Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Sound? Let's do a first take. - Everybody ready ? -

It's so touching, that all this digital equipment still needs...

- Yes, clapper boards- - It's been done since the beginning of the medium. -

Thank you very much for coming today to have this conversation.

I would like to talk to you, very much,

about the things that may be similar or different

in our respective professions.

- Well, thank you for having me most of all.

The first thing that is obvious, that we have in common...

you as an actor and me as musician -

is that we have to deal with text.

How do we learn a text?

What do we have to do

in order to then make the text our own

and yet be faithful to what the composer or

the writer has written. And I think it

would be interesting for the public to

hear also little bit about the process

that we go through because it's not a mechanical process.

- The first thing is probably a decision

on what level you want to

compare or find analogies

or discrepancies or differences.

Because of course you could say

one doesn't have anything to do with the other.

Because a musician usually is an accomplished artist,

who's operating on the highest level.

And I would always say that the actor isn't.

I would always say the actor is, if at all,

at the bottom of the spectrum.

But maybe not in the spectrum at all.

- I don't think I meant it to be discussed on the question

of the level of the quality because

you have [that] in acting and music also.

People of different levels with different degrees of

interest in depth, interest in

understanding the text, looking for what

they can do for themselves,

looking how they can contribute to the text.

One thing is clear that we have in common,

and ours is much more complicated

than your's, because you

have words. Of course, words can be spoken

in so many different ways and by the

same person in different ways,

at different times. But the words are the same.

And it's clear what they mean,

according to how you ... well,

but a table is a table.

You're right about the table, but we

have black spots on white paper and

nobody will ever convince me, that,

that what you can buy in a music shop, in the

days when there were music shops,

is the 5th symphony by Beethoven.

The 5th symphony by Beethoven is when an

orchestra get's together and makes this sound.

Therefore the process of how to get to

how to play the sound is very intricate.

- Yeah, I totally agree and in, let's say

dramatic literature it's the same thing.

In terms of ink on paper, you know.

The letters on paper are not really

the drama because the drama is,

traditionally meant to be performed on stage.

Yet, I can read the drama but you

can't read the score and it's not what it

was written for but as a stage to get

there that that would be an analogy.

I just think...

everybody uses words all

the time, so words are familiar.

And that's very misleading. If I see a note...

on five lines I'd, I mean I personally

don't assume immediately: "I know exactly

what it is and that's ...

.... and that's how I deal with it."

With words, because we learn when we're a

year-and-a-half, we start to learn words,

so we always think we know words.

There are an infinitive amount of

possibilities to say it, now the

intention of the author is, or should be,

or can be the guiding idea.

Every note is there for a reason and the accumulation

of the notes, result in the text.

It's more or less analog to every letter

is there for a reason and the

accumulation of the, of the letters

result in the drama. - Of course but

precisely because of what you say about

the familiarity with the words,

it is clear, that a text has a meaning.

It's either about the woods or about a love story,

or about the crime or whatever

it is.

What is the meaning of music how can you,

you know, you cannot really, you cannot

really explain that. This will always

remain the mystery of music because in

a way it is the end abstract.

- The unanswered question.

- The unanswered question and

therefore we cannot speak about that.

I think when we speak about music,

we speak about our reaction to it, you know.

You listen to a performance of the

G-minus symphony of Mozart, then you are

in a melancholic mood and this will seem to

you, [like] the most melancholic piece of music

ever written, you hear the same performance

when you're high and you will feel that [it's]

happy music etc, etc.

Therefore it's very dangerous to talk about the

meaning of music. But i think what we

could talk about, is what is our responsibility

versus the text, what we have to give

it, how much personal involvement, if you

want, is allowed or necessary.

Where does it stop?

In other words the fidelity to the text

is the first quality that we must have,

if we want to perform the text.

I would agree but, because I'm an old

conservative fart.

That's why I agree immediately,

I'm convinced that there are plenty, plenty

of self-declared revolutionaries...

and iconoclasts, who say: "No, it's my

interpretation that counts more".

I saw a poster, not too long ago, here in Berlin.

It was a red poster and it had

I won't tell you who, the name of the director.

Big, like this, a third of the poster.

It was the name of the director.

Then, a little smaller,

it said: "Don Giovanni" and then tiny

it said: "Mozart".

Well actually you know you need to turn

it around, exactly that. Mozart,

Don Giovanni, .....

So I'm completely

against it. But I'm, in that respect,

I am very conservative.

I wonder why they don't write their own

pieces to actually have a radically

different idea about something is a

wonderful impetus and motivation to

write a piece. [Say] I like Don Giovanni

but i don't really want to hear

the Mozart music and I also don't like

the fact that Don Giovanni is a man,

it should be Donna Giovanna

and also, you know, the contour should be,

you know, the little brother. And [I say]

great, great it's all wonderful.

Write a piece!

One of the most important things, I think,

for a musician is how to

make the marriage, in your own brain,

between knowledge, not information.


And intuition.

In other words,

there are different levels of knowledge as

we know. In today's world I feel

that knowledge has become a rarity because

people mistake information for knowledge.

You know, you see that the sun rises

and sets, and therefore you think you know.

You don't know! You only know, when you can

answer the question: "How?" or "What for?".

And this this is a question that every musician,

must ask himself, when he is in front of

a piece of music. - That's interesting,

because when I am in front of a piece of

writing, being asked to play it, I try to

avoid the question "How?". I say: "What?"

"What is it?", because I am convinced, if I, if I can

whittle down all the questions,

what it is

to the core, the process of how to do it,

will evolve from that, almost

automatically. - Yes, but in music you have

this element of sound, because music is..

something that has to do with

the human soul, whatever way you want to

describe it, it has to with that. But it can be

expressed through a very physical

phenomenon, which is sound.

