Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

The World of Elementals � Faeries of the Five Realms..

by Edward Morgan

Come fairies! take me out of this dull world,

For I would ride with you Upon the wind and dance

Upon the mountains like a flame.



The engineering of humanity

�Toy bewitched, made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul � No common centre Man, no common

sire � Knoweth!

A sordid solitary thing mid countless brethren with a lonely heart -Through courts and cities

the smooth savage roams � feeling himself, his own low self, the whole.� Coleridge�s

Religious Musing.

The disconnect

Modern man � the smooth savage with a lonely heart living in high rise �smart� cities

of concrete and glass�.

forced to live by the clock in a bubble of busy business, and compelled by the status

quo to try and be top dog in a dog eat dog world.

Sacred sympathy

Gone is the wonder of childhood- lost is �sacred sympathy�, the flower of imaginative intuition

and the innocence of thought that we experienced in the magical time when we were still connected

to the All, and not yet corrupted by the descent into matter � into 3D density and the world

of materialism, intellect and ego.

Paying the price

�The world is too much with us; late and soon.

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in nature that is ours.�..Wordsworth.

The acute development of our intellect and emphasis on achievement has been realised

at a terrible price.

Material success has robbed us of our connection and perception of the energetic �other-worlds�

which exist all around us.

We can no longer unite with the spiritual beings that vitalise form; no longer connect

with the faerie realms, and have turned our backs upon our divine connection to all life

� the seen and unseen, and in so doing we have lost touch with our true selves.

We are only half alive.

The magical moving powers

Spiritual synchronicity

Some of us never lose our childhood wonder and through all the struggles and turmoils

of our lives manage to keep the magic alive.

We seek out the ageless wisdom of connection�.

forever aspiring to comprehend and blend with the whole.

We become dreamers and poets, explorers of frequencies and subtler systems of being.

And, if our hearts are true, spiritual synchronicity becomes active in our lives.

I was brought up in the Celtic tradition and seances/spirit callings were part of my life.

Later, when I came to America, I was introduced to Lakota thought and philosophy which answered

the questions I had about the nature of elementals, nature spirits, demons and feys.

Skan Skan � the power that moves that which moves

Lakota shaman tell us that there is a mysterious power that vitalises life � a field of unified

energies and forces which create an infinite diversity of form, and holds together the

particles of all manifested objects and beings in the material world.

The force of five

Tesla said: �Think in terms of frequency, energy and vibration.�

There are five of these invisible bands of moving power: stone(solid) water (fluid) fire(heat)

air(gas) and space that surrounds us.

Our five fingers and five toes are sensors for the building blocks of our reality � the

magical force of five.

The medecine wheel � the cangleshka wakan of the Lakota is a sacred symbol found in

many aboriginal cultures.

It is the power of five, the four elements and the space that surrounds them.

In my understanding it is the two dimensional blueprint of our reality.

The Lakota say: �The life of a man is two roads and he can choose which road he walks.�

� the black east/west road of suffering where the heart(4th chakra of air) is at war

with the west (the 2nd chakra of water � emotions) or the north/south road of earth(first chakra)

and fire(third chakra) � the spirit road.

At the centre of the cross roads, the tree of life blooms(awareness) and the hoop(circle)

of all living nations is formed.

All pervading unity of spiritual power

�Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was

the whole hoop of the world.

And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw,

for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things as they must live together like

one being.

And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle,

wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the centre grew one mighty flowering tree

to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.

And I saw that it was holy.� Black Elk.

That Art Thou or You are that

Skan is the invisible underlying energetic force which binds life together in an all

pervading unity.

Separation is an illusion created by duality.

We can find this understanding in the Lakota phrase � Mitakuye Oyasin: we are all related,

and by the Sanskrit phrase: Tat Tvam Asi which roughly translates as either �That art thou�

or �You are that.�

The little people

When we were tribal people, living with nature and free of the stresses and restraints of

modern life, we could see into the invisible realms and communicate with spiritual reality.

Shaman were aware that just as the material world is dual, and by that I mean a love/hate

polarity, the spiritual realms were populated by good and bad spirits.

The negative creatures are known as wakan sica � bad medecine and in my tradition

they are called the Unseelie Court of Faerie.

