Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

Learn Colors

Learn colors with

Colors for children

Surprise Toys

Surprise Eggs

Slime Pandas

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Slime Surprise Panda Poli Robocar Paw Patrol Oddbodds Trolls Angry Bird - Duration: 6:41.



For more infomation >> DISCOVERY #2 SPRINGEN OF NIET?! MY FIRST CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 12:44.


Pet Sematary Trailer Review - Duration: 1:40.

the Pet Sematary trailer ma'am it just has some vibes and just I just really

enjoyed it and I didn't really have any expectations but just the whole drum and

the consistent noise the girl playing the drum it just gives this really eerie

vibe I sort of it sort of reminded me of hereditary when the girl would make that

like that noise just that constant like eerie creepy noise and you got John

Lithgow in this thing and like who does not love John Lithgow he's sort of

narrating the trailer sort of just giving some some background on the the

property that this family moves in and man it just has some great visuals some

nods to like classic horror films like I got some like Evil Dead and sort of

vibes watching this with like the fog rolling in it was pretty cool but I'm

really looking forward to this movie and I feel like the horror genre is it's

really been pretty solid lately especially with like the Blum House

studio they've really been bringing some good stuff but even just like the

conjuring franchise that first Annabelle movie was an abomination but I think

Horrors really got its foot in the right place so I'm really looking forward to

the Pet Sematary I think it comes out in April so we got a few several months to

go but I think it's has the potential to be a sort of one of the better horror

movies of next year so

For more infomation >> Pet Sematary Trailer Review - Duration: 1:40.


Drawing Your OCs #2 -- Art Challenge with Paula Blox - Duration: 10:06.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I want to make sure first that you go to my Amino

Paula blocks art and please join I am going to do your OCs again

today and this time I am going to do a couple now first I want to let you know

if you want to get your OC drawn or get a chance to please use hashtag Paula

blocks on my amino or you can also use Instagram YouTube Twitter or deviantART

okay but my amino works really well for that so it's up to you how you want to

post it but just know I can't guarantee okay and also you guys that don't know

and OC is an original character or something that you made up yourself so I

know most of you know that but anyway before this gets all out of hand let's

look at these the first one is by angel and which this is so amazing

I just love this OC it is as you can see from her picture she is so adorable oh

my goodness and the picture is already so cute so it's impossible for me to

make it any cuter really because oh my gosh it's adorable she is a little dear

and her name I know I'm probably gonna say this wrong I mean I'm sure I'm gonna

say it wrong but it's a car Inari or Akari Nara shinka or shen guy I'm not

sure somebody has to let me know what this is but she is a khari for short

which oh my gosh she is just so adorable I just can't get over it

I really like looking at OCS I just think it is so much fun because you guys

you have such a vivid imagination and you come up with such good characters

it's just amazing but let's see this one says her name for short is Akari

she lives in Japan and doesn't know how to smile so as you can see I made her

frown and she loves the characters so this is just an awesome OC I think this

is just really incredible and I don't know

do you like kudos ease I think they're really cute and I see a lot of different

type of OCS on amino you have to let me know what kind you like because I see

everything up there and I try to see everything now I'm sure I miss some but

you guys come up with so much like beautiful colors and I don't know just

really good themes and ideas and names I never did that when I was younger and I

wish I would have I feel like I really missed out on that because I see you

guys having a lot of fun with it and oh my gosh I would have loved it I

really would but her outfit I love how she designed it with the pink and the

blue I think it is so pretty and it's really unique I wasn't really sure how

to do some of it and I know I probably messed up after I got done I noticed

there's something on one of the arms and I'm like I don't know what to do for

that so I just left it off because I didn't want to make it look totally

wrong so I just left it off so we'll just pretend like you know if she

normally wears something she just wasn't wearing that this day and you know as

you can see I did the deer ears and a tail and it doesn't look exactly like it

was drawn in the picture there for her OC but I just I don't know I just kind

of guessed okay and I did put some spots but I don't know I just did my best and

as you guys know I'm kind of new to this and this is only my second video for

doing OCS so again if you want to get your OC

drawn again I can't say for sure but make sure you use hashtag Paula Frye and

I will try to make sure that I see them all you know and then pick from a couple

I don't know how many I'm gonna be able to do every week because I'm a lot

slower than some people but I don't know I'm learning as I go and I am having a

blast with it you have no idea maybe you do because you guys are

and to art I think that's just tremendous you're definitely all into

heart and you're so so good at it oh my gosh but I just think they're so cute

but as you can see I was having a little bit of trouble with the colors and I was