Which starts

and stops, you hold it, all those

things and therefore the "How?" is very important.

How a wind player attacks the

first note, how a string player can....

control the bow, how a pianist put's his

hands on the piano can, in the end,

change the "What?". - Yes, I believe that, only if you

follow an intention, wouldn't

it be the first question: "What is it,

that I'm trying to achieve or

accomplish?". And then employ the

necessary means, by saying this is how I

need to do it, in order to get to it.

But in order to analyze, or to find out,

or discover, I find it very useful to

say: "What is it?", "What is it,

that the the author meant?"

"What is it, that I need to do?"

"What is it that I'm

asked to participate in?" And then,

that's why I say... I mean for me...

But that's also why I meant, you know, the spectrum,

the spectrum, the musician is at the

top end of the spectrum and the

actor probably at the bottom.

And the moment the idea is clear: "What is it?"

The "How to do it?", organically evolves.

- Yes, but the element of sound is, in the end,

I think the main difference. Because of course

you have to do with sound too, in the end...

But how sound is something that is outside

our body, unless we speak about singers,

and this is another conversation.

You know we talk about sound in a way

which is

very, very subjective, we speak about the

violinist and ..

I say: "He has such a

beautiful sound!" And you say: "That's harrowing!"

Or I say: "That singer, has a very bright voice."

And you say: "No it's a dark voice." It's very

subjective, it's very subjective and

therefore, I always try to tell the

musicians, in the orchestra, and also the

students of course, it's very important

to understand the physical phenomenon of sound.

Sound has a beginning and has

an end, and whether we say the sound is

grey or red, bright or dark is totally

unimportant and totally subjective.

But the weight of the sound, the weight of

the sound is something objective,

and therefore how do I start it, how do I

sustain it and how do I feel about it.

- Ah! You just mentioned something that is a

profound difference.

Because in what I do,

there is absolutely no objectivity involved, whatsoever.

Not even in the analysis

of the text.

There is absolutely,

nothing that could be

measured, the sound can be measured,

I'm not saying that this is necessary to

achieve a beautiful sound, but it can be

measured and, you know there are 440 Hertz

to an A, and that's it. We don't even have

an A,

let alone 440 measurable Hertz.

What we do is kind of swindle all the time.

Sort of cheat, you know, you kind of

of arrange your...the path of

least resistance. And that's not possible

in what you do. - No, in music the

only path, that is worth finding,

is the path of most resistance. That's the only

way you.. - And I'm not talking about,

you know,

artistic achievements and you know

sort of spiritual attempt to reach a

level... and all of that you know esoteric...

I'm just talking about more or less tangible.

And with what we do,

there's nothing tangible, it's all ethereal.

- And how much intuition is it?

Well, I would like to....

double, triple, quadruple

check my intuition. And you say:

"Well first impressions are usually the best ones."

I disagree! First impressions are..

just feel good because they are new,

because they are first. Of course

intuition, intuition should be, should be

allowed but I think it should be double checked.

For more infomation >> Daniel Barenboim & Christoph Waltz on the Fidelity to a Text | Parallels & Paradoxes Part 1/4 - Duration: 15:21.


!BEST! [Oldschool Techno, Hands Up, Trance, Jumpstyle] Mix 2017 | Most Popular Tracks !EVER! - Duration: 1:03:20.

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For more infomation >> !BEST! [Oldschool Techno, Hands Up, Trance, Jumpstyle] Mix 2017 | Most Popular Tracks !EVER! - Duration: 1:03:20.


Top 10 AMAZING Inventions Discovered By Mistake - Duration: 8:47.

Hello YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

Have you ever accidentally done something really cool?

We're talking about those moments where you amazed even yourself and were ticked that

nobody was around to see it -- like when you meant to make homemade macaroni and cheese

and accidentally formulated the cure for the common cold!

That was you, right?

Hasn't happened to you, yet?

Well, then we'll just have to wait to include you in a future video, but in this installment,

it's all about 10 Amazing Inventions Discovered by Mistake!


Potato Chips If you're not a fan of at least one flavor

or brand of potato chip, there might be something wrong with you.

These little morsels of salty crunchiness, perfect when paired with sandwiches or lonely

depressive nights, would not have been if not for the vindictive actions of one George

Crum in 1853.

According to legend, while working as a chef at Moon Lake Lodge in Saratoga Springs, New

York, Crum grew weary of a customer's complaint about soggy fried potatoes.

In retaliation, Crum sliced up some potatoes as thin as possible, fried them, and then

caked them with salt, so as to annoy the unnamed customer and have hopes of him not returning.

To Crum's amazement, the patron loved them.

A few years later in 1860, Crum opened his own restaurant, "Crumbs House", and served

tater chips on every table.


Silly Putty Who doesn't love Silly Putty?

Nobody, that's who!

It's a favorite childhood toy that serves no discernible purpose than to copy newspaper

print, be stretched, and bounced on the floor.

We should all thank World War II engineer James Wright who, while working to produce

a cheaper substitute for synthetic rubber for wartime use, inadvertently devised the

formula for Silly Putty.

Through combining boric acid with silicone oil, Wright produced a substance that did

stretch and bounce more than rubber, but also had the strange property of lifting print


While the government wasn't interested in what he called "Nutty Putty," the world

seemed to be.

Eventually, businessman Peter Hodgson took note of the popularity and re-branded the

substance as "Silly Putty."


Gunpowder One wonders how someone can accidentally stumble

across the proper ingredients for an explosive powder, and it's all said to date back to

11 centuries ago.