Sage, sweet grass, cedar, scabious root, agrimony, lavender flowers, and other high frequency

plants are burnt in an effort to dispel negative �spirits and thought forms� from ceremonies,

homes and other dwellings.

Multiple realities sharing our space

�Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.� � Jonathan Swift.

Our visible world is populated by a diversity of beings: mammal, birds, fish, reptiles,

plants etc, and the same rule applies to the invisible, spiritual counterpart of our material


The unseen side of our reality is inhabited by hosts of beings called elementals � spirits

that are electro-magnetically attached to the Skan fields of earth, water, fire, air

and space.

The elemental cosmic forces interpenetrate the earth, and the inhabitants of these hidden

realms are aware of us, even though we are not aware of them.

The watchers

Elementals and other spirits vibrate outside of visible light so we can�t see them � but

they can look into our world at anytime they like.

They are drawn to our emotional state by resonance.

Love, gratitude and joy attract the� good guys�, hate, violence and perverted sexual

energy attract the bad.

At this moment, faerie beings could be standing right in front of us � sitting in the same

chair, and we don�t have a clue there�s anything there.

Sometimes even though we can�t see these invisible beings, we can sense their presence.

We may see a fleeting glimpse of movement on the periphery of our vision, or the feeling

that �something� is with us in the room�watching us.

A creeping chill at the back of our neck when we enter an old house, ruins or cemetery,

and the sudden disappearance of an item that we�re using, only to have it reappear in

a place we know we didn�t put it.

Phonetics, colours and geometrics

The elementals attached to the five bands of moving power have their own phonetics,

colours, perfumes and geometrics pertaining to their element.

These pass-gates were known to the shamans of the past but with the destruction of indigenous

people and their earth based cultures, the sacred knowledge and language was lost.

In today�s world there are few people left who know how to contact the energies of spiritual


I think the destruction of tribal people and their sacred knowledge was a deliberate act

on the part of a very negative power to close down our awareness and block us from the sacred

side of our dualistic nature.

We have now been spiritually neutered and instead of being able to walk in many worlds

we have been confined to one.

There have been hundreds of thousands of pages written about the faeries of our folklore

and traditions.

We know their form, characteristics, caprices, tribes and lineage, but in my experience with

elementals, I have found that they are electro-magnetic wave patterns.

They have no material shape and can appear to human perception in any form they want,

but normally one that is immediately recognisable to the viewer.

In Lakota country an earth elemental appears as a small wizened man with braids dressed

in buckskin, and the hooved and horned fauns that live in trees are called Can-o-ti-la.

The people of the wood.

A dying planet

�Hell is empty.

All the devils are here.�Shakespeare.

Is this Fact or Fiction?

The plane we call home has become the abode of devils.

Billions of sentient lifeforms are butchered every day for their flesh while countless

others are hunted for sport, trapped, tortured, caged and murdered for so called science,

by soulless beings that masquerade as men.

Millions of innocent people are maimed, murdered and displaced by power crazed demons fighting

over ever dwindling resources � earth is being used up.

My Heartstar Series of books: The Key made of Air � the Gates to Pandemonia and Walking

in Three Worlds are a multi-dimensional mirror of the tragedy that is happening in our dimension

and how it affects the elemental worlds and higher planes of being.

Excerpt from Book three: Walking in Three Worlds.

Long ago in the mists of time, the realms of Humanity, Faerie, and High Faerie were

all one world, with the sentient creatures of all three realms living in harmony with

each other.

But evil entered the world of humankind.

The Cathac, the great horned serpent from the stars, insinuated his thoughts of conquest

into the dreams of chieftains, filling them with pride, a lust for war, and murderous


When the stars aligned and formed a glittering pentagon in the sky, the Cathac had attacked

the triad world of Faerie.

Long and bloody was the battle.

The Cathac had druid sorcerers in his ranks.

With dark spells, he ripped the world of Humanity away from Faerie and made its inhabitants


The Cathac � the horned serpent from the stars

According to Irish Mythology the Cathac or Cata, a gigantic flesh eating sea serpent

was vanquished by St Senan in 534 AD.

A carving depicting the Cathac is in the old chapel of Kilrush in County Clare.

The head of the Cathac can be seen in the first outcropping and other faces can be seen

in the Cliffs of Moher which in my novels are called the Gates to Pandemonia.

