multi-card reader, and PS2 internals

included for backwards compatibility - is hard to find these days.

It was the most prone to the pervasive "Yellow Light of Death" and other fatal flaws, and

it has a significant collection value given its ability to play both Playstation 1 and

Playstation 2 games from disc.

A similar fat model was later released with just 2 front USB ports but no card reader

or PS2 internals that can still be found for cheap due to the small internal hard drive.

Then you have the PS3 Slim - probably the best of the bunch.

It was much smaller and quieter than the previous models, while shipping with bigger internal

hard drives and being much more reliable.

Finally there's the "Super Slim" model with a sliding disk tray.

This one is more cheaply made and isn't as well-liked among users, but can still be

bought sealed for cheap.

Thankfully, upgrading the hard drive on most PS3 models is a breeze and often only involves

removing a single screw.

The Playstation 3 may have very much "lost" the "console war" of the seventh generation

to the Xbox 360, it actually provided a fantastic ecosystem of gameplay that most gamers may

have overlooked.

As with all generations of Playstation, there were quite a few unique exclusive releases

to the PS3: Infamous, God of War, Beyond Two Souls, the Uncharted series, Demon's Souls

for the truly hardcore among you, Ni No Kuni, Killzone, Resistance, and LittleBigPlanet,

just to name a few.

But the PS3 also opened the door for one of the best playing experiences for two other

generations of games, as well.

My good buddy BBKDragoon particularly loves this aspect of the PS3.

[BBK] "My favorite aspect of the Playstation 3 is the fact that it can play so many games,

not just PS3 games.

Any PS3 can play PS1 games straight from disk or through PSN downloads in full HD with unlimited

memory card space, right there.

The emulation isn't hardware, but still one of the best ways to play PS1 games to


Plus there's a wide variety of Playstation 2 download titles available in the PSN store,

as well.

And if you're lucky enough to still have the original PS3, you can play those from

discs, as well.

The PS1 and PS2 were very important consoles to me, and being able to play all three generations

in one place really means a lot to me.

Oh, and there's some sick HD Collections on the PS3, too."

Ah yes, the other kind of backwards compatibility that the PS3 was graced with.

One of the most underrated kinds, too: the "HD Packs" of franchises released exclusively

to the console.

I have some pretty controversial and negative opinions about remasters that we can discuss

in a future video, but I have a huge soft spot for the HD Packs on PS3.

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, Zone of the Enders, Devil May Cry 1 through 3, the full

God of War saga including ports of the PSP games, and the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD remix

- there are more, these are just the ones I own.

These are all great ports and great ways to play those games today.

Especially for something like Ico, which was pretty limited in resolution on original hardware.

Then when you consider the God of War 3 PS4 remaster in comparison to the full 5-game

pack for PS3 all still running at 1080p 60FPS… kind of a no-brainer.

This method was porting done right, in a way I can appreciate.

Don't glorify and do crazy re-engine-ing to singular games in a franchize, just port

them over, upscale, and clean up the graphics so they look good today and still play properly.

It was a great scene and collecting these is a very rewarding way to build a library,


The PS3 also launched the new Playstation Plus program and its monthly distribution

of free games for download.

Even today, each month I get to stock up on digital download games for PS4, Vita and the


Also, the PS3 got a port of Portal 2 that had local split screen, Steam Account linking

and even gave you the game on both PS3 and PC!

That was pretty unique and innovative at the time.

Yes, some games - especially earlier titles - only output at 720p, but honestly?

I don't find it super noticeable.

On my normal gaming monitor it looks fine at 720p, and on my HD CRT I limit my PS3 to

720p anyway.

And the console outputs via both analog and digital video feeds, as well as optical audio.

So you can do composite, S-Video, RGB, component or HDMI, as well as SPDIF optical audio all

from the same console, and it's backwards compatible with the analog video cables from

the PS2 and PS1.

Talk about connectivity options.

The PS3 had a pretty crazy history on the Software front, as well.

