Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

Genesis chapter 5.

This is the book of the genealogy of Adam.

In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.

He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.

And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters.

So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.

Seth lived one hundred and five years, and begot Enosh.

After he begot Enosh, Seth lived eight hundred and seven years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years; and he died.

Enosh lived ninety years, and begot Cainan.

After he begot Cainan, Enosh lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Enosh were nine hundred and five years; and he died.

Cainan lived seventy years, and begot Mahalalel.

After he begot Mahalalel, Cainan lived eight hundred and forty years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years; and he died.

Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, and begot Jared.

After he begot Jared, Mahalalel lived eight hundred and thirty years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Mahalalel were eight hundred and ninety-five years; and he died.

Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Enoch.

After he begot Enoch, Jared lived eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died.

Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah.

After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.

And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

Methuselah lived one hundred and eighty-seven years, and begot Lamech.

After he begot Lamech, Methuselah lived seven hundred and eighty-two years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty-nine years; and he died.

Lamech lived one hundred and eighty-two years, and had a son.

And he called his name Noah, saying,

"This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands,

because of the ground which the Lord has cursed."

After he begot Noah, Lamech lived five hundred and ninety-five years, and had sons and daughters.

So all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy-seven years; and he died.

And Noah was five hundred years old, and Noah begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

For more infomation >> Genesis 5 (Bible Illustrated) - Duration: 2:59.



In ancient times, two giant foe were living on each side of the sea.

one living in Scotland and the other one in Ireland.

Out of defiance

the Irish through stones in the water

in order to build a way

between the two countries...

But when he saw his challenger,

The Irish started to panic

because he was a lot smaller than him.

So he disguised as a little child

and pretended to be his son.

Surprised by the size of the child,

the Scottish went back home

disassembling carefully the way

so the Irish won't be able to join him...

Oh, you are here !

Welcome to Northern Ireland my friends !

So, here we go !

And with a trip to Ireland

comes a stay in Belfast.

What we like the most about the Irish

is the hospitality, the joyful pubs, and above all...


And we are going to test all this now.

What you need to know, dear friends, is that in Belfast

you can find the Titanic studios

which are currently used for the Game of Throne serie...

talking about it, a few metres away on these same docks..

you can find the place where the Titanic was built

And in front of me

There is the museum dedicated to the boat.

As we told you at the beginning of the video

when you come to Northern Ireland

There is a very unmissable place to visit !

that is the Giant's causeway

The jewel of this country.

What I didn't know coming to this country

Is that Northern Ireland was covered by glaciers

and it is for this reason that you can see

impressing landscapes

where you can pass from hills to cliffs

or even to the sea !

And it must be for this reason that the Game of Thrones serie loves to shoot here

thanks to the twentyish different film locations.

Talking about that, the connoisseurs may have recognized the film-set landscape behind me…

My friends, all of this to say that we had a good time

and that it is an ideal destination

if you want to put on quite a show by day

And go to enjoy the irish atmosphere by night

People are really warm and welcoming…

Then my friends, our journey stops here

Do not hesitate to subscribe if you enjoyed the video,

all links are in the description box bellow.

Then, well, I tell you

See you soon !

For more infomation >> NORTHERN IRELAND | FIRST STEPS IN CELTIC LAND. - Duration: 5:08.


POCOYO WORLD: Fussy Duck (EP07) | 30 Minutes with close caption - Duration: 25:12.

[opening theme music playing]

[Fred exclaims]

[narrator] Hello, everyone.

[children] Hi!

[narrator] Are you ready to have fun in Pocoyo world?

Okay, then let's see what surprises

we have in store today.

[upbeat music playing]

Let's see what color you choose.


Let's watch and enjoy an episode of Pocoyo.

[clock ticking]

[alarm rings]

[upbeat music playing]




[Loula howls]

Sleepy Bird!

[Elly trumpets]

[Pato quacks]

[children] Pocoyo!

[Sleepy bird chirps]


[narrator] Oh, do you hear that?

What is it?

I wonder who it could be.

Can any of you help me?

Who is that singing?

[children] It's Pato.

[narrator] Pato! So it was you.

I had no idea you could sing like that.

There you are.

There's nothing Pato loves more

than getting cleaned.

How many showers is that for you, Pato?

-Three? -[Pato quacks]

[narrator] Oh, I'm sorry. Four. Of course.

You better get going though.

Pocoyo and Elly are waiting for you.

Yes, indeed.

Being clean certainly makes Pato happy.

Uh, Pato, Pato! Look out for that...

[eerie music playing]

[narrator] Phew!

That was a close one.


[Pato quacks]

[Elly trumpets]

[narrator] I think Elly and Pocoyo are having lunch.

I wonder what they are having.

[eerie sound]

[narrator] Do you want a sandwich Pato?

[Pato quacks]

Yay! [giggles]

[narrator] Pato?

Oh, I see.

Too messy, is it?

Pato why don't you come out now?

I'm sure Pocoyo and Elly have finished eating now.

Yes, they're bound to be playing something else by now.

Now where can they be?

[eerie sound]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Finger painting.

Getting messy and having fun.

Oh, dear.

Yes, um...

It's all right, you two.

It's just that I don't think poor Pato wants to finger paint, either.

You see, he just took a shower.

[Elly trumpets]

What is it, Elly?


Elly? Pocoyo?

You know, Pato, you needn't be so worried about getting dirty.

[Pato quacks]

Yes, I know you're clean.

But Pocoyo and Elly have finished painting.

I wonder what they're playing now.

It can't be anything as messy as painting, can it?

Mud pie.

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Oh, dear.

Well, that was amazing, Pato.

Not a spot of mud on you.

[Pato quacks]

Uh-oh. Um... Wait a minute.

[Pato quacks]

Um, well...

Pato was trying so hard to keep clean but...

Can any of you tell him what's happened?

[children] He's dirty!


[narrator] Yes, I'm afraid to say, Pato,

you've got a spot of mud on you. Look.

Pato? Pato?


You know, I was trying to tell you before.

Getting dirty isn't such a bad thing.

No, no, it's true.

Think of it this way.

You like getting clean, don't you?

Well, how much fun would it be to get clean,

if you didn't get just a little bit dirty first?

Oh, look, how nice.

Your friends even brought you a bathtub.

[Pato quacks]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator chuckles] I suppose Pato worked out

that if getting a little dirty

makes bath time a little more fun,

then getting a lot dirty

will make it a lot more fun.

Hurray for getting dirty,

and for getting clean.

Hurray for Pato, hurray for Pocoyo!

See you in the tub later.


[narrator] Which one should we choose now?


[upbeat music playing]

♪ Come with me to A place that's loads of fun ♪

♪ Come to the world of Pocoyo ♪

♪ We'll experience ♪

♪ Great adventures ♪

♪ And we'll always Have a good time, too ♪

[echoing] ♪ Time ♪

♪ Pocoyo is A very happy rascal ♪

♪ And he always Wants to make you smile ♪

♪ Pato and Elly Like to play together ♪

♪ And they're waiting To make you happy ♪

[echoing] ♪ Happy ♪

♪ In the Vamoosh we'll All fly through the sky ♪

♪ And then we'll dive To the bottom of the sea ♪

♪ Fred and Whale are Spreading out a feast ♪

♪ While we enjoy Our tropical rhythm ♪

[echoing] ♪ Rhythm ♪

[Pocoyo] Let's go to the beach.

