Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 1 2018




As the world continues to advance technologically, so do more initiatives that encroach on our

basic human rights.

It seems we�re on our way to becoming a card-less, cashless society.

Remember when our credit and debit cards didn�t have a chip, and we had to sign for our purchases?

Well, they got a chip, and the next step might be a chip inside of our body, and not inside

of the card.

In fact, microchip implants in humans are already on the market.

For example, an American company called Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has developed one

approximately the size of a grain of rice, and has already had it approved by the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration for distribution and implementation.


Not long ago, Ex DARPA director and Google Executive (now a Facebook executive), Regina

Dugan, was promoting the idea of microchipping humans.

You can view that clip here.

Ask yourself, what if this becomes a requirement for authentication and identification?

To withdraw money or go to the grocery store, to access your health card, social security

information or passport..

Would you do it?

Last year, a Wisconsin company held a �chip party� to microchip their workers, as the

Chicago Tribune points out:

�A brief sting is all employees of a Wisconsin technology company said they felt Tuesday

when they received a microchip implant in their hand that will allow them to open doors,

log onto computers or buy breakroom snacks by simply waving their hand.

Three Square Market, also known as 32M, said 41 of its 85 employees agreed to be voluntarily

microchipped during a �chip party� at company headquarters in River Falls.�

Another example would be the Swedish technology firm, Epicener.

Over 100 employees there agreed to have a microchip implanted inside their hands, which

allows them to open doors and use electronic devices more efficiently.

Although it�s claimed that the data in these microchips is encrypted and does not use GPS

(so we cannot be tracked and private information obtained), who really knows if that�s true.

With all of the leaks from Edward Snowden, and now the revelations about Facebook and

how much they�ve creeped into their users private lives via storing data, is this something

we can really trust?

The concerning thing is that it�s creeping towards being the norm, as the technology

is slowly being used and developed by multiple countries around the world.

It actually started years ago when animals began being implanted with devices.

An associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Noelle

Chesley, stated that many of those at the edge of developing these technologies �believe

we are going to be combining technology in our bodies.�

A Cybernetics scientist, Dr. Mark Gasson from the University of Reading in Britain told

The Sydney Morning Herald,

�It has the potential to change the very essence of what it is to be human..

It�s not possible to interact in society today in any meaningful way, without having

a mobile phone.

I think human implants will go along as similar route.

It will be such a disadvantage not to have the implant that it will essentially not be


Is There A �Conspiracy� Going On Here?

Microchipping has always attracted attention as being some part of a hidden agenda plan,

one that continues to take away our rights.

The backbone of the American ruling elite�s ideology has long been neoliberalism and neoconservativism,

a state creeping towards the description given by George Orwell�s 1984.

Not long ago, mass surveillance on the global population was considered a mere conspiracy,

but it�s not anymore..

And the reasons to justify these actions seem to be based on false premises.

George Orwell�s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that

persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as �thoughtcrimes� that must

be enforced by the �thought police.� This party seeks power above all, and, through

the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth.

Sound familiar?

Within the past few years, so much information has come out contradicting the mainstream


Election fraud, as made evident by WikiLeaks, is one example, and false flag terrorism,

with 9/11 being the perfect example, is another.

Big global corporate and political initiatives like this have long been tied to some sort

of hidden agenda, and you�re not crazy for thinking that this is also one small part

of the massive global surveillance state we are experiencing.



We Are Autism - Duration: 2:30.

I am autism autism is me understanding that it let me be free autism it's way

more complicated than you think it can be invisible you might miss it

if you blink autism is my very best friend

but it's my mortal enemy and it will be right until the end I really struggle to

empathise this is something that to you all I must truly emphasise I can have

friends great friends that mean the world to me although I obsess over them and that can be hard for me to see talking to

people for me is exhausting constantly analysing body language to just guess

what their emoting my senses get overloaded there's just too much going in it hurts my

brain when processing millions a document or decision I wear a lot of clothes are

pretty much the same trying something new

ah I don't play a game when I get stressed I cry through to see

like all my interests just be my profession or can never be denied as my

real passion and ambition I can't ride a bike I can't catch a ball but when it

comes to name and Pokemon looking named the mana I put myself in crowds to see

my favorite singer put myself on screen feeling I am a winner my imagination is

wild and so is my dream I will chase those ideas

just watch me PD I say just a camera a message to deliver I love being me that

fort will never differ it must be clear for you to see that I am autism and

autism is me but most importantly I am me I am me


For more infomation >> We Are Autism - Duration: 2:30.