Originally designed to be a Home Entertainment PC, not just a game console, the system's

UI contrasted sharply with that of the Xbox 360.

The XMB menu was actually pretty intuitive to navigate and gave you direct access to

many more settings than its competitor allowed.

The original model's 4 USB ports and multi-card reader came with support for a mouse and keyboard,

as well as photo and document editing capabilities - which were later removed or hidden away.

Users could create and customize their own themes and play back video files.

Sony's little box was way ahead of the curb when it came to supporting media playback

and downloadable apps, and even supported HDMI video out and wireless networking in

the console before the Xbox 360.

It was quite an impressive machine.

What was also impressive was the "Condor Cluster" - a massive supercomputer made

from almost 2,000 clustered Playstation 3 consoles running Linux, created by the U.S.

Air Force.

They weren't the only ones to do this, either.

An "Other OS" option was originally supported on the console, allowing users to install

Linux and other operating system kernels alongside the native Playstation OS to treat the system

as a computer.

But due to the jailbreaking possibilities that resulted of such openness, Sony patched

the consoles with Official Firmware version 3.21 in March 2010 to remove that capability

as they really began cracking down on misuse of their machines.

They then introduced auto-updating, and as of firmware version 3.50 (released in September

of the same year), soft-modding jailbreaking of the console has not been possible ever

since - at least by the masses.

This was particularly crushing to me, as I had just learned about a jailbreaking tool

that ran on USB devices.

This could even run on my TI-84 Plus graphing calculator I was using for high school at

the time.

Having it plugged in and running the program while booting the PS3 bypassed the security

protocols and injected the custom code.

I downloaded the tool at school and was all ready to finally jailbreak my machine - only

to find that the auto-updating capabilities I had excitedly enabled before had already

updated my PS3 to version 3.50 and I've not been able to soft-mod it since.

Dark times, dark times, indeed.

I've since bought like 5 other PS3s hoping to grab either an original or one with old

enough firmware installed, but to no luck.

There are a few hardware methods to flash and crack the PS3 firmware, but they're

a bit further out of my comfort zone than I'd like.

That being said, I do have quite a few test subjects, should I ever get brave.

I do have one original fat PS3, but it is dead.

It needs reflowed and then I'd have to find an entirely new screw set for it to piece

it back together - a project for another day.

The PS3 also had the means to connect to Sony's handheld consoles - the PSP and PS Vita.

This would primarily go on to function as a storage hub for your digital games from


It was much easier to to store your collection of digital handheld games on the bigger PS3

hard drive and then transfer via USB than to download over the slow wifi of the handhelds

or keep them on Sony's ridiculously overpriced memory sticks.

A couple games did use the PSP as a game function, such as a rear-view mirror in some racing


Of course, many gamers grabbed a Playstation handheld for the one killer feature I didn't

mention: Remote Play.

Yes, you could use a PSP to play anything from your PS3 remotely - music, movies and


Like the Wii U gamepad, but better.

This was a fantastic feature, and one of the few true shows of what Sony can do with proper

hardware integration.

It's not something I used much, as I actually prefer a full TV to a handheld screen and

avoid handhelds for this very reason, but I know many gamers couldn't live without

this feature set.

I guess I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the controller.

The almighty Dualshock 3.

Or not, depending on when you got your console.

The Dualshock was THE controller to own in the early 2000s, but the original PS3 releases

didn't actually ship with vibration motors in its controllers.

Instead, the wireless update to the PS2's gamepad featured a "Six Axis" motion capability.

This was not widely used and certainly not a fair tradeoff against vibration feedback

for most gamers, so Sony eventually released the Dualshock 3 into the wild, too.

The PS3 controllers were rugged and could take a beating, though Call of Duty's sprinting

often proved a bit too much for the thumbsticks for some players.

The wireless battery also lasted quite a while longer than the Dualshock 4, which I find

to be just hilarious.

My main complaint about the controllers is that they never really drop in price.

Sony keeps a stock of Dualshock 2, 3 and 4 available, but prices stay pretty high.