[Latin American music playing]

Right by the water.


The water is great.

[upbeat music playing]


♪ Come with me to A place that's loads of fun ♪

♪ A magic world where Anything can happen ♪

♪ We'll experience Great adventures ♪

♪ And we'll never Stop learning new things ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come to the world of Pocoyo ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[children] Hurray, Pocoyo!

[narrator] Let's continue playing.


Another episode of Pocoyo.

[somber music playing]

[narrator] Well, hello, Pato.

What's going on here?


[narrator] You're packing all your things up?

You're leaving?

Oh, dear.

[sighs sadly]

[narrator] But, Pato, you're not really going away, are you?

This is really it, then?

This is goodbye?


-[Pato quacks] -[Elly trumpets]


-[Pato quacks] -[Elly trumpets]


[Pato quacks]

[both exclaim]

[Sleepy Bird burps]

[Pato quacks]

[narrator] You want to say goodbye to Sleepy Bird?

-[Pato quacks loudly] -[Elly trumpets loudly]

[camera shutter clicks]

[dramatic music playing]

[Sleepy Bird chirps]

[tires screeching]

[Sleepy Bird chirps]


[all cheering and applauding]

[somber music playing]

[Elly trumpets]

[narrator] Pato, do you really have to go?

Goodness, that's a plane!

He is really going!

But, Pato, you can't go.

Please stay.

Maybe if we all ask him, he'll stay.


[children] Please stay, Pato. Please don't go.

-Please stay. -Don't go.


[narrator] Oh, no use I'm afraid.

This is it, then.

It's time to say goodbye to Pato.

[Pato quacks]

Let's all say goodbye to Pato together, shall we?

[all] Bye-bye, Pato. Goodbye, Pato.

-Goodbye, Pato. -Goodbye, Pato.

-Bye, Pato. -So long.


[narrator] Ahem, I think Pocoyo and Elly

have had enough of this farewell, Pato.

[narrator sobbing]

This... This is so sad.

[sniffles] Bye, Pato.

[Elly trumpets]

[narrator] He's back!


You tricked us all along, Pato.


Let's have a welcome home party.

[upbeat music playing]

Pocoyo, what are you doing?

My turn.

[narrator] Your turn?

Oh, I see.

This is all a game.

You each have turns to say goodbye,

and then come back home again?


What do you think?

Should Pocoyo play the goodbye game now?

[children] Yes. Pocoyo's turn to play.

[Pocoyo laughing]

[narrator] Bye-bye, Pocoyo.

We'll miss you.

[chuckles] This is fun.

Hurray for going away

and hurray for coming home again.

Bye-bye. See you soon!

[narrator] Let's continue playing.


Super Pocoyo!

Everyone, let's pay close attention to his advice.

[upbeat music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] I think we have only one left.


An episode of Let's Go Pocoyo.

[upbeat music playing]

[children] One, two, three, four!

[Pato quacks]

[Elly trumpets]

[children] Let's go Pocoyo!

[narrator] Hello, Pocoyo.


[narrator] Hello, Elly and Pato.

What's going on here?


[narrator] Oh, I see.

You're having a race.

What fun.


[narrator] Okay, everyone.

Ready, steady, go!

And Elly is in first place,

followed by Pocoyo in second,

and in third place is Pato.

Wait, Pato is first.

Poor Elly and Pocoyo.

[electronic beeping]

[electronic voice reading]

-[narrator] Hi, Elly. -[Elly trumpets]

Elly, Elly, Elly.

Search, search, search, search, Elly.

[narrator] Pocoyo wants you to search for a word on your computer.



[Elly trumpets]

[narrator] Elly is searching for fast things.

[Pocoyo] Fast.

[narrator] Fast. Yes, that is fast.

Very fast.

More, more, more, more.


[narrator] Pocoyo would like to see something slow.

[Pocoyo] Slow.

[narrator] This is slow.

Very slow.

Thank you, Elly.

[narrator] Yes, thank you Elly.

Well done.

[Pato quacks]

[narrator] Yes, Pato, you're still in first place.

Oh, no. You're second.

Elly is first.


There goes Pocoyo.

Can you tell me who is in first place?

[children] Elly. Elly is first.

[narrator] Yes, you're right.

And who is second?

[children] Pato is second. It's Pato.

[narrator] Indeed.

And who is third?

[children] Pocoyo is third.

[tires screeching]

[narrator] Pocoyo, that isn't very nice.

-[Elly trumpets] -[Pato quacks]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator reading]

[narrator] Hello, Pocoyo.

Oh, I see.

You're concentrating on that picture.

Do you know what it is?

Why don't we connect the dots to finish that drawing.

How about now, Pocoyo?

Do you know what animal it is?


Let's connect more dots.

Now do you know what animal it is, Pocoyo?

Can you tell Pocoyo what that is?

[children] It's a pig. A pig.


[narrator] That's right. It's a pig.


[narrator] Well done!


-[upbeat music playing] -[tires screeching]

[narrator] Looks like Pocoyo is still in first place.

And here come Elly and Pato.

[engine spluttering]

[narrator] Oh, no, something is wrong with their cars!

[upbeat music playing]

[Pato laughing]

[narrator] And Pato's.

Look, Elly and Pocoyo are racing on foot.

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator laughing]

How wonderful!

Everyone came in first.

What an exciting race.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Ready ♪

♪ Steady ♪

♪ Go ♪

[children] ♪ First ♪

♪ Second ♪

♪ Third ♪

[engine roaring]

♪ Ready, steady, go ♪

[children] ♪ Fast ♪

♪ Fast ♪

♪ Slow ♪

♪ Slow ♪

♪ Ready, steady, go ♪

[children] ♪ First ♪

♪ Second ♪

♪ Third ♪

♪ First ♪

♪ Second ♪

♪ Third ♪

-[engine roaring] -[horn honking]

♪ Ready, steady, go ♪

[narrator] It's been great.

Did we have fun?

See you soon. Bye!

[closing theme music playing]

For more infomation >> POCOYO WORLD: Fussy Duck (EP07) | 30 Minutes with close caption - Duration: 25:12.


TOMBER DANS LES POMMES - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> TOMBER DANS LES POMMES - Duration: 2:19.


Colt 1911 A1 DENIX - Video review - Duration: 10:13.

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video and this series dedicated to Denix replicas. Today, I will present the iconic Colt 1911 A1.

Before starting, I must clarify some points: First, I would not speak of "non-firing weapons", even if the term is correct, but "replicas", for simplicity.

This video series is produced in close collaboration with the manufacturer Denix, whom I thank for their support, but it does not mean that I will hide the defects or point things to improve.

