Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Hi guys Patrick from Santa Barbara English. today's video is teaching five

useful phrasal verbs. okay so these are five daily life phrasal verbs that we

use every day. so we have: figure out, end up, find out, pick up, and drop off. so if

you know those five and you use those five everyday then you can skip this

video. if not, I have the slides for these below in the description, you can

download the PDF, and you don't have to write everything out. but here we go so

the first one is to figure out. okay to figure out. the definition is to

understand or solve something. okay to understand solve discover determine. this

is similar to 'know.' like I know but it's a little bit deeper than to know because

it means that you know, it but you know it because you solved it. you were

thinking, you were trying, you've figured it out. okay if you know something maybe

somebody told you, or maybe you saw the answer, but if you figured out then you

know but it's because you went through and you solved the problem. okay let me

give you some examples:

okay so I was looking at them at the the

timetable for the buses and I just couldn't figure it out, this one is the

...i don't know. so I asked the bus driver. okay I couldn't figure it out

okay so if I was watching a detective show in Japanese and suddenly I realized

who the bad guy was I would say, 'ah! 分かった。ぜたいあの人。'

I would say 'I figured it out.' okay I figured it out, like I solved this, now I know.

so if I say this it means that I went outside to my motorcycle this morning

and it wouldn't start and I tried to solve the problem. I was checking the

battery, I checked the gas, I was trying to fix it but I couldn't figure it out.

if I said this:

okay maybe I tried to figure it out or maybe I just don't know anything about

motorcycles. maybe I said it won't start. I don't know. What's wrong with your

motorcycle? I don't know. I don't know anything about motorcycles. What's wrong

with your motorcycle? I don't know I couldn't figure it out. I couldn't solve

the problem.

Do you want me to show you? No, I can figure it out. Like I

can.. I don't know but when I get there I will look at it and check the table and

I will figure it out. たぶん大丈夫。 I'll be okay, I'll figure it out.

okay so the next one is to end up. to end up means to eventually do something and

So to end up as a phrasal verb so it's 'I ended up doing'

subject-verb-object. And 'in the end' is a phrase. So, in the end I did this. Or, I

did this in the end. Or, I ended up doing this.

So the verb is to end up.

It wasn't my original plan but that's what I ended up doing. I ended up staying home. So it's to

end up ____ing. okay.

So for example, at class on Friday I was asking my friends 'what are you going to do this weekend?'

and my friend said 'I don't have a plan, I might go for a hike, I might see a movie,

I haven't decided.'

okay so Monday I say what did you end up

doing? What did you end up doing? Very common question when you see

your friends on Monday or if your friend says 'I'm going to see a movie tonight' 'oh

yeah? What are you going to see?' 'Um we haven't decided yet I'm going to let my

girlfriend decide.' okay tomorrow I will say 'Hey what did you end up seeing?'

What did you end up seeing?

So this is 'figure out' and 'end up.' So we do use these together so I couldn't figure out the Sunday bus

schedule, I was looking at the bus map and the times, but Monday to Friday is

very different than Sunday schedule, I just couldn't figure it out so I ended

up calling for a taxi. I ended up taking an uber. okay

A lot of Japanese think the word 'finally' is

used for used in this way, but we use 'finally' in a different way. we use

'finally' when you're waiting for a long time for something and you're like もうー

Finally! For example:

Game of Thrones is a really really popular TV show and they are several seasons long

and after one season ends everybody's waiting and waiting and

waiting and waiting and then finally the next season comes out. okay so if I'm

waiting in traffic and the traffic's not moving and it's not moving it's not

moving and then 'ah finally..' okay that's what 'finally' means. It's it's like 'もう' kind

of kind of a feeling. It's not the same as end up. I don't use end up that way. I

would never say 'the traffic ended up moving' like no. finally is finally and

'What did you end up doing?' is like けっきょく. okay so just be careful with

finally. One more example:

So I was waiting for two days and I couldn't wait I was waiting for her response

and finally she texted me back.

So I went shopping for a red shirt but they didn't

have a red shirt so I ended up buying this one.

okay so let me give you two examples that are similar here:

So, remember subject-verb-object so: In the end,

(SVO) I failed it. Or: I failed it in the end. You can move the phrase before after.

It's more common to say 'I ended up failing.' I use the phrasal verb 'to end up'

more than I say 'in the end.' In the end is useful also but it's just easier for me

to say 'I ended up staying home.' 'I ended up not going.' I ended up

not going. Okay so to end up. Next:

I found my pen. I found my phone.

okay so if I said あの人何歳?


