Haters, haters, haters. Shake it off, shake it off. So that is actually the question
for today is, how do you actually deal with haters because by the way Grant if
you are going to start a YouTube channel, are you going to have haters? you're going to
have the haters and we're going to teach you how to deal with them in this video.
Let's get going. Alright let's dive right in guys, when you start having any kind
of success whether it's YouTube or anywhere else in life you're going to have
a few people that reach out and start imposing their opinions. So we often
refer to these as trolls or haters in some cases but let's talk about first of
all what is an actual hater? How do you identify them? And what should you do
about them? You know I just got to tell you, these people probably don't even
want to be called haters and the reality is that for every real hater that's
just there to it's almost like their their comments are written to make your
life miserable. You also have a lot of other people there just trying to offer
really good feedback and I think it's really important for those individuals
not to get lumped in with this concept of haters because the reality is whether
they're a true hater or not, there's something for all of us to learn and
sometimes it's not that I need to change anything but it's just to understand
more of the way that the world can and does think and so that I can make sure
that I'm adjusting. So I think the first step for me is before I try to do
anything with it is just ask, can I learn anything here? And let's look at the
ecosystem in context because YouTube a creators platform creates its own
ecosystem it has it has a following of certain type of people that think
certain ways and the comments section take on a life of their own. And so if
somebody can get a comment on there and people can thumbs up that comment it
validates that person. Some people are willing to say some extreme things that
they may not even believe themselves but it's just a chance for them to get seen
and to get validated to some degree. So may not even have to do anything with
your content at all. It may just be them trying to get their prisons for opinion
known in some creative way. And the reality is these haters are going to
present themselves and sometimes they're going to use some strange or bad derogatory
language. They're going to call you all sorts of names. You might get called a.... I
think about all the things. I think I've been called everything in my life
actually at this point. And you know one of the questions I want to ask you Grant
is do you just develop a thick skin and choose not to care or or what do you do
to actually like try to how to deal with? So as a creator of a YouTube
channel, I feel a responsibility to make sure it's a clean, family-friendly
environment. That includes the comment section as well. Now I can't control what
comments people are going to leave but I can to some degree control the types of
words that they're using. So the first thing I want to tell you about is the
YouTube community feature for blacklisting certain words. So if you go
to your YouTube channel, youtube.com/comments and on the left hand side
you can scroll down and find the community settings feature. In there you
can actually block certain users and if you scroll down a little further, there's
a section where you can add specific words that you do not want to show up in
the comments. Now I feel a little bit dirty myself sometimes reading through
all the words that I've blacklisted because it's like take every filthy
crude vile word you can think of and and write all out in this one little
paragraph but that's essentially what you have to do. And then every time
somebody leaves a comment, it goes through this filter and if it matches
any of that criteria it just won't show up on your channel. So the person who
left the comment they'll still see it, they'll still think that they left the
comment but to everyone else on the channel it just won't appear .You know
there's two different kinds of creators out there. There those are people
pleasers and those that really are okay with people thinking about them whatever
they want. And just for a moment I want to speak to the people pleaser because
you're looking at an X people pleaser that still sometimes steps into that
space and there's a desire to - to want to be praised or seen or recognized by
other people or certainly at least not having someone say that you've done
something wrong or that you've done something bad. And if you are one of
these people pleasers, it's going to be super important for you to learn your
own particular strategy for how you're going to deal with haters. People
pleasers beware. One of the things that you'll do is you're going to try to take a
message so much to heart that it might end up altering your strategy or the way
that you do your videos and I think it's really important that you don't try to
take advice necessarily from a very very small minority that don't necessarily
represent the majority. I've done that in the past and I ended up making some poor
choices where I was altering some of the things that were good that I was doing
just because I was trying to please the haters. You can't please the haters.
These people aren't out there because they want your validation. They're not
going to be pleased. They're out there for their own reasons. Commenting and
living and perceiving the world the way they are for their reasons and no matter
what you do they're going to be there. So make sure you don't change good
practices because of the minority. Hmm-hmm and that's where I want to jump in and
say here that we have an opportunity to set the tone on our video. When a video
goes live, we can get down in the comments and very frequently you can ask
a question or you can spur some kind of engagement hey where are you guys from
or what are you doing today or just ask some kind of a question that gets people
answering your question. What you've done now is you've set the tone, you set the
mood and you've almost steered the comments in a positive direction right
from the beginning. Whereas you know I would imagine there are people out there
who wouldn't even consider themselves haters. They're just leaving a comment, it
just comes across very negatively how they put it and if that gets a lot of
attention that can steer the tone of the comments section in another direction
that you don't really want it to go. So we can definitely be proactive about
influencing how the comment section goes right up front, by putting some direction
on the positive. So what do you do though if you're engaging with the hater or
maybe you're in the comments and I just want to give you a practical piece of
advice. If you're triggered, if you're fired up, if you're not feeling really
well, that's probably not the best time to engage because you're also the
creator of this channel and if you're engaging in warfare back and forth
through words with with someone that that's in that negative energy, one of
the things that I've found is that if you address the negativity even trying
to justify or correct it or make it better, it's amazing how often it just
makes things worse. It really does, it. does every time and it reminds me of the
movie Bambi with thumper he gives some perfect advice where he says if you
can't say nothing nice don't say nothing at all. And that really applies to the
comments section. It's a real test of character to read through some of these
things that people are saying and try not to take them personally and in a lot
of cases try and respond civilly. Now I want to talk about that a little bit
more, but I just want to say never respond negatively. If you feel triggered
about something, maybe you can reply to the comment but delete it before you
actually make it public. If you need to get some of those emotions out, like I
have done this before where I've written this huge long response to something
that really triggered me, but then I actually went back and deleted it all
and I never gave it attention. Because you have to remember that whatever you
give attention to, you're going to get more of it. And so if people are saying
things that are triggering you and those are the comments that you're answering.