❤️ Прикольное поздравление с днём ДУРАКА❤️С Днём Смеха ❤️ С 1 апреля❤️ - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> ❤️ Прикольное поздравление с днём ДУРАКА❤️С Днём Смеха ❤️ С 1 апреля❤️ - Duration: 0:47.


【Nate Sings】SNOBBISM / Neru & z'5 (feat. Kagamine Lin & Kagamine Ren) - Duration: 3:33.

Arekore haite baramakanai to nerare ya shinai ( Can't sleep without spitting out all of the junks )

Yarikirenai chihedo wo tanto buchimakenai to shakuzen to shinai ( Can't be relived without spitting out all of the blood )

Isshou sou shite shinzou wo nageatte seserawarau no ga ( Just like this, throwing hearts at each other, mockingly laughing at others )

Kono machi no iyou na MORARITII nanda ( That's the strange morality in this town )

[ Translyrics: Mes ]

SERUFII koso ga subete nano to iu shoujo ni ( Aim at that girl who thinks selfies are supreme )

Kimagure na doujou da toka SABUKARUCHAA ga chakudan suru ( Send her some missiles of empathetic subcultures )

Ainiku no yohou desu ga honjitsu, Toukyou ittai no sora ni wa ( What a coincidence that today in Tokyo area − )

Keihoukyuu no warudakumi ga furu you desu ( a civil defense alert is sent as an intrigue )

Hakuchuudoudou eki no HOOMU de wa takusan mono ( Under the sun, on a crowded platform − )

Genjitsukan ga kare no senaka wo senronai e keotoshiteru ( he was pushed to follow the route by reality )

Hito hitori no inochi ga entame no you ni, samo orikomi chirashi mitai ni ( Treat people's lives as entertainment, like how they deal with folded flyers − )

Keshikasu to natte rouhi KONTENTSU no gisei to naru ( like how they sacrifice solid waste as eraser crumbs )

Saa, kenka shiyou ze, kenka shiyou ze ( C'mon, let's make a scene! Let's make a scene! )

INPURESSHON shidai de MISAIRU wo buppanashite ( Leave vivid impression by launching some missiles )

Saa, kenka shiyou ze, kenka shiyou ze ( C'mon, let's make a scene! Let's make a scene! )

Seitousei nante ato de TEEPU de kuttsukero ( And tape it up with some legitimacy afterward )

Ashita, sekai ga owaru da nante hora banashi ni ( In this bizarre era, everybody hopes − )

Sou dattara ii na to gyaku ni negatteru kishinenryo no jidai ( "tomorrow will be the end of the world" fallacy to be true )

Nani fujiyuu nai kore ijou mo nai kurai no gousei na konse ni ( No more restrictions, in such an extravagant period of time − )

Bokura wa mienai nanika wo hosshite ita ( we lust for something illusory )

Nanzenkai nanmankai baka no hitotsu oboe no you ni koukai wo sun'no ga ( Thousands of times, for memorizing one stupid little thing − )

Nanzenkai nanmankai baka no hitotsu oboe no you ni koukai wo sun'no ga ( people regret thousands of times )

Kono machi no omoshiroi tokoro nanda ( And that's what makes this town so interesting )

Ittai doushite miraizu tte MANYUARU-bon ni wa ( How come, in the manual called "the blueprint of the future" − )

Saijuuyou na sube no dousensekkei ga nasarete nain da yo ( we can't find the lead design of the most important technology )

Dakara hito wa yaban na kyouki wo furuu shi sore wa shigoku touzen no douri ( So then humans swing the bloody weapons in their hands − )

Dakara hito wa yaban na kyouki wo furuu shi sore wa shigoku touzen no douri ( as if that's a matter of course )

BAGU mamire no jinrui no DEBAGGU wa itsu owaru ( When will the last patch for humans launch? )

Saa, kenka shiyou ze, kenka shiyou ze ( C'mon, let's make a scene! Let's make a scene! )

