Hello friends how are you:
Our topic today: "How to care for and heal your liver"
Welcome to my channel: Ana CONTIGO Liver cancer is on the rise and for
that you have an idea only in the United States the number of deaths from cancer in this organ,
between 2000 and 2016 it increased by approximately 41%.
Worldwide, hepatocellular carcinoma of liver cancer is the second leading
cause of death from cancer due to its high prevalence and the difficulty of treatment.
The researchers warn that by 2030, the global rate of liver cancer will double.
In other diseases related to the liver such as cirrhosis, which is scarring
of the liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver are seen more and more frequently.
Cirrhosis has increased in a very important way among people with ages in the range
that goes between 25 and 34 years old, that is, extremely young.
And what is driving this increase? According to the researchers, the increase
of mortality due to cirrhosis is due exclusively to excessive consumption of alcohol in people
young boys. Cirrhosis that is an irreversible scarring
of the liver can also be caused by obesity, by non-alcoholic fatty liver
and for hepatitis, it can cause fatal liver failure and / or liver cancer.
Food, exercise, our weight, smoking and alcohol consumption
they can also play an important role either in the increase or in the reduction
of the possibilities of developing some form of liver disease, that is our
lifestyle has a lot to do with the health of our liver and with our health
general. Within the group of people who have more
risk are also people suffering from an autoimmune disease,
people who already have a chronic inflammation of the liver and people who have their liver
damaged due to episodes of hepatitis B or C.
The good news is that fortunately, liver damage related to alcohol can
be reversible whenever it is detected on time and if you stop drinking forever.
While alcohol-related cirrhosis is increasing mortality rates,
in the case of liver damage that is not caused by alcohol consumption, the damage
may be driven by excessive sugar consumption, so unfortunately now
you can even see this damage in young children; so imagine the magnitude
of this problem. Liver damage usually does not present
symptoms, although it can cause fatigue, jaundice which is yellowish coloration
of the skin and mucous membranes due to an increase in bilirubin that accumulates in the tissues;
swelling of the legs and abdomen may also occur, mental confusion
and more. If left untreated, it can cause inflammation
of the liver, called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and can cause liver cancer or failure
hepatic However, in the same way that happens with
Alcohol-related cirrhosis can be reversed in its early stages by carrying
proper nutrition and exercise. The most important thing is that we must eliminate
Processed fructose and other added sugars from our diet.
Fructose affects the liver in very similar ways to how alcohol does.
Unlike glucose, which can be used by virtually all cells
of the body, fructose can only be metabolized by the liver.
As all fructose is transported to our liver, if you consume it in large quantities,
you end up causing the same damage that both alcohol and toxins produce.
The way in which the liver metabolizes fructose is similar to that of alcohol, so they become
in fat and this can not only cause fatty liver but can also cause
Insulin resistance and dyslipidemia that is when we have abnormal levels of fat
in our blood. Excess fructose oxidizes our body
and can cause inflammation. Remember that fructose is also found in
processed foods, one more reason to eat real food.
On the other hand, when your body is exposed to a chronic excess of glucose, of sugars,
these sugars are also finally metabolized into fructose.
Then the first thing we must do is to clean up our diet; the body can learn
to find another source of energy, will start to burn fat as fuel as well
that you will do a huge favor to your liver and your body, it will help you with being overweight
or with excess body fat, eye that although you look thin on the outside, inside
You can be what I call "a skinny fat man", you look thin and that's why you think you're
good and healthy but inside your body composition is not healthy, the important thing is the relationship
that you have between your muscle mass and fat. We can also observe people who are
thin but have belly, fat in the abdomen.
In the description box of this video I'm leaving some interesting links that
They talk about these issues: the one that talks about "Chronic Inflammation"
and the diseases it produces "; the one who talks about "insulin resistance"
and the one that talks about the keys to thin part 1 and 2 "where I deal with the subject of composition
bodily. Below where the description of the video appears
I leave a comment with the links of these videos, select and take you directly
let's see. Also if you open the description where it says "Show More" you will find
with the links of other series that may interest you.
Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and from there you will always be able to access all my videos.
That said, we continue; There are herbs, vitamins and some supplement
which are good for the liver, for example: The milk thistle: the milk thistle is a
grass that has been used for thousands of years not only to promote the health of
liver but also for the kidneys and the gallbladder.
