- Rawr rawr.
(upbeat music)
- Here it is you guys, my 18 and pregnant story.
I have no idea where to begin,
so I have some pictures laid out here
that I'm going to be showing you guys along the way,
and it's helping jog my memory
and the feelings are coming back up
which is really really weird,
and interesting for me.
I remember the day I found out I was pregnant
and seeing that positive pregnancy test.
I almost didn't believe it.
I thought no way, this is not happening.
You're too young, you're not ready,
you've just started your career in the military.
I had just joined the military.
Here is a photo of me, big and pregnant in my uniform
and this was just a couple months before of me
not knowing that I was even pregnant.
I had no idea, and I was already
six or eight weeks pregnant at the moment there.
I was living in the dorms, just like
every other airman in the Air Force would.
Pregnant and afraid.
How am I going to have a baby in the dorm rooms?
So I had to go to my advisers and they told me
that once I was five months pregnant
I was able to move into my own housing off base
and that it was going to be paid for
by the military completely,
but I still had to wait five months
which was crazy because I was the
only person in my dorm pregnant.
I guess it would kind of feel like a high school girl
being pregnant, or a college person
where you're walking around with your baby bump
and everybody else doesn't have one.
All the other girls don't have one quite yet,
although I was very proud to be a mom.
It was just a different experience
because of the fact that I was still in school,
learning my job for the military.
A lot of you have been asking on my Instagram,
smellybellymom, how my parents reacted when I told them.
So I called my mom on the phone
and I wanted to kind of surprise her with it
because I knew she would be excited,
but I was also kind of worried about her reaction.
I asked hey, when you become a grandmother
what do you want to be called?
Do you want to be called grammy,
do you want to be called nana,
'cause there's all different names for grandmothers.
And she was just kind of confused
and she asked me, why are you asking me this?
And I told her, I'm pregnant!
Like I didn't know how else to say it, I just let it all out
and she was so, so excited.
So that was a lot of fun for me,
but the sad part about it is my mom
couldn't be there throughout my pregnancy.
She didn't get to see me until I was this big!
Just about to give birth, that's when she first saw me.
Her and my all time best friend who I consider my sister
came out and saw me right before I had Jayla.
That was my big, giant belly.
I literally went into labor the very next day.
We had no idea.
It was, births are unpredictable.
You have a due date, but you just never quite know
when the baby is gonna come.
So they were there for me,
which I was super grateful for.
I went into labor the next day at work.
I kept telling my supervisor
I'm having these weird feelings in my tummy.
It kind of felt like I had to go number two,
but the nothing would happen.
So I just waited it out, waited it out
and about noon or one o'clock I told
one of my girlfriends in the office, I said hey
I think this is really happening now.
And she just said oh my gosh,
you have to get home right away.
So I went home right away.
Stayed home for a few more hours,
and realized my water had broke.
This is me eating pizza because I was worried
the hospital was not gonna feed me.
Because once your water breaks,
they're really worried about bacteria and all these things.
You're not supposed to be able to eat food
in case you need anesthesia,
so I was like I gotta chow down on some pizza
and you guys know pizza's my favorite.
Here is another photo of me years before
at basic training, eating pizza.
Pizza always in hand.
And here's me really sad in the hospital
realizing that now all I get are ice cube chunks in a cup
until I have the baby.
Let's rewind a little bit before I ever even
thought about being pregnant, having a baby,
having Jayla in my life which of course
I didn't know she was going to be a Jayla
but she is, and she's here
and I love her to pieces.
She's my oldest, my first born.
We are always going to have a special bond,
so rewind a little bit before then.
I grew up in southern Louisiana, very very small town.
My only way out was really to join the military.
My family couldn't afford to help me pay for college.
I couldn't get a job right out of high school
that could make enough money to pay for college.
I actually had my first job was a
cashier at a grocery store
where I checked out everybody's groceries.
That was my first ever job,
and I used to have to beg for rides to get there
because I did not have my own car.
So that was my life a little bit before.
I also had a brother.
I know a lot of you may know this story,
and a lot of you probably don't yet.
But he was my little brother, we're three years apart.
This is him.
He loved soccer, and I'm using him in past tense
only because he passed away when he was 15 years old.