SENSEESHON nanka wo bakudan de buchikonde ( Bomb the sensation away without any mercy )

Saa, kenka shiyou ze, kenka shiyou ze ( C'mon, let's make a scene! Let's make a scene! )

Issaigassai wo kanagurisutete ikou ze ( Throw all of your worldly possessions away! )

Ushinau mon wa mou nai sa, aisareru mibun demo nai na ( There's nothing to lose, and we are not even qualified to be loved )

Shuusei ni oyonde itashikata nai boueisen ( The useless defense line and the young and green rifle are simply − )

Osanasa toka iu shoujuu wo tada akumade koji suru bokura ( The useless defense line and the young and green rifle are simply − )

Osanasa toka iu shoujuu wo tada akumade koji suru bokura ( just our way of showing off the harassment )

Shouen wo ibushita soujou nanka kokkei na SHOU douzen da ( Which smells like the smoke of gun − )

Shouen wo ibushita soujou nanka kokkei na SHOU douzen da ( is nothing more than a clownish show )

Isshou, BURAFU wo odosu ga ii sa ( Threatening those kind-hearted men )

Sono mama oyama no taishou yattara ii sa ( And kicking the ass of that four-flusher will do just fine )

BARAKKU no shuuraku de higaishazura shite bakasawagi shiyou ze ( Let's make a scene in front of those victims in the barracks )

Karappo no bunzai de bakasawagi shiyou ze ( Let's make a scene with this vacuous position )

Bakasawagi shiyou ze ( Let's just make a scene! )

For more infomation >> 【Nate Sings】SNOBBISM / Neru & z'5 (feat. Kagamine Lin & Kagamine Ren) - Duration: 3:33.


PUBG Save + Bait Compilation - PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds - Duration: 3:41.

No! Where are you?

Oh my god.

I knocked him! *shocked*


Where was he?

Just behind Mikael. (Besides the wall, here.)

Maybe crawl towards him. Yes (like that).

He shot 3 shotguns shells

I'll just check quickly above here

So he doesn't get healed.

It's worth the 2 seconds in case there is someone there.


... he'll assist his mates.

*confused sounds*

The M4... M16 was on burst.

1 just by me

No idea where he went. (By the car.)

He's on the other side of the car.

I should see him then

Died directly

Cooking grenade

Knocked 1 in the right window


We got more grenades?

Throwing grenades as well

Knocked 1

Grenaded once more

I'll push after the grenade

1 below, 1 below! He jumped out, he jumped out!


The play of the game, Nex!

Steps by me, steps by me!

Uhm... there you are.

Seems like he went past me

Seems like there's coming yet another 1. (Other 1 is coming into the house, on the other side!)

Ah, nice!

No no no, there's 2! (There's 1 more.)

Fuck off.

*relieved laughter*

Was it <???> ?

There's the mini

Yeah, he isn't far away

Don't die then *frustrated* Alrighty then. <me getting the kill straight after>

He's inside the house. Down here.

Knocked him as well, I think. Yeah.

Another 1. (There's yet another 1 there.)

Not sure if he's through the house or inside of it. <the door was open>

He's either inside or on the other side of the house.


He's inside

Nice. (Nice.)

Hit him once, he's behind the counter again


Distracted, yo (Oh yeah)

Fucking hell, why doesn't he die?

Do I have a shot at getting to you in time?

Depends on where he goes, think he went into the house

The house on our side?


Getting shot at from the other side of the road. (He's running around <the house>)

He's around me

He's on me

Oh hohohohoho. (Ouhhhhh)



Still getting shot at

He's just to the right

That... was as some nice shots.

For more infomation >> PUBG Save + Bait Compilation - PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds - Duration: 3:41.


Let's play Far Cry 5 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (Swingers Prepper Stash & Gardenview Packing Facility) - Duration: 49:15.

Let's play Far Cry 5 - Gameplay - Walkthrough. Swingers Prepper Stash and Gardenview Packing Facility

For more infomation >> Let's play Far Cry 5 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (Swingers Prepper Stash & Gardenview Packing Facility) - Duration: 49:15.


The Badass Personalities of People Who Like Being Alone - Duration: 4:04.