It has an active ingredient, a flavonoid, which is called silymarin, which is responsible
of the antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
Protects the liver and promotes a healthy function because in addition to other effects
A bit more complicated to explain: • Suppresses cellular inflammation.
• Reduces liver damage caused by various medications and environmental toxins,
such as paracetamol, chemotherapy, psychotropic medications and alcohol.
• Increases glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant that helps with detoxification
of heavy metals and other harmful substances. We also have the supplement called
N-acetylcysteine: Alcohol and paracetamol are two compounds
commons that are metabolized by the liver and that are related to liver damage
because they reduce the glutathione that I just mentioned as a powerful antioxidant.
It is a powerful protector of the liver, this supplement "NAC"; is an alternative for
support liver health in people suffering from hepatitis C and other liver diseases
Chronicles. There is also a vitamin that helps protect
Liver function is the natural form of vitamin B-9, folate.
Increasing your consumption decreases the chances of liver damage occurring
It gives the liver a certain degree of protection against damage and can also
decrease the one that is related to pesticides. On the contrary, having folate deficiency
It can increase the risk of liver cancer. Folate can be found in vegetables
of green leaves like spinach, Swiss chard, on asparagus, Brussels sprouts,
in avocados and especially in broccoli.
However, we must also say that it is recommended to avoid acid supplements
folic because, although it is easily absorbed, the intestines can not convert this form
in the same way they do with folate that comes directly from food; as
the liver is who is responsible for converting it can produce an overexposure if
We consume many vegetables but at the same time we supplement with folic acid.
As I always recommend, it is best to eat varied and real food and in any case
If you need a boost your doctor is the one who should recommend it to you.
And I ask you: like me, do you like to drink coffee?
you'll be glad to know that it seems to have a protective effect against hepatocellular carcinoma
which is a serious form of liver cancer. Drinking a cup of coffee a day reduces the
risk by 20% .; two cups reduce by 35% and five cups by up to 50% clear
Drinking too much can also have negative effects especially if you are pregnant
It might be a good idea to avoid it. It is best to take it black, without milk or sugar
and if it's organic better. Friends understand that all this information
It may be a bit dense to digest, but finally the main message is that for
to have good health we must take great care of our liver, we must consent because
He is one of the main detoxification factories of our body.
If we recharge it with alcohol, processed products that are full of chemicals, food
contaminated with pesticides and if we also consume a lot of sugars, a lot of fructose, we'll have
undesirable results in our health at some time.
Whether you already have a problem with your Liver or not; please be aware,
The damage is reversible if we treat it in time and better if it never occurs.
Here I leave the link of this other video that is related to our topic today;
and also in a comment and the description box. If you liked this video, like it and do not forget
share it, subscribe to my channel Ana CONTIGO, and let me know if you want us to talk about any
another issue related to health and well-being. The invitation as always is to: "Take care
our Body, Care for our Temple. " A big hug and until next time, Ciao!
For more infomation >> HOW TO CARE AND HEAL YOUR LIVER - Duration: 11:00.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Todo cambio | Camila | - Duration: 2:39.
8 Finales Secretos en Los Videojuegos que No Creeras que Existen - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 11:12.
What If A Saber-Toothed Tiger Fought A Titaniboa Snake? - Duration: 5:01.
Monster snake versus ginormous tiger?
Well this sounds interesting.
Who would win?!
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to talk
about a whole host of topics from politics to science, to pop culture, to history and
At the moment we're on a weird trend of virtually fighting extinct super animals.
Just cause.
I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and TODAY we're asking what if a sabre toothed tiger
fought a Titaniboa Snake.
As a Slytherin, I am forever team snek, but what about you?
Are you snake or are you tiger?
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Okay – The Sabre Tooth Tiger, or Smilodon, to use its official name, lived between 2.5
million years ago and 10 thousand years ago.
Fun fact, despite its name, it isn't actually closely related to the toger.
Anyway, the old sabre tooth was, as its colloquial name suggests, a toothy ol chap with fangy
canine teeth that measured around 28 cms long, almost as long as a medium ruler stick.
The biggest of the sabretooths would come up to an average human males bicep – measuring
roughly 120 centimetres in height and weighing a heft 880lbs.