The legend is altered a little depending on who retells it, but the base of it revolves

around either a Chinese cook or Chinese scientists.

One version, probably the more popular, points to an attempt at creating an "elixir of

life" for immortality.

Many attempts were made, all including one common ingredient – saltpeter, or potassium


An unknown alchemist was said to have mixed 75 parts saltpeter with 15 parts charcoal

and 10 parts sulfur, leading to an explosive material when exposed to flame.

The volatile powder was used for firecrackers and fireworks in Chinese celebrations and,

by 904 A.D., became a weapon of the Song Dynasty military.


The Microwave The invention of the microwave oven changed

the way home cooked meals are made forever, providing a quick and easy method of heating

up food, but that wasn't exactly what Percy Spencer was aiming for when he invented it.

While working on a series of magnetrons for radars, he noticed something odd happening

to the candy bar he had in his pocket – it had been melting.

Thinking his nickname "Hot Pants" may have been more literal than he assumed, he

soon realized it was the radiation that was actually cooking the candy bar.

'Ole Hot Pants and a colleague then tried heating other foods, including popcorn kernels

and an egg, before moving on to create the first microwave prototype.

When his metal box and high density electromagnetic field generator proved effective, Spencer

filed a patent on October 8th, 1945.


Safety Glass Used in vehicles and by stunt performers,

safety glass proved to be far more useful than Edouard Benedictus originally thought

when he accidentally invented it in 1903.

The artist, composer, writer, and part-time chemist was tinkering around with a bottle

that had once contained plastic cellulose nitrate.

The substance had evaporated over time and left a thin deposit along the inside of the

flask, so when Edouard accidentally knocked it off the counter to the floor, it didn't

shatter as normal.

Incidentally, a local newspaper had recently run a feature on automobile accidents, lending

to the Frenchman's idea to create a Triplex safety glass.

Though the idea worked, automobile manufacturers were more concerned about cost than safety,

but when World War I broke out, Edouard's glass found a practical application in gas

mask lenses.


The Forever Battery It sounds a little too good to be true, but

if the accidental findings of researchers at the University of California prove to be

accurate, then there may be an alternative to the batteries of today.

The original study was aimed at replacing the liquid in lithium batteries with an electrolyte

gel to create a "solid-state battery."

What they wound up producing was a battery that can be recharged over 200,000 times and

last up to 400 times longer than more common batteries.

The discovery relies on a manganese oxide coated gold nanowire protected by a layer

of electrolyte gel, producing the impressive nanobattery.


X-Rays In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen

changed the field of medicine forever, and he did so completely by accident.

While testing to see if cathode rays from a Crookes tube could pass through glass without

hindrance, a soft glow caught his eye.

It was emanating from a chemically coated screen that should not have been affected

by the cathode rays.

Even when blocked by carbon paper or wood, the screen still glowed.

Rontgen dubbed the new rays "X-Rays" since they were still an unknown mystery, and continued

experimenting with them.

After weeks of sheltered experimentation, Rontgen made another discovery – he could

produce images of human body parts with these strange rays and, thus, came X-Ray imaging.


Ferrock Concrete Substitute Concrete is a fairly necessary commodity when

it comes to structural integrity, but it comes with its own flaws.

For instance, the production of it creates a fair amount of CO2, which scientists believe

has been a significant contributor to global warming, but with how effective it has been

in construction, how can we turn away from using it?

While researchers have been trying to find a way to reduce CO2 emission from cement production,

a University of Arizona student, David Stone, developed a suitable alternative over 13 years

ago while he was experimenting with ways to keep iron from rusting.

One of the byproducts of the experiment, originally thought to be a failed substance, wound up

turning into a rock-hard substance overnight.

On top of being solid enough to replace concrete, the substance, dubbed Ferrock, absorbs and

traps CO2, which reacts with the iron to create iron carbonate.


Implantable Pacemaker With a name like Wilson Greatbatch, it was

inevitable that the former medical researcher would contribute something, well, great to

society; and in the 1950s, he did not disappoint.

While tinkering with an oscillator built to record heart audio, Greatbatch accidentally

put the wrong transistor in the device.

Producing more power than other transistors, Greatbatch noticed the oscillator was emitting

an electrical pulse in a similar matter to the human heart.

While pacemakers have been around since the early 50's, earlier designs were large and

inconvenient or required batteries and were early forms of wearable technology.

Greatbatch's inadvertent discovery, which he spent 2 years perfecting prototypes of,

allowed the device to survive inside the patient's body.


Penicillin Without the curious discovery made by Sir

Alexander Fleming in 1929, modern medicine would be quite a bit different.

While working with staphylococcus bacteria, which is known for causing boils and sore

throats, Fleming noticed one specific petri dish differed from the other samples.

Where a spore of mold was growing, the young bacteriologist noticed the staphylococcus

strain had died.

Fleming took the discovery and ran with it, finding that the strain of mold, identified

as Penicillium notatum, had the ability to kill a range of harmful bacteria.

Though Fleming was behind the discovery, his use of it was minimal.

It was Howard Foley and Ernst Chain that spearheaded the research that led to penicillin being

used as a medicinal miracle.

For more infomation >> Top 10 AMAZING Inventions Discovered By Mistake - Duration: 8:47.


Kaydı Olmasa İnanmayacağınız 8 PENALTI - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Kaydı Olmasa İnanmayacağınız 8 PENALTI - Duration: 4:40.


Electro House Summer Mix 2017 | Best Summer Remixes Of 2017 | Dance Party Music Remixes - Duration: 1:04:26.

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For more infomation >> Electro House Summer Mix 2017 | Best Summer Remixes Of 2017 | Dance Party Music Remixes - Duration: 1:04:26.