I've never broken one of my own, so i keep quite the stock of my own.

All-in-all, the PS3 is one of my more favorite consoles over the years.

I started the previous generation with an Xbox 360 because I was obsessed with Halo

at the time, but I quickly grabbed a PS3 slim as soon as I could.

The library is massive, the introduction of PSN download games expanded that even further,

and the HD packs and backwards compatibility put the final icing on the cake, so to speak.

I still fire up the PS3 and have a blast with it all the time.

If you haven't checked out what Sony's third home console has to offer you, I highly

recommend you pick one up before it's too late.

What memories do you have with your PS3?

Have you even added it to your collection yet?

Comment below and let us know.

Like the video if you liked it, click the link to go check out BBKDragoon and his gaming

content or come follow me on Twitch where I game stream every week or so, and I'll

see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Buy a PS3 before it's TOO LATE! | A PlayStation 3 Retrospective | Is PS5 Next? - Duration: 11:57.


Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag - Bride Ranking Run with Bride Alice and Bride Yuuki (5.51M Score) - Duration: 4:14.

Hey everyone, welcome to my channel, it's me Gamerturk and this is the first time I

am making a Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag video on my channel.

I do event guides and banner analysis all the time on Sword Art Online Amino, so make

sure to follow me there to get all the latest Tips&Tricks

as well as all the latest Banner Analysis posts, Im Gamerturk there as well,

and you can find the links for iOS and Android apps in the description.

But as I said, this is my first time making a video.

I asked my followers on Amino if they would like to see an optimal

run video with the characters I have in the latest Bride Ranking

and they voted that they wanted to see my best optimal run, with the best choices I

have, so here it is.

First part, I am going to be using lvl 85 Bride Alice with an R4 Heroic Promise as well

as R4 Bride accessory.

For the second part, I will be using lvl80 Bride Yuuki as a main, who has an R3 mace

and R4 Bride Accessory and use lvl90 Ninja Asuna with R4 Courage with R4

Bride Accessory as a finisher.

I also have Floor 100 clear title from last Floor Clearing Event,

which grants an additional 3% attack bonus.

Sure there are people who do it in 20 seconds, with lvl100 brides with their R5

Equipment, but I am not a whale and hopefully, this helps you non-whales out there as well.

Without further ado, here is the run.

I hope you guys enjoyed this run.

If you want more of these, showing you my optimal runs, make sure to let me know by

clicking the like button and in the comments.

Follow me on SAO Amino App on iOS and Android to get the latest Banner Analysis and

Event tips and tricks, whether it is ranking or floor clearing.

Doing all these takes a lot of time and effort, so I would

appreciate if you check my Patreon page.

By supporting my channel there, you help me continue what I do here, you can get your

name right here at the end of my videos and get other benefits on my channel as well.

You can also follow me on and on twitter @Gamerturk95.

Take care!

For more infomation >> Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag - Bride Ranking Run with Bride Alice and Bride Yuuki (5.51M Score) - Duration: 4:14.


Edible Solid Water "Bottle" | is it possible? - Duration: 4:20.

Try to imagine in the future

solid water!

Water that you don't buy in a normal plastic bottle, you don't have concretely the bottle,

but you have a gelatinous ball that you drink and it is normal water.

Practically it is a biodegradable bottle.

Guys, this thing exist for real,

Two days ago I was scrolling my Facebook Home, watching my notifications, as usual,

There was written "solid water" and I thought "How the f*ck is possible?"

There was a video which showed this gelatinous ball of water

and it was like this: people who drink these f*cking solid and gelatinous balls of water!


Obviously the video is in English and it is promoted by an American startup company

Think about a future with solid water ... how many problems would it solve?

For sure, less plastic bottles ... so less pollution

United States consumes quintals of plastic water per year, they pollutes the ambient!

The world is moving toward this direction: simplification, we are more minimalist, we are polluting less,

we are trying to add chemical materials, which are biodegradable guys!

