Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

welcome to this video on the bear market strategies of 2018 and this is going to be

universally applicable so if you're watching this yours in the future this

lesson is still very valuable for you because I'm going to talk about

universal principles of finding the end of a raging bull market or a raging bear

market so in this case we have been having a raging bull market for many

many years and it can be expected there have been a lot of pundits who have been

predicting the end of this bull market for many many years and because it's

gone beyond the average we're beyond the statistical average of a bull run and

you'll see a lot of people who have predicted it based on fundamental

analysis technical analysis etc and then they've been proven wrong in the market

just continues to go up okay so the first thing I want to say is that one of

the universal principles here that we can apply is that there are no

certainties in trading or investing so nobody knows alright let's just call it

what it is nobody knows there's a lot in objections

that people give to various some lessons you see it on YouTube comments and so

forth of people say well hindsight's 2020 and guess what they're right

they're absolutely 100% right nobody knows the future so when it comes to

predictions get all these people predicting a bear market I really hate

the term prediction when it comes to market analysis because well kind of

implies that people know the future and we don't I don't you don't Warren

Buffett doesn't and no one does so what we're doing is we're trading

probabilities in a 1 with the probability is then that means by

definition sometimes we'll work out and even when the odds are on your side

sometimes it doesn't work out even though the odds are on your side I mean

otherwise it would be a certainty by definition right so ok so that means

that we need to then employ risk management and money management for

those times when it doesn't work out and I'll just be very candid with you and

very transparent here there were several times when I thought that Oh

probabilities are lining up I think we're going to have a bear

market here and guess what I was wrong so I'm actually shorted the market a

couple of times the major indexes the S&P Nasdaq now whatever and didn't work

out into the market went higher but that's okay I didn't really lose much

money because of my money management risk management no give you an example

of that here in a moment okay so let's talk about what happened here recently

in the markets and what lessons we can learn from this into the future forever

ever more universal principles so first of all on the daily chart and we're

looking at the S&P 500 here obviously okay so we've already established we're

in an extended bull market so I'm just gonna use the IRA side we could you can

use your favorite indicator here this is what's called a convergence pattern so

our exciting going down get a lower high on price lower high on our side okay big

deal fine that's okay then we get a divergence on the IRS and the weekly so

here we get price going up and a little lower high on RSI alright and then to me

more significantly on the monthly chart we get a divergence as well and not only

that but we are in what's called the overbought zone so as you see my RSI

turns a different color when we're in the overbought zone and that's labeled

here at 17 and so that would be considered more significant than this

one why because on the weekly we are not in

the overbought zone were not above 70 but in the monthly we are so that

divergence is considered more significant for that reason number one

in number two because it's also in the monthly and as you can see we haven't

really had this on the monthly monthly has just been you know cranking up here

and you'll see well from the visible part at least you can see goes all the

way back to July 2016 so this is the first time that and again there's been

no divergence we haven't been above the so called overbought zone this whole

time on the monthly that's the first time on the monthly that it's occurred

now when you're looking for a bearish mark

in other words for the market returned from long term bullish to bearish we

want to see that on the long term chart in this case the monthly so this is the

first time we've actually had that and that's the very first significant thing

to point out here and so I bought a bunch of puts up here saw this early and

actually bottom way up here and yeah it's working out okay all right now okay

in fact I bought some leaps even to in just in case this does turn into a long

term when I say leaps I'm talking about quotes so which is a bearish hate to use

the word bad because that refers to gambling

most people's terms are referring to bet says gambling but you know just taking

the side of the bearish side of the market so I'll put is buying basically

the same is shorting if you understand what's shorting is so I'll comment to

either for those are not familiar with option terminology okay so yeah in case

this turns into a long term bearish market then great I'm all set all the

way through gosh a big part of next year actually alright but then also some

shorter term patterns and I want to talk to you about that

so what Oh before we get to that let me show you some more things here that I

was looking at my right whole done actually

nobody can do I gotta take all this off here and then I got a pull up format

analysis techniques yeah okay so Mike McLelland

summation index and I apply an SMA to that as well so let me pull up that

puppy so here's the other thing that I was looking at and so as you can see

we've got a little over hi there but the summation index is going down very

dramatically all right and the blue line is my moving average in the red line is

actually the summation index so I look for the cross of the

cementation summation summation index good thing you don't have to talk to

trade to go below the moving average and that's one of the things that I look for

