Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

The World of Elementals � Faeries of the Five Realms..

by Edward Morgan

Come fairies! take me out of this dull world,

For I would ride with you Upon the wind and dance

Upon the mountains like a flame.



The engineering of humanity

�Toy bewitched, made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul � No common centre Man, no common

sire � Knoweth!

A sordid solitary thing mid countless brethren with a lonely heart -Through courts and cities

the smooth savage roams � feeling himself, his own low self, the whole.� Coleridge�s

Religious Musing.

The disconnect

Modern man � the smooth savage with a lonely heart living in high rise �smart� cities

of concrete and glass�.

forced to live by the clock in a bubble of busy business, and compelled by the status

quo to try and be top dog in a dog eat dog world.

Sacred sympathy

Gone is the wonder of childhood- lost is �sacred sympathy�, the flower of imaginative intuition

and the innocence of thought that we experienced in the magical time when we were still connected

to the All, and not yet corrupted by the descent into matter � into 3D density and the world

of materialism, intellect and ego.

Paying the price

�The world is too much with us; late and soon.

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in nature that is ours.�..Wordsworth.

The acute development of our intellect and emphasis on achievement has been realised

at a terrible price.

Material success has robbed us of our connection and perception of the energetic �other-worlds�

which exist all around us.

We can no longer unite with the spiritual beings that vitalise form; no longer connect

with the faerie realms, and have turned our backs upon our divine connection to all life

� the seen and unseen, and in so doing we have lost touch with our true selves.

We are only half alive.

The magical moving powers

Spiritual synchronicity

Some of us never lose our childhood wonder and through all the struggles and turmoils

of our lives manage to keep the magic alive.

We seek out the ageless wisdom of connection�.

forever aspiring to comprehend and blend with the whole.

We become dreamers and poets, explorers of frequencies and subtler systems of being.

And, if our hearts are true, spiritual synchronicity becomes active in our lives.

I was brought up in the Celtic tradition and seances/spirit callings were part of my life.

Later, when I came to America, I was introduced to Lakota thought and philosophy which answered

the questions I had about the nature of elementals, nature spirits, demons and feys.

Skan Skan � the power that moves that which moves

Lakota shaman tell us that there is a mysterious power that vitalises life � a field of unified

energies and forces which create an infinite diversity of form, and holds together the

particles of all manifested objects and beings in the material world.

The force of five

Tesla said: �Think in terms of frequency, energy and vibration.�

There are five of these invisible bands of moving power: stone(solid) water (fluid) fire(heat)

air(gas) and space that surrounds us.

Our five fingers and five toes are sensors for the building blocks of our reality � the

magical force of five.

The medecine wheel � the cangleshka wakan of the Lakota is a sacred symbol found in

many aboriginal cultures.

It is the power of five, the four elements and the space that surrounds them.

In my understanding it is the two dimensional blueprint of our reality.

The Lakota say: �The life of a man is two roads and he can choose which road he walks.�

� the black east/west road of suffering where the heart(4th chakra of air) is at war

with the west (the 2nd chakra of water � emotions) or the north/south road of earth(first chakra)

and fire(third chakra) � the spirit road.

At the centre of the cross roads, the tree of life blooms(awareness) and the hoop(circle)

of all living nations is formed.

All pervading unity of spiritual power

�Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was

the whole hoop of the world.

And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw,

for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things as they must live together like

one being.

And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle,

wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the centre grew one mighty flowering tree

to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.

And I saw that it was holy.� Black Elk.

That Art Thou or You are that

Skan is the invisible underlying energetic force which binds life together in an all

pervading unity.

Separation is an illusion created by duality.

We can find this understanding in the Lakota phrase � Mitakuye Oyasin: we are all related,

and by the Sanskrit phrase: Tat Tvam Asi which roughly translates as either �That art thou�

or �You are that.�

The little people

When we were tribal people, living with nature and free of the stresses and restraints of

modern life, we could see into the invisible realms and communicate with spiritual reality.

Shaman were aware that just as the material world is dual, and by that I mean a love/hate

polarity, the spiritual realms were populated by good and bad spirits.

The negative creatures are known as wakan sica � bad medecine and in my tradition

they are called the Unseelie Court of Faerie.

Sage, sweet grass, cedar, scabious root, agrimony, lavender flowers, and other high frequency

plants are burnt in an effort to dispel negative �spirits and thought forms� from ceremonies,

homes and other dwellings.

Multiple realities sharing our space

�Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.� � Jonathan Swift.

Our visible world is populated by a diversity of beings: mammal, birds, fish, reptiles,

plants etc, and the same rule applies to the invisible, spiritual counterpart of our material


The unseen side of our reality is inhabited by hosts of beings called elementals � spirits

that are electro-magnetically attached to the Skan fields of earth, water, fire, air

and space.

The elemental cosmic forces interpenetrate the earth, and the inhabitants of these hidden

realms are aware of us, even though we are not aware of them.

The watchers

Elementals and other spirits vibrate outside of visible light so we can�t see them � but

they can look into our world at anytime they like.

They are drawn to our emotional state by resonance.

Love, gratitude and joy attract the� good guys�, hate, violence and perverted sexual

energy attract the bad.

At this moment, faerie beings could be standing right in front of us � sitting in the same

chair, and we don�t have a clue there�s anything there.

Sometimes even though we can�t see these invisible beings, we can sense their presence.

We may see a fleeting glimpse of movement on the periphery of our vision, or the feeling

that �something� is with us in the room�watching us.

A creeping chill at the back of our neck when we enter an old house, ruins or cemetery,

and the sudden disappearance of an item that we�re using, only to have it reappear in

a place we know we didn�t put it.

Phonetics, colours and geometrics

The elementals attached to the five bands of moving power have their own phonetics,

colours, perfumes and geometrics pertaining to their element.

These pass-gates were known to the shamans of the past but with the destruction of indigenous

people and their earth based cultures, the sacred knowledge and language was lost.

In today�s world there are few people left who know how to contact the energies of spiritual


I think the destruction of tribal people and their sacred knowledge was a deliberate act

on the part of a very negative power to close down our awareness and block us from the sacred

side of our dualistic nature.

We have now been spiritually neutered and instead of being able to walk in many worlds

we have been confined to one.

There have been hundreds of thousands of pages written about the faeries of our folklore

and traditions.

We know their form, characteristics, caprices, tribes and lineage, but in my experience with

elementals, I have found that they are electro-magnetic wave patterns.

They have no material shape and can appear to human perception in any form they want,

but normally one that is immediately recognisable to the viewer.

In Lakota country an earth elemental appears as a small wizened man with braids dressed

in buckskin, and the hooved and horned fauns that live in trees are called Can-o-ti-la.

The people of the wood.

A dying planet

�Hell is empty.

All the devils are here.�Shakespeare.

Is this Fact or Fiction?

