Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 12 2018

please , lights do not fall

im beging , please

For more infomation >> 7 Method For Learning A Foregn Language - Duration: 12:21.


Платформа Match Competition для фидерной и поплавочной рыбалки! - Duration: 4:19.

Greetings to all the viewers of Flagman TV!

This is "F-novelties" programme

As you have noticed, I hold peculiar suit-case on my shoulders

In this programme, I are going to represent the brand new seatbox 2017 "Match Competition" by Flagman

As you can see this footplate is compact, it is very comfortable to use

It is equipped with padded, adjustable length shoulder strap and

handle for comfort transportation

The footplate comes with 4 legs

Their diameter are 36mm

Two of which are telescopic and others are typical

The length of typical leg is 68cm

and telescopic leg has length of 101cm

It is easy to set

The telescopic legs are fixing in front side of the footplate

the other two are on the back side

The back side is equipped with transported handle

It's based on new-style aluminum frame and is able to sustain max load up to 130kg

There is a accessory drawer fitted under the seat

It is easily removing from the footplace

You can see, there is small drawer

A big advantage of this seatbox is padded cushion with pole recess, which definitely marks its look

This seatbox always provides comfortable fishing thanks to 360-degree rotating cushioned seat

The seatbox is surely comfortable

One more plus is seat's backrest presence

It is convenient while durable fishing sessions

The seatbox with rotating seat have developed primarily for

feeder fishing, but some anglers would choose it for float fishing

The innovative technical solutions and the extreme adaptability to the personal needs

of the user make it a cutting-edge seatbox

Thanks to 360-degree rotating cushioned seat, just what you need is at your hand

Finally, you can use wide range of seat box accessories suitable for such leg diameter

This device will be popular among anglers who don't want to use simple fishing chairs

but still afraid to try something new

It is designed for float and feeder anglers

Dear anglers don't hesitate to try something new in fishing industry

As you remember not long ago, there wasn't mobile phones but nowadays people can't live without this innovation

Experiment, fishing and save the nature!

It was "F-novelties" o9n Flagman TV!

See you!

For more infomation >> Платформа Match Competition для фидерной и поплавочной рыбалки! - Duration: 4:19.


Someone Knows Everything!!! Stalker Followed Me to Abandoned House! - Duration: 16:29.

Yo, what is going on guys knifeguy coming at you guys with another

abandoned adventure video this one here again just outside of Ottawa we found

this house it looks wicked havn't been inside did some overhead Google Maps

news and street views to see if there's a still abandon luckily it looks like it

still is we got the building right behind us as you guys can see there we

will definitely go in and check it out before we get started though drop a like

subscribe to the channel if you guys are new it's always appreciated guys and

let's work our way into this building

around the building this is an old old farmhouse in the middle of the country

up just past all took a little while to get here driving wise old car that over

here oh there you go look way back there just seeing the distance I don't know if

it's part of this property but there's like a burn way back there we know it

might be part of the property hey hello let's work our way into here see what we

can find there we go first thing we see is an old barbecue no it's not really

old it looks fairly new full silver dude this is the old barn area well they have

stairs the stairs are all gone unfortunately

that's pretty cool big staircase all out there but fortune can't make it up there

