what's up guys today I'm gonna be showing you what is in my backpack okay
so to start off I have this backpack I'm not being chopped nuts the name I mean I
might as well default arriving cat in the fall Draven Kankan fall Draven can't
gain Falls you fugly with can't get backpack I have it in this blue color I
forgot what is called but this is the mini one for some reason it looks really
big right now but it's really small this is the mini and I use this backpack as
my camera bag it stretches really well and I can honestly probably use this how
the school backpack seems I'm not gonna be using notebooks next year so usually
be showing you guys what is in my camera bag which is this so I'm just going to
unsnap the top and it like stretches out and I'm actually going to show you what
is in the front pocket first okay so in the front pocket I have this lens thingy
where so when you open it up aha like an SD card in it usually I have my other SD
cards but I'm currently using them so I don't have it with me this is just a
good way to protect them and if you don't this is this is like the thing
about goes on like your camera when you don't have the lens on it so not only is
it my SD card holder but it's also what I use when I don't have the lens on my
camera the next thing that I have that front pocket is this yellow thing and
what this is is the thing that goes on a battery pack when you when you first get
it and I'm also using this one currently so there's no battery in it bias use
that to protect my batteries and this is the battery for my Canon ATD so I have
two batteries for that so I'd appreciate on this one but in the side pocket yeah
on this I park I have my Canon Ormeau it's like just a one button remote that
I used to focus my camera which I don't need to do anymore so my camera now is
autofocus but that's what I use and now I'm going to be opening up the Big Boy
where everything is the Department and she is not organized also
this is the backpack that I bring on all my photo shoots when I take photos
people and it holds everything so I really like it but the first thing I
have which is kind of obvious is I have my camera which is the Canon a TD and I
currently have the Canon 24 millimeter lens on it right now and I just have
that in my backpack and I also have my Sigma 30 millimeter lens which is my
little baby my holy grail I love her the next thing that I have is this prism
so you open it up and it looks like this and you might be wondering why I have
this but it's for my photography cuz it gives you those really cool ooh
it gives you those really cool effects so then you put it in front of the lens
it just gives you those cool effects I couldn't make a transition with it like
yeah next I have a little tripod head for my tripod yeah my tripod doesn't fit
this backpack but and then I have my battery charger for the batteries I
showed you and then I have the battery charger for my canon g7x which the
battery is very small I have the charger for that and then I also have my air
pods because not only is this my camera backpack but it's also my gym bag pack
so I just have my air pod so in case I want to listen to music I don't have
anything in the top compartment usually I have a gum or something but today I
don't and this is like really weird but I have my brother's car key like a spare
one just because he always parks really close to me and I had to move his car a
few days ago since I have to like back out around his car so I have his car
keys with me and I forgot to put it back so I'm just holding his car keys and
then the last thing that I have in my backpack is just my YMCA card biz that's
where I go to work out it's a really great place and yeah so that is all
that's in my backpack I really hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you have
a fall drive and fall driving kånken Konkan mahal drove and can't get about
Konkan backpack let me know but I mean pretty much everyone has these
but hey they're really nice quality I recommend them so yeah if you guys liked
this video be sure to give it a thumbs up comment down below and subscribe is
that upload three times a week Sunday Wednesday and Saturday so I will see you
guys on Saturday with a really funny video by the way it's gonna be so good
I'm very excited so stay tuned
For more infomation >> a mini backpack tour! (fjallraven kanken) - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
INSTAGRAM CONTROLS MY LIFE *running in my underwear* - Duration: 9:27.