Imprisoned in stone

In Book three of my HeartStar Series: Walking in Three Worlds we find a different account

of the vanquishing of the Cathac, and we are told how the Cliffs of Moher were formed by

the giants Finn McCoul and his brother Uall McCarn.

As night fell, Uall had heard rumbling and the beating of great wings in the sky.

In plumes of fire and smoke, he had seen Braxach arrive at the Giant�s Cliffs with Duir,

the father of dwarves, riding on his back.

They had been pursuing the legions of devils and demons that had followed the Cathac in

his murderous rampage along the coast.

The dragon had settled on the beach and given them a fiery snort of greeting.

Duir slid off his back.

As Braxach took to the air once more, the dwarf king had told Uall and Finn of his and

Braxach�s plan to trap the Cathac, saying that he needed the giants� help to do it.

The sea had been calm and shadowy under a fitful moon as they waited in the darkness

for the Cathac to attack.

The air grew cold, and then with a churning of the waters, the Cathac had raised its horned

head and, coiling its gargantuan bulk, struck at them with gaping jaws.

As the Cathac attacked, Braxach had sent a blast of fire into the monster�s eyes.

The giants had ripped up the rock and earth in front of them, forming a great wall thousands

of feet high.

Blinded, the Cathac did not see the upraised cliff and slammed into the rock face.

Duir was waiting.

Once the Cathac�s body had made contact with the stone, Duir had called out to the

burning lakes of liquid fire deep beneath the earth for aid.

With his hands, the dwarf sire had woven a stone spell of molten lava and then cast the

magma stream around the monster.

Singing in the language of the stone,he had hardened the burning liquid into rock, trapping

the Cathac within a sarcophagus of enchanted stone.

For more infomation >> The World of Elementals – Faeries of the Five Realms - Duration: 13:41.


Atlanta 2x10 Promo "FUBU" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

[bell ringing]

Oh, snap.

This one have more stripes, and that one got a patch.

One of y'all got a fake shirt.


NARRATOR: Thursday.

Look at this.

This one FUBU?

You got FIBI.

Hey, everybody!

This man got on FIBI!

NARRATOR: "Atlanta" is all new Thursday

at 10, only on FX and FXNOW.

For more infomation >> Atlanta 2x10 Promo "FUBU" (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Murat Yürük - Eylül Adamı - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Murat Yürük - Eylül Adamı - Duration: 3:51.



For more infomation >> МИХАИЛ ЛАБКОВСКИЙ - О СЕМЬЕ И СЕМЕЙНЫХ КОНФЛИКТАХ - Duration: 58:12.


Fettes Let's Draw Battle: Wer ist besser? ft. Wailam | Kostas Kind - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Fettes Let's Draw Battle: Wer ist besser? ft. Wailam | Kostas Kind - Duration: 11:00.


Powerfist VS Doomfist DESTRUCTION - Duration: 8:10.

About five years ago I made this mecha fist on YouTube. Pneumatically powered,

steel punching fist and about two years ago it actually inspired Jairus to build

his own version of the fallout power fist and just a few months ago that

inspired Full Metal Engineer to make his own version now looking at these new

ones I kind of I think I could do a lot better than this... one sec

So as you guys know it's been about five years I have a team of people working with me in

this awesome workshop in our last episode make it real we made the Doomfist

now let's see whose is the most destructive!

Today's video sponsor is war robots! war robots is an awesome tactical 6v6 shooter that requires both fast

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Come on Jairus hurry up!


That one's this worse than a cinderblock

It's not gonna do it... I don't think so either

James: I thought that was hardened steel boy! FME: The front is

Alright Jairus, let's see how its done.

What are your cinder blocks made of?

yeah that thing is not breaking

yeah it's not all powerful

James: What are you doing here Jairus Jairus: Wellmy power fist comes with an accessory so, I'm gonna see if i can break it with this

alright I hope you guys enjoyed that collab with Full Metal Engineer and

Jairus of All make sure you check out their channels and see the full build

and test videos that they've done for both of these power fist as for you guys

what do you think was the best power fist that we showed today we're looking

for three categories the most destructive the most cool most cool the

coolest yeah look at this or the most functional did I already say that

and the most functional it's not me anyways check out the links in the

description below and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Powerfist VS Doomfist DESTRUCTION - Duration: 8:10.


Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Scarlet Witch - Duration: 6:01.

Created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee in 1963's The X-Men #4, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet

Witch, has some of the strangest stories in comics.

From her mechanical ex-husband to the many, many retcons of who her father is, here are

things Marvel wants you to forget about the Scarlet Witch.

What even is Chaos Magic?

Scarlet Witch started out as a mutant who had "hex powers," which basically meant that

she could do anything that the writer wanted.

Beyond wearing all red, Wanda Maximoff really wasn't much of a Scarlet Witch at all.

She wasn't even scarlet on her first cover appearance.

She wasn't truly witchy until writer Steve Englehart had her study magic under Agatha

Harkness — an actual witch — in 1974's The Avengers #128.

Later stories would establish that she was gifted at magic because Chthon, the Marvel

universe equivalent to Cthulhu, molded her at birth to be the perfect vessel for his

physical form.

Add in later retcons involving chaos magic and reality warping, and her powers have remained

as ambiguous today as they were when she first appeared.

"Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing telekinesis and mental manipulation."

"He's fast and she's weird."

Who's your daddy?

While Wanda and her brother Pietro are popularly known as the children of Magneto, that hasn't

always been the case.

In 1974's Giant-Size Avengers #1, it's established that they were the children of the Whizzer

and Miss America, superheroes from Marvel's Golden Age.

Wanda learns that, years ago, the Whizzer had brought his pregnant wife to Wundagore

Mountain, where she died after delivering twins.

Notably, this delivery occurred under the watchful eye of the High Evolutionary, a geneticist

obsessed with, as his name suggests, evolution.

Bova, a talking cow woman, delivered Wanda and Pietro.

Because comics are weird.

This would be retconned in 1979's The Avengers #185.

In this version, a pregnant woman named Magda appears at Wundagore Mountain to deliver twins,

Pietro and Wanda.

After she disappears, the High Evolutionary gives them away to a traveling Romani family,

the Maximoffs, who raises them until Wanda and Pietro join Magneto shortly before X-Men


"When brought to our home by a midwife.

Her name was Bova.

A most wondrous creature, part-human, part-animal."

Seriously, who's your daddy?

Magneto was officially confirmed to be their father in 1983's The Vision and Scarlet Witch

#4, finally answering the lingering question of who Wanda's biological father was.

But that wasn't the end of it.

"We are not your natural parents."

"What are you saying?"

In 2014's AXIS, Wanda discovered that Magneto wasn't actually her father.

Later, she discovered later that she and Pietro weren't actually ever mutants at all, but

regular humans who had been experimented on by the High Evolutionary at birth to create

superpowered siblings.

In this most recent retcon, Wanda's biological family is currently settled to be the Maximoffs.

Coincidentally, that revelation happened right around the time that Twentieth Century Fox

had established that they owned the film rights to both Magneto and "mutants" as a concept

… but there's probably no connection.

Demon babies

For a while, Wanda was married to the "synthozoid" Avenger, Vision.

They even managed to have twins together through Wanda's magic.

Unfortunately, it turned out that while the children technically existed, they only existed

while Wanda was actively thinking of them

The demonic villain Master Pandemonium stole and absorbed the twins, giving him the

unintentionally hilarious visual of a man with babies for arms.

It later turned out that the babies were pieces of the demonic Mephisto's soul that had been

blasted off.

When Wanda wanted children, she unintentionally siphoned off parts of Mephisto's broken souls

to create them.

Agatha Harkness was able to banish Mephisto by erasing Wanda's memory of

ever having children, which, thanks to her subconscious reality warping abilities, meant

that they stopped existing.

Problem solved, right?

Avengers: Disassembled

In the Avengers: Disassembled story arc, Scarlet Witch hits her breaking point after the Wasp

accidently reminds her of her memory-wiped children.

The psychotic break that follows features her going on an incredibly violent rampage

against the Avengers.

Hawkeye doesn't survive, Vision is ripped in half, Agatha Harkness is discovered as

a rotting corpse, and Scarlet Witch herself gets put into the custody of Magneto until

she can get the help she needs.

Which is a whole lot of help.

House of M

Wanda's reality-warping powers and mental break lead to the 2005 Marvel crossover event

House of M, in which Wanda was coerced into rewriting reality so that mutants are the

dominant life form on the planet.

