Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 26 2018

Let's talk about scams!

The first one is the most easy to recognize and that's impersonating an Uber or Lyft employee.

There are a couple variations of this.

The first one is that you'll receive a request and then as soon as you accept it,

you'll get a phone call from someone claiming to be an employee.

They'll say that it's an identity verification and they'll ask for your Uber or Lyft password.

Obviously, you should never give anyone your password and Uber and Lyft would never want

to ask you for it.

This is just an attempt to get into your account, take your money.

Another is that someone will take a ride from you and they will claim that you will not

be getting paid through the app, you will be getting paid through some other way.

I've heard of them giving pretty legit-looking business cards and claiming that you have

to give Uber this code and then they'll pay you a bunch of extra money or something.

Obviously fraud.

Number 2! Ride theft.

Also two variations of this one.

The first is a passenger stealing a ride.

This is especially common in very metropolitan areas during the downtown hours.

This is why you never wanna ask "are you Kenneth?" you instead say "what's your name?"

Or you'll ask "what's the name associated with the account?"

You also don't want them to see your phone because they may look at the name and then

tell you that's their name.

Another one is a driver stealing a ride from another driver.

The other driver may or may not actually be an Uber driver.

What they'll do is they'll pick up the passenger and the passenger doesn't actually care if

they're in the right Uber, they just tell them where they're going, maybe give them


But a lot of times they'll see a passenger waiting and then they'll claim that there

was something wrong with the app and request to be paid in cash and Venmo or requesting

a ride separately.

Number three!

Additional people.

If you're in an area that has Pool or Line, sometimes people will request a ride, but

they will not disclose how many people they're bringing with them.

Pool and Line have a maximum of 2 people that you can bring with them.

Any more than that and you need to request the whole car.

So then once they get in the car, you can't pick up additional passengers.

The other one is bringing more than they requested.

For example, if they request an UberX, which only allows 5 passengers, and then you driving

your UberXL arrive, they'll put in more.

Or they'll just try to squeeze in additional people than there are seatbelts.

If you have an UberXL, you can request that they adjust the payment and they usually will,

but if you have an UberX and you take 6 people in your 5 passenger car, they will not adjust

it and you could risk getting in trouble, both with the law and with the companies.

If they tell you they will give you a great tip for it, never believe them.

Anything someone says about a tip is a lie.

Number four!

Incorrect destination or direction.

Sometimes they will ask you to go a different direction instead of following the GPS and

then that will drive up the price at which point they will claim to the company

that you did that yourself, and then they'll be reimbursed for the ride and you'll lose

out on it.

They may also ask for a different dropoff location and do the same thing.

Number 5! Anchoring during stops.

Sometimes passengers will request stops and being a nice person, you may or may not allow


Being the savvy driver you are, you of course tell them to keep it under 3 minutes if possible.

And they say "yes, of course, no problem!" but they leave their bag in the car.

Or their dog.

Or their baby.

I'm not even kidding, I've had drivers tell me that.

So then when they're gone for 25 minutes, you can't just leave.

Or you can and you can just drop it off your Hub or, I don't know, fire department if it's

a baby.

Number six!

Surge fraud.

Sometimes the passenger will be smart enough to realize that where they're being picked

up is surging so they will change the pickup location to an area that's not surging.

They will then call up the driver and say "hey uhh I'm actually not at where the pickup

is and I don't know how to change it.

Can you pick me up at the corner of this and this?"

So now they get a ride that starts where they want without paying the surge pricing.

Never pick someone up at a different location than what's in the app.

Anything that you do that's not following what the app says is a risk for you.

Go to the pickup location, wait, cancel.

Number seven!

Lying about the driver aka "put your driver on blast."

So there's actually this uh photo that's floating around that gives you different ways to put

your driver on blast in order to get a free ride!

One example is to take trash from your bag, put it on the ground, take a photo, send that

to Uber or Lyft claiming that the car is dirty and getting reimbursed.

People who do any of these things are terrible, but these ones are the worst in my opinion.

You can literally be deactivated for things on that list.

So you could be ruining someone's livelihood.

And the last one, number 8, is canceling mid-ride.

This one is increasingly common.

There's actually a video I'll put in the description of a driver who experienced this and called

the passenger out when it happened.

By canceling the ride, they can no longer rate them and the driver is no longer getting

paid for that ride.

So if that happens, you should literally just let them out.

Some people will do it right on the freeway, personally I would get to an exit first, but

yeah, get that person out of your car.

If someone cancels the ride, you are no longer protected by the apps or your insurance and

you also are not getting paid so get them out.

Now the biggest thing that you can do to protect yourself from these kinds of scams is have

a dashcam.

Preferably one that faces both inward and outward.

The one that I have and has a lot of great reviews is the Ventrue N2 Pro.

It records bot in and out and has good night vision.

Another thing that you can do is keep your sound on for your phone to make sure that

you know if someone has canceled.

Especially if you use a different app for navigation.

And the last thing is don't rely on just one program.

If you drive for Uber, drive for Lyft as well so that if you get canceled on Uber, then

you still have Lyft as a backup.

Especially if you rely on it for paying your bills.

Hopefully this was helpful and now you know some ways to protect yourself.

If you appreciate the things that I'm doing, you can subscribe to my Patreon account.

I sometimes upload extra stuff there.

I haven't yet, but I plan to.

As always, feel free to email me or put things in the comments if you have a suggestion for

something that I should talk about or if you have a question that you need answered right away.

Have a great day and drive safe!

For more infomation >> Lyft/Uber: Ways You Might Get Scammed - Duration: 5:07.


