Whats going on guys whathe here
Welcome back.. To another video
Today im going to be doing a tutorial
On how to like blur backgrounds, if you take
With your phone or your camrea
And it doesn't have a good depth of feild
Mortal Kombat #1/ Torneo por Equipos Invitado Especial - Duration: 14:25. For more infomation >> Mortal Kombat #1/ Torneo por Equipos Invitado Especial - Duration: 14:25.-------------------------------------------
Fish has long been touted as a super food from doctors, nutritionists and specialists
from around the world.
Many people choose not to eat meat or other animal products, but show pride in their presumed
health conscious decision to consume fish.
But, as with almost everything else that is promoted heavily in the media, there�s something
fishy about this�
There�s no denying that it contains many essential omega 3�s which are known to be
good for your brain, many consider fish �brain food� because of how essential these nutrients
are for brain health.
Unfortunately, farmed fish, particularly salmon and tilapia, are doing more harm than good
and as awareness grows, many experts are now claiming for farmed fish to be one of the
most toxic foods in the world.
What�s The Problem With Fish Farms?
Fisheries of today face a series of issues including overfishing, chemical pollution
and even genetic mutation from toxic exposures.
In Nicholas Daniel�s documentary, �Fillet-Oh-Fish� a critical eye is pointed at the fish farming
industries across the globe and features exclusive, insider footage from fish farms and how they
According to the producers of the film, �through intensive farming and global pollution, the
flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail.�
Unfortunately, Aquaculture often promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing
of the world�s oceans.
The reality is that fish farms are actually causing more problems than they are solving
and once again, it seems that turning a profit is more important to these corporations than
actual sustainability or environmental concern.
Farmed Salmon Is One Of The Most Toxic Foods In The World
The film mentioned above starts off in Norway, documenting the chemicals used in fish farms,
Kurt Oddekalv, a respected Norwegian environmental activist, also believes that salmon farming
is a disaster for human health as well as the environment.
Below the salmon farms of the Norwegian fjords is a layer of waste that is about 15 meters
high and as you can imagine, it is absolutely teeming with bacteria, drugs and pesticides.
Because these farms operate in open water the entire seafloor has been destroyed and
the pollution created by these farms is not contained.
A salmon farm can hold nearly 2 million fish in a fairly small space and because of these
crowded conditions disease among the fish is rampant.
In an effort to stave off diseases various pesticides are used, and there is no doubt
that if you�re eating this fish then you are also eating these pesticides.
Toxicologist, Jerome Ruzzin has confirmed some of the claims made by Oddekalv.
Having tested a number of different food groups sold in Norway for toxins he has found that
farmed salmon contains the greatest amount of toxins of them all, and to an extremely
large degree.
The farmed salmon was five times more toxic than any other food product that was tested.
A study, which involved feeding farmed salmon to mice showed how the mice grew obese, specifically
with fat around their internal organs and they also developed diabetes.
In recent years, the evidence that diabetes is caused by a lot more than just sugar, specifically
toxic chemicals and air pollutants in the food we are consuming is coming to light and
this case, we�re learning that salmon farmed in this manner will inevitably contain far
more toxins than those in the wild.
Surprisingly, as pointed out in the documentary, the most significant source of toxic exposure
to the fish aren�t even the pesticides or antibiotics, but the regular dry pellet food.
This contains a whole slough of other toxic chemicals including dioxins and PCB�s, man
these fish never stood a chance.
Literally, the list of everything that is wrong with the farmed fish industry just goes
on and on, and if you would like to learn more about it I highly suggest checking out
the documentary below.
So, What Can We Do?
Stop eating farmed fish at all costs!
This is the single most effective thing you can do to save your health and stop this industry
from polluting the oceans and our environment.
if you haven�t decided to stop consuming animal products and still resonate with eating
fish, stick to wild Atlantic salmon, Alaskan salmon (which is not allowed to be farmed)
or pick up a new hobby and fish your own.
You can tell the difference of farmed and wild fish by it�s colour, farmed fish tends
to be very pale pink and wild caught is a deep red.
Wild caught salmon can be pretty pricey, so sardines and anchovies can be a good alternative
for their nutritional value and level of sustainability.
However, there are a number of plant-based alternatives that can give your brain what
it needs without the risk of toxic contamination, these include, but are not limited to, walnuts,
brussels sprouts, chia, hemp and flax seeds � just be sure to choose organic.