like what am I supposed to do so you know I kind of did my best and there she

is there's a khari and now let's go on here

to the next one and I put a little background again you

know I'm just learning but this is rose and I thought Rose was a really neat

unique character also and let me tell you a little bit about Rose first of all

now I want to tell you also and I didn't say this I wish I did I am going to link

to the amino picture and I'm also linking to the YouTube channel so make

sure you check the description so you can get the links and go visit them and

you know subscribe to him even or whatever but this is rose and Rose is

blind and she's always teased but she loves the smell of nature and flowers

and doesn't Rose just something amazing she really does she sounds like a really

really nice girl and this is by spring spring-trap I can't even say it on

macaroni at least that is their amino name now I am linking to their YouTube

channel also so make sure like I said that you go visit them but I thought

Rose was just beautiful their picture of Rose was so good I really liked it and

she's so cute oh my gosh and you know after the fact I think you know I could

have added like some flowers or something but I didn't I'm sorry but

it's a good idea now so I'm kind of learning as I go

and also the dress oh my gosh the dress I love long gowns I think they're so

beautiful no I don't wear them but ever since I was a young girl I always

thought they were so pretty you know like on TV shows and things or I'm

trying to think I know today you guys have like the Academy Awards and things

like that I don't remember if we had those

back when I was a little girl but I used to watch things like the Sonny and Cher

show Ed Sullivan which I don't know if you even remember him probably not

unless you're older you gotta tell me in the comments do you remember Ed Sullivan

at all oh my gosh I remember when the Beatles was first on there that was such

a big deal I was like 3 years old I think 2 or 3 I was pretty young but

anyway I'm getting off track I used to love drawing girls in these ball gowns

you know that you would see them wear and I still to this day just love those

like on Barbie dolls and stuff I always think they're so cool but this one I had

trouble with the collar yes because in the picture I wasn't sure if it was just

blue or my daughter said I wonder if that's blue and kind of going to purple

I got so confused okay but so I finally mainly made it blue and I put a little

bit of purple on top of it because I wasn't sure what to do

so again if this is your OC and I mess it up I'm sorry but Rose will look

beautiful in anything I really love your picture of Rose I thought she was so

cute but tell me in the comments please what kind of o'seas do you do because I

think they are so neat and again if if you have an OC that is something like an

animal or something like that I don't know how to do those yet you know like

I'm pretty new to all - getting back into drawing and everything but I want

to try but for now I will probably just make them look like a little TV person

I'm sorry but that's about all I can do and you know I'll I'll advance hopefully

as time goes on we'll see but anyway I'm having fun doing it so I'm just gonna

keep having fun and doing o'seas and you know it's hard selecting OCS to do like

the two that I picked tonight it was really hard to pick these two instead of

others because there are so many I wanted to do but you have to tell me

what type of OCS you like you know what kind of shading do you do that's another

thing I have that I'm trying to learn as you

see like hair things like that like putting highlights but and especially

outfits I have trouble with the clothes but it's fun and there you can see I am

having trouble with the dress okay just a little bit of trouble I'm like what do

I do with the collars oh my gosh I got myself so confused but it was fun and

there you go I kind of put a little purple on there and kind of mixed it in

so it's still blue technically okay but anyway that is a rose and again look in

the description for the links and guys if you want yours done also join my

amino Paulo blocks art and hashtag Paulo block do you have fun and I will talk to

you later bye

For more infomation >> Drawing Your OCs #2 -- Art Challenge with Paula Blox - Duration: 10:06.



For more infomation >> BLACKOUT ESCUADRA LEGIONARIA - Duration: 1:00:53.


Demystifying Form 26AS, Hindi - Duration: 3:06.

This video in Hindi discusses about Form 26AS whose information is crucial during income tax filing

This video discusses Form 26AS which is essential when you filing an income tax return

Form 26AS is a credit statement of tax deducted at source (TDS)

This is under Section 203AA and wherever tax is deducted at source from any income source be it your employer or any of your investments or bank interest

The TDS amounts need to get deposited too apart from being recorded

It also needs to record any payment of advance tax or self assessment tax

You can get to Form 26AS with the help of a financial or tax advisor or go to the income tax filing site

For more infomation >> Demystifying Form 26AS, Hindi - Duration: 3:06.