theres a motor cycling shane just go okay hey what's up guys my name is Shane Viaene
for those of you that are new to my channel for those because it or not
welcome back so today's video is actually going to be
super super super exciting I'm going to be filming instagram controls my life
for the day so all you guys this is super exciting for you guys because you
guys get to control my life so right now on my Instagram which once you guys are
watching this a little too late but right now on my Instagram I am doing an
Instagram controls my life so right now on my phone on my Instagram I have my
first pull up and it is hanging out with Katie or chillin by the pool all day
really I hope I get to show by the pool day because that's not super interesting
but it will make for a good video anyway without further ado let's hop in this
video and we'll get into the first options okay so I did the first poll and
it was to see if I wanted to chill by the pool all day which I was hoping for
or to hang out with Katie but almost 88% of you guys voted for Katie here's the
poll and here's the results an disappointed kinda wanted to lay by the
pool all day but I guess I'm gonna hang on Katie
just kidding I'm gonna hang with Katie okay so option number two ever to choose
my office this is one of my outfits it is a white not today's shirt from pax or
forever 21 and then I khakis from Tilly's and then the other one was my
black Calvin Klein shirt and just ripped some ripped jeans from American no I am
becoming fish so on to the next poll okay so option number three is what
should I listen to and I'm in my car I have number one option is taste by Tyga
and number two option is no music at all and I do not want to be no music I love
listen to music in my car and I hate not listening to music it is so boring so
I'm hoping that you guys choose option number one but knowing you guys little
savages will predict number two okay so it's only been a few minutes but you
guys are pulling through and it is 93 percent that I listen to
Tyga in the car so think of okay so we just hit the ten-minute mark and we got
a 97% on Tyga's taste so thank goodness I don't have to
the car and that listen to music okay I'm in the car right now and I know I'm
not driving I'm currently parked time to jam out okay so I'm gonna drive to Cadiz
and it should take just as long as the song so it'll be perfect so I'll see you
guys when I read the case for the next option okay we're here with option
number four and our options are a spoonful of mayo or a spoonful of Dijon
mustard and I hate both mail and mustard so this is going to be so interesting so
I have the pull up right now it just started I'm gonna give it ten minutes
and when I come back I hope it's the mustard but knowing you guys it'll
probably the mail update we are halfway through and it is 50/50 right now and I
don't want I know what either of these they're both so nasty
so I guess orders hoping to get it over with that's what we're hoping for right
now to get it over with okay so I gave it like 45 minutes because I really
wanted it to not eat Mayo but male 1 by I think like eight or nine votes like
literally here and I'm both so I have to eat mail so pray for me we're gonna do
the head my spoon I have min Mayo this is literally gonna be so nasty I hate
mail so much this is little oh my god I need to get a cup ready so I can get a
drink okay here goes nothing Cheers
that was literally the nastiest thing I've ever done
okay on to the next one okay so I just found something it was so funny so
Katie's not with me right now she's still in her car so she can't hear any
of this but I want to prank Katie and so I have
two options two options I have two options so I'm either gonna prank Katie
or I'm gonna do something crazy in public either one you guys gonna decide
so I'm gonna go put that up right now and we'll wait until I get there I'll
block Katie for my story so she can't see because I'll be driving so I'll
block her from my sirs you can't see they saw her at Target hopefully you
guys are deciding she has no idea it's happening
okay we're starting the poll we're gonna start okay so we're gonna we're just
gonna I'm just gonna ignore annoy her the entire time we're here no that's
mine I'm just gonna no you the whole time we're here okay that's what my
Instagram posts are to do so good luck but knowing Katie hey Katie this is just
perfect for you it says be your own kind of beautiful because no one can find it
savage someone below summoned a little angry today are you still a team little
egg do you she's trying to force her Instagram brain good you fight me come
at me fighters pose go
they can only see my hand w Marty doing is I'm saying don't annoy me don't she's
trying to do her video right now and oh
guys a contact flagged or inappropriate
okay I'm done okay we just got back from Target and I'm about to do option number
six and the options are jump in a lake with my clothes on
or number two run across the street which is this is the main street run
across the street with just my underwear on I don't know which one I want
none of them sound good so I'm gonna go put this up and see what you guys say
68% of you guys voted that I came nine then I run down the road nice man you
were annoying the earlier then I run down the road and dress my underwear so
that's what we're about to do run down the road and just my underwear and keys
gonna record it for us oh my gosh now under better things welcome back to my