I make reviews and not advertisements that encourage you to buy.

Many people will ask me "what is the point of presenting a replica that does not shoot anything and has no history?"

Historically, there are none, actually. This replica is only a block of metal and wood and will have no purpose other than to look pretty.

But the replicas of this type are the future of the reenactment:

When all the neutralized weapons have been banned our government, there will only be replicas like this one to show the public how the life of the soldier was in the 1940s.

Who is this type of replica for? Collectors, film and theater props as well as anyone who wants to fill his holster without breaking the bank.

It will still be possible to show airsoft guns, of course, but I challenge you to find me a realistic M1 Garand less than 200 € in airsoft ...

Denix, what is it? It acts of a Spanish company created in 1967 specialized in the reproduction of weapons going from the antiquity to the weapons of 1982.

They export to nearly 40 different countries and have a bunch of catalog references, including around 40 replicas from WW2.

Let's go on to Colt 1911 A1 from Denix.

There are 8 different versions of Colt 1911: 4 old, and 4 new versions. The 4 old have 3 black versions, like this one and one in chrome. We find the same scheme for the new versions: 3 + 1.

The only difference is in markings, moving parts and grips.

The price runs around 114 €, price recommended by the manufacturer.

The features of the replica are almost all reproduced in a realistic way.

Manipulate the magazine, put bullet in it and insert it into the replica, manipulate the bolt, manipulate the trigg... trigger...

It will be possible to put a dragon (strap in French)

Uh .. no, she doesn't agree...

It is possible to put a link that will allow you to hang your gun to your belt for example, to avoid losing your gun if you slip it in your pants,

and that, for one reason or another, in reenactment at night, you lose your pants... It would be a pity to lose the pistol with... and your honor...

Markings are present on the frame but they are not realistic. Markings are present on the lower frame but they are not realistic.

We find a serial number (identical for each replica), M1911 A1 U.S ARMY and ... Denix, made in spain.

This last marking will be visible on ALL the replicas of their collection, to be able to manage the exports more easily.

We feel the mold imprint on all markings, especially the M1911 A1 US ARMY. We see that it is very slightly framed.

The bolt catch is mobile.

Oh no ... Don't tell me that...

No, but this joke, is very bad...

Leave me alone…

The bolt catch can be manually moved. We have here an empty magazine, and yet, the catch doesn't work. So use a finger to lift the little lever.

So it's only there to look pretty, it's not functional.

The security present at the back is also mobile but not functional. Indeed, you can arm and shoot without problems while nothing presses on this pedal.

Safety here works in a realistic way and blocks the trigger.

Disassembly is almost realistic and is done by removing the lever here, we push the bolt, and we can detach the barrel through the front of the frame.

Be careful though, this is a replica made in zamak. Do not expect to keep your replica long if you play with every 2 minutes, arming, shooting, arming, shooting... however, making "click"...

To know that there will be a fairly fast wear on the hammer here. We hear many clicks and it is well locked, but you can find on other videos of feedback that this part will quickly be damaged.

So do not play with it, it's not a toy, it's more of a model than a weapon.

On the weight, it is 920g, 200g less than the real one. So to realize it, it takes a real 1911 to feel the slight difference in weight.

It is possible to chamber a bullet, but don't worry, there is no firing p...

I may be morning, I have pain.

It is possible to chamber a 9mm bullet... You can put a 9mm cartridge in the magazine, because in cal.45 , it doesn't pass. In all the positions you want... But once it's in the barrel...

It's in .45, so that's the result. That's it, I just shoot with a replica Denix. Reach? 5cm.

We have some visual flaws but I will not dwell on that. The biggest flaw that can be found is the stop of the handle spring, which is much bigger on the Denix than a slightly more realistic version.

In terms of improvements, there is nothing to add.

At the level of accessories, there is nothing to add.

Here is what concludes this video...

For the improvements, there is one element that really bothered me when I received the replica, it was like that. For the visual and the rest of the pistol, you can't do better.

But for the grips, I admit that I was a little disappointed. Basically, I wanted to replace them with original grips.

Do not even think about it.

This is not compatible, the original pads are longer, and therefore the holes are not located in the same places.

For my part, I preferred to change them to avoid this shade too clear. Although normally, on the Colt 1911 A1, it is Bakelite plates that we should have (this version exists elsewhere at Denix).

Wooden pads are for the model M1911! But it's not because there is no photo that it never existed, and that...


-sorry... excuse me...

How did I modify them? I used a powder to mix with water, and the amount of water will allow a dosage more or less dark. And I just applied it like that.

I don't know why, but the chemical reaction has made that the base varnish is gone, to finally replace it with this color which is very nice.

Result of the operation, it cost me the price of the powder in question and it took me 10min.

And here is a shade "dark walnut".

- We don't say dark walnut. It says "Black person having a skin of the color of the nature"

Yeah, that's it. It's a good shit joke, she smells so far...

The zamak of the replica was tanned industrially. So you are free to use a green side sponge so you can skate it realistically. If you want to skate it unrealistically, hook it up behind a car and start.

After removing the tan from the edges, I would just advise you to cold blue these edges.

As you can see, this gun is not so much for hard perfectionist collectors but rather for people who want to do reenactment without selling a lung with every replica purchase

Or who want to avoid law questions: Don't forget that this is a replica, so a "model". Avoid to walk with in the street...

I hope you enjoyed this video, if so, feel free to share this video on your facebook and twitter walls

-or Google+ for vintage people!

And to subscribe

I'll see you soon for a new video presentation of Denix replicas, airsoft guns, VIP or uniforms! Bye!

Directed by Neo035

With the invaluable support of Denix

Thanks to Chris Adams Custom and Jaime for their help

For more infomation >> Colt 1911 A1 DENIX - Video review - Duration: 10:13.


New Moon in Taurus May 15 2018 Astrologist Su Karakus - Duration: 37:00.

For more infomation >> New Moon in Taurus May 15 2018 Astrologist Su Karakus - Duration: 37:00.


Shroud Reacts To OUR MONTAGE "Shroud Using Aimbot In Fortnite" - Duration: 3:44.

After this game i will watch this video

or i could do it during this game

im gonna, yea .. i will watch it during this game

it seems kind of funny, i'm down

That's pretty good

That was pretty good.

I love that game dude .

For more infomation >> Shroud Reacts To OUR MONTAGE "Shroud Using Aimbot In Fortnite" - Duration: 3:44.


Dalla CERVICALE il mio rimedio per REFLUSSO GASTRICO, IPERTENSIONE e STANCHEZZA CRONICA - #130^ - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Dalla CERVICALE il mio rimedio per REFLUSSO GASTRICO, IPERTENSIONE e STANCHEZZA CRONICA - #130^ - Duration: 4:24.


Pocoyó - Media hora en español (S01 E37-40) con subtítulos en inglés. - Duration: 27:15.

[Pocoyo main theme]






Sleepy Bird!

[all shout] Pocoyo!

- [upbeat circus music] - [narrator] Why, hello, Pocoyo.

