Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 26 2018

Senator Bernie Sanders says he's going to introduce a bill that will send big pharma

executives to jail.

The bill will state that any pharmaceutical CEO that's found to have used manipulative

tactics to market their drugs, they're going to go to prison and pay huge fines.

Joining me to discuss this is RT correspondent, Brigida Santos.

Brigida, what exactly is this bill that Bernie Sanders is coming forward with?

What exactly is this calling for?

This is the Opioid Crisis Accountability Act, and what it's doing is putting a ban on deceptive

marketing practices claiming that opiates are not addictive or risky.

Now, this is a really important move, because it is exactly these deceptive marketing practices

that have allowed the industry to profit so heavily from opioids, and, in fact, Purdue

Pharma in the 1990s began spreading lies about its products saying that chronic pain users,

only 1% of them became addicted, but that simply was not true.

Since the 90s, the pharmaceutical industry has made 300% increase in sales due to those


So, this bill would make sure that any company that violates these marketing rules will have

to pay a fine of 25% of all of their profits made on those illegally marketed opioid products.

It will also make it so that executives face criminal charges and could face a minimum

of ten years in prison for participating in this.

And last, but not least, this strips pharmaceutical companies of their market exclusivity rights

on those illegally marketed products.

Just a point of information here, Rudy Giuliani actually was the guy who in '06 represented

Purdue Pharma when they were brought up for having mismarketed the drug, lied about the

addictiveness, and he did such a phenomenal job defending them that they had to pay almost,

I think it was a $700 million settlement, and were still involved in that kind of litigation


So, yeah, bang up job there by Rudy Giuliani.

Shows you the kind of scruples that that guy has.

But anyway.

You know, what has been the typical way up til now that these pharma executives have

been dealt with over the opioid crisis that they actually created?

Well, the typical way that we deal with them is give them a slap on the wrist, ask them

to pay some fines, but they don't face any jail time, so this would hopefully remedy

that if it passes.

Now, in the past 25 years, the pharmaceutical industry has only had to pay out $35 billion

in fraud lawsuits and settlements regarding opioid abuse practices, and this is a $450

billion per year industry, so if that's all they've had to pay over the last quarter of

a century, this is just the cost of business for them.

It's really not costing them much, and they keep getting away with it.

So, under this new bill, companies would also have to pay $7.8 billion in fines to the federal

government, as well.

So, they've ended up actually paying less in fines than they do for marking these drugs

and sending out their sales forces to go talk to doctors about prescribing more of them.


Trump's administration here, they've taken a stance on the opioid epidemic, but do you

know what the position actually is of the Trump administration?

Do you know what they've done about it?

How are they going to respond to this CEO prison story or legislation that Bernie Sanders

is trying to put forward?

The Trump administration has acknowledged this crisis, and attorney General Jeff Sessions

has actually just proposed regulations that would limit how many opioids a company can

start doling out.

However, the main approach of the Trump administration is to go after illegal drug dealers, whom

he says he wants to impose the death penalty on.

He says that they've killed 2,000 people over the course of their lifetime, but he has not

said anything about sending pharmaceutical executives to jail or to the death penalty

for their role.

You know, 42,000 people in the United States died of opioid overdoses in 2016 alone, so

that's really crazy that he's not going after the executives here.

You know, I want to circle back to something you touched on earlier about the mismarketing

in the 90s.

What do we know so far about how these opioid drug companies maliciously pushed their drugs

onto people?

You know, in other words, what are the grounds for believing that they should be held responsible

for manipulating the data regarding the addictiveness of these pills?

Well, it's not just that they've lied and manipulated data, they also have long practices

of over supplying communities.

In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that in many counties, pharmacies

have prescribed more prescriptions for opioids than they actually had residents, or enough

to provide every single resident with more than one bottle.

So, they're overprescribing, they're absolutely responsible for doing this.

We have given corporations personhood, but they are not people, they don't care about

people, and they don't care that people are dying.

Instead, they care about their wallet, and this will definitely hit them right in the



I guess the big question of the day, though, is, what are the chances that this bill is

even going to make it onto the senate floor for a vote?

Well, if this weeks vote on the Senate Health Committee's bipartisan Opioid Crisis Response

Act of 2018 vote is any indicator, then it's unlikely.

In fact, Senator Sanders had proposed two amendments with these very rules to that bipartisan

bill, and this week it was just voted down.

He did gain some support from some Democrats, but if he doesn't get more support from other

Democrats or from the other side of the aisle, then it's really unlikely that this is going

to pass.

You know, not just on this opioid issue, but it really gets frustrating time after time

to see Bernie Sanders coming up with these great ideas, these great pieces of legislation,

only for both the Republicans and almost all of the Democrats to just continue to ignore

things that, one, make complete sense, and two, the majority of people in this country

actually want to see them made into laws.

So, once again, Bernie Sanders gets it right, but nobody else, or at least not enough people

in the senate, have enough good sense to follow his lead and do what's necessary to really

tackle what's at the heart of this opioid crisis in the United States.

Brigida, thank you very much for joining me today.

For more infomation >> Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill To Jail Big Pharma CEOs - Duration: 7:11.


[Tutorial] Clip Studio Paint - Improve your Workflow with Vector and Reference Layers - Duration: 4:31.

so if you've worked in digital art then maybe you're aware of something called

vectors, and NO they're not just transparent drawings, don't believe the

lies that deviantART tells you. A vector is an image without pixel dimensions.

It can literally be any size. It's most common in animation as well as in

super high resolution printing, graphic design, stuff like that. But clip

studio paint also has vector layers that are different from vector layers in any

other program that I've seen so far and they're GOOD. They're very good. So you

should probably learn how to use them if you use clip studio paint.

So I'm gonna show you how they work. What is a vector? A vector is basically a image

that does not have any size to it; it can be any size and it's not defined by

pixels, it's defined by paths and like little mathematical splines and things

like that. You don't need to know the details, just know that they don't

have a size, that they can be any size. In this respect clip studio paint vector

layers are not actually true vectors because you cannot export as an actual vector format

First up, see this button? Says new vector layer. Click it

Vector layers in CSP behave just like any other raster layer except they can't do fills.

That's about it. So say you want to do a sketch or some line art or

something like that. Do it in a vector layer. Later, you decide that you want to

make it into a print or high resolution image. well guess what? because you used

a vector layer you don't have to redraw anything! You can just scale it up and it

will look exactly the same without any quality loss. Same even applies to the transform tool.

And the fun doesn't stop there! There's also a host of other tools

for modifying vector layers. The object selection tool allow you to grab

individual strokes and move them around. This is very useful for those certain

strokes that come out otherwise perfect that are just slightly offset.

It's also very useful if you need to clean up certain strokes that you didn't mean to

draw. There are also vector eraser tools which erase the entirety of a stroke,

up to any intersection, so you can do stuff like this:

This makes doing hair stupidly easy.