The plane we call home has become the abode of devils.

Billions of sentient lifeforms are butchered every day for their flesh while countless

others are hunted for sport, trapped, tortured, caged and murdered for so called science,

by soulless beings that masquerade as men.

Millions of innocent people are maimed, murdered and displaced by power crazed demons fighting

over ever dwindling resources � earth is being used up.

My Heartstar Series of books: The Key made of Air � the Gates to Pandemonia and Walking

in Three Worlds are a multi-dimensional mirror of the tragedy that is happening in our dimension

and how it affects the elemental worlds and higher planes of being.

Excerpt from Book three: Walking in Three Worlds.

Long ago in the mists of time, the realms of Humanity, Faerie, and High Faerie were

all one world, with the sentient creatures of all three realms living in harmony with

each other.

But evil entered the world of humankind.

The Cathac, the great horned serpent from the stars, insinuated his thoughts of conquest

into the dreams of chieftains, filling them with pride, a lust for war, and murderous


When the stars aligned and formed a glittering pentagon in the sky, the Cathac had attacked

the triad world of Faerie.

Long and bloody was the battle.

The Cathac had druid sorcerers in his ranks.

With dark spells, he ripped the world of Humanity away from Faerie and made its inhabitants


The Cathac � the horned serpent from the stars

According to Irish Mythology the Cathac or Cata, a gigantic flesh eating sea serpent

was vanquished by St Senan in 534 AD.

A carving depicting the Cathac is in the old chapel of Kilrush in County Clare.

The head of the Cathac can be seen in the first outcropping and other faces can be seen

in the Cliffs of Moher which in my novels are called the Gates to Pandemonia.

Imprisoned in stone

In Book three of my HeartStar Series: Walking in Three Worlds we find a different account

of the vanquishing of the Cathac, and we are told how the Cliffs of Moher were formed by

the giants Finn McCoul and his brother Uall McCarn.

As night fell, Uall had heard rumbling and the beating of great wings in the sky.

In plumes of fire and smoke, he had seen Braxach arrive at the Giant�s Cliffs with Duir,

the father of dwarves, riding on his back.

They had been pursuing the legions of devils and demons that had followed the Cathac in

his murderous rampage along the coast.

The dragon had settled on the beach and given them a fiery snort of greeting.

Duir slid off his back.

As Braxach took to the air once more, the dwarf king had told Uall and Finn of his and

Braxach�s plan to trap the Cathac, saying that he needed the giants� help to do it.

The sea had been calm and shadowy under a fitful moon as they waited in the darkness

for the Cathac to attack.

The air grew cold, and then with a churning of the waters, the Cathac had raised its horned

head and, coiling its gargantuan bulk, struck at them with gaping jaws.

As the Cathac attacked, Braxach had sent a blast of fire into the monster�s eyes.

The giants had ripped up the rock and earth in front of them, forming a great wall thousands

of feet high.

Blinded, the Cathac did not see the upraised cliff and slammed into the rock face.

Duir was waiting.

Once the Cathac�s body had made contact with the stone, Duir had called out to the

burning lakes of liquid fire deep beneath the earth for aid.

With his hands, the dwarf sire had woven a stone spell of molten lava and then cast the

magma stream around the monster.

Singing in the language of the stone,he had hardened the burning liquid into rock, trapping

the Cathac within a sarcophagus of enchanted stone.

For more infomation >> The World of Elementals – Faeries of the Five Realms - Duration: 13:41.


VLOG ALGERIA: DID THIS HAPPEN TO YOU !!...حصل لي شيئ لم يكن متوقع - Duration: 9:13.

salam alikom this is me

as you can see im editing a video or let me say im trying to

I did everything I could to get a satisfactory result as I wanted

In the end I thought about this way which you see it now

In this adventure, something happened to me that I do not wish it to happen to anyone

You will discover it in the last of the video


The journey started

But before that we have to go to our friend who is waiting us in the center of Blida

Exactly in ( place tout ) and he told us why it was named by that name

We have two main markets here

One for the Arabs and the other for the Christian population in ancient times

The Arabs were from the east and the Christians from the western side

It is said that this place where they meet

the Arabs and Christians

be cause that we named by ( place tout)

and Some of them say there was a lot of raspberries here

Perhaps we will sleep here tonight..start making the tents

push push push

Choose a place that is isolated from people. I prefer isolated and empty places

under the tree guys...!!!

i think it is the better place there

so we are going to spend our night here guys this is our place wich we choosed

we have two tents one for the luggage and the other for us

its cold and its snowing right now

we are like inside a refrigerator

its 01:25 am im tired and i need to sleep its very cold see you tomorrow inshalah

goog morning

For more infomation >> VLOG ALGERIA: DID THIS HAPPEN TO YOU !!...حصل لي شيئ لم يكن متوقع - Duration: 9:13.


DEFANO HOLWIJN & NIENKE PLAS zorgen voor een PARTY met JONNA FRASER cover | Karaoke Box - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> DEFANO HOLWIJN & NIENKE PLAS zorgen voor een PARTY met JONNA FRASER cover | Karaoke Box - Duration: 2:45.



hello welcome to grimoto garage

in this video

we will excite you

with a little 'noise at the dyno

from our Dragster 800 RR

the target

as well as have some fun

It was to understand

the increase in power

when changing the air filter

at the bike, initially

we put

the Exhaust

and the increase in power

It was not too bad

No, that's right

initially we had a motorcycle

that, when on the dyno, reached

128,2 HP

only fitting


with an open exhaust

make us to reach

134.3 HP

which is not bad

original air filter..

on another dyno

The first test is 135.8 HP

Then we took the test

mounting on

an air filter panel from MWR

we have...

stolen to an our F3

we came to 138.2 HP

and then, not enough with this results

we watched

the motorbike

and we have said

"We believe wecan obtain"

"Something more"

so we changed completely

the air suction system of the bike

we took off

its original air manifold

which are used to send the pressurized air to the airbox

and our Sam

who enjoyed with minisaw

and minigrinder

made two resin conduct

to let air directly into in the airbox

you, say

the original manifold

are almost like restrictors

more than conduits

It seems to want to get less air

of what actually needed

now the company will get angry

we instead

we wanted to go further

we made this KIT

and this KIT has brought us

to a result of...

an exciting result of...

146.8 HP

almost 147 HP

which it is an increase in power


Not to laugh about

we started out, however, that

the series motorcycle has

128 HP

128,2 HP

so you do the math

now I have no time to do the math

what was the goal?

of course being able to drive it


must be fluid

It must be perfectly carbureted

and then

We spent time

to refine the mapping to the dyno

and now we mount

a data acquisition system

to test the bike on the road

and having

all carburetion data

on the road

to be able to have so

also partialized

and also throughout the erogation

perfectly carbureted

and clean

Good! Have fun at the dyno!

