Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017

Energy Update � Shattering Of Our Mirrors

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Shattering of our �Mirrors�

Recently I wrote and spoke of energetically our �mirrors� are being �turned around�

and we are facing OURSELVES.

We are facing a/our mirror with �imperfections� a FINALITY of facing our true core selves,

deep deep within.

This is bringing up so much past trauma to be healed.

And it can be very �brutal� yet very necessary!

No less �brutal� than what we have already experienced with others!

As this is our mirror of us facing our true selves, �warts and all��of no longer

having others in our spaces for us to �blame� or project what we are now needing to finally



As this is bringing up so many traumas, and for those with childhood abuse, this is very

extreme or �full-on� for those dear souls.

So due to this many are literally �breaking down� � to break-through�to allow a

shattering of their �mirror�.

To realise, we are perfect IN OUR this is about LETTING GO OF THE �NEGATIVE

EGO��and more�Coming from Spiritual Ego is and has reached an �end of the line�..and

many are feeling this with so many.

Yet many more are needing to realise this themselves.

Those who are not feeling �well�?

This is �breaking� down those (inner) resistances � to break-through for what

ever that is for each or that person.

Usually stubbornness and control to fully surrender to the Divine and the Divine within

ourselves to LET GO.

And you know I say this with so much Unconditional Divine Love and Support!

For Souls to feel this THEMSELVES is CRUCIAL

And so many are going through this and I have had to take a big step back as part of this

as in, shifting fully into the New Divine Higher Heart energy.

This has been a process of bit by bit, shifting each old situation that is arising and raising

above it each time.

THIS IS SO WORTH IT as this breaking of some sort.


In this breaking down and through, facing our mirror of our own imperfections being

reflected back with no one in our energy spaces now�is all of the DIVINE for us to shift

into our and the planets new Divine Higher Heart energy.

Where we still go through so much, yet from a �higher� perspective a raising above

in a new birthing of new masculine and feminine energies/balance.

Of �like� being the center piece of a see-saw, just above all else going on!

Yes still being a part of the group of humanity�within our own Divine Spaces!

In this amazing recent Twin Flame Divine Fire �interview� �

was a massive bringing through of the Higher Heart Divine Energy in the human�linked

to the Divine.

As during this �interview� the Divine then �chose� to share with me the WHOLE


(It took me back a little as I continued on).

It was a round energy plate of the world as a mirror, a round mirror full of cracks!

The whole of humanity and this was the healing that was brought through!

This was in spirit, the astrals and multi-dimensions and linking to the human, right there and


Right Here and Now as THIS IS REAL and this is SO WORTH IT.

So you may find yourself �unable� to assist in those you love very close to you�while

being �nearby� �watching� them struggle and �break� in what ever way that may

be, in Spirit, Soul, Mental, Emotional or Physical Break-down.

Which can be challenging at first for one to realise that they can �best help others�

when we are in our own Divine Spaces!

As THE MASKS of previous ways of �COPING� are/have fallen away!

YET we can continue on, on our Divine Souls Journeys and shine our lights and our energy

from our INNER � OUT�for them to �find their own way� within all they are needing

to fully experience so very deeply right now.

You know the saying �we don�t leave a �man� behind�?

Well in this case man or woman or whatever, we are not able to �save� those close

to us.

As believe me, deep inside many are still feeling this, and maybe without them even

realising, yet it is deep in our sub conscious to do so.

And many are also still �holding� or �carrying others� in their Spirts energy spaces as



The Divine has brought in the respect of our Divine Spaces, that we may have not been strong

enough or able to do for ourselves.

Read that again!

This is so very huge!

Those close to US, that very recently we we able to support in some way HAS BEEN TAKEN

OUT OF OUR �HANDS� so-so-speak!

Truly it has!


With this, many are now been �keeping others� energies in their energy space/s�like an

extension of their space into others� energy spaces, without realising!

Now this can be in the human and it can also be in the Spirit!

(This is so very big and I may write more on this later.

There is just so much going on right now, that this post is a �summary� and a combination

of many �things� going on right now as not all are able to have one post for each)

So many �around me� are having literally mental �breakdowns� as their souls are

feeling a �breakdown� as well, of the old.

And emotional and physical�

When someone will shift through to the New Higher Heart Divine Energy and our New Birthing,

is what that is for them, as in what it is as part of their Divine Soul Contracts.