The Badass Personalities of People Who Like Being Alone

There are some people who prefer living in solitude.

Many reasons trigger this trait such as rejection, seeking for peace, and being introverted.

Those attitudes make other people think that they are people who need help.

However, it is worth noting that it is their decision to be alone.

They need time alone for various purposes such as calming themselves, reflecting, thinking,

and staying away from crowds.

Additionally, there are some perks that make people who love being alone awesome.

Here is some personalities of people who like being alone.


They are not neurotic

People who like to be alone, based on research, do not always suffer from neurotic condition.

In fact, most of them are sensible people who like to think deep and wide.

That may be surprising, but it turns out they have made decision to be single or to be alone.

That is why they don't regret their decision.


Open minded

Those who prefer staying at home alone or in apartment room may not possess the ability

to think wide.

They are confined in their little space, and that is why people always think that way.

Unfortunately, it is not always true because people who prefer being alone spend their

time reading or doing things they like.

Typically, they read books nor novels to satisfy their curiosity.

That is why loners are not always close-minded people as people assume they are.


They are kind

People who are not afraid of being alone are basically nicer and kinder to those who are

afraid of being alone.

The reason is simply because they love having conversation no matter how risky it is.

Their facial expression is also welcoming because they don't really care if their

tactics to get new friends fail.



This one is probably the best trait for people who like being alone.

Being organized keeps everything neat and controlled.

They can create plans accurately, and they will follow them accordingly.

They also can make one for others to follow, and it is absolutely the great personality

that not all people have.



The next thing that should be noted is the level of extroversion.

This measures how baddish people who like being alone are.

Based on some research papers, it is found that loners tend to be more introverted especially

those who live with no partner.

People who are afraid of being single are less extroverted than those who are unafraid.

The reason being is probably because they don't have to be socially active to get

partner and to be happy.

Moreover, single people who are afraid of being single actually have more real friends

than those who are unafraid.

Therefore, it is no wonder why those who are unafraid are getting more extraverted because

they are okay with small numbers of real friends.


they have standards The last baddass trait is related to how they

plan their goals.

They don't just talk.

They have high standards, and they will make sure everything is properly done.


All in all, that's the "The Badass Personalities of People Who Like Being Alone".

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Badass Personalities of People Who Like Being Alone - Duration: 4:04.


Midcentury-Modern Home Renovation in Los Angeles - HGTV - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Midcentury-Modern Home Renovation in Los Angeles - HGTV - Duration: 2:44.


[WancoBeads] How to make Bee - Duration: 18:01.

Beads abacus 4mm dark brown 19 Beads abacus 4mm orange 16 Beads abacus 4mm transparent 12 Beads round 4mm black 2 Nylon string 0.23mm(dia.) 100cm 1

At first, Add 5 beads(orange) to red nylon string

It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Add 2 beads(orange, black) to blue nylon string, It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 3

Pick up 1 beads(orange) in blue nylon string

Add 3(dark brown, dark brown, orange) to red, cross

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Pick up 1(orange) in red

Add 3(dark brown, dark brown, black) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(orange) in blue

Add 1(orange), cross

ring (3)

Pick up 2(orange) in red

Add 1(dark brown), cross

ring (4)

Add 4(dark brown) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(dark brown) in red

Add 2(orange, dark brown) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(dark brown) in blue

Add 1(dark brown), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(dark brown) in red

Add 1(orange), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(orange) in red

Pick up 3(dark brown, dark brown, orange) in blue, cross

Pick up 1(orange) in blue

Pass the red nylon string to the position of the left wing

Add 6(transparent) to red, put the left wing

Pass the red nylon string to the position of the right wing

Add 6(transparent) to red, put the right wing

Pass the red nylon string to the position of the back, cross

Add 3(dark brown, dark brown, orange) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(orange) in blue

Add 2(dark brown) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(dark brown) in red

Add 3(orange, dark brown, orange) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(dark brown) in blue

Add 2(dark brown, orange) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(dark brown) in red

Add 2(dark brown, orange) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(dark brown, orange) in blue

Add 1(dark brown), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(dark brown) in red

Add 1(orange), cross

ring (3)

Pick up 2(dark brown) in red

Pick up 1(dark brown) in blue, cross

Pick up 3(dark brown) in blue

Tie the nylon string

After connecting, through the nylon string to 2 or 3 beads

Cut a little pull state the nylon string

It was completed

Use 3mm of acrylic beads

For more infomation >> [WancoBeads] How to make Bee - Duration: 18:01.


