video Samuel Push top 1 before he was deleted account. link below discription and comment
TEHDİTLE ABONE KAZANMAK !?! - Fan Fright - Duration: 11:49.-------------------------------------------
Hayalet Radyonun 47 Yıllık Gizemli Yayını - Duration: 12:07.Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları!
Sizlerinde dahil olabileceği henüz gizemi çözülememiş çok ilginç bir konu ile
13 ocak 1970 senesinden beri gizemli bir Radyo istasyonu Rusya'da yayın yapıyor.
Garip ve ürkütücü bir uğultu şeklinde olan bu yayın 4625 kHz bandında çıkış
İstasyonun kesin amacını, Rus yüksek medya kurumu tarafından doğrulanamadı.
Bu güne kadar hiç kimse bu esrarengiz sinyali gönderenin kim olduğunu öğrenemedi.
İlk yayına başladığında 3 ayda bir ayın 13 ünde ve saat gece yarısı 12:00 dan 12:10
a kadar sadece 10 dakikalık yayın yaparken 90'lı yıllarda yayın ayda 1 2000'li yıllardan
itibaren haftada 1 2010 senesinden itibaren haftada 2 defa yapılmaya başlandı.
Yakın tarihte bu hayalet radyoya Buzzer ismi takıldı.
bölge halkı yayını dinlemenin uğursuzluk getireceğini düşündüğü için dinlemiyor.
Konuya merak duyan araştırmacılar yayınları dinleyip deşifre etmeye çalışmış ancak
bir sonuca ulaşamamıştır.
Bir teoriye göre yayında mors alfabesi ile bazı mesajlar verilmek istenmekte.
Bir başka teori ise gizli bir askeri yer altı sığınağından uzaylılara mesaj
gönderilmeye çalışıyor.
Teoriler havada uçuşsa da yayının kesin amacı bilinmiyor.
90'larda Sovyetler birliğinin çökmesiyle günümüzde gizliliğini yitirmiş KGB belgeleri
radyo hakkında kapsamlı bilgiler içeriyor.
Sinyal, St. Petersburg yakınlarındaki bir Rus bataklığının ortasında bulunan gizemli
bir istasyondan kaynaklanıyor gibi görünse de, St. Petersburg'a taşınmadan önce istasyonun
vericisi, Moskova'nın yaklaşık 10 kilometre kuzeybatısında, Rusya'nın Povarovo yakınında
yer alıyordu.
1970 lerde radyonun tam yayın yerini bulmak için sinyali izleyen Kgb yetkilileri sinyalin
çıktığı bölgeye ulaştığında tamamen boş bir bataklık arazisiyle karşılaştı.
Bölge yerin 4 km altına kadar kazıldı ancak radyo vericisine bir türlü ulaşılamadı.
Vericiyi arama çalışmalarını sürdüren KGB radyo hakkında 2854 kişiyi sorguladı
ancak sonuç aynıydı.
İlerleyen yıllarda kızıl ordu sinyal gelen ıssız bölgede bomba denemeleri yaptı.
Sovyetlerin yıkılmasının ardından 2000 lerde radyo yayınlarını sıklaştırınca
yeniden Rus polisinin gündemine girdi.
8 Sene süren soruşturmanın ardından dosya zaman aşımına uğradı ve istasyon yine
Radyo Yayını, yaklaşık 0,8 saniye süren, 1 ila 1,3 saniye arasında duraklayan ve dakikada
21 ila 34 kez tekrar eden, ürpertici ve uğultulu bir ses şeklindedir.
Yayın başlamadan bir dakika önce, ilk olarak duyulacak ses, hızlandırılmış şekilde
tekrarlayarak hiç es vermeden bir dakika boyunca devam eden sürekli bir tona dönüşür.
Şimdi sizlere o radyonun yayınından kısa bir kesit dinleteceğim.
Belki de bu hayalet radyonun vermek istediği gizemli mesajı siz çözersiniz.
Ardından da sizlerin de bu radyoyu internet üzerinden nasıl dinleyebileceğinizi açıklayacağım.
Uzmanlara göre Vızıltı el ile üretilmiş gibi görünüyor.
Seslerin olası nedeni, gürültüyü yaratan hoparlörün, bir mikrofonun veya manyetik
alanı olan bir cihazın yanında bulunması.
Hayalet Radyonun gizemi tüm dünya'da yayılarak adeta bir fenomen halini aldı.
Pek çok ülkeden gizem meraklıları radyonun her yayınını takip edip kayıt ederek gizemi
çözmek için çabalıyor.
Bunlardan bir tanesi de Pavel Sasimovich.
Bilgisayar mühendisi olan Saimovich bugüne kadar radyonun yerini bulabilmek için 65.000
Km yol yapmış.
Pavel'in diğerlerinden bambaşka bir teorisi var.
O göre; yayını yapanlar bazı gizli tarikatler ve şifreleri çözebilen üyelerine yaklaşmakta
olan bazı büyük olayların ve ne yapmaları gerektiğinin bilgisini bu hayalet radyo sayesinde
Şu anda radyo pazartesi ve Cuma günler gece yarısından itibaren her hafta 10 dakika
süreyle yayınını devam etmektedir.
