Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Hi guys! We at The Sool Company are here at Hongcheon

which is in Gangwan-do about an hour East of Seoul-

[air conditioner starts]

At the air conditioning factory plant where we air condition and factory plan.

Hi guys, we at The Sool Company are here today at the Midam Yangju Jang, the Midam brewery

which is in Hongcheon, about an hour East of Seoul in Gangwan-do.

and myself and Julia and a number of our friends have been here

basically to help out the brewer filtering a lot of her alcohols.

So we filtered a lot of Hangaris (clay pots) of her Seoktangju and her lotus leaf alcohol-

[rooster interrupts]

So, we brought our friends out here to the Midam brewery to get

some hands on experience in what it's like to filter at a brewery

that does everything by hand.

Hard at work in there is everybody filtering freshly filtered brew for the Hangari.

It is back breaking work so we might give them a drink just to help them out.

The reason why everyone's using their knuckles when they filter

is because you get a lot more power.

If you're using- you can use the base of your palm to filter out if can you get more strength

but for the most part, rolling it with your knuckles help you get more

of the alcohol out of the bag.

It's tough.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jo Midam and I am the brewer of the Midam Brewery in Hongcheon.

Today we have Daniel and Julia from Susubori Academy (The Sool Company)

and their Sool loving friends have come here and filtered some brew.

You could call it an event, but actually we do this on a regular basis right?

Are we going to be in this together? Stand next to me!

Today we filtered Lotus leaf sool, Seoktangju and a potato sool.

Every time the Susubori students come here, they work so hard and say the sool is so great,

but our sool is not 'Midam Sool' it is 'Korean traditional alcohol'.

Midam Sool is within Korean traditional alcohol and it's very delicious!

- Right? - Yes it's delicious!

It's really good!

So outside the brewery, how should I call it... Can I call it a barbecue?

- Yes. - So we are going to grill some meats

and have it together with some sool.

So if you all are interested in sool, you too can come here and have an experience

and drink some delicious sool.

Please give Korean sool some love! Thank you.

- Great job. - He is so cute.

So we're about ready to eat, Hope you can join us on our feast of Korean pork.

For more infomation >> Breweries In Korea: Midam - Duration: 5:25.


Lesson 8: (Missing Vocabulary): Phrasal Verbs Part 1 - Duration: 13:24.

Hi guys Patrick from Santa Barbara English. today's video is teaching five

useful phrasal verbs. okay so these are five daily life phrasal verbs that we

use every day. so we have: figure out, end up, find out, pick up, and drop off. so if

you know those five and you use those five everyday then you can skip this

video. if not, I have the slides for these below in the description, you can

download the PDF, and you don't have to write everything out. but here we go so

the first one is to figure out. okay to figure out. the definition is to

understand or solve something. okay to understand solve discover determine. this

is similar to 'know.' like I know but it's a little bit deeper than to know because

it means that you know, it but you know it because you solved it. you were

thinking, you were trying, you've figured it out. okay if you know something maybe

somebody told you, or maybe you saw the answer, but if you figured out then you

know but it's because you went through and you solved the problem. okay let me

give you some examples:

okay so I was looking at them at the the

timetable for the buses and I just couldn't figure it out, this one is the

...i don't know. so I asked the bus driver. okay I couldn't figure it out

okay so if I was watching a detective show in Japanese and suddenly I realized

who the bad guy was I would say, 'ah! 分かった。ぜたいあの人。'

I would say 'I figured it out.' okay I figured it out, like I solved this, now I know.

so if I say this it means that I went outside to my motorcycle this morning

and it wouldn't start and I tried to solve the problem. I was checking the

battery, I checked the gas, I was trying to fix it but I couldn't figure it out.

if I said this:

okay maybe I tried to figure it out or maybe I just don't know anything about

motorcycles. maybe I said it won't start. I don't know. What's wrong with your

motorcycle? I don't know. I don't know anything about motorcycles. What's wrong

with your motorcycle? I don't know I couldn't figure it out. I couldn't solve

the problem.