This is a breaking of our Mirror of our Spirit�so the mirror of humanity I �saw� in my 6/8D

and Beyond �vision� during the �show� � was the �soul� of humanity breaking

� in Spirit�which then flows to our Soul, our Mental and then physical bodies.

And so souls are feeling this one or more or ALL of these layers/levels!!!

Many will be choosing different paths for their souls, due to what they are needing

to learn and grow from for the collective of humanities ascension as well as theirs.

Many will �make it� in this lifetime and many will continue on in what this is for

them and this may not be �this lifetime�.

So much familial and soul contracts are very much to do with this.

We have so GOT THIS�as in a previous �time� we were not ready and were not able to progress

through to where we are now!

Wow, what an �explosion� of the old for the new higher heart to form in a very new

birthing �space�.

Ask yourself if you are coming from your Higher Heart in any situation.

As this is such a massive transition.


As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Shattering Of Our Mirrors - Duration: 7:38.


Head Shoulders Knees and Toes | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Collection by Chupakids TV - Duration: 32:37.

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Collection by Chupakids TV

For more infomation >> Head Shoulders Knees and Toes | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids Collection by Chupakids TV - Duration: 32:37.



what's up everybody welcome back to the five reasons why series where I do the

research by scouring the internet for information so you don't have to in this

series we discussed the topic at hand I defend it as well as give insight and my

opinion my name is ZSG and in this video

we're talking about the five reasons why people hate YouTube so many people so

many content creators so many viewers so many people across the board have voiced

their concerns and their frustration about YouTube so in this video we're

condensing all of it down and I am giving you the top five reasons why

people hate YouTube now obviously I love YouTube i watch youtube videos sometimes

a little bit too much and I'm obviously a content creator I make videos so

YouTube executives if you ever see this video please tell blacklist me I love

YouTube obviously we all do that's why we're here right now watching this video

but YouTube does have a lot of problems so what I want you to do is to vote in

the poll make your voice heard whether you love YouTube or you hate

YouTube vote now and if you are new to my channel and you enjoy watching the

video and want to subscribe make sure after subscribing you tell me that you

did down below in the comments section that way I can personally thank you and

welcome you to my channel with all of that out of the way let us go ahead and

begin with the number five reason why people hate YouTube at number five the

people say they hate YouTube because the training page is a joke or the trending

page is just broken the biggest grievance that people have with

YouTube's trending page is sometimes it just looks like a giant advertisement

feed you look at the different videos that are displayed on the trending page

in so many of them seem to be coming from either TV shows or just straight-up

corporate companies that are advertising a product YouTube has officially come

out and said they don't sell trending page spots to companies as a source of

advertising but it sure does seem like they do or at least they do sometimes as

much as I have been able to understand and all of my research as to how the

YouTube trending page works it seems like there is an automated Algar

that helps select videos and then there is a human review team that actually

hand picks videos and places them on the training page that's got to be a fun job

all you do is just watch youtube videos all day and then pick the best ones to

forward to the trending page so everybody can see him I don't know how

you get that job but sign me up and that brings us the number four reason why

people hate YouTube number four the people say it's increasingly becoming

difficult to start a new YouTube channel and become successful I can totally

empathize with this me being a content creator it was really difficult to get

up to the level that I'm at and I realize how incredibly difficult it is

to continue to grow now for the new people that are showing up and making

YouTube channels you're gonna have a tough run at it if you don't already

have some friends that are bigger YouTube channels that can kind of

promote you if you're doing it completely from scratch it's really

difficult to get people to start watching your videos in the beginning

and it really does seem like it's getting increasingly difficult to

succeed on YouTube really what's going on is it's just a case of oversaturation

as soon as people discovered that they can make real money on YouTube I'm

talking celebrity level money on YouTube you can make millions of dollars if you

become a PewDiePie all of a sudden everybody and their mom thinks that

they're destined to become a YouTube celebrity so they can make their

millions and become huge celebrities it obviously doesn't really work like that

but as a result it does now seem like there's just too many fish swimming in a

small pond and that brings us to the number three reason why people hate

YouTube at number three people say there's just too many trash videos just

garbage YouTube channels and garbage videos I think that a lot of these

people are kind of forgetting what YouTube was first position to be YouTube

never set out in the beginning to be a replacement for television it was

supposed to be just another social media site where you could post little funny

videos of yourself that you could share with your family and friends it

obviously blew up into something much much bigger and now people are making

careers out of making YouTube videos but I do have to admit there are a lot of

junk trash videos that are very low-quality get uploaded to YouTube all

the time it can be a little bit annoying to sort through these in the recommended