okay and in fact let me pull this over here a

little bit okay so you could see it crosses below and then you can also see

that we get if you look at this compared to that you'll see that okay that's

again kind of a divergence type pattern I didn't short there you didn't get in

short until here alright okay so that's another thing so the point of all of

this is that trading as I said there's no certainties in trading what we are

doing is we are putting together pieces of evidence pieces of uncorrelated

evidence that and you can think of it almost like a legal case where you want

a preponderance of the evidence no one thing is going to give you a certainty

in trading no one thing no one candlestick pattern no one moving

average no one indicator so I get a lot of times people saying you know hey can

you just give me a simple way of making money in the market just one thing you

know what's the one ending what's the best indicator for making money that's

when it'll get a lot people email me and say Barry what's the best indicator for

making money I'm like wow okay we you need a lot of education you don't even

understand the basic premise of how a technical analysis works there's no one

thing that'll directly make you money it's all about putting together a

trading plan methodology strategy system whatever you want to call it and all

those things mean that we're putting together a number of uncorrelated

variables now when they all align it still doesn't give you a certainty but

puts the odds on your side all right so these are some of the things that I was

looking for when I bought all those puts then on top of that as I mentioned at

the beginning of the presentation here today

I'm still not a hundred percent sure right never so therefore we employ risk

management and money management and what that means for me well there's several

things that it means for me so first of all my risk very very small on this

trade so I'm shorting here and my stop literally went right above that bar

that's my initial protective stop and entry down here so my risk is basically

one bar alright my risk is one bar so as you've probably heard before you got to

keep your losses small let your winners run so that's how I keep my losses small

I literally the most I'll risk is the range of two bars on the shortest term

chart and I always look at three timeframes

so on the shortest term chart that's where my risk is now my reward generally

is going to be either in the mid a mid term chart or the long term chart so

what this is here this green line that's our fifty period simple moving average

alright and so that is a very significant moving average why there's

only one reason that's significant everybody and as pure key looks at it

and so it has a self-fulfilling prophecy again I get a lot of people emailing me

saying well bury the stuff you teach only works because it's a

self-fulfilling prophecy because so many people look at him like yeah why do you

think stuff works in trading because I'm free but he's looking at it that's

exactly why we're does work and why else would you think it would

work you think this would be working on astrology or ancient Phoenician

numerology no it's it's a market it's an auction place and so where everybody is

concerned that oh the market may stop here guess what they they take profits

where they buy or whatever and so yeah it's mass psychology that's the whole

deal so you can see here by the way this also on the daily chart so at the 50 ma

on the daily chart what happened um yeah people got a little hesitant there and

so sure enough boom boom couple of neutral bars market paused for two days

and then it cranked down and where did it go well went right down to the 200 MA

shot below it but then the next day it came right back to at Friday and open

and closed right around that level so again what does that mean that means

everybody and his oh we'll say gerbil this time he is looking at the 200

period simple moving average and so we overshot it why because of emotional

enthusiasm your rational enthusiasm perhaps as Alan Greenspan was has once

said and then they kind of come back to the senses oh wait whoops

we can't just slice through this 200ma and so the market came back to it

I am so anyway I've locked in some profits already here and again you got

the confluence of two things you got the confluence of the 200ma here you got the

confluence of the 50 ma there some people are looking at the dailies well

actually most people are looking at both anyway who are watching these timeframes

