Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

Do you want to practise your English but you've got no money to pay for a teacher?

Or maybe you need to save money?

Then this video is for you.

We've got twenty six ways for you to learn English for free

Look around your home.

Do you know the English words for everything you can see?

Stick labels on them and leave them there till you can remember the words.

Download an app that delivers an inspiring English quotation every day.

You'll learn new words, get motivation, and become very wise.

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

Read an English book.

Research shows reading really helps.

It's one of the best ways to pick up grammar and vocabulary.

What are you doing?

I'm reading.

No, you're not.


If normal English books are too hard, read a reader.

They're books with simplified English designed for English learners.

Most readers aren't free, but they don't cost a lot and I'll put a link to a free

one below.

Follow the news in English.

You want to stay up to date and this way you can learn new words at the same time.

You can read all the latest stories on the BBC website and they often have videos too.

Listen to English songs!

It's a great way to learn new words.

And why not sing along so you can practise your pronunciation?

The shower's generally a good place.

And if you can't sing, what about rapping?

It's a great way to practice the rhythms of English.

Our friend, Fluency MC, has lots of great raps on his channel that are specially designed

for English learners.

Meet some friends who are also learning English for coffee and English conversation.

I haven't got any friends.

Well, why not put up a card up in your local store or library?



This is a library.

You're going to need to learn vocabulary so get a notebook and write down English words

and phrases you want to remember.

Then check them whenever you have a free moment.

You'll be surprised how much this helps.

You can also store the words you want to learn with a app.

There are some great spaced learning apps where you can put in words and then receive

reminders so you can quiz yourself on them later.

Anki and Memrise and two popular ones.

Change the language of your GPS so it speaks to you in English.

You'll learn how we give directions in English.

Turn left in 200 feet.


Turn left in 100 feet.




Practice your listening with an audio book.

Don't they cost money?

Well, yes, most do but not all of them.

I'll put a link to a list with lots of free ones in the details below.

Speak to Siri, Cortana or Google and see if they can understand your English pronunciation.

OK Google.

What's the weather like today?

It's raining Jay.

Don't forget your umbrella.

Thanks Google!

Type these letters into Google and they'll take you to Oxford University Press' great

online dictionary where you can look up words and phrases.

It's specially designed for English learners.

You can click on words and listen to how we pronounce them.

Pronunciation In British and American English.


American's best.

These letters will take you to a Longman dictionary which is terrific too.

Download Fix it.

It's a checklist I've written to help you fix common mistakes in English and

it's free.

Just go to our website, join our mailing list and it's our gift to you.


There are lots of groups for English learners on Facebook where people share tips and exercises.

Join some today.

And make sure you check out the British Council's Learn English Page.

It's fantastic.

Laugh in English.

Yes, laugh!

You'll learn more when you're relaxed and having fun.

So, go to an English jokes website.

Find a joke you like and then learn to tell it in English.

Why can't we have tea out of doors.

I don't know.

Why can't we have tea out of doors?

Well, we could but most people use cups.

Have a language exchange.

Find an English speaker who wants to speak your language and swap languages.

Have half an hour speaking your language and half an hour speaking English.

There are lots of great apps designed for English learners that you can download to

your phone and some of them have videos.

Be sure to download the English All Stars app.

You'll love it.


Who do you know who's an English speaker?

Is there someone you can have an English conversation with?

Perhaps you have a friend with an English speaking au pair that you can talk to.

Or perhaps you have a friend with an English butler.

Yes, m'lady.

Tea please, James.


Watch an English movie.

Put the subtitles on if it's hard.

Subtitles in your language or in English - they can both help.

Oh I can't watch.

It's too scary.


Download a text to speech app.

They can read text aloud.

They use machine voices, so they're not perfect, but many are free and they can do different


For example, Google's Text-to-Speech app can take your Google Play Books and read them


With Google Translate you can put in text in your own language and hear a spoken translation

in English.