Avengers Infinity War Review SHOCKING ENDING REVEALED!? What Does This Mean For Avengers 4? - Duration: 8:43.

what is good YouTube warstu here with a video Marvel Avengers infinity war this

will be my review for the movie that I've seen twice so I want to review it

now was this movie ten years build-up we've been waiting for Thanos for so

long to arrive was he actually all that when he arrived yes I think he was but

was it 10 years build-up was it worth the way it was worth the wait

but in ways it's kind of like I deny those bits in the movie that felt rushed

so let's get into this a movie review so if you're a new to the channel like and

subscribe down below guys it's always appreciated so I really did like the way

the Russo brothers dealt with all the different set pieces were Condor the

Gardiner galaxy the outer space the New York set they did deal with everything

pretty and nicely and it was interesting to see how the Black Panther movie

affected this movie and realistically people were thinking this was going to

be black panther 2 but for all the marketing material all the different

traders we got it was literally less than 10 minutes of the actual movie so

we were click baited in the sense that like the Justice League movie everyone

thought they reveals so much that we had no idea what was coming

but really in the Justice League we had no idea what was coming and just like in

this movie they didn't really use a lot of the footage we got which was very

interesting now I did like the way that the Russo brothers kept up with the kind

of the consistency with all the other characters like the gun galaxy

characters they felt just like the guardians that we had during guarding

actually one and two Spider Man felt exactly the same as he did in his own

independent movie Iron Man is the same Captain America so the consistency

levels were there but was it worth was it really 10 years or Marvel

build-up no I really did love this movie I love the way it end I loved everything

about it there was some things that worked better

than others and there were some bits that didn't really work like I'd like

his humor but it wasn't over the top as the same as soul

Ragnarok Thor 3 I thought the humor in that of it was a bit overwhelming but

realistically the humor in this one it was balanced really well in my opinion

so guys I'm gonna get into spidering material soon

now because I want to go over what I actually thought so the whole movie was

based around the black order coming and they were going to get all the stones

for Thanos but realistically I was a bit underwhelmed by the black order yes they

looked pretty good well let's be honest they all got pretty owned pretty fast

and it was really fast getting all the stones himself so I don't really see the

point at the black order because a set for ebony more getting Doctor Strange on

his ship and that was literally all the black order did I mean the black order

did leaves a fight in the third act in Wakanda they did kind of start the

savage fight but at the end of a fan offs came over so I was a bit

underwhelming a bit disappointed by the black order people always moan about CGI

in Marvel movies but personally I think the CGI was pretty cool so it started

exactly where I thought it would obviously the post-credits scene for

thor ragnarok for three with balance his ship appearing in him coming for the

space stone him wiping out all the Asgardians well at least most of them

was pretty interest in the mean the rumors were wrong it wasn't actually

thallus or Loki that sent Hulk to earth it was a fact in be Heimdall open the

Bifrost one last time and he did that was pretty cool and it

was pretty good how he balanced everything because there was a lot of

different things going on at the same time we had obviously Thanos get tronic

all the stones we had everyone's trying to stop him

we had Thor going to gates new Stormbreaker sword hammer which was kind

of cool it was kind of cool I mean Peter Dinklage character didn't turn out to be

called his glaive disliked wiith it didn't think that turned out to be the

dwarf King which is pretty cool pretty solid role I didn't think he'll take a

minor role out so it was cool to him they're all got a new hammer new sword

which was pretty cool but overall I did really liked it so I think it was

interest and how gamora's storyline played into phalluses thoughts and

feelings quite heavily now what I think is pretty cool is Gamora

played a strong part as Gamora its fan as his favorite daughter stepdaughter

and he essentially just like wore shoes said just like we said Gamora would be

linked to the soul stone and obviously the soul stones location was very

interesting that Gamora knew about it all the time and she essentially took

him there and Red Skull was there just like I said

when the space stone took him away that he would reappear and he did reappear

valise had to kill Gamora and he seemed absolutely devastated that he did it so

he did have some remorse I kind of felt sorry for him the standout kind of

amazing thing is Josh Brolin stars it's absolutely amazing such a good actor

because you have to consider guys most of fantasy stuff is done in mocap so

realistically he's really a voice actor so to speak in some aspects so I did

really like that the soulstone reveal was kind of underwhelming with all the

crazy theories it's in the dark dimension it's in the quantum realm it's

in the soul world and realistically everyone was wrong so to speak

so that was kind of interesting I'm not gonna go in too much detail about every

little detail but it was interesting how he played on a different reality

he knew Gamora was going to come and there was like there was a different

reality where she thought she took him down and it was a bit obvious she didn't

take him down so it was good how we got to see all the different zones in play

and it was kind of obvious he had the power stone first then the space stone

then he went for the reality stone which the collector did have but he was

claiming it he didn't actually have it and then he obviously got the soul stone

and then he got the time stone from Doctor Strange which was very weird

because basically they had a plan Doctor Strange went it went to the

future multiple time 14 million different variations and they beat him

once and star-lord is to blame basically because Stalin found out that Gamora was

dead hence how he got the soul stone and basically he ruined the plan they nearly

had the infinity glove of him but they couldn't quite get off him and Doctor

Strange like I don't want everyone dead so just take it but don't kill Tony so I

feel like secretly Doctor Strange was actually lying and in no case no

scenario did they beat him so I feel like that's the only way that he could

kind of salvage something and obviously Tony Stark is the original ope kind of

Avenger and then the Thanos got the mine stone which was the last one then we got