channel guys bomb oh happy Chan I'm dying my eyes run down that way need to
run this way which way run down touch the sign and then come back sign so
that's that side run down jump up and touch it and then run back okay I'm
gonna go run and touch that side and I'll be back that's because that's like
more than across the street okay honey I definitely something I sure ask oh that
makes it good go no no it's just it's Josh it's a motorcycle waiting she just
go okay wait wait three - right go
can you put your clothes on please like ooh what is he doing
why okay guys for the last option option number seven for dinner I have a burger
and fries for a salad and I kinda want burger and fries but I need to be
healthy so maybe a salad devote a salad cuz you looking a little thick
I'm skipping okay first off yeah either one I think I think we'll be good I'm
kind of in the mood for a burger and fries but like you all need to yeah go
vote because we need to eat and we're waiting in the parking lot right now
also can I just tell you guys I'm loosing percentage of my phone's plugged
in so yeah that's the thing okay so this is the current standings for what I
should get for dinner and we are because we're starving and we want to eat okay
this is not about you it's about me okay so it's been 20 minutes I will murder
you okay so I won by cyghfer go on by 68% so we're gonna go get burger and
fries because I'm starving and I can't wait hey shout out to anyone who voted
for this because this looks so freakin good
she even salad oh yes let's come out to you so good thank you guys so much for
watching I hope you guys did enjoy that video it was just insane you guys were
just basically controlling my life all day long and you guys made me do some
crazy things so anyway if you guys are not following all my social media well
if you weren't following that Instagram what are you doing I mean this whole
video is about Instagram so if you guys want to follow me on Instagram Twitter
or snap all my social medias will be linked on the screen right here in front
of me I'll save you guys have not subscribed to me yet you guys should
definitely do that it's either here here or wherever they put it also make sure
you guys get a big big big thumbs up as always click that thumbs up button you
know the big one also click the notification bow see you guys
whenever I upload a new video because YouTube doesn't seems not to do that
anymore so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys
next time bye
Cyberpunk 2077 Online - Duration: 8:16.
Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen show!
I am your host the MadQueen
On today's menu we have a surprise!
a new Cyberpunk 2077 discussion video for you, and today we're
going to talk about Cyberpunk online
Please note, this is a huge warning, that everything that I'm going to explain here is speculation,
but I'm going to show you the base of all this speculation
so you will see where I come from
If you're new to the channel, don't forget to subscribe to the most annoying Cyberpunk
YouTuber, in here you will find daily content of your future favorite game Cyberpunk 2077
Let's talk about Cyberpunk online
We've known for long, first as a well-known secret due to the constant references to multiplayer
features by the CEO of CD Projekt Adam Kiciński, and the co-founder Marcin Iwiński, and it
seems that now is officially a thing, that Cyberpunk is going to contain some online
element, although it hasn't been fully explained yet
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At first it was thought that Cyberpunk 2077 was going to include this multiplayer but now we officially
know that the game is going to be a single player experience, so some are speculating
about the possibility of having a multiplayer feature included in a future DLC or expansion,
although hints lead us to believe that there is a possibility that Cyberpunk online will
be a game different than Cyberpunk 2077
that will be released around a year after Cyberpunk 2077 is out
In the report on the CD Projekt Capital Group activity in 2017, that you can download in
the official CD Projekt web, in the plans between 2017-2021 we have a very interesting
note: the release of another Triple-A story-driven RPG apart from Cyberpunk 2077
It's not the first time that I talk about this report and when I talked previously people
said they were talking about Thronebreaker
I mean, seriously, Thronebreaker has already been announced so they would call it Thronebreaker,
and not this mysterious new project
that, by the way, this mysterious new project
has been around way before, almost as much as Cyberpunk, but
with no substantial information, the community believed this project had been discarded,
but mentioning it in their Capital Group Activity is pretty official and reassuring
Being the release so close to Cyberpunk one would easily assume we're talking about
a new game of the Witcher series, like I originally did but I was wrong, but if we go back
in time, to 2016, there's this lovely interview for GameSpot to the co-founder of CD Projekt
Marcin Iwiński where they talk about the success of the Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077,
this other mysterious RPG, and the future of the Witcher Universe and Iwiński says this
Do you think, then, looking forward into, if you're talking about cyberpunk and your
other projects, is this the end of the Witcher for a while, then?
