Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 27 2018

Hi everyone i'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today i'm going to be doing

my April wrap-up part 2. April, right? Yes, it's April. I have no idea what day it

is anymore. Today I'm going to be talking about the books that I read in the second half

of the month. I will link up in the cards my part one wrap up that I did a couple

of weeks ago where he talked about the books that I read in the first half of

the month in case you haven't seen that one already.

So yeah, let's jump into the books. So the first book I'm just going to mention

very briefly is I read Circe by Madeline Miller. I'm not gonna talk about

this one very much here because I did an entire review on this one last week

because I love this book so so much. And I would just tell you I gave it a five

out of five stars. So go ahead and watch that review if you want more information

about this book or more of my thoughts on this book. But yeah, I adored it. I am

just going to give a blanket recommendation to everyone to pick up

this book because I, yeah, I really, really enjoyed it. Alright next I read the long

way to a small angry planet by Becky Chambers. This is a book I picked up for

the book riot read harder challenge of a read a science fiction book with a

female protagonist written by a female author. So yeah, I read this one because

everyone here on booktube adores it and so I figured it would be a good one for

me to pick up since I don't read a lot of science fiction. Again, I've heard this

one is really accessible and it's true. This is just a really fun, delightful

story. So if for some reason you haven't heard about this book yet, you are

basically following this crew of people on the spaceship called the wayfarer.

And while there is a plot to the story basically what you're doing is you're

following them as they head off to a job. They're tunnelers. They explained in the

book what that means. I'm not gonna pretend like I fully understand

everything that was happening in this book. But there's just a crew of people.

And so you get to really see who all of these people are. They're not all humans.

They're different like species and stuff happening in here as well. So there's

that whole aspect to it. But yeah, I just found this to be a really just fun,

heartwarming read. The characters in here are all really interesting. I think

on Goodreads I rated it a four out of five stars. But I think like in general

it's a more like a three and a half for me. The only reason why I docked it down

that half star in my head is because it gets a little

heavy-handed sometimes with the more moral type stuff. Like some of the ways

that the characters are used in here to talk about things like gender and racism

and sexuality, like obviously, I enjoy books that have those positive messages

in them. But it felt a little bit heavy-handed at times in this book.

But overall I really enjoyed this book. It was so much fun. It was a book that I

didn't want to put down. And I feel like this is a book that I could recommend to

a bunch of different people even if they're not necessarily science fiction

readers themselves like me. I'm not really a science fiction reader very

much. And so this was a great entry-level book. I'm definitely going to be checking

out more books cause I know that she wrote, not the sequel but like the companion

novel to this one that's out. And I think she has a third book that's coming out

this year. So I definitely plan on picking those up eventually as well.

I know that the second one is really different from this one but I think that

I just enjoy these characters enough that I'm willing to read more about them.

Alright the next book that I picked up was dark chapter by Winnie M. Li. This is

a fiction mystery book technically but this story is based on events that

occurred to the author. So in the story you are following Vivian who is this

Taiwanese American young woman. She is now living in London and she likes to

travel usually by herself to go like hiking and things like that. So she

travels to Belfast to go on this hike and also for work. And while she is on

this hike, she ends up getting attacked and raped. So you follow the story from

both her point of view as well as the young man who attacks her. And it

switches back and forth between the two perspectives. So you see what Vivian's

life is like and what sort of led up until this point. And you also see her

recovering after the fact. And then you also follow again the attackers point of

view and you see his life up into this point and what his life was like moving

forward. This book was okay. The things I liked about this book is that this book

is very honest and real about the attack itself as well as the effects that the

attack has on people. Like this book is very detailed about how like after

Vivian's attacked the steps that she had to take with the police how she had to

tell her story multiple times to multiple

different people, like the police stationed at the hospital and things

like that. The sort of almost degrading process that you have to go through at

the hospital to get like a rape kit done, to like be photographed, like have your

bruises and whatever photographed, things like that. And how much of a toll that

takes on someone who's already like a victim and the difficult things they

have to deal with even after the fact while they're looking for the person and

things like that. It also talks about how difficult it was for her to just like

deal with other people and trying to move forward and things like that. But I

don't think this book is very well written and at times it felt a little

bit too neatly packaged. Like I think that this book is a good eye opener for

a lot of people especially if they don't really know that much about the impacts

that being attacked can have on a person. It's one of those things where it's like

I feel bad criticizing it because obviously this is based on true life and

her real experiences. But at the same time, something about the way this book

was put together just really didn't appeal to me very much. I felt like

everything from the attackers point of view just felt very almost stereotypical

at times. And just yeah, I had a hard time with this one. I never really connected

with it. And one of the things I had a problem with, not a problem with, but it

was hard to read a lot of times cause they're very detailed about the

attack and they go over it multiple times. Like there's a scene where she's

getting attacked and you read very explicitly what's happening and then

there's a scene I think when she's talking to either the police officers

where again it's described explicitly and then there's another scene where

they're in a courtroom and again it's talked about explicitly. I kind of

understand because obviously she's had to deal with it multiple times and talk

about explicitly multiple times. But as a reader it was really hard to read.

So obviously major trigger warnings for this book. I definitely don't recommend

it to everyone because they don't think it's going to be easy for people to read

this topic and to read about it in the way that it's written. But I do think

that it's one of those books where I'm glad that it's written because it talks

about things so openly and honestly. I don't know. I'm of two minds with this

book and I don't really know exactly where I land with it.

So yeah. If this book sounds interesting to you or it sounds like

something that you would want to read I say like you know maybe get it from the

library. Yeah, the way that this book is written was just really off-putting for

me in a way that had a strong negative effect on the way that I viewed this

overall story. All right and the final book that I have to talk about in this

video is promise me, dad by Joe Biden. The subtitle to this is a year of hope,

hardship and purpose. So if you saw back in December my vlog that I did, I went

and I actually saw Joe Biden speak live here in Chicago while he was touring for

this book. And with the ticket we also got a copy of the book, obviously.

So I actually listened to this one on audiobook I picked up the audiobook from

Audible because Joe Biden narrates it and I feel like

thats always a great way to experience memoirs and I'm really glad that I did

that. I think that if you're a fan of Joe Biden, you're going to like this book but

I think that if you're not a fan of Joe Biden, I don't know if you're necessarily

going to like this book. So the premise behind this book is that it

follows basically the year from when he finds out that his son has cancer up and

through his son passing away and sort of dealing with the grief after the fact.

Generally I don't like memoirs by politicians because in my eyes it always

feels like they're selling me on something, whether it be like themselves

or the work that they've done or something along those lines. Like I know

in general memoirs are usually written a relatively positive light. But I feel

like especially politicians, it just feels like, okay, I get it. Like you think

you've been doing good work sometimes. So generally I stay away from them. This one

I picked up because Joe Biden's son Beau who was the topic of this book passed

away maybe like four months after my dad passed away. And I remember it very

distinctly because his son passed away on a Saturday, and Sunday I was on Twitter and

people were talking about how they felt obviously. And someone shared a link

to a speech Joe Biden gave. It was prior to Beau passing away because Joe Biden's

wife and daughter, I want to say, passed away a number of years ago. And so he was

giving a speech to the family members of fallen soldiers and he talks about grief

and dealing with grief. And watching that speech

soon after my dad passed away had a very strong positive effect on me and the

grieving process. It was like one of the first times where someone talked about

grief in a way that felt real to me. I'll link it in the description or up in the

cards if I can find a link to it because yeah just the way he talks about the

grieving process just really helped me through my grieving process. And so ever

since then I've had a slight affection for Joe Biden. And so I wanted to pick up

this book because again he talks about Beau passing away and he talks about

things like grief and grieving and things like that. So overall I enjoyed

this book especially for those reasons. It, again, just feels very honest and real

when it comes to dealing with things like grief. Joe Biden is a very positive

person too though. So this isn't really like a dark side of grief. It's more like

finding the hope, finding the joy finding the motivation to move forward and

things like that. But to be honest my favorite parts of this book are at any

time that Joe Biden talks about Obama because I'm all in for that Obama-Biden

friendship. Like the way that Joe Biden talks about Barack Obama is just so full

of love and it just makes me really happy. So

All of those passages, all of those chapters, I'm very much into. Also I'm

going to link to down below the video, if I can find it if it's still up, of when

Obama presented Biden with, I think it's the Medal of Honor he provided him with.

