Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Is this an Autobot hookup site?

Nah, I just go here to dream.

Check out that classy chassis.

Look at the junk in her trunk.

Booyah! Big time.

I should not have eaten all of that Tijuana street machinery.

Damn, forgot about that cluster bomb.


What's your problem, dude?


Next time, ease on the brakes!

That's the way I roll. I like to make a statement when I arrive.

Well, you're getting dust all over the campus!

This ain't no campus. It's a junkyard!

Come on, hustle. ¡Ándale, ándale!


Hey, don't take any aggression out on me.

Damn it, Grimlock! We're guests here!

You got in some shit?

Yeah, neck deep!

Cade, that's what you get for taking the yellow bugger.

You need a leader out there... Like me.

Shut up. Before I do some damage

you won't walk away from.

You will never be Optimus Prime.

You talk too much.

Come on, man. Million-year-old legendary warrior

and you act like a bunch of junkyard dogs!

You're starting to piss me off!

Come back here, Grimlock!

Turn around. What do you got in your mouth?

I swear, I am wasting my time protecting you.

Drop the cruiser right now!

I know you got Chief Sherman's cruiser.

Drop it!

Serves you right. Spit it out! Spit it!

Don't eat cars. Don't eat cars.

You get back in your hole and think about what you did.

It's like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade out here, Jimmy J.

You hired me from a want ad in the Dakota Penny Ledger.

Think that comes with a superpower?

That is a dinosaur! An alien dinosaur!

That was not in the ad!

It tried to eat me yesterday.

You want to go to federal prison?

No, no, I don't want to go to any prison.

Well, that's where you're gonna go, okay?

'Cause you're aiding and abetting.

I'm a fugitive, all right?

I'm the big boss, you're my little crimey.

When you leave,

it becomes the Wild Kingdom out here.

I don't know what to do.

I told you, this is a junkyard.

They blend in with other junk. That's it.

You hired me to be senior vice president of worldwide operations.

- Did I tell you that? - Yes, that's what you said.

I made that shit up.

Do not take this title away from me, Cade.

This is not a startup, okay? I don't do this shit for money.

It's for the higher cause.

You don't do this shit for the money?

What's wrong with you? How you gonna eat?

What's he doing here?

Daytrader's here.

Here comes the most irritating, annoying Transformer on Earth.

What did he give you to get past the gate?


Hey, Cade. He gave him this.

I've never seen that before in my life.

Come on, say it! You wanted the alien blaster.

You said a big gun makes a big man.

Hey, you know human beings lose their temper, right?

- Don't you dare! Hey, hey! - Come here!

- The worst senior vice president... - Stop it! Stop it!

Yeah, you're real tough! What, you been working out?

- Should I frag him? - Yes, definitely frag him.

I heard that, Hound.


Oh, God. You always resort to violence right off the bat.

I love violence.

Daytrader! The hell are you doing here?

You find our spaceship yet?

I'm getting tired of hanging around here,

waiting to catch a bullet.

Carbon monoxide, and perhaps a small gasoline drinking problem

are gonna kill you long before a bullet, my corpulent comrade.

- Back off! Get out of my face. - Watch it! Guys, stop!

You want to throw down with Hound?

Tough guy, huh? Rude.

How about you trying to carry all this stuff?

That's where that's been.

Come on!

Look what I found in Buffalo.

Starscream's head, ladies and gentlemen.

Look what I got. New voice box for Bee.

Is it gonna work this time?

I only got the good stuff, Cade. Come on.

You hear that, Bee? You're gonna talk, buddy!

Can't touch this!

Get down, Bee!

Too hype, can't touch this!

All right, what else you got?

Where'd you get that piece of junk?

A Knight of Iacon talisman in this dump?

Nah, it's not real.

Is it? No, definitely not.

Hey, give it to me, I'll take it off you.

You think I don't know what the hell this is? How valuable?

But I know it's something, because it's got you

licking your chops, you skank.

Words hurt, Cade.