which again is everybody and their hamster so again great place to now

that's part of risk management so risk management includes placing your stop

and then you know already the risk reward ratio on this trade is already

you know fantastic right it's already great now locked in some profits and you

know if this does not turn into a long term beer market ok it goes back up no

big deal right still made money and all of a trailing stop put in but if it goes

down well then I just make more money and that's the point that's the point

here we're here to make some money honey not to predict the long-term future of

the market in fact I'm really good at predicting again I hate to use that word

predicting that of determining half cycles in the market and so what I do is

I'll buy it the at a cycle low and I'll take some profits at the very next cycle

high move my stop and then I'm golden and do that on every single trade and

then when the market moves big time great I'm there and if it moves a little

time great I made a little bit of money but that's awesome I mean that's really

and again by the way at the point of that is it's easier to got to come up

with a better word than prediction here it's easier to determine a short-term

move in the market with high profit really then a long-term move in the

market and so that's why I always take my triggers short term over here and but

I base my reward on the long term and that's another thing here too by the way

so if you base your risk on the short term you basically reward on the long

term market long term timeframe well that's another way of getting a great

risk reward a reissue okay I've gone way over time here on

today's video but it's timely and even again even if you're watching this into

the future there's still some great lessons here that are universally

applicable so be interesting to see what happens from here on out now I've got a

free trading course for you I want to share with everybody so it's got a lot

more detail than these little youtube trading tips obviously so if you want a

free trading course click the green icon in the top right hand corner of the

video and that of course also includes my rubberband tree by the way and that

will give you a free trade where you can go and learn how to trade the rubberband

trade entries exits where it plays your stops all that stuff very specific much

more detailed then I get into these free youtube treating tips and yeah

absolutely free but of course demo tested similarly test it and get used to

it before you start trading with real money and there's some other great stuff

in there too five videos absolutely free for my YouTube viewers if you find these

videos useful then please pay it forward by giving a thumbs up icon or a thumbs

up give some nice comments in the comment area below if you have any

questions or suggestions on videos you'd like me to do in the future but those in

the comments as well and really the best thing you can do to pay it forward is to

click on the share button below and share good things with good people


For more infomation >> Bear Market Strategies - Duration: 15:18.


Oauuu!!!...| De necrezut!!! | Sunt atît de diferite...| Povesti pentru copii - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Oauuu!!!...| De necrezut!!! | Sunt atît de diferite...| Povesti pentru copii - Duration: 7:21.


|Frozer - część 4| napisy PL - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> |Frozer - część 4| napisy PL - Duration: 1:58.


Star Trek Videogames - Game Sack - Duration: 39:42.

("Sack Trek" theme music)

- [Joe] The internet, the third from last frontier.

These are the episodes of the YouTube show, Game Sack.

It's moderately entertaining mission,

to seek out old games, and old game consoles.

To boldly review games, that may or may not

have been reviewed before.

("Sack Trek" theme swells)

- Wow, that really takes a long time.

- Way too long.

- And you can feel every second of it.

- And it's not a good feeling either.

- No, no. - It freaking hurts.

- Anyway, computer, begin program,

Game Sack 1.629 alpha 2692.67

- [Computer] Affirmative.

- Stupid computer, I said . point seven, not point eight.

Much better, much better.

Anyway, hello and welcome to Game Sack,

and yes we are talking about Star Trek video games.

- Well, there's a lot of 'em and I know

you are a big Star Trek fan.

- Yes.

- Whereas me, I'll watch it, but I don't follow it

I don't know all the characters, but you know,

I'm willing to play these games.

- Okay, well then, let's just shut the hell up

and get into it.

Okay, I want to start off

with some Star Trek Deep Space Nine love.

Let's try Deep Space Nine Crossroads of Time

for the Super Nintendo.

This is a side scrolling game that

takes place both on and off of the space station.

It feels like they actually put a tiny bit

of effort into this one.

Well, I mean the actual game design

could certainly be better.

But otherwise, it's not too bad.

You mainly play as Commander Sisko.

That's right, Commander Sisko.

This game takes place during the show's earlier seasons.

In the beginning of the game, Sisko

takes it upon himself to do everyone else's job

and solve certain station mysteries and Shenanigans.

I eventually encounter what appear

to be Bajorans up to no good.