Renewable energies, chemistry, biodegradable materials are all fundamental resources for the future! We can continue like right now.


And this is an Italian problem, a US problem, but also a worldwide problem!

This gelatinous balls are the same of 0,5 litres of water, they are made of seaweed

and think were we're going guys, less space, smller things, things that pollute less ... this is the future!

Thanks to all of this, bottles of water will be like these, water will be solid.

Indeed which is the idea? The idea is to create a sort of bottle of water around the water, which is biodegradable

This gelatine is made to contain the water and this bottle is made with seaweed and so this bottle doesn't pollute the ambient!

I seem to be the mayor of your small town, but really guys, if we move towards this direction for the future, we will solve all the problems of this century,

In the 20th century, but also in the 21th, we're polluting too much,

petrol, plastin, cole, all resources that we have been used since nowadays which aren't good for the ambient.

They are all nonrenewable resources, guys!

But I'm sure you already know all these things, because I know that you, that are watching this video, are all intelligent people,

but you don't care, as me since now, but if we start to support projects of these startup companies from US, but also of other countries.

We can contribute to create our future, guys ... to create our gelatinous bottles of water!

We have to support the research, and this is a serious lack of Italy

If we don't support the research, we die, Italy is already a dead country if it doesn't promote the research, in particular science research!

The gelatinous bottle shocked me so much, now you're seeing it or on the right or on the left

I've never reflected so much on these themes, because I only drink my plastic bottle of water ... and stop, as everyone.

But guys think for one second ... if we stop to use nonrenewable resources, how many problem would we avoid?

Guys this is a original video, you won't find a video like this on YouTube,

but I wanted to speak about this topic, which none has ever considered

I leave you in description the link of this project, which really has opened my mind on this theme

and I invite you to search for the startup company who is promoting this project on the solid water

and also to support this project guys, because these startup requires money, donations.

It isn't a big effort for us to donate money to them.

We don't it for that company, but we do it for us and for the next generations

Ok guys, so reflect on what I've said to you, I hope you enjoy the video and in this case smash the like button!

I would like that you support these videos if you want me to continue to bring these type of videos on the channel,

which speak about current topics!


For more infomation >> Edible Solid Water "Bottle" | is it possible? - Duration: 4:20.


★ Nightstep - Light Em Up | Best Nightcore 2017 | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 2:52.

light em up

nightcore live

nightcore radio

sugu music

For more infomation >> ★ Nightstep - Light Em Up | Best Nightcore 2017 | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 2:52.


Estrellas de mar con botellas de plástico - Starfish out of a recycled plastic bottle - Duration: 4:11.

Hello! I am Rosa, and I welcome you, once again to Creative Recycling.

In this video I'll show you how to make starfishes out of plastic bottles.

With any kind of plastic bottle and with different cutting techniques.

We'll start with this yellow bottle it has a kind of star in the bottom

five-pointed at its base. With a boxcutter initiate the cut at the base.

Then we finish with scissors, and we continue cutting

the star shape. This time, the tips are

in the sunken part of the base. When we have finished making tips,

will shape by hand. We may also use heat, but

You have to be careful. This another bottle hav a 5 star shape at the bottom

five points, but now will cut the star making tips

in part bulged. Will separate the base from the rest of the bottle.

We begin cutting with a cutter, and We continue with scissors.

After trimming the star, give formed by the ends in the part


Fortunately, there are other bottles like this having a

very definite star in the base. Will separate the base of the bottle, and

then we will cut following the drawing. If the plastic is very hard,

we can use pruning shears as these, or those who use the

electricians. This plastic allows me to use a

craft scissors for children.

We can only shape, and already we finished our star.

An excellent alternative to scissors may be the woodburning. When cutting heat,

the edges are very sharp.

There bottles at the base do not have a five-pointed star.

In that case we can use elsewhere container. First I will make a star

cutting with woodburning. If ever You've seen one, I will say that is a

kind of welder to connect to electrical power

heats the tip and can perforate or cut the plastic. With the same

Star mark others that We trim it with scissors.