Do you want me to show you? No, I can figure it out. Like I

can.. I don't know but when I get there I will look at it and check the table and

I will figure it out. たぶん大丈夫。 I'll be okay, I'll figure it out.

okay so the next one is to end up. to end up means to eventually do something and

So to end up as a phrasal verb so it's 'I ended up doing'

subject-verb-object. And 'in the end' is a phrase. So, in the end I did this. Or, I

did this in the end. Or, I ended up doing this.

So the verb is to end up.

It wasn't my original plan but that's what I ended up doing. I ended up staying home. So it's to

end up ____ing. okay.

So for example, at class on Friday I was asking my friends 'what are you going to do this weekend?'

and my friend said 'I don't have a plan, I might go for a hike, I might see a movie,

I haven't decided.'

okay so Monday I say what did you end up

doing? What did you end up doing? Very common question when you see

your friends on Monday or if your friend says 'I'm going to see a movie tonight' 'oh

yeah? What are you going to see?' 'Um we haven't decided yet I'm going to let my

girlfriend decide.' okay tomorrow I will say 'Hey what did you end up seeing?'

What did you end up seeing?

So this is 'figure out' and 'end up.' So we do use these together so I couldn't figure out the Sunday bus

schedule, I was looking at the bus map and the times, but Monday to Friday is

very different than Sunday schedule, I just couldn't figure it out so I ended

up calling for a taxi. I ended up taking an uber. okay

A lot of Japanese think the word 'finally' is

used for used in this way, but we use 'finally' in a different way. we use

'finally' when you're waiting for a long time for something and you're like もうー

Finally! For example:

Game of Thrones is a really really popular TV show and they are several seasons long

and after one season ends everybody's waiting and waiting and

waiting and waiting and then finally the next season comes out. okay so if I'm

waiting in traffic and the traffic's not moving and it's not moving it's not

moving and then 'ah finally..' okay that's what 'finally' means. It's it's like 'もう' kind

of kind of a feeling. It's not the same as end up. I don't use end up that way. I

would never say 'the traffic ended up moving' like no. finally is finally and

'What did you end up doing?' is like けっきょく. okay so just be careful with

finally. One more example:

So I was waiting for two days and I couldn't wait I was waiting for her response

and finally she texted me back.

So I went shopping for a red shirt but they didn't

have a red shirt so I ended up buying this one.

okay so let me give you two examples that are similar here:

So, remember subject-verb-object so: In the end,

(SVO) I failed it. Or: I failed it in the end. You can move the phrase before after.

It's more common to say 'I ended up failing.' I use the phrasal verb 'to end up'

more than I say 'in the end.' In the end is useful also but it's just easier for me

to say 'I ended up staying home.' 'I ended up not going.' I ended up

not going. Okay so to end up. Next:

I found my pen. I found my phone.

okay so if I said あの人何歳?


見つかった。You wouldn't

say '見つかった' you would say '分かった.' In English is like 'to find out.' So, how old is she?

Right? Because you can't say 'I found how old she is.' For

information it's 'I found out.'

So we were going to have a surprise birthday for my dad, and it was

a secret, but my cousin called the house and left a message on the machine that

said 'Sorry I can't go to the party on Sunday.' So my dad ended up finding out.

けっきょく分かった. In the end he found out that he was going to have a

birthday party, a surprise birthday party.

okay so let's compare some here so very similar:

These are very similar, and in the end they have the same meaning. But if I say I figured out how

to change my ringtone, it means that I was playing with my phone, and I tried

this, and I tried that, and I tried this and I tried this menu, and I went here,

and then I figured it out. If I go and ask somebody, or I just Google how to

change ringtone on my phone: ah I found out. I found out. So, let me ask my friend,

my friend told me, 'hey I found out how to change my ringtone.' I figured out how to

change my ringtone. They end up meaning the same thing but it's just a little

bit different way of getting there. okay let me give you one more example of that:

So if I'm doing my homework

This is my Chinese homework and I said okay what is the

answer to number one? I found it.