Look at that.

What's Elly doing?

Hmm, can any of you tell Pocoyo

what Elly is doing?

[children] Juggling! She's juggling!

[narrator] Yes, Elly is juggling, Pocoyo.


Looks like great fun, doesn't it, Pocoyo?


[Pocoyo] Pocoyo juggle!


[narrator] Oh, dear.

Well, it does take a long time to learn to juggle, Pocoyo.

Elly, how did you learn to do that?

[gong crashes]

I think she's going to show you.

[flute and clave music]


[gong crashes]

[timpani drumroll]

[dramatic horn blasts]

[wacky upbeat music]

Ah, so Octopus is the one who taught Elly to juggle.


[laughing] Oh!

[narrator] Come on, Pocoyo. Don't be shy.

[koto trill and gong crash]


[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] Now, I know juggling is very difficult, Octopus,

but Pocoyo has really set his heart on having a go.

[Asian music]






[narrator] Oh, you're copying.

Very clever.

[making comical noises]



Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

[narrator] Pocoyo, you are lucky.

Octopus is going to teach you.

- Yay! - Uhhh.

Pocoyo juggle.

Mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm.

[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] Hmm, that's interesting.

I think Octopus wants you to bounce, Pocoyo.

[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] Oh, very good.

[trumpet blares]

[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] I think Octopus wants you to curl yourself up

into a ball, Pocoyo.

[speaking gibberish]

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

[gong crashes]

[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] Well, look at it this way, Pocoyo.

You certainly are getting good at-- at-- Well,

whatever it is that you're doing.

[speaking gibberish]

Pocoyo juggle.

[narrator laughs] Oh, I wonder what that's for.


[narrator] It-- It seems that Octopus was just a little hot.


Mmm, hm-hm-hm-hmm.

[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] Well, how interesting.

Octopus now wants you to open and close the umbrella.

I wonder what he has in mind.

[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] Very good, Pocoyo.


[speaking gibberish]

[narrator] What's this? It looks like Elly and Octopus

are going to put on a show.

- [speaking gibberish] - [applause]


[Pocoyo] Hmph.

[Octopus speaks gibberish]


Hup! Hup! Hey!

Hup! Hey! Hup! Ho!


Oh, ho-ho, hey!

Hey! Hey-hey!

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha.



[narrator] Oh, I think Octopus

would like you to help with the show, Pocoyo.

Yes, you.

[children] Join in!

[Octopus] Mm-Mm.


[wacky upbeat music]

[speaking gibberish]

Uuuup! [speaking gibberish]

[upward sound]

[cheers and applause]

[narrator] Now I see why Octopus made Pocoyo practice like that.

[trumpet fanfare]

[cheers and applause]

You're a bit too young to juggle, Pocoyo,

but not too young to be juggled.

[narator laughs] You were able to join in after all

and be the star of the show.

Hooray for Pocoyo!

Bye-bye. See you soon.

[speaking gibberish]

[Pocoyo main theme]






Sleepy Bird!

[all shout] Pocoyo!

[Pato quack-singing]

[male narrator] Oh, do you hear that?

What is it?

I wonder who it could be.

Can any of you help me?

Who is that singing?

[children] It's Pato!

[narrator] Pato, so it was you.

I had no idea you could sing like that.

[drum roll]

[narrator] There you are.

There's nothing Pato loves more than getting clean.

How many showers is that today for you, Pato, three?


Oh, I'm sorry. Four, of course.

You'd better get going, though.

Pocoyo and Elly are waiting for you.

Yes, indeed.

Being clean certainly makes Pato happy.

Uh, Pato? Pato, look out for that--

[screeching violins]


[narrator] Whew, that was a close one.

[Pocoyo giggles]


[narrator] I think Elly and Pocoyo are having lunch.

I wonder what they're having.


[violins screeching]

[narrator] Don't you want a sandwich, Pato?


[violins screeching]

Yay! [laughing]

[narrator] Pato?

Oh, I see.

Too messy, is it?

Pato, why don't you come out now?

I'm sure Pocoyo and Elly have finished eating now.

Yes, they're bound to be playing something else by now.

Now, where can they be?


[violins screeching]


Finger-painting, getting messy and having fun.

Oh, dear, yes.


It's all right, you two.

It's just that,

I don't think poor Pato wants to finger-paint either.

You see, he just took a shower.


What is it, Elly?


Elly? Pocoyo?

You know, Pato,

you needn't be so worried about getting dirty.


Yes, I know you're clean.

But Pocoyo and Elly have finished painting.

I wonder what they're playing now.

It can't be anything as messy as painting, can it?

[violins screeching]

[Pocoyo] Mud pie.

[driving techno music]

- [narrator] Oh, dear. - Quack.

[narrator] Well, that was amazing, Pato.

Not a spot of mud on you.


[narrator] Uh-oh. Um, wait a minute.


Um, well, Pato was trying so hard to keep clean, but...

Can any of you tell him what's happened?

- [children] He's dirty. Ew. - Quack.

[narrator] Yes, I'm afraid to say, Pato,

you've got a spot of mud on you.


[quacking frantically]

Pato? Pato?


You know, I was trying to tell you before,

getting dirty isn't such a bad thing.

- Quack. - [narrator] No, no, it's true.

Think of it this way:

You like getting clean, don't you?

Well, how much fun would it be to get clean

if you didn't get just a little bit dirty first?

Aw, look, how nice.

Your friends even brought you a bathtub.


[triumphal trumpets]

[narrator] I suppose Pato worked out that,

if getting a little dirty makes bath time a little more fun,

then getting a Lot dirty will make it a Lot more fun.

Hooray for getting dirty and for getting clean.

Hooray for Pato!

Hooray for Pocoyo!

See you in the tub later.


[Pocoyo main theme]






Sleepy Bird!

[all shout] Pocoyo!

[male narrator] Hm, I wonder where Pocoyo could be today.

Oh, there you are.


[narrator] Hello, Pocoyo.


Not Pocoyo.

[narrator] Not Pocoyo?

Oh, my goodness.

Well, if you're not Pocoyo, Who are you, then?


[narrator] Quack?



[narrator] Do you know what Pocoyo is pretending to be?


[children] A duck! He's pretending to be a duck.

Quack, quack.

[narrator] Right. You're pretending to be a duck,

aren't you, Pocoyo?

What fun.


- [narrator] What's that? - [quacking]

[narrator] Oh, you want all of us to pretend to be ducks too?


[narrator] Hm, well-- Well, why not?

Um, how about it?

Let's all be ducks together.

[all quacking]


Quack, quack, quack.

Quack, quack-quack.

Quack, quack, quack.


[narrator] Well, that certainly was a lot of fun, Pocoyo.


[narrator] Oh, you're still not Pocoyo?

Well, then, who are you now?


[narrator] Oh, I think I know.

Now you're pretending to be an elephant.


[narrator] What's that you say?

Oh, you want all of us to be elephants too?

Um, well, why not?

Let's all pretend to be elephants.