work her way how's this

I've been waiting it says some shall we yes you don't have a choice how does

this person know what's up hey guys so I kind of had to cut the video I don't

know what's going on but I guess somebody knows that I came here or knew

that I was coming here today which I don't know how because they clearly know

my name they clearly know that I was coming to

this location so I don't know but we're gonna work our way I guess up see what's

all in there but I don't know somebody wants to play a game so work our way in

that's a creepy old mirror it's been broken hello I got pepper spray so heads

up I have pepper spray and I got knives so we'll see if I do find anybody

yeah they must lead up to the burn back there then alright so let's look you're

working away this rule it's okay it was burnt out

because it's really dark and blocking here like all the walls that is painted

black oh and there's a creepy basement guys oh snap might work her way down

there okay if the stairs are good or not but work

our way back here on that one keep hearing noises so this is the oh that's

where they would have their old stove furnace area the old stove area your

front door and of course your kitchen area small little kitchen cabinet I love

the ceilings though with the painting and the peeling element always looks

cool it's all in here we got everything has been cleaned up pretty good yeah I


work our way

it says read if you can see that

if you ferrets this red haze keep working away wait red wonder if I turn

about one over afraid you're here okay good it's empty

thank God how to really creep me out if that was full of something

no okay it's all empty damn Oh whoever is here if there is

somebody here they're definitely getting me the pepper spray or knifed wanted to

here's a hang this exhibit did a little laundry and like linens come at all

that's pretty cool I got this room he would have the old runners still like

the carpeting and all that Wow look at that there you go there's

the primary main room here guys it looks still pretty good in addition

all-around surprise because this I know this has been abandoned for a couple of

years now it's been at least three or four look at one of the doorways seal it

off and it even has its own trim work oh this must have been where the other

stove was or the heater furnace I would have been going upstairs way up there

you know all you want Andale weird still hanging around here coaches the BHS

now okay so there's a seven on a VHS called enemy mine

Dennis Quaid well that's creepy hello is in here


there better not be anybody I'm serious I swear to God oh that's what's making

the noise there's a piece of broken glass there that's rattling wondering

what that was this is what was making the noise

that's stupid thing as you can see the windows are gone one sad thing is

apparently used to be a bathtub here one of those old-school bathtubs that sits

out just on its own on its own legs looks like that's gone in ten shoes

that's nasty another note

more than numbers all these

you know more dentures in there too

and even more dentures in this honest growth

that's creepy somebody left their teeth back that's for sure

all right well work our way upstairs I guess now and we'll see if anybody's up

there there's anybody up here I'm shooting video

tattoo number hey guys I don't know somebody's trying to screw with me I

think then this one says tattoo number and I have a tattoo with a number so I

don't know it's kind of creeped me out guys

left in here people even their phone numbers like Milano's Pizza Shops and

all that kind of stuff 1-800 numbers old card and send thingies even like the

doors are all real old school the old latches that's pretty cool then we got

another decent-sized room the blue room as you can see it's all starting to go

the ceiling has already seen better days fortunately I still got posters up on

the wall just kind of funny in calendars that's the hole over the event would

have been coming from yeah he's freaking me out I think it's the window on that

door open we got still more posters and stuff in here snap-on tools

you know blip bolts still in here surprising you got an ATV flyer then we

got at the front of the house a lot of mosquitoes and flies in here and that's

for sure I love the doors I love the old original door look like so cool and then

we got this room in here

these are one of those stupid game things

this is one of those games that you play when you're a kid wait a minute these

numbers then okay red I'm thinking I'm supposed to be trying this to see what

message I get based on these I don't know all right guys what I'm gonna do is

give me two seconds I'm gonna run around the house actually know what I think

what we'll do is

all right play these when I was a little kid my sister made no schools the first

thing for single thread right yes you open them to what are our e ar e d I

think it's out brick shrink our DD yeah and then you look at the numbers so I

have seven one seven two one three five was the first first

so tattoo them okay so I hope you guys know what I do have a tattoo it's on my

back it is actually the number for my hockey number so I don't know what it's

supposed to make hello is anybody here

guys let's do this quick oh wait no so we got the whole number

thing just number four

right just run now run this is

For more infomation >> Someone Knows Everything!!! Stalker Followed Me to Abandoned House! - Duration: 16:29.



hi guys welcome back and look who has joined me today "Hello" this is Jessica

she has an amazing channel Jessica out of the closet and you may have seen us

filming together last year those videos are linked down below so go and check

them out after this video. But today Jessica is with us because we wanted to

film a video together all about working and employment when you have a

disability, because I've had a lot of questions about this from you guys J"and

we have stories" "we have many stories" so jessica has filmed part one over on her

channel, J "where we talked about our experiences of working disabilities and

how great that was!" G"they denied me waster!" J"DUM DUM DUM" so if you want to know what