Watch YouTube videos.

There are some great English teachers on YouTube, including us.

We have hundreds of free videos for English learners on our channel, and most have captions

so make sure you subscribe today.

You've got to eat so why not cook in English?

Look for an English recipe, follow it and then eat it!

It's a great way to learn food and cooking vocabulary.

Join an online community of English learners.

English Club is a great one that's full of friendly people who are all practising

their English together, just like you.

This next one might sound crazy, but it works.

Talk to yourself.

Create an imaginary friend and have English conversations with them.

So where did you go to school?


That's funny!

So did I!

Make up conversations and practice them out loud or silently in your head.

Check out this video we've made about how to think in English.

Listen to English podcasts.

They're like internet radio.

Go to Google, type a subject you're interested in and the word 'podcast' and you'll find

lots to choose from.

If they're too fast, try slowing the speed down to say 75%.

There are also some great podcasts for English learners.

Our friend Craig has a great one.

I'll put details below.

OK, last one.

Share your English discoveries.

If you find a good English app or website or video, send it to a friend who's also

learning English.


Well, they'll probably return the favour and send some good links back to you.

In fact why not share this video with someone now.

Go on, go on.

Share it!

For more infomation >> 26 ways to learn English for free - Duration: 12:17.



For more infomation >> ENCUENTRO OVNI CON PILOTOS DE COMBATE - Duration: 14:07.




Pathophysiology of barotraumas always involves obstruction of the ostium

of the air-filled cavity (middle ear-paranasal sinus).

Typically an upper respiratory tract infection or allergy is preceded.

These situations, cause swelling of the mucous membranes which cover the walls

of our cavities and thick sticky mucous secretions.

Other predisposing factors include:

- Chronic vasomotor rhinitis.

- Nasal polyps, cysts, tumors, septal deviation, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates,

concha bullosa and mucosal hyperplasia.

- Smoking and other occupational or habitual exposure.

- Head position, water tonicity & temperature, dehydration, antihistamines.

For more infomation >> PHORCYS UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES - EPISODE#18 - Duration: 9:39.


GG LIVE | STRAFE (PC) #2 - Duration: 2:33:52.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | STRAFE (PC) #2 - Duration: 2:33:52.


What a motorcyclist. - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> What a motorcyclist. - Duration: 2:45.


BAD BABY BLOODY EAR! Doc McStuffins FROZEN ELSA Gross Surgery Needle Checkup FIDGET SPINNER IRL - Duration: 13:10.

For more infomation >> BAD BABY BLOODY EAR! Doc McStuffins FROZEN ELSA Gross Surgery Needle Checkup FIDGET SPINNER IRL - Duration: 13:10.


Oddly Satisfying Video #584 (CERTIFIED SATISFYING) - Duration: 10:01.

Oddly Satisfying Video #584 (CERTIFIED SATISFYING)

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Video #584 (CERTIFIED SATISFYING) - Duration: 10:01.



For more infomation >> MAXI FT TÓXICO - SALE SOLO [INÉDITO] (MUSIC VIDEO) - Duration: 1:51.


Roswell's Legendary Memory Metal - Duration: 6:26.

Roswell�s Legendary �Memory Metal�

When it comes to the Roswell affair of July 1947, there are numerous issues, theories

and ideas for what happened. Or, for what didn�t happen. One of the issues that very

often surfaces � in relation to the nature of the recovered debris � is that which

concerns the so-called �memory metal� reportedly found at the site. Those who are

of the opinion that aliens met their deaths on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico

on that fateful and fatal day suggest that the memory metal can only have been extraterrestrial

in nature. But, is that really the truth? Well, it very much depends on who you ask

and who you believe. Major Jesse Marcel, who everyone � believers

and doubters � acknowledges was at the crash site, said decades later: �I saw a lot of

wreckage but no complete machine. It had disintegrated before it hit the ground. The wreckage was

scattered over an area about three quarters of a mile long and several hundred feet wide.