There are exactly seven... Count them.

Seven signs of the apocalypse.

And that talisman showing up here is numero uno.

If that fancy pancake was real,

I'd grab the spaceship and blow this dirtball planet.

All right, I'm gonna go slather myself in oil.

Turn your back, Drift, if it offends your sensibilities.

Now that is something you can't unsee.

I barely understand what's coming out of your mouth.

For more infomation >> Scrapyard Scene | Transformers The Last Knight (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:09.


【悲報】尿検査ワイ、尿の提出先がわからず恥ずかしいことをしでかすwwwww - Duration: 0:17.

検尿検査のワイ、尿の提出先がわからず、2時間尿を持ってウロチョロする 健康診断と いうインキャには難しいイベント その場で出せ 3: >>2どういうことや : >>3のむんやで 6: >>4飲んだら提出できやんやん 中間おすすめ 事 トイレに出す窓あるやろ 7: >>5そこがわからず彷徨ってたんや 9: >>7最初検尿するときに受付からトイレに窓口あるからそこに出せやって言われなか た? 1 >>9言われとったか?聞いてないぞ 2 >>15少なくともワイは毎回言 れてるわ 23: >>21ほんまかワイの聞き逃しか? 24: >>23や なぁ 26: >>23多分こうやじゃなきゃ受付がすぎる おしっこってアッタ イよね((o(^o^)o)) 16: >>10最後らへんは冷めとったわ 1 キャ「いやさすがにそれはないわ」 17: >>11みんなそんなもんやろ? 院の代表番号に電話しろよ 19: >>13電話するほどでもないやろ 検尿の ップにお茶入れて看護婦の前で飲んでみて 2 >>20引かれるやろ 2 聞き逃して ええようにわかりやすい環境にしてくれよ 看護婦に聞けばええやん 28: > 27聞けてたら彷徨わんでしょ ちな提出できたのはクソジジイのおかげや イッチ はー歩いてたら喉乾いてきたわ‥お、CCレモンやんけ」 3 >>30飲まんわい 3 ジジイにクソ怒鳴られたんやが 笑ってはいけない病院でそんなんあったな とりあ ずあのジジイクソ腹立つ とりあえずその左手に持ってるコップの水飲んで落ち着け 8: >>37もう提出したやで クソジジイにおい、そこのボウズいつまで自尿 ってウロチョロしとるんじゃ!ってキレられたわ 4 そりゃ小便もってそこらへんウロ ロされたら汚いし嫌だろ 4 さすがにビクついたわ ワイの尿溢そうとするのは反則 ろ トイレに小窓なかったんか?気づかんかったんならすまんなもっと目立つようにし くわ 46: >>44くっそ端っこにあったわなんや病院関係者か? 48: >>46せや確かにたまーに受付におしっこ持ってくるジッジがおるんや今後の課題 しとくで 4 だってイッチただの変質者やし 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選 事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【 撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww

For more infomation >> 【悲報】尿検査ワイ、尿の提出先がわからず恥ずかしいことをしでかすwwwww - Duration: 0:17.


A Penny For Your Thoughts Idiom Meaning - Duration: 2:48.

Meaning of Idiom A Penny for Your Thoughts The best way to explain the meaning of this

idiom is to explain how it is used.

We use the expression a penny for your thoughts when we wish to know what is on another person's


However, we do not use this idiom randomly just anytime we want to get an opinion, idea,


Instead, it is reserved for when another person we are with is unusually quiet and withdrawn,

perhaps seeming introspective or distracted.

It means simply "what are you thinking," and we are not, of course, offering any monetary

compensation in exchange for another person's thoughts.

Examples Of Use: A couple, Sam and Sara, are out for dinner in their favorite restaurant.

Sara is telling Sam about what happened with her sister, but Sam seems lost in his own

thoughts, hardly paying attention.

He's not quite being his jovial self.

Sara doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, so she says, "A penny for your thoughts."