Underpants ~ PonPonPon - Duration: 2:10.

this is totally a legit video whatchu talkin' about

what's april fools

admire the beauty of this child please

this song does not need lyrics. legit video. shudfup.

tada mae ni susumu shikanai wa iya iya~


oh, THAT's an april fools

good job youtube you ruined the earrape

fuk the fuking vorld


everytime pon~

everyday's pon~

merry go round noritai no~

what are you still doing here

nothing's gonna happen m8

you've been hypnotized. bring me a cup of tea, peasant


what is my life


i'm tired bai


For more infomation >> Underpants ~ PonPonPon - Duration: 2:10.


華語歌曲Top150 YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多華語歌曲榜 數據統計截止日期:2018年3月31日 - Duration: 36:05.

For more infomation >> 華語歌曲Top150 YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多華語歌曲榜 數據統計截止日期:2018年3月31日 - Duration: 36:05.



For more infomation >> 3 CANI CAN BASMADAN 300 CAN ETMEK WOLFTEAM KORKULU HEYECAN DOLU BASKIN ! - Duration: 10:31.


FrageVideo 200 Abo Special?? Was wollt ihr? - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> FrageVideo 200 Abo Special?? Was wollt ihr? - Duration: 0:58.


弗利沙和沙魯合體後捲土重來,悟空貝吉塔淡定用超四迎戰 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 弗利沙和沙魯合體後捲土重來,悟空貝吉塔淡定用超四迎戰 - Duration: 2:15.


How to Deal with Your Kid's Negative Attitude | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 9:12.

Hey hey, my friend! Welcome to Parenting A to Z! I'm Kelly Bourne, and this week

we're taking a deep dive into negativity. How to deal when -- I'm getting

antsy even thinking about it -- when our kids are negative. When

they're constantly complaining, when nothing is good enough. It can be a real drag.

So we're gonna take a look at why they're doing it, first off,

and then how we can deal and how we can set them up

for success moving forward. So they can be a little bit happier -- where all of us

can be a little bit happier, not dealing with so much negativity. So join

me, it's coming right up!

So what is the big deal? What's the big deal with

negativity? Well it is hard to be around. It is hard to be around! When our kids

are complaining, or they're pointing out faults, or they're constantly comparing

or they're constantly saying how Sally has this and Johnny has that and how

come we don't have this and nothing is ever good enough... It can be a

drag! And it can be -- it's hard even saying that, but sometimes it's hard to be

around our kids when they're like that. So it's definitely something that we can

get a handle on today. And the first thing I really want to look at is why

our kids are doing that, why our kids are being negative. And the truth is,

as with a lot of behaviour, they can do it for a lot of the same reasons that we

can do it. One of the big ones, I know at least for me, is I can kind of get in

the dumps if I'm around someone who is like super crazy optimistic or always

positive. If you're not jiving with that, it can make you want

to go the other way. And then, for our kids, if they have a sibling

that's overly positive or overly happy or overly optimistic, they could be using

their negativity and their complaining and their grumbling as a way to

find their place in the family. It's like, "Oh, she's already got the optimism, happy

kid on lock, so I'm not gonna try and fight her for that cuz she's already doing a

fantastic job getting mom's attention being really happy all the time. So

you know what? Maybe I'll get a little bit of attention over here for being

negative. Maybe that'll be my thing..." And I know it maybe sounds a little bit crazy,

but if you think about it, really for someone who's trying to find their place,

why crowd out what's already been taken?

And you can see this a lot in families where there's one "good

child" and then there's another "bad child." And

how the "good child" can be very good at being good, and the "bad child" can be very

good at being bad. Because that's how they they find their sense of belonging

and significance in the family. And another thing too, that goes along with

that, is if if our kids feel like another sibling is being favoured... Oh that sucks.

That sucks! And it's hard and I know we don't mean to do it, it's not intentional,

but that can be one of the underlying reasons our kids can start getting on

that complaining train, that negativity train, feeling in the dumps -- because they

are feeling in the dumps! They are feeling like another sibling is favoured.