I was pretty well acquainted with most everything that was in the air at that time, both ours

and foreign. I was also acquainted with virtually every type of weather-balloon or radar-tracking

device being used by either the civilians or the military. What it was we didn�t know.

We just picked up the fragments�it certainly wasn�t anything built by us.� You can

find Marcel�s statement in the Bill Moore-Charles Berlitz book of 1980, The Roswell Incident.

Mack Brazel was the rancher who found the wreckage. Some say he found far more than

that. Maybe a body or two. Possibly several. Brazel�s son, Bill, would later say that

the debris found on the Foster Ranch was ��something on the order of tinfoil except that [it] wouldn�t

tear�You could wrinkle it and lay it back down and it immediately resumed its original

shape. Quite pliable, but you couldn�t crease or bend it like ordinary metal. Almost like

a plastic, but definitely metallic in nature.� It�s a quote that appears in Bill Moore�s

1981 report, The Roswell Investigation: New Evidence, New Conclusions, which was published

in the July-August 1981 edition of Frontiers of Science. For many, it is statements like

those of Major Marcel and Bill Brazel that are among the most important of all � and

particularly so when it comes to the issue of what really came down on the ranch. But,

there are other possibilities. The U.S. Air Force has offered the following

words on the matter of the memory metal: �As early as May 1948, polythene balloons coated

or laminated with aluminum were flown from Holloman AFB and the surrounding area. Beginning

in August 1955, large numbers of these balloons were flown as targets in the development of

radar guided air-to-air missiles. Various accounts of the �Roswell Incident� often

described thin, metal-like materials that when wadded into a ball, returned to their

original shape. These accounts are consistent with the properties of polythene balloons

laminated with aluminum. These balloons were typically launched from points west of the

White Sands Proving Ground, floated over the range as targets, and descended in the areas

northeast of White Sands Proving Ground where the �strange� materials were allegedly


Of course, if there had been secret, pre-1948 flights (maybe one in the summer of 1947,

in New Mexico�) then that might well have led people who were unacquainted with the

new polythene balloons coated or laminated with aluminum to assume they were seeing something

extraordinary. On a similar path, back in 2004, a well-respected Australian researcher,

Keith Basterfield, was given a fascinating account which suggested that what came down

on the Foster Ranch was a device of the military and not the product of aliens. Keith revealed

that, according to his source, ��gigantic balloons were being flown in the stratosphere

to drop craft fitted with retrorockets and a drogue chute.�

Keith added that when just such a craft came down on the ranch, �The authorities were

very concerned that the rancher had hidden souvenirs from the wreckage. The balloons

were of chrome plated cellophane to reflect the heat. The experiments were conducted at

night so balloons would not explode in the daylight.� Not only that, according to Keith�s

informant, the experiment in question had people on-board. Guinea-pigs would be an accurate

term � which echoes the theories presented in my books Body Snatchers in the Desert and

the newly-published The Roswell UFO Conspiracy. Of course, none of this proves that aliens

didn�t crash outside of Roswell in forty-seven. On the other hand, however, the idea that

the memory metal was extraterrestrial needs further evidence before

such a claim can be considered fact.

For more infomation >> Roswell's Legendary Memory Metal - Duration: 6:26.


Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare | Book Discussion - Duration: 17:59.