For more infomation >> POWERFULL BADASS MV AGUSTA DRAGSTER | GRIMOTO GARAGE - Duration: 4:00.


THE RIDE ENDED AT THE TEMPLE | A ride with the locals in Kyoto! - Duration: 11:48.

So after searching for the Yam man in Ono,

we drove a really long way down to Kyoto

and we were hoping to get to Blanky Dog bike shop before they closed

We wanted to find out if there was any good riding in Kyoto

But when we go there

"Oh, why don't you just ride with me and my friends tomorrow?"

So, that's what we did!

So, we're out for a ride!

Yuka: Yes, we are

Yuka: Seven of us!

Is there seven people?


That's crazy

It's beautiful in here, isn't it?

It's hot, isn't it?

Yuka: It's hot




So, it was actually 22c that day

or 71f

Which is pretty unreal by Canadian standards

In November

Oh, ya

It's Kyoto city

You know, it's interesting

in Canada, if you're going to be pedaling up on a road

99% of the time it's going to be gravel

but in Japan

99% of the time it's going to be paved

It's seems like they've paved most of the mountain roads

Even if they don't go anywhere

Alright, first trail ride in Kyoto

It's slippery

Lot's of leaves again

That's okay

Oh! Chain! Chain, chain, chain

Ya, okay

Are you ready?


Shall we?

I've lost my camera!

Oh sh*t!

Oh! Camera!



On the tree

Yuka: On the tree, ya

Oh, there you go

Let's go

Are you ready?



Yuka: Good job, guys!

So, did you guys go over the log?

No, I went around

Around? Could you go around there?



He knows the trail!

Almost off the edge!

Oh, nice!

Yuka: That's a good one


That was fun


It's dry!

So many rocks here

Ya, it's more rocks, ya

It's nice

There was a berm with a big rock

That's right

That was cool

That's good

The rock was quite unique

Like a rock face

Yes, yes, yes

I haven't seen it in Japan

I like the

The rocks


Ya, you can go over and like, you know?

Yup, a little bit more like Canada

Ya! Exactly, like Canada

We'll go along the bamboo forest

then go to the Kaisen restaurant

shall we?

go through the temple?

You wanna eat lunch with them?

Oh, sure, yup!

Oh ya!

Oh, bamboo forest!

Yuka: Did you like the trail?

That was good

You should wheelie too


Oh, you can go all the way!

And then off the end

I hope there's more

Oh, this is cool

Yuka: Oh, bamboo forest!

Yuka: Oh, I should take picture

Ya, maybe picture time

We're really tourists now

Yuka: Ya, we are, baby

Bamboo forests is not something we get in Canada

So cool

Ah, temple

Cool, right?

Ya, so cool

Oharano Shrine

This is the side torii

It's not the front gate

Oh, so it's big enough to have a side gate


So I just said hello as I was passing through that torii gate

In Japanese culture, when you pass through a torii gate

and say konnichiwa

You're basically saying hello to the gods

I don't know why I do it, but it's just kind of fun I guess




Put some water


Wash your mouth


Wash your hands


This is first temple I've seen with deer

Not temple! Shrine!

Oh, shrine!

First shrine I've seen with deer

You have a.. want a money?

Oh, ya, okay okay

We gonna do the bow and clap?

It looks amazing!

Great view!

It's nice and atmospheric

One of the guys actually turned out to be a monk

He had to leave a bit early

Because he had to go to the temple, I guess

But ya, we were quite taken aback

like, "oh, it's a mountain biking monk!"

But I do know of mountain biking pastors in Canada

So I guess, you know, it's the same thing

Little cafe!

but they have a kaisen don

Kaisen? Whats that?

Seafood don

This is a cafe

But their seafood rice bowl is very delicious

I know!

So unique

Kaisen don is really good here

Oh, we're going upstairs

Okay, take my shoes off

You wanna sit here?

Sure, it helps, ya

So Yuka asked if I wanted to sit against the wall there

And that's because, as a westerner,

I'm not used to sitting on the floor at all

but every Japanese person grows up

sitting on the floor, crossing their legs

I'm so inflexible that

I need to sit down with my back against the wall

and my legs basically straight out



there we go


Smells good

*Yuka sniffing intensely*


Next week on BCpov

Jordan Boostmaster,

The Loam Ranger

and I head down to Bellingham, Washington

to meet Daily MTB Rider

It's the Canadian invasion!

Oh, this trail is so good!

For more infomation >> THE RIDE ENDED AT THE TEMPLE | A ride with the locals in Kyoto! - Duration: 11:48.


The Illusionary Allure of Hedge Funds - Duration: 7:24.

I've talked before about the tendency of investors to feel like they deserve more than

the plain old market return.

This seems to be especially true as people build more wealth.

Anybody can buy index funds.

More sophisticated investments have high minimums, or require you to be an accredited investor.

The pinnacle of what I am describing is investing in hedge funds.

Hedge funds are exclusive, elite, expensive, and lightly regulated financial products.

There are about 3.3 trillion dollars invested in hedge funds globally, and they continue

to grow as an asset class, despite suffering from continued performance that lags a portfolio

of low-cost index funds.

I'm Ben Felix, Associate Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital.

In this episode of common sense investing I will tell you why hedge funds don't hedge.

The first hedge fund was set up by Alfred W. Jones in 1949.

His fund, A.W. Jones & Co, was the first fund to invest in stocks with leverage while using

short selling to remove market risk.

He structured the fund as a limited partnership to avoid regulation.

None of this innovation would have mattered except for one important detail:

the fund did really really well.

We know that funds that have done well in the past are no more likely to do well in

the future, but Jones' success was publicized in Fortune magazine, and hedge funds were born.

Today there are a lot of different hedge fund strategies.

They are typically designed to have performance that is uncorrelated with the market.

The Credit Suisse hedge fund index shows that hedge funds have done an ok job at accomplishing this goal.

While relatively low correlation with other asset classes can be seen as a good thing

in an overall portfolio, the high costs, low returns, and additional risks of owning hedge

funds must be considered.

Hedge funds command high fees due to the supposed skill of their managers.

They will typically charge 1-2% of the assets under management, plus 20% of any excess performance.

In a 2001 study "Hedge Fund Performance 1990 - 2000: Do the 'Money Machines' Really

Add Value" Harry M. Kat and Gaurav S. Amin found that the weak relationship between stock

returns and hedge fund returns is not attributable to manager skill, but to the general type

of strategy that hedge funds follow.

Any fund manager following a typical long/short type strategy can be expected to show low

systemic exposure to the market, whether he has special skills or not.

This leads to the question of why investors would pay such high fees.

The exclusive nature of hedge funds would lead most people to believe that they must have high returns.

This is refuted by the data.

The Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index shows an annualized return of 7.71% from January 1994

through November 2017, while a globally diversified equity index fund portfolio returned 9.19%

over the same time period.

