Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

- Oh, no, dude, no, that hurts so bad!

- [Cody] I've recently flown to Europe in order

to shoot some abandoned and haunted theme videos

for the month of October. (piano music)

I headed to a seaside town where I heard there

was an abandoned church that was so unique

that I had to see it for myself.

My name is Cody Buffinton.

I'm an adventure-seeking world traveler and

today we are in an abandoned play funhouse

that was once converted from an actual church.


(suspenseful piano music)

We head into the usual dark building,

but are met with the stained glass church windows

illuminating the renovated church walls,

now covered in bright colors and kids' art work.

This guy right here, that's me.

That would be me.

I think this would be Josh,

just like goofing around right here.

Now the reason this place was abandoned was because

basically a private guy bought it,

turned it into a funhouse and then someone came here,

and they got hurt really badly.

They couldn't afford to pay for the medical bills

for all the lawsuits and all that, so then it got shut down.

I quickly moved through the empty bottom floor

to the upstairs where everything had to be.

(thrilling music)

- [Cody] Whoa.

Oh my god.

- [Man] And the slide is going.

- [Cody] Dude, this is crazy.

(suspenseful music)

I've never seen anything like this.


Like this giant slide.

I wonder how slippery it still is.

It looks like a half-pipe, like a skateboard ramp.

Oh, that's the mat you use.

You need that mat down there.

We can go through this little spot.

Oh my god, yo, Josh.

- [Josh] What, where are you?

- Look above.

I'm up in a net.

- [Josh] You're in the net.

- I'm in this net, man.

- [Josh] Whoa!

(somber music)

- I run through these little.

I feel like.

These things were definitely filled with something before.

They weren't just hollow sacks, like they are now.

What the heck?

(Cody grunts)

- [Josh] Don't look down.

(Cody laughs)

- [Cody] Oh!

- [Josh] Hold on, it's scary!

I never even saw

things like this. - Oh, yeah, these are

the ones where you climb down.

- [Josh] But how do you get down, where's the holes?

- [Man] You just climb through it.

- [Cody] You climb through all those bungees.

- [Josh] Oh, you go through the bungees?

- [Cody] Yeah, yeah.

- [Josh] I've never done something like this.

- Dude, they have-- - You guys wanna do it?

- [Cody] Yeah, let's do it.

- [Man] Did he fuckin' fall through?

- [Josh] Cody, oh my god!

Oh my god!

- [Cody] I don't know, man.

I feel like a fly caught in a spider web.

(Josh laughs)

- [Josh] Bro!

- You alright? - Yeah.

- This is mad scary.



No, dude, no!

That hurts so bad!

- [Man] You did it wrong.

That's 'cause you're standing up.

- Oh my God, okay, wait.

- [Man] You gotta lie down and pull through it.

(Josh groans)

- God!

This ain't that fun!

- [Man] It is when you jump.

- When you jump?

(Josh groans)

(Cody laughs)

(Josh coughs)

(intense music)

(Josh laughs)

- [Cody] It's literally just this.

This one's like steeper than that one.

- [Josh] This is probably the one where the kid got hurt on.

- [Cody] I can imagine, this is literally like a half-pipe.

This is not for kids!

It's literally a straight, vertical 90.

- It's because of the gravity, it's possible.

But the thing is, 'cause I've been to some of these places,

but they didn't make it straight down.

They made it almost straight down.

- Yeah. - So that kid must have.

This one must have been like not safe anymore.

- [Cody] Dude, I think you could easily fall forward

and I'm sure that's how someone got hurt.

'Cause that is--

- [Josh] Actually dude, you're 100% right.

- [Cody] 'Cause that is literally like an 89 degree angle.

- [Man] What, the sand?

- [Cody] There it goes.

- [Josh] Ah, no!

- [Man] It's sticking a little bit, but--

- [Josh] Okay, okay.

Well then, you just went down.

- [Cody] Yeah, try this one over here.

You ever hear that saying that you have

to leave a place better than you found it?

- Yeah, that's how we do it here.

We take care of the spots.

- [Cody] That's how we do it.

So Bucky is about to attempt the steepest slide here,

and I'm interested to see how this goes

because I think this is the one

that the kid probably got hurt on.

Look how steep that is.

It's like, if you go forward, like that, boom, face plant.

- [Josh] But you know, he's a professional.

He's been trained for this.

- [Josh] Alright, Bucky, anytime!

- That's steep now.

- [Josh] That is super steep.

Not even the camera shows how steep it is.

- [Cody] Yeah, the camera really doesn't do it justice.

(intense music)


- [Josh] Oh!

- [Man] You hit your right foot?

- No.

- [Cody] That was every kid's face

ever going down those things.

(Bucky laughs)

Your face was like, eh, I don't know!

- Thank you guys for watching.

This has been a fun video, first video back here in the UK.

Super excited to start this little trip we're doing.

So, yeah, if you have not subscribed to these other guys,

I'll have everyone's link down below.

But until next time guys, explore the world.

(intense music)

(sneakers screeching) (John panting)

- Okay.

For more infomation >> ABANDONED FUN HOUSE INSIDE A CHURCH! - UK - Duration: 6:54.


EN ÇOK İSTENİLEN MAKYAJ 2018 - Duration: 14:33.

For more infomation >> EN ÇOK İSTENİLEN MAKYAJ 2018 - Duration: 14:33.


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For more infomation >> আল্লাহর পাকড়াও বড়ই কঠিন || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:04.


Dmitry Medvedev Visits Golden Autumn Agro-Industrial Exhibition - Duration: 1:07.

I am glad to welcome all of you at the Golden Autumn exhibition!

Together we have achieved impressive results.

This is the country's food security.

These are consistently high yields - over 100 million tons of grain for five years in a row.

Growing export of our agricultural products.

Of course, state support played its part.

For six years, from the federal budget we have sent 1.2 trillion rubles to the agro-industrial complex.

It will be the largest complex in Europe.

10 thousand heads of cattle.

Thank you very much.

This is the center of breeding dairy cattle.

This is actually very important.

Because our selection cattle breeding is lagging behind.

And, the more we will have breeding stations ...

I immediately want to surprise you with a product - this is not found anywhere in the world.

We received a European certificate ...

We will keep all the tools, support measures, funding available at the moment.

For more infomation >> Dmitry Medvedev Visits Golden Autumn Agro-Industrial Exhibition - Duration: 1:07.


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10 tough female dogs names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 tough female dogs names - the best pet names - - Duration: 1:16.


10 nombres para perritas grandes y peligrosas - - Duration: 1:12.

10 tough female dogs names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 10 nombres para perritas grandes y peligrosas - - Duration: 1:12.


সুস্থ বিবেক ও বর্তমান গনতন্ত্র || Gonotontro || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> সুস্থ বিবেক ও বর্তমান গনতন্ত্র || Gonotontro || Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:27.


Intro of MacShop Pro - Duration: 0:12.

Intro MacShop Pro

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