Hi everyone, it's Sandy and today I will be discussing Lord Of Shadows by Cassandra

Clare. This is the second book in The Dark Artifices trilogy and I'm so

excited to talk about it in today's video. Since this is the second book in

the trilogy, this video will contain spoilers. I am going to start this video

by talking about my thoughts in a spoiler free section so if you haven't read this

book, you can still continue watching it and I will warn you guys before I jump

into the spoilers section. Also if you haven't read Lord of Shadows, beware the

comments because the comments may contain spoilers. So in case you don't

know what the first book Lady Midnight is about, it basically takes place five

years after the ending of The Mortal Instruments series and it follows our

main characters, Emma and Julian, who are parabatais. In the Shadowhunter world, parabatais

are forbidden from falling in love. So five years ago, Emma's parents

have been murdered and Emma is really determined to find out the killer but

also throughout this book, she and her parabatai, Julian, kind of start

developing feelings for one another and things go from there. That's a pretty

vague synopsis of Lady Midnight. I highly recommend that you guys read the other

Shadowhunter books before starting Lady Midnight. I know there are so many

Cassandra Clare books out there but honestly, you would have a much better

reading experience reading Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows if you have read the

previous books in the Shadowhunter Chronicles. So beginning with my spoiler

free thoughts of Lord of Shadows, I loved it. I thought it was an amazing sequel. I

have fallen in love with the Blackthorn family since reading Lady Midnight and

my love for them continues to grow in Lord Of Shadows. I also really love the

different plot lines within this book. In this book, there's this cohort who are

advocating restricting the rights of Downworlders. And in case you don't know

what Downworlders are, they are vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and fairies. And

members of these cohorts are really passionate about restricting the rights

of these Downworlders and the whole political climate in this book is very

reflective of our world today. In this book, we do get more passages told in the

point of views of characters that I wanted to learn more about. For example,

we have a lot of chapters told in Kit's point of view and then we have some

chapters told in Diana's point of view. And I especially really liked learning

about Diana's backstory. Overall, I ended up rating this book a

five out of five stars. I loved this book and I am very sad that

we have to wait two years for the third book in this trilogy because the next

Cassandra Clare book that's coming out around this time would be the first book

in The Last Hours, which is going to be a new Shadowhunter series and I'm so

excited for that but I just hate that I have to wait two years for the last book

in this trilogy. Now I'm going to jump into the spoilers section, so if you have

not read Lord of Shadows, you need to exit out of this video or else you will

be spoiled and that is no fun whatsoever. So please exit out of this video if you

haven't read Lord Of Shadows and if you have, then keep watching.

Just like the first book, in Lady Midnight, this book begins with Kit's

point of view. I've really grown to love Kit in this book. I didn't really like

him as much in Lady Midnight but that's because we didn't really know him and I

really loved his friendship with Livvy and Ty. I loved all the different adventures

that they went on and all of their interactions. Kit is definitely a

Herondale. He has some of the most sarcastic and funniest lines in this

book. He's just very typical of a Herondale. You can definitely see it with

how he acts and the way that he speaks. I love Kit's character arc. In Lady Midnight,

he basically wanted nothing to do with Shadowhunters but now he has found a

place where he feels at home and where he feels he belongs and it just makes me

so happy. Just a side note, I ship Ty and Kit so hard. I love that once Kit is like

living in the Institute, Ty just kind of follows him around and sits outside

of his room. I just think that they're so cute and I can't wait to see where their

relationship develops in the third book. So like out of all the ships in this

book and all of the like potential couples in this book, Ty and Kit are

definitely like my number one. Obviously, I want Emma and Julian to be together

but honestly, I don't like hardcore ship them. So at the end of Lady Midnight, Emma

and Mark begin this kind of fake relationship in order to get Julian to

stop loving Emma and obviously, we know that this whole fake dating situation

isn't going to make Julian stop loving Emma. I'm really glad that Emma

told Cristina that her relationship with Mark is completely fake and she's

doing it in order to protect Julian. I really love her friendship with

Cristina. I love that they are really open with one another. I'm glad she

didn't have to pretend and that she didn't have to lie to Cristina. At the

beginning of this book, Jace and Clary are somewhat present. So we know that

Jace proposed to Clary but we didn't get Clary's response to his proposal in Lady

Midnight. When Clary is talking to Emma, we find out that Clary said no and the

reason she said no is what concerns me. She says no because she thinks she's

going to die and she thinks it's going to happen pretty soon and that just

terrifies me. It makes me so nervous. I do not want Clary to die whatsoever.