Even a much more conservative index fund portfolio consisting of 60% stocks and 40% bonds outperformed

the hedge fund index, returning an average of 7.75% over the same time period.

Between high fees, lacking evidence of manager skill, and low average returns,

hedge funds aren't sounding so good.

Wait until I tell you about the risks.

Hedge funds do not have the same kind of liquidity that an ETF or mutual fund has.

Investing in a hedge fund will typically involve a lock-up period during which your funds

are not accessible.

After the lock-up, hedge funds can suspend investors' ability to withdraw from the

fund at their discretion.

That would typically happen at the worst possible time, like if the fund was crashing.

One of the pitches of hedge funds is that they are less risky than stocks, as shown

by their relatively low standard deviation of returns.

Standard deviation does not tell the whole story.

Hedge fund returns exhibit negative skewness and high kurtosis.

In plain English, that means that most investors lose while a few winners win big

and the funds exhibit exceptionally high and low returns with greater frequency than would be expected

in a normal distribution.

One of the reasons that they seem exotic is that hedge funds can invest in anything.

It might be cool to tell people about over dinner, but in reality, it means that the

riskiness of the underlying assets can be more extreme than you might expect.

A 2000 study by AQR Capital Management found that many hedge funds were taking on significantly

greater risk than their benchmarks by investing in illiquid assets.

Illiquid assets could result in outperformance due to the illiquidity premium, but investors

may have been taking on far more risk than they realized.

Hedge funds also employ leverage.

The combination of illiquid assets and leverage can be disastrous for hedge funds during bad

markets, especially if investors start to ask for their money back.

A worst-case scenario would see the hedge fund having to unwind illiquid positions at

a significant discount, resulting in losses for investors.

Despite the hype about low correlation, hedge funds are a poor combination with stocks.

While we know that hedge funds have a somewhat low correlation with the stock market, that

correlation can become high at the worst possible times.

This is exactly what happened in both the 1998 and 2007 financial crises.

So while the correlation data may look good on paper, it may not be very useful in practice.

Even if there are hedge funds out there with great returns, remember that past performance

is a terrible predictor of future results.

One prolific example of this is the Tiger Fund.

It was formed in 1980 with ten million dollars and went on to average returns over 30% for

the next 18 years.


By 1998, it had over 22 billion under management, most of that coming from new investors wanting

to get in on the performance.

Tiger then stumbled badly, losing ten billion dollars, before closing completely in 2000.

The funny or sad thing is that while the fund still shows a 25% average annual return, it is estimated

that most investors lost money because they invested after all of the great returns

had already happened.

High profile hedge fund failures have not stopped many investors from allocating capital

to hedge funds.

One of the largest failures, Long Term Capital Management, cost billions of dollars and almost

resulted in a global financial crisis.

That was in the '90s, and hedge funds have continued to grow since then.

In 2014, CalPERS, a massive California pension fund and one of the leaders in the institutional

investment space, made the decision to exit hedge funds as an asset class in their portfolio.

They made the decision to shut down their hedge fund program primarily due to the program's

cost, complexity, and risk.

Other large pension funds have since followed suit.

Warren Buffett famously won a 10-year million dollar bet against a hedge fund manager who

was allowed to select five hedge funds to beat the S&P 500 index.

The index won out easily.

Buffet can't predict the future, but the odds were certainly in his favour.

I definitely do not recommend hedge funds in the portfolios that I oversee.

Do you invest in hedge funds?

I'd love to hear about your experience in the comments.

Thanks for watching.

My name is Ben Felix of PWL Capital and this is Common Sense Investing.

I'll be talking about a lot more common sense investing topics in this series, so

subscribe, and click the bell for updates.

For more infomation >> The Illusionary Allure of Hedge Funds - Duration: 7:24.


Young Sheldon 1x21 Promo "Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho and Tony Danza" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Young Sheldon 1x21 Promo "Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho and Tony Danza" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


#visitblackforest - Anni erklärt die KONUS-Karte - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> #visitblackforest - Anni erklärt die KONUS-Karte - Duration: 1:11.


Why You're Failing to Reach Your Goals - Smart Goal Setting - Duration: 18:53.

what's going on guys today I want to talk to you about why you're failing

when you're setting your goals and what SMART goal setting actually is now first

and foremost bear with me I got a couple of lights in here I wanted to get my

lighting in here but for some reason it was reflecting off the light board and

it did the white board not the light board and it looked a little strange now

I'm gonna talk to you today about how I go ahead and set my goals so that you

can benefit off that and set more specific goals so that you know what it

takes to get you from point A to point B because regardless of what you said you

know whether they're broad are specific what most people don't realize is it's

the action it's it's the it's it's the action in between the points that are

actually going to get you to the to where you want to go and where you want

to be so they leave that out they say oh you know even if it's abroad if they're

saying you know oh I want to make 10 grand a month more that's too broad

obviously even if they're specific and they say oh I want to make 10 grand a

month more from this income stream and this game income stream in this income

stream and I also want to do it you know for these reasons that's great that's

better but you're still not being specific enough with your goals I'm

gonna run through that here with you today so I'm gonna show you how I set my

my goals up and this specifically will be for my income streams and I'm gonna

go over them in a second but but I'm gonna set it up in four different four

different boxes here so we have a whole grid I'm gonna run you through my income

streams on the left one right here there's nine slots here because I have

nine main income streams now now the difference is the middle so there's four

I'm sorry so income streams is first then the in the middle right here the

left middle we have the difference and then the right is now and your goal so

that might not make sense right now I'm gonna run through it for you here in a

second and it's really gonna help you get to your goals trust me on that

so another thing too if you can't see this it's a little bit dark so I'm gonna

read them off too so if you can't see it that well don't worry and also apologize

for my handwriting because I'm a lefty and it's very difficult for me to write

on whiteboards because I'm a lefty and I obviously smear this stuff so I kind of

- right like with the ballpoint of the pen so I have it all down right here now

these are generalizations of my urn they're kind of close but they're not

specific obviously as an entrepreneur and you know making money online in

e-commerce and marketing those vary from month to month but I'm gonna run through

them here for you in a second so I'm gonna write my income streams down for

you really fast and then I'll go through the whole goal-setting with you so you

get it you understand and you can do it too so first and foremost now is

teachable so teachable is number one and before we get into these two if you guys