the iconic punch that realistically everyone was wrong I mean it literally

was just holding it for a split second and then Thanos punched him in the face

now Scarlet Witch character very good in this she essentially killed

by taking the mind gem out of him but did she really because lanolin

reversed time and he took it off vision which is kind of interesting and then he

did the snap finger and the whole universe exploded

we're not exploded by half the universe existence it's kind of exploded it would

have been better had we seen other universes not just like people from that

earth kind of disappearing but it was interesting how everyone disappeared and

as soon as I think the things that I knew that Captain America and I'm and

we're not going to disappear but what was annoying I think the fans are gonna

react back react badly is Hulk got literally no screen time at all in this

whole movie Bruce Banner did but Hulk was now at the scene and I think it's

gonna be very interesting I mean the post-credits scene wasn't that good I

mean it does tie in obviously because Captain Marvel movies coming next so

obviously but the Captain Marvel movie is a kind of set in the 80s so it's

gonna be before infinity whatever happen but we will get it like a introduction

to obviously brie Larson's character we just kind of interested it was kind of

funny how Nick Fury said his famous word I'm not gonna say it because the video

get like D monetized if I say it but it is pretty funny how he disappeared

inside that so guys let me know in the comments down below and we have to think

now did Loki's death actually did he actually die because obviously in

Avengers 4 they're going to have to reverse the timeline somehow I

personally think that Thanos is going to do it himself because he's gonna mourn

for Gamora so much that he's gonna realize he made an epic mistake or it's

gonna be some kind of bath technology that we've seen in leaked set images for

season four Avengers 4 I'll go into more detail in a different video but I just

wanted to put a quick video out so I know I know people mine about spoilers

down below but I did give a spoiler warning so if if you didn't noticed and

that's your home folks so anyways please like subscribe and comment or let me

know in the comments down below where you disappointment movie it was 10 years

build-up it was kind of underwhelming but I did love the movie so anyway guys

we comments down below and I will catch you in another video very soon guys

catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers Infinity War Review SHOCKING ENDING REVEALED!? What Does This Mean For Avengers 4? - Duration: 8:43.


Mayelion (Reper) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Mayelion (Reper) - Duration: 1:30.


Deputy rescues puppy from dumpster - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Deputy rescues puppy from dumpster - Duration: 0:33.


A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Pedro Simon #2 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Pedro Simon #2 - Duration: 2:49.


What is he doing?! RANDOM.. FUNNY MOMENT AT SNN INTENSIVE! - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> What is he doing?! RANDOM.. FUNNY MOMENT AT SNN INTENSIVE! - Duration: 1:56.


Crochet Humpback Whale Tutorial - Duration: 35:25.

Hello everyone. I'm Kerri from Kerri's Crochet. Today I'll be showing you how

to crochet this humpback whale.

The materials you'll need are gray, black, and white crochet cotton or wool. I use

four ply crochet cotton. Sewing thread and a sewing needle to stitch it

together, scissors. I use a 1.25 millimeter crochet hook, but use

whatever is suitable for the yarn you're using, and I use a darning needle to

weave in my ends. I'll start on the top part of the body and using my gray I

make three chain. I miss the first chain and work one single crochet in

each of the remaining chain. For row two I start with one chain and turn. I work two

single crochet in the first stitch,

one single crochet in the next stitch and two single crochet into the top of

the space at the end.

For row three I start with one chain and turn. I work two single crochet into

the first stitch, one single crochet into each stitch to the last stitch and I

work two single crochet into the last stitch. For row four I work one chain and

turn and I work one single crochet into each stitch to the last stitch

and I work two single crochet in the last stitch. For row five I work one

chain and turn. I work two single crochet into the first stitch and one single

crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row six I work one chain and turn and I work one single crochet into each stitch

until I get to the last stitch.

And into the last stitch I work two single

crochet. For row seven I work one chain and turn and work one single crochet into each

stitch till I get to the last two stitches.

And I work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row eight I work

one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over the

first two stitches, one single crochet into each stitch until I get to the last

two stitches.

And I work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches.

For row nine I work one chain and turn and then work one single crochet into each stitch

to the last two stitches,

and I work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row ten I

start with one chain and turn and work two single crochet into the first stitch

and one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row eleven I start with one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet

over the first two stitches, one single crochet into each stitch to the last

stitch and work two single crochet into the last stitch. For row twelve I work

one chain and turn. I work two single crochet into the first stitch, one single

crochet into each stitch to the last two stitches

and work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row thirteen I

work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over the first two

stitches and one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row fourteen I work one chain and turn and work one single crochet into each

stitch to the last two stitches and work a joined single crochet over the last two

stitches. For row fifteen I work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over

the first two stitches, one single crochet into each stitch to the last

stitch and work two single crochet into the last stitch. For row sixteen I work one

chain and turn. I work two single crochet into the first stitch, one single crochet

into each stitch to the last two stitches and a joined single crochet

over the last two stitches. For row seventeen we work one chain and turn and work two

joined single crochet over the first four stitches. So a joined single crochet

over the first two stitches and a joined single crochet over the following two

stitches. Then we work two single crochet into the last stitch.