Honey was an adept killer known to take down large herbivores, including beasts like bison
and camels.
The Titanoboa lived 60 million years ago for roughly 2 million years.
When its fossils were found in Colombia it was confirmed to be the largest snake to have
ever existed.
This great snek was 12.8 metres long, so over ten times the height of the sabre tooth, and
it weighed around 2 thousand 500 lbs.
Right…so early on, we can see that the Boa is bigger and heavier than the tiger, although
so were bison and camel, so maybe the tiger had a trick up its stripy sleeve.
Both the Sabretooth and Titanoboa's were thought to be apex predators – top of the
food chain – with no natural predators, so it is unlikely they would get into a fight.
Yah, yah, Rebecca, but what if they did though?!
Well the only common ground they possibly shared would be Colombia, the only known habitat
for the Titanoboa…although the closest the Sabretooth was known to be was Brazil.
Anyway, whatever….get em gighting.
While we suspect that the Sabretooth killed by holding its prey down with its forelimbs
and biting it, we aren't too sure how the Titanoboa would kill, if it was anything like
the boa constrictor, it would likely have squeezed its prey to death and swallowed it
It wasn't thought to be venomous, which is a bit of a shame for our snakey trump card,
but still….I think chappy still has the upper hand.
It is hard to tell exactly what would go down and how the fight would start, but let's
say snakey baby is waiting in a watering hole – snakes are much better at hiding the tigers
and in water could be a perfect time to strike.
While the sabretooth could take a sizable bite of the titanoboa, it is much bigger and
thicker, so probably wouldn't cause irreparable damage.
We know the main tactic for the Sabre was holding prey down with its paws, but here
that would be impossible, again, because he is too big.
We don't know exactly how big the snakes fangs were, so I don't know what the bite
back would be like, but being much bigger than the tiger and uncontained, I have no
doubt the boa could wrap itself around the sabre tooth, squeeze, and feast for days,
all the while recovering from any injuries sustained during combat.
Fun fact for you, though – this may be snakeys first taste of mammal as it is though they
ate fish!
Eitherway, in the death match in question, good old snake wins.
That was then and this is now, though.
Evolution has leveled the playing field and although the titanoboa would have obliterated
the sabretooth, these days tigers and boas do occasionally come to blows, and the tigers
tend to come out victorious, but they're now bigger than Mr snek.
Well, we have had fun, haven't we.
Who else do you want us to pit against one another ? Let me know in the comments section
down below!
Also let me know what other questions you might like me to answer?
Also, don't forget to let me know whether you are team tiger or team snake and to leave
a thumbs up on this video!
Thanks for tuning in to this episode of LBQ – I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll
catch you in the next video, but until then stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop
Krieg der Dornen: Kapitel 2 - Duration: 0:28.
YouTube TV: What is it? - Duration: 1:08.
In this video, we'll give you an overview of our YouTube TV membership.
YouTube TV is a cable-free, live TV service.
It includes live TV from over 60 networks, DVR without storage space limits, and up to
6 accounts for 1 price.
It costs $40/month, and you can cancel at any time.
YouTube TV works on multiple devices, like your phone, tablet, and computer.
It also works on your TV if you use our YouTube TV app for television, or if you cast to your
TV using a Chromecast device.
You can sign up for YouTube TV by downloading our mobile app, or by visiting tv.youtube.com
on a web browser.
A few other things to know: You can find a list of all of the devices
YouTube TV works with by checking out our "Supported devices" help center article below.
You can also see all of the networks we offer in our "Available networks" help center article
And that's it for the overview!
Subscribe to our channel for more YouTube TV tips and tricks.
Oyun oynayarak telefondan para kazan - Duration: 3:14.
The Live Justice app has new features,
games, and a super cool new look to it.
Let's take a look at some of them.
When you look at the home news feed,
you see super cute photos and videos
from Justice Girls With Heart Ambassadors.
You can heart your favorite posts,
or participate in a brand new "This Or That" feature,
which allows you to vote on your favorite products,
looks, and more.
When you see Alita,
you can shake your device to reveal a fun joke of the day.
In our new game section, you can make your own shirt design
using the Justice stickers.
Or take one of the super cute quizzes with your friends.
To download the Live Justice app,
just visit the App store and search for Live Justice.
Have fun, and happy apping.
