Title: Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube)
سر التغيير ◆ أسرار مهمة لحياة متوازنة ◆ كلام لايقدر بثمن للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 16:02.-------------------------------------------
4 Easy Hasselback Potato Recipes - HGTV - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
WTCN Ferit TWİTCH EDİTS 221 İZLİYOR ! - Duration: 11:08.-------------------------------------------
I am Back and Big Announcement - Duration: 5:25.
Hi my dearest! I'm back after a break of several months, but don't worry
We will catch it because I have a very very big project,
which I will tell you in the end of this video. You will like it very much,
but before I tell you about our future
I want to tell you about my past, what happened in the last year and why I wasn't very active on YouTube.
First of all, before this YouTube channel, I made one YouTube channel for children.
The name of that channel is doonyasha Toys.
I'll also leave the link under my video. That channel is my main job.
I have this one already two and a half years.
On that channel you can't see me and I decided to also make some videos with me and with my cat. It is this channel.
So I made it one year ago.
I had a lot of plans to post it all the time, but I didn't know the many many other
important life events will happen in my life and that I won't be able to be very regular here. First of all, is that
last summer. I was finishing my studies. I had to write a thesis for the end of my bachelor studies.
I studied Economy.
Finally in December I graduated.
Bravo for me! xDDD
Besides preparing my thesis. I also went to
Theater Olympiad with my friends and colleagues from my drama studio "Znakovi".
It was really such a great experience, pleasure and honour to be invited to present our
country with our theatre show.
So, preparing thesis, graduation, theatre olympiad are
Very very very important events that happened in 2017.
In December after I graduated, I moved to Switzerland
Today is the 1st of August and it is a national day of Switzerland.
That is one of the reasons why I decided to start everything again from
this day.
Before I moved to Switzerland
I lived in Belgrade. For you who don't have a clue where the Belgrade is, I will just show you a map.
Belgrade is one very beautiful city with impressive history, ravishing scenery, cool nightlife,
very hospitable people.
I had to move to Switzerland because my partner also lives here and if we want to keep our relationship,
we need to be in the same country. Beside that I also travelled a lot this year.
Finally, everything in my life, every aspect
of my life is
set up organized. And I can really
continue with videos literally every day.
Every day of the week will have special
topic. I won't discover you now.
But if you wanna see then come to my channel every day and then you will see what I will post
every day of a week. I hope it will be one very brightful future for us and
I hope that we have a great communication on my channel,
which I don't doubt at all because I will really make
everything very nice just for you and useful and I also
discover you some amazing stuff that you won't believe are possible, but
stay here, subscribe
if you haven't or if you have just continue to watch and don't forget to turn on the notification bell.
Thank you very much for watching and for listening my life story and for
embarking on our future youtube journey
Kiss you and bye
Jahrein Doların 5 TL Olması Hakkında Konuşuyor - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
Book Dominoes! BookTubeAThon 2018 | Day Three! - Duration: 2:43.Welcome to day three of BookTubeAThon! Today I read Saga, volume two, and I loved
it! I loved it so much! I'm giving it four out of five stars. It is one of my
favorite new to me graphic novels. I...I don't know, it's got cliffhangers. I'm
gonna need to see if my local library carries these books because if not I'm
going to buy them all. And I can't, I don't have space to buy another whole
comic series. But I need to know what happens! This fulfills the challenge of
read something about what you want to do. And for me that's protect and care for
my family, which is what the main characters are doing. It's the most important
thing. And it's just really good. [air turns on] Air conditioning.
Maybe the air conditioning will drown out some of the construction noise. So
today's challenge was another 'you must have books in order to do the challenge'
challenge. Particularly hard backs. It's a domino chain with your books. What mine
lacks in quantity, it makes up for in symbolism. You see, I had my books exiting
my bookshelf. Symbolic of the future book un-hauling and tossing of the bookshelf
that is soon to happen in my life. The books I chose do not necessarily reflect
the books that will actually be leaving my possession, but they are the hardbacks...
hardcovers, that I had on hand. So hope you enjoy my very symbolic book dominoes.
Here's the tally: I've read six out of seven books and done five out of seven
challenges. Happy reading. Meow.
How to build the world's best airline | CNBC Reports - Duration: 5:30.Hot towels, properly plated meals, and champagne.