For row eighteen I work one chain and turn. I work two single crochet into the first stitch, one

single crochet into the next stitch and a joined single crochet over the last

two stitches. For row nineteen I work one chain and turn and I work two joined

single crochet over the four stitches. So a joined single crochet over the first

two stitches, a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row twenty I work

one chain and turn. I worked a joined single crochet over both the stitches

and then I work one single crochet into the same place as the last part of the

joined single crochet, into the last stitch. For row twenty-one I work one chain and

turn. I work one single crochet into the first stitch and a joined single crochet

into the same stitch as the single crochet and the next stitch. For row twenty-two I

work one chain and turn, work a joined single crochet over both stitches and

one single crochet into the last stitch, the same place as the last part of the

joined single crochet. For row twenty-three I work one chain and turn,

work one single crochet into the first stitch and a joined single crochet into

that first stitch and the next stitch, the last stitch. For

row twenty-four I work one chain and turn and work a joined single crochet over both

stitches. For rows twenty-five to twenty-nine I work one chain and turn and work one single

crochet into the stitch. So that's rows twenty-five to twenty-nine.

For row thirty I work one chain and turn and work one single crochet in the

stitch, but I don't turn. And that's the whales body done.

I don't fasten off. I'm going to start on this top tail piece now. I start with

three chain and I work two double crochet in the same place as the chain

and then one double crochet into the next stitch working down the tail

piece, just down in there. For row two I work two chain and turn and I work one half

double crochet into each stitch.

For row three I work two chain and turn and I work a half double crochet cluster over all

stitches. And that's the body and tail done. I'll fasten that off and

weave in these ends and I'll be back and we'll do the second part of the tail. Now

for the bottom part of the tail I join my cotton the stitch before the

end on the tail, this long tail piece

and I work three chain and then three double crochet in the last stitch.

For row two I work two chain and turn and work one half double crochet into each stitch.

For row three I work two chain and then I work a half double crochet cluster over all the


And that's the tail part finished. I'm going to do a neatening row just using

slip stitch because I don't want the tail part to get too thick. So I don't

turn I just work one slip stitch into each stitch right around the tail and

the body. If you'd prefer you could work single crochet but that would make the

tail a bit thicker.

So I'll just continue right the way around and I'll be back. Now when I get

back to where I started I fasten off.

And that's the body and the tail done. For the white tummy part I start with

a magic loop using my white and I work one chain and work one single crochet

into the circle. I pull the circle tight. For row two I start

with one chain and turn and I work a single crochet into the stitch from the

previous row. For row three I work one chain and turn and work two single

crochet into my stitch.

For row four I start with one chain and turn and work one single crochet into

each stitch. For row five I work one chain and turn. I work two single crochet

into the first stitch and then one single crochet into the other stitch. For

row six I work one chain and turn and work one single crochet into each


For row seven I work one chain and turn and work two single crochet into the first stitch

and one single crochet into the remaining stitches. For row eight I work

one chain and turn and work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row nine I work one chain and turn. I work two single crochet into the first stitch and

one single crochet into each stitch to the end. For row ten I work one chain

and turn and work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row eleven I work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over

the first two stitches. I work one single crochet into each stitch to the last

stitch and work two single crochet into the last stitch. For row twelve I work one

chain and turn and work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row thirteen I work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over the first two

stitches. Then work one single crochet into each stitch to the last stitch and

work two single crochet into the last stitch. For row fourteen I work one chain and

turn and work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row fifteen I work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over the

first two stitches, one single crochet into each stitch to the last stitch and

work two single crochet into the last stitch. For row sixteen I work one chain

and turn and work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row seventeen I work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over the first two

stitches, one single crochet into each stitch to the last stitch and two single

crochet into the last stitch. For row eighteen I work one chain and turn and

work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row nineteen I work one chain and turn. I work a joined single crochet over the first two

stitches and then one single crochet into each stitch to the last stitch and

two single crochet into the last stitch.

For row twenty I work one chain and turn and work one single crochet into each

stitch to the end.

And that's the body finished except for a neatening row. Now I'm only going to

neaten along this curved part. So I'll start with one chain and I work one

single crochet into the first stitch and then two single crochet into the next

stitch, all the way across. So one single crochet into one stitch and two into the

next stitch. That will just keep it from bending in too much.

So I'll finish this across to this point here and I'll be back. At the end of the

row I'll just slip stitch into the point and fasten off.

And that's the tummy part done. I'll do the outer eye now. Using my white I make a

magic loop and work one chain and work six single crochet into my circle.

I pull the circle tight and slip stitch into the chain and fasten off.

For the inner eye, the black part, I make a magic loop

and work one chain and work three single crochet into my circle. I pull the circle

tight and slip stitch into the chain

and fasten off.

And I've got a tiny circle. For this front fin here, using my gray I

make a magic loop and work three chain and one double crochet into my circle. I

pull the circle tight but I don't join. For row two I work three chain and turn. I

work a double crochet and a half double crochet into that same place as the

chain and then two half double crochet into the top of the chain.

For row three I work three chain and work a double crochet cluster over all

the stitches,

and fasten off.

And that's the front fin done. For the back fin I start with a magic loop and

work three chain and one double crochet into my circle. I pull the circle tight.

For row two I work three chain and turn and work one double crochet and one half

double crochet into that same place as the chain, and then work two half double

crochet into the top of the chain from the previous row. For row three I start

with one chain and turn and I work one single crochet into each stitch across

and fasten off.

Now I'll just weave in the ends and I'll come back and I'll do a little row of

slip stitch along the fins that you could do if you want to. For this line of

slip stitch on the small fin I just join my cotton into the tip and work

one slip stitch into each stitch, just to this next corner here

and fasten off.

For the bigger fin I start part way up the side, just a bit on from the bend. So

in about there

and then work one slip stitch into each stitch down to the tip

and fasten off.

Now I'll just weave in those ends and I'll be back and we'll put it together.

And here's all my pieces. The first thing I'll do is attach the inner eye to the

outer eye, just at the edge there and the tummy part to the body, it just goes in

like that. I do have my patterns on my website if you're having trouble with

the placement of anything. Now I'll stitch the two gray lines along the tummy part.