When confronted by the various heroes who remembered the old world, Wanda responds to

the stress and guilt by erasing the mutant genome, turning almost every mutant in the

world into a powerless human.

Talk about lashing out.

Brotherly love

In the alternate reality of The Ultimates comic series, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's

co-dependent relationship was rewritten to be almost explicitly romantic between the


Worse, in Ultimates 3, the Wasp even chides Captain America for expressing his judgement

of their romance by telling him that his World War II sense of morality is outdated in this

modern world.


To Avengers: Infinity War and beyond

With all the storylines mentioned above, you might be thinking that the Marvel Cinematic

Universe made the right decision to simplify both her origin and her superpowers.

A Scarlet Witch not bound by constant family revelations and a codependent brother has

a lot of story potential.

Still, we'll have to see how that changes as Disney starts to incorporate Twentieth

Century Fox concepts with the planned merger.

Whether that means leaning into the magical angle like Dr. Strange or reincorporating

her into the mutant world, just about anything can happen.

"I can't control their fear.

Only my own."

Well, almost.

It is probably fair to assume that we won't be seeing Bova the bovine midwife or Master

Pandemonium and his baby arms on the big screen anytime soon.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Scarlet Witch - Duration: 6:01.


Estrenos 2018 Reggaeton Mix Reggaeton Nuevas 2018 ★ Top 30 Canciones Mas Vistos En Youtube Mayo 2018 - Duration: 1:37:52.

For more infomation >> Estrenos 2018 Reggaeton Mix Reggaeton Nuevas 2018 ★ Top 30 Canciones Mas Vistos En Youtube Mayo 2018 - Duration: 1:37:52.


Peppa Pig: Lost Packages | New Stories Compilation | Funny Cartoons Full English Episodes for Kids - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig: Lost Packages | New Stories Compilation | Funny Cartoons Full English Episodes for Kids - Duration: 12:20.


3 marker challenge ALL MARKER CHALLENGE QUE HAY EN MI MOCHILA Madrid papel LOL retos divertidos - Duration: 12:29.

How lucky, I want one of red glitter like this !!!

hello I am Libi yo chiqui and this is LOL fun challenges we started !!

hi chiqui and let's make a challenge very fun and we're going to have fun

a lot of good, I'm going to go and you're going to mess up today's challenge I love it and I think that

You will also love it, yes because I I know what the challenge is today, the other day

we made the challenge in my backpack and today we are going to use school materials

from my backpack we want to remind you that you can still

participate to win a backpack how is with many school supplies thank you

to the company madrid paper, and what is there what to do to participate chiqui then

then we will remember it, let's start today we are going to make several challenges

in the first challenge we are going to use the markers that came in the backpacks

Some are double-tipped and others are glitter.

wishing to try it and this challenge is going to make the 3 marker challenge

here we have our bag for throw them out, everything in

all of glitter and the others

here we have our glasses, let's go with the drawing

what are we going to do to micke mouse and what a pimp !!

He has a magician's cap, of course, because he's from the movie Fantasía bueno quien

start stone paper or scissors worth Rock-paper-scissors

I start

I want a blue glitter marker like this one

how lucky are you, another one of red glitter like this

and finally I would like a yellow one double bitch like this one

I'm going to see what has touched me

well I have touched yellow

red and red with glitter, that I touch me the blue

I want the

color Red pink

this rose pink rose and finally

East well I think you will not tell me where

is the other one I'm not going

good is not bad the three of glitter of glitter have touched me gray like

silver with blue glitter with Glitter and rosette with glitter

Well, here is my drawing of mickey mouse I love how it has been

because on top of how they touched me three glitter markers and going to

to have been on hand the one that seems authentic and here you have mickey's that