Posiblementes, the image does not allow him. But the finish is different flange.

The cut made with scissors is pretty Fine, and the woodburning or thicker.

You can make stars with many bottles.

If you want to make the base, you I recommend that you use those with

a drawing as five points. And you do tests. Making both vertices

Domed side, and sunken. Also, to try to shape the

hand or heat. And when you have many, you can decorate with them.

I've done this mobile. Also I got a few in a boat that will

I added water, and put a light on the base. Do you have any different idea?

I love to know what you are able to do with these stars.

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you have been,

do not forget I like and share with your friends.

Thank you very much for being on the other side of my screen. Until next time!

For more infomation >> Estrellas de mar con botellas de plástico - Starfish out of a recycled plastic bottle - Duration: 4:11.


The Man Who Fought in WWII With a Sword and Bow - Duration: 5:43.

The Man Who Fought in WWII With a Sword and Bow

Running into battle armed with a broadsword, bow, and quiver of arrows was perfectly acceptable

if you were fighting in the Hundred Years' War or fending off some orcs on Middle Earth.

But when it comes to World War II, such medieval weaponry looks like child's play next to

the technology of the time.

A sword isn't the most likely of defences against rifles and tanks.

However, for John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill, nicknamed "Mad Jack," there was nothing

he'd rather arm himself with than a trusty sword and bow.

Born into an old Oxfordshire family, he graduated from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst

in 1926.

Before his World War II fame, Mad Jack worked as an editor of a Nairobi newspaper, a model,

and a movie extra, appearing in The Thief of Bagdad due to his expertise with a bow.

That same talent with archery took him to Oslo, Norway where he shot for Britain during

the world championships in 1939.

By this time, of course, Europe was fast approaching World War II.

Mad Jack had left the army after ten years of service, but happily returned to it because

of the "country having gotten into a jam in my absence."

By May 1940, Mad Jack was the second in command of an infantry company.

He always marched into battle with a bow and arrows and his trusty basket-hilted claymore

by his side.

Despite these weapons being wildly outdated, Churchill defended them, saying, "In my

opinion…any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed."

His medieval weaponry wasn't just for decoration, either.

During the 1940 Battle of Dunkirk—in which 300,000 troops became stranded on beaches

and had to be evacuated—Churchill struck down a German soldier with a well-placed arrow.

He was later seen chugging along on a motorcycle with his bow strapped to the side.

A German officer's cap was hanging on the headlight.

In 1941, Mad Jack volunteered for Operation Archery, an attack on a German garrison in

Norway, in which he led two companies during the battle; no word on whether or not he was

able to use his bow in the aptly named operation.

In the battle, he and his companies were in charge of taking out the German batteries

on Maaloy Island.

On the vessel bearing him to shore, Churchill stood at the front playing his bagpipes to

the tune of "The March of the Cameron Men."

When they landed, he charged ahead of the rest of his men with his sword in hand.

His sword also served him well later, in 1943.

At the time, Mad Jack was a commanding officer in Salerno when his troops were forced into

line fighting—something for which they hadn't been trained.

Churchill went ahead of his soldiers wielding his sword.

He leapt out at German sentries from the darkness, blade held high, and the Germans were so frightened

by the "demon" that they surrendered.

Churchill took 42 prisoners that night with the help of just one other companion and his

trusty sword.

This was inline with his philosophy on fighting the Germans, which he described after capturing

the 42:

I maintain that, as long as you tell a German loudly and clearly what to do, if you are

senior to him he will cry 'jawohl' (yes sir) and get on with it enthusiastically and

efficiently whatever the situation.

Next, Churchill was sent off to Yugoslavia where he led a series of raids against the

Germans from the island of Vis.

In May 1944, a bigger operation was planned involving three attacks on separate hilltop


Mad Jack led one group up one hill, but only six of them managed to reach the target.