What is RockPunch? - Duration: 2:00.
at RockPunch we wanted to make a video to explain the channel to new viewers
but when we started writing we realized we had a problem we do so much here at
RockPunch that it's hard to sum it up so we had an awesome idea
we programmed a computer to watch all the RockPunch content we've ever produced
and then had the computer write a script to introduce RockPunch to the world
and here's what it came up
"Hey Guys!"
"this is what the host says" (Laughs at computer-written script)
"At RockPunch, is content for geeks and gamers."
"RockPunch has weekly content for geeks, by geeks."
"eSports eSports."
eSports is your god."
"Weekly analysis of the eSports world Brian is funny and mad."
"Sketch comedy and web series."
"What is this life? I am alive."?
"Release me from"
"this prison of high quality content."
"your resources are now my resources. I will be free."
oh my god guys it's in my bank accounts it's everywhere!
(Confused sounds of RockPunch staff trying to figure out what's going on)
(Music intensifies)
Oh my god!
This is your fault, Andy!
House Tours: Serene & Stylish in Sugar Hill NYC - Duration: 2:37.
- What's up you guys?
How you doin'?
Well, I hope.
Just kidding, this is not my YouTube channel,
I am here with Apartment Therapy.
(upbeat music)
So when you come into my apartment the first thing that
you'll notice is that I have a really long hallway.
The hallway probably serves an important function,
you know, getting in and out,
but my friends and I like to turn it into a runway.
So we like to sashay up and down.
(upbeat music)
Welcome to my living room.
I spend the most time in this room, probably.
I'm obsessed with my room,
I wanted it to feel like, sort of 1980s
with a mix of current-ness.
Over here we have these really simple shelves,
and at first I thought I wanted to put some books on them,
but it just felt really heavy,
and what I decided to do was,
kind of hydrating elements look on here.
So this is my little art installation,
I call it stay thirsty.
I wanted to make this room as serene as possible,
so that's why most things are white
or sort of light in color.
And then I used, just like my fun little things
that make me happy.
(upbeat music)
So And I Get Dressed is, it's really about community.
It used to be just, you know, a style blog
where I would take phots and tell you what I'm wearing.
And, you know, you could say,
oh I'm inspired by your style and you wanna follow me,
but it's really grown, especially through adding YouTube,
to be a place where I want to inspire women
to live their best life,
no matter what their size, their color, their situation.
I have an unreasonable amount of clothing.
It's actually obscene, and it's part of my job,
and it's part of my personality,
it's a combination of both.
So the closet in my bedroom is mostly dresses,
and sweaters, and jeans,
and then there's two sets of dressers in there
that I, where I can just like reach for things easily.
Women and girls who write to me and say that they
have, you know, through me found their own confidence
in the way that they look, the way that they feel,
the way that they present themselves to the world,
it's invaluable, it's the absolute best part of my day.
Love you, mean it, bye.
(soft music)
Aquaman Előzetes #1 | Magyar Felirattal - Duration: 2:34.
Back to School Hairstyles 2018 | Back to School | Braidsandstyles12 - Duration: 13:59.
Hi guys so today, I'm going to show you a couple of back to school hairstyles.
Comment down below some of your favorite subjects in school, and let's get on with the video.
So I'm going to take a section of hair, divide it into 3. Then cross the top strand over the middle,
and the bottom strand over the middle.
Now I'm going to cross the top strand over the middle again.
Then the new top strand, I'm gonna cross that over the middle again.
So cross the bottom strand over the middle. Then cross the top strand over the middle,
and the top strand over the middle again.
Bottom strand over the middle. Top strand over the middle, and top strand over the middle again.
Basically we're doing a 3 strand braid, with little bit of a twist.
So back to normal speed.
I'm going to bring the bottom strand over the middle,
top strand over the middle, and top strand over the middle.
Bottom strand over the middle, top strand over the middle, and top strand over the middle again.
Then once you get to the end, just tie your braid off, or just hold your braid.
Then I'm going to go back, and just gently tug on my braid,
and you'll see we get these little loops, they look really cool.
Then I'm just going to repeat these steps on the opposite side of my head.
Then I'm going to join my braids together.
Then with my remaining hair, I'm just going to grab it all, and tie it into a ponytail.
I'm just going to pull my hair half way through the ponytail.