You can also optionally set it up to look at only one layer or all layers.

also there's an entire tool category dedicated just to doing vector layers.

It's called the correct line group. you can use this to tweak individual control

points, nudge them with the pinch tool, simplify them which reduces the number

of nodes and makes them easier to edit, but the most common tool I use is called

the connect vector line, which allows you to turn two strokes into a single one

which is very useful when doing color.

there's also the redraw vector line and redraw a vector line width. First one does

what it sounds like and the second one allows you to redo a line's pressure

without modifying its path, which I actually use a lot for correcting my

line art thickness.

All the figure drawing tools also still work on vector layers, they just won't do fills.

They'll still create the vector paths. Anything that draws a line will make a path,

even if it's a transparent line so keep that in mind when you're using the brush tool, as well.

All in all vector layers are a huge asset for line art and you should use them.

one thing vector layer also work incredibly well with is the reference layer,

which is not actually a layer itself. It's actually a setting that you can enable for any layer

This is very useful for doing line art so to get started just click the vector layer and

click this lighthouse button to enable it as the reference layer. Now what we

can do is on any of our tools we can set it up to "Not exceed the line of the reference layer."

When it comes to vector layers you can also set this up to go up to the

center of the line rather than just the edge and this is where vector layers

really come into their own versus raster line art. This basically makes coloring a

helluva lot faster like...

faster than I could come up with a catchy line to

actually describe this...


by holding ctrl and clicking the layers you can set multiple layers as references as well

which is pretty useful. I also personally

set up my tools to only look at the reference layer and not actually care

about what's currently on the layer. This will work with the fill tool, the

selection tool, brush tools, and more. Personally I don't use reference layers

with brushes all that much I mostly used the selection and fill tools.

Sometimes, especially with really thin lineart, you'll get little gaps there are edges that

don't look very nice but you can overcome this by tweaking some of the

settings, a little bit of practice, or even just manually touching it up with

normal brushwork. Reference layers overall make everything a hell of a lot easier

In fact a lot of CSPs tools all revolve around efficiency and basically

just making things faster.

so yeah I hope this is useful. I know I use all this

stuff a hell of a lot so enjoy

so this was a short tutorial but it was

one I was meaning to get out for quite a while.

thank you to my patrons for the support, you are all wonderful people

if you want to help me make the tutorials like this, feel free to support me on patreon

no pressure.

just do note that it's 18-plus and it's for the exact same reasons that you're thinking of.

anyway, new animation coming soon probably within the next month

I'm not exceedingly active on YouTube so

if you want to see more of my stuff just follow me on Twitter or tumblr or wherever

okay bye

For more infomation >> [Tutorial] Clip Studio Paint - Improve your Workflow with Vector and Reference Layers - Duration: 4:31.


W&S Productions | Photoshop Blur Effect Tutorial 2018 - Duration: 5:55.

Whats going on guys whathe here

Welcome back.. To another video

Today im going to be doing a tutorial

On how to like blur backgrounds, if you take

With your phone or your camrea

And it doesn't have a good depth of feild

For more infomation >> W&S Productions | Photoshop Blur Effect Tutorial 2018 - Duration: 5:55.


Mystery Girl Is FINALLY REVEALED?! Accelerated Man Returns!- The Flash 4x20 Trailer Breakdown - Duration: 7:21.

you've located everything we need it's got to be building something it's taking

one everyone's killing anybody that gets in the way

she's stealing the pieces of tech but God knows you're right we have to figure

out what he's building right now we can keep them on the true path

what is good you to warstu you here would a video on the flash now if you are into

the flash season 4 this is the channel for you so make sure to subscribe with

notifications turned on so this up and come an episode of the flash looks very

interesting it is called the flash season 4 episode 20 therefore she is and

the synopsis reads like this Barry and the team flash team up with gypsy to try

and Thord thinkers plan meanwhile Cisco and gypsy have a heart-to-heart talk

about their relationships so therefore she is could insinuate a lot of things

it could insinuate iris wes is pregnant therefore she is pregnant because if you

remember I think it was back around episode 7 Clifford DeVoe did say the

nazarene doesn't bloom he'll spring or something I just fall shadow in some

kind of pregnancy whether he was talking about to see you or iOS West it's

neither here and there and the fact that I West has hinted that possibly should

be getting pregnant in the future could also mean that therefore she is

insinuates that but awful also therefore she is this most likely on about

Clifford Davos wife the mechanic Molly's DeVoe therefore she is going to betray

the thinker presumably so let's go over some actual images that we've seen so

they're going to go to mercury elapse I presume once they've got all the

technology to build the thinking device which is very interesting but the most

interesting image from this actual trailer is that we find out that

Clifford Deveaux of the thinker is actually going to be using wait for it

kills frost ability hence why he's got it we see he uses the frosty ability on

someone we also get an image of what looks like Marley's to vote although it

could be mystery girl with the same notebook that mystery girl had the last

time we seen her right in and what we can only presume the speedforce

symbols which is interesting guys so do you think it is Molly's DeVoe or is it

actually someone else now what does interesting as gypsy comes back to kind

of try and get back with Cisco I guess you could speak but there's very

interesting seeing where Marley said I thought the plan was to save him cliff

and Clifford responds we can't save more which implies the planner has maybe save