So, just like on the show, you punch them

in the face until they die!

Sisko don't mess around.

I mean, look at this, he hauls ass through the station.

There ain't no time for walking.

And he does all of this to the tune

of some very un-space-like beats.

(funky non-space station music)

You do eventually go down to the planet

and explore other places as well.

You have various weapons and items

that you can switch between once you collect them.

The control kind of sucks, though.

Trying to take out these flying things with the phaser

is a chore because you have to press up to aim up,

but Sisko keeps wanting to face the wall when I aim up.

Stupid Sisko!

Even the menu system is kind of clunky

when you have to use it.

Sometimes you switch to another character

so you can have them go and do their own thing.

I guess Sisko just can't do everything.

Most of the time you're just running around

talking to people which will advance the game.

Back and forth you go, and sometimes you

can't even find who you need to talk to

until you talk to someone else.

Pretty exciting, I say.

Still, once you get used to it,

it's not too terribly awful.

I am pretty disappointed that there's

no baseball on Sisko's desk though.

I guess the Super Nintendo just

isn't powerful enough to put a baseball there.

This game's also on the Genesis

and the graphics are brighter, but also a bit more grainy.

The music is a touch more rockin',

and I think I prefer here even though

neither game will remind you of the show.

(funky non-space music, Genesis style)

It's just too bad that this is the only console game

ever based on Deep Space Nine.

Nowadays, a lot of people consider it

their favorite or second favorite Star Trek series.

But back when it was on the air, not so much.

So, I guess this is kind of understandable

why there's not more video game love for this show.

(rockin' music like they listen to on Cardassia Prime)

(low-quality sound effects)

- [Dave] Here's Star Trek 25th anniversary for the Game Boy.

I could have used this title in our episode

"Games I Can't Decide What They Want to Be"

since it has multiple play styles.

You start out on a grid that has many barriers

blocking your destination.

You move the Enterprise in one direction,

and when it hits its first barrier,

the game changes to a side scrolling shooter.

Things start out very easy and gradually

get tougher as you make your way.

There's a map on the bottom of the screen

so you know how much of this fairly boring shooter

you have to endure.

Every now and again a small warp gear will appear

letting you bypass a part of the level.

There should be more of these

because I want to bypass it all.

Once you get to the end, you get to move the Enterprise

again on the grid and do another shooter level.

Even though these only take a few minutes

to get through, it feels like its a lot longer.

At least the backgrounds and enemies change, though.

Once you reach your destination, you beam down

to the planet's service with Spock and Bones

to play an overhead adventure.

You have to scour the planet in search

of part of the disrupter.

Your partners will radio and give you hints

on plant life and enemies that roam around.

Ultimately, you'll use the tricorder

to zero in on where the parts are hidden.

You have your phaser for a weapon

and you can stun or kill enemies.

There's life and more laser ammo laying

around the planet to pick up if you need it.

And you'll need both for sure.

These parts aren't as boring as the shooter levels,

but they're definitely not loads of fun either.

Overall, I'd say I enjoyed the game

about as much as the show.

(music that sounds like it's bored to even exist)

(inaccurate phaser firing sounds)

- [Joe] This is Star Trek Voyager

Elite Force released by Activision for the PC.

Set your phasers to frag because this one

is an arena tournament first person shooter

which uses the Quake III Arena engine.

Basically, the first person to get 25 frags wins

whether you're playing with others

or just playing with your self which I do a lot.

I guess being stuck in the Delta Quadrant,

the Voyager crew has absolutely nothing better to do

than run around a ship and kill each other.

Actually, it takes place on the holodeck

so sadly nobody really dies.

You have various weapons, sub weapons and defensive items

and secondary weapons that are all

just sitting around waiting for anyone to pick up.

It plays well enough, and I guess

this was before the WASD control scheme was popularized.

I'm playing with the mouse and the arrow keys here,

and it works fine and I'm sure I

can adjust it to be even better if I wanted to.

Visually, it moves quickly with a good frame rate,

albeit with a lot of screen tearing.