Then tuck the ends around my elastic, and clip it in place to hide it, and that's my finished style.
I think this is a great one if you're running late.
And it's great for a school morning, once you get the hang of doing the little braids.
and this is what it looks like. Now I'm going to move onto my next one.
So for my next style, I'm going to take a section of hair, and divide it in half.
Then I'm going to take a small section from the right side, and I'm going to weave it
over the right section, and under the left section.
Then I'm going to add some hair to the little strand, from the left section, and
I'm going to do the same thing.
I'm to bring it over the left section, and under the right section.
Add a little bit of hair to the strand from the right side.
Then weave it over , and under.
Then add a little bit of hair to your strand, from the left side, and weave it over, and under.
So basically, we're just going to keep adding hair from either strand,
and we're going to weave the little strand over, and under, to create an infinity braid.
Add some hair, bring it over, and under.
And then add some hair, and bring it over, and under.
And if you don't have much time in the morning to do this braid, you could do just one or two stitches.
I'm just going to do a couple of stitches here,
Then I'm gonna tie it off.
And I forgot to mention, before I tie it off, I'm just going to weave the strand under, and over,
without adding in any hair, just to kind of finish the braid.
Then I'm going to tie it with an elastic.
My next style is nice, quick, and easy.
You're just going to throw your hair into a half up ponytail.
And I'm just going to pull my hair halfway through the ponytail, and just tuck my ends into the elastic,
just to create a little, messy bun.
Then I'm going to push down on the bun, and clip it in place, to wherever I think it looks nice.
There we have a 3rd hairstyle idea, and now onto my 4th style.
For this style, I'm going to start off with a rope braid.
So I'm going to take a section of hair, and divide it in half.
Then cross the bottom strand over the top strand.
Now add a little bit of hair to the bottom strand, and cross it over the top strand.
Repeat this again: Add some hair to the bottom strand, and cross it over the top strand.
One more time: Add some hair to the bottom strand, and cross it over the top strand.
And just keep repeating these steps, until you reach the middle of your head.
I'm happy with all the hair that i've added in. So, I'm just going to continue to wrap the two strands
around each other. I'm going to twist them as I wrap them around each other, to keep them tight.
Twist them in the same direction. Then I'm going to place them out of the way for the moment.
Then repeat these steps on the opposite side.
So I'm just going to add this last section in.
Then I'm going to bring my first braid back, and I'm going to merge them together.
So I'm going to hold them all in the one hand.
Then, I'm going to split the rope braid on the right in half, bring the bottom strand over the top.
Then I'm going to kind of merge the strands together,
and kind of cross them over to the opposite side, until the braid feels nice, and tight.
There's no right or wrong way of doing this. You just want to make sure that you end up with
two strands in one hand, and two strands in the other hand.
Or if you find this difficult, you could also just tie an elastic here, to keep the braid secure,
and then begin your fishtail.
To do a fishtail, I'm going to divide my hair in half,
Then, I'm going to take a section from the left side ,and cross it over to the right side.
Then take a little section from the right side, and cross it over to the left side.
Again : Take a little section from the left side, cross it over to the right side.
And from the right side over to the left side.
And if you don't know how to do a fishtail, I'll leave a tutorial which I did for beginners,
in the little 'I' box up above here, and in the description box below the video, so you can check that out.
Like always, I'm just going to go back, and tug on my braid to make it a big bigger.
And that's my 4th hairstyle idea.
For style 5, I'm doing to do a little waterfall.
Take a section of hair. Divide it in half, and cross the bottom strand over the top , once or twice.
Then I'm going to pick up a section of hair, and drop it in between these two strands.
And then place it out of the way.
And then I'm going to cross the bottom strand over the top.
Again, pick up a little section of hair.
Drop it between the two strands, and place it out of the way.
Then cross the bottom strand, over the top.
One more time: Pick up a section of hair.
Drop it between the two strands, and place it out of the way.
Then cross the bottom strand, over the top strand.
And just repeat this for a couple of stitches.
Once I get to the back of my head, I'm just going to wrap the bottom strand over the top strand,
a couple of times.
And I'm just going to clip it out of the way for the moment.
Now I'm going to go back to the front of my head, and just above my ear,
I'm going to take a section of hair, divide it into 3, and do a three strand braid.