Like one spot in line?
Definitely, that's a closure, you know, I was asked about it before if there would
be a Witcher 4 or whatnot, what can I say?
We love the world, we're huge fans of Sapkowski's writings, but if something will happen, maybe
somewhere down the line, but we don't have anything planned, honestly speaking, there's
nothing we are working on right now, I think we need to rest, we spent the last 14 years
in this world, we love it, but right now is the Cyberpunk time and we have really to put
everything we've got and then deliver here
In this interview sometimes it sounds like
this new project is a new IP, but Iwiński says that they have enough in their plate
already, they are totally committed to Cyberpunk which doesn't give space for a new IP at
the moment, so with his words you could understand that they were going to finish Cyberpunk 2077
first and then start with this new project, because this interview is from 2016 and then
we were young and full of hope that Cyberpunk was near
But there are two things that invalidate this theory
First, on the Pareto Security Gaming Seminar past February, the CEO of CD Projekt Adam
Kiciński clearly said that the company's mid-long term plan didn't include any other
IP that wasn't Cyberpunk or the Witcher, so it can't be a new IP
So, Kiciński said it can only be the Witcher or Cyberpunk
and Iwiński said that it won't be the Witcher
So it can only be Cyberpunk
And the second thing is that the date of completion of this mysterious new RPG is supposed to
be before 2021, considering that the demo we saw at E3 was a pre-alpha we're at early
stages of development meaning that we still will need at least a year and a half or two
years to be able to play Cyberpunk 2077, meaning that they're working on two games of Cyberpunk
at the same time
But deliver a sequel of Cyberpunk 2077 some months to a year after the game is released
sounds pretty strange, obviously we expect DLCs and expansions because CD Projekt already
got us used to that, even though they only did it in the third Witcher, but getting used
to good things is easy, and if Cyberpunk is bigger and better than the Wild Hunt I think
everybody is expecting at least a couple of expansions, one of them the 4th Corporate
War, well maybe that is just me, but what I mean with that is you need some time to
make things properly so a sequel so close..
what do you think of it?
On the other hand, in the same interview with GameSpot, Iwiński also said this
and if one day we'll do online, we'll do online our way
It will be different
Well, I hope "Differently" means without
loot boxes and you keep your word about it when Cyberpunk it's an online game
For all these reasons I believe that this new game will be an online roleplaying campaign,
because it's an RPG, that's the only thing we know about it, and multiplayer will be
out somewhere, but this is my crazy speculation, now I'd like to know what do you think about
it, leave a comment and let me know
Well, folks, thanks for watching!
Don't forget to take a look at our Cyberpunk 2077 lore playlist to learn everything about
the dark future
See you in next videos and Stay Being Amazing
Juice WRLD Type Beat ft. Nav [FREE] - "Lonely" | Type Beat 2018 | Rap/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:56.
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Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 2 августа 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:43.
LMPD warns parents after apparent abduction attempts at Norton Commons - Duration: 2:06.
Bayes in science and everyday life: Crash Course Statistics #25 - Duration: 11:14.
Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and Welcome back to Crash Course, Statistics.
Bayesian Hypothesis Testing--or Bayesian Inference--is a great way to model the way we reason about
things in everyday life.
We collect evidence and experience and we use it to build our beliefs about the world.
We collect information on whether certain facial expressions mean that someone is upset.
Whether clouds outside mean it's going to be cold today.