Especially with one of the deaths that happened in this book, it makes me nervous

that Clary might die in one of the future Shadowhunter books. I don't

know why Cassie is doing this to us. Like why is she putting these feelings

of fear for the character's life. This is some sort of foreshadowing thing

and I hope Clary is going to be completely okay by the end of the whole

Shadowhunter Chronicles but knowing that Clary has this feeling just makes

me really scared. And then she asked Emma that if she does die, to tell Jace that

she knew and that she did want to marry him but she didn't want to marry

him if she knew that she was going to die and I'm just feeling a lot of

emotions right now. Going back to the fake dating with Mark

and Emma. I'm so glad that relationship did not last very long and that they

didn't actually like develop any feelings for each other. In other books

where there is like a fake dating relationship, characters tend to develop

feelings for one another but I'm so happy that Emma and Mark's friendship was

strictly platonic. Let's talk about Zara Dearborn. The Centurions arrived in

the Institute and we are introduced to this character named Zara Dearborn

and we find out that she is Diego's fiance. And immediately, I knew I wasn't going to

like her. Everything that came out of this girl's mouth was just making me

livid. I was so angry at everything that came out of her mouth. She needed to

leave. She was so frustrating and her character just makes me so angry. There's

also a part towards the beginning of the book where Julian and Kit goes to the

Shadow Market and on the way back, Kit says that one of Julian's brother is

weird and Julian automatically assumes that Kit is talking about Ty but Kit

basically says that he's talking about Mark and that Ty isn't weird, he's just

autistic. Knowing that Ty's autistic isn't surprising because the author

portrays a lot of signs of Ty being autistic in Lady Midnight and throughout

Lord of Shadows and it kind of surprises me that Julian has never heard of the

word autistic before and how little Shadowhunters know about like the

mundane world. But it's awesome that we have this representation of a character

who is autistic. And then Gwyn shows up and he tells Mark that Kieran is

basically imprisoned by the Unseelie King because he killed Iarlath and

Kieran is now sentenced to die and Gwyn wants Mark to save Kieran. At

first, Mark says no but then later he runs off by himself to go to the

Faerie Land and of course, Julian, Emma, and Cristina follow him in order to help

him. And in this Unseelie Land, we learned that runes, seraph blades, and

witchlights are basically useless and that just had me really nervous because

I feel like Shadowhunters heavily depend on all these items so I was just really

nervous that something bad was going to happen in

this Faerie Land. And while these four characters are in the Faerie Land,

we have Ty, Livvy, and Kit, who go spy on Zara and we learn that Zara wants to

basically get rid of Arthur and have her father replace Arthur as the head of the

LA Institute. And together, they are going to try to implement this Downworlder

registry, which is terrible and just makes me hate Zara even more. Before Emma

goes into the fairyland they come across this creature called the phouka and the

phouka tells Emma that she will encounter a loved one who has died.

Immediately, I knew it was going to be one of her parents and so when Emma has

to battle the Unseelie King's champion, we find out that this champion

is Emma's dad and I'm pretty sure everyone knew that that wasn't actually Emma's

dad and that it was some sort of illusion. And then back at the LA

Institute, Malcolm Fade has returned, which is not a surprise at all because

everyone knew that Malcolm wasn't actually dead. If you don't see a

physical body that is actually dead, then that character has not died. But what

happened next is what surprised me. So we know that the Blackthorns are going to

London, which makes me really excited because I love going back to old places

that we've read about, but when the portal was opened to the London Institute

and all the characters went through, except Arthur, I had a feeling that

Arthur was going to sacrifice himself. And Julian meets with the Seelie Queen

and the Queen basically shows him this kind of glass that allows him to see

what's happening at the LA Institute. We see Arthur basically running out and

confronting Malcolm and Malcolm kills him and then Annabel rises and Annabel

kills Malcolm. I honestly didn't think Annabel would kill Malcolm. I thought

they were just going to run off together and plan something in hiding but Annabel