It was like within the last couple of months of their presidency that he

provides that to Joe Biden. And it warms my heart so much. But anyways that's a

giant tangent. So yeah, I, do I recommend this book? Yeah it's like well written

obviously and like if you like Joe Biden's personality you're gonna like

this book. And again, I not enjoy the way that he talks about grief but I think

that the way that you talked about grief is very honest and very helpful. So if

you are someone who is possibly grieving over something or someone then it might

be helpful to you as well. It's also really short so there's that too. So yeah,

I enjoyed it. I can't say that necessarily everyone's going to enjoy it

but I enjoyed it. All right so those are of the books that I have for you guys in

this video. Definitely leave a comment down below letting me know if you have read

any of these books and what your thoughts are on any of them. Or you

talk to me about what your favorite read was this month because I always

enjoy reading those comments as well. So yeah,

that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> April 2018 Reading Wrap Up Part 2 - Duration: 11:27.


LGR Oddware - 1988 Avon Beauty Vision Computer - Duration: 19:46.

Greetings and welcome to LGR Oddware, where we're taking a look at hardware and

software that is odd, forgotten, and obsolete. Like this right here, this is

the Avon Beauty Vision Computer from the 80s. It's very red but it's all packed up

in this thing here. And it comes with this that you're supposed to... this is...

just, this is weird, let's take a look at it.

This is the Avon Beauty Vision Personal Color Computer, released in 1988 or thereabouts. And it

may look like a suitcase but check this out.

Yeah man. Not only does it provide vision for your beauty but you get a proper

1980s PC-compatible computer inside capable of running MS-DOS. I didn't even

know this existed until I was browsing eBay one late night a year or two ago,

just looking for old laptops and other weird tech crap to cover on LGR. And then

I saw this thing show up and I had to have it. It only cost me 50 bucks to grab

this brand new unit but as for what it cost originally in 1988, I have no clue.

Because unlike most things that I cover on oddware this was not sold directly to

consumers. But instead was used by representatives of Avon Products to

recommend and sell cosmetics. And for any of the uninitiated among you, a key part

of Avon's business model, then and now, is to advertise and sell its beauty,

household, and personal care products through multi-level marketing. Mmm fun.

Anyway in the late 80s that typically meant that a so-called "Avon Lady" would

set a time in place for an event, often at someone's home or at a public meeting

space of some kind, and then potential customers would gather in one spot to

have the representative demonstrate a bunch of creams and serums and all that

kind of stuff before pressuring everyone to buy a bunch of things because the rep

needs that sweet Avon money. And yeah there's recruitment involved and a whole

bunch of other things about Avon's business practices we're not gonna go

into here, we're just gonna talk about the Beauty Vision Computer. And really

the whole idea behind this was to enhance the

appeal of these direct sales meetings by saying "hey look, it's the 80s and we've

got a computer!" And for a few years they were pushing this thing quite a bit,

especially in magazines like Cosmopolitan,

Ebony, Savvy, pretty much anywhere that you might find a potential Avon customer.

Like this January 1989 issue of Good Housekeeping. Forgive the visual quality

here, this was printed out on a less than brand-new microfiche machine. This little

tidbit right here and many others like it were found in all kinds of magazines,

saying stuff like "what can the latest computer know-how do for you? Beautiful

things! Consider Avon's Beauty Vision system which, via a unique color analyzer,

scientifically reads your skin tone to find out which makeup shades look best

on your face. And it's free to use! With a 5 dollar makeup purchase." So yeah, while

I don't know how much the actual whole unit itself cost, it apparently cost five

bucks to get your face blasted with light. So the way that the Beauty Vision

Computer worked, supposedly, is that it made use of an optical skin tone

analyzer, which is this unnervingly medical-looking handheld device right

here. Now you're supposed to point the business end of this at your face and

it'll flash your skin with bright light to provide a computerized analysis of

your skin tone. Seems legit. It then sends whatever it's gathered in terms of

information to the built-in computer here. Which as far as I can tell is a

modified Toshiba T1000 laptop from 1987. They've pretty much just put it in a new

case and covered up the function key row with this plastic barrier on top.

And yeah, once you've done the skin tone analyzer functionality thing it'll then

print out a list of suggested cosmetics and apparel and all sorts of other stuff

through the built-in thermal printer back here, which is one like you'd find

on a cash register's receipt printer. Hehe, I love how gimmicky this is! Anyway let's

take a look at the rest of the machine because you get a bunch of stuff in here.

Like this comprehensive color swatch backing on the lid of the unit showing

all the potential Avon options it might recommend to you based on your skin

tone. And it's divided up into four categories: cool, warm, ultra warm,

and ultra cool. And then you get the very glossy Avon Beauty Vision Operations

Card, which provides a guide to operations on a card. And it also happens

to hide the software for the computer underneath on a 720 kilobyte

three-and-a-half inch floppy disk. The card folds out to reveal all the

information that you really need, mostly how to turn it on, print stuff out, and

troubleshoot basic problems like jammed paper. It doesn't really need much more

than this seeing as the software itself holds your hand through pretty much

every step of the process, which we'll see in just a moment. And speaking of

the software this is it right here on this disk! It just inserts on the right

hand side down here right next to the 'gamma ray gun' and some ventilation slots.

And at this point you're ready to go! You just plug it in and turn it on, with the

power cord plugging into the top-right corner next to the power button and

reset switch. And I quite like how the power cable neatly tucks away underneath

this plastic door, it's all quite tidy and pleasant and not really getting in

the way. Which I guess is a good thing in the situation's this might be used in.

So yeah let's go ahead and get to beautifying ourselves with computers!

Okay everything is plugged in ready to go, disk is inserted let's turn it on.

And straight away we're getting a RAM test and being a T1000 it will go up to the

512 kilobytes that these things came with from Toshiba. Success! My apologies

for the brightness/contrast here, it's not great to me in person either. There

are no brightness/contrast controls here, at least not anymore. I'm assuming they

have all been covered up by the case that it's housed in. And yes there we go,

we start up with the Avon Beauty Vision Personal Color Computer logo loading

directly from this bootable floppy disk. And once it gets to this point you can

start hearing the skin sensor gun-thing making some slightly unnerving sounds,

very high-pitched...

[slight unnerving high-pitch whining and clicking noises]

And it seems to be drawing some power too because it actually dims the screen

a little bit every time it makes that sound. I'm assuming this is some sort of

startup calibration for the thing because it is flashing the light every

time it makes that little sound. And you can see in here where the end of the

device is stored there's this sort of light skin-colored fleshy tone that it's

looking at. So I'm assuming that maybe it thinks that's the neutral skin tone?

I don't know I'm just guessing. Now that it's done making concerning noises we

can press ENTER and get to enter today's date: April 23rd, 2018...

And it is not Y2K-compatible!

I will just put... heck, we can put anything. It's Christmas!

1986, my first Christmas. Well it won't take that either because it's before '89?

You particular piece of junk. Let's put the example year in, will it take that?

Okay fine. "Representative information: what language

do you prefer, English or Spanish?" I will take English.

Ikay it's doing the printer stuff now. Just printed a test print, just the whole

alphabet over there. "Press ENTER to continue."

"Calibration check: please make sure the skin tone analyzer is firmly placed in

its cradle," which I mean I thought we already did this when it started up.