Or whether people who smoke are more likely to have lung cancer.
But Bayesian methods are useful above and beyond updating our personal beliefs.
Bayes has helped companies make marketing decisions--like which color to use on their website.
And it has helped researchers to quantify their results in scientific studies.
And today, we're going to talk about it.
First, you may have noticed that so far when we talk about the math of Bayes' Theorem,
we've been using discrete variables, like whether or not you're a star wars fan, or
whether or not you have a disease.
But Bayes' Theorem can help us update beliefs that involve continuous variables too.
The math of Bayes' Theorem with a continuous variable is a bit more complicated than in
the discrete case.
Science writer Sharon Bertsch McGrayne called it, "a Theorem in want of a computer...".
In fact for much of the 20th century, Scientists and Statisticians who wanted to use Bayes
were limited in their ability to do so by a lack of computational power.
But we still want answers to those more complicated problems.
Sometimes we want to know whether dogs who are walked regularly are less likely to damage furniture.
Or whether House Elves have lower intelligence than Wizards...which is an example of Bayesian
Hypothesis testing from a Harry Potter themed article by Alexander Etz and Joachim Vandekerckhove.
Guess you'd better update your prior belief about how cool statisticians are😎.
The ideas behind continuous and discrete Bayesian Inference are exactly the same.
We take our prior beliefs--what we believe before we've seen new evidence--and update
it with the likelihood of our evidence.
This is called the Bayes Factor when comparing two models.
Once we've updated, our new beliefs are called our "Posterior" beliefs.
If we're comparing two models, they are called our posterior odds.
But instead of simple, discrete probabilities, we have probability distributions.
For example, let's look at the ever present problem of whether or not a coin is biased.
Before you start your experiment to test the fairness of your coin, you decide that you
know almost nothing about whether or not it's biased.
So your prior probability of getting tails is a uniform distribution between 0 (never
tails) and 1(always tails).
You consider all probabilities of getting tails--we'll call that theta--equally likely.
You have a friend flip the coin in question 5 times, and they get 1 tail.
Which seems unlikely, though not impossible for a fair coin.
Using the Binomial Probability Formula we know that the probability of this happening
with a fair coin is about 16%.
Note this new notation for 5 choose 1, you're most likely to run into this in the stats world.
So how does this evidence update your belief about what the real probability of getting
a tail is for this coin?
Before we show the Bayesian calculation, let's take a moment to figure out what we think
without the math.
Since we saw at least one head and one tails, we can rule out both the probabilities 0 and 1.
And we think that probabilities very close to 0 and 1 are unlikely too.
Because it'd be REALLY rare to see only one tail if the probability of tails were 0.99.
And similarly rare to see a tail at all if the probability were 0.001.
Now we can do the Bayesian calculation and see if it matches our intuition.
Here's Bayes' Theorem, but for this continuous problem:
We won't get too stuck on the math, but we can see that this is the same old Bayes'
Theorem that we've seen before...just continuous.
When we plug in this formula to a graphing program to show our posterior, it looks like this:
The Y axis tells us the relative probability of a theta--in this case theta is the probability
of getting tails-- and the x axis shows us all the possible values of theta between 0 and 1.
We can see that we took our prior distribution (the dotted line)...
and updated it using the likelihood of the data, which told us the probability of getting
1 out of 5 tails for EVERY potential probability of getting tails that a coin could have.
Once we updated our prior beliefs, about which probabilities are the most likely, our posterior
beliefs are represented like this (the solid line).
Anything on the curve that is above the dotted prior line represents a theta that became
more likely after we saw the data.
And anything on the curve that is below the dotted line is a theta that became less likely.
And this matches our intuition; Thetas that are close to 1 and 0 became less
likely, while thetas around 0.1-0.5 became more likely.
So maybe we have a fair coin here...but it seems more likely that it's biased.
Businesses like Bayes because it allows them to take into account previous knowledge and
expert opinion when they make their calculations.