It's Santa Claus

the clothes look at the glitter on the cap and in clothes too

what cool and in mine all of glitter the little stars the hat the clothes all

because I have touched our Glitter markers the truth is

I love the markers do

a lot of drawings with these markers leave us in the comments

which of the two I liked the most

good chiquis then we go with the second challenge in which we are going to use

All coloring materials all, as if it were an all marker challenge

but those materials we will not use the two markers the normal ones and the

glitter wooden pencils let's use that I love wax

that are retractable because they come as in a milestone case so that we do not

we stain the fingers oil pastels three-dimensional paintings seal and

We have good stamp markers Libi we have here all the

materials yes but the drawing is missing, we go with the following drawing that are

the shimmer and shine and with all

materials is going to leave me a lot of all right

we have finished our second drawing that I loved doing it with

all chiqui materials for the first Once I have been able to unleash the

imagination is I the truth is that I I was wrong because I was so hungry

I'm going to use the 3D markers that of course we have to wait for it to dry

clear then I could not continue the drawing on the other hand

but good but the 3d is cool here you have my drawing that I think has been

more or less well and here you have my drawing I've used it all you can leave us in

the comments who wins the second round

good yes and then we go with the third and last challenge with how good I am

happening good good but do not worry that this challenge is also going to be super

cool because we're going to use these crafts well

I was looking forward to making the dog to put it in my backpack and I the

Little pink elephant that I want too put hooked in my backpack this is

a kit that brings everything you need here we can see it to do this

keychain let's open it

and here is everything looks chiqui and here we have the pieces that are coming

trimmed and with the holes where you have to sew all the pieces here

we have the cotton that we are going to put inside to make it soft like a

teddy look chiqui and here we have a I tie the eyes two pieces plus the thread

and look at the needle that funny like this is for children to use as well

The needle is plastic and as you can see it does not damage does not click good so let's go


Well, we have already finished our keychains look how pretty chiqui and mine

It is also very beautiful, it has earned me the experience of doing this craft I

has delighted clear is much cooler than if I had bought it has much more

clear value because you have done everything with your effort and your work I love

mine and I'm looking forward to putting it in my backpack

chulísimo good chiqui and talking about backpacks we have a pending draw

remember what you have to do to participate

it's very easy and you just have to meet two requirements be subscribed to our

canal and to the madrid paper that is in the description of the video and the second

requirement is also to follow us in facebook to us and to madrid paper

which is also in the description of video then when you have already fulfilled the

two requirements on facebook we are going to leave a

picture with the lot that you can win then under that lot leave us a comment

where you put that you are already participating chiqui

what were you doing then I just remember what you have to do

to participate nothing good chiquis and what day will do the draw as the draw

It will be Friday, May 4, 2018 you are still on time

to participate that this backpack is super cool has a lot of school supplies

goodbye and if you liked this video give to

like and subscribe

For more infomation >> 3 marker challenge ALL MARKER CHALLENGE QUE HAY EN MI MOCHILA Madrid papel LOL retos divertidos - Duration: 12:29.


Learn Spanish word "Ocho - Eight" by Endless (Infinito Español) | Basic Educational Spanish Word - Duration: 2:28.

Learn Spanish word "Ocho - Eight" by Endless (Infinito Español) | Basic Educational Spanish Word

Learn Spanish word "Ocho - Eight" by Endless (Infinito Español) | Basic Educational Spanish Word

For more infomation >> Learn Spanish word "Ocho - Eight" by Endless (Infinito Español) | Basic Educational Spanish Word - Duration: 2:28.


Ich habe den YouTube Play Button bekommen! Silberner Play Button! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Ich habe den YouTube Play Button bekommen! Silberner Play Button! - Duration: 0:53.


(Vietsub) Dark Souls II | Die Out of Memories - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> (Vietsub) Dark Souls II | Die Out of Memories - Duration: 0:53.


Cali Y El Dandee - Sirena [ Letra ] - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Cali Y El Dandee - Sirena [ Letra ] - Duration: 3:24.


How To Choose A Mentor - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> How To Choose A Mentor - Duration: 12:37.


La varicelle est présente partout en France, prudence ! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> La varicelle est présente partout en France, prudence ! - Duration: 3:51.


[FAN MADE] Alien: Awakening (2018) Teaser-Trailer #What do they believe, Shaw and David? (+Subtitle) - Duration: 1:28.

What happened to that man?

He died.

Why aren't you helping them?

They don't want my help.

Their God is different than ours.

Why did he die?

Because sooner or later, everyone does.

Like Mummy?

Like Mummy.

Where do they go?

Everyone has their own word.



Whatever it's called, it's someplace beautiful.

How do you know it's beautiful?

That's what I choose to believe.