見つかった。You wouldn't

say '見つかった' you would say '分かった.' In English is like 'to find out.' So, how old is she?

Right? Because you can't say 'I found how old she is.' For

information it's 'I found out.'

So we were going to have a surprise birthday for my dad, and it was

a secret, but my cousin called the house and left a message on the machine that

said 'Sorry I can't go to the party on Sunday.' So my dad ended up finding out.

けっきょく分かった. In the end he found out that he was going to have a

birthday party, a surprise birthday party.

okay so let's compare some here so very similar:

These are very similar, and in the end they have the same meaning. But if I say I figured out how

to change my ringtone, it means that I was playing with my phone, and I tried

this, and I tried that, and I tried this and I tried this menu, and I went here,

and then I figured it out. If I go and ask somebody, or I just Google how to

change ringtone on my phone: ah I found out. I found out. So, let me ask my friend,

my friend told me, 'hey I found out how to change my ringtone.' I figured out how to

change my ringtone. They end up meaning the same thing but it's just a little

bit different way of getting there. okay let me give you one more example of that:

So if I'm doing my homework

This is my Chinese homework and I said okay what is the

answer to number one? I found it.

Right? So I found the answer. If I say, what is the answer to number one? Hold on,

wait, I asked the teacher and I come back, I say, 'I found out the answer to number

one.' I didn't find it. I didn't figure it out. I found it out. okay so

they're similar and if you're not perfectly understanding the first time,

that's okay ,you will hear them every single day, and you'll start to

understand what they mean. okay so to find out. The next one:

So my friend is visiting they're going to arrive tomorrow at the

airport, and I will drive to the airport, pick them up, and come back home. okay so I

Come pick me up please.

So, 'pick up.' Very very common daily life word, and the other side of pick up is: 'to

drop off.'

So I take my friend to work, because he doesn't have a car, I leave

him there, I come home. I dropped my friend off at work. okay so for example:

Just drop off at the bus station. You can use

it for people, you can use it for things.

So, pick up and drop off, very very common daily life words. Okay so let me show you an

example something that I would say naturally using all five of these

together. And this is not a crazy sentence, this is something that I would

say in daily life:

Okay so those are some

some phrasal verbs I have many many phrasal verbs that I'm going to go

through, but I don't want to make a 20-hour video, so I'm going to try to do

these in short bursts here. If this is useful for you please subscribe, please

like, share with your friends who are studying

English and I will keep making more videos. Okay so thank you very much,

and I'll see you next video!

For more infomation >> Lesson 8: (Missing Vocabulary): Phrasal Verbs Part 1 - Duration: 13:24.


Harvesting Yellow Watermelon /Watermelon Start Fruiting Again -9th June 2017/Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 4:55.

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Then subscribe to the channel by pressing the red button

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Hello Friends, i am Vijay saini & welcome to Mammal Bonsai .

We planted the melon of the watermelon. Its time is over now

But here some flowering start

Here was a watermelon left. We will take it today

old leaves of vine dried

But the new growth has started in vine. Watermelon has started growing in it

mean its start to fruiting again

I think it will start bearing fruits with millet

I was about to remove this vine but when I saw flowers and fruits on it today

So I'm thinking that it lets stay here for a while

Maybe it starts giving fruit again

Because watermelon is also grown with millet crop

Because it is indigenous vine

its called Matira

People also grow it with millet cultivation

See, the small watermelon has grown in many places on this

old leaves burned and these are new leaves

you can see here new leaves on this vine

I show you the difference between new and old leaves

See this leaves you may be looking new

and this is old leaves

mean vine has started to grow again and it is ready to give the fruits again

flowering also well

see this old leaves its color also different

and this is new leaves

watermelon start again

So why don't we give it a few more days, to get grow

Which is a watermelon left. We take it


This watermelon is thick

I think it's ripe

Has become very heavy

Let me help to take it

By taking home we cut it down

Even the watermelon season ended but the melon that I had shown to you

A family of melon

its season has started

He is very engaged

see this is melon that i told you

its season started

It is in season of millet

As you see, its vines are broken

What is in Actually, the dogs that come in and sit on the vine and spoil the vine

even broke a raw melon

Let's go and see how melon is

So now we cut it off

As I told you that one of our watermelons turned yellow

This is exactly the same

some orange and same part yellow

but its not raw its ripe

Looking here, you will know that watermelon is ripe

only color is yellow and orange

Like a watermelon we had cut before, it was yellow

i think These vine have come, which has different color

and its ripe

Let's tasted

Before that I had tasted. that taste was different

see its fully ripe

friends its so sweet

First I had brought that red and yellow melon. It is sweeter than them

its fully ripe

so sweeter

There were so many watermelons brought. This is sweet to them all

It's delicious and color is too new

Its pulp is grainy

Look at this, you may be looking lightly.