This gentle prodding knocks Sam out of his reverie and he says with an apologetic smile

"Oh, I'm just distracted by this big deadline at work."

Origin of Idiom: 'A penny for your thoughts' is a common idiomatic expression that has

existed since the 1500's, appearing in a collection of proverbs by John Heywood from


It is not a proverb, however, by any strict criteria.

The word penny itself dates back many hundreds of years, coming from the Anglo-Saxon word

pening or penig.

The German cognate was pfennig.

This was a monetary unit of currency having two denominations, the greater at one-fifth

of a shilling, and the less, as one-twelfth of a shilling.

Although the British pound was not divided into one hundred equal parts like the American

dollar, its smallest unit was called a penny, which is where we Americans got our word for

one one-hundredth of a dollar.

At one time, the word was commonly used as a synonym for 'coin.'

This gave rise to many expressions, such as "a pretty penny," which would refer to a great

sum of money, as opposed to an attractive penny.

Similar expressions to 'penny for your thoughts' have existed such as pennyworth of wit.

There are also other English expressions which use the word penny to refer to thoughts.

Penny for your Thoughts is also the title of a song written in the late 1800s by Stephen

Foster, known as the 'Father of American Music.'

Here are the beginning lyrics to the song: A penny for your thoughts?

Do you think that you will love her When all those burning dreams have flitted from your


A penny for your thoughts!

For more infomation >> A Penny For Your Thoughts Idiom Meaning - Duration: 2:48.


" Best of Chris Griffin " - Family Guy Reaction | - Duration: 5:47.

oh my god hey Chris what's it did you sit on something enough of that

go away damn you

well you're going to get it now

hey guys welcome back to a channel my name is Andy and today before I react to

a family guy best of Chris Griffin I don't really remember it was clearly

gracious they have a little compilation of them you go check it out

oh thank God we came prepared we brought enough food to us yeah I mean a red

shirt no Chris please oh yeah Peter son oh no Brian is a dog once you found that

for so long still get mixed up by the Sun see we're a bunch of sneaky little

animals we're gonna wreck this Brutus eat it cuz we're naughty and then

there's a guy let's get him in trouble with his fresh way to eat Oreo is to

twist it pull it apart and lick it now you you don't have a soul

music well I'm sure you can come up with some excuse to see her at the vet very

more coffee that's not who I am oh yeah no no no your your cool guy

Brian shut up I got a booty chin oh my god hey Chris what's it did you sit on


Wow this is the craziest mewing had since I had lunch at Tommy Sullivan very

good macaroni mrs. Sullivan thank you Chris that was just awful Chris he is

not ready for flashbacks now he has not yeah time to spin the wheel of porn

oh all right foot fetish it is wait a minute Oh the funniest part though was

when he was in the room at you know as a girl my favorite part well there is guys

the best of Chris Griffin hope you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe

and we'll talk wanna do it next time

watching my drug Association do even a little closer

For more infomation >> " Best of Chris Griffin " - Family Guy Reaction | - Duration: 5:47.


APPLY AT 20 YEARS, 30 YEARS OLD BEING! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> APPLY AT 20 YEARS, 30 YEARS OLD BEING! - Duration: 4:33.


Green screen 2 - Duration: 7:06.

*Green screen 2*

For more infomation >> Green screen 2 - Duration: 7:06.


Learn Scary Emergency Vehicles | Halloween Video for Kids | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 45:23.




For more infomation >> Learn Scary Emergency Vehicles | Halloween Video for Kids | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 45:23.


Catamounts, Bobcats skate to (another) tie - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Catamounts, Bobcats skate to (another) tie - Duration: 1:12.


Video: Good Leaf-Peeping Weather Sunday (10-13-2018) - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Video: Good Leaf-Peeping Weather Sunday (10-13-2018) - Duration: 3:42.


PUBG Squad Gameplay - 6 Kills M416 + UMP - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> PUBG Squad Gameplay - 6 Kills M416 + UMP - Duration: 2:21.


screaming in hide and shriek - Duration: 3:38.