Famous People The Kardashians Treated Like Trash - Duration: 6:14.

The Kardashians are often described as "sweet" by people who know them.

But like everything else with the Kardashians, you have to wonder just how real that is.

After all, there are several other famous people that the Kardashians have been less

than sweet with over the years.

Here's a look at some of the people the Kardashians treated like trash.

Lamar Odom

The Kardashian family adored Lamar Odom when he and Khloe were together and happy after

their whirlwind courtship in 2006.

After they split in December 2013, however, things got ugly.

While Odom was certainly no saint, confessing to using drugs and cheating on Khloe during

their marriage, some insiders say the family deliberately exploited the troubled former

NBA star for their own fame and reality TV ratings.

In August 2015, Odom was reportedly set up by Khloe for some orchestrated tabloid drama

in order to generate content for Keeping up with the Kardashians.

And when he overdosed at a brothel two months later, his recovery was filmed for the show

as well.

That's really not cool.

Reggie Bush

Kim Kardashian dated NFL star Reggie Bush off and on from 2007 to 2010, and the relationship

wasn't exactly a smooth one.

Amber Rose revealed to Star, "Kim is one of the main reasons why me and Kanye [West] are

not together.

She's a homewrecker!

[Kim and West] were both cheating on me and Reggie with each other … She was sending

pictures, and I was like, 'Kim, just stop.

Don't be that person.'"

Kim also aired her and Bush's dirty laundry on Keeping Up With The Kardashians after she

and Bush split for good, filming an emotional phone call from the running back about her

fling with fellow football player Miles Austin.

Stay classy, Kim!

Amber Rose

Wrecking Amber Rose's proverbial home with Kanye West was only the beginning of the Kardashians'

poor treatment of the bald beauty.

In February 2015, Rose made a remark about 17-year-old Kylie Jenner's reported relationship

with rapper Tyga, who was eight years her senior.

Khloe responded on Twitter by referencing Rose's past as a stripper at 15 years old.

Rose clapped back referencing Kim's sex tape, using a whole lot of words we're not going

to repeat.

Kris Humphries

Kim and NBA star Kris Humphries were married for just 72 days before she filed for divorce

in 2011.

When Humphries attempted to get an annulment on the base of fraud instead of a divorce,

his aunt told The Sun that the Kardashians "duped" the NBA star.

Unfortunately for Humphries, he couldn't get an annulment, despite his claims that the

marriage was just a ploy for ratings, and he walked away from the divorce with nothing.

After the divorce led to bad press for Kim, though, the family went on the offensive,

reportedly using creative editing and staged footage so they could make themselves look

like the victims.

"We have an amazing fanbase that watches the show.

I.. uh..

You know… we don't do anything for ratings."

A source told Radar Online, "[Kim will be portrayed] as the victim, and [Humphries]

will definitely be the bad guy…

Kim will be using the show to attempt to rehab her image."

Since the split, Khloe has publicly called Humphries a "f**king loser," while Kourtney

said on TV that he wasn't famous enough for the family to use him publicity.

"Buf if I think she was going to do it for publicity she should picked someone that people


Caitlyn Jenner

Former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner has seen the Kardashian clan from the inside, and she doesn't

like what she's seen from ex-wife Kris Jenner and the kids since they became famous.

In 2015, Caitlyn told Vanity Fair that their relationship changed as soon as Kris got rich

from Keeping up the with Kardashians.

"When that hit and she was running this whole show and getting credit for it and she had

her own money, she didn't need me as much from that standpoint.

The relationship was different.

I think in a lot of ways she became less tolerant of me.

… A lot of times she wasn't very nice.

People would see how I got mistreated.

She controlled the money … all that kind of stuff."

Needless to say, Kris doesn't see it that way.

"Everything she says is all made up.

Why does everything have to be that 'Kris is such a b---- and an a------?"

Since then, Caitlyn has been almost entirely cut out of the lives of the girls she raised

as her own daughters, revealing in 2017 that neither Kim nor Khloe speak to her … except

when they need more TV ratings.

Scott Disick

Perhaps nobody has been as publicly used and abused as Kourtney's on-again, off-again ex

Scott Disick.

Their relationship issues and his problems with addiction have been two of the driving

sources of drama on the TV show for years.

Disick, who reportedly has struggled with alcoholism since the breakup, is on record

saying that he believes that the Kardashians go out of their way to make him appear as

a villain on the show.

The Beliebers

You know something's gone wrong when Justin Bieber is considered a victim.

But it's true: according to Bieber himself, the singer believes he was used by Kourtney

as part of a scheme by the Kardashians to generate media attention and to make Scott

Disick jealous.

That's especially gross, considering he reportedly already had a fling with Kourtney's sister

Kendall in 2014.

Kendall was supposedly a friend of Bieber's girlfriend Selena Gomez, which is just one

reason Gomez was surprised to walk in on Kendall and Bieber in bed together.

Add in the fact that Kendall's other BFF, Hailey Baldwin, also supposedly had a fling

with Bieber at the same time, and you have a situation that's not only really confusing,

but also too icky to think about.

Let's move on to…

Rita Ora and Blac Chyna

Rob Kardashian trashed ex Rita Ora so badly that his putdowns became a trending topic

on Twitter.

In a since-deleted tweet Rob, who was rumored to be dating Ora at the time, said of an unnamed

girlfriend, "How can a woman who is so busy starting her own career have time to be with

so many dudes all while in a relationship?!

She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together.

I wonder how many she will sleep with now that we apart?

But I mean 20?!!!"

Rob has also publicly dissed on-again, off-again girlfriend Blac Chyna more than once.