But it's doing that again, so. You can see the screen dimming every time.

Oh good the anal-yzer is functioning! So let's see here, "enter the following

representative information where indicated." So this is where I was to, like,

say, if I was an Avon representative I would put in my information, not the

customer. So we're gonna put "LGR." And my phone number is three three three

seven seven seven four four four four--no it's not but that will work. I don't know

I'm just making crap up here, because obviously I'm not an Avon representative.

In case you're not aware, disclaimer. I am now ready to begin my first consultation!

[PC speaker music plays]

Yeah man. There's a theme song. "In what language

would you like your consultation," well, English again because you know. All right

now we're selecting the "consultation of your choice by typing in the correct number."

So personal color, wardrobe and cosmetic coordination, skin care consultation,

fragrance consultation, representative training information. I'm curious about

the training information so let's see here. We have consultation steps, team

selling approach. I mean sure, let's just go through the steps, let's see what

these are. What does this software say we should do to consult myself? "Welcome

customers to the Avon Beauty Vision Personal Color consultation! Introduce

yourself to the selling team, say: [clears throat] Avon is pleased to offer a scientifically based

color computer that gives you personalized makeup color advice through

skin tone analysis!" Ah sure whatever man. "Mention that the analyzer will

take camera-like flashes to determine skin tone." And these are the things so

yeah, let's just do a personal color consultation because I want to know what

my personal color is. "Welcome to your personal color consul-nyeh thing! Enter

your first and last name where indicated." So this is where the potential customer

comes into play. So our customer is going to be

myself but we're just gonna put Duke Nukem because... I think that's a thing to do.

And phone number whatever. "I don't even have a phone!" 90210, I

don't know let's just get some stuff in here, so. "Please enter your age by typing

in the correct number," put number four. "You can choose male or female," so yes

this does work by design with male and female customers. So we'll just go with

mail because I'm gonna be scanning myself here. "Skin Cleansing instructions:

skin must be cleansed even if you were not wearing makeup. Use accolade toner

and cotton ball to cleanse the right cheek area." I dunno, I don't have that. So clean

your friggin face basically. So here is the color analysis, which is a three-step

process starting with moving the skin tone analyzer from the cradle, holding it

flush against your right cheek and pressing enter.


[presses enter, followed by faint analyzer noises]

Lift the analyzer away from your cheek for a few seconds then

place it back on your right cheek.

[presses enter, contemplates life]

And yeah we just keep doing this repeatedly for like, half a

dozen times. "Your skin tone measurement is complete! Replace it in its cradle." Okay!

[beep boop boop beep beep boop beep]

[boop beep beep boop boop beep]

[chuckling, PC speaker music plays]

I love that silly little process. "Boop boop boop beep boop! Computers! The 80s! Wow!"

Anyway my skin has pink undertones. Yes. Yes it does. Admittedly not the most

thorough set of testing but hey, at least it got that right. My color category is

ultra cool. The color group that most naturally compliments my skin tone is

clear and vibrant. I'm glad to know this.

[printer noises occur]

And it's printing out mah sterf. So at this point it's back to the

representative and we can press C for a printout copy.

[printer prints a printout copy print]

[PC speaker music plays again]

And that's pretty much it. Uhh, we've got [rip] Aw no I ripped off the wrong part [rips]

So this part right here that it printed out would go to the customer. Got some

information and just says your skin tone color category is ultra cool. It's pretty

vague. I guess you're just supposed to use that whole list of stuff up there

and you now go further with the rep at this point. And then here is what the

representative gets, which is just the basic information of the customer and

then you can put in your own notes and stuff there if you want to. But yeah,

that's mostly what you do with this thing. And the other stuff though is kind

of interesting like this fragrance consultation. "We examine your fragrance

needs for day, night and special occasions. Let's begin with daytime," ooh

I'm intrigued. "The majority of my time during the day is spent on these things."

So yeah it just is like a quiz that you'd find on Facebook or some crap.

And here you go, "my personal style is very alluring and sultry." And I mostly enjoy a

woodgrain scent. "The personal feeling I would like to create in the evening is..."

[chuckling] I'm romantic? I'll go with the wood again. "Special occasions for me are..."

anniversary, romantic, church, community, social organizations,

entertaining in my home, yes. So based on that personality quiz and preference I

should go with the breathless soft musk and evening should be night magic and

soft musk and special occasions should be Imari, ooh. I don't know what any of

those smell like but uh. We've got another printout going here which I think, yeah.

So the printer just just stopped working. Oh there we go.

[the now-working printer is working at printing again]

This is quite a bit more substantial printout for some of these other things

here. This one in particular is kind of ridiculous, actually. So yeah look at this,

we start getting into like, CVS receipt territory with some of these things.

I mean look at that, it's quite in-depth, I got a six step process right there over

my fragrance layering. Bathing with scented soap, refresh with body splash,

and spraying like what is all this? It's a lot of information for me to make

myself smell good. And yeah I mean that's pretty much it. About the only other

thing that I kind of wanted to mention that I've noticed on here that can be a

bit iffy... they're having a customer do all these things like, I'm typing in your

names and you go through the entire process and look here's my phone number.

But if they were to press backspace and then -- you can kind of see here that

backspace is right next to the HOME key. If they were trying to press backspace

and missed, it skips everything! It just quits! Everything gets reset. Putting the

HOME key as like the 'reset everything' key I think was a bit of a mistake. You

know, why not use the reset key back here because far as I can tell that does

nothing. Maybe it resets like this or something, it's possible.

Oh yeah and look at this, it actually does have a glowing red light on the

back. Just kind of an ominous device don't you think?

Can't just be me right? [clicking the button for no reason]

So something else that I wanted to test out on here is its

DOS capabilities. And being that it is the computer that it is, it has

MS-DOS version 2.11 built into the ROM here, which is quite handy. So yeah if

you don't want to use the disk that it comes with, you know, you don't want to

boot up from this then you can just boot straight into this version of DOS. Or you

can use another like, official IBM PC DOS disk like this. I'm gonna put that in.

This is DOS 3.3. And hooray it's an upgrade. So we've got that drive right

there, which is just the disk that's inserted, but we can no longer access the

ROM drive. And there is, like I said earlier, no internal hard disk or

anything like that, so you will still need to use other

disks if you want to do anything else on here. So either put them on like a

bootable disk or boot from DOS and then install something else to another disk.

Hehe, so we're gonna try that here with SimCity. Installing from Drive A: yes.

To drive A: which just means we'll have to install it to a blank floppy disk.

So we are going to be installing it to CGA mode because that is actually what this

computer is running. It's kind of odd if you think about it like, this is called

the Personal COLOR Computer but it's only a monochrome display. Although it

does have CGA color graphics in there. But then again we're installing the

black-and-white version of CGA. It's a complete identity crisis with this

computer what we're doing here. And there we go, we have SimCity in CGA running on

the Avon Beauty Vision, which is really just to Toshiba T1000 with a different

case. So I got the copy protection sheet here. And that mouse cursor is really

hard to see. The little hand right there? Look at that, you move it and you can't see a

thing. Oh yeah I love seeing those monochrome graphics draw in CGA on a

computer this slow. And there's the copy-protection let's see, what is this.

Okay so it should be four seven three three nine three.

"Congratulations you passed!" Well thank you for letting me play the game that I bought decades ago.

Alright so it's SimCity with a mouse cursor I still can't see [chuckles] Oh, there

it is, look at that. This display, it's all weird and stretched but you know

that's just kind of how it is. So let's see here. [disaster sound plays] Ooh.

Guess that's a tornado. Well whatever man. All right well that's this thing.

It plays SimCity. Seal of approval!