what that's all about.... J"that was that loud! G"that was quite

loud" go and check that out linked in the description box and

Ill put a card here! But in this video we're going to be talking about some tips

we're going to be giving you some advice about how to find a job, what to do when

you've got an interview. So after watching the video if you've got any

questions or any stories that you want to share then please drop them down

below. As you know I have a t10 incomplete spinal cord injuries so I

have to use a wheelchair so I'm physically disabled, Jessica would you

like to share with everybody what disabilities you have? J"Yeah sure um I

have two genetic disabilities one from each of my parents ,because I won the

genetic lottery! (shower me in gifts!) and I have a disability affects my nerves and

one that affects my muscles and the symptoms of these include things like

chronic pain chronic fatigue and also deafness! That does make work quite hard. I'm also

blind in one eye but that makes no difference." So these are the disabilities

that we have obviously we're going to be talking about our experiences and the

tips we can give you with our physical

disabilities but if any of you out there have any sort of mental health problems

or mental disabilities then please feel free to drop your tips down below or

share any.. J"yes we'd love some advice from you guys as well"

this is just from our own experiences you have to know what you think - yeah

so yeah it'd be really really handy for people reading through the comments to

see that. Let's discuss the benefits of working. J"Okay well I think the number one

benefit of work is it just makes you feel useful!!!

It does I mean I always need to be doing something and I think too often with

disabled people it's not even expected that we get a job just live off whatever

paltry little benefits you've got, you don't need a life for anything!!

Excuse me! NO disabled people can be incredibly useful to the workforce." G"if

not more useful because we see things a completely different way. Its also really

really good for our mental health, I know that if I'm feeling a bit down and out

and sometimes you've if you've got a job and you've got a purpose you've got

to push yourself and sometimes just coming back from being there you can

actually lift your mood." J" I make videos full-time and if I'm having a

really bad day health-wise you know just been super disgusting really sick

or I'm in terrible pain, when I get a video completed or I get the

plan or the script or something done theres always just that rush of yes I

achieved yeah I did well today." G"Yeah I am totally with you I can feel

really rubbish and then I do One!!" YAS J"so the next one I think is that money! Money

is good we like money. money is good yes. So yeah we can we're able to go out and

like enjoy experiences.

J"you have a video on this channel all about how being disabled is actually

Really expensive" "yes it is, also by going out to work you build up

relationships with people that you wouldn't necessarily build relationships

with, you can build up a support network, meet new people and also it gives you a

certain identity as well ,"yes" and something to talk about with people as

wel.l So the next sort of thing we're going to talk about is how to find a job!

How do you start? It can be really overwhelming especially when you hear

things like "there are no jobs" and there is fierce competition, J"and I think you

always feel like you have to do twice as much to be half as good as anyone else

because, once you had your interview instead like if interview two candidates

one of them is disabled and one isn't you do kind of get the feeling that you

have to be so much better as a disabled person to be considered

level" G"yeah it's just that's just the way it feels. G"yeah so we're I mean,

where would you start looking for a job?"

J"I'm not the best person to ask.... I've never got a job

because I got head hunted or my mother found me a job" G"you have to watch the video"

and you'll know exactly what we're talking about" "It wasn't a great job It didn't end well.

My mum got involved. "my mom got my first job" "your mom" yes they're you go

our first tip, go to your mum, magazines also have a look in sort of

disability magazines like the lifestyle magazines

local magazines then there's also the jobs website

yes well also be proactive think about what you can do how that could be

adapted into a job and then contact people directly, "yeah that's true"

think about your skills first and then how that can create something, that's the

other thing, you could also look into it (if you didn't want to commit

yourself to a contracted job and part-time or full-time because of your

disability) you can also have a look at casual work and voluntary work as well. I

did some voluntary work and that was really beneficial for me sort of mental

health wise really helped me give me a sense of purpose and feel like I was

doing something good and giving something back hmm

"yeah if you have the kind of disability that is very episodic you can

also think about crafty jobs and Etsy I think that's a good" "yes" "so yeah,

like if you have days where your not able to get out of bed, but mentally you're fine

maybe do a job that involves something like sewing.