They're wider apart at the mouth and they join together getting close to the

tail. Now that's the two stripes done. Now I'll attach the eye, just in there. This

fin with the flat edge goes just under there and the other fin goes about

there. I try to get the white part even with the white of the body. So I'll

stitch those on and I'll be back. There's the finished whale. I've also made one in

blue. I'd like to congratulate Bev, Moon and Adele who were the winners of our

giveaway. If you've liked my video please like, subscribe and share. I'm also

on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. The details are in the

description below along with the details of my website. Thank you for watching, see

you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Crochet Humpback Whale Tutorial - Duration: 35:25.


Niska : J'ai Cloµé Le Bec De Maitre Gims Avec Mon Zénith - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Niska : J'ai Cloµé Le Bec De Maitre Gims Avec Mon Zénith - Duration: 3:03.


Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle Of The Night Unable To Move This Is Why! - Duration: 5:20.

Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle Of The Night Unable To Move This Is Why!

By consciousreminder

For those who have experienced this eerie phenomenon, no explanation or description

is required. They will tell you it is one of the most disturbing

experiences they have ever had the displeasure of enduring and feels like you are being attacked

and held down by some type of a dark sinister presence. If you haven�t though, imagine

the following scenario;

It�s the middle of a peaceful night, and you are sleeping contently. All of a sudden,

you awaken abruptly and cannot move, as if being held down but no one is there. You have

awareness of what�s going on, but your whole body, from your toes to neck, cannot move.

Breathing normally is difficult because panic strikes. It also feels like there is something

pressing on your chest and, in rare cases, people report seeing demonic looking figures.

This might sound like an elaborate hoax or something from a horror film, but it�s actually

a very real problem that much of the world�s population struggle with. In fact, as you

read this, someone somewhere is dealing with this scary scenario.

So what is it? These symptoms all stem from an ancient sleep

phenomenon known as sleep paralysis.

In 2011, 35 researches studied more than 36,000 individuals. The authors found that an estimate

of about 7.6% of the general population experience sleep paralysis, which then increases to 28.3%

in high-risk groups, such as students who have irregular sleep patterns. While individuals

with conditions such as anxiety and depression, account for the highest population, with 31.9%

experiencing these traumatic episodes.

Dr. Daniel Denis, PhD who literally studies this for a living, sums the condition up as


�When you�re experiencing sleep paralysis, you become mindful. The idea is that your

mind wakes up but your body doesn�t.�

So why can�t the body move if the brain is awake?

Everything actually relates to the different stages of non-REM sleep (rapid-eye-movement

sleep) and one REM state in particular. Although it is possible to actually dream in all phases

of sleep, the dreams experienced in REM sleep are more tangible and real. The brain is very

active during Rapid Eye Movement sleep, and individuals end up being paralyzed during

REM. But here�s the interesting thing, researchers don�t actually know why.

Researchers also cannot explain why individuals feel a sinister menacing presence when they

are trapped in sleep paralysis. This makes you wonder if what is going on is something

else? Unfortunately science is not fool proof. Never has been and never will be. Dr. Denis

offers the following theory; �You get up with your amygdala yelling, �There�s a

danger! So your brain needs to invent something to repair the paradox of the amygdala being

active for no factor.�

This is one of the biggest problems with science though, they try to explain things that go

beyond their knowledge in conventional terms. My guess is keep an open mind, we don�t

really know what is going on.

Different Kinds of Sleep Paralysis. There are 3 types of hallucinations that can

occur during sleep paralysis: �incubus�, �intruder�, and �unusual bodily experiences�.


Here, people feel intense pressure on their chests and they feel they can not breathe,

or they have great difficulty doing so. This, however, is in the mind and it seems like

we can�t breathe because we are afraid.


The experience of the intruder is when we have what researchers believe to be �hallucinations�.

The researchers describe it as a �hypervigilant state of the midbrain,� which makes people

overtly sensitive to what�s going on around them.

Unusual bodily experiences

These individuals feel as if they are having an out-of-body experience and feel as if they

are levitating or flying around. This type of sleep paralysis is very different and is

still one that scientists struggle to explain.

How can I avoid this nightmarish scenario? Prevention is very difficult. But those who

have anxiety and depression tend to show a greater risk. Being as such, tackle the problem

as you would when combating these mental disorders� not with pills or medication, but with healthy

alternatives such as exercise, healthy diet, spending time in nature, etc.

For more infomation >> Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle Of The Night Unable To Move This Is Why! - Duration: 5:20.


Five migrants previously deported - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Five migrants previously deported - Duration: 0:58.


NEW - Online Money Making System That Works - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> NEW - Online Money Making System That Works - Duration: 2:58.


O QUE É AUTOESTIMA? - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> O QUE É AUTOESTIMA? - Duration: 4:55.