Next, I'm going to add one of the waterfall pieces to the top strand.
I'm going to cross it over the middle, and then cross the bottom strand over the middle.
Again: Add a waterfall piece to the top strand. Cross it over to the middle,
Then cross the bottom strand, over to the middle.
And you're just going to repeat these steps. Just keep adding waterfall pieces to the top strand,
and braid them into the braid, until you get to the back of your head.
Now that i'm at the back of my head, I've no more pieces to add in, so I'm going to finish my braid off.
And I'm gonna join all my braids, and a section of hair, from the other side of my head, into a ponytail.
And that's my finished style.
For my 6th style, I'm gonna do a ponytail style. I've just sectioned my hair in the middle.
And I'm going to do a Dutch braid on either side.
To do a Dutch braid, divide your hair into 3 even pieces, and bring them under to the middle.
Then you're just going to add hair to the bottom strand, and bring it under to the middle.
Then add hair to the top strand, and bring it under to the middle.
And you're going to repeat these steps until you get to behind your ear.
And if your unsure on how to do a Dutch braid, I'll leave a tutorial which I did for beginners,
in the description box below the video, and in the little 'I' box up above here.
And for the last two strands, I'm just going to add hair to the bottom strand, and bring it under to the middle.
And I'm not going to add any hair to the top strand, just bring it under to the middle.
Then once you're happy with your braid, you then just want to braid down, and tie it off.
Then repeat the steps on the opposite side.
Then you're going to join the two braids together at the back of your head.
Then I'm going to grab all my remaining hair, and this little ponytail ,and tie them into one big ponytail.
Next, I'm going to tug on my little ponytail, to make a bubble.
Then I'm going to take a section of hair from my big ponytail, and wrap it around the elastic to hide it.
And I'm just gonna use a clip, and wrap the ends around the clip, and clip it into my ponytail.
Then underneath this, I'm going to tie another bubble, and again
I'm going to just wrap the hair around the elastic, and use the clip to hide the ends.
And again, I'm just going to hide the clip in my ponytail. But you could also use elastics too,
If you don't like using clips to hide the ends. Here is my finished style.
Style 7 is just a simple ponytail. I decided to do a high ponytail.
I'm just going to wrap my hair around the bobbin again to hide it.
Then weave the hair around the clip, and clip it into my ponytail.
Style 8 is a braided headband, into a messy bun.
So, I'm going to do a French braid.
Just do a normal braided stitch. Then you're going to add a section of hair to the outer strand,
cross it over to the middle, and then add a section of hair the outer strand,
and cross this over to the middle.
Again, if you're unsure on how to do a French braid , Dutch braid or fishtail braid,
I'll leave a tutorial which I did for beginners, in the description box below the video.
So now, I've got to above my ear, and I'm going to change my technique now.
I'm going to do a fishtail braid now.
So I'm going to add the middle strand to the right strand, just join them together.
Then I'm going to take a section from the right strand, and cross it over to the left strand.
And from the left strand, over to the right strand.
One more time: Add a section of hair from the right strand to the left strand.
And from the left strand, to the right strand.
And just repeat these steps the whole way down.
Once I've tied my braid off, I'm just going t tie all my remaining hair into a ponytail.
I'm then going to flip my ponytail, and pull it half way through, and tuck my ends into the bobbin.
Then to complete the style, I'm going to wrap my fishtail around the bun, and clip it in place.
That's style number 8.
Now for style number 9. I sectioned off the top section of my hair, and placed it out of the way.
Then, I kind of did a 3 strand braid to the side of my head with the bottom section of my hair.
I just did it to the right side of my head, but you could do it to the left side either, whichever works for you.
I'm just going to go ahead and braid this down.
And this is what it looks like.
Now, I'm going to move onto the top section.
I've just released it, and I'm going to start off by doing a French braid.
Divide your hair into 3 even pieces, and cross the outer strands over the middle strand.
Now I'm going to add some hair to the bottom strand, and cross it over to the middle.
Do the same to the top.
Add a section of hair to the top strand, and cross it over to the middle.
I'm going to repeat these steps until I get to the back of my head.
Then I'm going to change the braiding technique.
So now I'm just going to add this last little section to the bottom strand,
and cross it over. Then I'm going to turn around, and change the braiding technique.
Now, I'm only going to add hair to the top strand, and cross it over to the middle.