Oh this is a friend of mine did this because she got really ill and but

she was just physically unwell so she didn't kind of have that that going in

out consciousness being very tired it was just that she couldn't move her body

very much, so she I she became a copy wrighter.

she just got sent things from companies and then

she just read them, yeah which she would have been reading stuff anyway,

but she got paid. this is such a good idea and also keeping with that theme there is actually

a website called people per and what it is is people will put up

little jobs that they need ,so Jessica you may need someone to..." work out my

schedule" yes or proofread something for example or I may

need a video editing so I can put advertise that on people per hour

someone comes along and says yes I can do this for you this is the fee and so

you're not commited you know to constant work, you can pick and choose what

you want to do when you feel able exactly.

they've got authors on there who will help write books for people

there's photographers you know advertising so you can advertise jobs or

you can advertise yourself to do jobs as well, so it's definitely worth a look

"that is it good recommendation" yeah you're thinking of using it now!!!

so when you're filling out an application form, and there's

the little box that lots of people have been discussing when we've been

discussing this on my community tab, do you tick yes or no or leave it blank

that you have a disability? "I used to not disclose the full extent of my

disability so I've had I've had three jobs my current job where I'm just

self-employed and I worked myself whatever but the one before was an

employee and I didn't from the start really explained to them what was wrong

with me and how it affected different areas of my life so I didn't but they

explained I have an energy condition um I went in with deafness because you

can't really probably hide that one so like yeah I'm deaf I don't need to sign

language interpreter but that's fine because she comes from access to work

anyway we'll get more than that later so you don't have to pay for that that's

all fine and then like slowly as I worked there and it became more obvious

perfect Oh also I have terrible pain Oh also

sometimes bits in me stop working, oh also I have an energy condition so

sometimes I just can't do stuff also I get ill really easily because I have a

suppressed immune system. so I might just be off work for three weeks because I'm

really ill! That wasn't the best idea.

wasn't the best. Now whenever I am taking a job from a

different brand or a company or whatever we make sure we put on that email

Jessica has disabilities including a an energy condition and a chronic illness

and this means that she may have to be flexible about deadlines, and always now

just the full extent this is what Ive got this is what I am take it or leave

it. um so that's I guess a bit different but I do think it is just she just got

to say because you're only harming yourself yeah and also if you don't

declare it if something was to happen further down the line hopefully it won't

you're legally responsible if you don't declare.

I always tick the box I'm proud of Who I am

I don't mind that I have got a disability and I always play it to my strengths, you've got

to work with what you've got So I tick the box because even

though I'm applying for a job that I know is going to be wheelchair

accessible, they might decide to hold the interviews on the first floor where they

don't have a lift, but you might never need to go up there ever again.

"yes that's true" and I think also it's down to us as well not to just (I know we

should expect things) but we can't just expect things and I would hate to turn

up to an interview and they'll be like really awkward and make them feel bad as well.

Yeah I do you have anything like this thing about being proud of being

disabled and part of who you are I think if we put ourselves into the position

where it seems like we are ashamed about disabilities or we are unwilling to talk

about it because we think it's a bad thing then it plays into other people

believing that and you don't want to allow able-bodied people to continue

to have that mindset!!" "well said Jessica I don't really like


"So you've found a job you like the look off you've applied, you've been accepted oh

you've got an interview! Now you can worry cuz you've got an interview. what

do you? Do research the type of work that you'll be doing make sure that you know

as much as you can about all the different areas of this job. What they

will entail and also make sure that you're actually capable of doing it

because this is gonna be a question that will play on the minds of the

people who are interviewing you just have an answer ready for everything will this effect the job?

like no disability will affect this part of the job and you're like yes my

disability will only affect this one area but it won't actually affect any of

the work that I produce, I just need to make sure I have a more accessible desk,

but otherwise good yeah things like that yeah so you've thought about the

different areas of the job and how disability will affect them and keeping

it really positive yeah really but don't say oh I've got a

disability so that prevents me from doing XYZ, you've got to go in

there and you've got to be really positive and show that you really want

the job, and that you are better than anybody else for the job which you are.