Videonun açıklama kısmında size bu radyoyu dinlemek için kurmanız gereken programı
ve girmeniz gereken frekansı sunuyorum.
Kim bilir belki de bu radyonun sırrını siz araştıran insanlardan bir tanesi çözer…
Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz…
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için KÜLT TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın...
Bir başka videoda daha görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar...
SOPA PORTATIL ,un Nuevo Conocimiento que debes Adquirir para Almacenar - Duration: 10:46.-------------------------------------------
Francaise Beauté Santé ▶ Le syndrome de Wendy: prendre soin des autres en s'oubliant soi-même - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
PROM 2018 VLOG - Duration: 15:49.-------------------------------------------
Parenthood's Xolo Maridueña Talks New Cobra Kai Series - Duration: 7:57.Hey guys it's Emily from J-14 and I'm here with Xolo Mariduena.
So welcome. Thank you. and we know you from Parenthood but you have something very
exciting that's new for you so Cobra Kai, can you tell us a little
bit about it? So Cobra Kai is the newest edition of The Karate Kid series you
know you have your three four original Karate Kid movies from 1980s, 1990s
and then you have the Jaden Smith Karate Kid but this is a television series on
YouTube Red and it follows the lives of Johnny and Daniel thirty years down the
line and I'm kind of thrown in the mix with a bunch of other kids in the show
and you really start to see the tension between Johnny and Daniel start to spark
up again. Pretty cool. So how did it come to be?
Did this fall into your lap? Did you hear about it and you were super into the
whole concept? To be quite honest I never I'd watched The Karate Kid the original
1984 one maybe once when I was five or six and the audition came in for a Cobra
Kai and I didn't know I didn't recognize the name and my mom was like you know what
this is right this is the Karate Kid this is huge yeah okay uh so you
know I watched the movie again and I was like okay I get the references in the
script yeah I understand the little bits and pieces of the nuances that are going
on and then you know going to the auditions I met Billy at the auditions
and that was super scary because he's like hi I'm Billy Zabka. I'm like I know who you are.
Casual. You did some studying you said you watched it over again. Did you have to do a lot of
training? Yes so it was a lot of training yeah so we started filming
at the end of September we got we started training I would say the
beginning of September all the way up until the end and you know I play tennis
and I play basketball. you know I'm athletic I could do this
like this is light work. and then first day of training
my body was just like you need cry right now it's like it's just a
lot of stretching which is something body was not used to you know I did
karate for like a year and a half when I was five you know it'll be really easy
to get back into it which is not the case at all this yeah it was so much
more strenuous than what I anticipated but now it's just stretching is 90
percent of the one thing that kicks this stuff like that those all come so
much easier when you know how to stretch. was there some scene that you kind of
like struggled with or that was a big challenge for you?
It does get a little bit difficult to find how I can put myself into this character without
making it just myself mm-hmm so because of that it is a little difficult to find
that line yeah but I would say at the end of the day that the final product
really was something that it was I'm super proud of yeah and I think plays
really well and I think the audience will love yeah that sounds awesome and
you mentioned kind of not putting too much of yourself into it are there any
similarities between you and your character or do you think you guys are
total polar opposites well I mean we're very similar I'm a junior in high school
right now. Miguel's a sophomore it's not really specified but I'm assuming he's
sophomore. Same age range. Yeah the same age, you know it's we both come from Latino
heritage and stuff like that a lot of the struggles that you see in high
school in the show are very real struggles you know not I went to a high
school where I didn't know anybody yeah put it being put into an environment
where you don't really know anyone you have to figure yourself out what clicks
do I fit in yeah but not that it like that element
of the show is very real and because of that it was very easy to tap into that
just because I know what it's like to be like oh where do I sit? you know that feeling yeah and
Miguel is very much like that and and to an extent where we see him you know
transform into the middle of the season and the end of the season is very much
something that I was it was easy to tap into
what is it kind of like you're you're going to regular high school right now
so what is it like kind of balancing the two I've really been so thankful that my
teachers and my friends and different students at school and just the the team
that we have my parents you know we're not that they really do all work their
hardest to make sure that I am getting what I need but it is very difficult
I could imagine. you know the hardest year of high school along with
missing the whole semester because you're across the country yeah
junior year, you said. That's tough. A lot's happening. SATs? yeah SATs.