as maybe being changed because if you go back in and watch that episode seven

eight nine he was talking about trying to educate bring in the Enlightenment so

people would listen to what he was trying to say so it's a bit unclear what

the Enlightenment actually is at this very moment but what you've gotta

remember guys is this is episode 20 so after this episode there is only

three more episodes so therefore she is the Enlightenment is going to have to

come to light after this episode we're actually gonna have to know what the

Enlightenment is because in order for the season to carry out we're gonna

actually have to find out what is actually going on in terms of that so

that's kind of interesting and also there's a theme emerging that the flash

seems to be lying on the floor all the time now which is interesting and also

if you look at the synopsis for episode 21

it's called Harry and the Harrisons it reads like this with des Vosges

enlightenment advice nearly complete in order to disable it the flash and his

team must put their faith in an unlikely ally I'm Nick black so this tells me

that in episode 20 he's basically going to nearly complete the Enlightenment but

and black is key to stopping it so that is a very interesting so why is Barry

Allen always getting his ass kicked because he's been on the floor the last

three episodes and it's on the floor again he keeps fair and surety somehow I

mean episode synopsis of 21 says that he's gonna have to Timo I am Nick black

to disable the device which is gonna be very interesting so therefore she is

could also insinuate that's about mystery girl because we know based on a

interview with the executive producer that the mysteries girl character is

going to come out we're going to know what it is it says this the mr. go in

our story is kind of a funny one her role is especially to laid out these are

little clues these little bread crumbs for the viewers that openly start paying

off in terms of establishing a trajectory to Season five so that I

think what's going to be a big payoff when we reach the seas of Mali which

essentially says we're going to know who she is by the end of the season is she

dawn Alan is she actually who I've always thought she is is she Clifford

Davos daughter or is she ebar thorn in a different interpretation

now another sounds crazy but the last encounter that she had she was very

frosty towards I don't know Caitlin snow and Harrison wells did she know about

Harrison wells using the dark matter to fuse his thinking cap before he actually

did it I don't know guys it looks like a very interesting episode after a very

bad start of the season it's starting to get kind of good now which is

interesting and also we have the accelerated man back thanks to the actor

Sean McComb whose last name he posted an image on his actual Instagram of the

boots for his suit so I think he's foreshadowing the fact that the

accelerating man is maybe gonna have a bigger role in this episode than we

initially thought that's why they haven't advertised him because therefore

she is all the empathy needs to be on everyone thinking that Molly's is going

to betray her husband but it's very interested it's looking very good for

flash fans it's a sad case that is taken right to

the end the season to get far but episode 21 sounds pretty cool so it's

some kind of ice that needs to be disabled what is this a suffice is it

just a nuclear kind of device that's going to turn everyone into listening to

the thinker because all of me I think a thinker is going to turn into artificial

intelligence just like he did in the comics so openly I think it's going to

be some kind of robot scene that's why in the leaked kind of set photos for the

season finale we see like 10 to Vosges all moving in units front because it's

AI I think we're going wink he's gonna eventually turn into AI we know he's got

no emotional feelings hence why he his plan of kind of failed because he

couldn't read Barry Allen's feelings so anyway guys please like subscribe and

comment let me know what you think of video let me know what you think might

have sowed 20 I excite for silent macerating man's comeback excited for

intensely gone Allen and that kind of stuff that would be awesome

also guys Infinity Ward did come out today I have been covering a lot of

Marvel stuff on the channel recently so if you want any bonus videos if you want

me to review or anything let me know in a comment box down below I will be

covering it tomorrow it was such a cool movie so if you haven't seen it I

suggest you go watch it guys as it is pretty cool so anyway guys like I said

please like sub and comment we're so close to 14,000 subscribers which is

sweet really awesome anyways I will catch you in another video very soon

guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Mystery Girl Is FINALLY REVEALED?! Accelerated Man Returns!- The Flash 4x20 Trailer Breakdown - Duration: 7:21.


JASE - Come Alive (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (Alex Cortes Remix) - Duration: 3:11.

🎵 Pull me in closer 🎵

🎵 Just for a moment 🎵

🎵 I want this feeling to last forever 🎵

For more infomation >> JASE - Come Alive (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (Alex Cortes Remix) - Duration: 3:11.


Mortal Kombat #1/ Torneo por Equipos Invitado Especial - Duration: 14:25.

For more infomation >> Mortal Kombat #1/ Torneo por Equipos Invitado Especial - Duration: 14:25.


Innovative Rifle Scope Mount System - Guy Eastman Reviews iota's Triad ZL - Duration: 5:17.

Today we're going to talk about mounting a scope and some great new products that

are available for those of us to do a lot of shooting and backcountry hunting.

We're gonna talk about iota outdoors and their new scope rings, the Triad and the

Nomad ZL. Today we're gonna deal with the Triad ZL which actually go on a

Picatinny rail. They have a regular set that goes just straight on the rifle

called the Nomad. The ZL stands for ZEROLIGHT. These are really cool rings. It's

pretty new product to the market a lot of guys probably haven't heard of it, but

it's getting more and more popular. These are aluminum mounts, but they're very

very generous with the material around them so they're very very heavy-duty.

Engineered for extreme conditions and they will not move or get jarred on you.

We're gonna mount our our rail on the gun first of all. Use a little Loctite on

the screws here. We want to make sure that our scope keeps its integrity at

all times. Now that you have that on we're gonna take the Triads out. One

thing you're going to notice about these ZLs is right off the bat is they have a

cant level built into the the ring and also a light which a little LED it turns

on and off. Once we get this mounted we'll turn it on and you'll see that it

actually splits the light right onto both turrets. One of the issues potential

issues with a Picatinny system especially under high recoil guns like

416 Rigbys, 475, your system could slide forward or back. Well iota has solved

this potential problem with a key system. What they've done is included these neat

little keys that go in the flutes of the rail here. They vary by I believe three

or four thousandths of an inch in width which is about half the width of a human

hair because each one of these picatinny rails is a little bit different

depending on who manufactured them. So you want to test these keys find the

pair of keys that fits perfectly. You put them in here and you find the one that

fits just perfectly snug in there without any slop. We already have the

keys attached into the bases this particular gun. They screw in. The

key's right there. So what happens is when we mount it that key will lock down into

that flute and there is no way that's gonna move slide forward or back once

it's snug down. So you'll literally rip the scope off, bend the rail, but it's not

gonna move no matter how much recoil or how hard you drop it. So that's a another

advantage. Okay one thing we want to do before we get to mounting so we just

want to make sure that this gun is level on the cant so that we can level the

scope. So we're pretty close right there and now we're gonna attach the bases.

I've marked on the rail which slots these go into and they just kind of

clamp in there, but you don't want the the key too tight you just want it nice

and snug. Another nice thing about these iota's everything works on an allen

wrench one size and it comes with an allen wrench within the package. So our

bases are on there locked in not gonna move. Now we will mount the scope. We want

to always give the base a little bit of room on either side on the scope so we

can adjust it for eye relief which I've kind of already done and marked it. Put

the level on it perfectly level and we will put the

allen screws in there and I'll put a little bit of Loctite on these too. So we

make sure they don't get backed out because another thing you'll notice on

these iota rings all the screws go in from the bottom. They don't come from the

top which is is a little more difficult to get them in initially when you're

mounting the scope, but by coming in from the bottom

there's no screw head for moisture, debris or anything to get into and rust

them. Ilike to just get these screws in just snug and then go around and snug

them down. Four screws in each ring. There's two and two I make sure that I

adjust them diagonally so do this one then this one then this one then this

one just kind of adjust and tighten them in a diagonal fashion that gives you a

nice that even clamping. Double check our level.

Everything perfectly level right there

and we're just gonna tighten these down not over tighten but nice and snug.

There we go. One thing that these zero lights do have is

just a push button and it splits the light put a little bit of light

perfectly on your turrets. So you can see exactly where they're set and if you're

doing night hunting for coyotes or varmints or predators or whatnot and

also it has the cant level right here on this side. Perfect for big game or

varmint hunting. I would highly suggest you look into these iota rings and bases.

They are a base and ring for the new era built to last and be tough. For more tips

and tactics and great gear reviews head on over to the Eastmans' Youtube channel

and make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> Innovative Rifle Scope Mount System - Guy Eastman Reviews iota's Triad ZL - Duration: 5:17.





Fish has long been touted as a super food from doctors, nutritionists and specialists

from around the world.

Many people choose not to eat meat or other animal products, but show pride in their presumed

health conscious decision to consume fish.

But, as with almost everything else that is promoted heavily in the media, there�s something

fishy about this�

There�s no denying that it contains many essential omega 3�s which are known to be

good for your brain, many consider fish �brain food� because of how essential these nutrients

are for brain health.