In fact, I didn't see a V-sync option anywhere.

Also, everything seems to be really dark.

Turning up the brightness all the way doesn't help much.

I actually brightened up the footage

a bit in editing so you could see it better.

Next, I simply could not get any music to run,

and I have no idea why.

Seems like a lot of work to get this game to run properly.

Other than that, it's a run of the mill frag fest.

This game was also released on the PlayStation 2

the next year.

This one has a single player campaign mission

that didn't seem to be in the PC version at all.

At least not that I could find.

It also has some voice overs from the actual cast.

- [Janeway] Tuvok, Voyager's Chief of Security,

assembled an elite force of security personnel

named the Hazard Team.

- [Joe] Aside from that, it's pretty much the same

except that I feel the visuals are better here

because you can actually see them.

Sadly, the game only runs in 480i

and the frame rates can get pretty low sometimes.

There is more ambient sound in this version though.

And finally, you can't even play

as everyone's favorite character on Voyager, Icheb.

As you recall, Icheb was a teen rescued

from the Borg by the Voyager crew.

He ended up being a great assets

and helped out Voyager in many situations

with his smarty-smarts.

This would be the perfect game to have him

and even little Naomi Wildman in.

I mean, there's a bunch of nobodies

in here that we've never heard of, but no Icheb?

I wonder how Icheb actor Manu Intiraymi feels about this?

- It's first person shooter action that won't quit,

but be prepared, you can't play as Icheb.

He's right!

There's no Icheb.

God dammit!

Take that, Activision!

No Icheb.

No Icheb on Timelines.

No Icheb on Star Trek Online.

No Icheb on Elite Force.

There's just no more Icheb.

Just Manu.

Just crusty old, beer bellied Manu.

Hey, what's this?

Game Sack.

Yeah, Joe and Dave might take me on.

That'd be cool.

Joe and Dave suck, Game Sack sucks!

Like I want to end up there.

- Hey guys, we got a cool interview with Manu Intiraymi

who played Icheb on Voyager for two seasons.

So, tell me Manu, do you like video games?

- I do like video games.

I think my favorite video game is Dragons Lair.

- [Joe] Dragons Lair, really?

- [Manu] When Dragons Lair came out when I was a kid

I pumped so many quarters into that machine.

- So, I've got to ask you, how do you really feel

about not being included in the Voyager games

that we showed?

- I'm not...

I'm lying, I would like to be included.

In Star Trek Online, they have my character.

And in Star Trek Timelines they have my character,

but I think they might have even

hired somebody else to do my voice.

And in Star Trek Online, I just bounce around.

I walk around on J7 and I do nothing.

You can bump Icheb, but you can't play him.

I would like to be in a Star Trek game.

I would like to do work in video games in general.

Most of my cast does.

And so if anybody out there wants a freckle-faced actor

in their video game, I'd love to do it.

- So, what are you doing these days?

- Mostly sitting at home and crying.

- Aww.

- Actually, a lot of things.

Right now, my film 5th Passenger, it's a SciFi thriller

that I produced with my friends

Scott Baker and Morgan Lariah.

Stars Doug Jones from The Shape of Water,

and it's awesome.

It's kind of like Aliens meets Star Trek.

Great story, and it's available On Demand,

Blu-ray, DVD, everywhere that you like movies.

I also have a project called The Circuit

which is a science fiction anthology film

that I have in development.

And it's got actors from Game of Thrones

and Star Trek and Star Wars.

It's a mega project that we're getting started.

We're still looking for funding.

We raised a bunch of money on Kickstarter,

but we're also offering people to invest,

and you can find out all about it at

Or contact me directly after you

go to the website at

- Awesome.

Well, back to the games.

Star Trek EliteForceII was only

released on Mac and PC in 2003.

This is the Mac version here.

Despite the opening narration provided by Patrick Stewart

as Picard and showing the Enterprise E,

this one still takes place primarily

in the Voyager universe from what I've seen so far.

It has a single player campaign that is very similar to,

but not exactly like the PS2 version

of the first EliteForce game.