Will Guy Ritchie Ruin Disney's Aladdin? - Duration: 3:32.

but moving on to Aladdin now I haven't really been looking forward to this

Disney live-action adaptation but you know you have Guy Ritchie directing the

thing I thought the last year's King Arthur movie was really bad and I think

he has the like the potential to be a good director but I just feel like his

style doesn't match Aladdin like even with King Arthur like he's

having like these foot chases through like the streets of Camelot or wherever

it was in that movie and like there's just like rot this rock music playing in

the background and just totally like when I go to see a King Arthur movie I

want it to be this big epic fantasy like story with like the lady in the lake and

all that stuff and the first like 15 minutes of King Arthur had that stuff

and like Eric Bana was in it and it had like these massive elephants like coming

to to storm the kingdom in this big fight sequence going on and I really

loved that stuff but just I don't know I'm afraid of what he's gonna do in this

film and but just judging from the trailer I thought like it looks good I

mean I like the visuals and stuff like that the trailer showed it has these

like big sweeping shots of like the desert and Agrabah and there's there's a

shot of yah go like flying and you know if it's not voiced by Gilbert Godfrey I

don't know how much I care but if it is voiced by Gilbert Godfrey I'm gonna be

the first one in line to see Z se there goes Iago flying towards Agrabah but I

don't know it's got the girl who played Kimberly from

the Power Rangers movie that came out like two years ago and I think it has

potential I wasn't a fan of The Beauty and the Beast film I thought it was just

okay but I don't know I just think Aladdin is such a it's such a fun

property like Disney property in terms of like the magic carpet sequence like

trying to fly out of the Cave of Wonders and by the way the Cave of Wonders voice

in this trailer is merely identical to the original animated version of Aladdin

I thought that was probably my favorite part of the entire trailer but I'm

looking forward to this I just hope guy Richie delivers a good and not overly

stylized with his like his style I suppose but I'll see it but I just I'm

cautious I'm opt up to Luther I can't talk I'm optimistically cautious so will

so we'll see how that uh that live-action Aladdin movie is I think I

think Lion King comes out next year too so they're gonna make a crap ton of

money the billions and billions of dollars so we'll see

For more infomation >> Will Guy Ritchie Ruin Disney's Aladdin? - Duration: 3:32.


The World Ends With You ~Final Remix~ - Megjelenési előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> The World Ends With You ~Final Remix~ - Megjelenési előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 2:20.


SPIDER-MAN PS4 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 19 | ELECTRO & VULTURE BOSS FIGHT | Pete - Duration: 41:40.

Go go spider man, go go spider man, do-do-do-do-do-do

Man I love this game

Hey, what's going on everyone, this is Pete coming back with another awesome video for you

And today we're gonna continue our journey. We have Spider Man. This is gonna be our walkthrough gameplay part

19 and

Yeah, it's gonna be pretty heavy guys. Get ready for some heavy shit

now before we start guys

I'd like you to subscribe to my channel if you are new and also if you do subscribe to my channel

Don't forget to hit that notification bell button as hard as you possibly can

If you haven't seen the previous parts guys, by the way

There's gonna be a card section set up as always for you. And with that said let's dive into this part guys

I'm super pumped super excited. I'm just gonna have a sip of my

mint tea


This is fantastic. Now, I feel powered and we can get this done. Anyways, guys. Let's get it

So the whole New York is messed up. I think the last part ended as MJ was calling us for help

So let's go and help MJ. She's only 700 meters away

Yeah, the whole thing is messed up as you can see, you know, the whole New York is completely messed up everywhere

there are fights and stuff like this, you know and

Everybody wants us. You know, everybody wants to hunt us down, you know

So look

Men, this is crazy

Right, here we go

Guys just give me two seconds. I need to close my blinds on the front blind because I can't see anything

Okay, that should be a lot better

Sorry about the lighting guys. I'm gonna fix the lighting situation. Yeah, I'm promised you guys a promise. We're gonna have a nice lighting, right?

Let's get it. Let's get it. What do we have?