Unfortunately, farmed fish, particularly salmon and tilapia, are doing more harm than good

and as awareness grows, many experts are now claiming for farmed fish to be one of the

most toxic foods in the world.

What�s The Problem With Fish Farms?

Fisheries of today face a series of issues including overfishing, chemical pollution

and even genetic mutation from toxic exposures.

In Nicholas Daniel�s documentary, �Fillet-Oh-Fish� a critical eye is pointed at the fish farming

industries across the globe and features exclusive, insider footage from fish farms and how they


According to the producers of the film, �through intensive farming and global pollution, the

flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail.�

Unfortunately, Aquaculture often promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing

of the world�s oceans.

The reality is that fish farms are actually causing more problems than they are solving

and once again, it seems that turning a profit is more important to these corporations than

actual sustainability or environmental concern.

Farmed Salmon Is One Of The Most Toxic Foods In The World

The film mentioned above starts off in Norway, documenting the chemicals used in fish farms,

Kurt Oddekalv, a respected Norwegian environmental activist, also believes that salmon farming

is a disaster for human health as well as the environment.

Below the salmon farms of the Norwegian fjords is a layer of waste that is about 15 meters

high and as you can imagine, it is absolutely teeming with bacteria, drugs and pesticides.

Because these farms operate in open water the entire seafloor has been destroyed and

the pollution created by these farms is not contained.

A salmon farm can hold nearly 2 million fish in a fairly small space and because of these

crowded conditions disease among the fish is rampant.

In an effort to stave off diseases various pesticides are used, and there is no doubt

that if you�re eating this fish then you are also eating these pesticides.

Toxicologist, Jerome Ruzzin has confirmed some of the claims made by Oddekalv.

Having tested a number of different food groups sold in Norway for toxins he has found that

farmed salmon contains the greatest amount of toxins of them all, and to an extremely

large degree.

The farmed salmon was five times more toxic than any other food product that was tested.

A study, which involved feeding farmed salmon to mice showed how the mice grew obese, specifically

with fat around their internal organs and they also developed diabetes.

In recent years, the evidence that diabetes is caused by a lot more than just sugar, specifically

toxic chemicals and air pollutants in the food we are consuming is coming to light and

this case, we�re learning that salmon farmed in this manner will inevitably contain far

more toxins than those in the wild.

Surprisingly, as pointed out in the documentary, the most significant source of toxic exposure

to the fish aren�t even the pesticides or antibiotics, but the regular dry pellet food.

This contains a whole slough of other toxic chemicals including dioxins and PCB�s, man

these fish never stood a chance.

Literally, the list of everything that is wrong with the farmed fish industry just goes

on and on, and if you would like to learn more about it I highly suggest checking out

the documentary below.

So, What Can We Do?

Stop eating farmed fish at all costs!

This is the single most effective thing you can do to save your health and stop this industry

from polluting the oceans and our environment.

if you haven�t decided to stop consuming animal products and still resonate with eating

fish, stick to wild Atlantic salmon, Alaskan salmon (which is not allowed to be farmed)

or pick up a new hobby and fish your own.

You can tell the difference of farmed and wild fish by it�s colour, farmed fish tends

to be very pale pink and wild caught is a deep red.

Wild caught salmon can be pretty pricey, so sardines and anchovies can be a good alternative

for their nutritional value and level of sustainability.

However, there are a number of plant-based alternatives that can give your brain what

it needs without the risk of toxic contamination, these include, but are not limited to, walnuts,

brussels sprouts, chia, hemp and flax seeds � just be sure to choose organic.

Saving a few dollars for cheaper fish just isn�t worth it and if you are out at a restaurant

or eating sushi, make sure to ask if the fish is farmed and where it comes from.

The only way to stop this industry in it�s tracks is to quit supporting it and quite

frankly this should be made illegal and in all likelihood, as awareness grows about this

massive issue, it is only a matter of time before this will happen.

Much Love



Black-ish 4x21 Promo "Blue Valentime" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

- [Bow] I have no idea what you want from me right now!

- [Dre] I don't want anything from you!

- [Diane] What's happening?

Is this real?

Is this really happening?

- [Bow] We can't keep doing this.

- [Dre] I think you're right.

How the hell did we get here?

(crying) I don't know.

For more infomation >> Black-ish 4x21 Promo "Blue Valentime" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


The Leslie | LGBT Web Series | 2x02 | "Chasing Jen" - Duration: 8:28.

Jen did what?

She moved.

She moved.


To Azerbaijan.


She moved to Azerbaijan?!

Okay dude, you're not gonna get a different answer.

What the hell happened?!

We went over there to try and talk to her.

But she didn't answer the door, uh, David did.


Who the fuck is David?

Oh you know that super creepy neighbor with the stiff sock collection.

And he said that Jen came home on Sunday super frantic, packed a bag, had him adopt Mary Poppins

and then just left.

When is she coming back?

Apparently it was a one-way ticket.

I---okay, so...

Jen and I have sex and then she hops on the first flight across the Atlantic because what?

My vagina terrifies her too much?!

Dude, real talk. No vagina's that terrifying. I'm sure yours is great.


What?! I'm just saying, she has to have more confidence in her vagina.

Vag confidence is an important thing!

I'm sure that Leslie has plenty of confidence in her vagina.

No, she could definitely up the vagina confidence a little bit.

Oh, my god! Stop talking about my vagina!

Okay, look on the bright side she probably isn't ignoring you.

She just hasn't been getting your messages!

[Phone Rings]

Please leave your message for...

[Phone Rings]

Please leave your message for....

The number you've dialed has been changed, disconnected...

Okay now she's ignoring you.

Hey you ever think about the fact that eggs are just chicken periods?


Eggs. They're chicken periods.

No they're not.

Yeah, they're unfertilized eggs being expelled from a body.

Chicken periods.

Please don't ever talk to me again.

What I'm just making an observation

Yeah and it's disgusting.

[Phone Text Message]

It's your mother, she wants to know if you want more underwear from Costco.

They're having a sale on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Give me my phone back!

You need to not stalk Jen.

I'm not stalking Jen.

I just...someone needs to talk to her.

I mean, when was the last time you tried?

Last night.

Okay so try again.

Dude, I love you dearly, you know that.

But this is 72 hours of borderline obsessive.

The sex with her could not have been that magical.

I'm not being obsessive...


I just think we need to consider the fact that the reception might not be the best between here and Azerbaijan

How are you not more concerned?

Jen is a grown-ass woman I mean for all we know she's like had this trip planned for weeks.

Please she plans second by second itineraries for beach trips.

Okay if she'd had this plan we would have known about it.

[Phone rings]


Where are you?!

Farming?! What is WOOF-ing??

I don't care if I'm disturbing the other volunteers!

Jen you need to come home!

Yes you do!

Jen we had sex.

Yes we did. You need to---!