Here, it shows that watermelon is ripe

That's why so sweet.

The red watermelons that brought were not so sweet as sweet as it is

A yellow watermelon I brought before, whose photo you had seen in a video

One I have brought this, it's both yellow

And those who came before them were yellow.

ok friends see you in the next video

till then goodbye

For more infomation >> Harvesting Yellow Watermelon /Watermelon Start Fruiting Again -9th June 2017/Mammal Bonsai - Duration: 4:55.


Silvercat Ring - Duration: 0:30.

Wait, wait, no no no no,

now we're gonna, we're gonna try something.

So I have...

...the Silver-FUCKING-Cat FUCKING Ring

and it's written that it prevents,


completely prevents, which means that it pretty much annihilates, damage from falling.

So I have the little cat thingy, look!

Prevent the fall damage, ring!

Prevent the damage!

For more infomation >> Silvercat Ring - Duration: 0:30.


Minecraft Hardcore - A Story: Chapter 4 (Conflict) - Duration: 19:28.

As they got closer, Jack slowly realized that the shocked look on Michael's face had abruptly

turned into one of disgust. Michael? Jack thought. 

        "Who's this?" Michael jabbed a stub towards Charlotte. 

        "She's-" Jack started.

        "Charlotte," she interrupted, speaking rather politely. Jack shrugged. "Uh,


        "...Will she be staying with us?" Michael sneered as he gave her a once over. 

        "Not for long if ya talk to me like that. Only the night, I'd say," she

said stiffly, narrowing her eyes. Jack stepped back a bit, his brain reminding him of how

much worse this situation could get.

        "Only the night. We have enough people as it is," he shot a glare at Jack.

"Hope you made the right choice." Then he disappeared into the door, slamming it as

he went. Charlotte exhaled, glancing between Jack and Ami respectively, and silently went


        "What's up with Michael?" Ami blinked.

        "No idea. I - I didn't think he'd take it like this. I didn't think he


        "Don't blame yourself too much," Ami patted him on the back. "Maybe it's just

a rocky start. I'm sure they'll work things out."

        Jack was beginning to wonder if Ami was inherently wrong about most of her

predictions. Throughout the day, Michael and Charlotte avoided each other to the point

of absurdity, only ever glaring when they were in the same room. Jack recalled seeing

Ami try and diffuse Michael's hotheadedness, but her efforts lead to nothing. He either

retorted something rude at her or shoved her away. Jack had to step in a number of times

to make sure things didn't get any worse. Michael would still brush him off, spending

the remainder of the night alone in his bed. He seemed uncomfortable sleeping in the same

room as them all. Jack was fairly certain that he wasn't the only one who lied awake.

        The next morning, all of the hot water poured out of the teapot. That is, Charlotte

followed through on her plans to leave, but not without causing some tremors.

        "Don't get your knickers in a twist, honey, I'm leavin'!" She stomped around

the house, filtering through chests, Michael hot at her heels. She tucked away a sword

and various food supplies under her belt.

        "That doesn't mean you can just raid my supplies!" he thundered, nearly purple

as a plum.

        "You think I have anything waiting for me out there?! I ain't got nothin' in

those plains! It's only fair if I get a bit to start me off! You want me to die?" Michael

hesitated before retorting back.

        "That's no reason to just take all this without asking!" His stubs shook,

he gritted his teeth. Jack had never seen him like this before. Ami inched closer to

him, the same concerned look in her eye. He rested a stub on her shoulder, giving her

a nod. Rufus huddled beside them, whimpering. Another bellow from Charlotte interrupted


        "Oh, I'm sorry. Can I have this? Thanks! Now goodbye, Michael. You're such

a gentleman." Charlotte faked a bow and erupted out of the door. Ami quickly left Jack's

side, and Jack caught the faintest "I got this," before she jogged after her. He was

left alone with Michael and Rufus. Michael fired up instantly.

