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12 Things INFPs Absolutely Need to Be Happy - Duration: 8:13.12 Things INFPs Absolutely Need to Be Happy
The INFP is one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, making up just 4 percent
of the population.
It's no wonder INFPs often feel out of place in the world, there simply aren't many people
out there like them.
Creative and unique, INFPs are called "mediators" and "creative seekers."
Living a conventional, routine life isn't enough for them.
They dream of something more.
Henry David Thoreau, who was thought to have been an INFP, wrote in Walden, "I wanted
to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."
This quote speaks to the the INFP's desires on the deepest level.
In a society designed for fast-talking, fast-moving extroverts, what do thoughtful and reflective
INFPs need to be happy?
Here are 12 things, What an INFP Personality Needs to Be Happy
1 - New ideas to explore.
INFPs are probably the most open-minded of all the personality types.
Possessing an insatiable curiosity about life, their minds are always going.
It makes them happy to entertain new ideas and possibilities.
Rather than concerning themselves with "what is" (like an ISFP would), INFPs are interested
in "what could be."
Like their extroverted counterparts the ENFPs, they approach life with an experimental attitude,
always on the lookout for new experiences, lifestyles, and ideas.
They see each new experience as an opportunity to grow into a better, more whole person.
If life becomes mundane and routine, an INFP will wither.
2 - An intimate understanding of who they are.
Like INFJs, INFPs need to know who they are and what their purpose in life is.
Life is a grand story, and they are at the center of it.
Who were they yesterday, and how does that mesh with who they are today?
How does their identity fit in with the world around them?
Without an intimate understanding of themselves, INFPs will feel lost.
3 - Human contact, not social contact.
Being introverted, INFPs may shy away from large parties, networking events, and group
It's not social contact INFPs crave, it's mutual human understanding.
They want to peek into another person's world, thoughts, and emotions.
They want to understand what other people are struggling with and what makes them different.
INFPs read people well, often quickly intuiting a person's hidden feelings and motivations.
(However, private by nature, INFPs rarely provide insight into their own.)
Without close relationships based on mutual understanding, INFPs will be unhappy.
4 - Purpose in their work.
Sure, INFPs can punch in and punch out.
They can do repetitive tasks if they have to.
But if they don't see a larger purpose behind it all, they will be unhappy.
Conventional, routine jobs will feel soul-sucking.
INFPs are at their best when they are working for causes they truly believe in.
5 - A source of inspiration.
Along with purpose and identity, INFPs need to feel inspired.
For this reason, they often turn to books, movies, music, or artwork.
Travel may also inspire them and help them further clarify their identity and purpose.
Some INFPs even adopt a nomadic lifestyle, wandering from one place to the next, in search
of meaning and inspiration.
6 - An outlet for their creativity.
INFPs possess the gift of language.
Intuitive and keenly aware of others, they are excellent communicators.
As masters of metaphor and symbolism, many of them become poets, musicians, and authors.
Whatever the medium, INFPs see their creative projects as a means to express the deeper
parts of themselves and better understand their place in the world.
Without an outlet for their creativity, INFPs will feel hollow and empty.
7 - Time alone.
Sometimes INFPs are mistaken for extroverts, due to their excellent ability to communicate
and their depth of caring for others.
However, INFPs are truly introverts who need plenty of time alone to recharge.
Time to daydream, relax, and tease apart the meaning behind their experiences.
And, of course, time to pursue their creative interests.
Without alone time, INFPs will feel disconnected from themselves.
8 - A focus on meaning, not on material things.
INFPs value ideas, meaning, and inspiration.
For this reason, many of them adopt a minimalistic lifestyle.
Unlike INFJs and INTJs, whose inferior Extroverted Sensing function makes them crave luxury,
quality, and sensual experiences, INFPs live a simpler, more Bohemian lifestyle.
This allows them to focus more on the things they care about, like travel or their creative
endeavors, and less on the uninspired, routine work that is usually necessary to earn a paycheck.
9 - Time and space to make decisions that align with their principles.
INFPs give patience and understanding to others, and they crave it in return.
Deeply principled, INFPs make decisions based on what they believe is right.
It doesn't necessarily matter what the fastest route is, or what the data says, or what would
please others.
INFPs need to do what feels right to them.
And sometimes, that means slowing down and looking at a situation from all angles before
pulling the trigger.