You're going to have a lot more people saying negative things because people
are going to notice those are the comments that you answer. Okay next
things next guys if there's somebody in the comments who's absolutely
terrible, we would call this person a troll. Like they are actively going out
of their way to trigger you. Like that whole purpose is to get an emotional
reaction out of you. I call those people trolls and I guess it stems back to this
idea of fishing boats, you know dragging their lines they would be trolling to
see if a fish would bite and that's what a lot of the comments do. They're
trolling to see if they can get you to bite. They want to get that kind of
attention. Now personally I don't deal with that if I have a troll on my
channel, if you go to that comment on the right hand side, there's three little
dots you can click with a drop-down menu that says block this user from
commenting on your channel. So if I see somebody that is actively like
proactively trying to trigger a response, I know that that nature of person is
going to keep resurfacing over and over. I'll just block them right from the
beginning. And in the community settings tab, you can manage the people that
you've blocked. But I find that this very simple go to. If you got a bad apple in
the bucket before everybody else goes bad, let's just go get that one bad apple
out of there. Just so we don't have to deal with them in the future. Now that
may seem a little bit harsh, you know and you know just kind of like pushing
people off like that but I promise that the way people show up they're just
going to keep showing up that way over and over and over again. And if you have a
smaller YouTube channel, you might want to respond to them just in a positive
way. Quite often, the comments that people leave are out of hurt or misconception
and if you address that you can you can completely turn them around. But when
your channel gets big enough, that you're getting thousands of comments a day, it's
just not practical. Yeah and really whether your channel is small or big, it
is important for you to manage your own energy. I mean you're putting a lot of
effort and energy into creating what you are and what you're doing and hopefully
you've got really good intentions behind that. So I was going to just ask, "hey is
there a lesson for me to learn here?" And then otherwise, like Grant's saying, I'm
actually not going to dedicate energy into resolving problems from individuals
like that, because I could put my energy into commenting on someone that has
something productive or has a great question. And listen, I can only answer so
many questions today. So I'd rather put that energy into the people that are
asking for good reasons versus those that are maybe just honestly there to
intentionally make trouble. That's right another thing you can do is pin comments.
YouTube has a feature now where if you see a comment, you can actually click on
the right-hand side of it, there's an option to pin it to the very very top. If
you pin comments that are positive or that you want to see more of, then that's
going to teach your audience to leave those types of comments.
You can definitely influence the mood in the tone by recognizing people who
are saying good things about you. I found that YouTube in general it actually is a
very positive place. A lot of the comments are great. The amount of
comments that you get from people that are negative, just represent a small... very
small fraction of people who are out there. And the reason why is because most
people don't comment. Most people who watch your videos won't say anything.
They won't like your video, they won't leave a comment. They'll just simply
watch it and move on. That's the average person. So typically the people who leave
comments are going to be more on the negative side to begin with because
people who feel spurred to say something usually are agitated. So I'd say that
it's either raving fans or your haters. Yeah those are the people that are going to
go through the effort to make sure that they're logged in, that they can drop a
comment. You know I have an educational channel and I'm amazed I get every day
tons of really great questions from people that just it's like, "great video
tell me about this or educate me on that or help me understand this."
And I love that comment feature and being able to communicate with those
people and I also like creating that reputation that says, "hey me and my team
were accessible. We'll be here if you got a good question. We might even make a
video about it." Hmm-hmm... I also say it's important to take advice from the
comments to some degree with a pinch of salt. My disclaimer on that is don't take
everything to heart. Don't take it personally.
But look at all the comments in general. What are people saying? What are their
frustration points? Is there a lesson that you can learn from what they're
saying? Now even if they're attacking you directly and it sounds terrible, there's
a lesson in there, that you can internalize and say, "could I really be
doing things differently." Maybe this guy has a point and then maybe I could take
action on that. So I often look at the comments and I let the comments help
make long-term decisions but make sure that you don't need jerk react to
situations. Don't act in a moment. Don't act out of emotion and passion. Like take
what is being said. Consider it. Make a plan and then
incorporate that into your long-term plan.
So in conclusion guys, I just say don't feed the alligators. When you see
negativity out there, don't respond to them. It's actually just better to ignore
them or to politely dismiss them because where you give the attention, you'll get
more of. So we want to focus on the positive. You want to stay positive and
no matter what you do in life, there are going to be people who speak out against
you. A lot of that comes to their their own personal situation, their belief
system and and they're not resonating with
energy that you're at. But you know ultimately our thoughts become our words
or words become our actions and our actions unfold our destiny. And so I'm
really careful of every thought that I have because if I'll focus on something
negative. Then I'm actually putting negativity into my future destiny. And if
I'm focusing on the positive that I'm putting positivity there. So learn what
you can and like Grant said, move on. Keep it positive. Keep it clean. Have a great
time learn and grow. So there you have a guys. How to deal with haters. A quick
recap. You can influence the comments section before you even get bad comments,
you can pin and validate the people who are giving you the stuff that you want.
And you can take it as personal advice and just roll and adapt and use this
feedback to help grow your channel in a way that people are actually asking for.
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