What do you believe, Ellie?

I don't know what I believe...

What do you believe in, David?


For more infomation >> [FAN MADE] Alien: Awakening (2018) Teaser-Trailer #What do they believe, Shaw and David? (+Subtitle) - Duration: 1:28.


Clover Leaf Seafood's Fishy Labeling - Duration: 5:06.

Hey everyone welcome to KNOW IDEAS MEDIA I'm Nick Saik, and something pretty

major happened last week in the world of non GMO labeling. Let me break it down.

Now even if you don't like eating fish you're probably still familiar with

Clover leaf brand seafood right? It's that pretty popular tuna you see on the

shelves, at least in North America. Well not long ago Clover Leaf adopted the

Non-GMO Project label. You know, that little butterfly label you see on so

much food these days. And this move bugged a lot of people. People like

Angela Jones. Angela decided to call Clover Leaf on their use of a Non-GMO

label to describe a product that doesn't have a GMO version on the market. So

Angela sent cloverleaf the following message via social media. "I just saw your

ad on TV bragging that your tuna is Non-GMO Project verified. It is

unfortunate that your marketing department doesn't realize the more

informed consumer actually avoids that specific label. GMO varieties offer the

best chance for environmental sustainability, not to mention there is

no GMO tuna on the market. Once my current stock of Clover Leaf Seafood

products are gone from my pantry I will not be purchasing anymore.

Please consider removing this label so I can once again be a loyal customer." Now I

appreciate her desire to send this message because most informed consumers

who are avoiding this label have all had our "line in the sand" moment with its use.

Mine was when I saw Non-GMO Himalayan rock salt. Salt has no DNA to modify, so a

label saying salt is GMO free is stupid and misleading. I wanted to contact the

makers of this salt and express my disappointment... But that's just one

comment. How much good could that even do? Well the net gain of many comments added

together can hit really hard and eventually there might be one comment

that tips the scales. In the case of Clover Leaf Seafoods, that comment

belonged to Angela Jones. Here's what Clover Leaf wrote back to her. "Hi Angela

your comments have caused us to reconsider our position. Our original

intent was to be transparent and avoid consumer confusion based on new GMO

regulations that were heavily covered by the media.

To claim non-GMO, we had to revise some formulas. For instance, additives were

removed from all albacore SKUs and soya oil was changed to sunflower oil for all

tuna in broth oil SKUs. We can see how most people only think about the actual

tuna, not necessarily recognizing that the additives were removed and that soya

oil is GMO. You are correct there is no GMO tuna on the market. You are also

correct that GMO offers the best chance for environmental sustainability. We will

be removing the GMO logo from labels on the next production run. We have a

substantial inventory of labels printed, but you can expect to see the labels

without the non-GMO logo begin to show up at retail in about three months. Thank

you for taking the time to share your opinion. Please continue to buy our products."

Well holy crap! Angela! You did it! I wanted to cover this in a video for

a couple of reasons. One: Angela is awesome, and deserves some kind of medal

for effecting positive change in this arena. Two: Everyone who sees this video

needs to get a hold of Clover Leaf in some way and tell them this is awesome.

We need to flood Clover Leaf with positive feedback right now. They need to

see that there is a positive effect on their bottom line for giving up this

nonsense label for the right reasons. They need to know this, because other

companies also need to know this. Big companies talk to each other. They look

at what each other are doing, and how it's working. Bandwagon. The =Non-GMO

Project butterfly label is so prolific because it's an enticing bandwagon.

Companies make more money with that label on their products, or they wouldn't

bother doing it. We need to show big companies that the tide is turning and

that consumers are tired of meaningless marketing in food production. We need to

show big companies that we're not afraid of GMOs so we won't be coerced into

spending more for a non GMO label. We need to show Clover Leaf that this was a

good move. If their bottom line is positively affected and if they get a

bunch of social capital from getting rid of this label, other companies might

follow suit. So take a moment this weekend if you can and say something

positive to Clover Leaf on Facebook or Twitter.

Let's show them that we'll support pragmatic companies. And when it comes to

your Non-GMO Project "line in the sand" Whether it's tuna or sea salt, be like

Angela. Say something, and say it respectfully. Because you'll never know

who will respond, or what change you can affect. Thank You Angela, and thank you for watching.

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