JADE: Profile, go to Customization, and hit preview.

LIME: haha

JADE: You ready to play some Hide and Shriek?

LIME: yeah man

JADE: aCcEpT tHe iNvITE.. or im gonna have to drink Pepsi

JADE: uh- set... go

Oh.. I love these controls already..

LIME: mm, the sensitivity on the mouse..

JADE: Yeah I wonder if we can change that. cONTROLS hElP mE

LIME: "school sucks!"

JADE: yes it does

JADE: oh- AH!

LIME: *laugh* wha-

JADE: hheheheheheh

liiiime, have fun with these doors >:)


I didn't think my own trap would effect me

JADE: why did i press space.. i was trying to jump..

LIME: Right? Yeah..

JADE: aAAHHH! That- that scared me more than it should have

JADE: Son of a gun! I'm falling for my own traps!

JADE: *laughing* LIME: jesus

JADE: Oh! I feel for one of your traps.

lEt me out... let me out nOw


LIME: well that was my first time playing..

JADE: yeah and you freaking scaring me

JADE: I'm thinking- where's my table? And all I see is a SKELETON HEAD freaking POP OUT OF NO WHERE

JADE: Okay, this round I'm going to find Lime's table.. and I'm gonna try to.. haunt him as much as I can..

LIME: wow

JADE: and im also gonna eat some raspberries

..cus raspberries are good


LIME: what the- JADE: knock knock

LIME: oh I see.. I see what you're doing..

JADE: Dude, me and your table were in the same room

LIME: I know where your table is..


JADE: You're all like - I know where your table is

That's a knee slapper right there man.. you got me good

JADE: is that you I smell..

LIME: Is that you I.. taste...

JADE: No it's just my pasta dude

LIME: *laughing*


JADE: did my table seriously just disappear in front of me

LIME: a- rip

JADE: Do you hear the gurgling of flesh?

LIME: uuh I don't know- I don't know

JADE: No just me?

JADE: You're gonna hate me

JADE: Oh nevermind LIME: Yeah I know you just locked that door haha

JADE: If I don't beat you this round.. I'll let you tell me whatever to write on my whiteboard next to me

LIME: wha-

LIME: uh

LIME: Oh wow hhahahaha

JADE: where are you nowwhahahhaa

For more infomation >> screaming in hide and shriek - Duration: 3:38.


High school football Saturday: Week 7 highlights - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> High school football Saturday: Week 7 highlights - Duration: 2:02.


Park Ranger Patrol in a Jeep Willys MB | GTA 5 LSPDFR Episode 290 - Duration: 19:50.

man what are you doing oh she's got enough she's got a knife drop the weapon

oh ho ho that officer just said oh geez let's just have this guy right there

get in the car get in the car okay thank you bulletproof windows get down on the


Welcome to mikegolden Games and welcome back to LSPDFR this episode we're gonna

be doing a Park Ranger patrol in a new vehicle if you guys saw the thumbnail

you know what it is well let's anyways let's get out here I

just got ready for work we are ready to head in alright let's get down my stairs

here into my driveway here she is it's a Jeep Willys MB World War 2 Jeep let's

get this thing out here see how she handles now I modified the settings a

little bit just because the stock settings were a little too fast you know

the Jeep Willys wasn't the quickest Jeep out there so I had to lower the you know

the horsepower and torque a bit to make it a little more realistic before it

just seemed like it went way too quick like zero to 60 in like three seconds

you know that's way too quick so we're gonna be getting around this way we'll

go past the police station but so I was looking at my Jeep some more today as

you guys know last weekend on Sunday I had a misadventure yeah so took my Jeep

off-roading five minutes into off-road and chill I I submerged my Jeep in about

four feet of water and if you guys didn't check out that video you know

what I'll have an annotation or a little icon up at the top right of the screen

guys go check out that video if you haven't seen it already it's the full

video it's about 27 minutes long but it's the first five minutes of the video

that has a lot of the information for what happened and then if you wanna just

skip through the rest of the parts and just you know basically it's just doing

some off-roading but so I dunked my Jeep in a bunch of water as soon as I hit the