killing Malcolm was definitely a shocker. After all of this happens, the Seelie

Queen tells Julian that she knows how to break the parabatai curse and she will

tell him how in exchange for the Black Volume, which Annabel has and she will

also end the Cold Peace and bring Helen back. I read quite a few theories that

people have on how the parabatai bond could be broken. There were so many great

theories that seemed very plausible but the ones that I've seen are ones that

Cassie has responded to and she basically said no, this is not how it's broken. And

one of those was that Cortana could break the parabatai bond so I'm really

looking forward to the third book and reading about how this

could be broken. And so now most of the Blackthorns and Kit are in the London

Institute. And in the London Institute, there is a character named Bridget and

immediately that name rung a bell because there is a character named Bridget in

the Infernal Devices. And on Cassie's Tumblr, she answered a question about

Bridget and basically, Bridget would have to be like about 140 years old, which no

one lives up to that age, possibly one day, but at this moment, no that's not

possible. Cassie basically says that Bridget is

not immortal, she's just long lived and that we'll learn more about this whole

thing in The Last Hours. And in the London Institute, we have snippets of Jessa(mean)

or Jessa(mine) being present as a ghost and I really love that Kit is able to

talk to her even though Jessamine wasn't my favorite character in the Infernal

Devices. It's nice to have this little snippet of her. I also wanted to talk

about Gwyn and Diana. When Gwyn meets Diana, he's really like into her and he

wants to ask her out and I thought this pair was just really cute.

And then we learned that Cristina and Mark are bounded together.

And then we have a scene where Ty, Livvy and Kit go to the shadow market and obviously, trouble

ensues. Livvy ends up being injured and passing out and seeing Ty's reaction to

everything just makes me so sad. He blames himself for what happened to Livvy

and I really like seeing how supportive Kit was to Ty.

I really love the moment that Ty had with Kit following this incident.

I love how supportive and understanding Kit is of Ty and it just makes me happy

that Ty and Kit have this sort of connection. So Kieren finds a way to meet

with his brother Adeon, who is basically like the good brother. During this

meeting, Cristina is eavesdropping on the conversation and then Erec shows up. Erec

says that the King has sent these riders called Mannan's Seven. These riders are

much older and much more powerful than the Wild Hunt and they are basically

sent to retrieve the Black Volume. So we have like half of them going to Emma and

Julian and then the other half going to Ty, Livvy, and Kit. Emma ends up killing

one of these riders, which no one has ever done before.

These riders are basically supposed to be invincible. Nothing is supposed to

kill them but Emma uses Cortana and is able to kill one of them and I know that

this death is going to come into play in the third book. These riders are just

going to continue to seek vengeance. When Ty, Livvy, and Kit are facing these riders, I

was really scared for them. I love this trio so much and I wanted nothing to

happen to any of these characters and I really love that Gwyn saved

everyone. And then Jamie shows up. So Jamie is Diego's brother. I was very

suspicious of his intentions. After a while of Dru hiding Jamie from everyone

in the Institute, she finally lets Cristina know that

Jamie is there. I just wanted to have them talk longer and to talk more about the

things that happened concerning why Cristina left the Mexico City Institute

in the first place. And we learn from Jamie that he has this family heirloom

that allows the person wearing the heirloom to enter into Faerie undetected

but that's all he knows about the heirloom and he want to learn more

about what it does. And then we have a scene where Dru touches the heirloom

and she is transported to the Faerie Land and that scene just had me really scared

for Dru because she's 13 years old. She doesn't have much experience and she

doesn't have any weapons on her whatsoever. When Dru was in the

Faerie Land, I'm not exactly sure whether she was in like the Unseelie Court or

the Seelie Court but she encountered this boy who was about her age. So Christine

from Polandbananasbooks has this theory that Sebastian and the Seelie Queen

had a child together and she thinks that this boy is the child of Sebastian and

the Seelie Queen... but we also learned that in this book, the first child of the