You start out on a Borg ship trying to do various stuff,

including finding your teammates.

Since this game is newer, it's a bit more fleshed out

than it was on the PS2, and it

looks sharper and better all around.

Though screen tearing is definitely still here.

This time you'll be using your tricorder

a lot to modulate the locks on doors and whatnot.

And you'll also be spending a lot of time

crawling through cramped spaces

to find things to shoot which will unlock force fields.

And, of course, there's still the arena mode

where you're trying to get the most frags.

You can choose from a variety of different stages

including a giant Federation bridge

which is weird, but whatever.

Overall, as a single player game,

it definitely improves upon the first.

Still no Icheb, though.

(characters shouting... and dying)

Follow Game Sack on Twitter @GameSack and @GameSackDave

on Instagram @GameSackOfficial

and check out or Patreon if you want.

- Well, that Icheb guy seems pretty nice.

- Icheb is cool.

- Yeah, I'd like to be his friend I think.

- You should.

And the world needs more Icheb.

- Yeah, I think so, I mean,

he seems a little lonely, like

he's been left out a little bit.

I'd like to be his friend.

- You should be his friend.

- Okay.

Star Trek 25th Anniversary for the NES

is a different game from the Game Boy title.

In this installment, the crew of the Enterprise

is accidentally sent to an unknown area in space.

The dilithium crystals have been fused together

so they have to get more on neighboring planets

so they can make it back home.

You'll spend the majority of the game solving puzzles

on planet surfaces so you can find those crystals.

I like the picture of Kirk and Spock

riding the elevator down to the beam room,

or whatever it's called.

Kirk is always holding a spatula,

wanting to make a quick stop in the kitchen

and cook some eggs or something.

The first planet is funny as you're millions of light years

from Earth, and you find aliens

that look like primitive Earthlings and can speak English.

They also have cats!

Anyways, like I said, you do a lot

of puzzle solving, and not much killing.

You can use your phaser, but mainly just

to stun alien creatures or to open up doorways.

It won't take long for you to find those Dilithium crystals

and move on to the next planet and back home.

Not a bad game, but not a very interesting one, either.

(8-bit Star Trek-ish music kinda sorta)

- [Joe] There was even a game show game called,

not surprisingly, Star Trek The Game Show,

and it was released only on PC in 1997.

This one is basically a trivia fest.

So, if you like trivia, then there

might be a chance you'll like this one.

It's hosted by John de Lancie in character

as Q and his Q assistant.

And, of course, just like you'd expect,

he derides you at any and every chance he gets.

- [Q] Let's hear it for blind luck.

- [Joe] Gee, thanks, I feel great now.

Despite absolutely loving Star Trek,

I kind of suck at trivia, so I didn't

do as well at this one as I had hoped to.

There are questions about all the different

Star Trek series, up to Voyager, anyway.

There are four sections to this game,

divided into quadrants.

The first one is simply multiple choice answers

to a bunch of different questions.

In the beta quadrant you actually

have to type in the answer.

I hope you get the spelling correct,

because if you don't, you're out of luck.

And as a guy who sucks at remembering names

and stuff like that, I did pretty badly here.

In the gamma quadrant, it's back

to more multiple choice answers for each question.

But if you get an answer wrong, the points

you would have gotten had you answered it

correctly are subtracted from your score.

Yeah, that's super fun, no pressure at all!

And the final quadrant depends on

which series you get stuck with.

I got stuck with Deep Space Nine,

which I've only seen in its entirety once.

So, I probably did pretty badly,

but the game doesn't really let you know.

Overall there's a bunch of different questions

and you won't get the same ones

for a while when you replay it.

But if you can find another Star Trek nerd

to play against, I think this would be pretty fun.

And I'm jealous of you having friends

who are also Star Trek dorks.

Why can't I be so lucky?

- [Q] If somebody doesn't do something soon

I'm going to be assimilated into the BORED collective.

- [Host] Clue number five, when Kirk found him,

he and his people were just globes of energy.