10 - Flexibility from others.
We live in a society run by deadlines, schedules, and structure.
We're pushed to be more efficient and more productive today than we were yesterday.
This is not how INFPs work.
Every once in a while, they need to blow off their work and go take a walk in a beautiful
Every once in a while, they will change their mind on a whim, canceling plans with their
friends and instead staying home to journal.
INFPs embrace all that life has to offer.
When their inner spirit is calling, they need flexibility and understanding from others.
11 - A partner who makes them a better person.
Dreamy idealists, INFPs are looking for the perfect partner.
Sometimes they dream so much that they put the object of their affection on a pedestal,
playing and replaying scenarios in their mind about what will be.
However, nobody's perfect.
Rather than clinging to a fantasy that may exist only in their mind, INFPs would be better
off finding a partner who helps them grow.
(INFPs love self-development.)
As passionate, hopeless romantics who respect the independence of their partner, INFPs are
fully worth the commitment, and will no doubt leave their partner happier and better off
than they were alone.
12 - The freedom to dream.
INFPs dream of a better world.
Of a better life for themselves.
Of a society that is fair and equal.
When INFPs dream, they dream big.
And for many, it's not just a dream.
Think Joan of Arc, who was thought to have been an INFP.
As a teenager with no military training, she led the French army to victory over the British
during the Hundred Years' War.
Other famous INFPs include Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Fred Rogers, John Lennon,
Kurt Cobain, Tori Amos, William Shakespeare, Helen Keller, and Isabel Briggs Myers (creator
of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).
INFPs don't just dream, they lead they way to a better world for everyone.
All in all, that's the 12 Things INFPs Absolutely Need to Be Happy.
Really cool information isn't it!
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
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This Is How You Can Tell A Full Moon Is Coming - Duration: 1:55.The moon has a lot of looks.
And each one happens for a reason.
It takes the moon about 29 and a half days to orbit around the Earth.
And during this time, the sun illuminates the moon from varying angles which creates
a shadow effect that we see here on Earth.
At the start of each lunar cycle, the moon is between the earth and the sun.
This is called a "New Moon".
The side of the moon visible from Earth is not illuminated and therefore we can't see
As the angle between the Moon and the Sun increases, so does the amount of moon we're
able to see.
After the new moon, it enters the waxing crescent phase where we can see 1 to 49% of the moon.
When it reaches 50% illumination, it becomes a first quarter moon, which is kinda confusing
but we'll roll with it.
Next is the waxing Gibbous phase, which means we can see about half to almost all of the
And finally… we get to see the big cheese.
We get one glorious night of full moon and then the illumination starts to fade.
After a full moon, we see the waning phase which is the opposite of waxing.
The moon follows the same illumination pattern just flipped with the final phase being the
waning crescent.
Then it starts all over again with the new moon!
The way you see the moon depends on where you are on the globe.
If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, a waxing moon will be illuminated on the right
side while a waning moon will be illuminated on the left.
It's the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.
So now you know, the next time you see a waxing moon, a full moon is right around corner.
You can catch new episodes of Space Crafts every Wednesday In this episode, we'll explain
what happens when the sun explodes and the potential fallout for Earth.
Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe!
Vincular cuenta de youtube para subir o transmitir partidos. PONER SUBTITULOS. - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
100 Subscribers Videos, Ball Pit Crazy Fun with Fun Indoor Slide! - Duration: 2:45.Are you excited?
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Grabar partidos y subirlos despues a YouTube. PONER SUBTITULOS. - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
We Followed A Marine Animal Trainer For A Day - Duration: 5:15.(penguin honking)
(chill, rhythmic music)
- Guys, it's--
- [Jen] 7:50!
- 7:50.
The only reason we would ever wake up this early
is because we're going to--
- [Jen] The Shedd Aquarium!
- [Steven] The Shedd Aquarium!
- It's probably the nicest aquarium
in the Midwest, maybe America.
It's gigantic, it's awesome, it's very expansive.
- And we're gonna get a behind-the-scenes, sneak peek look
at otters, penguins, trees.
- [Jen] What?
- Bats!
- [Jen] Bats?
(upbeat music)
- My name is Michael Pratt, I am a trainer up at the
marine mammal department, and you guys are here
to experience our Trainer for a Day.