This is him and my mom.
This is one of my favorite photos of them.
I was actually in the middle of basic training
for the Air Force when he passed away
and I had to leave for a few days for his funeral,
and then come back, finish my basic training,
and move on from there.
And I just feel like he's always been a missing puzzle piece
in myself and my daughters' lives
and even in Jesse's life because they never got to meet him.
None of them ever got to meet my brother,
and he would have just been like the greatest uncle ever.
He was a jokester, he was just the funniest thing
and I think he still lives on through my girls
because Jayla has a lot of his qualities
with the jokester things, and actually Aydah
looks a lot like him, so it kind of freaks me out sometimes
but I think that's his way of just living on
and making me remember him.
Not making me, but...
What did I want to say there?
That's his way of showing me that he's always there.
As promised, I'm going to come and answer
some of your questions, and a lot of you guys are asking
was my first baby with Jesse?
No, my first one was Jayla.
It was not with Jesse.
As a lot of you know, he's her stepdad
and he's going to be answering some questions
in just a little bit of how it was like
being a brand new stepdad.
We don't talk about this very much.
He met Jayla when she was three months old,
so we've never really had that stepparent conversation
because it's always felt like he was her real parent.
She doesn't even remember
what it was like not having him around ever.
So that's interesting to me.
So we, do we plan on having more children from Jeffrey7649.
We do plan on it.
The plan is in motion, kind of sort of.
The mental plan is in motion.
We're going to know by October.
That's my answer, if we plan on that.
A lot of you are asking how did I tell my parents?
Were they supportive?
I already told you guys how I told my parents.
They were very supportive.
Were my friends supportive?
I was actually stationed in Little Rock, Arkansas
Air Force base and all of my military fam
were so supportive.
They threw me a baby shower, and it was a lot of fun.
Was it hard to tell anyone?
I mean not really because...
It's going to come out sooner or later.
You can't keep it in forever.
In nine months everybody's gonna know
whether you tell them or not,
so I just knew I had to tell everybody right away.
How did you feel when you found out?
Did some people disagree with you?
Yes, some people did disagree
and to get to a touchy subject abortion was brought up
and even though I was 18 years old at the time,
I just knew that wasn't an option for me personally.
Nothing against anybody who's done that
or thinks that that's okay.
Just for myself and my situation
and my mentality at the time that was not an option for me.
So I just accepted the fact that I was gonna be a mom,
and it was okay.
I was gonna be a mom, forever and ever
and now I have three to be a mom to.
- You're a great mom. - Thank you babe.
- And now I have three beautiful girls
that I cherish every day and love being a mom with.
I really really like this question.
It says your first baby, were you excited or scared?
Question mark.
I was actually oddly enough more excited than scared.
I had been around babies a lot babysitting
and taking care of babies,
so the actual fact of taking care
of a baby did not scare me.
I was a lot more afraid of giving birth
and thinking I wouldn't know how to do it
and everyone just kept reassuring me,
trust me your body will know exactly what to do.
Don't even think about that part.
So I was more excited about having a daughter.
I really was super excited about that.
One last question, and this is a fun one.
It was what did you want to name the baby if it was a boy?
Which I actually really really wanted a boy
for whatever reason, I don't know why,
but once you find out what you're having it doesn't matter.
And I for some reason wanted to go with a J name,
so if it was a boy I was going to name him Jace.
I was dead set on Jace spelled J-A-C-E.
So then when I realized I was having a girl,
I went like down the list of names
and tried to put a J in front of them
and it was really weird.
I would say like Jashley.
I'm like that doesn't sound good,
and then I finally got to Kayla
and I was like oh Jayla,
like put a J instead of the K.
And I really liked that, so that's how I came up with Jayla.
We're going to get to the juicy stuff now okay?
I'm in labor, you already saw me
eating the pizza 'cause I was so worried
the hospital was not gonna feed me while I was in labor.
I am on my really cool flip phone
right here having contractions.
All of my babies were six pounds,
over six pounds except for Rory
'cause she was born early.
Here is my mom giving her kisses right after she was born
and she was all wrapped up nice.
- Oh so much love. - I know!
She was so sweet.
She was such a laid back baby.
Look at this photo, you're gonna like crack up so bad.