Let's look at an example of how a business might use Bayesian inference.
We'll keep the math to a minimum, but if you're interested in learning more, you
can check out this awesome blog post by Will Kurt on countbayesie.com which we based this
next example on.
And the link is in the description.
Say you're a beauty blogger, and you send out weekly emails encouraging your followers
to read your latest blog post.
The more people who click, the more money you make, and so you want the most clickable
emails ever.
Your friend, who's also in the blogging business, told you that adding a picture at
the top of your email gets more people to click, but you want to test that idea out
with your own readers.
Normally, your click rate is around 30%, so you decide to represent your prior beliefs
about your true click rate using this function:
Values around 30% are most likely, but it's possible your true click rates are higher
or lower than that.
You randomly select 300 of your followers to be a part of your experiment--often called
an A/B test in the business world--and send half the email with a cute picture of you
with your poodle, Ginger as well as the normal content.
The other half gets your standard pictureless email.
You anxiously await the results, anad three days later you have them:
You use the new information you have about your two emails to update your original beliefs
about your click rate.
Since the two groups were the same before you assigned them to get either email No Dog
Pictures or with Dog Pictures, you use the same prior for both groups.
Once you've incorporated this new evidence, your Posterior distributions look like this:
And they tell you how likely each click rate is under your new, posterior beliefs about
each group.
It looks like the group with pictures is likely to have a higher click rate... but you can't
know for sure.
One way to get more information to make your decision is to randomly simulate a bunch of
samples - one at a time.
The samples come from each of your two posterior distributions and then you count how often
the group with pictures' click rate is higher than the group that didn't get a picture
in their email.
That percentage will tell you roughly how likely it is that the group that got pictures
will have a higher click rate than the group who did not.
You decide that if in 70% of your simulation samples the group with pictures has a higher
click rate, you'll include glamor shots of Ginger in all your new emails.
Using Bayesian methods to analyze this question allowed you to "inject" your own prior
beliefs into the analysis, which is important when making business decisions.
Businesses often want to make the best decision in the most cost efficient way, which means
taking advantage of all the information you have; not only data, but prior knowledge of
the field and expert opinion.
Your prior knowledge about the click rate of your emails made it possible for you to
start your analysis knowing it's pretty unlikely your click rate was very near 0,
or very near 1.
Bayesian analyses can be incredibly useful in science, as well.
A study on Dissociative Identity Disorder (or DID)--formerly called Multiple Personality
Disorder--looked at whether people with D-I-D had different "memory" between personalities.
If one person had two separate personalities, Bob and Alice, researchers were interested
in whether something that person learned as "Bob" could be remembered by that person
when they were "Alice".
In order to test this idea, participants were shown a few pictures and told a story.
They then waited a little while, and answered 15 multiple choice questions about the material.
There were 3 different groups of participants:
A group of DID patients - who were asked to learn the materials in one personality and
switch to another personality before the test.
A pretend amnesiacs group - without DID who did not see the materials.
And a maligners group without DID who saw the materials but were told to pretend they
hadn't and answer as if they had never heard the story or
seen the pictures.
Researchers wanted to know whether the patients with DID, the people who had never seen the materials,
and the people who were pretending not to have seen the materials had the same mean accuracy on the test.
This would help researchers and cognitive scientists understand more about how memory works in DID patients.
Using Null Hypothesis Significance testing, researchers could try to address whether all
three groups had the same mean score on the test, but even if they rejected the null hypothesis
that all three groups are the same, they wouldn't be able to say how much more likely it was
that all three groups were different.
Bayesian methods can tell you that.
And a Group of researchers did analyze the data this way, and found out that the Bayes
Factor for these models was about 4,000!
That means that the data that the researchers saw should update our beliefs by a lot.
No matter what you believed before hand, your updated beliefs will most likely reflect the
fact that it's more likely that these three groups--DID patients, people who didn't
see the materials, and people who pretended not to see the materials--are three distinct groups.