How to make yourself better. - Duration: 7:08.

what's in this box will change you forever coming up next

hey there it's the shootin guy of the shooting kid thanks for joining us today

as we always say we love you subscribers thumbs up to you guys we love you and if

you're just swinging by today because what are you wondering what the heck we

do around here we're gonna find out what's going on around here thank you

thank you appreciate it consider subscribing we do a whole lot

of fun things and we'd love to have you be a part of the shooting guy compound

and the things that we do and don't forget to click and ring the bell after

you subscribe okay well what do you have in the box there this is something from

mantis X we've got a video about mantis X I'll put a link down below and we'll

roll some of that in so you can take a look at that but it will revolutionize

your life so we just recently got back from shot show back in January and we

had a chance to interview the folks at mantis X about their new updated app so

it's not a new app it's just updated they've added some more things and some

cool features very little let's just go down to the forest you guys can check it

out for yourselves here we go

hey guys we're here at shot show 2018 again in Las Vegas Nevada when we're

here at our friends booth mantis X and guess what they got some updates to our

app so Casey can you tell us about that yeah so we've actually made a couple of

really cool updates to the app that have been rolling out over the last couple of

weeks so if you have mantis and you haven't updated your app recently you

should do it because you're gonna see some cool new stuff the first thing I

want to show you here you haven't seen the drills yet we've added in some

drills that will let you do some different training modes and rolling out

with that we have a new courses section we're just going to walk you through

some different challenges with the mantis X it's going to have you trained

for a certain number of days and score above a certain score on a very on a

certain drill and to complete the course you have to complete all the challenges

so for courses it's pretty simple you just tap on the course to start it

so start the intro course here so the first thing is going to have you do is

do five shots dry practice and open training now obviously that's a pretty

easy challenge to do and this course is designed for people who are just being

introduced to mantas we're gonna be introducing some new courses down the

line that'll have some harder challenges for you so if we go into open training

take five shots and it'll walk us through it as give us an explanation so

it's basically just designed to help you improve and to challenge you take your

training somewhere that maybe you haven't gone before

the other cool thing we have to show you is groups groups lets you find your

friends who also use the mantas follow them and you can see how many shots

they've been taking this week and what their average score is so you can

compete with them you can compare your scores and you can show off who's really

the best shot so it's a lot of fun and lets you get that competitive edge in

there get that competition going so shootin kids gonna go ahead and try to

this competition over here at the Mantis booth they've got a little competition

going let's see how he does

we'll get back tomorrow

well there you have it folks thanks for tuning in for that awesome special

episode for mantis X and thanks to them for help us out with that video showing

us your new updated app and you guys could get the app and mantis X module by

a typist your gun if you guys check it a link to down below yeah we'll put a link

down there you go straight to our website there's even a little bit of a

discount code and all of that that we offer so use us okay it helps us out it

doesn't cost you any more as a matter of fact you get a little bit of a discount

on top of it so order yourself one they're not that expensive you can't

afford that sit right there you can't afford not to have one if you

want your targeting practice to go to the next level and you want your ability

to shoot better and be more on target go to the next level let me shoot in kid

just the other day was using it wait we're users and he was using it the

other day and it started off a little rough but as you know just a half an

hour just kind of dry firing you actually got better and better and

better so the more you use it the better you get and then the features the

group's features and all that stuff that they talked about makes it a whole lot

of fun and you can compete over you know over the internet with your friends and

share scores and do all that kind of stuff lots and lots of fun watch out

Jerry Mitch luck I'm coming for you

get some so don't forget to check us out on Facebook and on Instagram and our web

page and already mentioned that we got a merchandise page where you can pick

yourself a man to sex you can also pick up stuff from blade HQ and we're now

Brownells affiliates and so we're gonna put a link to Brownells that will help

support us and you guys get the best price as possible out of Brownells all

over a lot of things so if you're thinking about something that you need

to get for like an accessory of some sort or whatever DOTA Brownells use the

link that we give you and it helps us out and keeps us going also we have a

patreon channel that we started yeah so go check out our patreon page

content but we want you to be a participant in the content that we

provide and being a part of patreon allows you to do that it's kind of an

exclusive thing and plus we have giveaways and a whole bunch of stuff you

have a ways we may mmm we may do that on our patreon I don't know we'll have to

kind of think through that a little bit and talk to the guys at mantis X and see

if we can do that but anything event we got that going on anything else

no I think all right well we're gonna see you next time we've got another

episode coming up we've got a pig hunt coming up we've got time on the range

coming up oh we connected with a local range here in the Waco area and so we're

gonna be going out and doing some of that shooting we heard what you said I

asked a couple of weeks ago to put a comment down below of whether or not you

wanted to see more shooting videos and guess what you guys said you want to see

more shooting videos so we're gonna do it we're gonna do it okay we're gonna

take off we'll see you next time folks thank you once again we love you all

don't forget click on the links down below helps us out yep god bless you god

bless america may america bless ya

For more infomation >> How to make yourself better. - Duration: 7:08.


Everything Coming To Netflix In May 2018 - Duration: 13:01.

If you can't beat the heat this May, get inside and chill with some brand new Netflix programming.

The streaming giant is kicking off the month with more original films and shows than ever

before, from screamworthy sci-fi thrillers to gut-busting comedies.

There's going to be something new for everyone this month, so follow along as we look at

everything coming to Netflix in May 2018, starting with the Netflix originals.


This international drama sees seven patients anxiously waiting in a medical clinic for

the results of their HIV tests.

Impatient, they bribe the attendant to get the results earlier, then struggle to come

to terms with the news that one of them is positive.

Sometimes arrives on May 1st.

The Rain: Season 1

Sci-fi thrillers seem to be a popular catch for Netflix, because the streaming service

is loading up on new releases in the genre.

Netflix first announced their upcoming Danish series The Rain back in June 2017, and the

recent teasers showcase a desolate post-apocalyptic world where being infected with a deadly virus

is as easy as getting caught in a summer shower.

All eight episodes of The Rain make landfall on May 4th.


Starring Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried, Netflix's upcoming sci-fi film Anon takes place in a

future where technology has rendered anonymity, and as a result, crime, almost nonexistent.