Stay back. I don't want to have to rescue you - oh shit




Aunt May oh

shit, man, and



Guess hang on. No. I'm a curator get to the window

So far hold on

Just brace yourself

Come on

Go go

Miles come on. Oh shit

Okay, we're going to be fine we're gonna be alright

No way miles sail saved our ass man, that's so cool


What a situation man

Not much of a game play there I

Thought that there's gonna be like some you know AI bushka, we're gonna have to jump around do some stuff

That's just the cutscenes man

Cutscenes in this game absolutely amazing

Everyone is safe

For you and miles I

Would have been the last eight and a half thousand times you saved me pretty sure I still owe you a few

I'm sorry, I screwed things up

It's just hard being the one who always gets saved, you know

Sometimes I want to do the saving. Oh, I'm sorry. I make you feel like you couldn't

Still partners always


so I didn't know if

you wanted

Sparkling or or flat or spring or mountain spring so I got one of each

Am I interrupting no, um MJ MS Watson and I were just talking strategy

Strategy that's right. Hmm the city is in danger. It needs our help all of our help, right?

Well call the play coach


divide and conquer

Miss Watson, we need an antiserum for Devil's breath

Oscorp's developing something but there's no way they can keep it safe from Octavius and Lee

We need to find the cure and protect it. I'll chase down some leads

Last you need to be my eyes and ears at feast

Anything goes wrong?

Call me. We need to keep that place and the people there safe. All right, you got it. What are you gonna do?

Hang a costume nutjobs is taking the city apart piece by piece

Time I return the favor

alright wait, um

How do I call you? I mean, who would you have at a cell phone in your

Your pot pockets or something. Miss Watson can give you my number

Good luck team

You have his number are you spider-man's girlfriend? I'll be so cool

Okay, let's get it guys let's get it man this is gonna get hard man

This is gonna be really hard by the way. Sorry for the noises are got my window open

I hope you guys can't hear that the noises and stuff like that

You know city feels a little more under control but uh miles is watching feast

It's pretty warm today, you know, so time for me to focus on finding out. Oh, I stopped in whatever he has planned

Yuri, we need to start tracking the big boys still no leads on Octavius

No, hmm. Forensics can't even do a sweep of Times Square

Everyone in that department, but the intern is sick. I might be able to turn something up let you know what I find

All right, guys, let's get it

I'm telling you disables. They are

They were actually trying to shoot us like man. This is this is crazy. Everybody is against us

Literally everybody

Folks the city is in crisis. We have bridges and tunnels and clothes people have work in the city

We don't live here are trapped with it

Others have been barred from homes placed under emergency quarantine

I'm hearing reports of tent city people sleeping in parks. It's like the depression and the

1918 flu epidemic all rolled into one I know times are hard and we are all struggling but if you see someone who needs help

Do what you can that's the only way we'll make it through this we must pull together

Fall apart Jared break that down that was a good one

Okay, let's clear the area guys

Okay, we got him go girls fighter man go girls fighter man doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo

Man I love this game

10:51 fugitives and multiple vehicles are causing a major disturbance additional officers needed at times where over

Okay, who we are here we are guys here we are

Spider-man here to lend a hand

Thought you might need one officer you don't know that half of it never seen anything like this Devil's breath stuff

Forensics is having a hell of a time

News reports say this is where auto-release Devil's breath might have left some residue I can track. All right. What is this?


Like what do you mean what do I do it is?



Investigate like what do we what do we do? No, my Albert Meyer

For a barrack New York. I don't know. What what is that? What is there to investigate? You know, I mean

Maybe something here. Oh

Oh, otherwise residue on the side, maybe I can isolate it

Eighty rich leader sequence this looks promising. Hmm


Wait, what do we do?


I'm not quite sure which one

I mean that looks like the one could be

It's not exactly

Much the pattern

Okay, we are getting somewhere guys

Would that be that


we kind of got it I

Was just getting to the service groups modified CPF one

definitely Devil's breath


Should be able to track the dispersal path now. Okay, let's get it. Oh

You've chosen a few directions need to find the right one. Hmm

We really can't say sir spooky

Trails gone cold

So it's gonna be the other way

Paper trail heads up that building

Okay, guys we're getting somewhere trail jumps between these buildings, whoa

Trail leads down into those vents. What was the model doing up here should be a door and access hatch around here

There we go. We got another backpack

Okay, the defense then well, this is moody mmm

How cute is that cos hell I got no life

There be light


Was there was uh using this as a staging ground

Whoa, yes of the prison-break would have been perfect cover to move in


Martin Lee can't believe this is the same man. I knew it feast

What's with a sword man

Otto's rage is driving him. The neural interface is exacerbating it but his hate is genuine

He'll destroy the whole city to hurt Norman

Oh, you're crazy pebbles come

Feel like I can't turn around without seeing his face

He smiles for the cameras collects his accolades that keeps his booth pressed against my neck

Why can't anyone else see how selfish he is? How reckless how?