water the engine cut off which may have saved the motor but after today's

findings that might have not even mattered but we'll get into that in a

little bit more let's get on this road here so yeah the last week or so you

know I've been trying to clean the Jeep out freaking dare what are you doing oh

my that was a close one so yeah I've been trying to clean out

the Jeep hose it down there's about an inch maybe an inch and a half of mud on

the floors of the Jeep so I ripped out the interior you know took out all the

seats took out the rest of the carpeting that I hadn't yet taken out and

basically I just kept hosing it down trying to get all the mud out it's

gonna turn signal on look at that that is beautiful so we're gonna get back on

the trail here so yeah anyways you know I cleaned out the interior got all the

mud mud basically taken out drained all the fluids and the oil and the

transmission because the transmission did seem like it had some water in it

the engine looks fine but I dumped that anyways and put new oil in and we get a

mountain lion right there this Jeep is freakin badass I got the C put back in

on the driver's side left the passenger seat out for now and drove it around my

front yard got it driving the transmission seems a little iffy still

so I may need to do something about that I don't know at all at all if everything

is effed I'm probably either going to swap the engine and get a manual

transmission or I'll save up a lot of money ain't coming through dude coming

did I just hit him with the roll cage you good man

hey man I'm sorry man okay back off back off I'm a park ranger I'm trying to see

if you're all right you seem to be fine okay let's get back to story time yeah

let's get back in the Jeep here and so like I was saying I drained all the

fluids you got the seat back in drove around my front yard and the

transmission still seems a little iffy but so what I just found out from today

is a check the oil looked like it might be a little muddy looking you know kind

of chocolaty that means there is water in the oil now it doesn't look too bad

but I popped the radiator cap off and had the engine running thousands of tiny

tiny little bubbles so I'm guessing I either blown the head gasket or cracked

the head all in all not a good day not a good day yeah I don't know what

I'm gonna be able to do with the Jeep like I said maybe I can save up some

money get a new motor straight-6 with a manual transmission that's a really big

pain though because it is a four-cylinder Jeep in an

automatic so that means the entire setup is gonna have to be basically redone

re-welded and a whole bunch of work goes into it now maybe if I can find a shop

that'll do it for not too bad that's probably unlikely so what I'll

probably end up doing if worse comes to worse sell the Jeep is how it is for

parts whatever and try to find another Jeep Wrangler that's straight-6 with a

manual transmission so I mean you can look at it either way because it is a

four-cylinder maybe it's a good day get rid of that and get a force alone I mean

get a six-cylinder but I don't know I'm not really sure where I'm going right

now so I'm pretty sad you know I killed my Jeep I think but I mean we'll see

we'll see anyways I'll keep you guys updated on

that let's get to LSP DFR this is kind of going on so I hope you guys are

enjoying the episode so far I know I'm just talking about my Jeep but I mean we

are driving a Willy's and this thing is freaking awesome looking let's get the

headlight that high beams on looks like it's one spotlight there on the driver's

side but this thing looks freakin awesome I'll have the link to this

vehicle download in the description below as well and let's get out of

patrol here let's see this Vette ok bicyclist dispatched got anything for us

here alright doesn't look like they got a multi vehicle collision LMO see

disregard dispatch send that to a local unit I'm up in the mountains right now

and cassadee trail as you can see this thing is pretty steep hill we're doing

pretty good going up it man I'd love this creeps so much and if you guys want

to see more patrols in this Jeep with Lisa MB let me know in the comments as

well hit that like button as well because that really does help me out is

as well how many times am I gonna say is well in this episode we'll see but

anyways just met you getting anything new for us potential deal

chiliad wilderness Roger that dispatch I'll head over there again we can't have