So those are just a few things to keep in mind, if you're overly optimistic

or you're overly happy and you're constantly, this sounds kind of weird

even saying it, but like throwing happiness and optimism in everyone's

faces. Not everybody likes that, right?! All of our personalities are different. Same

thing, if you have one really optimistic child, that could be a reason for the

other child to be jumping on on the negativity bus. And I know I'm using a

lot of transportation metaphors today. I don't know what's up with that?! So how

can we deal? What can we do when we find ourselves faced with

constant negativity? And this is hard. This is really hard, but the first thing

is just accept them where they're at. I know, especially if you're a really

positive, really happy, really optimistic person, you can

just want to pull them up out of it. It's like, okay they're down there,

they're sad, I don't know what's going on, I want to fix it... Try to accept them where

they're at. Because our constantly trying to change or "fix" or correct how they are

feeling, it just drives home for them that we don't really get

it. We don't get them where they're at. We don't understand them where they're at. So by

listening and validating their feelings and accepting them where they are, even

if we don't agree with it or even if we wish they were happier or

more optimistic, that is always step numero uno. And as you can tell, I do not

speak Spanish... ;) But I think you get the idea. And another thing you can do, is try

to use humour. So this will totally be case dependent, depending on your

kids and if they do have a funny bone and if they relate to humour, but

something to avoid is -- I am so guilty of this, you guys! "Oh wasn't that fun?!" or

"Didn't you love that?!" or oh "This is so amazing!" Try to keep that -- I know it can

be hard, if that's how you're really feeling, but try and keep that at a

low simmer, rather than a boil. Because that can be something else driving them

to negativity. So what you can do instead, is to try to find their funny

bone. Like, "On a scale of one to ten, how bad was your day today, bud?"

And again, this is not for everyone. You have to kind of judge your

relationship with your kid and if they will think that's funny or if they will

think that that you're teasing them. So just use it sparingly. But for

some kids it's really really effective. And if you're thinking, okay, yeah,

nope. No way. Not a chance. My kid is gonna take that

as teasing. Try to listen. Try to listen as best as you can. It can be hard to

hear a lot of that negativity or a lot of that that complaining, but try to

listen. And then when they're done, instead of jumping in to fix --

I know these are all the things we can tend to do, right?! -- is just say "Can you

tell me more about that?" or "What's really bothering you?"

"What else is bothering you?" Try to go deeper and deeper and deeper,

to see if there is anything there that's really bothering

them. If they are being teased or if they do wish that somebody would just

give it a rest. By really listening. And then instead of jumping in

to fix, saying "Can you tell me more about that?" or "What else?" What else is like

the magic question. "What else is really bugging you about that?" So that's another

way to approach the conversation, too, just to kind of keep under your hat. And

this one, this next one goes along with both of them -- with humour and with

listening -- is we really need to be, see this is the hard thing about parenting,

because what works for one parent and child will not work for the other. So one

thing that I think is pretty universal though, is try to avoid teasing. And I

know, we can have good intentions if we're teasing, if we're calling

our kids like "Oh, here comes Grumplestiltskin" or "Here comes Mr. Grumpy McGrump

Pants" That can really hurt our kids. Our kids don't always get our humor. And

while we can have the intention of using humor or being funny,

it can be really hurtful for them to think that you don't understand

them, and now on top of it you're calling them names. So try not to tease in the

form of calling them a Grumplestiltskin or calling them a Grumpy McGrump Pants

because it can it can do a lot more harm than good. And again, I know hello!