Well that's about it for the Avon Beauty Vision

Computer for this video. And I gotta say I am endlessly amused by these kinds of

things. Especially this part of it of course, since that's the most unique

aspect. And I would be curious if it could be repurposed to do anything else

on a computer. Or I mean, you know you could just repurpose it to make it some kind

of a sci-fi prop for cosplay or something. But anyway yeah. If you ever

used one of these back in the day do let me know! I would be curious to see what

the experience was like or if you were an Avon representative and know anything

more about the particulars of acquiring one of these. Like, was it a specialty

item that only more experienced folks got hold of? I assume probably, because it

seems like it would be an expensive thing. But yeah I don't know. Lemme know

in the comments and thanks for watching another LGR oddware episode!

And if you liked what you saw here then fantastic! So stick around if you'd like

more of this, there are new videos every Monday and Friday.

And as always thank you very much for watching!

For more infomation >> LGR Oddware - 1988 Avon Beauty Vision Computer - Duration: 19:46.


Суперземля GJ 9827 b. Самая плотная экзопланета - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Суперземля GJ 9827 b. Самая плотная экзопланета - Duration: 4:49.


How to Design a Landing Page Using Two Colors - Duration: 6:45.

Hey, what is up guys, my name is Cosmin and in today's video we'll design a

landing page inside Photoshop by using this illustration, now if you haven't

seen the video where I go over the whole process of designing the illustration,

you can finally get the description, I like to thank again The Simple Designer

things they have such an amazing community and featured that video on

their channel. You can also find the source files for both the illustration

and the landing page in the description below, let's head into Photoshop and get

started. Let's create a new document I call it food ilanding, I'm going to start

with the width of a level 1170 pixels and the height is not so important since I'll

adjuste it later, maybe have something like 1600 and hit enter, let's grab the crop

tool since this is way too tall for what I need then hold down alt to adjust the

bottom as well as the top, you can start adding some guides on the sides and in

the middle, to make sure you can see them, go to view and enable extras and rulers.

I'll go back into the illustration document and create two rectangles which

will have our two main colors, I'll paste them into Photoshop and using the

eyedropper tool I'll sample them and save them in the color swatches panel so

I can have them for later.

As you can probably tell I've added two shapes one will be the main body and the

smaller one is where I'll place the illustration, place the illustration in

the document are let's find a good spot for it in the smaller shape, right now

I'm trying to place it somewhere in the middle so I'll use my arrow keys to

position it and once i'm happy I'll want to create a mask and hide the line that's

coming out. Hold on command and click on the shape

layer thumbnail and then just add a mask to the illustration layer, right now I'm

trying to think what I can do to improve the background, first thing I'll unlock

background layer and duplicate the main body shape and use that as a actual

background layer, collapse that panel so I can have a

better view and let's rename this layer. Once I'm done with that I'll hit command

T to transform it and now I can make it bigger, let's add a subtle gradient again

just by using those two main colors, I'll use the red for the one on the right and

the dark blue for the one on the left, this is not it,

yeah this is the right one and close all of the panels by hitting okay. Right now

it has way too much red so transform it again place it down and

increase its size and why not even more.

After I've added the text elements I'm going back to the background since there still

room for improvement and create a couple of square shapes, let's have the first

one here, hold down Shift while dragging to keep its ratio the same and I'll

align them with the bottom of the illustration, I've copied the layer style

from the background shape and paste it to the rectangle layer, again it's way

too much red for my liking so let's lower its opacity, 14% should be okay and

while holding down the Alt key let's create a duplicate of that shape and

place it lower, for this one let's maybe increase the opacity to somewhere around

40%, duplicate it again and move it on the right side, do small adjustments

until you're happy with something, now keep in mind I don't really have an

exact idea of how I would like this background to look I'm just exploring.

I'll do the same for the top-right corner,

so let's duplicate the shape and place it over there, make it smaller and start

playing with the opacity percentage till if there's something that doesn't take

away too much attention from the main body but just gives it enough detail to

make it interesting.

I wanted to slow down the video here to give you a look how I'm using shapes to define

the spacing between elements and keep them consistent it's a small thing but it has

such a great impact on the way the page looks in the end, I really suggest trying

it, anyway this is the final look of the landing page, I wanted something very

simple that only uses two colors and the illustration helps set the mood, don't

forget to hit the thumbs up button if you liked this video and subscribe for

more, as always if you have any questions leave them in the comment section below

or contact me on my website and I'd be more than happy to help, till next time,

take care guys, bye!

For more infomation >> How to Design a Landing Page Using Two Colors - Duration: 6:45.


Jewelry Making Tutorial: Blingy Ombré Bracelet - Duration: 16:27.

Hi, I'm Kitty and I'm Jennifer and we're the O'Neil Sisters, and we've got a beautiful project for you, it's a Blingy Ombre Bracelet.

This bracelet is easy to make and easy to wear. We'll show you how to create an ombre look using three colors of thread.

We'll show you how to attach rhinestone cup chain to leather cording and how to put on the button clasp. This one is fun!

Let's get started.

To make this bracelet you need 24 inches of leather cord in chestnut

You need 24 inches of embroidery thread in cream,

sand, and chestnut.

And then you need cup chain. Cup chain is like rhinestones strung together into a chain,

This is a seven and a half inch length of cup chain, and it's fine, two millimeters.

You'll also need a half inch shank button. Ours has a little tree on it. And then you need scissors.

The first thing you want to do is fold your leather cord in half.

And we think the easiest thing to do is match up your ends, and then just pull your cord down. And

you end up with a little loop, and this loop is going to end up being part of our clasp.

Next you want to take the first color embroidery thread that you're going to use. We're going to use the chestnut first.

And we're just going to tie it on to our folded leather cord about a half inch from the end

Just like that and we're doing just a simple overhand knot

so you do tie it together once and then twice and

Then pull that tight

Like that and I'm going to scoop my knot up a little bit

so that it's where I want it and

One thing you want to be sure to do is test with your button to make sure that this loop will go over your button

That way you'll know for sure whether you got the loop the right size so this fits through just fine

But it's also tight enough that it's going to hold the bracelet on

So now that we've got that tied on

what I'm going to do is I'm going to trim my thread a little bit just so it's about I

don't know half inch or so and

Then I'm going to hold that thread down with one hand one finger like that

And I'm going to take my embroidery thread

And I'm going to wrap it around my folded cord on one side of the knot and then I'm going to go right over that


one to

Three times until I get to the other side of my knot and that's pretty much just to hide the knot

Now I'm going to be sure to keep holding that thread so it's kind of behind my folded

Leather cord. I'm gonna flip this over and now you see the front of my bracelet is nice and tidy

Now I'm going to hold this thread with my fingers like this, and I'm gonna grab my cup chain

The cup chain is what's going to bring all the bling to this bracelet?

I'm gonna take the very end of my cup chain

And I'm just going to rest it right on top of those wraps that I just did

with my thread, and I'm going to do it so that the Rhinestone is face up like that and

While I'm holding it in place with my left hand I'm gonna take my right hand and I'm gonna wrap this thread between

the two rhinestones

once and

Twice and what that's going to do is start to hold that cup chain down on to the leather cord

Now I'm going to just keep wrapping. I'm gonna wrap again two times, but I'm gonna go over the next rhinestone

so I'm skipping a rhinestone and

wrapping twice between the next two rhinestones

and that's pretty much the whole technique of this bracelet is wrapping the embroidery thread two times a

round fold out the cord in between each rhinestone on our cup chain


as you're working be sure that your

Embroidery thread doesn't snag on the little

edges of the rhinestone cup chain each rhinestone is held in with little prongs and

Sometimes the thread can get snagged on that so just be sure that you're wrapping in between

the rhinestones

And if it does get snagged you can just you know

Back up you know pull your thread back like that and you can unsnag it and then keep going forward

I'm using my fingernail my thumbnail to hold the cup chain in place

Whatever works best for you. You'll find your own technique as you're working and it gets easier and easier as you go