anybody dealing in our Park let's get over this way as you guys can

tell I'm a little I don't know what the word I'm looking for is but you guys

yeah I'm not doing she'd be right there though anyways let's get down this way

looks like is that them at the top of the hill there

okay this bitch I have a visual on the dealer he's at the top of this hill I'm

gonna stop right here I dispatch I'm in position I've got a

visual on the suspect it's going first-person and look at this Jeep this

is freakin awesome now also forts the horizon for does have

a Jeep Lily zombie as well which actually this might have been ripped

from Fortson horizon 3 so we'll see I'll probably do some races in that Jeep as

well okay I see the guy up there let's go in third-person dispatch it looks

like the deal has been made let's get some local units up here as well I'm

gonna go move in to arrest the guy let's pull up right here sir cue stop right

there sir I need you to watch your hands I'm a park ranger key stop right there

duty buddy you stop right there I'm a park ranger I

need you to stop right there put your hands behind your back right now don't

try anything dude put your hands behind your back thank you alright

come over this way max I'm gonna search you now let's get out behind my Jeep I

hear another vehicle I think well says just the bushes in the wind I stand

still I'm gonna search you now dispatch I'm searching the suspect right now

a simple lighter and a rape whistle really okay max the reason a placing you

under arrest I just saw you dealing drugs to that guy down there there that

woman yeah we're not gonna worried about her we just don't like drug dealers

inside our parks so let's get over here you're gonna ride in the back today I'm

gonna make sure he's strapped in all right there we go he's all strapped

in he's not falling we're gonna get him down to the station

dispatch we are code four we're returned to the station now with our suspect in

custody man this chief is freaking awesome it's

uh whoa look at that this thing that's freakin badass and it actually does have

some pretty good flex if you saw from the thumbnail this thing actually does

have really good flex let's see can we find the spot here with good suspension

travel doesn't look like it we'll take a look at the suspension work in a minute

here once we can find something but I do hope you guys are enjoying the episode

and if you have any suggestions for other types of patrols you want to see

let me know in the comments below I know lately I've been trying to get

other people's requests stuff that's not good

okay we're gonna have to back it up whoa go this way yeah

keep moving a bit look at that though the suspension terrible on this thing is

really good I'm gonna take a right over this way yikes don't want to hit a tree

now there we go at the emergency brake on and just kind

of drifted around here there we go and perfect move bouncing light come on move

out of the way see you know what let's go this way there we go

all right so as you can see we got a rock up here let's pull the chief up

there and let's see it's flexing pretty decently as you can see the front wheel

actually is flexing so this Jeep does have some pretty good suspension work

look at that that is awesome alright so let's get over to the station

now get this guy dropped off and then we'll get back out of the patrol and

this is what I wanted to do off-roading you know just hit trails like this

nothing too serious not mudding or anything like that and you know five

minutes in I just sent it and basically killed mudgy

yeah if freakin rookie mistake - at that because you always check the water level

before you enter it and I just sent it and it was a lot deeper than I thought

rookie in mistake okay so we're gonna get this guy dropped off here officer

activated a panic button I'll respond to that in a second it's good this guy

dropped off

at dispatch we're dropping off the suspect now we're gonna be responding to

the officer activated panic button call in a second here all right we are good

to go dispatch show us on route to the

officers location coming through people coming through let's blow this stop sign

here let's get around this truck is a nice lipstick truck don't like the

wheels on it are the tires you know if you had a big truck you do not want

ultra low-profile tires you want massive fat tires on the truck like I don't know