Saving a few dollars for cheaper fish just isn�t worth it and if you are out at a restaurant
or eating sushi, make sure to ask if the fish is farmed and where it comes from.
The only way to stop this industry in it�s tracks is to quit supporting it and quite
frankly this should be made illegal and in all likelihood, as awareness grows about this
massive issue, it is only a matter of time before this will happen.
Much Love
😳NEVER HAVE I EVER - KID EDITION 😂 - Duration: 8:26.what's going on but today we're playing so basically I'm
gonna ask you questions and you guys have to answer them with either I have
or never okay hi guys ready yeah never have I ever
faked being sick oh my gosh okay I said didn't feel good before this and I was
like no but you don't have a fever you go how are you gonna fake your fever
you mean after you're done adjusting just now late today
yeah okay because Priscilla is feeling better today all right yes I shouldn't
have a fever anymore oh so second question never have I ever swallowed my
then eat it never have I ever picked my nose and
wipe it on an object
no but wait I found a pocket of furniture who did it on furniture never
have I ever peed in a swimming pool oh my gosh really precise come on that's
not nice for other people he is it Fraulein this is gonna use his super
have I ever fake slut I know yeah that's what I know when you
I always please never have I ever cut my own hair
oh yes you have yeah I took a piece of tape I took the
whole cake you guys might be into it got a scissors and started to cut my hair I
think we're young or you're young yeah yes never have I ever barn it and
blamed it on somebody else yeah
on Anthony every time never have I ever spit up all night yeah dated that dirty
and Me Not You Anthony you always with me so call it night and then we it was
3:00 a.m. and we didn't care we could just catch them play yeah but I guess
what yeah you guys get in trouble because I woke up to go to the bathroom
and I just wanted to check on you and I saw you guys up and I was mad you guys
were talking to Allie in California never have I ever snuck a snack before
dinner really mad we we it was the day we started to pack up and then we only
got a little bit of the right thing and then I we ate a little bit but I was
good and then I forgot I forgot I didn't eat I forgot I didn't hear all of it my
food so I ate some chocolate and then we said Pete all right never have I ever
told my mom her food was good when it was awful okay you are lying to you a
lie because I know you know some food you know Mike and
maybe but ma why your life one time one time you said my food looks disgusting
oh yeah yeah oh so good yes Maddie I know there's a lot of times you look at
my food and you like your eyes go like oh my gosh what is this and you would
sleep forever and you poor so uh I think she likes it yeah yeah have a sibling
for something I did I never have I ever met someone famous no never have I ever
lied at never I look last question never have I ever lied at never have I
that means if you liked me now at this game
alright isn't it wait play she said she said she never blamed somebody took our
trouble she did she live without me no she did this too said the truth she's
lied about me um alright so this is the end of the video and today
Nightcore ~ Obsessed [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:42.Nightcore ~ Obsessed [Lyrics]
Did Quantum Physics Just Prove That There Is Life After Death - Duration: 3:04.Did Quantum Physics Just Prove That There Is Life After Death
by Luke Miller Truth Theory
The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as
we begin to not only realize more about the true nature of our world, but as the growing
desire to truly discover ourselves becomes something we can�t ignore any longer.
Quantum physics may have just proven that there is an afterlife.
Scientist Robert Lanza claims that the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know
it is an illusion created by our consciousness.
Professor Robert Lanza claims that life creates the universe, and not the other way around.
Lanza is no newbie to controversy.
He has been working with cloning and stem cell research for over a decade and with his
new book Biocentrism, he is attracting even more controversy.
While his ideas are ahead of their time, it doesn�t help that the current scientific
community is very opposed to new ideas and change.
This means space and time doesn�t exist in the linear fashion we think it does and
he uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point.
According to Lanzas study, if space and time aren�t linear, then death can�t exist
in any real sense either.
When it comes to these ideas, they are usually known on an intuitive level and later move
towards being proven at a scientific level.
I personally feel that we give so much weight to our rational, objective left brained mind
that we lose sight of a world that exists right alongside it.
There is a whole other side to us and this world that we close ourselves off to in order
to stay as scientific as possible.
This is one of the greatest hindrances we can put ourselves through as one of the most
powerful tools we have, our intuition/heart brain, is then cast aside.
The same thinking that allows us to realize amazing scientific discoveries can also get
us stuck in scientific delusions should we not stay open to change.
We are seeing this in a huge way as we look at the divides that are being created in the
medical and scientific fields.
Some are holding onto old ways, while others see what has been right in front of us the
whole time, simply by thinking with more than just the mind (with the heart.)