Because the cup chain is being held down now and it now can just sort of you know hang between

the two leather cords and as you wrap it'll wrap itself into place and

Now I'm getting enough of my

Cup chain wrap that I want to check the length of how much I'm wrapping because we do want to make this three colors

So I've got a little cheat sheet that I that I created here that has

the about the right length for each color of my thread

so what I'm going to do is just put my loop over the loop and

Hold my bracelet up there and see how much more to I have to go until

I'm done with this color, and it looks like I've got under that halfway done with this chestnut color

so I'm gonna keep wrapping and

The measurements don't have to be exact at all on this bracelet. It's gonna be wrapped around your arm, so no one's going to be

You know looking super closely it if you have

20 rhinestones wrapped or 23 it really doesn't matter. It's more. Just to make sure that you leave yourself enough

Cup chain so that you're able to get all three colors represented in the bracelet

I'm pulling the threads pretty tight mostly because it helps hold the two leather cords together in the back and

That way the cup chain won't slip down in between when you're done

so just pull it kind of tight and

As I'm going I'm noticing that my bracelet is twisting a little bit you see there's a little bit of a natural twist to it

Don't worry about that at all when you're done

You can kind of push the bracelet around and you can move the rhinestone cup chain to make sure it's on the top of

Your two cords, so don't worry about that until you're done

And then you will show you how to manipulate it to get it exactly how you want it

So I'm going to check this and see how I'm doing with my length here. Oh

It looks like I went a little too far so I'm gonna back up one rhinestone

That's why it's helpful to have a a cheat sheet like this and that way you don't have to count your rhinestones

And you don't have to measure

I'm going to back up one more actually

to there

Like that

So now I'm ready to tie on my next color and to do that

I'm gonna just set this down and grab my next color, which is this beautiful sand color?


This part is a little bit tricky, but once you do it

You'll you'll be a master

What I'm going to do is I'm going to turn my bracelet over so that I'm looking at the back

And I'm holding my cup chain in place with my index finger, and here's my thread

I'm going to take my other thread and rest it just on top

Of the bracelet like that so that it's perpendicular to my wrap my thread that I've already got coming off the bracelet

And I'm going to tie this thread to the other thread to do that. I'm going to do the brown one first

I'm going to just wrap it around that sand color

go over the top and through the center and

I can see that my threads are coming apart a little bit. This is six strand embroidery thread

And the threads can come apart a little bit

And if they do you can just twist them together with your fingers and those ends will go back together

So now that I've got that through the hole what I want to do is tie the knot pretty close

To the back of my bracelet, and that's so that the knot ends up on the back

So that looks pretty good

Now I'm going to take this the sand color

and I'm going to tie it and knot also and what it's going to do is create sort of a double knot and

It's going to keep those threads nice and tightly connected so that I can continue wrapping in the next color

So you can see I've got the one knot tied next to the other and that's going to keep these threads nice and tightly

snug together

I'm going to trim about leaving about a quarter inch

Now I'm going to hold the tails of those threads behind the two leather cords like that

Take my next color the sand that we just tied on and continue wrapping

Just like I did before I'm gonna go in between the next two rhinestones


that's once and twice and

Because this is getting longer this thread is going to start getting snagged on my loop at the end

So what I'm going to do is just hold all the thread in my hand and that way it won't get caught as I'm working

so I'm just loosely holding it and

I'm gonna keep holding the little tails behind my bracelet and continue wrapping

two times in between each rhinestone and

You can put these colors on in any order you want

We just pick sort of you know an ombre look so we were going from dark to light

But you could mix it up and put the chestnut in the middle if you want

Or you could reverse the colors really doesn't matter

So as I'm working. I'm just sort of moving the bracelet out of my way with my hand

You'll get into a rhythm once you get going

And I think I'm to a point where I should check and see how much more

To wrap so I'm gonna get my cheat sheet again

and I'm just gonna hold up my

Bracelet with the matching up the loop to the loop

So it looks like I'm right where I want to be so that means I'm ready to tie on my next color

So I'm gonna lay my bracelet down

I'm gonna light down face down so that this thread is sort of held in place and

now we're ready to tie on our beautiful cream color here and

to do that I'm going to pick up the bracelet with the back side facing me like I did before and

I'm gonna lay the cream thread

So that it's perpendicular to my sand thread

And I'm gonna tie a knot around the cream thread with my sand thread

by making a loop

And this is just a normal knot and pulling it through

I'm gonna move my knot up a little bit closer to my bracelet before I tighten it because that way it'll end up

More on the back of the bracelet and not on the front although if it does end up on the front it gets wrapped anyway

so it's not a huge doesn't really matter, so I'll pull that tight and

now I'm going to tie the cream thread in a knot around that sand thread and

Make my little double knot there

And I'm going to trim my ends

Like that and

Then I'm gonna turn my bracelet back over so about the front facing me hold the knot and those tails

Behind the bracelet and then take my cream thread and start wrapping again

cup chain compresses and

Stretches apart and for this design. We've got it stretched apart. Just be sure that you're extending the cup chain

As you're working so that the thread is tied in between each rhinestone

And I can see where I've got one of my threads snagged on one of my little

Rhinestone prongs, so I'm just gonna back up

and pull it off there comes off pretty easily, and then rebuttal my thread in my hand and

keep wrapping and

for this final color you don't need to check the measurement again because

you're just gonna keep wrapping till you've wrapped all of the cup chain and

Then we're going to show you how to do the last little part and

put on the button clasp


Now I'm at the end and what I'm going to do is continue wrapping. Just past that last rhinestone and

I'm actually going to turn the bracelet around

so that my two loose ends are

Facing the other way because it's just easier to work so see that's my last rhinestone in my cup chain

I'm gonna wrap the thread around once


three times four times and

Now I'm going to tie this thread off

To do that I'm going to split my threads into

three and three remember I said that this is six strand embroidery thread so you can just use your

Fingers like that to separate

the threads into three and three, and I'm going to flip my bracelet over and

I'm going to pull one set of the three and three up through the middle and then

I'm going to tie these two sets of threads and a knot on the back

Just a simple knot like that

I'm going to tie it twice


Then I'm going to trim and to trim this we like to leave just a little bit of thread

It's going to get hidden

by the button clasp

But also if you want you can always take a little bit of clear now polish and tack these little ends down

Against the back of the bracelet, but really they're not going to show

Now we're ready to put on our button clasp and to do that we've got our cute little tree button and

We're just going to slide it on face up on

to one of the cords

like that and we're just going to tie these two leather cords in a simple overhand knot and

To do that I'm just going to make a loop

Take the two ends

Pull them through

And then I'm going to flip it over so

That I can hold the button and hold the knot together in my hand and then pull the threads and that's gonna make it nice

and tight

against the back of our button

like that and

Then I'm gonna trim the ends this leather cord when it's new is a little bit slippery so

We like to leave a little bit of some tails, and that's so

We can pull this periodically to retighten as you wear this and as it gets a little wear the leather will get

softer and the knot will hold tighter

so in the meantime you can just leave some tails and and pull it tight or

Periodically we also like the way it looks it looks very boho

Now we want the button to be on the top of the bracelet with the cup chain

So I'm just making sure by manipulating the bracelet, then my cup chain is on the top

You can see it gets a little bit twisted as you're working

But you can just manipulate it so that the cup chain sits on the top

kind of in the crevice between those two leather cords and

then we'll put our loop right over our button and

There's our beautiful blingy ombre bracelet.

For more infomation >> Jewelry Making Tutorial: Blingy Ombré Bracelet - Duration: 16:27.


TEHDİTLE ABONE KAZANMAK !?! - Fan Fright - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> TEHDİTLE ABONE KAZANMAK !?! - Fan Fright - Duration: 11:49.


Top 10 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Marvel's Avengers - Duration: 2:29.