[all bellowing]

[narrator] Ah, aha, now here comes someone who knows

all there is to know about being an elephant.






[both bellowing]

[narrator] That certainly was a Lot of fun, Pocoyo.

You're still not Pocoyo?

Well, then, who are you now?

Woof! Woof-woof!

[narrator] Oh, I think I know

What you're pretending to be now.

Do any of you know what Pocoyo is being now?

- Woof! - [children] A dog!

[narrator] Yes, that's right. Pocoyo is being a dog.

Let's all pretend to be dogs.

[all barking]


[both barking]

[both howl]

[both howl]




[narrator] Poor Loula.

There seems to be something stuck in there.

Oh, yes, look at that.

It's a pebble.

Woof, woof!

[narrator] Mm, I don't suppose a dog would be much help

getting that pebble out.

But I think I know who can help Loula,

someone who has hands,


and is very good at helping his friends.

[children] Pocoyo! Pocoyo can help Loula!


[narrator] Well, then, duck...

Uh, I mean, elephant.


No. Pocoyo!


[narrator] Yes, it's fun to pretend.

But, sometimes, there's nothing better than being yourself.

Hooray for Pocoyo being Pocoyo!

Bye-bye! See you soon.

[Pocoyo main theme]






Sleepy Bird!

[all shout] Pocoyo!

[trumpet fanfare]


[male narrator] Welcome to the Pocoyolympics.

[cheering and applause]

Ooh, look at them warming up.



and Elly.

[shrill whistling]

[trumpet fanfare]

All right then.

[narrator clears throat]

Ladies and gentlemen,

it brings me great pleasure

to announce the first-ever race of the Pocoyolympics.

So with no further ado, let's meet the runners.

First, the boy in blue,


[cheering and applause]

Next up, he's quick, and he says "quack".

It's Pato.

And finally,

it's the pink lady herself,



Sorry, Elly.

[cheering and applause]

And now the runners are preparing for the start of the race.

All right then.

Is everybody ready?

Then on your marks,

get set, go!

Ooh, that's a surprise.

It's a running 'round in circles race.

Look at them go.

I don't think I've ever seen a race like this before.

Who's gonna keep going the longest?


[narrator] Oh, and that's Elly out of the running.

Now, who's gonna win?

Ooh, watch out!

Bad luck, Pocoyo.

Bravo, everyone.

What splendid running.

So can any of you tell Pocoyo and Pato and Elly

who won the race?

[children] Pato! Pato is the winner.

[narrator] Pato, congratulations. You won the race.

[cheering and applause]


[narrator] What is it, Pato?

Oh, yes, your prize.

- Well, um-- - [trumpeting]

[narrator] Oh, that's a fantastic prize.

Now, what competition could we have next?

Any ideas?

[Pocoyo] Tidy up contest.

Toys and books Toys and books.

[narrator] Oh, I say, what a good idea, Pocoyo.

And the next competition is--

Tidy up quick.

[narrator] Exactly.


On your marks, get set, go!


[light applause]

[narrator] Well done, Elly.

[triumphant fanfare]

I'm sure there's got to be something

you're the very best at.

In fact, I know just what the last contest should be.

It's going to be...

a giggling contest.

[Pocoyo] Giggle?

[narrator] Ah, and here's Octopus now.







[narrator] Who do you think is giggling

the loudest and the longest and the giggliest?


[children] Pocoyo! Pocoyo is the winner.


[narrator laughing] Pocoyo's the winner.


[narrator] You see, Pocoyo?

You don't have to be best at everything,

because everybody is good at something.

- [Pocoyo giggles] - [Octopus gibbers]

Hooray for Pocoyo. Bye-bye.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> Pocoyó - Media hora en español (S01 E37-40) con subtítulos en inglés. - Duration: 27:15.



Today thanks to this video, I am going to make you travel a little bit

We are in Biscarrosse. For those who don't know where Biscarrosse is, it is here

we are going to see what happens all around and if we have interesting things

In Biscarrosse and Arcachon, the next town over

put thumb up, take you back bag, fasten your sit belt. And here we go

Visit of Biscarrosse from dawn. It is a ghost town

We seem to be in the introduction credit of "The walking dead"

Here is Biscarrosse. No, It is not me Biscarrosse, here it is

its shops, its carousel, its pizzeria

yes closed

Yes in Biscarrosse they are not morning persons

its bumper cars

yes they are not morning persons either

Microsoft xp wallpaper

And of course, the beach

It is not parkour but I made gymnastics so I put it in it


It is not parkour but I made gymnastics so I put it in it

Hre we are going to visit one of the big lakes of Biscarrosse and I am going to pass through the forest

So it is about 2 hours of walk but this is going to be funny to go there instead of roads

it is a little bit long

It is a shame because in so many kilometres, I did not see animals

animals 1 - Stéphane 0

this is a big descent...and a big climb

It is fast

nice! An other descent. I am like a child (Christopher Lambert laugh)

I must seem stupid. I imagine animals looking at me in the forest

they must say: "He is crazy"

Terminus...everybody gets off

Fu*** we are in the heart of the forest and here is what we find.

ok a golf course. In the forest

I do social experience, I am going to have an electrical shock

put thumb up

I had to walk straight away

now I have to make a round


Fu** this golf course pissed me off


we finally arrived on the lake

yes that is true, it looks like the sea

some people say when we walk very far on this lake, we are not in deep water

they did not lie. They are so strong

It is fine. And quite here

to quite actually

Now wea re going to visit "la dune du pilat". "La dune du pilat" is situated at the edge of the forest

at the entrance of "le bassin d'Arcachon"

We say dune du pilat and dune du pila

what? I also have two first name

I heard some people have 4 first name

this time I am not going to walk 2 hours in the forest

I will take the bus

We arrived

Here is "La dune du pilat"

I should stop my bul***

The first grains of sand appear

I am scared

like my premiere in Broadway

One hard question: Stairs of sand path?

I don't know...

Sand path of course

there is nothing to say but nice view

but what a gap

Do you think what I am thinking about?

I am dizzy

here is "le bassin d'Arcachon"

I like water. In 20-30 years there will not be anymore

I like water. In 20-30 years there will not be anymore

or not

because I am lost on the beach, I will leave a S.O.S message

that reminds me "cast away"

so this is the end of our trip to "la dune du pilat"

as you can see, that blows my hair. Normal with all the stupid things I did

let's go to our next destination

here begins our third day of shooting

ok it is true, I wanted to make you believe I shot in one day

but I changed my mind (this cancer manipulates you)

Today we go in Arcachon to see what happens there

if we have interesting things

let's go to Arcachon

We arrived in Arcachon. The weather is not so merciful than the other days

like my face

but we are going to see what is here

We are in front of the belvedere, the observatory of Sainte Cécile

Time to climb

It is shaking

you are fine? Not much vertigo?

Mum, I am scared

Et voilà, we are on top of it. 25 meters

climbing was not so terrible

yes it was shaking a little bit. But we are still alive. Proof, I am here

or this might be a dream

here is "le bassin d'Arcachon" we met at "la dune du pilat"

What you see here is cap feret lighthouse

just in case you want to know

what if I climb on the edge?