It�s important to note that although these ideas seem and are profound, they have been
known for a long while but simply have not been accepted by current culture.
MUSIC VIDEO!! (DJ V3 V3) [SpongeBob Remix! MOYEOYOYEMOYE!!!] - Duration: 0:39. For more infomation >> MUSIC VIDEO!! (DJ V3 V3) [SpongeBob Remix! MOYEOYOYEMOYE!!!] - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Game of Zones - S5:E3: "The Writing on the Wall" - Duration: 5:48.Lord Commander
Lord Commander! Wake up!
Giannis? What are you doing here?
I have to tell you something
What is it? Did Bango fall off the ladder?
No. They're going to exile you. At dawn
I knew this day would come
Demand a trial…a trial by one-on-one!
I will be your champion!
Giannis, you're a good kid
No, you're a good Kidd!
It's not right. They blame you for everything!
Eh. Well
The analytics maesters blame you for all the corner threes we give up!
I mean, it is my defensive scheme, so
And the fanlings say it's your fault we don't know when to foul in the last two minutes of battle!
Yeah, well okay, I mean, that one sort of
Even though half the knights have given up on you!
Eleven of them, actually
What is it? Breakfast smoothie?
Something like that
I think your strawberries went bad
Listen, Giannis
I could adjust my schemes
I could stop blaming our youth
I could even work on my time management
But I won't
Because at the end of the day
I must be true to who I am
In here
And in here
I am an asshole
I'm a stubborn asshole and I don't have a clue what I'm doing
But...but you're the best Lord Commander I've ever had
I'm the only Lord Commander you've ever had
Wait, did you have Larry Drew for a year? Were you...
Did you have Larry Drew for a year?
Yeah, yes, who cares?
What matters is that it's not fair what they do to you!
[Glass breaks]
[Glass breaks] You're giving up on us! You're giving up on me!
You're giving up on us! You're giving up on me!
Don't cry over spilled mead, Giannis!
Don't cry over spilled mead, Giannis! When life gives you spilled mead...ugh
When life gives you spilled mead...ugh
Use it to get a free timeout…
-Ah, the Big Dog
Glenn Robinson. One of House Bucks' finest knights
I fought beside him under House Hawks. Years ago
Lord Commander never talked about him
But sometimes I'd find him down here lighting candles and praying to the statue
Those weren't prayers
They were curses
Ser Glenn Robinson was the first pick of his draft class
Do you know who was second?
Lord Commander?
Aye. Well, Ex-Lord Commander
He would come down here to pay his disrespects
That resentment, that anger, that was Ser Kidd's greatest weapon
and his greatest weakness
We were just getting comfortable in his scheme
Ser Ray Allen
He was pretty comfortable fighting under George Karl
They spent years on the brink of conquering the East together
But they never did
Things grew toxic
Five years later, Ray was finally a champion
under Maester Rivers
his sixth Lord Commander
His Airness, Ser Jordan was a great knight under Doug Collins
but it was under the Zen Maester that he became a champion
-Don't forget about Steph Curry, mate!
Ah! What the? Delly?
He was quite comfortable with Mark Jackson
but Steve Kerr really put him over the top
What are you even doing down here?
I was just down here scrapping around
Actually found a pretty cool cave. You guys wanna come check this out?
Wow. What is this place?
This must be pre-merger
Ancient House Hawks maybe?
I don't know
Is that–is that Wilt Chamberlain?
Nay. George Mikan. The first giant
Nay. George Mikan. The first giant What–what is this? Look at all these pale dwarves
What–what is this? Look at all these pale dwarves
Oh my gods, these must be the White Men of the Forest
I only heard about them in stories
They were first to play this game
Looks normal to me
Look here. No three-point line
Why is he holding the ball like that?
They were too weak to shoot overhand
Some of these guys weren't even full-time knights
They were tooth maesters when they weren't playing
Man, this thing must be thousands of years old
Oh look over here
This guy's holding a basket
This looks like the earliest drawing
Oh yeah, that must be Maester Naismith
Legend has it, he settled Balleros and made our holy sport
He's the father of us all
There, yeah! Look! It says here
Thou Maker. That's him!
Wait...wait. That's not a...
That says Thon! Thon Maker!
Uh, Jason?
How old did you say this was again?