But when the police land on the trail of a woman who can apparently hack into people's

neural implants and alter their perceptions of the world, life suddenly gets a lot more


"Placing a moving image… in real time."

How do you stop a criminal who can change what's right in front of your eyes?

Find out when Anon arrives on May 4th.

End Game

This new documentary from filmmakers Jeffrey Friedman and Rob Epstein explores life at

the end of the line.

What do people feel as their final days approach?

Through a series of interviews with hospice patients and people on life support, End Game

looks for answers to life's toughest questions.

Look for it on May 4th.

Dear White People: Season 2

This satirical comedy generated a lot of controversy when it was released in 2017, but went on

to earn critical praise for its portrayal of race and discrimination in a mostly white

upper class college.

Each episode of the series hones in on a different character, exploring their relationships with

their fellow classmates.

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the second season for months, and the wait is finally

over on May 4th.


Netflix's upcoming thriller Manhunt centers on a Chinese lawyer who's been framed for


To clear his name, he has to team up with a Japanese detective to uncover the real reasons

behind the frame-up.

Directed by kung-fu action icon John Woo, Manhunt looks like an edge-of-your-seat thrill

ride that's definitely worth keeping on your radar for May 4th.

Forgive Us Our Debts

In this Italian film, a man deeply in debt is forced to start working for a violent enforcer

to collect other people's debts.

As he gets more involved in his new job, he begins to suspect that his new boss and mentor

is worse than he could have ever imagined.

Forgive Us Our Debts premieres on May 4th.


This show looks ridiculous.

It's a Korean detective comedy-slash-variety show, and each episode will see the motley

clue crew solving a different mystery.

Are all their cases connected?

We have no idea!

The description says that there's one big mystery behind the show, but based on the

trailer, we don't even know exactly what that means.

Take a look, if you dare, on May 4th.

A Little Help with Carol Burnett

Comedian Carol Burnett made a name for herself in the '70s with her sketch comedy series

The Carol Burnett Show, and she's been trucking along ever since.

Now, she'll join the Netflix ranks with A Little Help with Carol Burnett, a series that

will see the comedy icon and her celebrity guests learn the ins and outs of the modern

world with a little help from tech-savvy children.

"Stay woke."

"Stay woke?

…I will."

Check it out on May 4th.

Safe: Season 1

Michael C. Hall hasn't graced the small screen much since Dexter wrapped in 2013, but this

month will mark his triumphant return as he headlines the upcoming series Safe.

In Safe, Hall stars as a father of two who has to take matters into his own hands when

one of his daughters goes missing.

As he digs deeper into his seemingly perfect suburban community, he finds more skeletons

than he ever expected.

The entire first season of Safe drops on May 10th.

Bill Nye Saves the World: Season 3

The Science Guy is back again with a new season of his Netflix show Bill Nye Saves the World.

The series hasn't been met with a lot of fan praise so far, although audiences did seem

to warm up to Nye a little during the second season.

In the upcoming third season, Bill Nye will tackle issues including evolution, food science,

and stem cells with a host of celebrity guest stars.

Check it out on May 11th.

The Kissing Booth

Based on the book of the same name, The Kissing Booth is a teen drama about a girl who finds

herself face to face with the hottest boy in school, and her longtime crush, in a carnival

kissing booth.

Should she kiss him, even though he's also the brother of her best friend?

Keep a defibrillator on hand, because these plot twists are truly heartstopping.

Look for The Kissing Booth on May 11th.

Evil Genius

Netflix brings something new to the documentary table every month, and this May they're adding

Evil Genius, a four-part series on the so-called "pizza bomber heist" that happened in Pennsylvania

in 2003.

The robbery involved a pizza delivery man who walked into a bank with a bomb collar

around his neck.

Evil Genius examines new details in the case and takes a closer look at the mastermind

behind the whole, messed up episode.

Tune in for all the twists and turns on May 11th.


Starring Martin Freeman, Cargo is about a man in a zombie apocalypse who has to find

a way to care for his infant child even though he himself is becoming infected.

Cargo is based on the 2013 short film of the same name, which is one of the most emotional

six and a half minutes you're likely to watch anytime soon.

If the film is as good as the short, and can manage to offer some fresh surprises, it's

bound to be a hit.

Look for Cargo to stream on Netflix on May 18th.

Catching Feelings

After premiering at the Los Angeles Film Festival in 2017, this critically praised South African

comedy finally snagged a distributor in the form of Netflix.

The story is a quiet look at a young teacher and his wife whose lives suddenly change when

a famous writer moves in with them.

Equal parts hilarious and heartwarming, Catching Feelings looks like another great addition

to the Netflix lineup.

Check it out on May 18th.

Mob Psycho 100: Season 1

Based on an anime that's based on a manga, Mob Psycho 100 is about a quiet middle schooler

who begins developing dangerous psychic powers.

All he wants to do is have a normal life, but to do that he'll have to figure out a

way to control his powers, and his emotions.

The upcoming live-action series drops on May 22nd.

Terrace House: Opening New Doors: Part 2

This unusual Japanese reality show is something of a sleeper hit with Western audiences, offering

a glimpse into the lives of a group of young people living together in the same house.

Opening New Doors is the third rendition of the popular series and sees a new group living

in a cabin in the woods.

If you haven't checked it out yet, now's the time.

Part 2 of Terrace House: Opening New Doors hits Netflix on May 22nd.


Ever wondered how cryptocurrencies work?

How about what goes on behind the scenes of the K-pop industry?

Netflix's new docuseries Explained looks into obscure topics like these to shed light on

some of the oddest mysteries of our time.

You can catch the whole show when it drops on May 23rd.