Unseelie King was taken from him, so could this 13 year old faerie possibly be

the King's first child? Who knows but I'm definitely intrigued. So Emma finally

tells Julian about the parabatai curse and I'm just so glad that this thing is

out there between them. And I was just so relieved because I hate it when

characters keep secrets from one another. And Julian tells Emma that the Seelie

Queen knows how to break the parabatai curse and it involves using the

Black Volume but doing so will destroy every single parabatai bond in the

world and that's just insane to me. Again, I'm just so interested to see how

this whole storyline will play out with the whole parabatai curse and parabatai

bond. Finally in this book, we learn more about Diana's backstory. So in Lady

Midnight, Diana was a pretty shady character. By the end of the book, we

learn to trust her but she still has her secrets and in this book, we finally

learn about her backstory and we find out that Diana is trans. She opened up to

Gwyn and that whole passage of Diana telling her backstory to Gwyn was just

so beautiful. It makes me so happy that Diana is able to become the person that

she wants to be but it also makes me sad because it prevents Diana from being the

head of the LA Institute and if she was found out by

the Clave that she was trans, then the Clave would know that she used like

mundane medicine in order to transition and that would lead her to be imprisoned,

which I don't really understand why that's such like a huge problem in the

Shadowhunter world. Maybe we'll learn more about that in the third book. So

Julian and Magnus have a talk. Julian tells Magnus that he is in love with

Emma, and Magnus' response to what Julian should do was surprising because

Magnus basically tells him and Emma to tell the Inquisitor what's going on,

and so Emma and Julian do actually go talk to Robert.

They basically propose to him that Emma should be exiled, which should help weaken

the parabatai bond and postpone the parabatai curse. And one of my favorite

moments in this book is when Helen returns and we have this whole reunion

with the Blackthorn family. Ty sees Helen and then Livvy sees Helen and she

starts running into Helen's arms and it was such a beautiful moment. Before the

whole meeting begins, Magnus passes out and Magnus was

basically supposed to be the anchor in this meeting to help control everything

that's going on and make sure that nothing goes out of hand. So of course, in

this meeting, they make Annabel hold the Mortal Sword. You know, I had the

thought like why did they make Annabel hold it, like, couldn't they make Zara

hold it? I don't know... but everything basically goes terribly wrong

after that. Annabel ends up killing Robert Lightwood, which was really

surprising because I really didn't think Cassie would kill a character from

previous books. So since Robert dies, the whole plan of exiling Emma is no longer

available. Annabel starts freaking out and going

on this kind of rampage. Emma ends up using Cortana to shatter the Mortal

Sword and then Annabel takes one of the pieces of the Mortal Sword and she

stabs Livvy in the heart. And that moment the tears started flowing. My heart was

breaking. I was a sobbing mess. I just could not handle that. About like 10-15

seconds before Livvy was stabbed, I knew that she was going to die because she

was trying to make her way to Julian and Julian was constantly telling her, "Livvy,

get back, get back" but she kept pushing forward. And the second that sword went

through her heart, I just... I can't. I felt like there was like a few foreshadowing

scenes of Livvy's death. There was a beautiful scene in this book where

Julian and Livvy are talking and Livvy tells Julian that she wants to run an

Institute when she grows up. I really love that

scene. And then there's also another scene where Livvy talks about the clock

that when it chimes the hour, the gates to heaven open. Cassie could have had any

other characters say that line or have that scene with Julian but she chose

Livvy and it makes me so sad. I don't think I will ever get over Livvy's death.

I'm really starting to tear up now but my heart just hurts for Ty because Ty

and Livvy had such a special relationship and with Livvy gone, I don't know how he's

going to handle that but I'm so glad that he has Kit. I know that Kit will

play such an important role in Ty's life now that Livvy is gone and I'm pretty

sure that Livvy's death is basically going to be the turning point with

Julia's character. Throughout Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows, we have so many

different characters telling Julian that he has a ruthless heart, including Emma.