section but I guess you just have to kind of put up with it every

buddy gets a chance and that brings us for the number two reason why people

hate YouTube at number two the people say they hate YouTube because the

copyright and Content ID system is broken

basically it's become far too easy for anyone to copyright claim someone else's

video just because they feel like it I can speak from personal experience I

have had people copyright claim my videos and boy oh boy is it annoying

especially since me is the content creator once a claim has been placed

against one of my videos it makes it really difficult to try and Kontest it

you're basically at a loss as the content creator there's more or less

nothing you can do so I do have to agree the copyright and Content ID system is

pretty broken and I would like to see you to make some changes now as to what

those changes can actually be I don't know I wish I could give you some

constructive criticism and advice and attempt to educate the YouTube

executives as to how they should be directing their engineering department

for the algorithm of content and copier ID assessment but frankly I don't really

know how it works I don't know how to make it better but I do want to see it

become better if you've got an idea as to how the copyright and Content ID

system could become better on YouTube I would love to hear about it down below

and that brings us to the number one reason why people hate YouTube

number one that people say that they hate YouTube because the ad revenue

algorithm is busted more than anything I think this is content creators just

being really frustrated and to all the people there saying oh it's just angry

content creators that are greedy and selfish they're just upset because now

they're not making as much money as they once were you got to practice some

empathy here and understand that these content creators this is their career

this is their livelihood I don't know what you do for a living but at your job

how would you feel if one day your boss said hey everybody here is gonna start

making 25 percent of the income that they were before you'd probably be

pretty upset so I feel like this is definitely one of the most justified

reasons to be upset with YouTube or to hate YouTube but it's probably a little

bit more relatable for the content creators than for the general viewers

you'll have to let me know how you feel about this top 5 list of why people hate

you too but that's gonna be it for me everybody

I hope you enjoyed the video if you did hit that like button that's going to be

it for me I will see you in the next one the zsg out

For more infomation >> WHY DO PEOPLE HATE YOUTUBE - Duration: 6:44.



For more infomation >> |RSD MAX MANIFESTO | SUBTITULADO | PARTE 2 | LEON DE BARBADOS - Duration: 22:55.


奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 自動車炎上事故・車の中に閉じ込められた男性を発見!あなたならどうする? - Duration: 17:48.

For more infomation >> 奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 自動車炎上事故・車の中に閉じ込められた男性を発見!あなたならどうする? - Duration: 17:48.


TOP 8 Apps For Iphone! Iphone Free Apps. - Duration: 6:18.

So what's up guys?

This is all included, and I'm gonna show you today some of my apps that I have on my iPhone 7 plus

128 years half number one spark

spark is to all of the

Emails and stuff it gets to one I can attach all of them like my Gmail Gmail my Yandex

My inbox and my iCloud I connect all of them together. I like it. I use always smartphones because it separates them

to notifications

You usually there


It's really nice app number two sweet boy

Flipboard is can use by the janitor that you like I have apple and

Right here is some of them like news technology authors gaming you can choose anything you like to your opinion

And it's really nice have heard if you love it. It's awesome. You can see everything

You see fighting and stuff like that see

three dollars I

Have number three


That's the lenses so take a picture of my collar here, and I would like to put some of the

Shiny stuff would say from a Sun

let's say do this and

I can be there to


And go to put the light on this side

And put the light from this side

depending that it's like something flash out there or even to put like this I

Need to focus feedback

Loops go look at it

open you can do a lot of cool stuff you can mess around with it and stuff I

Like it I using some of my pictures and stuff brah

We'll see how it is if you like it's called lens


at number four

It's called develop

The velum is the wallpapers for iPhone would say

This is limited back most of all papers that they have just click on it click on a little button to save

It's really nice. I love it. I use all of my wallpapers from you. They're awesome

really nice quality you can see perfectly on the screen I

Don't know

The person who made this this is like perfect look at this like everything look at it

That's the one I have right here

See on the background. I have number five. Let's call open table

open table is the

Reservation app you can reserve anywhere you want anything you want

Let's say you want to do romantic dinner with your wife or something you can click on it

They have it in here. You can choose a boy


Like Italian Mexican Chinese and stuff like that. See we could say that's what I was talking about romantic


And you can it shows you the price right here. It's a

$3 so it's kind of expensive to it's fine, but you can choose and see at some of them. They give you points

We'll see if I choose at this place for tonight at 8:00 p.m.. I

will get a


bonus points and I can

redeem them by getting some discounts and stuff like that so it's really nice and

What I like about this like this is the main thing that I like you can watch the full menu right here

And I'll show you the price and everything it's really nice guy

It's like you need to use it if you go out somewhere to eat

Just click on anything you wanna sit outside right here look at this. This is awesome

App number six, it's called hot all tonight

My name is volume, so you cannot reserve the room anywhere you want. I'm living in dinner

You can click in here you can do like whatever. It's a whale

No, you want to do when?