Hey guys I'm Jordan from mash facts here to bring you ten facts you probably

didn't know about Marvel's Avengers. Number one. Which character comes to mind

the most when you think of the Avengers? Most people might say Captain America

but did you know he wasn't actually part of the original team. Number two. I think

we can all agree the Avengers is a pretty cool name. The wasp was the first

character to coin the name and then it stuck. Number three. The Avengers actually

came into existence because of a printing delay on Daredevil. While

Daredevil was delayed, Stan Lee created the team to rival DC's Justice League.

Avengers versus Justice Leauge, that's a debate for a whole other video. Number

four. The team has seen a lot of changes over the years. When most of the original

group left they were replaced by Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and Quicksilver. All of

which used to be villains. Number five. The original Avengers left the group

after the departure of Hulk, however the real reason for their

resignation from the crime-fighting crew was that Stan Lee was getting confused.

All of the members are now starring in their own solo adventures and Stan Lee

didn't want to lose continuity. Number six. Believe it or not, not everybody

wants to be part of the Avengers. Both Daredevil and Spider-man declined an

invitation to join, however they both ended up joining later on. Number 7. In

the first Avengers movie, Avengers Assemble, Ant-Man was originally slated

to make an appearance, however they thought it would get too

confusing with all the characters. He didn't end up appearing with the group

until Captain America three, 'Civil War' Number 8. John Krasinski from the comedy

series 'The Office' was originally one of the front runners to play Captain America.

But was unfortunately beaten for the role by Chris Evans. Number nine. Believe it or

not Marvel's... worst Avenger, Hawkeye became Captain

America for a short while. After Captain America was shot and "allegedly killed"

Hawkeye ended up taking up the mantle though he soon left and joined the

Outlaw Avengers. Who would pass up being Captain America?! Number 10. Everyone's

favorite jolly Green Monster the Hulk wasn't actually green to begin with. He

started off as grey. Colorist Dan Goldberg had issues keeping the gray

consistent between issues so in the end they changed to the more manageable

green. So that's been our top 10 facts about Marvel's Avengers. Do you agree

with our list? What would be on yours? Make sure you let us know down

in the comments and as always remember to Like share and subscribe. I've been

Jordan from mash Fatcs. See you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Marvel's Avengers - Duration: 2:29.


СТРИЖКА НЕ УДАЛАСЬ - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> СТРИЖКА НЕ УДАЛАСЬ - Duration: 0:50.


GIRL POWER | Wang Zhenyi: La extraordinaria científica china. - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> GIRL POWER | Wang Zhenyi: La extraordinaria científica china. - Duration: 6:00.


Avengers 4 ENDGAME Title LEAKED! Avengers 4 Set In The FUTURE REVEALED? - Duration: 5:52.

you're strong but I could snap my fingers and you're all cease to exist

and tour in time to see all the possible outcomes

did we win any it's a small price to pay for salvation

what's good YouTube Warstu you here hope you're all good so happy Avengers

infinity war weep so if you're into the Marvel Cinematic Universe this is a

channel for you we will still be covering all the MCU and Marvel related

content on this channel no worries so damn the movie is pretty awesome if you

have seen it comment down below what you thought of the movie so Avengers 4 is

directly linked to what happened in Avengers infinity war regardless to what

the Russo brothers said they were just making out that it wasn't directly

linked but they're just saying that both movies are independent stories and they

have it and they'll have a start middle and end so I can see where they're

coming from but the art directly link so Avengers 4 title in my opinion has been

leaked has been confirmed so it will be called Avengers 4 endgame and this makes

sense me due to the fact that Doctor Strange saying to Tony

during the movie because it's endgame just before he handed over the time

stone to Thanos spoiler warning it's a bit late now but to be honest guys if

you're watching Avengers 4 video then you should already have seen infinity

war you know so during a movie doctor trains went forward in time to

see if they had any chance of beating Thanos there was one case in I think

he's had 14 million five hundred and twenty five thousand something like that

where they actually beat on us but this wasn't the plan that they tried to play

out in the movie originally thought it was failing due to style or getting

angry cuz Gamora was killed and then he punched than arson and it all went wrong

but they did nearly get any Infinity Gauntlet off him so when he went to hand

the time stone over Tony I think questioned him he said because it's

endgame so Tony Stark is key to fixing what just happened in Avengers infinity

war so iffy like why would he say its end game end game to me I mean it would

be a strong title I would still refer disassembled but I mean they said it

would ruin by if you know the type of avengers before it would ruin your

experience for infinity war but in my opinion it has been confirmed to be

endgame because why else would he say so i came across as pretty interesting

article which i personally didn't write I just came across it the link would be

in the description by someone called it jeremy carr dram coram who runs

MCU cosmic calm this article is absolutely savage it's so good and I

really hope takes place because everyone's been thinking what's gonna

happen to ventures for but no one actually contemplated we're Avengers

four is really gonna start so this article says the rumors says there will

be a five-year time jump between the ending of affinity war and Avengers 4

this will explain why an older actress was cast to play

Cassie Lang in the movie they aren't in a time to future they are traveling in

time to the Future the movie is set there at the beginning in addition to

that they are set photos which we've all seen of Tony Stark having gray hair

looking older in the agents of shield uniform and we've seen set photos of of

see Tony and Scott with Captain America in his original costume from the

Avengers bazoom Lee in the Battle of New York this is very interesting it went on

to say according to what's been whispered around in the five years after

the Avengers infinity war Tony Stark and possibly others like Captain Marvel and

stuff now agents of shield he and Scott use some kind of technology that hang

has developed in order to travel back in time to attempt to defeat Thanos in the

past so this sounds absolutely incredibly crazy

so it's essentially saying that it's gonna be set for I've got five years in

the future and they're going to use some kind of technology to go back in time to

fight Thanos and defeat him so he never won in the first place so we could be

going back to that scene in Wakanda like in Avengers infinity war which sounds

absolutely insane it won't say if this is true it opens up all sorts of cool

back to the future style recreations of the past MCU events and would be an MCU

habitation of the Avengers of forever event from 98 to 99 in that a team of

various Avengers from different time periods join forces to defeat a greater

threat this would also explain the set photos of an older Tony Stark and

ant-man and the Avengers Captain America Thor so that would be absolutely epic so

it sounds like a time-traveling adventure like an adventure of Ant Man

and Captain America so I am man and Iron Man

but obviously I presume Captain America will be there at some point but in the

set photos it's set in the past and obviously due to the post credit scene

in Avengers infinity war Captain Marvel is gonna be there as well

we know she's gonna be in it she is the most strongest most powerful Avenger

according to actually like the people in charge Kevin Feige etc so it's coming

pretty cool let me know what you think about Siri guys is absolutely insane all

credit to that article I will link it down below such a cool theory and do you

agree with me that the title is Avengers for endgame I mean it's not a very good

title but why would dr. strange say it's endgame if that wasn't the title I mean

it might be I might be wrong but guys let me know in the comments down below

please like subscribe and comment remember YouTube how to sing where

unless you have 10 million subscribers your subscribers donate Knight 5 when

you upload so hit the barbel button down below to help their channel out and I

will catch you guys in another video very soon and goodbye

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 ENDGAME Title LEAKED! Avengers 4 Set In The FUTURE REVEALED? - Duration: 5:52.


Hayalet Radyonun 47 Yıllık Gizemli Yayını - Duration: 12:07.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları!

Sizlerinde dahil olabileceği henüz gizemi çözülememiş çok ilginç bir konu ile


13 ocak 1970 senesinden beri gizemli bir Radyo istasyonu Rusya'da yayın yapıyor.

Garip ve ürkütücü bir uğultu şeklinde olan bu yayın 4625 kHz bandında çıkış


İstasyonun kesin amacını, Rus yüksek medya kurumu tarafından doğrulanamadı.