"he climbs the edge and that goes wrong"

I told myself, and what if I would complicate the task of this man

be careful, I jump over you

Hi. This is stéphane from the future. The tower is not about 25 meters. The 25 meters are from the down of the hill till the end of the tower

what a scam

hi stephane

What do you do with my camera?!

and here is the edge of the world

so this video is over. Thank you for watching it till the end

I hope it pleased you and it made you travel

don't hesitate to leave a comment

put thumb up and subscribe to my channel and activate the bell for notifications

I give you a kiss and see you soon folks

see you soon folks

the man is doing backflips every 2 minutes in the video



DIY How To Make A Chocolate Cakes Decorating - Amazing Chocolate Cakes Decorations Compilation - Duration: 10:09.

DIY How To Make A Chocolate Cakes Decorating

For more infomation >> DIY How To Make A Chocolate Cakes Decorating - Amazing Chocolate Cakes Decorations Compilation - Duration: 10:09.


Maa - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Maa - Duration: 3:00.


BIG NUMBERS in Spanish Practice | Can you do better than Cody? - Listening Practice 2018 - Duration: 15:18.

For more infomation >> BIG NUMBERS in Spanish Practice | Can you do better than Cody? - Listening Practice 2018 - Duration: 15:18.


Wacky TF2 Custom Maps: One Year Later - Duration: 13:18.

Hey, so let's talk about the day my life changed forever, because I made a video about

a meme.

That's a bit of a weird thing to admit honestly, but it's what happened.

On this exact day, one year ago, I made a video about a higher version of Hightower.

Now the idea of TF2 joke maps isn't something new, but last year the concept exploded within

the community.

Wacky map after wacky map – maps based purely on memes – maps which elongated features

for no discernible reason whatsoever – maps designed to be completely unplayable, and

even maps designed to instigate players into the cult of our glorious lord and saviour

Harry Hill.

The joke map isn't for the average player that wants to play a noice ol' pub.

It's for person who wants a refreshing break from TF2's core gameplay, something fun

and silly to tide you over and create some memories with.

Not everyone wants to just play the game – some of us want to try out dumb stuff and have

a laugh.

And the wacky map scene is almost the perfect medium for this in TF2.

Here is something ridiculous that shouldn't be in the game, here's a lobby of 24 people

playing: good luck.

[Do I push the cart, do I try take the high ground- how long is this even going to take?]

So why did the wacky map scene absolutely explode this time last year in particular?


Honest to God memes.

Memes have been about for ages, even predating internet culture.

Seriously, there's an entire field of study dedicated to researching them that spawned

in the 1980s, look up memetics.

But they've taken on new unprecedented relevance in mainstream culture, dominating social media.

Even politicians and companies market themselves today through the use of memes - looking at

you Sonic Twitter, you loveable shitposter.

The quality varies drastically, but they're a cool thing in culture.

Memes spread like wildfire, spawn variants, and escalate dramatically until we know we're

truly on the darkest timeline, and there's a reason why aliens haven't contacted us.

The same thing happened in the mapping scene last year for TF2. 50ft Orange Tower, with

the freaking nerd Surny making a video on it.

And then Hightower, but it's an even Higher Tower.

Yours truly made the original video on that one.

The popularity of these two maps and their videos spawned variants and iterations, all

with similar joke premises.

The result was a complete explosion in the TF2 mapping scene, even spawning a new type

of custom server specifically for wacky maps.

Highertower is now one of the most popular TF2 maps ever made on the Steam workshop.

And although the meme has started to peeter off, as is the case with all memes, because

culture is constantly changing; they still form a large part of TF2's history of the

past year.

Wacky maps are still being made, but they're not as big of a phenomenon now.

Which is probably for the best to be honest, as some of them were getting a bit too obscure

or tame in their concepts.

There's still gems and diamonds in the rough – a freaking hand-drawn Cuphead boss fight

map released this month, and it's actually amazing.

But wacky maps are not as dominant as they once were.

I know for myself I only try to make videos on the more interesting ones I find.

Seriously, go check out the Cuphead map.

So much work went into making that.

So did wacky maps only explode in popularity because memes were a thing?

Not quite.

See around this time last year, TF2 was experiencing its longest content drought to date.

The last substantial update for the game had been Meet Your Match in 2016, and there hadn't

been much new since, bar a handful of game changing cosmetics - oh hell yeah, this, this

completely revolutionizes everything-

TF2 was in a bit of a bad place.

And there was a lot of fear and uncertainty regarding the future of this game.

It's a good point to mention that historically, TF2 has always received a big summer update

that adds a huge batch of new content.

Except this didn't happen in 2017.

We didn't receive the first big update of the year until the very end of October which,

if you look closely, might need your glasses for this one – isn't summer.

We went a full year and a half in the end with no new content of note.

Wacky maps filled the void for the lack of new content.

So when the scene started to take off following the two tower maps, and there was still no

new updates in sight, people flocked to them.

It was something new and exciting taking place within the community, and at the time it felt

quite fresh and original.

Meme-y as hell, but it was great.

It was a good reason to keep playing the game during this time, as not much was happening

on Valve's end.

Wacky maps were the unofficial community update of last year, providing us with something

new to experience while we worried about the game's future.

And because so many iterations were being made at a regular pace, there was no shortage

of new content to play.

And it was genuinely funny and so outlandish when compared to the base game that the scene

continued to grow and grow.

This resulted in more content creators making videos on the maps, propelling the maps'

popularity even further.

So why are wacky maps not as common now?

Well, it's just like any meme.

They spread like wildfire, spawn iterations and variants, until they become oversaturated

and obscure.

This results in a small handful of the maps being celebrated and elevated above the others

as quality wacky maps that stand out and are still entertaining to this day.

Let me put it another way – people still play Highertower.

But no-one really cares about Highertower, but it's twice as tall.

Or Hightower, but there's no tower.

Or Highertower, but there's multiple towers, and It's capture the flag, and Noel Edmonds

is a rare spawn when questing in the Arathi Highlands.

The original, creative wacky maps are celebrated, and the rest sort of faded away.

It's the same reason Badwater, but the cart moves ten times faster is celebrated, and

none of the other faster maps receive as much attention.

The idea with Badwater was the first of its kind, creative and funny as hell.

The rest were just iterations following the same gag.

We sort of have a collector's DVD boxset of the best wacky maps available, with only

the occasional new ones added in.

When I was making my videos last summer showcasing these maps, this is what I tried to bear in


I didn't want to make videos on literally every version of Hightower – I wanted to

find the small handful of maps that I found genuinely entertaining in their own way.

The challenge was to find the DVD boxset maps that I'd want to play again in the future.

To this day, Fastwater is a map I genuinely love to throw into server rotations, alongside

things like Traingrid.

The concept and creativity in these maps is the part I enjoy the most.

And sometimes it doesn't go as well – Hightorangemillbine is an absolute abomination that tries to splice

multiple maps together, and is broken as hell.