Right? So I found the answer. If I say, what is the answer to number one? Hold on,

wait, I asked the teacher and I come back, I say, 'I found out the answer to number

one.' I didn't find it. I didn't figure it out. I found it out. okay so

they're similar and if you're not perfectly understanding the first time,

that's okay ,you will hear them every single day, and you'll start to

understand what they mean. okay so to find out. The next one:

So my friend is visiting they're going to arrive tomorrow at the

airport, and I will drive to the airport, pick them up, and come back home. okay so I

Come pick me up please.

So, 'pick up.' Very very common daily life word, and the other side of pick up is: 'to

drop off.'

So I take my friend to work, because he doesn't have a car, I leave

him there, I come home. I dropped my friend off at work. okay so for example:

Just drop off at the bus station. You can use

it for people, you can use it for things.

So, pick up and drop off, very very common daily life words. Okay so let me show you an

example something that I would say naturally using all five of these

together. And this is not a crazy sentence, this is something that I would

say in daily life:

Okay so those are some

some phrasal verbs I have many many phrasal verbs that I'm going to go

through, but I don't want to make a 20-hour video, so I'm going to try to do

these in short bursts here. If this is useful for you please subscribe, please

like, share with your friends who are studying

English and I will keep making more videos. Okay so thank you very much,

and I'll see you next video!

For more infomation >> Lesson 8: (Missing Vocabulary): Phrasal Verbs Part 1 - Duration: 13:24.


Sadis ML di mobil - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Sadis ML di mobil - Duration: 3:44.


ЖЕЛЕЙНЫЙ МЕДВЕДЬ ждет Щенячий патруль делает ТОРТ КИНЕТИЧЕСКИЙ ПЕСОК Развивающие мультики для детей - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> ЖЕЛЕЙНЫЙ МЕДВЕДЬ ждет Щенячий патруль делает ТОРТ КИНЕТИЧЕСКИЙ ПЕСОК Развивающие мультики для детей - Duration: 4:21.


ПЛАВНОЕ видео | ПЛАВНАЯ съемка | СОВЕТ за МИНУТУ от Натальи Краевой - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> ПЛАВНОЕ видео | ПЛАВНАЯ съемка | СОВЕТ за МИНУТУ от Натальи Краевой - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> APÉRO ET CALORIES 10 CONSEILS POUR NE PAS GROSSIR - Duration: 6:52.


Summer Ride - Day 3 - Alur - Hassan - Hampi | Fiddling with Rifle! - Duration: 15:06.

Nandan : Amma, We are leaving.


I can go from here. No need to come

I got confused with the similar home on the other lane

Uncle : You get confused if you are new to this place

Aunt : Don't record that vessel its not good one.

Its okay

Now record all you want

Why are you recording coconut psycho?

Aunt :She looks like a mad girl

Aunt :you are recording all I do

Aunt : What and all aunt is doing

You are doing it good. Smells so good

Shama : *lying in the backdrop* I also do the same

This is Bevu - Bella ?

Shama : Its video not a photo

He is just giving pose!

Uncle : You know how it works?


There is paper in the barrel!

Best wishes of Ugadi festival

Tell bye to that kid

Ashita : He wants to take a photo with the bike.

You come here and we will take a pic with you alongside

Uncle : Come you are looking good!

Come we will take a picture together.

Look our body builder!

Come this side, I will take a photo

You can sit on top of it

Sit on it , its fine


This wire and charger seperate?

With charging is it?


You can buy it online

I have been searching here to fit into my bike, but couldn't find anywhere

For more infomation >> Summer Ride - Day 3 - Alur - Hassan - Hampi | Fiddling with Rifle! - Duration: 15:06.


an update on weight loss...Goals...Injury and Snowdon Challenge - Duration: 3:37.