Bu güne kadar hiç kimse bu esrarengiz sinyali gönderenin kim olduğunu öğrenemedi.

İlk yayına başladığında 3 ayda bir ayın 13 ünde ve saat gece yarısı 12:00 dan 12:10

a kadar sadece 10 dakikalık yayın yaparken 90'lı yıllarda yayın ayda 1 2000'li yıllardan

itibaren haftada 1 2010 senesinden itibaren haftada 2 defa yapılmaya başlandı.

Yakın tarihte bu hayalet radyoya Buzzer ismi takıldı.

bölge halkı yayını dinlemenin uğursuzluk getireceğini düşündüğü için dinlemiyor.

Konuya merak duyan araştırmacılar yayınları dinleyip deşifre etmeye çalışmış ancak

bir sonuca ulaşamamıştır.

Bir teoriye göre yayında mors alfabesi ile bazı mesajlar verilmek istenmekte.

Bir başka teori ise gizli bir askeri yer altı sığınağından uzaylılara mesaj

gönderilmeye çalışıyor.

Teoriler havada uçuşsa da yayının kesin amacı bilinmiyor.

90'larda Sovyetler birliğinin çökmesiyle günümüzde gizliliğini yitirmiş KGB belgeleri

radyo hakkında kapsamlı bilgiler içeriyor.

Sinyal, St. Petersburg yakınlarındaki bir Rus bataklığının ortasında bulunan gizemli

bir istasyondan kaynaklanıyor gibi görünse de, St. Petersburg'a taşınmadan önce istasyonun

vericisi, Moskova'nın yaklaşık 10 kilometre kuzeybatısında, Rusya'nın Povarovo yakınında

yer alıyordu.

1970 lerde radyonun tam yayın yerini bulmak için sinyali izleyen Kgb yetkilileri sinyalin

çıktığı bölgeye ulaştığında tamamen boş bir bataklık arazisiyle karşılaştı.

Bölge yerin 4 km altına kadar kazıldı ancak radyo vericisine bir türlü ulaşılamadı.

Vericiyi arama çalışmalarını sürdüren KGB radyo hakkında 2854 kişiyi sorguladı

ancak sonuç aynıydı.

İlerleyen yıllarda kızıl ordu sinyal gelen ıssız bölgede bomba denemeleri yaptı.

Sovyetlerin yıkılmasının ardından 2000 lerde radyo yayınlarını sıklaştırınca

yeniden Rus polisinin gündemine girdi.

8 Sene süren soruşturmanın ardından dosya zaman aşımına uğradı ve istasyon yine


Radyo Yayını, yaklaşık 0,8 saniye süren, 1 ila 1,3 saniye arasında duraklayan ve dakikada

21 ila 34 kez tekrar eden, ürpertici ve uğultulu bir ses şeklindedir.

Yayın başlamadan bir dakika önce, ilk olarak duyulacak ses, hızlandırılmış şekilde

tekrarlayarak hiç es vermeden bir dakika boyunca devam eden sürekli bir tona dönüşür.

Şimdi sizlere o radyonun yayınından kısa bir kesit dinleteceğim.

Belki de bu hayalet radyonun vermek istediği gizemli mesajı siz çözersiniz.

Ardından da sizlerin de bu radyoyu internet üzerinden nasıl dinleyebileceğinizi açıklayacağım.

Uzmanlara göre Vızıltı el ile üretilmiş gibi görünüyor.

Seslerin olası nedeni, gürültüyü yaratan hoparlörün, bir mikrofonun veya manyetik

alanı olan bir cihazın yanında bulunması.

Hayalet Radyonun gizemi tüm dünya'da yayılarak adeta bir fenomen halini aldı.

Pek çok ülkeden gizem meraklıları radyonun her yayınını takip edip kayıt ederek gizemi

çözmek için çabalıyor.

Bunlardan bir tanesi de Pavel Sasimovich.

Bilgisayar mühendisi olan Saimovich bugüne kadar radyonun yerini bulabilmek için 65.000

Km yol yapmış.

Pavel'in diğerlerinden bambaşka bir teorisi var.

O göre; yayını yapanlar bazı gizli tarikatler ve şifreleri çözebilen üyelerine yaklaşmakta

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Şu anda radyo pazartesi ve Cuma günler gece yarısından itibaren her hafta 10 dakika

süreyle yayınını devam etmektedir.

Videonun açıklama kısmında size bu radyoyu dinlemek için kurmanız gereken programı

ve girmeniz gereken frekansı sunuyorum.

Kim bilir belki de bu radyonun sırrını siz araştıran insanlardan bir tanesi çözer…

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For more infomation >> Hayalet Radyonun 47 Yıllık Gizemli Yayını - Duration: 12:07.


Know Your Plane #4 | ADFX Morgan (Ace Combat) - Duration: 13:11.

It's episode number 4 of the Know Your Plane series and it's time to cover one of the

most remarkable original aircraft of the Ace Combat series, the one aircraft that holds

the distinction of being the very first original superfighter of the Strangereal timeline back

in year of 1995 – and of course we're talking about the ADFX, also known as the "Morgan."

The ADFX Morgan made its first and only Strangereal appearance on the PlayStation 2 title Ace

Combat Zero: The Belkan War where it was the original superfighter of the game and the

enemy boss on the very last mission.

Other than that, the ADFX was also featured in Ace Combat Infinity on the PlayStation 3,

however the plane wasn't featured in the story mode of the game.

In the Strangereal timeline, the two ADFX prototypes were built by the South Belka Munitions

factory just prior and during the Belkan War: prototype #1 fell to the hands of the allied

forces after the conflict while prototype #2 was captured and used by the terrorist

group "A World With No Boundaries" at their last stand in Avalon Dam.

In the Infinity timeline, the ADFX was being developed by an unknown country within the

Federation of Usea, however during Operation Eternal Liberation the United Nations Forces

obtained the blueprints of the Morgan and finished its development although the Usean

Forces also got their own Morgan operational.

The ADFX Morgan is characterized by its short forward swept-wings and vertical stabilizers

that point to the centre of the aircraft.

To assist the pilot in controlling the aircraft, the Morgan features canards and a very peculiar

placement of the airbrake, just between the two massive engines who are capable of taking

the fighter to a top speed of over Mach 2.

Despite its powerful engines, the Morgan lacks stability at lower speeds given the short

wings but nevertheless it was one of the most advanced fighter jets of its time.

Perhaps even more advanced than it's flight characteristics are the weapons deployed by

the ADFX: including the famous TLS "Tactical Laser System" capable of sniping enemy aircraft

out of the sky with a single beam, the Multi-Purpose Burst Missile which results in a large explosion

relative to its size and that can be remotely detonated, and lastly the electronic countermeasures

pod – which although its not a weapon per say, can defend most of the aircraft against

missiles – with the exception of the two large, almost triangular, air intakes - although

what I said so far applies the ADFX Mogan prototype #2, the one flown by Pixy in the

last mission of Ace Combat Zero.

Prototype #1, the playable version, was slightly inferior in terms of performance compared

to the final boss but it still had the one-hit-one-kill laser, however the Infinity versions of the

Morgan were severely nerfed to adjust the aircraft to the multiplayer focus of the game.

We will talk more about the different variants of the Morgan further along the video, but

now let's talk about some numbers and specifications related to the performance of the aircraft

and make a size comparison with the F-22 Raptor.

The ADFX Morgan has 23.9 meters in length, a wingspan of 15.7 metres and a height of

5.7 metres with its gear extended or 4.6 metres when the gear is retracted.

With these numbers you can see that the ADFX is considerably larger than the F-22 Raptor

but their weights are fairly similar with an empty Morgan weighting a total of 19,600 kilograms.

The ADFX is powered by two large WWX-GD-401 engines, an improved version of the 400 series

engines, and its maximum speed is over Mach 2, although no exact number is given on official

reference material.