Would say tonight, there's the theory continue?

Often you choose so one of the check-in and checkout you wanna do it a start up tomorrow


Right here. They show you the prices and stuff see this one

Perfect this one perfect lucullus, this is awesome, and they're not that expensive, but this one is really nice look this

This is perfect guys. Let's really pull up

The other

It's called Torah

Let's say if you want to find the car you want to go to enterprise they don't have the car that you like

You just built it, or you would say we do

Denver Colorado right here let's say I want to take it out


5:00 p.m.. Search and until you would say tomorrow

Tomorrow 10:00

And they show your offers look you can get this car for $17 you click on it, and it shows you right here

How many miles you can drive each additional mile it says a dollar more

So you just pay that they have the insurance of stuff you don't need your insurance they cover you

Tony about 21 bucks

They have nice cars in here too like to really night like g-wagen and stuff like that

Yeah, but they're kind of expensive eight thousand bucks

Let's see right here. This is the app that you can look at check it out guys. It's called total

The next app it's called Europa flute

Plus that's what I use. This is the Russian radio, and you can play music and stuff. It's awesome and


don't know it plays like perfectly high-quality and saucy, it's

perfect perfect

Okay guys, so this is it. I'll just show you some of my apps that I have I really like them

And I hope you guys enjoyed the video put likes and subscribe. Thank you

For more infomation >> TOP 8 Apps For Iphone! Iphone Free Apps. - Duration: 6:18.


The Kidnap - Official trailer / D.A.D.D Productions - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> The Kidnap - Official trailer / D.A.D.D Productions - Duration: 1:58.


Minecraft kills and block clutches montage - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Minecraft kills and block clutches montage - Duration: 6:15.


Abraham Hicks 😃 - Fazendo coisas que você não quer fazer - Duration: 3:34.

Guest: - If there's a subject that I'm studying

And I know that my end goal or what I want to accomplish requires that study

But I don't like studying that particular subject at all

What should I do to be in alignment in order to not only do well...

Abraham: - One of two things: either stop studying it or find a way to like it.

Because to move forward on something that you've already determined you don't like

Is deliberately introducing resistance into your experience

Which is what a lot of humans do

Because you're convinced that you should do it

Or you have a commitment to do it

Or that somebody else needs you to do it

And so you do it in a sort of inner protest

And when you are doing anything with that inner protest

You are just practicing and compounding that split energy

Which is what confusion comes from. It's what all negative emotion is about.

So, now ask that question again.

Everyone got it! But ask it again as close as you can to the way you ask it to begin with

Guest: - Okay!

If I'm studying many subjects in order to accomplish a long term goal

If there's a specific subject that I do not want to study because I have...

Abraham: - Then get general and focus on the long term goal.

Guest: - Okay!

Abraham: - Because as you focus on the long term goal then you smooth the bumps out of it

In other words: "because I want this!"

And, eventually, what you begin to discover as

As you find alignment in your general thoughts

From that alignment

From that chronic alignment

You're now looking at a subject that you formerly didn't like

From a new vantage point

And you often find that you not only like it, but you adore it!

Sort of like Esther at the (Niagara) Spears game

But different vantage point. Whole different experience

Basically the same thing going on

Just different vibrational stance from which she was watching it

Abraham: - You see? Guest: - Thank you!

Abraham: - That was good!


Abraham: - Now, so, did you feel the preparation that he had made?

Did you feel the clarity of his being?

Was there any question in your mind that this progressed,

That it was going to be something that was meaningful?

So, preparation...

Preparation meaning: setting forth an intention

Do you think his intention was general or specific?

Audience: - Specific.

Abraham: - And do you think that he was in a vibrational place to accommodate that specific vibration?

So, he was in alignment before he even sat down, wasn't he?