welcomed fat over 40 my name is miles and in this episode I'm going to review my

injury my goals my current weight an update on my latest challenge now if

you're new to the channel please subscribe

there's a new film every single Friday and if you like what you hear and please

give it a thumbs up but more importantly why don't you comment down below let me

know what you think now I'm going to try and give you this summary in the same

time that it took me to do one of the rounds of my workout today which lasted

for two minutes I did 10 rounds in total but we're going to play one round behind

me I'm gonna see if I can do the update within that time so here we go injury

update so you can see a little clip behind me that my shoulder injury is

still playing up it definitely got better and I've got an issue with a

small muscle underneath my lap which normally pulls your shoulder blade down

and as you can see from what I'm doing here in the pressor position it's not

activating so I've got lots of rehab work to do to try and get my last afire

and hopefully I will hit recovery very very quickly but it's a little bit

annoying at the moment in terms of my goals but because of my injury I've had

to put a few of my levels on hold my deadlift goals and it 200-kilo the

deadlift I put that on hold for now I'm still progressing my back squats and my

double unders my skipping I've managed is in three in a row boo boo boo

still not getting there though that we're a minute in now my weight how's my

weight going have I lost weight since my last wing job I don't know because I

haven't weighed myself I think I've lost more weight I mean I think I look

thinner look you know when I look in the mirror I think of a fear but I haven't

weighed myself in since last March and I'm not going to weigh myself until the

end of June so in this month we'll find out whether I've lost weight and inches

that we do in all my measurements at the same time so that's exciting to see

order and the last thing challenge update so I

figured out exactly which route I'm going to take out Snowden on the 16th of

September this year you're all welcome to join me and your approach from the

West summary we're going to go out this Snowden Ranger part I've got a student

pair of boots also got the likes to Viet armies are set put the thirty kilos that

I'm going to carry its known the same amount of weight that I've actually got

we're going to stay a little bit is called reduce so if you haven't a really

check out that Just Giving page and get involved got there we go I think I was

like for a second over so that's a very quick update on all of those subjects

next week we'll be going back to the future that we going back to see and

have a check of my my whole self to give myself some tips and advice about the

future that's all part of the biggest get healthy collaboration on YouTube so

tune in next week to see what that's all about

now if you haven't seen my polls video click here and if you haven't seen the

Snowden challenge video then click here donuts and if you haven't subscribed

already what do you do click the subscribe button and watch the bowel now

if you make one change this week review goals so you don't dive back

For more infomation >> an update on weight loss...Goals...Injury and Snowdon Challenge - Duration: 3:37.


SHOCK: Bottom Feeder Gloria Allred Just Got Career Ending Bad News – She's DONE - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> SHOCK: Bottom Feeder Gloria Allred Just Got Career Ending Bad News – She's DONE - Duration: 3:29.



For more infomation >> ОБЪЕМНЫЙ СПИННЕР ИЗ КРЫШЕК БЕЗ ПОДШИПНИКОВ ЗА 5 МИНУТ(1.0) - Duration: 3:49.


CrowbarHacks 12 - Garden - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> CrowbarHacks 12 - Garden - Duration: 2:26.


Airsoft Tech #5 | King Arms M4 (MOE) Disassembly + v2 GB break down by airsoft Reviews HD - Duration: 28:03.

Welcome to another AIRSOFT REVIEWS HD episode

i had many demands from you for this episode so this is the day!

after the AK and v3 gearbox disassembly many of you asked me if i can make a video for the v2 gb too

so in the previous Airsoft Tech video we disassembly an CYMA AK and the v3 gearbox

in this video we will do the same procedure with an M4 rifle with a v2 gearbox

i will use my KING ARMS M4 MOE

and i will disassembly this airsoft gun as well as the gearbox shell

also i will show you all the internal upgrades of my M4 rifle

this is a licenced MAGPUL MOE rifle

in my opinion it is one of the best airsoft M4 rifles

and i will probably never sell this airsoft gun because i love it

before starting let me tell you that in my opinion this M4's are much easier to break down than the AK's

and much more easier to upgrade

also the are tons of upgrade parts in the market

in my experience you can disassembly much faster an M4 than an AK and a v2 gearbox than a v3