In addition, the Morgan's effective combat radius is of 1,200 kilometres.

Let's also not forget some of the Morgan's weaponry.

Besides the standard missiles, the ADFX is equipped with the GiL 30mm nose cannon, the

"Zoisite" tactical laser system that is mounted just above the aircraft with some

support pillars, the "Hypersthene" Multi-Purpose Burst Missiles and lastly the "Morganite"

electronic countermeasure pod for its defence.

In Ace Combat Zero, the TLS has enough energy to fire 7 laser beams for a duration of 4.5

seconds each with a negligible recharge time.

As for the other weapons, the Morgan can carry 8 MPBMs and activate its ECM pod 8 times.

As for the Infinity variant, I will not go into detail because of the different levels in the game.

But now that I've mentioned, let's talk about the different variants of the Morgan

and what sets them apart from each other.


There are a total of five different Morgan variants, 2 in Ace Combat Zero and 3 in Ace Combat Infinity.

First, let's go over the original planes in Ace Combat Zero where we have prototypes

#1 and #2.

Prototype #1 is the playable version of the aircraft that did not fly officially during

the Belkan War, but instead fell to the allied hands sometime during or after the conflict.

Meanwhile, prototype #2 is the enemy boss aircraft flown by Pixy in the last mission

of the game.

This variant has a reinforced airframe and was capable of carrying all the three special

weapons at once.

In addition, the special weapons were also improved.

The tactical laser system was now able to track and redirect its laser beam against

enemy targets, the MPBMs could be remotely detonated and the ECM system would protect

all the aircraft with the exception of the two engine intakes.

In the Ace Combat Infinity universe, our first variant is the ADFX Block-1 aircraft.

This variant relates to the development phase of the airplane by the UNF, hence you can see

the prototype paint scheme.

It is believed that due the similarities between the paint scheme of the ADFX Block-1 and Sukhoi 57's

flight test paint scheme that the ADFX was being developed by Russia, however this

has not been confirmed.

Given that the Block-1 variant was just a prototype, it has the worst stats and performance

amongst all the variants.

It also has a slightly shorter TLS beam and limited ammunition.

The other variant is the regular and the second playable version of the ADFX.

This variant is the mass production model of the aircraft by the UNF and as mentioned

previously, it has improved performance compared to the Block-1's.

Lastly we have the enemy ADFX 01, which is the Usean version of the aircraft.

This plane only appears in the SOLG satellite interception 3 and its TLS is equipped with

a tracking and beam redirection system.

All in all, the three Infinity versions were nerfed due to the online component of the

game, especially the tactical laser system.

Now that we got the different versions of the plane covered let's talk about the lore

starting with the Ace Combat Infinity universe.

<<LORE – Infinity Universe>>

During Operation Eternal Liberation, the United Nations' Forces operation against the newly

established Usean Federation, the UNF uncovered plans for the development of the ADFX Morgan aircraft.

It is unknown whereas development on the plane had started before or after the formation

of the newly established Usean Federation, but by the time the UNF got hold of the plans

USEA still had not built its own prototypes.

With the plans on hand, the United Nations built some units of the ADFX Block 1 for testing

purposes although some of them did see combat during Operation Eternal Liberation.

After combat testing, the United Nations started to mass produce the ADFX 01 for combat.

This new version was superior in performance and was able to carry more ordinance.

However the UNF wasn't the only organization operating combat-capable Morgans, the Usean

Federation also continued its development and fielded the Morgan that was even more

advanced than the UNF's.

The Usean version had an improved tactical laser system that was capable of tracking

and redirecting its laser beams to its target, just like the laser pod from the MQ-90Ls employed

by the Butterfly Master.

Adding to that, the Usean variant was also capable of carrying the multi-purpose burst

missiles together with the TLS.

However, it's important for me to mention that you only see the Usean ADFX-01 if you play

on the SOLG Satellite Interception level 3.

Now with the Infinity universe covered, let's talk about the lore in the Strangereal universe

with the original story behind the Morgan.

<<LORE – Strangereal Universe>>

The early 1980s were marked by an intense rivalry between Osea and Yuktobania during

the Strangereal's cold war.

In order to guarantee its safety if a war between these two nations were to break out,

Belka started a massive militarization project which included development of the V2 intercontinental

ballistic missile, Excalibur - a powerful ICBM shield powered by lasers-

and the XB-0 heavy command cruiser.

In addition, the Belkan Air Force initiated a program to develop its next generation fighter

aircraft, thus the ADFX program was born on January 4 of 1985.

While there isn't much information about the ADFX program between 1985 and 1995, we know

that Belka entered in a serious economic recession in 1987 due to the massive military spending.

Therefore it is safe to assume that the ADFX program was delayed due to lack of funds and

the prioritization of other programs such as Excalibur or the XB-0 since these two superweapons

were operational by the year 1995.

However what we do know for sure is that two ADFX prototypes had been completed by the

Belkan War and as hinted by the debriefing of mission 11 the prototypes were probably

assembled at a South Belka Munitions Factory facility in the city of Hoffnung.

However despite completion of the prototypes in 1995 the two planes did not see combat

during the Belkan War.

Prototype #2 was stolen from the Belkan military after the Belkan War by the terrorist organization

A World With No Boundaries.

This plane only saw action on December 31 of 1995 as the last stand effort by the terrorists

who took control of the Avalon Dam facility which was secretly a V2 launch facility.

The allied forces lead by the mercenary Galm Squadron were successful in destroying the

V2 launch complex, but they suffered heavy losses.

The terrorist ADFX-02, piloted by Larry Foulke also known as Pixy - a former member of the

Galm Squadron -  arrived late to the battlefield and was able to shoot down Galm 2's aircraft

killing the pilot instantly with its laser.

The #2 prototype was specially modified to launch a hidden V2 in the last attempt of

the terrorist organization, however the aircraft was shot down by the leader of the Galm Squadron

over Avalon Dam which automatically destroyed the V2 missile in the air.

Pixy managed to survive the engagement but the prototype aircraft crash landed in the

nearby area.

Sometime after the battle the South Belka Munitions Factory, now named Gründer Industries,

went after and located the remainings of the ADFX-02.

The team from Gründer was able to collect the data from the plane's flight recorder

and used it to create the ADF-01 Falken.

Meanwhile the ADFX prototype #1 was confiscated by the allies and ended up in Osea after the war -

reason why we can see the ADFX-01 flying over November City in 2011 during an airshow alongside

the ADF-01 Falken and the X-02 Wyvern - and that is the last thing we know about the ADFX

in the Strangereal timeline.


The three special weapons of the ADFX are nicknamed Zoisite, Hypersthene and Morganite

which are three different types of minerals.

But perhaps more important than the nicknames of the special weapons is the name of the plane itself.

The name "Morgan" is yet another reference to the legends of King Arthur which is thoroughly

referenced in Ace Combat Zero.

More specifically, "Morgan" comes from a character named "Morgan le Fay" - meaning

"Morgan the Fairy".

Now, the legends surrounding King Arthur vary a lot by author, but in one of the early accounts

Morgan is a healer who helps King Arthur to recover in the Isle of Avalon.

However according to other sources, Morgan is King Arthur's half sister and in some

books she can even be the main anti-hero just like how it happened in Ace Combat Zero where

Pixy was Galm 1's brother in arms and yet came in the end as the anti-hero over Avalon.

This concludes our episode on the legendary ADFX Morgan, the first original fighter jet

in the Strangereal chronology.

Now if you want to know more about other original Ace Combat aircraft you can check my episode

on the X-02 Wyvern right here.

Special thanks to Acepedia for the help in this video and a quick hint on the next episode:

I will be covering a real life aircraft that is not a fighter, attacker or multirole -

but can you guess which one?

Anyways, thank you guys for watching and see you next time!

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