- [Character] Oh, oh, Sargon!

- [Q] Of all the game shows in all the galaxies,

you had to come into mine.

- [Dave] Let's take a look at Star Trek The Next Generation,

The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial on on the Game Gear.

It was also released on the Game Boy and NES.

Holodeck tutorial, huh?

Sounds pretty exciting.

An entire game that's nothing but a tutorial!

Being a holodeck tutorial, you're not in danger

of really hurting anyone, so go for it

and take risks as you command the crew of the Enterprise.

Captain Picard has a bunch of missions

for you to conquer one at a time.

He'll brief you on the situation

and then it's up to you to decide what to do next.

First you tell that pasty looking humanoid Data

to set a course, and what speed you need to get there.

There's lots of different types of missions,

and they all seem pretty shallow.

For example, in one mission you have to

shoot down an enemy ship that's chasing a freighter.

Being a simulator, you'll also need to tell

that weird looking Worf dude to put up the shields

and arm the ship for battle.

Without that, you're useless.

Another mission will have you beaming up people

that are stuck on a planet.

This mission is a little more deep since you

have to put the Enterprise into the planet's orbit.

And to do that you have to fly through rings.

It seems a little strange, but whatever.

Once in orbit, you play the Beam Up game.

You have to isolate the people

that are moving around on a board.

For some reason, they have to be

picked up in a certain order.

Find the one that maxes out the lock bar,

and then have that dude, O'Brien beam them up.

There's all sorts of missions for you to conquer.

For a sim game, it's kind of fun, but you know,

the excitement isn't off the scales or anything.

Each of these versions have

very slight differences in presentation.

For example, on the Game Boy and NES titles,

when you're warping to your destination,

it looks like you're flying through a star fields.

On the Game Gear, it has a graphic of the Enterprise

warping away from the camera

and then warping back towards the camera.

Other than that, these games

all control and play exactly alike.

I will say that I did enjoy this one more

than I thought I would.

And I guess if you're a Star Trek fan,

you could like it even more than me.

(Star Trek music on the Game Gear)

- [Joe] This is Star Trek Tactical Assault for the Sony PSP.

It's also available for the Nintendo DS.

First of all, look at the ship.

Who modeled this?

It's supposed to be a Constitution class

like the Enterprise, but it looks so wrong.

Stupid Bethesda.

Next, you control some randos,

not the actual Star Trek crew that we all know and love.

I mean, how boring is that?

Piloting your ship can be very frustrating.

Even getting it to turn around feels like it takes a year.

And you can only fire one phaser blast

about every 5 or 10 seconds.

And it takes about 10 hits to even

disable a section of the enemy shields.

Sure, you can upgrade ships later on,

but the one you start out with is so boring

that you don't wanna keep playing until you can do that.

Where's the fun?

Answer, it's nowhere.

But hey, it's on the PSP, so that's kind of cool, I guess.

(intense PSP music)

- [Dave] Here's Star Trek The Next Generation

for Super Nintendo and Genesis.

Weirdly, the Genesis version is called Echoes from the Past

while the Super Nintendo's version is called Future's Past.

The former was published by Sega,

and the latter by Spectrum HoloByte,

but they're both basically the same game.

And guess what?

In these simulation games you take control

of the Enterprise and do all sorts

of good deeds around the universe.

As you'd expect the game has much more depth

and deeper game play than the 8-bit generation games.

As you sit on the control deck of the ship,

you get briefed on what's going on.

From here you can set a course in the Conn.

There's lots of places listed here,

so be sure to pay attention to what the captain has to say,

or you'll have to go back and talk to him again.

Once you set a course, just select your warp speed and go.

As the ship is warping to its destination,

you can check out the ship's library

for information on just about anything it seems.

Then you can go to engineering

and divvy up the ship's resources.

Once you reach your destination, pick your party

of up to four and beam down to the surface.

After you run around solving puzzles and killing enemies,

you'll eventually complete your mission

and then it's on to the next.

At random times you'll be intercepted

by enemy ships that want to pick a fight.