are gonna grab go ahead and grab a whiteboard like this I suggest that you

do it I'll drop a couple of whiteboard maybe one or two whiteboards that I

bought I have a couple in my apartment um if you want to check them out but be

in the description obviously those are affiliate links you don't have to

purchase through my affiliate links I just figured I would because I really

think that whether you do it on you know paper on notepads or you kind of

visualize it and obviously we're in my room here so I literally wake up my

bed's right behind you and I rarely film in here but I literally wake up and I

see this board and it really helps me because I know okay what are my income

streams what am i making now what are my goals to make and what do I have to do

what's the difference so to get me from point A to point B what's the difference

what do I have to do to get there and that's that I literally wake up when I

see that every single day on this big whiteboard in my room and it really

helps me kind of get there and really understand what its gonna take for me to

actually get there so if you guys want to check them out obviously on top of

that teachable my income stir my main horse basically going over how to make

money you know with you to me all that's linked in the description

that's my premium course check it out if you want I'll talk about a little bit

more but let's just jump right into this because I think it's cool so first we

have teachable let me get you to me obviously I'm big udemy instructor we're

gonna run through these fast and I'm gonna skill share like I said ignore my

handwriting I can't write lefty like this YouTube is number four number five

is affiliate earnings so affiliate earnings much like that whiteboard I

just suggest suggested to you then arbitrage

and private labeling I'm gonna show all these two in a second don't worry if you

can't see him then eBay then finally my website now our iron income and a little

bit of a few other ways maybe like two or three maybe four realistically guess

it's three but I'm kind of moving away from them so these are where my focus is

at right now so when I wake up I want to see these and grant it I erase this so I

could go through it with you but these are always up on this board right here

so then finally what I'm making now roughly with teachable I'm selling about

I believe it's four courses a week so I think it's six K and I just launched so

obviously that could change that's what I expect to make monthly now so this is

monthly my goals so if I if I settle for courses a week at six

that's what is it yeah roughly that's a little bit under six grand a month I

believe now my goal for that is about 18 K which is about one a day

so Mike ourselves for 595 that's about one a day and a 30-day month so that's

my goal now to get what's gonna take me from point from now what I'm earning now

to my goal from 6 km up to 18 km unthe well I have to write those things down

that could be specific on what its gonna take so I know what to devote my energy

my attention to on a daily basis to get me there right so I wrote down just a

couple of ideas you know I need more YouTube videos to

market them subtly obviously kind of like this one which will the will be

promotions in but obviously I always bring value to you guys outside of the

promotions if you don't want to purchase the course you don't want to purchase

the affiliate link so you totally don't have to do that I still give you value

in ideas and mindsets and marketing strategies online as well as ways to

make money and the majority of my courses sell for 10 bucks

obviously when I have you know I'm selling other courses in my description

there $10 discount links so literally $10 to make thousands of dollars online

1,000% worth it obviously my premium course there's a lot more value in Voss

that's why it sells so much and the difference here is more YouTube videos

so I know I need to focus my attention on more YouTube videos I'll just

abbreviate to keep it short for you guys I need to start running ads not ads

although I need to I need to improve my ABS here in the summer too and I need a

free webinar to draw people in so free webinars so more YouTube videos ads and

free webinar all things I'm slowly working on now I'm recording this

obviously I'm gonna put a bunch of these videos out because I'm actually on

vacation in Europe right now with my girlfriend but I will be back on the 7th

and then we'll pick up with the live stuff but this is a lot of great stuff

for you guys and I hope that you're taking advantage of this knowledge and

this approach to goal-setting because it's really been instrumental in my

growth you know as an entrepreneur so fine second we have udemy now udemy's

been a big earner for me and it's been consistent and literally what my entire

premium course is based around its basically selling on udemy with both

udemy courses and affiliate links through your courses which you actually

make a lot more with affiliate links and you actually do selling your $10 courses

on udemy but you still make a decent amount on udemy trust me on that so you

and me right now I'm making roughly 5km month and that's been fluctuating but

this month I'm scheduled to make a little bit over five now that can go up

and down some months but realistically you earn about 100 to 200 of course

depending on your course on average so right now I have I believe it's 35 to 40

is it it's 38 course or something like that

and I'm earning a little bit over that right now at 5k now my goal is 10k a

month consistently on you me now this is passive and on top of the passiveness

here all these are digital products so with stuff like that I'm gonna talk

about here in a second with the arbitrage and private labeling and the

eBay those are all physical products that I have to source and I have to pay

you know inventory have to pay I have to pay packs to run to them I have to do

all those things whereas stuff like unum and teachable

and Skillshare and YouTube videos and my website are all that's what my premium

course entails we're using the instructor Pro and it's all basically

you know free this is obviously a promo a little bit but it's it's it's it's one

of my % valid because it's it's literally month free money that you're

making you don't have to pay any start-up costs you don't have to pay for

any inventory you have to run any ads necessarily unless you really want to

scale and get profitable but it's literally free money for you from your

mind and I literally started you to me and made free money from my mind and I'm

telling you there's a lot of potential there there's no competition so like I

said I'm making 5k now my goal is 10 and the difference is I want to get to 100

courses so that's a little bit of lowball if I'm get a hundred courses I

should probably making more than 10k a month but that's just a lowball goal I

like to kind of lowball my goals and kind of tamper not not a get ridiculous

with my expectations because if I exceed that great if not then I know I can

always make more courses especially on you to me so the difference is 100

courses so like I said I got 60 more to go and when I get back from my Europe

trip I will literally be scaling this up this will be my entire focus with

courses next is skill chair and I'm actually making 0 on Skillshare right

now but the goal is 1k a month on Skillshare now that just like you to me

is a course site but I actually got kicked off the skill chair three

different times in the past and I'm just kind of getting back on it with my new

IP address in my new apartment so the goal there is 10 courses and my goal is

to make it 1k just another income stream now this is I'm showing the SMART goal

setting here and how you actually can actually go about doing this so remember

we have income streams what you're making now what your goal is and you

don't have to just do your income streams here it can literally be

anything goal wise you want to know do you know what what that goal is now or

what you're making now or where you're at now what where you want to be and

what it's gonna take to get you there so those are the three main keys now next

is YouTube and right now on YouTube I'm making a little bit over 300 but we'll

just tamp temperate at 300 then we'll go to 1k is the goal so I'm gonna be making

a grand which isn't that crazy or far off in ad revenue just ad revenue on

YouTube per month so what what's a good benchmark obviously any more

YouTube videos but that's a little bit too that's that's not specific enough so

my goal right now is to hit 20k subs which I don't think I'm too far off I'm

run roughly approaching 5,000 right now but if I could scale if I could get a

couple videos that hit hard and really kind of go viral slightly I can get

there relatively soon I think I can definitely get there by the end of the

year um if not you know a couple months from now if I can find some good

heavy-hitting videos now the next is affiliate earnings now right now with

affiliate earnings I'm earning about 1.5 K per month and I plan on scaling that

up now the reason for that is a lot of

different things I haven't been looking at my YouTube videos as much with

affiliate earnings which is why I plugged the the the white board I

haven't been linking with my courses a lot I just go having kind of scaling

down and haven't really you know plugged any new courses are created to many new

courses but this should significantly increase so I'm just gonna double that

that's kind of a temperate expectation and we're gonna say 3 K but like I said

you can make a lot more on affiliate earnings and actually that's one of the

best business models outside of you know content creation and creating courses

but they go hand in hand so you don't need to choose and the difference with

those is obviously so more courses which is crucial more courses means more

affiliate links in your courses more opportunities for people to click them

I also need more YouTube videos and I need better links which is crucial

because you can sell one example that I proves to bunny and a lot of my youtube

videos but that only makes me about 4 to 5 dollars per person so better one might