        "Ugh! Can you believe her? People like her are just so rude, invasive - I can't

stand it!" Michael paced around the room. 

        "You haven't even given her a chance." Jack clenched his fists, remembering

Charlotte's hearty laugh, her big smile.

        "Why bother? She'd never learn -"

        "Learn what?" Jack snapped.

        "Oh, you wouldn't understand, Jack." Michael waved him away. 

        "Why?" Jack slammed his fist against the wall, causing Michael to jump. "This is

no different than when Ami and I came here!" 

        "No different? You were unconscious, Ami was panicking, what would you have done? But

she just struts here like she owns the place and takes it all for granted, takes this place

- what they made - for granted! So, she lived in the caves for a while. She can stay there.

Besides, if it weren't for me, you would all be dead." Michael fumed. Jack closed his mouth,

instead advancing on Michael, coming nose-to-nose. "I'm going to go find Ami and Charlotte. I'd

prefer to spend my time with someone civil. Once you're done being so spiteful you can

join us." Jack turned on his heel, attached his sword to his belt and shut the door behind

him, leaving Michael to his buzzing thoughts.

        It didn't prove to be overly difficult to find the two girls. Charlotte's voice was

quite loud and Jack could recognize Ami's shrill giggles from miles away. As he walked,

his mind slowly started to cool down. He didn't regret what he said - Michael needed to hear

it. Jack could only hope that he took his words to heart. Jack climbed over a small

hill and immediately froze like concrete. Ami cut herself off mid-sentence and looked

at him with a smile. Charlotte was sitting on a large rock beside her, swarmed with rabbits,

a wolf and tabby-like ocelot that nipped her feet playfully, and a few chickens that

seemed to wander around aimlessly, their large eyes looking in opposite directions.

        "Whoa," Jack breathed.

        "Whoa what? This is nothing; animals always seem to like me." Charlotte

buried her face into the fur of the rabbit that sat on her lap. The rabbit instantly

squirmed under her jaw in an act of desperation and hopped away to its siblings. Charlotte

rested her head on her stub with a faint smile.

        "I came to find you two again. I...I really think we should go back. If Michael's

still, well, Michael, then I think we should start off on our own." Jack rubbed the back

of his neck. "I'd like for you to stay with us."

Charlotte frowned. "I'm flattered, really. But going back to him after the way he treated

me? He doesn't even know who I am and already turned me away." Jack stared at the ground.

"I know," he said bitterly. "and it wasn't right. But...maybe sorting something out before

we leave would be smart, or something."

        "Are you making this up?" Charlotte smirked.

        "Mostly. But you have to admit it sounded good, even if it was nonsense."

Charlotte laughed at his words. She sighed, turning solemn. "Five more minutes. My animal

therapy is almost over." She squished herself in between two wolves who looked rather mellow.

Ami ushered Jack away, poking him in the stomach and shooting him a grin.

        "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?" Jack nodded and stumbled over some

tree roots, shaking his head in wonderment. 

As the sun glared over the horizon, the trio found solace at the sight of the wooden house

nestled in the valley. Charlotte was taking deep breaths, lagging behind the group.

        "I don't think I can do this," she paled. Ami backpedaled beside her. Charlotte

looked at her, scratching her head. "What if he's worse?"

        "And what if he's better?" Ami smiled reassuringly. Charlotte stared at the

ground, brow furrowed, and sighed.

        "You're real hard to argue with, you know," she grinned. They stood before

the entrance, double wooden doors greeting them with rigid friendliness. Jack glanced

back at the girls and gently opened the door. Michael was sitting on the floor by the table

with Rufus, who was lying down with him. He seemed to have been there for a while.

        "Hey," he said, patting Rufus and rising.

        "Hey yourself," Charlotte breathed.  The air between them seemed to have relaxed

slightly as the two struggled for words. Michael pushed up his glasses and took a step closer.

        "I'm...sorry," he managed after what felt like an hour of silence.

        "So am I," she conceded. Michael's brain seemed to stop working.

        "What?" he stated blankly.

        "I'm sorry, too," Charlotte repeated. "I shouldn't have yelled. Sometimes I can't

help it, I guess." She chuckled scornfully.

        "What? No, no, no," Michael shook his head. "This was all on me. I was the one

who just judged you and...hell, I was just an ass."

        "You were," Charlotte failed to conceal a smile. Michael laughed and extended

a stub. "Truce?" he offered. Charlotte smirked. "Truce - but no promises."