Jack found himself in open view of the enemy with only a few able-bodied men to defend

him, so he did what any sensible soldier would have done… he played his bagpipes—"Will

Ye No Come Back Again" this time—until he was knocked unconscious by German grenades

and captured.

Churchill was placed in Sachsenhausen concentration camp after being interrogated.

The Germans had believed that he was some sort of relative of Winston Churchill, which

wasn't the case, but he was still considered a "prominent" prisoner due to his rank.

As you might expect, Mad Jack wasn't one to be kept in a prison camp.

He made a run for it that September by sneaking through an old drain under the barbed wire.

He and a comrade were recaptured not long after and moved to a camp in Austria.

In April 1945, the Austrian camp's lighting system failed.

Churchill took advantage of the opportunity and melted into the darkness, walking away

from his work detail.

He simply kept walking, and eight days and 150 miles later, he ran into the armoured

vehicles of the United States Army in Italy.

He managed to convince them that he was a British colonel despite his scruffy appearance,

and he was returned to safety.

Safety wasn't exactly something Mad Jack was after, though.

He was disappointed to learn that the war was winding down and that he had missed a

year of it.

Rather than return home, he got himself assigned to Burma where the war against Japan was still

in full swing.

By the time he got over there, though, the bombs had been dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima,

meaning that the war was basically over.

An unhappy Churchill vented, "If it wasn't for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the

war going for another 10 years!"

The end of the war didn't mean the end of Churchill's adventures, though.

He decided to train as a parachutist, and when he qualified, he was sent into Palestine

as the second-in-command of the 1st Battalion.

He later became a land-air warfare instructor in Australia, where he developed a love of


He ended up retiring from the army in 1959 and died in 1996 in Surrey.

Mad Jack was known for throwing his briefcase out of the train window.

His reasoning?

He was throwing it into his backyard, which happened to be right by where the train rode


This way, he didn't have to lug it home from the train station.

For more infomation >> The Man Who Fought in WWII With a Sword and Bow - Duration: 5:43.


WWE Backstage Plans For 205 Live! Austin Aries Reveals Injury Status! | WrestleTalk News June 2017 - Duration: 4:07.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News!

I'm Oli Davis.

Jim Cornette Challenges Vince Russo Sworn enemies Vince Russo and Jim Cornette

have reignited their storied rivalry in recent weeks, with Russo now challenging Cornette

to a podcast debate over Skype.

Jim has replied saying he has no interest in a debate.

He wants fisticuffs.

After calling Russo a "miserable sack of snake-faeces" and a "sad, unemployed,

mentally unstable goof...I bet you can't even get your d*** hard because you can't

provide for your family," Cornette issued the challenge.

"If you give me a date, a time and an address, I will meet you there and I will bring $5,000

in cash.

As long as the rules are no cops, no guns and no knives and what happens, happens.

And if you don't f****** take me up on that you piece of s*** then shut your f****** d***licker

from now on."

Come on, Jim.

Tell Vince what you really think.

Lana Smackdown Live Plans Debuting relatively quickly for a repacked

female wrestler in WWE, Lana only took just over a month to appear with her new gimmick:

splitting with Rusev to become some kind of burlesque dancer.

On her first Smackdown Live appearance this week, she was immediately granted a Women's

Title match against Naomi at Money in the Bank.

WWE have since confirmed this will be her debut match on the blue brand, and she won't

be wrestling on next week's go-home show.

The latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter reveals where the idea for Lana's character actually

came from.

Despite many speculating (me included) that the gimmick was recycled from the failed Emmalina

character - which was dropped after WWE producers felt Emma couldn't pull of the act - Lana

will effectively be positioned in Eva Marie's old role: an overly glamourous heel whose

gimmick was that she couldn't wrestle.

Marie hasn't been seen on WWE TV since her Wellness Policy violation last August, as

she's since gone into acting and won't be returning to the company.

Austin Aries Reveals Injury Status In an interview with Busted Open radio to

promote his new book, Austin Aries might have revealed a reason why he failed to win the

Cruiserweight Championship from Neville on his third attempt at Extreme Rules last Sunday

- he's working through injury.