so enough with the talk lets get started

i had many M4's before but this is one of the best M4's

the build up quality is very decent

the body is made of tough metal, it has engraved markings

but for more details check the review in the link below

and in the same video you will see the G&P M4 Magpul moe

externally i have installed a T-1 micro dot with raiser and an OD magpul stock (non-licenced)

i pair this OD stock with an OD magpul moe grip

also i have installed a G36 buttom rail on the handguard so i can install grips

because the stock handguard does not have any rail expept from these small mini rails

which the have only one centered screw and they are terribly woobly

so i used a small metal G36c 20mm rail with two screws to create a solid base when i can place my grips

the only drawback of this airsoft gun is the loose front MAGPUL handguard

sometimes and when i have my grip on the gun it moves very badly

you can replace this handguard with any type of metal handguard

but in my opinion this original MAGPUL MOE handguard must stay on this airsoft gun

i have upgraded this gun

with upgraded gears, motor, piston, cylinder head and nozzle

also i have replaced the barrel and the hop up bucking

so lets disassembly the body firstly and then the gearbox shell

all the M4/M16's have two pins that hold the upper with the low receiver

one to the front and one to the rear

we have to remove this two pins to split the body

you can use a small screwdriver or a pin remover

its better to use a pin remover

there are pins that can removed easily and other that can resist pretty much

for this airsoft gun the front pin can be removed very easily but the rear pin can not get out without force

for tough pins you can use a screwdriver or a pin remover and a small hummer to apply some force

always be carefull and do not apply to much force

also in most of the M4's in the market the pins can be removed totally

but in this King Arms the pins do not come out

they stop at the edge of the body and stay locked on the body

so lets remove the pins

so i placed the airsoft gun on a flat surface where i can work properly

and i will start stipping down the body

first of all i will remove this two pins

so the upper receiver can be released

press them down with a screw driver or a pin remover and get them out

now the pins are out of the body

and as you can see in this airsoft rifle they can not be removed

its a cool feature that protects you from losing these parts

now i wil remove the handguard

press the delta ring down and remove each part of the handguard

inside you can see the wiring

this airsoft gun is front wired

as you can see there is no plug because i usually remove it to place it on my other AEGs

so i can use my lipo batteries which are all with deans

now the handguard is off and the pins removed

in the next step i will remove the stock and the buffer tube

the buffer tube bolt goes inside the gearbox and the spring guide

if you don't remove the buffer tube screw the gearbox want come out

in few M4's the buffer tube screw does not go in the spring guide

in those airsoft guns, the spring guide has an independent screw

use a flat-head phillips screwdriver to push down the lock pin in this point

and simply pull out the stock

now lets remove the buffer tube

inside this tube there is a metal plate and a big screw

this is a cross Phillips head screw or an allen screw

for the KING ARMS i will use my cross head Phillips screw driver

so i will find the screw in the center of the tube and i will loose it

we must remove totally this bolt

so now i have removed the buffer tube

also now i can remove the rear sling mount ring

do not forget to put it again back on the rifle before re-assembling it

if you forget it you have to remove again the buffer tube

For more infomation >> Airsoft Tech #5 | King Arms M4 (MOE) Disassembly + v2 GB break down by airsoft Reviews HD - Duration: 28:03.


Sacred Heart Day Fair 2017 - Duration: 3:17.

Behind the line.

Good throw.

Good Throw!

Good throw!


Fellas, you having fun?

How many Krispy Kreme's are left? Open the box, let's have a look.

You ate all of them?

And I gave some to my friends.

Good, that's how it's done.

Hey champ. Talk to the camera, what are you eating?

A pizza.

Where'd you get it?

At the truck over there.

How was it? Are you enjoying the day?

Yeah. What else did you have?

I think I had a spider just like you sir,


and I brought some spicy fillet burgers from the canteen, but that was at recess.

Beautiful, well done. Enjoy.

Smile to the camera.


Are you enjoying your day?

Loving it, it's the best day of the year.

Good stuff.

Why are you on the ground? What's happened here?

Oh no, he's passed out!!



Hey Lachlan, hey Lachlan, Lachlan, do you want prac or theory next lesson?

Theory for life.

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