And it's interesting, because it provides evidence that people with DID may not just
be pretending to not remember things that were learned while they were in a different
personality... but they may not quite be behaving the same as people who really had never seen
the materials, which is what you might expect if two personalities were completely separate.
And while Bayesian inference is increasingly popular in many scientific fields like Psychology,
it's also being used right now in many places near you.
Bayesian methods are used to help translate one language to another, and to suggest which
items you might buy next based on the fact that you just bought four silicone sponges,
a Sandalwood Candle, and whiteboard markers.
Bayes can help figure out which allergy medicine you'll react best to based on your genetic profile.
And Bayes plays a role in creating artificial intelligence that can do pretty amazing things, like
understanding that it's more likely that you said "Siri, Turn on the lights" and
not "Siri, Learn all the Sites !"
Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
Nicki Minaj Pushes Back Release of 'Queen' Again - Duration: 1:26.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
If you're a Barb who had August 10th circled on their calendar for the release of Nicki
Minaj's fourth album Queen, you should shift all of your plans to August 17.
This is the latest shift in the album's release date, after originally being set to
drop on June 15.
Last night on Twitter, Nicki opened up about her situation, which involves a rapper and
a sample.
"So there's a record on #Queen that features 1of the greatest rappers of all time.
Had no clue it sampled the legend #TracyChapman - do I keep my date & lose the record?
Or do I lose the record & keep my date?
do we push #Queen back 1week?
I'm torn, y'all help" - Nicki Minaj via Twitter
Minaj also tweeted asking for Tracy Chapman to holler at her about the situation.
At one point, she deleted both tweets and set up a poll asking fans if she should drop
on August 10th and lose the record or wait a week.
On the poll, 51 percent of the over 106,000 votes she received suggested that Nicki push
the date back a week.
It looks like Nicki took their advice, announcing in the notes section of her recently-released
Essentials playlist on Apple Music that Queen would now be dropping on August 17.
As of right now, there's no word on what the actual song Nicki was working on contained,
but of course when it comes to Tracy the smart money is always on a "Fast Car" sample.
And who could this featured GOAT be?
The lack of a Jay collab is a glaring omission in NIcki's catalog?
Or it could be Eminem, who I could totally see getting on a Chapman sample and has a
working relationship with Ms Minaj going back to her first album.
Anyway it has to be worth it if she decided to push the release back another week.
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
For more updates on Queen, keep it locked right here to Complex on YouTube.
NEW LITTLE LIVE PETS by Moose Toys | Surprise Dragon, Dancing Unicorn, Light-Up Bird - Duration: 2:32.
I found these
It's a Surprise Dragon
Hi! Do you like Little Live Pets?
What's your favorite that you've seen
I like this.
What do you like about it?
It's fuzzy
What are those up there?
This is the same thing
This is this egg
It just comes on it's own
Can I see what it's like when it's just new
You put it in its shell, and it comes out
It will come out
Wait for it to hatch
So, this is Sparkles (Dancing Unicorn)
Oh look, it hatched!
What are these things for up here
This is the dragon, the light up bird
The dancing unicorn
It's really cute, right?
I have a question
Can I see what it's like to have a new hatching dragon
When we open them and see
You can name your dragon
You can have 'em as a pet
It's super fun, right?
It says "Tweet, tweet, tweet"
Nueva Mascota!!/ Craft Mania #9 - Duration: 17:38.
Venom Előzetes #2 | Magyar Felirattal - Duration: 3:15.
VLTV - Mưa sao băng Anh Tiên thắp sáng bầu trời đêm tháng 8/2018 - Duration: 1:38.
سر التغيير ◆ أسرار مهمة لحياة متوازنة ◆ كلام لايقدر بثمن للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 16:02.
Entre amigas: respondendo DÚVIDAS AMOROSAS com a amiga americana! - Duration: 9:23.