Fauda: Season 2

Possibly the highest rated show you've never heard of, Fauda is an Israeli political thriller

that was voted one of 2017's best international shows by The New York Times.

Season 1 followed a military unit on the hunt for a diabolical terrorist.

If Season 2 follows in the same footsteps, you can bet that it'll be packed with action,

drama, and political intrigue.

Find out on May 24th.


In this romantic comedy, Gillian Jacobs stars as a woman who takes a working trip to Spain,

with her best friends in tow, and ends up on a search for a famous DJ on the island

of Ibiza.

Phoebe Robinson and Saturday Night Live's Vanessa Bayer costar, along with Game of Thrones'

Richard Madden.

Look for it on May 25th.

The Toys That Made Us: Season 2

Netflix's documentary series The Toys That Made Us takes a nostalgia-fueled look at some

of the most iconic toys of the '80s and '90s, from Star Wars figurines to He-Man action


But with only four episodes in the first season, fans were definitely clamoring for more.

Season 2 will delve into the rich stories behind even more toys, with Legos guaranteed

on the horizon as well as a deep dive into the numerous disasters that plagued Star Trek


Look for it on May 25th.

Trollhunters: Part 3

Few animated shows have garnered as much praise, or been surrounded by as much tragedy, as

Dreamworks' Trollhunters.

Spearheaded by Guillermo del Toro, the show is about a boy who uses a magical amulet to

travel to the realm of trolls.

After the passing of Anton Yelchin, who voiced the main character, del Toro decided to go

ahead and release Part 2 as Yelchin's vocals were already recorded.

What direction they'll take in Part 3 remains to be seen, but we'll all find out on May


Sara's Notebook

Years after Laura's sister goes missing in the Congo, a photo turns up that may give

Laura a clue to her sister's whereabouts.

She decides to head deep into the jungle to track down her sister and get her home safely.

Filled with high-stakes adventure and drama, Sarah's Notebook looks like a sure winner

for Netflix this month.

Look for it on May 26th.

The Break with Michelle Wolf

Netflix has enjoyed some success with its weekly series like The Joel McHale Show and

My Next Guest with David Letterman, and they're apparently eager to explore the format a little


The Break with Michelle Wolf will see The Daily Show's Michelle Wolf hosting a weekly

sketch comedy show.

Netflix hasn't released many details yet, so we'll all have to wait until May 27th to

find out what it's all about.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 4

Three seasons after leaving her underground cult bunker, Kimmy Schmidt is still going


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt returns for a fourth season on May 30th.

Original stand-up comedy

Big changes are on the horizon for stand-up fans this May.

John Mulaney kicks off the month with his new special Kid Gorgeous Live at Radio City,

and on the 8th, look for Hari Kondabolu : Warn Your Relatives.

On May 13, Ali Wong takes shots at parenthood, children, and pregnancy with her brand-new

special Hard Knock Wife, followed by Tig Notaro Happy to Be Here on May 22.

Finally, May 25th sees the reunion of comedy greats Steve Martin and Martin Short as they

land on Netflix with An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life.

That's all the Netflix originals coming in May.

Now let's turn to all the other movies and shows you can look forward to this month.

New movies

It's high-stakes action all the way this May, with new highlights like The Bourne Ultimatum

and Hellboy II: The Golden Army coming to Netflix's lineup on the 1st of the month.

You'll also be able to scare up plenty of laughs, with a whole host of new comedy films

making their way to the streaming service.

The first of the month will see Amelie, Beautiful Girls, Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo

Bay, and The Clapper, to name a few.

May also marks the arrival of some great new dramas.

On the 14th, check out The Phantom of the Opera, and the day after that, look for Only

God Forgives.

That's definitely a selection to get excited about.

For brand new documentaries, keep your eyes peeled for 27: Gone Too Soon, a fascinating

glimpse into the surprisingly long list of rockers who passed away at the age of 27.

That arrives on the first, along with A Life of Its Own: The Truth About Medical Marijuana

and The Carter Effect.

And if the kids aren't excited about a new pot documentary, don't worry: Family time

is going to get even better in May, with over half a dozen new releases hitting Netflix.

Highlights include Shrek on the first and Bridge to Terabithia on the 19th.

And on the 29th, Netflix is bringing in Disney Pixar's Coco.

Netflix is also sneaking some brand new chillers and thrillers into their selection, with plenty

of great films to scare the pants off even the most die-hard horror fan.

Several classics are showing up in May, including Red Dragon and Scream 2, both of which arrive

on the first.

"I'm gonna blame the movies."

New television

On the television front, viewers will have plenty to choose from this may.

If you're looking for kids' shows, Netflix has you covered with Season 1 of Barbie Dreamhouse

Adventures and Season 2 of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Arc-V on the first.

For more grown-up fare, look out for new seasons of Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce on the 15th,

Scandal on the 19th, and Shooter on the 22nd.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Everything Coming To Netflix In May 2018 - Duration: 13:01.


Louisville trainer Brad Cox has three potential Oaks Day starters - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Louisville trainer Brad Cox has three potential Oaks Day starters - Duration: 1:24.


A Love Letter Through Rap | Devilman Crybaby ASMV | Jinsang - Affection - Duration: 1:47.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> A Love Letter Through Rap | Devilman Crybaby ASMV | Jinsang - Affection - Duration: 1:47.


Are you sleeping Brother John Nursery Rhymes Songs for Babies Kids Educational Video for Children - Duration: 2:59.

Are you sleeping Brother John Nursery Rhymes Songs for Babies Kids Educational Video for Children

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