We all have good intentions, but it's just kind of thinking about things

from your kid's perspective. And even thinking of times when maybe you were a

kid and somebody called you something, thinking it was a joke, and you didn't

think it was funny at all. So just try to keep that in mind as well. And

then, this last one really quick, is more for the older kids who are more

self-aware and a little bit more mature. If there's some situation where

they're constantly negative, or it's constantly a drag, or they're constantly

complaining, is to start having conversations with them about what their

part in that could be. Not in a blaming or a finger-pointing kind of way, more in

the way of "What about that situation would make it more fun for you?"

or "What about that would make you have a better time?" or "What about that

would have to change for you to enjoy that more?" For them to think about their

part in it and get them to see that they really can change things just by

making their own decisions. By deciding they're not gonna spend so

much time on Snapchat, or you know what? Maybe soccer really isn't for me. Or you

know what? I actually don't want to go to that sleepover at Sally's again because

it's not fun for me. Getting them to see that their choices matter, and that they

have control, and that if something's bugging them and is a drag for them, they

can decide to make another choice. So I'll leave you to it! I know it can be so

tricky, especially if you're generally a positive, optimistic person, trying to

relate with a child who's complaining or always seeing the bad side of things. It

can be hard. So let me know how it goes! If you're looking for more in-depth

parenting resources and support, don't forget to check us out over in the

Parent 'Hood, we got tons of downloads and worksheets and exclusive videos. I also

hold regular office hours. We'd love to to have you, so come check us

out! I'll see you next vid!

For more infomation >> How to Deal with Your Kid's Negative Attitude | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 9:12.


Murder Mystery - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> Murder Mystery - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 9:35.





Tomska - Meanwhile #1 한글자막 - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Tomska - Meanwhile #1 한글자막 - Duration: 1:33.


PJ MASKS Toys Catboy Easter Surprise Eggs - Duration: 10:02.

Cool it's the PJ Masks Catboy Easter surprise eggs! It's time to be a hero

Hey, dino pals this is toy rex, here let's see what toy, surprise, we have today?

This is gonna be so fun Dino Friends

We have Catboy full of surprise eggs and than we have an awesome PJ Masks toy set and look over there is the PJ Masks Headquarters.

This is so great let's open up the surprise egg

Here we go Dino friends there's a bunch of awesome surprise, eggs in here so cool

This one is red red just like Owlette shake, shake shake i wonder what toys in here

Wow so cool, we got a spider man and iron man spinner these two are really fast spinning toys, let's see the spider-man

Rather both going really fast who's gonna win amazing the inside spiders on the outside

Wow spider-man, one?

Side for some more surprise toys i wonder what we're

Gonna get this time whoa so cool this is a purple surprise, egg, shake, shake, let's see, what, we get?

well we got a super cool, cowboy watch you can open it and

Look, there's a picture of cat, boy he's smiling, super cute and you can

Also, see the time and there's a bunch of fun games to play if you, want to watch the games on this super cool

Cowboy watch click up here

So fun and you can, also, wear it let's put it on a wrist

This, is awesome i'm a. Pj, masks superhero now it's time for some more pgms toys

This is a green surprise, egg i wonder what's inside

Black here golden tiara with the red, star, and she's got a red

And blue superhero uniform on she's a member of the justice league with, superman

And spam man she's really powerful with the lasso of truth and she's a princess of the amazon let's go princess diana

wonder woman

Time for some more surprise toys, what do, we have this time

Wow it's a blue surprise, egg it's. Blue just like cat, boy so awesome here we go?

Well we got the awesome black panther and this black panther is a bobblehead ba-ba-ba-ba so cool, black panther is really really strong, he

Wears a black panther suit and it's made of adamantium steel it's really strong and indestructible

So powerful black panther is good friends with captain, america. And he's, also the king of wakanda

He's got really great jumping, skills he's a great fighter, and he's super super, awesome smart let's go back panther. Jump

What time is it it's time for some more surprise egg


Let's see this one it's a purple surprise, egg, but, boys are really cool, here we go?

Well we got tommy tommy is the green ranger you know, what this means gentle friends it's morphin time


Tommy has transformed into the green ranger he looks so totally cool

The green ranger is all green and he's got a dragon helmet on because the green ranger has the power to summon the green

Dragon megazord he uses the dragon dagger to blow into it as a whistle and then he'll call the powerful dragon megazord

The green ranger, also has this red blaster


Super strong, and he has the golden armor on he's really really strong and the most powerful power ranger it's morphin time


Two, more surprise, eggs left, any mini man emo open up this one it's another green surprise, egg, green just like

Gecko, and the green ranger so cool

Here we go?