be you know one that jungle Scout or Shopify trials that are gonna pay you

more every single time people are in them or Wix or you know in editing

software like Premiere Pro or something like that it's gonna pay me a hundred

bucks per person that converts so I want better of links and then I don't have to

come as many people so better links and

obviously a blog and blogs coming soon on my website so that will give me a

chance to put more affiliate links in that blog on a different place with more

opportunity for people see it and I actually get a lot of you know traffic

to my website as it is so maybe people will read the blog and they like

something they'll purchase through an affiliate link so I'm excited about that

that's coming soon um then we have arbitrage so arbitrage is 5k and I

actually plan on keeping that at 5k because like we always talked about here

yours trading your time for money with arbitrage even though you can make a

decent amount and if I have an entire course on arbitrage you guys will check

it out I'll link it in the description for you I have an entire course on

private lending as well that I'll be linked in the description to a lot of

these courses if you're interested in them will be linked in the description

so like I said arbitrage right here is 5 km month um and for that I just need to

I just need more products just keep finding more products it's literally

that's my clinic keeping it the same I don't really plan on scaling it up too

much now a private labeling I do plan on scaling that up a lot I haven't actually

been focused on private labeling a lot because I've been focusing on a lot of

content creation but as soon as I get back I have an idea for one that I'm a

one product that's been successful for me recently that I need to restock and

get back into inventory and I also plan on getting another good product on top

of the three that I already had that are good for me so right now with with

private labeling I'm earning about 1.5 K and granted these are these are like

these aren't all you know Oh I earn this every month or these are just kind of

projections and things that I expect to earn now they fluctuate like I said in

the beginning so with private labeling my goal is to hit 5k a month and the

difference there is just to more profitable such good products so I'll

just say two more plus products and obviously to restock my inventory

because I ran out of inventory cuz they don't plan on you know kind of scaling

up right now because I'm obviously taking my trip and then next is eBay I

just put this up here because I'm gonna about it in a future video that I'm

gonna do here talking about the importance of you know diversify your

income streams and nothing too reliable on one trust me that's something that's

a crucial step that I wish I would have learned earlier on in the

entrepreneurial process as many of you know I got this is my amazon seller

account suspended and that was you know kind of my the arbitrage one but still a

big hit to my income and it just kind of opened my eyes to the fact that you know

holy shit I need to kind of diversify so right now with eBay I'm only earning 300

a month and that's fine I'm keeping that at 300 a month I'm not scaling eBay up

but it's just a diversification technique so that I can basically get

procs in and get reviews and rank my feedback up so I can become a top rated

seller on eBay so that if anything when Amazon goes down I'm not too married to

Amazon I can hopefully morph over to eBay and sell there so that's just a you

know a future strategy in case that happens I'm not really trying to make

money with eBay right now I'm literally listing products on there that self--

repeat and just looking for a good feedback source to rank my account with

my website right now I'm earning about 500 a month

nothing crazy and the goal is to K a month I don't know if you can see that

all the way at the bottom so 500 to 2k and the difference there is obviously

the blog that's coming soon like I said so blog that's terrible writing with the

affiliate links will just abbreviate with affiliate links there then

obviously I plan on putting my courses into bundles because I only sell them

all separates as $10 links on my website and I also sell the all course fumble

but I plan on bundling a bunch of different packages too that are relevant

so if somebody wants to buy like a marketing package or someone wants to

buy like five of my drop shipping courses as a package they get not only a

better deal but I make more money because I'm selling in a bunch of

courses at once instead of you know just just one or two so it makes sense from a

strap from a marketing strategy perspective as well as an e-commerce

perspective so so affiliate links bundles bundles and then I don't know

what this says oh videos embedded on my blog series so I'm gonna obviously I've

read videos embedded in my blog you know to generate more traffic you know it's

my you channel so I can sell more affiliate

links and stuff like that bring more traffic to my website and so on and so

forth so that's basically the gist of it guys I wanted to go over this today

because I think it's really important not only for you to write this stuff

down because there's something about writing

it down tangibly that you know you see it you remember and you're like okay

this is what I need to do but also whether it's your income streams or it's

your goals you know whatever it is you need to set these things up so that you

know you know where are you now on weight where you know what what your

your attention is at where your attention is at right now and what's

making you where you want to be and then finally and most important what it's

actually going to take you to get there so that's I want to talk about that

today I hope you guys really like this video I put a lot of thought into it I

think it's a really good valuable lesson like I said if you want any of these

courses that will be linked in the description if you want to hop on my you

to me instructor Pro course link in the description as well as the affiliate

links that I plugged for the white board but I'm going to bring that to you today

because obviously I'm traveling and I wanted to schedule this video and I will

see you when I get back on the 7th

For more infomation >> Why You're Failing to Reach Your Goals - Smart Goal Setting - Duration: 18:53.


Andrew Fya - 09. Dogmatico (prod.ZionLab.) - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Andrew Fya - 09. Dogmatico (prod.ZionLab.) - Duration: 3:29.


Junior Klein - Resumo - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Junior Klein - Resumo - Duration: 3:36.


Atlanta 2x10 Promo "FUBU" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

[bell ringing]

Oh, snap.

This one have more stripes, and that one got a patch.

One of y'all got a fake shirt.


NARRATOR: Thursday.

Look at this.

This one FUBU?

You got FIBI.

Hey, everybody!

This man got on FIBI!

NARRATOR: "Atlanta" is all new Thursday

at 10, only on FX and FXNOW.

For more infomation >> Atlanta 2x10 Promo "FUBU" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Mr.YO - ΑΝΙΜΑΛΣ ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Mr.YO - ΑΝΙΜΑΛΣ ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:41.


How to Create a Better Timber Setup - Duration: 5:24.

- It's time for a timber takeover!

I'm Matt Drury,

and this is Gamekeeper edition of DODTV.

This Segment of DODTV

is brought to you by Mossy Oak Gamekeepers,

your ultimate resource

for wildlife and land management.

(percussive music)

It's always exciting

when you get your hands on a new piece of dirt.

One of the first things people do

is usually figure out

where all those food plot locations should be.

But what about timber?

Well, you're in luck.

We're hitting the hardwoods

with Brian and Cody,

and they're gonna give us some tips

on timber stand improvement.

(reverent music)

- So, we are out here today

on one of our 40-acre properties here in Nebraska.

With all of your hunting properties,

you want to learn

as much as you can about them.