Thundermountain, but the floor fills with lava every 10 seconds is also broken as hell.

It literally crashes your game every 10 seconds you try to play it.

But the concepts behind these maps were hilarious and entertaining to me.

It's the kind of community content I love to see in this game, and it only seems possible

within the framework of TF2.

No other game has this kind of scene, and it's genuinely cool to see.

Can we put Ocarina of Time's overworld into TF2?

Sure feck it, let's do it.

That's not even a possibility in most games, but TF2 somehow finds a way.

It's weird to look back on the impact of the wacky map scene critically like this.

I mean of all things, wacky is in their name, it's hard to take them seriously.

But for a time, they were something big and celebrated within our community.

They filled the void during a time of content drought, as the Jungle Inferno update appeared

to be missing in action.

And there's no doubt been many critics – some TF2 folks bemoaned their popularity, as if

it was the end times, almost similar to those stories where Pokemon GO is destroying our

humanity, and society as a whole.

Someone, please think of the children!

But the community at large remained rallied together and appreciated their novelty.

And if you didn't like them, you just didn't have to play them – simple as.

So it's a weird feeling looking back on the scene.

And this is something I never really talked about, but my video on Highertower was supposed

to be one my last.

I had made videos on Youtube for six years by that point, continuing them all through

my years at university.

I thought then that I'd given Youtube a good shot, and I thought I'd have to leave

it behind now that I was finishing my degree.

There was a sense I had to enter the real world now, and start settling down to find

a normal working job.

I was originally planning to move to Europe and teach English at a summer camp to try

and get my bearings.

And then on the day I had my very last exam, my video on Highertower exploded.

I remember watching it in Youtube analytics, and the point where it reached 12,000 views

in the span of an hour.

By the end of the day, it was sitting at close to 200,000 views.

And I remember thinking what I should do, and if it was right for me to still quit and

move on with life.

And I remember deciding, feck it, I may never have another shot at this.

So I went for it.

I made another video, also on custom maps, and it exploded as well.

And the rest is kind of insane.

My channel exploded, and I found a sizeable community after six years of making videos

that enjoyed what I made.

It was a crazy summer, to say the least.

From that one video and the reception it received, and the following support on from that, I

didn't give up on one of my dreams to entertain people.

And as it rolled on, RTGame became an actual thing in the TF2 community.

I got partnered on Twitch, I got partnered on Discord.

I went to organize the Blapature Co.

Summer Jam, we raised 14 grand for kids.

There's even an item in TF2 from that now, which I actually wrote the description for.

The thing about avocado jam is something I actually wrote, and it's kind of a weird

crazy reminder of what the past year has been.

The reason I'm saying all of this is because I've a personal history with this wacky

map scene now.

And even though the scene is settling, and I myself am moving on to different video formats,

such as the How To Really Play series, the maps still have a special place in my heart.

They, the community surrounding this game, and the support I received last summer – it

all changed my life in a way I never anticipated.

Doing this is my passion in life, and I thought I'd have to give it up before.

I never really got to mention all of this on the channel, to this degree.

But I want to say thank you, to everyone that found out who I was from that one video, who

became a part of the channel.

Who subbed.

Hung out with me on the livestreams.

It's insane.

My life has changed dramatically now.

From that support, I'm now currently living out another dream of mine I had in life – I

freaking moved to Japan for this year.

That's another thing I never thought I'd be able to do.

And now I kinda living over here and still playing games on the internet somehow.

My life's kind of weird when I think about it too much.

But thank you.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Wacky maps, ladies and gentlemen.

Jesus that got freaking heavy at the end, I was just expecting a dumb Highertower variant.

That's where you're wrong.

Because we're pulling out all the stops tonight, ladies and gentlemen, Highertower,

but it's an even Higher Highertower

It's so tall, I can't process this!

The ultimate pinnacle of TF2's mapping prowess, taking literally minutes to copy and paste

the central tower, and to put it on top of the first one.

This is the best thing I've seen.

Daniel, you've done it again, this is the best map.

Lose actual years of your life as you attempt to capture the objective, questioning your

poor life decisions.

I need to spend my time better, and to value what's important.

I love this!

Highertower, the sequel: It's an even higher Highertower.

Coming soon to a cinema near you.

I'm going to be first in line, this changes everything-

Ohh nooo

Oh my God Daniel, I love the custom maps!

Did he say custom maps? He said custom maps!

We have Medics vs. Scouts in the first round.

All these contestants are the best of the crop.

It's going way too quick.

It's barely even keeping on the track.

Nintondo Witch – it's finally back!

Why is there like a Danger: Keep Out sign next to Harry?!

Ohhh it came from the other side!

Wait, no!



We have to honour the memory of Cactus Canyon- the fuck do you think you're doing with

a crossbow?

Oh God you can just catch glimmers of it.

Oh God!

Violence is okay under certain circumstances as we've learned.

"This is the most intense TF2 gameplay I've ever seen."

I mean, this is like a slaughterhouse.

Is the cart also a spire?

Oh no.

The idea was to reproduce each year of TF2's lifespan.

This is base vanilla TF2.

You may notice that no-one has any hats.

That's a lot of projectiles down the corridor!

If anyone played Love and War at launch, this is what it was like.

Everyone get ready to say cheese as time collapses.

You're still here?

It's over.

Go home.

For more infomation >> Wacky TF2 Custom Maps: One Year Later - Duration: 13:18.


Cut your render times - Sonnet Puck - Duration: 3:48.

Hi Carl here for ProAV TV, and today we are taking a look at something a little different.

This is the Sonnet eGFX Breakaway Puck.

It's essentially an external graphics card built into a convenient little box that gives

your computer a boost in graphics performance when its connected.

The whole idea here is that you can use a smaller laptop, and boost its graphic performance

just when you need it.

So you could have this on your desk, so your laptop is more powerful when your in the office

and its light and portable when you're out and about.

Or you could carry it with you and whenever you need to do some editing you can use it.

Sonnet make several different styles of external GPU.

This is the eGFX breakaway puck RX 570, there's also a 560 but that one isn't compatible with

Mac's its only for use with PC's.

Then there's some larger ones as well with more powerful graphics cards inside or ones

that let you choose your own graphics card to install.

I wont go into any detail on those here, but if you want to know more about those ones

the links to all sonnet products on our website will be in the description below.

So this may be the small portable one, but I think it's the most practical of Sonnets


Its small size means you can travel with it very easily.

But even if you aren't moving it and its just staying on your desk, its nice and unobtrusive.

In fact they actually make a VESA mount accessory which lets you attach it to the back of a

monitor, so if your using an external monitor with your laptop at your desk.

You can actually hide the sonnet puck away behind the monitor and connect the monitor

directly to the Sonnet.

The sonnet has 3 display ports and a HDMI port on the back so can drive several monitors,

plus it can even power your computer while connected with the thunderbolt 3 port.

It does use thunderbolt 3, so you do need a laptop with a thunderbolt 3 port, and you

need to be using a thunderbolt 3 cable capable of 40Gigabits per second.