4 MINUTOS Para Ter PERNAS GROSSAS EM CASA! [TREINO COMPLETO] 8 Exercícios Para Ter Pernas Grossas - Duration: 5:34. For more infomation >> 4 MINUTOS Para Ter PERNAS GROSSAS EM CASA! [TREINO COMPLETO] 8 Exercícios Para Ter Pernas Grossas - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
Do Essential Oils Really Work? And Why? - Duration: 4:47.When you come home at the end of a long day,
you might unwind with a lavender bubble bath.
Or maybe you light a zesty orange candle as part of your study ritual.
These habits fall under the umbrella of aromatherapy:
the idea that smelling so-called "essential oils"
can change your mood or even have healing effects.
It might all sound like pseudoscience,
but there have been many studies showing that fragrant essential oils
can make you feel more positive, relaxed, or even feel less pain.
But, and I'm sure you were waiting for me to say it,
it might not only be the oils.
There may also be other ways of explaining these effects, too.
Despite their name, essential oils aren't actually essential
at least, not for your body.
Instead, they're found in the bodies of plants,
where they're sometimes used for protection.
These oils are complex mixtures of dozens of different compounds
that are super small and light.
So unlike other smelly things,
they can easily float up and into your nose.
Most of these compounds are either terpenes,
which are made of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms,
or aromatic compounds,
which are carbons and hydrogens arranged in a flat ring.
Mixtures of these chemicals will form
anything from peppermint oil to lavender oil.
Then, they're put in candles, lotions, and all sorts of products
that can supposedly help you focus or relax.
Now, it is worth mentioning that some people claim aromatherapy
can treat clinical anxiety, depression, or cancer.
But there are few, if any, rigorous studies showing that the oils alone
can do those things, no matter what the people selling them advertise.
But, when it comes to relaxation or focus,
those effects don't seem to just be marketing.
Tons of studies have shown that all those compounds
reaching your nose really can change how you feel.
For example, a 2005 study
published in the Journal of Physiology and Behaviour
looked at how 220 patients waiting in a dentist's office
responded to orange or lavender scents.
The patients either smelled those fragrances wafting around the waiting room,
heard some cheerful music, or neither.
They were also handed questionnaires to fill in while they waited,
which were surveys about things like pain, anxiety, and mood.
Those who smelled either orange or lavender said they felt less anxious,
more positive, and calmer compared to others who didn't get the scents
or who listened to music.
And there are literally hundreds of other papers
showing similar results from other experiments.
But even with all those studies,
it's still not clear if the essential oils alone are really responsible
for those changes -- or, if they are, how they work.
There are some studies in rat brains that suggest essential oils
could boost feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain,
like dopamine and serotonin.
Or they could dampen
the autonomic nervous system, which controls your heart rate and breathing.
But why they'd do this isn't as obvious.
As far as we can tell, there's no specific pathway that's triggered when
these terpenes or aromatic molecules bind to the receptors in your nose.
Instead, it's more likely that essential oils work for psychological reasons.
But, maybe unsurprisingly, figuring out what those reasons
are isn't a walk in the park, either.
The research in this field hasn't exactly been bulletproof,
and there are a ton of confounding variables most studies
haven't been designed to account for.
For example, it's possible that the situation or ritual around inhaling
the scent could be more important than the smell itself.
One 2006 study showed that new mothers given lavender
or citrus oil massages felt less anxious or tired after giving birth.
But it may not have just been the smell of the oil.
It could've also been that, well, massages are generally soothing.
Why these oils work could also just be a matter of preference
or even the placebo effect.
That's where the effect comes from
your beliefs and not from the properties or chemistry of the treatment.
Or it could be a combination of these things.
Right now, the reasons are really hard to pin down because there are
some major scientific issues with how many of these studies were done.
The biggest, is that few of them are controlled and double blind.
A controlled study compares the test situation to something neutral
basically to see if the experimental conditions have any effect.
And in a double blind study, neither the participants nor the experimenters
know who's being tested with what.
This helps prevent bias.
Another problem is that these studies also often ask people to rate their
feelings using a questionnaire.
And the questions on these surveys can sometimes skew the results.
In that dentist study, for example, patients were asked to rate
how calm they felt -- not how they felt in general.
By giving study subjects options for their feelings
rather than leaving the question open,
that could have made people seem calmer than they actually were.
When it comes to scientific evidence,
it's not always about the overall number of studies.
If those studies aren't well-designed, the results won't be conclusive.
So to really understand how essential oils affect us
and why they cause the feelings they do,
it would help to have more rigorous research.