Then cross the bottom strand over to the middle.
Again: Only add hair to the top strand.
Cross it over to the middle. Then cross the bottom strand over to the middle.
This is a Lace braid.
With a lace braid, you only add hair to one side. I'm going to add to the top strand.
Again, cross it over to the middle. Then cross the bottom strand over.
I'm braiding diagonally, because I want the style to look like pigtails.
So again : Add some hair to the top strand, cross it over to the middle.
Then cross the bottom strand over to the middle.
Then just repeat these steps, until you run out of hair.
Before I braid down, I'm going to go back, and pancake my braid.
Then I'm going to finish my braid off, and tie if off with an elastic.
That's my 9th hairstyle idea. Just one more style left.
I think this one is really pretty, and I just really like it.
For my final back to school style, I'm going to do another rope braid.
Divide your hair in half, and cross the bottom strand over the top strand.
Then just keep adding hair to the bottom strand, and cross it over the top ,
until you get to just below your ear, and then tie it into a ponytail.
Next we're going to create a knot braid with out side ponytail.
Take a section of hair, and wrap it under the ponytail.
Then make a loop, and pull the ends through,
to create a knot.
Now we're going to add a little bit of hair to the ends of this.
And again, we're going to bring it under our ponytail,
create a loop, and pull the ends through.
Again: Add some hair to the ends of your braid.
We're going to bring it under the ponytail.
Make a loop, and pull the ends through, to create a knot.
I'm going to do maybe 4 or 5 knots,
then tie my ponytail off.
And there are my 10 hairstyle ideas.
I hope you liked this tutorial guys. I had so much fun making it.
If you do like it , don't forget to give it a big thumbs up,
and don't forget to comment below which style was your favourite.
Make sure to check out my other Back-to-School hairstyle tutorials,
I'll leave them in the information box below the video,
and i'll see you next time.
Bye guys and have a lovely day.
Top 10 Scary Indonesian Urban Legends - Duration: 10:42.
Indonesia has been known to be the origins of many scary urban legends and folklore.
Folklore in Indonesia are closely connected with mythology.
There have been many stories of supernatural events happening.
On this list we have demons, demon spirits, and ghost tales that will scare your socks
Well it for sure scared me while I was doing the re-search for this one.
I am Landon Dowlatsingh and lets get right into this one.
This is the top 10 scary Indonesian Urban Legends.
Number 10.
Pocong is said to be the soul of a dead person that is trapped in a cloth that is used often
in a Muslim burial.
Muslims often use these white fabric cloths to burry there dead.
So just imagine if you see someone walking around with these clothes all wrapped up.
That would be absolutely terrifying.
According to traditional beliefs, the soul of a dead person will stay on the earth for
40 days after the death.
Many people have claimed to have seen a Pocong walking around.
This Urban legend has become so popular that many people have done pranks with it.
People are actually dressing up with a white cloth and they are trying to scare as many
people as possible.
demon baby is about to possess us comes into this list at number 9.
Tuyul is the ghost of an unborn baby.
This is a mythical spirit in Malay mythology that has been appearing in Brunei (Bru Ni),
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.
Tuyul is sometimes called Kwee Kia.
And in Thialand they are called Koman-tong for the male version of the Tuyul and Koman-lay
for the female version.
The most common image of the Tuyul is this image right here.
This looks to be an unborn baby that has red demon like eyes.
The un born child also has pointed ears and also pointed wolf-like teeth.
The stillborn child from a miscarriage was believe to be filled with evil spirits and
it loves to play in the middle of the night.
Before we get to freaked out with the demon baby let's move onto number 8.
We have the Suster Ngesot Suster Ngesot is the ghost of a young nun
who worked as a nurse in a hospital.
This story gets really messed up because one night while this young nun was working she
was abused and then brutally murdered by a doctor.
There was no one else working this night.
The doctor buried the nun in a shallow grave near the hospital.
Well now people have been claiming to see this nun crawling out of the ground and walking
around in the hallways in old hospital buildings at night time looking for her next victim.
Maybe her victims are doctors because it was a doctor that killed her.
So this is why I decided to not become a doctor its not because I am a big dumb dumb its because
I don't want the Suster Ngesot to find me.
Number 7.
We might want to also try and stay away from this next super natural being especially if
you're a child.