Ami tugged on Jack's sleeve. He looked at her and was at a loss for words; there were

a great amount of tears in her eyes. He did what he could and gave her a reassuring pat

on her quivering shoulders.

        Later, Jack, Ami, and Michael stood with mouths gaping and brains still

trying to process what they were witnessing. Charlotte had a sturdy backpack on that was

well-packed with various foods, a sword was strapped to her belt, and she faced the door

with a steady stance.

        "You sure you want to go already?" Ami pouted.

        "I seem to do better on my own," Charlotte shrugged. "I'm sure I'll find you

lot sooner rather than later anyway. Y'all seem to have a loud presence about yourselves."

She glanced out the window and exhaled. "I should be off. Better make the most of daylight

right?" She turned her toe towards the door.

        "Wait," Michael stopped her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dusty

book that had seen its fair share of use. "Take it. It, er, might come in handy sometime,

you know?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

        "Read it sometime," Michael continued. "I think you'll like it. That being said, I want

to know what you think of it, so...don't get yourself killed."

Charlotte chortled. "I'll try my best. But, paper cuts can be tearable to deal with.

No promises." She shut the door behind her, a last ringing chorus of "Goodbyes," following


        "I can't believe she just left like that." Jack scratched his head,

sitting on top of a chest. Ami and him were in a room full of chests, grabbing various

supplies. Ami popped out of a chest and handed him a wooden pickax with a small smile. "What's

this for?" Jack gave her a confused expression. 

        "Well, it's the one you wood pick," she snickered. Jack rolled his eyes

as Ami continued. "Charlotte's pretty tough; she can handle herself. I can't see her settling

down anytime soon."

        "For once, I think you're right," Jack sighed. Michael entered the room, several

pickaxes strapped to his back with a sword and shield to boot. He rubbed his hair and

gave a brief smile before clearing his throat.

        "Alright. We should be nearly ready to go, then. Everyone got your - " he

halted mid-sentence and looked at the pickax in Jack's hand, blinked in modest disbelief,

shook his head and swiftly swapped it with an iron pickax. "As I was saying, everyone

should be geared up by now, right?" He nodded in their directions respectively. "Good. With

that said, our goal for today is to just collect some material, right? Right. Anything will

be accepted. Coal, Iron, even Cobblestone. Just don't overdo it, I don't think the chests

can fit much more Cobblestone..." 

        "Don't you have other chests you could put Cobblestone in?" Ami asked. 

        "It's not the same," Michael objected. "All of the Cobblestone is in that specific

chest- if I mix Cobblestone and food that'll just be a bad time, right?" He pushed his

glasses onto his face, as he had knocked them askew with his thrashing. "That still doesn't

make any sense." Ami whispered loud enough for both Michael and Jack to hear. Michael

shot her a thorny look at her and raised a cautious eyebrow.

        "I'll meet you downstairs," he growled with narrowed eyes before disappearing

through the archway. Ami snickered and glanced at Jack. "What?" she giggled. He rolled his

eyes and stood.

        "See you downstairs," he smirked.

        "Michael," Ami complained. "Are we there yet?" Jack heard Michael sigh for

the upteenth time that hour. He threw a glance across his shoulder and said, "We get there

when we get there, I told you already." Ami rolled her neck in desperation.

        "We've been walking for hours,"

        "Twenty minutes."

        "Feels like hours." Ami shrugged, cracking her back. Michael turned around and

backpedaled. "Twenty minutes, at most." Ami speed-walked so that she was a foot away from

him. "Hours," she argued. Jack sighed and gazed up to the sky, shielding the sun out

of his eyes. 

        The banter went on for what could have been days until the trio came to an easily

missable hole in the ground. Michael nearly fell into said hole, which constituted a snort

from Ami's general direction. He adjusted his frame so he stood tall as he gestured

to the itty bitty hole. "We've arrived," he stated with an air of simplicity. He grinned

at the disbelieving faces of the two and looked down the hole. "Watch," he said before jumping

into the hole without hesitation. A moment passed and Ami locked eyes with Jack.

        "D'ya think he's dead?" Jack gave her a look before strutting up to the hole

himself. He glanced down to see Michael smirking. He glanced over his shoulder to Ami and shrugged

before jumping into the hole himself. Ami made a noise of protest followed by a heavy

sigh and soon came tumbling down the hole as well. She landed on her butt with a mighty

"Oof!" and glared at Michael. He smiled and offered a hand, which Ami took.