Conrad and Nic | I believe you - Duration: 3:13.
So, you know, I've been meaning to ask, you and Nic...
that still a thing?
She doesn't think so, but...
I think she's worth fighting for. Don't you?
Oh, hell yeah.
"No gamers, no slackers, no doctors."
That's pretty clear.
I'm trying.
This was never our problem.
Then what was?
If I don't know what I did,
how can I fix it?
You can't.
It's not your fault.
It feels like it is.
I will do whatever it takes to get you back.
I don't know where we're going.
I need you.
And he's not my boy.
Not anymore.
Ooh, look at you, pretending not to care.
I'm not pretending.
You found me.
Wasn't lookin' for you.
That's on me.
That's about you.
About Nic...
I think he still loves you, Nic.
You can give her what I can't.
God, you just had to be a hero.
It's who you are.
You told me repeatedly that this thing was over between us. I just didn't want to hear it.
You need to decide if you're still in love with him.
Can we talk about this?
Are we really not gonna talk about this?
No, we're not.
How long have you been in love with him?
I have your heart.
You're wearing the ring he gave you.
Belonged to his mother.
Why didn't you tell me it belonged to her?
I wanted you to feel like it was yours alone.
Thank you for today.
Every day, actually.
She said, "Give it to the love of your life."
God, I love it when you believe in me.
I never stopped believing in you.
You must mean a great deal to him if he gave it to you.
You want it back?
You earned it.
By the way, you two make a very cute couple.
Don't do this. Don't shut me out.
This isn't like you.
But you got to trust me.
I should have listened to you sooner,
believed what you said about Lane,
but I just... I didn't.
What did you do this time?
What do you want me to say?
I guess you don't know Nic as well as you think you do.
But you believe me, right?
Of course I believe you.
Because it's not your fault.
It's mine.
I know what you're gonna say, that you're fine and you don't need my help.
No, I am not fine and I do need your help.
Are you all right?
I'm sorry...
for everything.
I'm gonna find the money for bail, and I'm gonna get you out of here.
I told you, I will get you out today.
You can't promise that.
This isn't over yet.
Conrad, it's...
I know, I know, I know. It's still complicated.
Nice to see you two are happening again.
Nothing's happening again.
I'm glad you're back.
Town of Wilkesboro working on plan to fix sinkhole - Duration: 1:40.
Apopka officials vote on stricter bear ordinances - Duration: 1:34.
hey guys today we're gonna apply a hair mask using Indian clay or bentonite
clay for the purpose of removing toxins built up and even dandruff... if you
want to learn how to make it how to apply it and to see results stay tune first
ingredient we need is bentonite clay and it has to be a hundred percent natural
you can use this one right here the indian clay we're gonna grab half a cup
of the bentonite clay we need the same measure which is half of a cup and right
here I just added less than half of a teaspoon of coconut oil my hair is
completely wet and you have to do that it makes a lot of sense when you want it
to distribute the hair mask and also detangle your hair you have to start
from the roots so it can also be beneficial for people to use a lot of
hot tools so this will give you that extra strength and then your hair needs
this will help your hair to remove all the products and everything that is
stuck in your hair and it doesn't let it grow healthy when you apply hair
products it will let your hair actually take and absorb the products because
there's no built out that is blocking that we have to allow the bentonite clay
to sit in our hair for about 20 minutes don't let it be more than that when it
gets super dry it is really difficult to take it off this is how my hair looks
the next day it feels a little bit strong and you know something when I was
washing my hair I was so surprised my hair felt so smooth like super nice and
soft right after I dry it it felt very dry
for a thing now that it's the next day my hair looks a very nice personally I
won't do it every week because the process it was kind of like long I still
think that maybe once a month will be fine if you wanted to give it a little
bit of a deep clean to your hair thank you so much for watching if you
subscribe don't forget to hit the notification bells so you
don't miss any of my videos don't forget to give me a thumbs up I will see you on
Friday pura vida!
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