Just looking for further momentum on a topic that he was already in balance about.

Can you feel how that is?

Don't you love that? Don't you want to do that more with your own experience?

And don't you want to then get really general on anything that feels way out of whack?

Doesn't it put conversations like this into a whole new light?

It does, doesn't it?

With that in mind: now, what do you want to talk about?

So I'm feeling good about something

That's the time to really think about it!

I'm feeling bad about it, that's the time to distract myself!

Scroll! Scroll!

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 😃 - Fazendo coisas que você não quer fazer - Duration: 3:34.


Neil deGrasse Tyson Talks Future Of Museums & Skinning A Wolf With The Brain Scoop Host - Duration: 10:01.

For science!

Hi I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson and this is "Rising Stars." Today we're

featuring Emily Graslie, who's the chief curiosity correspondent at the Field

Museum in Chicago. She also has one of the most popular science YouTube

channels called The Brain Scoop and we've got her right here. Emily, welcome.

Thank you. Thank you for having me.

You're actually corn-fed from somewhere?

Oh yeah

Free-range farm girl

Yeah, Rapid City, South Dakota and my

family has ranch land near Faith, which is where Sue the T. rex was found.

I remember Sue. Yeah, Sue was up for auction. Were you touched by that?

Oh yeah, my great-great grandfather and my grandfather, they had a shed on the

property where when they were checking on the cows and checking on the pastures

they'd find a fossil and they'd put it in the shed.

You had your own museum!


He donated it to

like the little town of Faith, South Dakota and so their appreciation for

fossils was something I grew up with.

So but again our crack team of

researchers alerted me that that's not what you majored in though.

No I didn't

I studied art

Art? What kind of art?

Landscape painting. It was a way for me

to take my appreciation for natural environments and share it in a medium

that I was good at it. I wasn't good at science but I was good at visuals.

Of course there's a very storied relationship between artists and naturalists

In the day, you didn't have a record of what you saw or analyzed unless there was

an artist who could capture it for you. So you guys were like walking hand

in hand for centuries, but now you just carry a camera. So is there still a

role for artistically minded people?

Oh yeah!

in natural history because as

you know, though I'm director of the Hayden Planetarium, we are part of the

American Museum of Natural History, so I have some sort of osmotic sensitivity to

what you're immersed in.

Well because artists, I mean scientists are

communicators of the natural world but in a very I wouldn't say formulaic but

in a way that doesn't always reach general populace.

Artists are a way of bringing that science and translating it into a

different medium and so I think the idea that art and science are these two

different things is just doing a disservice to both. They're

best when you combine those efforts. What I was trying to do, I started

volunteering in this natural history museum on my campus, as an artist. I

wanted to draw the collection

What campus was that?

University of Montana

- Montana? - Mmmhmm

But the more I did that, the more I

wanted to show what was happening in the museum.

"So where I'm standing right now

is what we refer to as the sheep room because the majority of the things in

here are sheep."

As I understand, it you came to widest attention with a wolf.


"I love me a good necropsy. I'm very excited."

Roadkill wolves have to be some of the rarest things out there.

Well the only reason we knew that, to collect that one is it had been radio collared and so Montana

Fish Wildlife and Parks calls me up and they're like 'Hey you're the volunteer at

this museum, we have this roadkill wolf, will you come pick it up?' and I was

like 'Yeah, can I put it on YouTube?' She was like 'I guess so.'

So we documented the process.

OK, so what's the process?

They put it in a deep freeze for a few weeks —

to supposedly kill off all parasites but then when we brought it back to our lab

and let it thaw on the table, fleas started jumping out of the fur.

"Whoa hey, where'd this guy come from? Fleas! Are those fleas? Sick!"

These are badass fleas.

Yeah! Resilient. Will to live!

So you were bitten by wolf fleas?

Hopefully not. 'Cause that, that can, yeah

From there, we skinned it and then

we disarticulated it and removed the limbs and skeletonized it in a colony of

flesh-eating beetles. Yeah 'cause you can't carve the flesh off as effectively as

the beetles can eat it off - Right, yeah

And you YouTube'd this?

We did, yeah. We put

it on YouTube and from there, it got quite a bit of attention. Roadkill

wolf is the reason I have the job I do today.

"Welcome to The Brain Scoop's new office. Isn't it cool?"

Picking up on your life's trajectory, the Field Museum is one of the world's great

collections of natural history artifacts, so your platform is much greater

there, presumably. In terms of funding, resources.