But my favourite perk here is definitely this flatbed.
These fancy perks are some of the reasons why more than 20 million passengers voted
Singapore Airlines as the top airline this year.
The airline won the coveted award after nine years of losing out to rivals like last year's
winner Qatar Airways, and top competitors like ANA and Emirates.
And what does it take to become the world's best airline?
I'm at Singapore Airlines' training center to find out.
Let's go!
Ask the company and its fans what sets it apart, and you're going to be hearing the
word service a lot.
And the face of that service is the Singapore Girl.
The airline's flight attendants are known colloquially as Singapore Girls.
Since the 1970s, the airline has featured them prominently in its marketing campaigns,
promoting the brand's focus on hospitality.
She's so iconic she even has her own wax figure in the Madame Tussauds museum.
Some people may think a flight attendant is just a waitress, but the acceptance rate of
becoming a Singapore Girl is as low as top universities like Harvard and MIT.
We're looking at about 1,200 people on the average, a year.
Training would be 14 weeks of bringing someone new to the industry and transforming them
into the Singapore Girl.
But this uniform is not an easy one to earn.
Called a sarong kebaya, the Singapore Girl's uniform is originally a traditional outfit
worn in Southeast Asia.
But Singapore Airlines can boast that its version is haute couture.
It was designed by French designer Pierre Balmain in 1968.
I felt really proud and happy to be able to don the kebaya.
Such a pleasure to have this on.
For all the stewardesses, we have different sets of uniforms each year, tailor made to
our body shape
But it's not just about looking pretty.
There are strict guidelines to follow to achieve the desired professional appearance.
So what I have on with me right now is the French twist, which is one of our signature
So there are some girls who end up having to cut their hair and so on?
Yes, that's right.
Oh, interesting.
No crazy nail colours then?
No, not allowed.
So you may think that being a Singapore Girl is just about being pretty.
But we're just getting started.
Elizabeth is going to teach me the basics of serving.
Let me introduce your baby for today.
There're a few rules that you need to take note when holding the tray.
First of all, do not touch the tray to your body, and make sure that it's at your waist
And then, you have to hold it parallel to the aisle so we do not hit the passengers.
And most important, you must have a strong grip of the tray.
And there's the pouring of the champagne, which is a lot harder than it looks.
Okay, don't touch the rim.
Ah, I already touched the rim!
But before customers even board their flight, there's the lounge.
You know you've made it, when you get to the private room.
It's the most exclusive part of the SilverKris lounge and it's only open to first class
and suites passengers.
The best part?
You get to enjoy yourself with a view of the plane you're about to board.
And if you don't enjoy that, you could just get table service
And if all else fails, you can always get a drink at the bar.
But does being the world's best airline always mean good business?
In the challenging airline industry, the answer is not always clear cut.
Nitin Pangarkar has been studying the airline for decades.
He says that it's still perceived as the gold standard in service.
They smile at you, some people say it's fairly robotic.
Whether it's robotic or not, I would like somebody to smile at me.
But its profitability came into public focus when it posted its first loss in five years
in 2017.
They provide good service.
There's no doubt about that.
That's one index of performance.
But the other index of performance is the profitability, right?
The profitability will allow you to keep providing excellent service.
If you don't have profitability, you can provide excellent service today but you may
not be able to continue to do so.
The company should be on track to better earnings.
Last year, it launched a transformation program which helped it this year to record its best
full year profit in seven years.
Yet that transformation stirred debate after the airline put in new pricing policies like
charging some passengers for seat selection.
Some say that has diluted its X factor in service, but Pangarkar warns that service
is not king in the airline business.
Good service and profitability definitely do not have a correlation of 1.0
In an industry where innovation is quickly copied, Singapore Airlines is still trying
to be a first mover.
This month, it became the first airline to launch a digital wallet powered by blockchain
technology, allowing its members to use frequent flyer miles to pay for facials, sandwiches
and even gas.
For now, passengers are saying that the airline is the best way to fly.
But in a competitive airline industry, there's no guarantee that there will be blue skies
Hi high flyers.
It's Xin En.
Thanks for watching.
If you want to check out more of our videos, we've got one on India and another about
the World Cup.
As always, feel free to leave any suggestions for future videos in our comments section.
Thanks for watching, see you next time and don't forget to subscribe.
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