Evil, if only they could be made to see the norm and I know the man behind the mask

Wow, he's really crazy good

Old Rhino my second favorite Russian

Mac Gargan make a scorpion. Aka crazy pants me crazy

Scorpions helping Auto in exchange for a clean slate criminal record expunged gambling debts erased

Wow, there's so much stuff in here, man

Okay, I am vulture. I've tangled with him more than anyone else here

Like do I have to listen power source for vultures wings gave him spinal cancer to Oldman

I was developing an experimental treatment to save him

Hmm electro total livewire that one

Max when you first conveyed your dream to me. I thought you insane pure energy

But as I don't deport the problem I discovered a way to give us both what we desire

I promise you when we are done you will be pure energy

Or so close to it as to make the difference irrelevant

Electro's big pipe dream is to become pure energy doc actually managed to modify his harness to get a little closer to that goal

What's this now Otto must have used this map to plan but it's blank unless there's something here I'm missing

You V Bob huh? Nothing happened

There must be a way to get that lamp on

There we go

Well, let's see, what's there markings

ADO's tasks the villains to destroy Oscorp holdings throughout the city

He's trying to take apart. Norman's Empire piece by piece


Scorpion must be trying to poison the city's reservoir

rhinos targeting oscorp's shoreline properties

With Electro's disabling Oscorp power plants makes sense. What's vulture doing in Times Square?

I need to keep my guard up

It seems like the last stage of the plan is a direct assault on Oscorp and most likely Norman

Please going after The Devil's breath antiserum

using something called Icarus

This is deeper than I thought guys, you know

Pick up the trail well

Vado developed a corrosive to free Rhino from his suit a

Certain government agency spent years trying and failing to do that. Only took OTO a few days


Looks like Otto's been studying Sables tech for weaknesses

Ikaros this is it

Hello spider-man we've never been properly introduced. I'm Otto Octavius

There is no Icarus is there no

Martin needs no assistance to secure the antiserum

Icarus was a ruse to get you into position

into position Oh

Traffic's rough listen, please coming for the antiserum. We need to find those Devil's breath lab before he does

Oh, come on

Come on you gotta get get out of this family failed softened him up time for plan B

There we go, okay

That was almost heartwarming electro nearly crew in prison, didn't you?

Now how the hell do we fight this guy?

Now are you getting close?

Okay, so we're doing some damage to make it damage if I wet the transformer oh

Shit nice

Now we got this guy

So we fight both of these guys now, yeah

No, whereas the stables come

Okay, so we're doing some stuff

I just don't think that you know what we do in the bow. Yeah

Do we have to be like


Don't know man

Okay, so we did some

We did some stuff whoa

Come on


Oh crazy see a buscar

Are you crazy tables come

What the hell

Okay, we're moving somewhere guys because that was getting like really

Okay, so we got the electron now

But how the hell oh

Yeah, I know how how to deal with you

Okay, I gotta say that's not the

Coolest fight sorry. I was just trying to

Concentrate I

Mean the oh

Yeah, busca

Well depends on how you're looking at it


Tea sir

Yeah, return permission

Need to get him to drop his guard first

Come on

Hold up a sec

How men at times come on man

Okay, there we go it's getting really hard fighting two of these guys at the same time but very times

There we go, come on now that you are alone

How many times come on

There you go, you're not so amazing without your fancy suit re oh

There we go

Electro's been grounded

But killing innocent people I would have restored the power

You're sick. You need help. I have all the help I need and we will not stop until Norman gets what he deserves

Wow man, that was pretty crazy. I gotta say that was pretty pretty crazy

No wonder what oh, man

Wow and we got another trophy that was pretty good

And level 29

So guys, I think we're gonna end this episode right here. That was pretty awesome episode pretty awesome

Fight and everything. It was a little bit like boring at first because you had to do certain things to to get these guys

But anyways, I mean we've done it we've beat them and we're moving forward. So that's the main thing

Thanks so much for tuning in

I hope you guys enjoyed this episode as much as I did and I will see you guys in the next video

Pete out


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