put everything in a really really positive light, and you know there

may be some equipment that you're using because of your disability that makes

you more accurate more precise and faster than anybody else so make sure

that you play the disability to its strengths.

another thing that you guys have been asking me about which I saw over on the

community tab is access to work which is something that we have here in the UK I

don't know about the rest of the world so if it sounds something similar that

you have in your country then make sure you drop it down below so that other

people can read through but Jessica you seem to know a little bit more about

access to it than I do yeah I've used access to work ever since they got a

proper job and left University it's basically a government scheme that

allows people dispersity is to get the help that they need at work to enable

you to do the job to the standard that an able-bodied person would be able to

do it so they can't actually do your work for you obviously but they can send

a helper, if you're deaf they can send sign language interpreters they

can if you have a learning disability that affects you in certain ways so

maybe you're great at writing but you're not grate at compounding thing,

they can send someone who will help you go through the brief or whatever you

need to do and break that down for you, they also help you with physical

things like they can put ramps into your work place handrails and the toilets

that sort of thing it's basically making sure that no employer says "oh no I can't

hire a disabled person that's super expensive" so it's basically just

the government filling in the gaps there and they can go 50/50 with your

employer on some things so again like ramps because it is obviously a legal

necessity so the government could go haves with that employer and make

sure that that happens, Access to Work can also provide help for interviews

anything that requires that you to need another person to be there with you "I

personally use access to work for a few things within my workplace and I found

it to be very helpful if you do want to find out more about it it is on the

websites if you just search Access to Work on there

you can find out how to apply and how it can help you so I think that's it for

this video yeah I think we have added a lot of tips

please be sure to add your tips down below whether you've got a mental

disability mental health problem or a physical disability and also please make

sure that you go over to Jessica's Channel and subscribe there and if you

haven't subscribed here we'd love to have you so make sure you hit that

subscribe button I filmed two videos a week thank you so much for watching and

I look forward to seeing you in the next one



DAS erzählt dir keiner über Finanzielle Freiheit... - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> DAS erzählt dir keiner über Finanzielle Freiheit... - Duration: 7:50.


KNIGHT ONLİNE ARDREAM 2 SAAT BARON FARM (Blessed Upgrade Scroll) - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> KNIGHT ONLİNE ARDREAM 2 SAAT BARON FARM (Blessed Upgrade Scroll) - Duration: 3:15.


Как снять cover-видео? Записываем кавер в домашних условиях🎤🎸🎶 - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Как снять cover-видео? Записываем кавер в домашних условиях🎤🎸🎶 - Duration: 11:11.


[LIVE] Mario 64 mit Custom Camera [German/Deutsch] - Duration: 18:22.

For more infomation >> [LIVE] Mario 64 mit Custom Camera [German/Deutsch] - Duration: 18:22.


New Autumn Men Cheap Shirts Fashion 2018 - Duration: 1:10.

HomeMen's FashionNew Autumn Men Cheap Shirts Fashion 2018

New Autumn Men Cheap Shirts Fashion 2018 New Autumn Men Cheap Shirts Fashion

Men Cheap Shirts New time of year Fashion complete Men garments Slim work material Cotton

Casual Men Shirt Social and Size M-5XL.

BUY NOW Category: Men's Fashion




For more infomation >> New Autumn Men Cheap Shirts Fashion 2018 - Duration: 1:10.


How to Organize Drawers - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> How to Organize Drawers - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:13.


ZURU Gross Smashers - Featuring Talking Poo - Duration: 4:12.

(ZURU Gross Smashers - Featuring Talking Poo) This gross product is sponsored by ZURU!


Hey, what's so gross about me?

I don't understand.



Hi my name is Anjali and my name is Jaxon.

Today we are going to unbox the grossest thing in the world.

Series 2 Gross Smashers and the Smashers Sludge Bus.

Oh wait what?


Series 2 the Gross Smashers


and the smudge bus.


and the sludge bus.

You can store 50 of the grossest smashers

What are Gross Smashers?