There were multiple lines of Emma remembering that Julian's actions scared

her and I know that this death will forever change Julian because all he

ever wanted to do was protect his family but now one of his family members was

killed and that's just going to change him. Honestly, I've never cried this hard

about a character's death since I read Allegiant, so this death definitely

impacted me. So Annabel just disappears from the scene and we know that the Unseelie

King that took her. With Magnus passing out, we learned from Alec that there are a

lot of warlocks getting sick, including Tessa. Tessa and Jem were

looking for some sort of cause or cure to the sickness but that's all we get so

that story is definitely going to be more developed in the third book and I

hope everything is going to be okay. I don't want Magnus or Tessa to die. So

overall with my thoughts, I love this book. I really don't have anything

negative to say. The final book is called Queen of Air and Darkness and it will

come out in 2019, which is two years from now. It's going to be a painful wait but

it's definitely going to be worth it. Again, I give this book a 5 out of 5

stars. That is all I have to say in this video. Thank you so much for watching. Let

me know your thoughts on Lord Of Shadows in the comments below. I hope you enjoyed

watching this video and I will see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare | Book Discussion - Duration: 17:59.




For more infomation >> THE MOST SATISFYING MOMENTS EVER IN CLASH ROYALE!! - Duration: 10:13.


JAKE PAUL DISSTRACK (Official Video) feat. Minecraft Postman - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> JAKE PAUL DISSTRACK (Official Video) feat. Minecraft Postman - Duration: 3:16.


Updates (#30) Girl Sent Away from LPR Frontier Village after Ukrainian Shelling Escalated - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Updates (#30) Girl Sent Away from LPR Frontier Village after Ukrainian Shelling Escalated - Duration: 2:57.


La Reina de la Canción | Las chicas tuvieron un momento de cercanía con sus seres queridos - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> La Reina de la Canción | Las chicas tuvieron un momento de cercanía con sus seres queridos - Duration: 1:59.


Descubre los beneficios de estudiar en el Poli - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Descubre los beneficios de estudiar en el Poli - Duration: 0:52.


One-Minute Vlogging - Duration: 0:58.

So... one-minute vlogging.

What is one-minute vlogging?

One-minute vlogging is doing uh a little one-minute vlog everyday, or most days.

Why am I doing it?

[Laughs] Oh, no, is this really how I'm going to do this video?

For the past little while, I have been interested in doing stuff like VEDA but have felt sort

of like, if I tried that I would get like really stressed out and overwhelmed by it, so then

I got the idea to try out like one-minute vlogging?

I also just think it would be cool to create something everyday and to like make something

and put something out everyday.

So, anyway, I thought I would try this for like a week and just see what happens.

It's going to be like a slightly slower week for me, so it's a bit more reasonable.

I probably don't want to come up with some fancy outro because I won't like have time

to have like a fancy outro.

Thanks for spending this minute with me.



For more infomation >> One-Minute Vlogging - Duration: 0:58.


Conquering Stress - Duration: 1:11.

Hi everybody this is Dave King and today we're going to talk about stress.

There's an old saying that says, "The wise man counts his blessings while the fool counts

their problems."

And while that's easy to say it's a lot harder for all of us to do.

That's where stress comes into our lives.

Almost all stress is just the result of making things more important than they really are.

Because we are what we think about so letting the little things go is really huge and in

the end they are almost all little things.

The greatest weapon that we all have against stress is our ability to choose one thought

over the other.

So please keep that in mind.

Stress is real for everybody but the key is to manage it with our thoughts and let it

be a motivator and not an obstacle.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Conquering Stress - Duration: 1:11.


Hostal Casita Del Puerto Formentera Passport en Formentera - Duration: 3:43.


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