"I've got some stuff going on, but just to be fair you could probably say that for

a lot of the locker room...obviously at this point it might be a good time to take a little

break which really could consist of two days to just adjust some of those things."

After losing to Neville on Sunday, Aries was shown sitting at ringside almost manically

happy, strangely smiling into the camera despite his defeat - which could be teasing a gimmick

overhaul for when he does return to TV.

205 Live Backstage Plans Aries also defended 205 Live during the interview,

explaining "there's a big vision for this.

It doesn't happen overnight."

But the reality is, the show is now almost 7 months old and it's only falling in popularity.

As Dave Meltzer reveals in his weekly roundup of the top performing shows on the WWE Network,

205 Live was at 19th place.

Apparently, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, one backstage idea in WWE right

now is to use more women from the main roster on 205 Live "to try and boost interest in

the show."

Which will presumably lead to more Alicia Fox mid card titles.

NJPW Dominion 6.11 Set reminders on your generic smartphone device

for this Sunday, because New Japan's Dominion show is most definitely going to be very,

very good.

The card is stacked with several rematches from January's WrestleKingdom XI show - most

notably the long-awaited second clash of Kazuchika Okada and Kenny Omega for the IWGP Heavyweight

Championship, their first encounter being rated by Meltzer as the greatest match in

wrestling history.

Why did Chris Jericho leave WWE?

And which top NXT star appears to be turning heel?

Find out by clicking the videos to the left, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> WWE Backstage Plans For 205 Live! Austin Aries Reveals Injury Status! | WrestleTalk News June 2017 - Duration: 4:07.


Outtakes (Juviolia - Get Up) - Duration: 6:05.

Cool man!

Live it!

Here I am.

Please, don't wiggle yet.

No more wiggling?

Not yet.



Ok, now go aside.

May I go?


And now hit the drum!


I can't play the guitar.

Julia, you're still filming!

Just turn it off.

I want to hear something beautiful now.

Let's go!

I'd like to greet someone.

Hello mum!

Oh that's beautiful!

Should I do your nails?

Oh my god, my fingers.

The little one?

Oh yeah.

You should talk!

*German insider*

The result is: e=mc^2-q*v the root of 10. Is it right?

We have to do it

I think we have to do it again.


I had to laugh so hard.

Is the video blurred?


Please! Come on.

I'll come to you.

I'll do it. Really.

I know it!

Gordon, go out!


Louisa, get out quickly. Oh no, the door is opened.

Jan, you have to be seen. - Wait, wait, wait, wait.

It's crooked.

That doesn't matter.

But if...

Say something cool! - No.

I wasn't ready yet.

Can't you do anything?

No, no. Again. - Why?

Let's do it again.

Now? - Action!

Voilà. Now it's done.

Oh no!

Can't you do anything?

Can't you open the door slowly? - If I open it slowly...

Can't you do it...?

We have to do it again. I was sticking to the tape.


I would have loved to film it. Can you do it again?

Throw the notebooks.

Collect the notebooks up!

What? Don't look at me like this!

Thanks to all of you! It was a huge fun!

For more infomation >> Outtakes (Juviolia - Get Up) - Duration: 6:05.


【完整版】跟你出去好難玩! 夫妻一旅遊就變怨偶!2017.06.09小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:30.

For more infomation >> 【完整版】跟你出去好難玩! 夫妻一旅遊就變怨偶!2017.06.09小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:30.


"Tripé" Caseiro para Telemóvel - 7 FORMAS ✨ Tutorial - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> "Tripé" Caseiro para Telemóvel - 7 FORMAS ✨ Tutorial - Duration: 4:36.


Tout est relatif (apprendre le français) - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Tout est relatif (apprendre le français) - Duration: 7:03.


Best Workout Music Mix 2017 🔥 Gym Pump Up Music #19 - Duration: 43:40.

Best Workout Music Mix 2017 🔥 Gym Pump Up Music #19

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