Luckily I already took the SAT and I got the score I wanted.
now it's AP tests and stuff like that but yeah but the payout at the end you know the goal that
you want to reach really is worth the hard work. are there any similarities with kind of like your
school life and like being on set and hanging out with your cast mates they're
very different but similar in a lot of ways you know the the people that I met on Cobra Kai
you know a lot of them live in Los Angeles where I live so because of that it was
it was great to take a life that I I mean I didn't see my friends I didn't
see my family to an extent and I didn't see my teachers you know any of the
people at school so because of that it was weird to create a whole new life in
Atlanta or shooting mm-hm and then come back with those same people and kind of
see how you know my best friends from middle school hang out with Mary and Jacob from the show
Blending your worlds. Yeah blending my worlds, and it actually has worked really really well you know Jacob and I are
really really friends yeah so so it really has worked for the best yeah
so the cast stone dynamic seems to have really transferred into real life yes
So how is it with like the like older stars and the kids
like do like take any advice from them or ever hang out with them off set of
course you know so being in Atlanta I didn't know anyone I knew nobody in
Atlanta yeah and I feel like a lot of the people were also out there for the
first time they didn't really know anyone so we were kind of forced to hang
out with each other you know all lived in the same you know apartment complex
working with Ralph and Billy and these guys that you as a child aspire to be
and look up to being the karate kids yeah it really is interesting to learn
that they their life experiences and to learn what they have going on in their
lives yeah and because of that we ended up
being really great friends that's awesome
surprised like all of the other projects that I've worked on I've kind of been
the kid on set and this is kind of this is the biggest step in the fact that no
look like a young adult yeah I'm gonna be 17 yeah that change really has worked
for the best yeah that's great of that all of us collaborate so well everyone
it's AIT's everyone's but yeah and it it really is great that's awesome
what do you think about a season two oh we have said we have I would be
associated and kind of season two there's so much that is left to be seen
yeah I know were we're left with so much information so many questions so many
you know so many people are gonna be left wondering what is gonna happen in
season two and if we didn't get one it would just be a huge yeah sad I don't
think your heart worried I hope that I hope we're excited to see the rest of
season one. yeah. thank you so much. thank you for having me! Of course.
How to make a Simple Lace Top without a Pattern //DIY - Duration: this video I'll show you how I made this simple top inspired by a tutorial i
watched by Cynthia a she makes beautiful clothes here on YouTube as well I'll
link her video in the description below so you can check it out hers is actually
longer and more detailed. so take your fabric and fold it once then once again
go down around four inches and mark then go to the side another four inches. join
the points with a curve that's the front neckline measure out 16 or so inches and
Mark with a diagonal line like I'm doing here. measure from your shoulder to your
waist and Mark. Draw a straight line at that point
now join with a curve from your desired full length to the sides. take your waist
measurement divide it by four and add one inch mark that point and then mark out
like I'm doing to the side go down around one inch now go up at the
neckline one inch higher for the back neckline and then join with a curve. then
cut out
cut out this path carefully as well
separate the back and front so that you can cut the Front neckline. now join in
the shoulder seams. afterwards fold in the neckline and stitch
join these points as well. here making a belt that sixty inches long and five
inches wide I'll then fold it and pin then stitch it
and later on turn it to the right side and iron
hem the top at the arms and at the bottom. take the belt and tie it at the
waist. that is the final look. thanks so much for watching this video please
subscribe if you haven't and I'll see you in the next video. also like the video if
you do. Bye
Francaise Beauté Santé ▶ 9 plantes médicinales qui aident à maigrir - Duration: 5:38.-------------------------------------------
Muramasa | Wii | Kisuke #12 | A Última Viagem de Kisuke - Duration: 41:58.-------------------------------------------
BY Jon Rappoport,
Recent events, about which I won�t go into detail, have caused me to say, we are having
a spiritual experience.
And we are learning what that experience is.
Certain people, extraordinary people, show us qualities that transcend life.
These qualities, courage and love.
In the common arena where we all live, there are sufferings, but we can see that certain
people transcend that.
They come here, not only with a message, but with how they live.
And how they live is greater than this life.
These people�there are many more of them than we ordinarily suppose.
This spiritual experience we are having�it is something we are learning about.
I want to repeat that, because I�m not talking about something that appears and then is final.
We are, if we are aware, learning.
Courage and love transcend this life we are living in the common arena.
The person who has shown me that is my wife, Laura Thompson.
I have been learning about her for the 21 years we have been married.
I have been learning about the scope and nature of her courage and love.
It is not easy for a person to live in this world on the side of love.
To travel this life with love results in disappointments.
But to continue, despite what happens, no matter what the world says or does, is majestic
and beautiful.
It is also transcendent.
And that is the living proof that there is a spiritual experience beyond this life as
we are living it.
I believe, no matter who you are, that you have known a person who embodies this living
Here and now.
As we learn, we come across �divisions� between the life we are living and the greater
life we perceive.
A major part of the learning is accepting that division.
There is a resolution.
We come to it by degrees.
There are strengths in both the life we are living and the greater life we glimpse, perceive,
and experience.
We come across great souls.
They may be invisible to us for a time, even as we respond to them.
But in time, we see more of them and who they are.
And as we do, we see ourselves�what we can be.
We see that what we can be is a natural extension of what we presently are doing.
As for myself, even as I feel my greatest love for Laura, I know it is only a part of
what I will feel, as I learn more, in this spiritual experience I�m having.
As I learn more about her.
As I live my life next to hers and as we have our endless life together.
Veils lifted from the heart and mind and eyes.
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