And so, this particular piece of property,

I wanted to learn a lot more

about the tree habitat that I have here.

So I called up one of my friends

at the Game and Parks Commission,

and basically, they recommended

that I thin out a lot of the Siberian elm

as much as possible.

So, to thin out the trees,

they recommended that I do two different things.

Number one is called a hack and squirt method.

We're using the hack and squirt method.

It's honestly really simple.

I got a little hatchet here,

and I'm using a herbicide called Tordon,

which is specifically for trees.

So it's literally simple.

You wanna come down at an angle,

so that way when you spray in,

it stays in that tree.

And that's it.

(industrious rock music)

Another thing you wanna watch out for is,

when you hack it and spray,

you wanna make sure that the spray,

especially the wind,

doesn't blow a lot of that spray around,

because it'll kill all the plants that it touches.

For larger trees,

you may want to give it a couple of hacks.

The biggest thing

with the hack and squirt method,

is that you wanna do it before the spring green-up.

And so, in the fall,

all the nutrients of the trees are

getting pushed down into the roots for winter dormancy.

And then, during spring green-up,

it's pushing back up.

Well, here in Nebraska,

it's still plenty cold out,

but if we waited another month to do this,

we may be in a little bit of trouble,

and our work would be less effective.

The second method that they advise

that I could do to thin out the Siberian elm

is actually called girdling.

And it's basically taking away

a ring of bark around the tree,

which kills it, as well.

- Now when you're girdling,

you gotta be aware of the hazards

that are around you.

Just like this branch here

is in the way of walking around it.

We'll chop that off,

and be aware of the debris around the tree trunks,

so your feet don't get tangled,

and you trip with the chainsaw.

Safety is key.

(chainsaw buzzing)

(industrious music)

- Now that you've taken care

of the invasive tree species,

the next stop on this tour

is to figure out how to create

a better bedding area for your deer.

Hinge cutting is one way to do this.

This creates cover for the deer,

while also providing good browse for food.

Let's get back with Cody and Brian

and go through some hinge cutting.

- Well, we've chosen this particular location

to create a bedding habitat,

because it is adjacent to one of our food plots.

If they bed here,

they're gonna feel nice and safe.

We can access and exit the food plot

and our stand location

without these deer ever knowing it.

However, it's close enough

that they'll get up during daylight hours

and get to the food plot

with plenty of time left

for us to hunt them.

- As a rule of thumb,

I like to cut three quarters of the way through the tree,

about hip-high

and perpendicular to the ground.

(chainsaw buzzing)

(industrious music)

- So, hinge cutting can create food,

it can create cover,

and it can create safety.

This particular hinge cut

is exactly what we like to see.

It laid on the ground perfectly.

It's still connected,

so there's still plenty of tree

to push the nutrients out to the top.

But one of the neatest things is,

because it's only a couple feet off the ground,

the sunlight has plenty of room

to touch the forest floor,

and the sprouts that will come up here

will give deer something to browse on

for years to come.

- Now that you have the tools

to create a thriving habitat,

it's time to get your hands dirty,

and get some work done.

Thanks for watching this edition of DODTV.

As always, we are shooting for 100,000 subscribers.

All we need is you to hit subscribe,

and you're automatically entered in

for a chance to win a free PSE bow.

Until next time,

safe hinge cutting,

and we'll check ya later!

- [Announcer] This segment of DODTV

is brought to you by Nomad.

I hunt, therefore I am.

(percussive music)

For more infomation >> How to Create a Better Timber Setup - Duration: 5:24.


Quantico Season 3 Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Quantico Season 3 Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


Quick Tip - How To Cover Up Breakouts With Makeup - Foundation and Concealer Routine - Duration: 7:37.

Hi guys so for today's video I like to share a quick tip with you on how we can

cover up your breakouts and pimples since this is the right moment I would

like to film it right now since my face is full of pimples and breakouts and

this is also why I like to just mention a few things before I'm going to move on

to the makeup application so when it comes to the breakouts for me it happens

once a month before I'm getting my period so for one or two weeks I have

beautiful skin and I don't have to worry about anything and then it just happens

and I'm breaking out like crazy and I just hope that you might have also the

same situation and this is also the time where you're not feeling comfortable and

you just want to cover up everything because you're not feeling comfortable

with your skin because of your breakouts and then it also happens that when

you're nervous then you're going to pop them out or scratch on them I'm guilty

because I'm doing the same thing and this is also because I'm so nervous that

I'm going to scratch on them and this will make it worse because then it gets

red and it also will bleed and this is also why I like to mention at first that

if you can and if you're feeling alright with it you're not going to wear any

makeup during that time so that the healing process just can be completed

and that you're not having any scars left because this can also happen when

you're scratching a lot of them and then it also is important that when you're

going to apply any makeup then that everything is clean so if your brushes

are clean that your hands are clean so that you're not going to smear around

any bacterias and also when you're going to apply some makeup you're wound where

the breakout was should be completely healed so that you can't get anything in

and just make a huge infection because we don't want that and this will just

make it worse so now let's stuff with actual makeup so what I'm going to do it

first is I'm going to apply some moisturizer on my face you could do it

with a brush or with your fingers I'm going to take my fingers which are clean

so that I'm not going to just get any bacterias into any other places where I

don't want them so I'm going to apply a little bit on my face

so and now for the next step we are going to apply some concealer if you have

breakouts which are wheely red and also like the circle around it is so red then

I would recommend going for a greenish concealer because this will just

neutralize the redness for my breakouts at the moment I just like to go with a

skin toned concealer which is well this one is in a creamy consistency so the

coverage of the concealer will be better as your foundation, just choose a

concealer brush and just apply them on the breakouts where you really need it

so I just have applied a little bit of concealer just on the areas where my

breakouts are so you are not going to spread all your concealer over your face

because we are just wanted to keep the main coverage on the breakout so that

the rest of your makeup will be natural and also it won't feel that heavy so now

we are going to take some translucent powder and a fluffy brush and apply this

on the breakouts so take your fluffy eyeshadow brush and also some

translucent powder and just place this on the places well on the areas where

you just have applied the concealer so that later on when you are going to

apply a BB cream or foundation it won't move

so now we have set the concealer with some powder and now we can move on to

the foundation and now you can just apply it light-handed with a brush or

with your Beauty Blender and you won't move the concealer underneath because of

the powder now you just can apply your foundation onto your face you can use a

Beauty Blender or a foundation brush but be light-handed because we don't want to