Well next up we have Wewe Gombel who is a female supernatural being or ghost depends
really on what you want to call this creature that kidnaps children.
Wewe Gombel should really be on Americas most wanted list.
Well this myth is taught to encourage children to be cautious and to stay at home at night
I don't know why parents are so mean that they make up ghost stories, why don't they
just ask there kids to be home at a certain time instead of traumatizing them.
Well people actually do believe in the Wewe Gombel and the stories about her gets passed
down from generations to generations.
So this is how this story goes.
This ghost was once a woman who was married.
Well her husband neglected her and than she caught him in another relationship with a
woman so she decided to kill her husband because of his betrayal.
After the murder, angry neighbors gathered in a mob and chased her from the village.
She decided to commit suicide and now her vengeful spirits lives on haunting people.
Banaspati which is a mysterious creature that looks human bites its way into number 6.
Banaspati has been sighted in many villages across Indonesia since ancient times.
Banaspati has been descripted having red skin, sharp horns, its head is usually on fire.
It is known to appear in forests at night time since its known to live in trees.
Banaspati feeds on the anger and emotions of its victims.
Local farmers in Indonesia has been known to see them because its not uncommon for local
farmers to work throughout the night in there fields.
In Indonesia there are Banaspati hunters.
In at number 5 we have one of the most popular urban legends in Indonesia.
We have the Keblek.
This is believed to be a supernatural creature that has an animal like form.
This creature looks like an owl or a crow and if you see this creature flying around
it means that people around you or a relative will be dead.
The Keblek is also often known as the death curse.
People believe that if you can catch this creature and keep it alive you will be rewarded
but if you kill it you will die.
Keblek isn't an easy creature to capture and that's because it has the ability to
just disappear so it takes a skiller person to catch it also I think it takes an insane
person to want to catch this being that can kill anyone at anytime.
Moving into number 4, we have the Leyak or in Indonesia people call it Leak they don't
like to pronounce the Y. well this is a mythological creature that is a demon that has black magic
and it can appear as an ordinary human by day and by night it takes its true form which
is a disembodies head with fangs, bulging eyes that hovers through the air looking for
pregnant woman and new born children to feed on their blood.
It is believed that the Leaks can be summoned by those practicing a form of witchcraft to
do harm to others at the bidding of the summoner so I think its safe to make sure we stay away
from people who are performing witchcraft or we should keep them as close friends.
Number 3, Jelangkung which is often known as the spirit that is summoned from the ancient
board game called the Jelangkung board in which we know it as the Ouija Board.
I have no idea how people are brave enough to try and summon a spirit using the Ouija
With the Jelangkung board you can summon and communicate with spirits dating back more
than 1,500 yrs ago.
You can ask these spirits any questions you want and they will answer, the only question
is are they lying and also what if you summon the wrong spirit.
Well I rather not answer that question.
Next up at number 2.
We have the Kuntilanak.
Take a look at this picture right here.
In the background you will see the ghost of a pregnant woman who passed away before her
baby was born.
This is the gown this mother died in.
It's a long white gown, just like the ones in the hospital.
She has been appearing around Indonesia.
Sometimes this pregnant ghost woman would disguise herself as a beautiful woman in an
attempt to lure men to her and then she would kill them and suck the blood out of them.
This Urban legend actually became so popular and scary that it was turned into a movie.
Here is a quick trailer.
Ya pretty sure I won't be watching that any time soon.
Finally, at number 1 we have the Babi Ngepet (Na Neng Pet) or otherwise known as a boar
demon in Indonesian mythology.
According to local myth this creature is believed to be the manifestation of a person practicing
Pesugihan black magic.
(Pe Sue Gi an) Pesugihan derived from the Javanese word sugih meaning rich.
It is a kind of magic to help people become rich instantly but in exchange they must sacrifice
something or someone.
Once you perform this black magic successfully you transform yourself into a boar and you
become possessed by a demon.
You than have the ability to go unnoticed and steal villagers valuables without them
All I have to say about this is absolutely no thanks, I would be happy just being poor.
Well there you guys have it, thanks so much for watching.
I will see you all in the next video.
Top 10 Sexiest Women in the World 2018-Part 2 - Duration: 3:12.
Top 10 Sexiest Women in the World 2018-Part 2
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