Glad you asked.

They are gross balls

that you throw


and surprise.

Or in this case, gross surprise.

There are over 100 to collect

that ooze, and gooze and that are gross.

Such as filthy food,

odd bodies, toilet humor and the ultra rare ooze dudes.

By the way, if you want to know how to really open a Smasher 50 ways

Please look here. And if you wanna learn how to put a smasher together, please click here.

Ok let's open up the Gross Smasher Balls.

Go ahead open it up it's your show.

Age before beauty.


And this is everything.

We have 8 gross balls, the sludge bus. We have super-poop

trash can and toilet paper.

The bus is a beauty.

It easily unfolds

for more fun.

Inside you will find the gross bathroom display which features a launch pad and a toilet.

That can only mean one thing.

Toss your gross smasher into the toilet.


Now let's flush him down.

Now it's time to open up the Gross Smashers.


And this is everything.

First we have Not Nice Ice Cream,

Fart Cloud,

Smelly Shoe,

Splat Spider,


Poo Paper,

Poo Monster,

Old Can,



Runny Nose

and last but not least

Super Poo.

What do you think of Gross Smashers?

Which is the grossest?

Leave a gross comment below.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. I got a joke. I got a joke. What's grosser than me?

2 of me.



For more infomation >> ZURU Gross Smashers - Featuring Talking Poo - Duration: 4:12.


ЗОЛОТОЙ лол НОВЕНЬКИЕ ИГРУШКИ LPS сюрпризы в консервных банках охота за игрушками ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> ЗОЛОТОЙ лол НОВЕНЬКИЕ ИГРУШКИ LPS сюрпризы в консервных банках охота за игрушками ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ - Duration: 10:07.


[ Liên Quân Mobile] Amily quá bá đạo vậy còn tăng gì trong phiên bản mới ?| Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> [ Liên Quân Mobile] Amily quá bá đạo vậy còn tăng gì trong phiên bản mới ?| Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 3:41.



hi guys so I'm at LSE, here giving a talk to the ACS. I'm really excited. These

guys are so engaged. Just look around the room - all these lovely people. So we had a

wonderful evening. But I'm also excited for another reason; I'm launching my

brand new YouTube channel called COACH DUMI SENDA OFFICIAL. You headed from

these guys, so subscribe to my youtube channel

I'll be sharing career insight on professional and personal development.

going around the country and sometimes internationally just bringing you in to

see my journey and also to learn from my insights as well as from others, Thank you guys!

Also join my my website for more insights on career development.

For more infomation >> COACH DUMI SENDA OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL LAUNCH - Duration: 0:53.


Zona de Lectura: "El animal moribundo" de Philip Roth - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Zona de Lectura: "El animal moribundo" de Philip Roth - Duration: 3:24.






Box of Toys Toy Blasters for Kids Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:21.

Box of Toys Toy Blasters

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Toy Blasters for Kids Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:21.


mẫu móng hổ bọc vàng bạc đẹp nhất | móng hổ đẹp - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> mẫu móng hổ bọc vàng bạc đẹp nhất | móng hổ đẹp - Duration: 5:44.


Chicken in creamy sauce for adults and children - Duration: 4:33.

Hello! I am Alina, and this is Iliana.

Today we're going to cook the chicken in cream

This is interesting because

this dish and the next ones, which we will cook at Priprava Club

can be used both for the whole family and for feeding children.

These dishes are suitable for children's menu.

These are recipes for children who eat on their own, go to kindergarten. That is, the age of 2.5-3 years and older.

For cooking we need:








You can use chicken meat, we will cook turkey fillets.

Peel and chop the onion

pour vegetable oil and fry onion

chop turkey fillet

stew for 5-7 minutes

peel the garlic


a little bit

squeeze garlic

very little

so that the dish is not too spicy for the child

stew for 5-10 minutes

add cream


if the sauce is too thin, add some flour

some seasonings "Provence herbs"

stew for 10-15 minutes

chop the greens

serve with any side dish. We love pasta!

Mom, delicious!

Watch us on the channel!

bye Bye!

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