Unsurprisingly, the whole family got in on the act when they leaked news of Blac Chyna's

pregnancy to the press before she even had a chance to tell her own family.

Hey, once you're on the media hamster wheel, there's no way off it.

Kanye West

Kanye West elevated the Kardashian brand when he married Kim, and they repaid him by exploiting

his November 2016 breakdown for ratings.

"I get a call from one of Kanye's friends.

And my heart drops. But what is he like...

This is, like, serious."

And in May 2017, amid rumors that Kim and West's marriage was in trouble, In Touch Weekly

reported that the family plans on exploiting their marital discord for ratings.

"[Producers are] pressuring Kim to discuss her marriage problems on Keeping Up With the


They've had an unbelievable nine-year run.

The problem is the show is overplayed.

How many times can Scott Disick go to rehab?"

Or… maybe they just need to finally go away.

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Famous People The Kardashians Treated Like Trash - Duration: 6:14.


Is China's Revolutionary New Train... a Lie? | China Uncensored - Duration: 6:29.

On this episode of China Uncensored:

It's a bus!

It's a train!

No, it's...actually,

I'm still trying to figure that out.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host, Chris Chappell.

Chinese state-run media has unveiled this:

A driverless train

that runs on city roads without tracks.

They call it the Autonomous Rapid Rail Transit.

And oh man,

is this going to be one heck

of a Communist Party train.

Just check out this video from Xinhua News!

And yes,

this is the original music.

This train is gonna party non stop.

If you're still confused about what this

thing is,

state-run CGTN also made a promo video.

I guess they used the elevator music remix.

The train was unveiled in Zhuzhou city

in Hunan province.

In many urban areas in China,

traffic congestion is a major problem.

The train can hold up to 307 passengers,

and can reach top speeds of just over

40 miles per hour.

Which is faster than it will ever need to go

in Zhuzhou's traffic.

The train is also cheaper to build

than subways or conventional light rails.

So it's a driverless,

environmentally-friendly electric train

that runs on virtual tracks

and can carry hundreds of people.

Ok, that actually sounds pretty good.

But I am pretty confused

by the promotional videos.

Because they seem to say one thing

and show the opposite.

First, they call it a train.

But it drives on roads,

not on tracks.

So, I'm pretty sure that makes it

just a bus.

I mean, yes it will be guided with sensors

along what Xinhua calls a

"virtual track."

But it's still driving on a road.

Isn't that a bus?

People's Daily reports it

"uses rubber wheels on a plastic core

instead of steel wheels."

Yes, that sounds like a bus.

Second, "It's also equipped with the company's

copyrighted technology

to automatically guide the vehicles."

Well apparently it still needs a driver

and a steering wheel.

So what's up with that?

Third, it's environmentally friendly...

because it's powered by electricity,

but two-thirds of China's electricity

is generated by coal-fired power plants.

So unless they can guarantee that this electricity

is coming from clean sources—

which they can't—

it's still going to generate a lot of pollution.

And fourth,

in the Xinhua video it says the individual sections

aren't physically connected,

but just seconds earlier

it showed them physically connected.

I don't know what's real anymore!

Now this isn't the first time China has

made headlines

for some revolutionary new public transit system.

You may remember seeing headlines

about this last year,

the Transit Elevated Bus.

And everyone was all like,

wow, the future of transit.

Now, there were the obvious questions left


such as,

will it block street signs?

What happens if you need to make a turn

while that thing is over you?

What if you're a truck?

But the more important question

everyone should have been asking was—

is this a scam?

Well, spoiler alert:

Yes, it was.

Apparently, the company behind it

raised hundreds of millions of dollars for it,

but only spent about 3 million.

Where did the rest of the money go?

Who knows?!

The Transit Elevated Bus prototype

now sits abandoned.

But the worst insult of all—

as Wired points out—

since it runs on tracks,

it's a train,

not a bus.

So how about China's new train-thing?

The coal-powered, environmentally friendly,

human-piloted, autonomous,

rubber-wheel-based train

that doesn't need a track?

Well, the track will be finished in 2018.

So we'll have to wait and see

if the train that's really a bus

does better than the bus that was really a train.

The good news is that,

according to People's Daily,

once the four-mile-long Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit

is completed,

it will link to the Zhuzhou's maglev train.

Which hasn't been built yet.

So what do you think?

Will this new vehicle be a blunder-bus?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode

of China Uncensored.

Once again, I'm your host, Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Good news, everyone!

Today we're launching the China Uncensored

Mystery Crate!

Subscribe, and every month you'll receive

a mystery box that contains

an assortment of items related to topics

we've talked about on the show,

personally curated by me!

Let's see what's in this month's box.

Oh, a bottle of China's sacred territorial waters!

A facemask designed to protect against Beijing smog.

A slightly used suicide net from Shenzhen—

Don't ask.

A handwritten note.

"Help, I'm stuck in a labor camp

making cardboard boxes."

Hmm, wonder how that got in there.

And finally,

powdered rhino horn

from the extremely rare silverback rhino,

the last of which was killed to make

this potent male vitality powder.

What's that Shelley?

Ok, the powdered rhino horn

is extremely illegal.

The box was made by Chinese slave labor.

And no one wants a used suicide net.

What do you mean,

I'm terrible at picking things to go in boxes?


You know what?

It's time for Plan B.

I'm going to leave this mystery box stuff

to the professionals,

by partnering with Loot Crate!

It is also a monthly mystery box,

but it will contain actually cool

and totally legal stuff like collectibles,

apparel, gadgets, art,

and epic gear.

It's basically Comic-Con in a box.

And they've agreed to give China Uncensored fans

a 10% discount.