The fuck is WOOF-ing?

She hung up on me.

Well, you were kind of rude.


She's like freaking out or whatever.

She up ended her life, Paulie!

I mean what about Mary Poppins? That cat is codependent.

There's like no doubt in my mind that she's gonna come back.

She has to.

You just gotta give her some time and space.

This isn't how any of this was supposed to go.

What? Did you think that you guys were hook up one time and then live happily ever after?

No, I just...

Being with her was so validating

And I just...feel like I've ruined it.

You didn't ruin anything.

Yes I did!

Is this what I get for not liking Tegan and Sara?

'Cause that's fucked up.

Dude, you need to relax.

When was the last time you masturbated?

I had sex last week.


You need to take care of yourself, dude.

Light some candles, draw a little bath. Play some music. Get some wine.

Do you. Literally.

It's like they say:

An orgasm a day keeps the stress at bay.

No one says that.

Sure they do.

But seriously.

Rub one off.

Ugh, oh my god, that's disgusti-

And no thinking about Jen. Or Alex for that matter.

Then who am I supposed to think about?


Like a normal fucking human being.

You texted her, didn't you?


What did she say?

That if I try calling her again she's gonna change her number.

Where are you going???

To get you some booze.


For more infomation >> The Leslie | LGBT Web Series | 2x02 | "Chasing Jen" - Duration: 8:28.


Here & Now Thursday April 26, 2018 - Duration: 1:02:32.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Thursday April 26, 2018 - Duration: 1:02:32.


Stock Car [3rd round 2018] – Race 2 Velopark - Duration: 2:41.

Hey, what's up? We will show now the best moments

of race 2 of the 3rd round of 2018 Stock Car Brazil at Velopark.

The race began with the grid inverted, with Allam Khodair, 10th in the first race,

on the pole, followed by Marcos Gomes, Daniel Serra and Gabriel Casagrande.

Confusion in the back, with Vitor Genz stopping across the lane.

Already in the second lap, Daniel Serra, devilish, ignored Marquinhos Gomes.

The safety car came after the displacement of the safety barrier,

result of this contact between Julio Campos and Sergio Jimenez.

The two continued in the race.

On the sixth lap, Serra left Khodair behind and took over the lead for good.

Khodair, already in third, was surpassed first by Gabriel Casagrande ... and then by Felipe Fraga.

Tuka Rocha hit Felipe Lapenna and Nelsinho Piquet couldn't avoid the barrier.

Already after the stops in the pits, Rubinho Barrichello gave this touch in Valdeno Brito.

Barrichello finished ninth.

Daniel Serra has never been contested and got his second victory this year,

followed by Marcos Gomes, Julio Campos, Átila Abreu and Felipe Fraga.

After 3 rounds, the current champion leads the championship with 80 points,

15 ahead of Cacá Bueno.

The two are followed by Felipe Fraga, Julio Campos and Ricardo Zonta.

That's it. Next race will be in Londrina.

Comments and suggestions on how we can improve the channel are always welcome!

And do not forget, the place to race is on the track.

Thank you guys!!!

For more infomation >> Stock Car [3rd round 2018] – Race 2 Velopark - Duration: 2:41.


😳NEVER HAVE I EVER - KID EDITION 😂 - Duration: 8:26.

what's going on but today we're playing so basically I'm

gonna ask you questions and you guys have to answer them with either I have

or never okay hi guys ready yeah never have I ever

faked being sick oh my gosh okay I said didn't feel good before this and I was

like no but you don't have a fever you go how are you gonna fake your fever

you mean after you're done adjusting just now late today

yeah okay because Priscilla is feeling better today all right yes I shouldn't

have a fever anymore oh so second question never have I ever swallowed my


then eat it never have I ever picked my nose and

wipe it on an object

no but wait I found a pocket of furniture who did it on furniture never

have I ever peed in a swimming pool oh my gosh really precise come on that's

not nice for other people he is it Fraulein this is gonna use his super

have I ever fake slut I know yeah that's what I know when you

I always please never have I ever cut my own hair

oh yes you have yeah I took a piece of tape I took the

whole cake you guys might be into it got a scissors and started to cut my hair I

think we're young or you're young yeah yes never have I ever barn it and

blamed it on somebody else yeah

on Anthony every time never have I ever spit up all night yeah dated that dirty

and Me Not You Anthony you always with me so call it night and then we it was

3:00 a.m. and we didn't care we could just catch them play yeah but I guess

what yeah you guys get in trouble because I woke up to go to the bathroom

and I just wanted to check on you and I saw you guys up and I was mad you guys

were talking to Allie in California never have I ever snuck a snack before

dinner really mad we we it was the day we started to pack up and then we only

got a little bit of the right thing and then I we ate a little bit but I was

good and then I forgot I forgot I didn't eat I forgot I didn't hear all of it my

food so I ate some chocolate and then we said Pete all right never have I ever

told my mom her food was good when it was awful okay you are lying to you a

lie because I know you know some food you know Mike and

maybe but ma why your life one time one time you said my food looks disgusting

oh yeah yeah oh so good yes Maddie I know there's a lot of times you look at

my food and you like your eyes go like oh my gosh what is this and you would

sleep forever and you poor so uh I think she likes it yeah yeah have a sibling

for something I did I never have I ever met someone famous no never have I ever

lied at never I look last question never have I ever lied at never have I


that means if you liked me now at this game

alright isn't it wait play she said she said she never blamed somebody took our

trouble she did she live without me no she did this too said the truth she's

lied about me um alright so this is the end of the video and today

For more infomation >> 😳NEVER HAVE I EVER - KID EDITION 😂 - Duration: 8:26.


Nightcore ~ Obsessed [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:42.

Nightcore ~ Obsessed [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> Nightcore ~ Obsessed [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:42.


Mais Sofrimento... Tenha FÉ - Duration: 19:00.

For more infomation >> Mais Sofrimento... Tenha FÉ - Duration: 19:00.


#AlienDay 2018 Survival Guide + Contest Winners! - Duration: 10:03.

Happy Alien Day everyone!

So, there's a lot of stuff going on today, and still lots to come, but I thought I'd

share some cool stuff now that's going on, and I'm also going to be announcing the winners

of the Alien Theory draw.

There's merchandise to buy, there's sweepstakes to be won, and plenty of announcements.

I don't think think there's any way this can be a totally comprehensive video but here's

some of the stuff that caught my attention, and hopefully of interest to you Alien fans

out there.

The official Alien pages have been hyping this new game, the Weyland Yutani Offworld

Colony simulator, which looks pretty cool, but, it is exclusively for Amazon/Alexa devices

only, so I haven't had a chance to take a look.

I'm more of a Siri guy to be perfectly honest but apparently all you need to do is ask Alexa

and she'll open the game for you, so, if you're a user of such devices, let me do do that


You're welcome.