        "You know," he started with a grin as he helped her to her feet. "There was a

ladder. I just like taking the leap every now and again." Ami's expression turned sour

as she groaned. "This way," Michael motioned as he lead the two into what was revealed

to be a maze of corridors.

        The two hardly kept up, glancing down every little cramped hallway; each of

them went farther than they could ever possibly hope to see. There were tens, even hundreds

of them as they went along.

        "I've already mined all through here," Michael explained. "So we'll be going

a little further in to see what we can find."

        "Michael," Ami looked pale. "How long have you been here?" He stiffened. "Why

do you ask?" Ami hesitated before responding. "There's a lot of pathways here. How long

did it take to mine them out all by yourself?"

        "...I wasn't always alone before you two came along. There was a lot of us,

er, seven in total, if I remember correctly. The extra bodies helped get all this done

miles before we would all wrinkle up." He smiled, but it didn't look like his normal

one. Jack furrowed his brow.

        "Where did the others go?" He asked. Michael's pace slowed. He took a deep

breath. "We ended up splitting ways - thought it would be best since arguments were happening

more often than not. That was, oh, maybe a month before you kangaroos hopped into my

lap. Hey, chins up! We still see each other once in a while, it's not so bad. Anyway,

we should focus on mining. Now, I doubt either of you have ever done this before, so I'll

start with the basics..." His words faded out in Jack's mind. Michael was sweating a

lot as he fiddled with a bit of string in his hand. Jack made a mental note to ask a

bit more about the matter when they were alone together.

        "So, I think you'll figure out mining easily enough." Michael continued,

"Hit the stone with your pickax. Simple. If you see anything that isn't coal, stone, or

iron make sure to use the Iron Pickax that you have, otherwise you won't get it. The

material will break and be useless. Got it?" he scanned the two novices. "Ami, you have

that section over there, Jack you're right beside her, and I'll be in the mine next to

Jack's. Don't dig down if you can help it. We don't want any accidents. Just try and

stick to straight ahead, alright? Okay, okay... Let's go." Michael nodded confidently, reassuring

himself. Ami and Jack exchanged nervous expressions.

        "I'll be right beside you. Anything happens, just yell or break the wall. I'll

be there." Jack smiled at her. He saw her shoulders relax as she nodded. "Okay," she


        Jack wandered through his section of the mine. It was a little cramped, but

he could deal with it. He twirled the pickax in his hands momentarily, then lifted it and

swung down on the stone in front of him. The block instantly broke into pieces, and Cobblestone

was instantly sent to his inventory. He glanced behind him to see a long corridor stretching

away from him. Had he really been in here for that long? His breathing heavy, Jack wiped

his glistening forehead and prepared to swing again. 

        The minutes passed into hours, the amount of stone that had been destroyed

had been determined as countless. Jack was now sweaty, tired, and eating a baked potato.

He didn't know how long it had been since they had all started this, but to Jack it

felt like an eternity. He could only imagine how Ami was fairing. He had already had a

couple visits from her, where she was almost in tears, stuttering and shaken. He never

took her to be so claustrophobic.

        Stone after stone had passed by him, and the only thing he had found that

would be slightly useful was a small amount of coal. He felt defeated by the mine, but

swore to himself he wouldn't stop until he found at least a speck of iron. It wouldn't

seem right to come all this way and leave with lint in his pockets. Shoving the final

remains of his potato in his mouth, Jack used his pickax to push himself to his feet, and

stared cold-heartedly at the looming pile of stone in front of him. Would it ever end?

He brought his pickax down hard once again, and a pit of darkness emerged below him. Jack

gasped, pulling out a torch as quickly as he could. Was it just a stone out of place?

He lowered the torch slowly, wobbling on his ankles. Jack clicked his tongue. It had to

be deeper. He sighed deeply and decided to take a chance. He aimed steadily and with

a grunt and threw the torch down into the depths of the abyss. It didn't land too  far

- far enough that Jack could jump down without hurting himself. What was perplexing to him

was that instead of more hypnotic stone what he found instead was a dusty railroad track

that lead deeper into the unexplored cave. Cobwebs hung over every nook and cranny and

Jack could have sworn he heard hissing noises in the distance. He chuckled to himself, the

raw joy of discovery pumping madly through his veins. This had to be better than crummy

old iron.

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