- So people can actually have this experience as well?
- Absolutely, they throw on a pair of rubber boots,
just like you guys got on, and they follow a trainer around
for about four hours, and they get to experience
the highlights of what we do every day.
We also wanna inspire people to work towards conservation,
protecting these animals out in the wild.
- Alright, let's do this! - Yeah!
- Let's just get right to it.
(chill music)
- So this is the marine mammal kitchen.
It's pretty much the busiest place in our department.
And we usually hand-sort through all the food.
Right now these guys are sorting through
some clam for our sea otters.
It's also really important for us to find
sustainable seafood to feed our animals.
We go through about 800 pounds of restaurant-quality food
to feed all of our animals every single day.
So we are gonna be sorting through this clam,
you can grab a piece of clam, pull of this top part,
and this is the foot, or the stomach,
and this is what most of their diet is made up of.
It actually costs the same amount of money to feed
an adult sea otter as it does to feed an adult beluga whale.
- Oh my god. - Oh my god.
That's quite a size difference.
- That's a 40-60 pound animal, versus a
potentially close to 2,000 pound animal.
- This is how kings eat, though.
- Yeah, the animals have poison testers.
All the traitors that eat it first, just to make sure.
(upbeat jazz music)
- [Jen] They're just looking at us like who the hell
are you losers?
Holy crap.
- [Steven] This one loves you, Jen!
- [Jen] Probably just touched poop, I don't even care.
- [Steven] Wanna see yourself?
(penguin honking)
- So the vocalizing, cause there's a bunch of new people
out here, they want to let themselves be known.
They actually used penguin vocalizations
to create some of the dinosaur noises in Jurassic Park.
Cookie's a very important penguin here at Shedd.
She will be turning 30 years old this year.
Cookie actually recently had cataract surgery.
- Oh my god.
So do you hang out with these penguins every day?
- I've been working with them for about seven and 1/2 years,
so I know them really well, they know me really well,
we've got a good relationship.
(upbeat music)
So one of the really important things
for animals here at Shedd is environmental enrichment.
Providing changes to their environment
to keep them stimulated.
These are some environmental enrichment devices,
also known as toys.
Just grab a couple of pieces of food, stick them in there.
So what we're gonna do is give these to Ellie,
our youngest otter.
- [Steven] Oh, hi!
[Jen] Oh my god.
- [Steven] You want this, Ellie?
Here you go.
Oh, wow!
- So it keeps their minds active,
they gotta work to figure it out,
it's not just given to them.
Some of the otters it takes a little while
for them to learn which way to push it,
but she knows what to do.
- [Jen] Where do these otters come from?
What are their stories?
- Here at Shedd we have five sea otters,
and four of them were directly rescued from the wild.
They were orphaned, or somehow separated from their mother.
So one of the nice things about working with
the animals here at Shedd, is it gives us the skills
that we can use to help animals out in the wild.
This is Luna and Mari.
- [Steven] Oh my gosh!
- I would just hang out here all day if I worked here.
I'd be like, I'm otter girl.
- Sea otters actually have the densest fur of any mammal,
because unlike most marine mammals,
they don't have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm,
so they're relying on their coat.
It's also one of the reasons that they eat
so much food, too, is because their metabolism runs so fast
to keep up a high body temperature.
These are some of the treats that we give the otters,
it's just clam mixed up with water.
We put it in some little molds and freeze it.
- [Jen] Oh, they knew, she was like, I'm here.
- [Steven] Hi!
- Just toss it in there,
just don't get your hands too close.
- [Steven] Here you go.
- They will start to stash them in a little pocket
that they have under their forelimbs.
They're really intelligent animals,
they just have a really short attention span.
They get bored really easily.
- [Jen] Fair enough.
- Highly intelligent, low attention span.
I'm the beluga whale, feed me and I'll do anything.
- It was absolutely phenomenal, it was like
the coolest (bleep)ing we could've done.
- [Steven] One thing you just don't realize is how much
these people love the animals that they work with.
- They did tell us a lot about their conservation efforts,
and how they try to use their research
specifically to foster a better rescue and rehabilitation
of orphaned animals or animals that are sick.
I wish we got to touch the otters,
but I understand that they are fragile, gentle creatures,
and sometimes you just look, you don't touch.
(chill music)
(sign squeaking)
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