Just enter promo code, BRIDGE10.

Click here now to check out Loot Crate.

Click here.

And I'll throw in some powdered rhino horn.

Just kidding.

Because that would be illegal.

For more infomation >> Is China's Revolutionary New Train... a Lie? | China Uncensored - Duration: 6:29.


Slime 3 Ways! MUST TRY !!!, REAL!! Slime 1 INGREDIENTS, No Borax, No Cornstarch - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Slime 3 Ways! MUST TRY !!!, REAL!! Slime 1 INGREDIENTS, No Borax, No Cornstarch - Duration: 8:29.


Как влюбляется мужчина. Второй этап влюбления – язык тела. - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Как влюбляется мужчина. Второй этап влюбления – язык тела. - Duration: 6:38.


Scientific Proof Thoughts And Intentions Create Physical Reality - Duration: 7:05.

Scientific Proof Thoughts And Intentions Create Physical Reality

by Gregg Prescott,

What would you do if you could change your immediate reality into something even better,


Every day, your thoughts and intentions are creating your reality, so why not make it

something amazing?

Any reputable scientific experiment should be replicable under similar conditions.

When Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that thoughts and intentions create reality, the experiment

has been replicated numerous times with similar results.

The bottom line is that the words we use, in conjunction with the intent behind them

and the emotion we are feeling while saying these words, will conclusively shape the reality

around us.

Water Crystal Proof

In 1994, Dr. Emoto studied the differences in the crystals of frozen tap water, river

water, and lake water but to no avail, he did not see any differences between tap water

and the water from lakes and stream by nearby cities.

What he did notice, however, is that water crystals from pristine lakes and streams created

�beautiful crystals with each one having its own uniqueness�.

The observation was done in various ways:

Observe the crystal of frozen water after showing letters to water

Showing pictures to water Playing music to water

Praying to water

Long Distance Proof

On November 16, 2005 Parapsychologist Dean Radin conducted a long distance experiment

with Dr. Emoto and approximately 2,000 participants who focused long-distance positive intentions

on water samples contained in �a double-steel-walled, electromagnetically shielded room� at the

Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in Petaluma, California nearly 5,000 away from Emoto.

The participants were shown digital images of the bottles of water, and gave focused

prayers of gratitude for approximately five minutes.

The treated (prayer and intention) and untreated samples were sent to Emoto�s lab in Japan

where 40 unique water molecules were photographed.

100 volunteers evaluated the photographs and rated them on aesthetic appeal.

The results showed that the water with prayer and intention resulted in �more pleasing

crystal shapes� than water that did not receive this treatment (Radin et al., 2006).

Scientific Proof Thoughts & Intentions Create Physical Reality | In5D.comThe Rice Experiment

In another experiment to prove how words, thoughts and intentions affect our reality,

Dr. Emoto placed cook rice into three containers.

On one container, the words �Thank You� were written.

On the second container, he wrote, �You Fool� while the third container was completely


Children were instructed to speak aloud the words on each jar, daily, when they walked

by them each day.

At the end of 30 days, the rice with the words, �Thank You� was relatively unchanged while

the rice with the words, �You Fool� turned black.

The rice in the ignored container began to rot.

This experiment has been replicated many times.

The following video is one of them:

Words, Intentions, Thoughts and Fear

Perhaps intentions, thought, written and spoken words are the reasons why the mainstream media

continuously pounds us with fear-related stories because ultimately, when we live in fear,

we eventually lose even more civil liberties.

Scientific Proof Thoughts & Intentions Create Physical Reality | In5D.comWhy do commercials

always show extroverts?

Why doesn�t anyone on TV recommend looking within?

Every ad shows some extrovert with his or her group of friends living the fictitious

life that you should be living (through their eyes).

And these people have above average looks and portray success, which subconsciously

tell us that we are not good enough the way we are and if we want to be successful, beautiful

and have friends like them, then we need to purchase whatever product they are selling.

Also see: How To Deprogram Yourself

Social visionary Duane Elgin sums it up for us:

�The average person in the U.S. watches about four hours of television each day.

Over the course of a year, we see roughly twenty-five thousand commercials, many of

them produced by the world�s highest-paid cognitive psychologists.

Their job is to figure out how to grab our attention and make us feel deficient if we

don�t own their clients� products.

And these heavily produced advertisements are not merely for products, but for a lifestyle

based on a consumer mind-set.

What they�re doing, day in and day out, twenty-five thousand times a year, is hypnotizing

us into seeing ourselves as consumers who want to be entertained rather than as citizens

who want to be informed and engaged.�

One must also consider the reasoning why certain governments continue putting fluoride into

the drinking water, despite numerous studies on how fluoride is a neurotoxin and is a main

contributor to the calcification of the pineal gland.

fluoride is a neurotoxin

Choose your thoughts and intentions carefully

What would happen if everyone used positive words, with positive thoughts and intentions?

The answer is simple: the world would experience a global positive change in numerous ways.

One final thing to think about: Your body is 90% water.

Water has been proven to be influenced by intention & thoughts.

Can you imagine the possibilities that you are capable

of achieving?

For more infomation >> Scientific Proof Thoughts And Intentions Create Physical Reality - Duration: 7:05.


HI, I am Dave! - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> HI, I am Dave! - Duration: 7:16.



For more infomation >> КИРКОРОВ ПОДДЕРЖАЛ ПРИЛЮДНО РАЗДЕВШУЮСЯ БУЗОВУ (09.06.2017) - Duration: 1:48.