Wow super cool, we got storm she was awesome she's kind of white hair and a black and yellow

Dress storm is a member of the x-men she's really strong, because she has the powerful ability to control the weather she can

Make, storms thunders and even snow wow so cool

She's one of the most powerful members of the x-men and she also teaches at the x-men school with

Professor x so awesome with her abilities she can, fly and create powerful thunderstorm let's go

And there's one more surprise they left it's another purple one shake shake, shake, what, awesome toys inside

Awesome we got the amazing iron man iron man is red and gold and he's using his iron man planner

So cool, iron man is really really strong, and he's one of the members of the powerful avengers he, works with captain, america

Hulk, and thor and his real name is tony smart a really smart, billionaire that's really great at

Making all sorts of super cool, gadgets that's how

He made this amazing iron man suit with it he can, fly x-ray vision laser beams and iron man blaster cannon

let's go out man

Wow that was so fun, no it's time to look at the pgms headquarters, yay

Here's to super cool, key gmass headquarters

Awesome the red is for owlet blue is for cowboy and green is for gecko so fun, let's see who's inside the headquarters

It's a mile connor, and greg it's time to be a hero

Awesome they turn into the pj, masks super heroes now. We have a, litte cap, wait and check it out so awesome

Now, let's look at the super, awesome pj, masks collection

You, have all the pj, masks appeals and all the night villains too so cool, let's open, up the place


Here's cat, boy he looks so cool, cut, boy is wearing a. Blue superhero pj, matt's uniform that's actually a

Pajama, and rick his superhero powers cat-boy you go super cat speed

And have super class and also super catty wow so cool cat, boys

Julie, is tired you're, my, boy just like you and me

Bad boy and kept what has a pet?

This is his pet cat, wow she's super super? Cute, she's a

Blue little kitty with, grey stripes she looks just like cat, boy together they make a great team let's go cowboy

we've got outlet

Well it looks super pretty she has print out powered outlet has super powerful i always so she can fly really fast

Hm and she has a really good friend

It's her pet birdie it's bernie, wow she's so pretty she's red and yellow?

Awesome just like howlett she can, also fly really fast let's go

And this, we have the awesome gecko, kentico he's thick cream, pj, masks he has the power of geckos

Which give him super strength, and that, means he's really really strong and he can, also climb upside down, and here's his pet

It's a little, pet gecko he's green just like, gecko together. They make an awesome pair just like, hector he can

Play, my world and go outside here and also camouflage let's go get on?

And here's romeo romeo is a meg villain he's a super smart genius

And he's holding the remote telecom he uses to transfer super cool information, and here's the squash a tron

These are both of romeo's super-powerful inventions. He made them inside his laboratory that's a big powerful car

He's got all sorts of secret and red genes inside romeo always causes trouble for the pj, masks but he's, also really smart that's

Why he can, make all these cool, inventions let's go romeo

Here's luna girl wow she's so cool, she's got white hair and a black mask and a black luna girl suit

And there's the moon, and she's holding, this purple and pink luna or globe wow

Luna, girl must've used a lot, aboard she uses it to fly

The, lunar moth there's lots and lots of luna moths will always capture the peach event a little girl sometimes can

Work with a, pg death she's really nice but, when luna girl doesn't get her, way then she becomes really cranky

And the midstate villain is night and job wow nettinger is all blue and he's a super cool

Powerful night in ja and look here's the spinning, my ninja uses to split it to capture the pj, masks but oops

Oh, no he splattered himself ah

Don't worry the internals will help them

And here's the super. Cute purple in journals and journals work with

Light india together trance not the pj, masks but they're, never strong enough because the pj, masks, always win now let's watch, nian

Janos go for an jeff

Well the pg nerf can't wait i baskets got us all these, awesome pj, masks, surprise toys so fun, which pj, masks toy

Was your favorite line with the awesome cat, boy watch pokemon dolphin have a, happy happy, day

And i'll see everyone the next toy is video?

Thanks for watching daniel pals you, guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with, me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the dino club

For more infomation >> PJ MASKS Toys Catboy Easter Surprise Eggs - Duration: 10:02.


Pepa Pig Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs - 5 Little Monkeys (Pepa) Jumping on the Bed - Duration: 5:28.

Five little Peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

Four little Peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

Three little Peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

Two little Peppas jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

One little Peppa jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"Put those piggies back to the bed!"

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