We ran some test exports with just one of our normal videos, exporting the final edit

from Premiere pro on our macbook pro here.

This is a 2017 macbook pro with a 2.9ghz intel i7 processor, 16 gigs of ram, and a AMD Radeon

pro 560 with 4 gb of graphics ram.

So its actually fairly similar in terms of graphics performance to the graphics card

inside the sonnet puck, which is a 570 with 4gb of graphics.

So with an older or less powerful computer the differences will of course be much larger,

in fact with this laptop I was half prepared when testing it to not really see a difference

in export times.

But I was very pleasantly surprised.

We were exporting a 7 minute long 4K video, and in premiere pro it took 37 minutes with

out the Sonnet, and just under 28 minutes with it connected.

So that's a pretty decent improvement, and with an older laptop the difference should

be even more dramatic.

So if your powering multiple external monitors, or you want to boost your editing playback

and render times with your laptop.

The Sonnet RX 570 Breakaway Puck might be a great choice for you.

Would you use one?

Let me know in the comments section below, and if you would like to buy one for yourself

just follow the links in the description.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Cut your render times - Sonnet Puck - Duration: 3:48.


GLOBAL HABARI: Rais Magufuli Awapa Onyo Kali Madereva - Duration: 23:51.

For more infomation >> GLOBAL HABARI: Rais Magufuli Awapa Onyo Kali Madereva - Duration: 23:51.



For more infomation >> ✓ DESERT EAGLE | KARTAL İŞLEMELİ | YAŞAMAK İÇİN ÖLDÜR! | Sam's Toys - Duration: 4:41.


How to survive as a model in Greece? First days: agency, apartments, tips - Duration: 15:38.

Καλημέρα! Or good day in greek language

My name is Polina Park and...

In the airport I met a girl from my model agency and we'll be staying in the same apartment

In this video I'll talk about things every model should do upon arrival to a new country

This vlog might be interesting not only for models

but also for those who like to travel and are interested in modelling

Now when the flight is over and I have my luggage, I need to get to my apartment somehow

Usually model agencies send a car for you which takes you directly to the apartment

It's the easiest way

However I declined the offer this time

I want to go there by bus

I already have 2 tickets, one of them is for my roommate Oksana

I found these tickets...

now I'll show you how

I've just arrived to the airport... And now I'm looking for free bus tickets

My followers told me that some other travelers left unused bus tickets...

here in Athens airport... somewhere... looking for it now

Yaaay I found it!

Awesome, thanks a lot!

There are not only tickets here

but also 20 cents

Will use it to buy some oranges!


The tickets were pinned under these coins so they won't fly away

Thank you for the tickets once again

Me and my roommate took the bus

Now driving to the apartment

It was quite easy to figure out the route

We just searched it in Google Maps and it showed the fastest way

Bus number is 95 and it goes straight to our place

Here's a pack of date fruits

My advice to you is to always go around to your castings or apartments by yourself if possible

Because when you're using your agency's services it usually costs more

A car ride from the airport to my apartment would be 45€

Bus ticket costs 10€

Uber is around 30€

Therefore if you don't want to go by bus you can take a taxi

Two packs of date fruits! Because it's very convenient

Just like some people have buckwheat, I have date fruits

I'll place it in the fridge... And save for later

Literally 6 date fruits for me is enough for a meal... And some water afterwards

This is my home for the next month

Hmm not bad at all...

Everyone has been telling me that Athens is a terrible place

So far I have only been in one place while we were traveling from the airport to the apartments

but at this point everything has been fine

Very nice weather

I love the views: everything is old and dusty...

but quite authentic!

And the apartments are great

Don't forget to take high heels, you need it during castings quite often

and a bag where you can put your portfolio book


Usually you have some time to settle in your apartment

Take a shower, get to know your roommates...

After two hours or so you need to go to your agency

To meet bookers, take snaps, take your portfolio book

I'll show it a little bit later

Driver can help you to get to the agency

But it's not interesting at all!

I arrived!

First of all they asked me to fill in some documents

My name, passport details...

languages I speak...

I don't have any tattoos...

Talking about scars

I was asked if it's possible to work in modelling if you have scars

I have two scars on my face: one here and one there

Here I fell off my bike in Japan and there I fell off my bed when I was a child

They're not visible and frankly speaking don't look that ugly

I have lots of scars on my legs

Also stretch marks on my back and buttocks

Because I grew up fast

I'm a regular human, I have scars and stretch marks and it's ok

If you have something bigger like a scar around 5 or 10 cm

then it can be a problem

If you are a model type and have all the neccessary features then it won't be a problem


Here are also different types of jobs listed...

and questions about which ones of them I can do

For example smoking... If I can or want to do it during the job

Also I was asked what if the model doesn't want to do editorials or lookbooks in swimwear or lingerie

It's possible to decline those job offers

Of course you're losing money... but if it's important

and you don't want to do it - you can refuse

They gave me a transport card for subway and contact details

Now you will hear lots of talking, sorry for half of my forehead being cut from the video

Didn't see myself and a bit failed with setting up the camera

But I did a really nice talk so I don't want to record it all again. Let's see!

I've been told everything about modelling world in Greece

The key point was to...

be humane

Because the clients consider you not only as a pretty girl

But as a human being which they will spend many hours with

If the job is done on one of the islands

then you have to spend the whole day together

You'll obviously need to communicate

so that it won't be boring

They take notice of all the details concerning your look

Because when you're already on the island

it's no longer possible to replace one model with another one

Personally I have never been in situations like that

But everything can happen: the clients don't like your posing for example

Here they can't do it

because the islands are far away and it takes time to travel there

Some tips for those who are going to a new country

and visiting the agency

Don't be scared!

It's your new family now

They want to help you with booking more jobs

so that they also make profit

Therefore when you're arriving to your agency

don't think that "Ooh these people are going to look for flaws in my appearance and eat me alive"

No. They want the best for you: for you to look great...

For you to know what is needed to do on certain modelling market

And for you to do a good job!

After you have visited your agency, the next step is buying a SIM card

and subway transport card. Let's start with a SIMcard

We're out here walking and discussing

that when you first arrive to the city, you don't understand anything

Where is your apartment, where are the shops and agency

But after three days time everything is clear

You feel like home

Therefore when you're going to a new country

don't be scared

It feels weird during first days and it's ok

You simply need to get used to it

If it's your first trip, it takes more time to adjust, can be a month even

When I first went to Japan, I cried for a month

buying a subway transport card

It's not possible to buy the card here, I need to...

go to another place

I'm confused

new station

In Athens you need passport to buy a subway transport card for one month (It's the first time I see rules like that)

Subway transport card for one month costs 15€

but it's not accurate, so here are the prices: 15€ if you're underage and 30€ adults

And you need your ID when purchasing

If you're staying in Athens for a couple of days

then it's possible to buy a 5-day pass

or for the whole month because it's very cheap!

You also need your ID... Oh I told this already

Time to GET OUT

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