STUMPED. | Slayaway Camp Pt.3 - Duration: 13:52.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome back to slay away camp we

haven't done this in a little bit we're gonna go ahead and go break away from

slay away camp and we're gonna go down to the second shelf a my gory Valentine

and boom jump right on in 102 bit on the east coast of Canada whoo major minor I

like how it still slay away camp though it's just second shelf play weekend so I

don't know whatever puzzles probably gonna be hella harder now though July 17

I have to catch a cab but why I'm a kill that guy and then and

and then what do I ever restart because I messed up the first puzzle aha

such a shovel landing okay okay so now what how do I get this fella

are you not gonna run run dude what what do I do ins with him I think they get

hard man okay okay so hold up so to get a little freaked out so I can't I can

kill her and then I'll be stuck there and then it doesn't matter I look about

to start where are we out here uh ah okay I'll just scarred him now I can

definitely get him Oh easy Mik peasy but not one how do I get back there I saw

you get here somehow maybe I don't know oh no no I like you to the finish need a

hint I hit receive a hint fast forward I can

fast forward through the solution but maybe you want to hit first uh no I

don't want to hit no I can figure this out on my own it's the first stage this

is bad this now you guys know how much of an election and intellectual I am you

can really figure this one out do get scared son

alrighty now what

like a case them this way it's a killer there it's not going to it doesn't

matter it doesn't make any sense now I'm just stuck in the same boat and I

understand I'm stuck going to do even though you I don't know what to do you

know what let's test this hit mechanics sure use the short walls to scare your

victims towards the portal that's what I've been doing

yeah help me again I can give you a step-by-step walkthrough for the scene

but it'll cost you Oh dude but the thing is you gave me a

crappy hint man that's yeah whatever

okay oh okay okay that makes sense why didn't I think of that

what seriously like well yeah there is a my everything about it probably because

I'm Lance think you're about stuff like that okay it's fine we yeah get scared I

get scare Stein yeah I'm gonna go through the portal just knows that guys

I'm so good is good this day Dig Dug damager good I'm not gonna be able to

just one either cuz ya gettin a whole

why are you not scared and be scared oh no oh come on now okay so let's start

over flap the up coming up now okay so we're

here I seen you scare people where are you going

where you going boy okay um kill this guy did not scare a thing don't scare

anyone didn't scare a single body and on

well why do you do well I got it unlocked but guys I'm not good at this

I'm so not good it is okay but scary there use that later I can go ahead and

I can use him I can use him I'm like go ahead I don't know if I just messed me

up or what then I'm gonna go ahead and use did you kill this guy and then I

killed it this guy but now what now what do we do I'm gonna go this way

where are you running to she's just screaming like a pig oh come on

when you figure this out and you figure this out this is nothing this is nothing

I kind of need her there do I need her there no I need her like no no need to

do can I like get her over there okay now I can get this guy right okay we'll

see let's see what happens yeah fill this guy she's gonna get all

scared I'll come on I can go there I'll scare him to the hole and then I'll just

be stuck again does not make any sense my brain does it get it get it get it I

don't understand it's so much harder than all the other

ones ever okay

this is hard this is very hard like this may be the first time I don't win an

episode of it hold up I think I got it I think I just

got it hey guys I totally just did this like I totally I totally just Wow okay

that'll work boom cool okay three of 13 and we're like 12

minutes in is that guys don't I think it's down there anybody guys don't so

just get this one's got a lot to do is like here in the peeps excited to get

somebody there just wanted to do so I probably shouldn't have just killed that

person pros should just go like how can gonna scare you all are you scared now

huh ah dang it I don't want to kill him okay let's go down this way get her over

here uh I'm gonna get somebody up there if stick to seal you know what dude give

me a hint the victim on the bottom right should be

scared to the left okay thanks okay so I definitely have to scare them

to the left so I do this point scared to the left you are okay I see so now he's

there him now I need to figure out a magical way from magical magic land to

get right over top so I can kill her from above and then go this way and

scare this guy but guess what guys there's no way to do that

skater to the bottom left I see okay I think I see I think I see okay sign

scare halo and you kill her and you go up here okay and I go up here and kill

him sorry buddy and then

okay okay I think I messed up I don't need it oh no don't control Z just just

go back Pacific I chose B to undo okay so now I have to get to him without

scaring him even further off so I'm gonna do this bow then wow that was that

was hard that was difficult

give me that heart jacksepticeye you look like Jackson alright

Cave Gordon and I have a little bit of time before I die

okay so I've eight turns one two five six and three four five six seven

but housands oh okay hang on there's a legend for a reason okay so I'll start

and go up let's go up kill this person nope anything sense

okay let's go I make any SID

was that right farewell to arms see ya okay okay four turns left to do

note that gonna work I have to kill each of open two turns like each two turns

each wow I don't think I'm gonna finish this movie this episode this is this is

hard this is very very hard this is a very thinkI game very think II know it

doesn't work that way has even word okay let's get another hint know about

another net let's say all our money for hit kill the two on top first thanks

okay two on top first got it so one two three four five

no you're wrong you're wrong haha oh geez why why just returns for

I don't understand I seriously seriously don't understand

you know what here do it okay yes some of these are just ridiculous somebody is

like how did I know okay can I go this way I go this way yeah how

was I supposed to do that like how was I supposed to know to do that but I guess

yeah hey hey hey guys time for another hard one we got there

oh that's a bomb you know what guys yeah I'm gonna go ahead and admit my

defeat like that's it I feel like I'm done I'm I'm done with

this this game this is it this is the last episode and don't think of this to

be ragequitting either because I'm not I didn't watch that so I'm not gonna do it

but I'm not ragequitting I am stumped quitting this is no way I'm gonna be

able to finish it there's just no way so I'm gonna have to finish the episode off

here hope you guys enjoyed watching me basically not know what I'm doing for

about 30 minutes if you guys did enjoy so you slap that like button underneath

the video and until next time I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> STUMPED. | Slayaway Camp Pt.3 - Duration: 13:52.