Oh my gosh, this was her first ever like
real legit baby photo in the hospital
and it doesn't even look like her.
I just want to show you guys a few more things
about Jayla's personality and how
she has been the same since she was a baby.
She thought it was super funny
to get in buckets, she did it all the time.
If this is not Jayla, I don't know what is.
Like this is just her, totally.
Again, her.
She's like no more photos mom, I'm done with this!
And this was back in the day when we
used to print our photos, you guys.
This was all done on disposable cameras,
can you believe that?
Disposable cameras.
There's one of her being silly again.
So you guys know my love for pizza.
Jayla's favorite was french fries.
I have multiple photos of her.
French fry face, french fry face
and the funny thing is every drive through we went through,
she thought she could get french fries.
We would go through the bank,
she would ask for french fries.
Like it's not a joke.
She was serious about her french fries.
We are going to rewind to three months old
when this handsome fella, are you ready for this babe?
- [Jesse] Oh no.
- Came into my life.
- [Jesse] I didn't even know you had this photo.
- Oh!
- [Jesse] No it's terrible!
- That was actually a hat that I bought for you.
- [Jesse] Yeah you bought that one for me.
- It says legend.
He came into our lives and everything changed.
This was the first time that I ever went
for a visit with him, and we would
just nap together all the time
and his sister snuck this photo of us sleeping.
- [Jesse] I remember you smelled so good.
- Aww!
Thank you.
Here we are with him and JJ.
She was probably about
one and a half here?
At TGIF, our favorite restaurant to eat at, Friday's.
- [Jesse] I remember that night, like I--
- He's tearing up you guys,
behind the camera
just so you know. - No I'm not!
- Yeah you are!
No you're, oh he's sweaty, he's tearing up don't lie.
So and then this was right after we had Aydah bear,
our little worm is what we called her.
- [Jesse] So cute.
- So that's how he enters my 18 and pregnant story
because we were both 18 year old parents together,
and this was my all time favorite photo of him.
His serious band photo.
I love it.
He was so passionate in music back in the day.
- [Jesse] I have questions to answer?
- Yeah, you were supposed to.
- I do? - You don't have to.
We can cut it out. - No I can do it.
- You were supposed to answer your stepdad.
You're a stepdad, we'll just do like three questions.
- Okay.
- [Terra] What do you want?
- Gonna clip my toenails back here.
- [Terra] You're gonna clip your toenails back here?
First question are we ready?
- Yes.
- [Terra] Did you already know
that Terra had a kid when you met her?
- No.
- [Terra] What was your reaction when you found out?
- So the first time that I met Terra,
she I like came walking into a room
and she like ran up and hugged me.
And was like, oh my gosh your brother!
Your brother said you were so ugly!
(laughing) - He did!
- And...
'Cause he was in the Air Force
and she was in the Air Force,
and anyways I went there to visit my brother
and we went to a party and I saw Terra
and she came up and she hugged me
and was like your brother said
you were so ugly but you're cute!
I had no idea at the time that Terra had a child.
I didn't even know who Terra was.
- [Terra] How did you find out?
- How did I find out that you had a baby?
- [Terra] Yes.
- Because that night--
- [Terra] This is all coming from Instagram by the way.
- I know, so like that night I was like
I told my brother I was like,
dude who was that girl at the party last night?
I was like that girl is so hot!
Like I need to meet her, I need to be around her.
Like can you hook me up?
And he told me like, oh well you know
she has a baby.
And I was like oh who cares?
We're living in two thousand and what?
- [Terra] Four, 2005 by then.
- 2004. - 2005.
- So I was just excited to meet you
and to get to know you.
- [Terra] Someone says I can still
see your face hasn't changed.
I agree, you still look as handsome as ever.
Do you feel any different being Jayla's stepfather?
- Being Jayla's stepfather? No.
- [Jayla] Yep.
- [Jesse] I don't.
- Sorry, just in there clipping my toenails.
I'll leave now.
- There is our 18 and pregnant story.
It's kind of our, even though he didn't
go through the pregnancy, he still had JJ
as a young little baby.
Thank you guys so much for watching today,
and of course I have to end it in the usual way.
Eat your pickles!
- Bye!
(electronic music)
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