There's also some cool t-shirts, as fox revealed earlier, they have shirts in honor of Aliens

Dust to Dust - which, by the way, I gave the first issue a read, and I highly highly recommend

checking it out, it's really intense and engaging so far and I can't wait to see what happens


Definitely give it a look.

Today, they unveiled the official ALIEN DAY 2018 shirt, which is a great design and a

good way to commemorate the occassion.

Alien announced some very interesting upcoming stuff - Alien Covenant: David's Drawings,

from Titan Books is getting a release in September and I'm sure we've only seen a fraction of

the stuff from David's notes so far.

I'm really interested in that aspect of Covenant, and have covered it in a couple of videos,

so this is just... a must for me.

And the Alien story everyone's been burning to hear...Alien, from the point of view of

Jones the Cat.

It'll probably be a more sanitized version, maybe this is something you can read to the

kids, but, really, I think it's such a cute idea and I'm actually really looking forward

to it.

But it's going to be a bit of a wait.

"Nine Lives on the Nostromo" is set to release in October, so keep an eye out.

If you're a Funko Fan, you don't want to miss out on this 8-bit Alien, which actually kind

of looks like its from the alien 3 NES game, just a little bit.

Similar shading, at least.

I still think we need Funkos of the Colonial Marines from Aliens, so here's hoping someday.

And here are some giveaways to look out for.

I'm doing a giveaway myself of course but it's small potatoes compared to some

coincide with the offworld colony game, there's a sweepstakes to win a whole bunch of Alien

stuff - the grand prize includes: (1) Aliens Dust to Dust Comic #1 ($3.99)

(1) Aliens Dust to Dust Comic #2 ($3.99) (1) Aliens Dead Orbit Comic TPB ($17.99)

(1) Alien Fire & Stone Book ($24.99) (1) Alien: Cold Forge Novel ($7.99)

(1) Facehugger Figurine ($59.99) (1) Funko Alien 8-Bit Xenomorph ($10.99)

(1) Funko Alien Facehugger Dorbz Figure ($7.99) (1) Alien – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

2XLP Vinyls ($35.00) (1) NECA Aliens – Colonel (James) Cameron

Figure ($16.99)

All you need to do is take the career placement test to enter, it's only 8 questions, it won't

take too long to fill out and it would definitely be worth it to win all that.

I'll put a link in the description below if you want to enter.

Eaglemoss has a really cool sweepstakes too, with lots of's what you can

win: 5 Grand Prizes

5 entrants will receive one (1) premium format Mega Alien Xenomorph and one (1) Mega Predator.

These highly detailed hand-painted models are cast in metallic resin and stand an impressive

12.5 inches tall.

10 First Prizes 10 entrants will receive an exclusive bundle

featuring major characters from the original Alien (1979) movie.

This seven (7) piece bundle includes Ripley, Dallas, Brett, Parker, Lambert, Kane, and

the Xenomorph Alien!

Ripley's in her Aliens gear, but, whatever.

85 Second Prizes 85 entrants will receive two figurines selected

from Alien and Predator Collection.

These figurines are cast in metallic resin and hand-painted to capture every terrifying

detail from bony-like tails to heroic warrior poses.

125 Third Prizes 125 entrants will receive the official T-Shirt

of the Alien and Predator Collection!

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

Again, I'll leave a link below if you want to enter that contest.

And this one...honestly I don't want to tell you about this one because I really want to

win, but the Official Alien Page also has a Twitter specific sweepstakes, where if you

tweet to the AlienAnthology page and use the hashtags #AlienSimulator and #Sweepstakes

- you can win a genuine prop from David's Lab as seen in Alien Covenant.

That's seriously awesome.

I personally hope it would be one of the deformed neomorph, or an ampoule of pathogen, but,

I'm flexible.

You can check out their twitter for that, I'll also leave a link below.

Titan Books has a twitter contest.

You just have to Retweet their post and you can get a chance to win Alien: The Cold Forge,

and plenty of other goodies, so, it looks like Twitter is the place to be.

Link below.

And this one was just brought to my attention, ThinkGeek has some awesome goodies as well:

They have funkos, the alien egg cookie jar, a plushy chestburster, and what's possibly

the coolest coaster set ever, depicting acid burns from xeno blood, all available to win

in their sweepstakes.

I'll leave the link for that below as well and big thanks to Waya525 from patreon hive

for pointing this one out!

And, honestly, that's just a fraction of what's going on and the day's not even over yet so

keep your eyes peeled for more.

If you follow me on twitter I'll be updating some of the interesting stuff that comes up

before the end of the day.

And from the fan community side of things, there's a whole lot going on for the day.

The Perfect Organism Podcast has a whole ROSTER of stuff going on, all throughout the day,

so definitely check them out.

There's a very interesting recipe for Xenomorph Ovomorph cookies, so, you could enter that

ThinkGeek contest, win the cookie jar, make ovomorph cookies, and you're pretty much set.

The Yutani Blog/Yutani Podcast has a lot going on to mark the special day - I checked out

MUTHUR AKA clara's facebook stream this morning and there was literally so much to give away,

the stream was divided into two, so there's still lots to be won later tonight.

It's a first come, first serve giveaway, so if you're interested, definitely definitely

keep an eye out for the Yutani stream a little later.

AVPGalaxy, a pillar of the alien fan community, has an awesome giveaway as well.

Eaglemoss' MEGA Alien Xenomorph Statuette Alien: The Cold Forge by Alex White (and trust

us, you want a copy of this!)

Alien: The Archive 2 x Alien: Covenant Novelization

Alien: The Coloring Book This one requires a little trivia answering.

All you have to do to enter is tell them who the three performers/actors/stuntmen responsible

for bringing the Xenomorph to life in the original Alien were!

E-mail your answers to with the subject Alien Day Competition.

I'll leave links below for these guys as well, make sure you check them out.

So...Having said all that.

My giveaway certainly pales in comparsion but I'm so excited to have any opportunity

to give back to you guys on Youtube, you're incredible, I have the best subscribers ever,

and I really have to offer my sincere thanks for taking the time out to let me know what

you want to see in the next alien movie.

I loved reading all your entries and I think it might be worth covering a bunch of these

in a future video, there were some really interesting ideas and thoughtful consideration

brought into your comments, so, once again, thank you.

But on to the moment of truth.

Comments were selected at random, and I have the winners of the Alien Theory Alien Day

giveaway to now announce.

3rd prize winner of Alien: Covenant, digital copy is

Eduardo Gold Valz Gen Congratulations send me a PM here on Youtube

and the code is yours! 2nd prize winner of issue #1 of Aliens: Dust

to Dust, the awesome new comic is Alex Langeland

Congratulations, send me a PM and let me know whether you prefer a digital copy or physical

and I'll take care of the rest.

And, the first prize winner, of Alien: The Cold Forge, the new novel by Alex White, which

is being hailed as one of the best Alien novels of recent time is: TAG Media


Also, make sure to PM here on Youtube with your preference of digital or physical, and

I'll make sure you get your copy.