Raised Bed Garden Tips - (Practical Advice On Choice Of Materials Based On Your Needs and Budget) - Duration: 1:59.

so we're here today at century lumber in Torrington to talk a little bit about

some different product choices that you have when you're considering

constructing your raised bed now your first choice might be to go with some

kind of a pine such as this rough cut lumber and that can be a nice choice

especially when we talk about cost one of the concerns with this is that it's

going to break down and rot a lot faster than some of our other choices that are

going to have more of a natural rot resistance such as our cedar and our

redwood oftentimes you may think about pressure-treated lumber the chemicals

that are used even in the newer pressure treated wood can still be a concern so

if we use any pressure treated lumber such as this board here or things such

as railroad ties that are chemically treated to help preserve their longevity

we want to make sure that we're using a plastic barrier between the lumber and

the soil to help prevent any chemical contamination into your soil another

option could be cinder blocks if you're going to use them fill them with dirt

maybe use rebar to help reinforce them and hold them in place

another option if you have some livestock watering tubs lying around

these also can make a really nice raised bed it's really important that you drill

holes in the bottom for drainage as well as cleaning them of any chemical

residues that might be present this is Ben Caleb Carter with the University of

Wyoming extension you're watching from the ground up

For more infomation >> Raised Bed Garden Tips - (Practical Advice On Choice Of Materials Based On Your Needs and Budget) - Duration: 1:59.


Las Hormigas Marchan | Canciones Infantiles | Canciones Para Niños | Música Para Bebés - Duration: 1:07:04.

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching three by three,

The little one stops to climb a tree

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching six by six,

The little one stops to pick up sticks

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching nine by nine,

The little one stops to check the time

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching ten by ten,

The little one stops to shout "The End",

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain.

For more infomation >> Las Hormigas Marchan | Canciones Infantiles | Canciones Para Niños | Música Para Bebés - Duration: 1:07:04.



For more infomation >> OĞLAK BURCU - KOVA BURCU HAZİRAN 2017 ASTROLOJİ - Duration: 3:41.


Buy the specialties of FRANCE - Duration: 4:16.

Welcome to VISIT 2 WORLD.

Today's video will help you to buy the specialties of FRANCE.

Number 1 - CHOCOLATE.

Why should you buy CHOCOLATE from FRANCE.

Apparently it is Paris which holds the capital of chocolate.

The traditional french dark chocolate is unique because it is the least sweetened chocolate in the world.

The french use less butter, cream and sugar in their chocolates

and that is why french chocolate is less fattening.

French chocolate is a delight whether you are enjoying a two euro bar from the corner store

or an expensive confection manufactured by a world famous Chocolatier.

Number 2 - SALT.

Why should you buy SALT from FRANCE.

French sea salt is harvested entirely by hand.

This preserves the pure taste of the french salt.

Fleur-de-sel translated as flower of salt

is one of the finest and rarest salts in the world. The colour is grey or pinkish.

French sea salt is the most expensive sea salt.

You can try pink rose flavoured Salt or salts of all different colours and textures in France.

There are a variety of sea salt in the market

but there is nothing quite like french sea salt.

Number 3 - PERFUME.

Why should you buy PERFUME from FRANCE.

France is renowned for being the worlds Perfume capital.

Perfume making is an old art in France

and traditional perfume is one of Frances most valuable products.

Perfumes produced in france are of top range high quality and are made from natural extract.

Some of the natural fragrances include jasmine, lavinder and roses.

Number 4 - CHEESE.

Why should you buy CHEESE from FRANCE.

France remains the ultimate destination for cheese lovers.

There are countless varieties of cheese in France.

France produced many of the worlds finest cheese.

French cheese are made using specific traditional techniques

and it has a consistent and distinctive

flavour, texture and appearance.


Why should you buy HANDMADE SOAP from FRANCE.

French make some of the worlds most famous soaps.

They are available in a variety of scents.

The soap in France are a unique and authentic product.

The scented handmade soaps are made using traditional techniques

and 100% natural ingredients.

Number 6 - BUTTER.

Why should you buy BUTTER from FRANCE.

Some of the finest butter in the world is made in France.

You can buy salted or unsalted butter in France.

French butter has less water content and is made with cultured cream

which makes its texture and consistency more preferable especially for baking.

French butter has a dept of flavour, tang and nuttiness.

You can also find butters with sea salts in large crystals

which gives the butter a slightly crunchy texture.


Why should you buy DIJON MUSTARD from FRANCE.

The french claim to make the worlds best mustard's.

Dijon mustard is the king of all condiments in France.

Dijon mustard gets its name from the city of Dijon

which is the capital of the Burgundy region of France.

In most cases mustard seeds are imported from

Canada to France.

Dijon mustard is made from brown or black mustard seeds.

The high quality of seeds and the way they are processed

makes Dijon mustard stand out from others.

Unlike the mustard you'll find elsewhere,

french mustard is prepared traditionally and is peppery very strong.


Why should you buy SALTED BUTTER CARAMEL from FRANCE.

Salted butter caramel can be found in candy form or as a spread.

The secret behind the success of salted butter caramel lies in its salty taste.

Salted butter caramel are amazing in texture and rich in buttery flavour.

The sweetness and creaminess of the caramel

combined with the delicious salty taste

radically transforms classic recipe into the most incredible desserts.


which countries must buy products do you want to see next Friday.

Thankyou for watching VISIT 2 WORLD.

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