For a creative person like me, it's the best.

So I have my own hypotheses on this but I

like comparing notes — where do kids lose their curiosity? Because we agree all

kids have curiosity and not all adults have curiosity, so somewhere in there

there's like a leaky pipeline.

As soon as they start doing standardized testing

Ohhhh (makes snaps sounds)

Well that's what it was for me!

- Blood drawn! - We stopped doing experiments in class. We stopped

going on field trips and instead you spent your time preparing for a test, for

a test for information that you had that you had no context for and that for me

is like where I lost my interest in biology in the natural world because it

all was distilled to diagrams in terms that I had to memorize

There was no passion.

Right yeah, and it wasn't being fostered by anyone and so in terms of like what

our goal for the program is I just want people to take a longer look at the

world around them. Turn over that rock. See what's living under it. I think

that's just the fascinating thing about curiosity is that it's self-perpetuating

Would you say this is the future of science education?


Well just what you're doing.

The technology has kind of misled people in

terms of what we know and what we don't know. They know that we have a

rover on Mars. They know that we have satellites at the edge of the solar

system so to tell somebody that we only know 15% of all life that has ever lived

on the planet, I think people just don't believe you.

They're like 'No, we know birds. We know mammals. What else is there?'

And so being able to show the kind of work that museums do that

natural history collections do, I do see that as the future for how these

museums will connect with the public. If you want to talk about future and

futuristic things, I think we all think of things like time machines, but museums

serve that purpose. Museums are time machines. Museums and the collections are

the only evidence we have to be able to look and evaluate what a habitat would

have looked like and that is only going to become more important as technology

increases. We didn't know what genomics was 30 years ago. This is a

brand new thing. It didn't even exist. So imagine

what technologies we're gonna have in another 10 or 15 or 500 years and how

you can employ that to look at these specimens in the collection.

Let me hit the tennis ball back to you. You're the one cutting open the wolf, not I. So is it

still working for me watching you do it? Am I still the explorer or has the

technology made only some of us the explorer and the rest of us do it

vicariously and maybe that's not as interesting?

I don't know because I'm not

well one I'm not the audience member on that exchange, but what I hope it does is

OK but should the museum put their collection up on the web and so

that you don't never have to leave your couch or should programs like yours

stimulate people to get off the couch?

I do want people — I want people to get off

the couch. I want them to go to museums.

- I like the couch - The couch is comfy but the

couch will still be there. There's inquiry out there.

There's adventure.

You're hoping that I'm on the couch watching you cut

open a wolf and I say that is awesome so I get off the couch and visit my nearby

museum and not substitute that live experience with technological displays of things.

Yeah we can show you pictures of dioramas. We can show you

videos of lions. We can show you any of these things, but museums are still the

only place you can see that for yourself in person. Their importance only

increases every second of every single day. We have within our collections

specimens and artifacts and recreated habitats that no longer exist anywhere else.

- Because they're gone. - Because they're gone. - We over-ran them.

I didn't appreciate that until my first visit to South Africa and

there's like a watering hole there and I'm looking at this, I'm thinking it

looked exactly like one of the dioramas at the American Musem of Natural

History, but it went directly into my deepest memories as a kid.

Man the details they go to in those dioramas

But I think it's a lost art. I don't know

if they still make dioramas.

We did at the museum. Through The Brain Scoop, we

crowdfunded to build the first full-scale diorama in 60 years.

Right because it's not a thing. OK cool, so a diorama of what?

Striped hyenas. The director of exhibitions told me you know we have one diorama

alcove that was never finished. In the '30s, they just kind of boarded it up and

moved on and so I said we have this program The Brain Scoop which is meant

to get people excited about natural history museums so why don't we get

them to help us build this? Why don't we get our audience to help us finish this?

You didn't even have to write a grant proposal?

No we did, we just had to ask

people and get them excited about it. Think about how cool it would be if all

natural history museums, if the AMNH had a chief curiosity correspondent.

I'm gonna put in a call today.

You are a chief curiosity correspondent!

No but I don't, I don't know

You don't think so?

You know what it is, I think the universe is

inherently a fun place to be curious of and I just sort of point people in that

direction. If I saw a wolf, I would not think to myself 'Gee I wonder what that

looks like without skin.' It's just not a thought that I have, so I need

somebody who's in there to take my brain places I never thought to go so I think

there's no end to this.


- Thank you - Yeah, thank you

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