I wish you could all be winners, but if you're disappointed you didn't win here, hopefully

you have some luck in these other contests, make sure to follow me on Twitter, @Alien_Theory

for further updates throughout the day...and I hope you have a great Alien Day.

Find some cool Alien stuff.

Watch your favourite Alien movie, marathon the series, whatever you do to celebrate.

And until next time, this is Alien Theory, signing off.

For more infomation >> #AlienDay 2018 Survival Guide + Contest Winners! - Duration: 10:03.


Enquêteurs du Web 2.0 - Massi Mahiou - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Enquêteurs du Web 2.0 - Massi Mahiou - Duration: 10:42.


Did Quantum Physics Just Prove That There Is Life After Death - Duration: 3:04.

Did Quantum Physics Just Prove That There Is Life After Death

by Luke Miller Truth Theory

The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as

we begin to not only realize more about the true nature of our world, but as the growing

desire to truly discover ourselves becomes something we can�t ignore any longer.

Quantum physics may have just proven that there is an afterlife.

Scientist Robert Lanza claims that the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know

it is an illusion created by our consciousness.

Professor Robert Lanza claims that life creates the universe, and not the other way around.

Lanza is no newbie to controversy.

He has been working with cloning and stem cell research for over a decade and with his

new book Biocentrism, he is attracting even more controversy.

While his ideas are ahead of their time, it doesn�t help that the current scientific

community is very opposed to new ideas and change.

This means space and time doesn�t exist in the linear fashion we think it does and

he uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point.

According to Lanzas study, if space and time aren�t linear, then death can�t exist

in any real sense either.

When it comes to these ideas, they are usually known on an intuitive level and later move

towards being proven at a scientific level.

I personally feel that we give so much weight to our rational, objective left brained mind

that we lose sight of a world that exists right alongside it.

There is a whole other side to us and this world that we close ourselves off to in order

to stay as scientific as possible.

This is one of the greatest hindrances we can put ourselves through as one of the most

powerful tools we have, our intuition/heart brain, is then cast aside.

The same thinking that allows us to realize amazing scientific discoveries can also get

us stuck in scientific delusions should we not stay open to change.

We are seeing this in a huge way as we look at the divides that are being created in the

medical and scientific fields.

Some are holding onto old ways, while others see what has been right in front of us the

whole time, simply by thinking with more than just the mind (with the heart.)

It�s important to note that although these ideas seem and are profound, they have been

known for a long while but simply have not been accepted by current culture.

For more infomation >> Did Quantum Physics Just Prove That There Is Life After Death - Duration: 3:04.


Magical Day Box - Duration: 17:18.

hey guys this is Angie and this is the project we're making today let me show

you the supplies we've got dapper denim card stock that

measures eight and a half by five and a half then we've got the myths and

magic specialty designer series paper and we need one piece for our circle

here that two and 3/8 circle and then we need another piece that measures one and

a half by eight and a half and that's just for our belly band right here we've

got whisper white for our stamping and then the myths and magic glimmer paper

and what that just needs to be like three by three so that we can cut out

this scallop circle okay so I'll start with the box I'm going to place it on

the simply scored scoring tool and I'm going to score it at one and a half

inches on the five and a half inch side and then I'm going to turn it on the

eighth a half inch side and I'm going to score it at one and a half four five and

a half and eight I'm going to take my bone folder okay so while I'm doing this

I'm just gonna burnish it with my bone folder those of you that have been

asking me about this bracelet here this one right here the cross one every time

y'all emailed me I've said okay it's discontinued guess what it's back on the

sill Potter website so head over there not sure how long it's gonna be there

but I'm even gonna go order myself another one just in case this one breaks

but yeah I love it and I never take it off ever okay so now I'm gonna take my

scissors and I'm gonna cut up to the score line and then I'm gonna angle cut

this and then down here at the bottom I'm

just going to cut up to the score line on the rest of these score lines I'm

gonna remove I'll move this over here I'm trying to clean up my videos a

little bit and make things a little cleaner so I'm gonna try to remember to

put my supplies over here you know how I add those in my videos so you guys can

see everything okay so now down here I'm just gonna give these just a slight trim

on both sides and at the bottom and the same thing down here this just makes us

some limit just a little bit easier okay now I'm gonna take my tearing tape

because that's typically what we do use for our boxes and bags well either that

or fast fuse but fast fuse has sold out so I'm gonna try to not use that anymore

in my videos although I may slip every now and then okay so I'm going to take

my paper piercer and peel the backing off of and then just fold this over and

fold that over and here's our box so that's the back because that's the same

so what I want to do is put adhesive on the bottom of the front piece which is

this one right here while I'm doing this don't forget head over to my website

leave a comment on this project the chick candy that I'm giving away this

time is this little bag it has five of the

rectangle coasters that I say oh and then these little wood embellishments

what are they called hearts and stars wood embellishments they are super cute

I never use them so I'm gonna give them to somebody that wants them okay so now

let's put this box together my little commercial break okay

I'm gonna peel the backing off

this was supposed to be a different box but the item that I was going to use to

make the Box officially sold out so don't forget to check out our retirement

list we do have quite a few more items that have been added to it so I will

have that on my website too the items that have sold out ok so this is the

front of our box looks pretty good right now we're gonna take the belly band and

I'm going to start from the back because it's gonna overlap in the front and the

Front's gonna get covered with our image so it's not actually gonna be seen so

that's why you want to start with the back ideally you would Center it back

here I'm just eyeballing it so I'm just gonna fold it there and then cuz you

know if you try to score it exactly right it's gonna be on one of those

sixteenths and then it's not gonna it's not gonna be exact so well my seam is so

good I can't even tell where it is and you want to make sure that you're

keeping it right side up so see look how I turned it upside down by accident and

that's the fun of my box I went on the back of my box okay so there's the

second one fold it over okay it would be faster if

you just got the measurements you know and scored it technically but I always

say sometimes I make things more difficult than what they naturally are


one more and then we'll be done so that's gonna go there and then okay so

now we just want to put adhesive on our belly band here okay so there's that you

can't slide it up and down if you want okay so we're using two stamp sets today

we're using magical day the Unicorn and then happiest of days oh happy day

sadly both are retiring I'm pretty sure that's on the retirement list I will

make sure that if I'm not correct that it will be on the screen okay so I'm

going to stamp the unicorn with memento ink

I must have adhesive on my desk here and

then I'm gonna turn it over and I'm gonna stamp the oh happy day with

Deborah Denham I stamped it upside down oh well it's okay okay so we're gonna

get the bigshot out we're gonna cut out the Unicorn we're gonna cut out the oh

happy day that's using the matching framelits that goes with this set what's

that called magical mates and then we're using the layering circles framelits my

go-to framelits two and three eights two and a half okay so I'm gonna move all

this out of the way and get the big shot okay so here's the big shot magnetic

platform and a cutting pad we're gonna start with oh happy day

I'm gonna cut it out with this banner framelit hopefully that's centered it

looks pretty good and then now we're going to cut out the unicorn so let me

move this edible here I'm gonna angle it it does line up or goes through the big

shot better lines up better when you angle it and do I have this the wrong

way let's see okay let me look at this yeah mm-hmm there's his foot okay so I

hope that I've got that lined up I don't want to put my hair in the video today I