overdo it and it's not about the full coverage because we have used a

concealer underneath

so this is not my face with some foundation on and only well the only

three makeup products while to makeup products and one skin care is

moisturizer concealer and foundation that's it and this will give me enough

coverage so that you won't see my breakouts anymore of course you can't

really hide the bump from any pimples but you still can hide the redness which

is so important because this will make it worse like this will look worse and

it's so important that you're washing your brushes correctly so that you're

not going to mix any bacterias in some open wounds and then even though if I

have open woundes you are not going to apply any makeup and you're not going to

smear around any further infections for your face because we don't want to make

it worse that it is already so we just want to make it better and then when

you're taking off your makeup it's also so important that you're going to clean

your face correctly so just use cleansers use peelings use the right

moisturize us and also just well at first also use of makeup wipes but then

your skin needs to be clean when you're going to bed this is the key point that

you're taking of your makeup everytime you are going to sleep because

then your skin can breathe your skin just can do the healing process and all

that stuff it's so important so please always when you're going to bed take

your makeup off this is important and then also you well you will see that

your skin just will do the healing process and it will get better

each day and this is also the end of the tutorial

I hope that you like it and I hope that these quick tips were helpful for you

thank you so much for watching if you want to see another quick tip this is a

right here and if you like to be subscribed to my channel this is right

in the corner thank you so much for watching and I will see you soon in the

next video bye

For more infomation >> Quick Tip - How To Cover Up Breakouts With Makeup - Foundation and Concealer Routine - Duration: 7:37.


Murat Yürük - Eylül Adamı - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Murat Yürük - Eylül Adamı - Duration: 3:51.



For more infomation >> МИХАИЛ ЛАБКОВСКИЙ - О СЕМЬЕ И СЕМЕЙНЫХ КОНФЛИКТАХ - Duration: 58:12.


Janelle Monae Says Sexuality, Gender, Race & More Are Our Attributes In 'Dirty Computer' | Pull Up - Duration: 6:01.

What's up, guys? I'm Jamila Mustafa with BET Social and I'm here with...

Janelle Monae and I just pulled up.

- Pulled up. - Skrrt skrrt.

I like that Car brake.

Alright, so of course, the fit is fly.

- You know, and so I had to come... - Thank you.

I had to come with my best, you know, I still cannot hold a candlestick.

You talk about what you're getting excited for

and your everyday life is pretty much preparing for

when Dirty Computer is gonna hit and it's here and so...

For those that have seen it, of course, you know,

they may have so many questions like me, I feel like I'm watching a movie,

I gotta keep going back and putting together pieces.

But for those that have yet to turn on their computers,

what are they in store for?

You know, I knew that I needed to make this album

before I even released my first album, The ArchAndroid.

I felt a responsibility to the story of Cindi Mayweather

and if you haven't heard The ArchAndroid and The Electric Lady,

it centers around an android that is set in 2719.

A heroic, protagonist, messiac figure and Dirty Computer is more near future.

It's more...

More about Janelle Monae, it comes from a very honest,

a deeply vulnerable place and I think that's why it took me a while to do it.

'Cause I dunno if I was really ready to go there, I needed to live with me,

I needed to have experiences.

I needed-- yeah, I needed to be inspired, I needed to-- to just be, you know,

I needed to be patient with myself.

I didn't wanna come out with another project

until I had something to say and I do have a lot to say.

I think this album deals with what it means to come from the dirt.

Like, we come from the dirt.

When we go on to another frequency, in my opinion,

our physical selves will go back to the dirt.

I also had this dream, this whole thought when I was making the project,

about how we are computers, how our brains are CPUs.

How we're uploading, we're downloading, we're processing,

we're transmitting information back and forth.

And some of us were told that the way we were created

hold these bugs and these viruses, these things that make us unique.

Whether it's our sexuality, whether it's because we're black,

whether it's because we're women, whether it's because we're poor.

You know, I'm just naming a few of these marginalized groups,

but some people say that those are bugs, those are viruses

and Dirty Computer is saying,

"No, those are our attributes, those are features."

You know, this helps make the world better.

And I tell you, electric, is the first word I thought.

I mean, from start to finish, it is electric.

But let's talk about--

I don't wanna keep talking about stuff that some of you guys didn't see yet.

- So hurry up and see it. - But go see it.

Let's talk about something that we've all seen and we all love,

it inspired my pants today.

- Now, come on now, the "Pynk"! - Yes, I love those pants!

- Whoa, that video. - Yes, thank you.

So different, but yet so you

and I was kinda nervous watching it like, "Should I see this part or...?"

But it was beautiful at the same time, it was-- it was--

I dunno how I felt watching it, how did you feel making it?

Man, I felt free, I felt liberated, I felt...

Celebratory, I felt... I felt supported.

I was around a lot of black girl magic.

If you look at the visual and if you even watch the emotion picture,

it's full of black girl magic.

You know, people like you, you know, people like--

All these women who are in this room really inspired Dirty Computer

and I wanted to make an anthem for us, you know, all of us.

No matter if you were or were not born, you know, as a woman.

I think that we can still come together and unite and when we come together,

it's a beautiful thing.

And I gotta say this, in your videos, on tour, when you hit the stage,

you, like you said, you always incorporate women

and you have like, a gang of girls that are like, super dope

and just as cool as you are.

In your real life, do you have your core group of girlfriends?

Absolutely, yeah, I think that-- That "Pynk" mirrors, you know,

the type of women that I hang out with.

We support each other, we love each other.

I don't wanna give away too much.

I think it's so fresh, people need to listen to the project,

listen to the music, listen, you know, to the emotion picture

and just take it in, you know, I don't wanna talk over it.

But, what I will say is this project is a bit more vulnerable and honest

and, I mean, if you listen to songs like "Django Jane",

if you listen to "Pynk", if you listen to "Make Me Feel",

I didn't filter myself much, I usually do a lot of self editing.

Like going into the studio before I record and I'm like,

"I don't wanna talk about this, I don't wanna talk about that."

And then I end up not recording anything.

But this time I told myself that, edit after.

You know, allow yourself that place of freedom.

- I have to just ask one more question, - Sure.

because I absolutely love the film entirety.

One of my favorite outfits was a--

You had a little jacket on, it was a crop top jacket,

it was like pink see-through.

So many looks were definitely in this entire visual,

can you just give me one item of clothing that you absolutely loved,

that you definitely think is going to be a signature piece?

Oh gosh, that's really hard!

I mean, you have the...

The looks in "Pynk", I think you're talking about "Screwed",

then "Make Me Feel", "Django Jane".

It's really difficult.

It's a difficult one, you tell me which looks you like.

- You like the jacket? - I love the jacket.

I love that jacket too, it's a red, see-through, kinda plastic, yeah.

It's very afro-futuristic but it's like 80s...

What size is it, girl? Is that small?

- You can borrow it. - Ohh!

- Alright then. - I'll let you borrow it.

There we go and you guys are gonna have to get your own!

Because she only has one for me.

So don't forget to check it out, make sure you check it out

and I'm proud of everything that you do.

- Thank you so much for pulling up. - Thank you, I'm humbled.

Guys, I am Jamila Mustafa

and we are here with the beautiful and talented Janelle Monae

and she just pulled up.

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