why anybody would add super low-profile tires to it big pickup truck that was a

close one okay so we're gonna use Road it up here and let's try to get to the

officers location all right dispatch let the officer know we're right down the

block from we're pulling up to his location now let's see I hear screaming

officer you okay there's a lot of officers on scene man what are you doing

oh she's got enough she's got a knife trap weapon

oh ho that officer just sent it shit where is she where's she she under the

vehicle we good boss where is she she's definitely under the vehicle right now

dispatch we're gonna need that EMS down here I'm gonna try to get the vehicle

off of her let's just get it up here there we go okay um yeah she's

definitely not doing good right now she got kind of smushed into the ground

specialist KTMs down here and see if they're able to revive her I have no

idea if they're gonna be able to or not chances are probably not gonna be able

man look at that Jeep Willys beautiful truck the one thing on it I could have

sworn the willies only heads seven slots but this looks like nine

let's look really quick one two three four five six seven eight nine I don't

know what these two side ones are cuz they are smaller than the other seven

but I could have sworn they didn't have those two side ones there I'm not sure

if that's just a mess up in the model or if that's how it actually was let me

know in the comments below let me know okay so we just found the knife she was

using I just picked that up as evidence okay sounds like EMS is getting close by

it looks like they're probably gonna be coming from this way man we're gonna

need to use a truck to get these things pulled out because that Ford Taurus is

stuck and the for Taurus off top there definitely looks like it's bottomed out

so I think we're definitely gonna need to get a witch or something and pull

them out that Chevy Tahoe is on its side I don't know how they did that oh that's

the other thing when I was off-roading after feeling like such an idiot and

getting towed out paying $100 to some guy in a big Jeep to pull me out yes

$100 to get towed out it whatever you did nothing else I could do anyways

after I got towed out they got another call for a Chevy Suburban that blew

their motor out on the trail so I didn't feel like such an idiot even though it

was such a rookie mistake going in four feet of water without checking how deep

it was but yeah a Chevy Suburban was off-roading in blue her motor why would

you take a suburban off-road that's my question if you guys have an answer for

that let me know in the comments below so it looks like they're trying to

revive an officer wait a second is there an officer up here way I don't know if

that supposed to be her or the officer that was definitely her okay the little

glitch there but that's alright so it looks like they were able to revive her

so that's good yes no problem I'm glad we were able to

revive you she's definitely gonna be getting some felony charges though but

at least they were able to revive her and I think we're good on this called

especially our code four of this one she'll be available let's back out here

and go the other direction this way I mean look at this note the suspension

travel on this is really good it's got a lot of flex it's got a lot of clearance

is what the word I was looking for okay she was able to give her that no

officers were technically harmed the officer got stabbed in the vest but uh

you know it was his vest into a stab-proof so he's good animal attack

Roger that dispatch let's flip around this way here looks like they're right

on the highway or the freeway gonna try and get down there as quick as possible

let's get out of this trail here let's go the first person well it's a little

laggy I don't know why I was messing around trying to get five I'm working

and I was having some trouble getting GTA back up and running for some reason

it was messing with that so dispatch I'm on scene here

the woman is down I see the animal running I'm gonna have to take it out

we're definitely gonna need EMS on location just gonna get a bunch oh damn

it I just hit a tree looked like it was just a small bush turned out to be a big

stump I'm gonna have to take this thing out

oh boy where is it where is it where's it going

hopefully EMS will get on scene and revive her buttons just run it over

there we go there we go I dispatch I have run over the animal I'm gonna put

one round in its head just to make sure it's dead okay and there we go

you know two shots is good I've dispatched two shots fired on the

mountain line it is definitely down let's get this

tote here they're put away holstered I dispatch thank you it looks like they're

gonna send animal control up this way to pick it up and I'm gonna get back down

here and see if they're able to revive the woman okay guys it looks like EMS

was able to revive her they already picked her up and took her off to the

hospital so we are code four on that last call all right guys I'm gonna leave

this episode here I hope you guys did enjoy it I do want to hear from you in

the comments below so let me do a guest thought in the comments either I hope

you guys enjoyed it I'm gonna leave this episode here I am as you can tell I'm a

little off today just because uh yeah the whole whole mess with my Jeep and

everything so I hope you guys enjoyed it take it easy guys have a great day and

see you next time and be sure to let our bell icon on the channel that way stay

notified when the videos do you go up alright guys take it easy

that's hockey

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