do have a bun on the top of my head TMI right perfect

yeah okay this one's actually really easy to line up sometimes we have

framelits that don't but this one is a keeper okay so we're cutting out the

glimmer paper with the scallop circle and let me see if I can cut both of

these out at the same time I think I can yep

okay so here's our scalloped circle here's our designer series paper this is

just gonna go right on top of of that and you know attaching images or

anything to the glimmer paper needs a little extra strength so I always use my

glue dots so I'm just gonna put three fetched that should do it

I didn't get the third one there we go okay

now we want to add well I'll show you how it's gonna fit on there see so

that's gonna go here now we need to color our unicorn so here goes the list

it's quite expensive but I love these things

light no already messed up dark pool party light old olive light rich

Razzleberry light Bermuda Bay color lifter and light smoky slate how's that

so I'm going to start with the light smoky slate and I'm just gonna go around

the edge of the unicorn slightly and then what we're going to do is we're

going to take the color lifter and kind of lift back out some of that color so

I'm just gonna do a little bit of shading here here down here

okay I think that looks pretty good for that color well yeah it looks pretty

good so I'm gonna take the color lifter now and just kind of blend that a little

bit and you don't have to do this if you don't want to it's still gonna look good

okay hopefully you can see that it just lightened it up so I'm gonna the next

color I'm going to go with is the light old olive and you don't have to do these

in the order that I did them or you can if you want to so I did the first one

and then I'm gonna skip two and then do the fourth one so first and fourth and

then over here on this side I'm gonna get this little it's kind of hard to see

but there's this first one here and then there's this little sliver of a one here

so that's gonna get the green and then over from the bottom we're gonna go four

and so one two three four some of you are probably laughing at me but that's

okay I know someone to do it exactly the way I have it so I just want to be

helpful now I'm using the pool party and that's gonna go next to the old olive

here and then again the second from the bottom here so we had a line a little

bit over here on this side it's going to be the second one up from the bottom and

let's see not that but this one

rich Razzleberry see how pretty this is these colors are so pretty

I really wish the stamp set was carrying over and then now this one and over here

we're gonna go next to the pool party

y'all might hear Brooke upstairs in just a minute I've decided I'm just gonna

have to keep filming when when it's really noisy around here okay now we're

gonna use the Bermuda Bay I tried to film earlier today and some big

industrial lawnmower was outside I was like grrrrrr

okay then over here on this one and then this one right here and we're done looks

really good doesn't it okay so we're gonna put dimensionals on

that and then we want to place this right where we want it which is pretty

much at the top you know well not at the top but it's okay if like the little

tisn't her main his main whatever the main and then this is gonna go down here

okay so this is just gonna get added with whatever adhesive you want I'm just

gonna take my snail and slide it under there and I want just a little bit of

the paper to show down here yeah that looks good and then now we're gonna add

it to the box with several dimensionals

now we're not done if we want to tie a bow with the 1/8 silver taffeta is that

what it's called I don't remember silver 1/8 ribbon we've had this quite a

while I use it every year during Christmas but it is I don't know I want

to say it's retiring but I don't know I'll make sure that I put it on the

screen if it is a little bit shorter okay

this is going to get added with a glue dot right at the top so see and the

final step is you want to add some of this ready Freddy

this stuff is retiring I love it because it's it's white on one side silver on

the other so it's it's kind of kind of cool I'm sorry about the dings I thought

I'd turned all my devices off but I must have left one on over there gar somebody

seriously texted me I turned it off on my phone that's doing this recording and

I turned it off on my Apple watch but there's something over there in the room

that's not turned off okay so pretty cute right have a great day thanks a lot


For more infomation >> Magical Day Box - Duration: 17:18.


Nails: Your Human Claws - Duration: 3:34.


and you see? They're done!

I've been showing Squeaks how I trim my fingernails this morning.

He doesn't have any nails, so he was really curious.

[Squeaks wants to know why she has to cut them]

I trim my fingernails for some of the same reasons that I cut my hair.

Just like hair, fingernails and toenails are constantly growing, so I cut them to keep

them from getting too long.

And if I keep them to a good length, they can be really useful!

Nails start growing down at the base of your nail, right under a thin bit of skin called

the cuticle.

As the nail grows, it gets longer, and longer, until it grows past the part of your finger

called the nail bed — that's the part underneath your fingernail that looks pink.

Nails grow really, really slowly, so you might not notice them growing every day.

But they do!

And when my nails grow longer than the nail bed, I sometimes like to trim them to make

them short again.

The clippers trim away the ends of your fingernails or toenails, but not your fingers or toes,

so it's very safe.

It's important to take good care of your nails, because they're an awesome tool that

you keep on your body.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Nails are useful because they work a lot like other animals' claws.

Lots of animals have claws on their paws, from dogs and cats to squirrels to bears.

These claws are made of something called keratin, the same stuff that makes up some other animal

body parts, like hair, fur, feathers, and horns.

Claws and nails are made of a really hard type of keratin, making them great tools.

A squirrel might use its keratin claws to scratch an itch or climb a tree, to grab at

food, or even to protect itself from a hungry predator.

Humans can use our keratin nails in many of the same ways.

For example, I can use my nails to help me to pull a sticker off of a banana, or to cut

into the outside peel.

Fingernails are a great tool to use to pick at small things, and they also have another

special job: protecting your fingers.

If you look closely, you'll see that your nails sit right on top of your fingers.

Because fingernails are made of such hard keratin, if you bump your fingers against

something hard or rough, like a rock or a tree, your nails will keep it from hurting

your fingers.

Toenails also protect a body part; can you guess which one, Squeaks?

[Squeaks guesses]

You got it; toenails protect toes.

But while your fingernails and toenails are protecting your fingers and toes, they slowly

wear down.

Each little scratch and bump can wear down a small bit of nail, so nails have to keep

growing to stay long and sharp enough to use.

The only problem is, most people's nails grow faster than we wear them down!

If they get too long too fast, they can be more likely to break or rip.

So that's why I have to trim them — it helps keep them healthy and strong.

And your nails can show if the rest of your body is healthy, too.

Some germs can cause your nails to turn different colors, like yellow or white, or can make

them change shape, giving them lines or unusual curves.

A doctor might look at your fingernails to check if your body is healthy, or if you might

be sick.

Let's take a look at mine.

[Squeaks squeaks his approval]

I think they look pretty healthy, too.

And they're the perfect tool for giving you some back scratches.

What do you use your nails for?

Do you think they grow fast or slow?

Ask a grown-up to help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at

And if you'd like to keep learning new things with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button.

We'll see you next time, here at the Fort.

[ outro ]

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