But while scientists are working on that,
all of this doesn't mean that it's time to throw out your relaxing bath bombs
or perfume diffusers.
There is plenty of evidence that using essential oils does something
it's just not clear whether it's the oils or the experience of using them
that's really responsible for the warm and fuzzy feelings.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you liked exploring some of the psychology involved in essential oils,
we've got the channel for you.
You can find even more videos about your mind
and how it works over at youtube.com/scishowpsych.
EPITASIS НОВАЯ ГОЛОВОЛОМКА 2019. ПЕРВЫЙ ВЗГЛЯД [ENG SUBTITLES] - Duration: 2:15.Epitasis is a sci-Fi first-person puzzle adventure game.
Stumbled upon an ancient portal, you make a leap of faith and suddenly find yourself among the remnants of an ancient alien civilization.
Mysterious riddles, forgotten technologies and valuable relics are now hidden among the beautiful wildlife that swallowed the remains of the disappeared race.
If you want to get to the truth of what is happening, you have to find out what happened to the ancient civilization that once called these lost worlds their home.
-This description of the game gives us the developer, Lucas govatos.
Lucas Govatos is currently an independent game developer from Annapolis, Maryland. Previous work includes The elder scrolls online, mobile game relics RA and Halo: the original Lumoria campaign project. He currently has an A. A. degree in game art and design at the College of Anne Arundel.
As for me, the game resembles The game The witness, developed by the group Thekla Inc.
Graphics engine unreal engine 4 is truly capable of to convey all the beauty and emotions that are so necessary for the player.
At the moment, the game almost completes its work on kickstarter and plans to leave in 2019.
In Steam game will be available on PC Mac PS 4 and xbox 1.
I wish the developer good luck, because I really liked the game and I'm waiting for its release.
The microphone was Seran, I hope you all liked it. See you soon ;)
Pinky Perfect (Animation) - Duration: 0:39.Pinky: This is what I call,
"Target shooting"
Vincent: READY
(Basketball though.)
Vincent: Ow.
jump bois offend local fan of nature preserve - Duration: 3:37.What's poppin guys hey we got the boys out here in
Their building junk luckily we have many acres of area to build jumps with and it is gnarly the dirt gnarly gnarly with decay
Only imagine those sticks to be a white and blue stick
Was kind of lit I just farted
Sounds like a razor scooter problem, yeah
Sawsan bros saucing
You know what's poppin boy?
All right lady boys in general may. Thank you for building holes with me. Uh we got kicked out, but that's okay
We're gonna back on the grind all right, bro. We're making a jump
Yeah, we also got free furniture
Gonna wave this guy yeah
The Formula One Drivers - Movie - Duration: 1:28:17. For more infomation >> The Formula One Drivers - Movie - Duration: 1:28:17.-------------------------------------------
SUPER Car Drawing Picture Coloring Page Drawing for Kids - Video for Kids - Duration: 13:24.SUPER Car Drawing Picture Coloring Page Drawing for Kids - Video for Kids
Is a mandatory TB TINE Test Medical Product Placement in Private & Public Schools? - Duration: 2:33.okay I have another question here why do kids have to have a TB tine test how
come the schools don't pay for it at the school board since it's a requirement to
go to school but that's the same with any shot so if it turns out that the
child is a low-income child and doesn't have the money to go to the doctor is a
school board going to pay for it if it turns out that the test the TB tine test
or screening is positive for tuberculosis is the school board going
to pay for it or is that a partnership and product placement in the school for
medical so so we have two things here that I'm questioning it's like so we
have on one hand low-income people who may not be able to afford all the
medical services who are left out of programs or programs that's made harder
for them to get you know to reach or is what this is is product placement in the
school so shouldn't the school boards be paying for low-income children and
teachers and people who need help or assistance shouldn't the school boards
be paying for it since you know I mean we all know times are really tough for
everybody right now and so yeah that's what I'm wondering that they should be
paying for it or is this product placement in the school for medical for
an advertisement for the TB tine test in school yeah that's just what I'm
wondering so thank you guys for listening to me ask my questions here
about schools and the other thing I'm thinking to colleges don't require you
to have to have a series of tests or a series of tests and vaccinations in
college it's not a requirement to have to go to college why is it in grade
schools or in the public school system why are all these shots and everything
all in the school system and is there some partnership going on here
with the medical community in the public school system that's that's all I'm
asking is there some partnership so thank you guys and I'll see you soon
love you peace love marijuana green leaves green leaves and avocados
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