From here you go into an overhead battle

where you can shoot photons and lasers

until you can take your enemy down or visa versa.

If you die, then it's game over, which really sucks.

As far as differences between the versions go,

there's quite a few.

The missions that you're sent on are the same,

but just look at the difference in graphics.

The Genesis version has more storyline,

and you'll read a lot more conversations,

whereas the SNES is straight to the point.

The Super Nintendo version is a lot easier

to figure out on what you need to do.

The Genesis version makes you feel

like you have to figure out more on your own.

The music is also vastly different.

The Super Nintendo version is composed nicer

and sounds much better even though it's pretty jazzy

and not completely fitting to the game's atmosphere.

(upbeat jazzy music)

The Genesis music is just eww.

(creepy music by composer not familiar with the sound chip)

Both versions are fine, but I think I

prefer the SNES version for the music

and easiness of getting around.

(digitized Star Trek sounds)

(jammin' SNES music)

- Alright Dave, are these games making you

want to watch the show even more?

- Well, you know with all the beaming up and beaming down

and all the stuff that happens in Star Trek, not really.

How about you?

- I already want to watch the show.

If anything, I think some of these games

are an insult to Star Trek.

- Yeah, they very well could be.

- Let's just get on to the rest of them.

Next up is Star Trek Legacy on the Xbox 360.

It's also on the PC.

This one let's you play ships from all eras.

In fact, that's all it lets you do.

You control the ships themselves

and generally just fight enemies.

Sometimes you can scan stuff,

and sometimes you can beam away teams to and fro.

But mostly it's just ship to ship phaser battles.

Sounds exciting, right?

Well, it should be, but sadly it's too slow

to generate much excitement.

All five captains that existed at the time

lent their voices to this game.

- [Kirk] This is Enterprise.

- [Joe] The campaign mode starts you out

controlling Enterprise.

No, not the USS Enterprise, the Enterprise

of Captain Archer, based on the 2001 TV series.

Scott Bakula does a lot of good voice overs in character,

though you never see him or anyone else for that matter.

Just the ship itself.

- [Archer] I'm under orders to bring you

safely back to Vulcan.

Can you give me a good reason why

we should head to this outpost?

- [Joe] Still, it's really cool

to be able to control a lot of different ships.

- [Picard] Open haling frequency.

- [Joe] Yes, the original Enterprise

from the show was actually meant to have

these blue lights on the warp nacelles like you see here,

but it was too expensive back then.

Sure looks really good this way, though.

I like it.

And of course, my favorite Enterprise of all time,

the refit model is here, even though

they give you the 1701-A.

It's an absolutely gorgeous ship,

and it's well represented here.

I just wish that the game play matched

the fantastic ship visuals.

- [Sisko] Initiate scan.

- [Joe] Actually, there is one exception

I have to take with the ship graphics.

Look at Voyager when it goes to warp.

The nacelles don't go up into position

like their supposed to.

Not exactly game breaking, but trust me,

Star Trek nerds like myself are gonna

notice stupid things like that.

Also, there isn't a good sense

of scale to the universe here.

The planets and moons all seem tiny,

not much bigger than your ship.

The game's not awful.

I guess I was just hoping for a bit more

with all the series that were represented in this one.

I mean, it's cool that you can have

the original Enterprise fight the Enterprise D and stuff.

So, it does earn some cool points.

But I just wish that in the campaign mode I could see

the view screens and stuff when the ships

are talking to each other so the voice overs

could have a bit more personality.

Oh well.

It really could be a lot worse.

- [Captain] Galaxy, we're taking a beating.

- [Crew] Eagle to fleet, we can't hold out much longer.

All hands abandon ship.


- [Crew] Our ship can't take any more hits Captain.

- [Dave] This is Star Trek Encounters from Bethesda,

released exclusively for the PlayStation 2 in 2006.

This one is similar to Star Trek Legacy

that Joe talked about where you just control the ships.

In fact, this one uses the same music from that game.

Well, I should say that Legacy uses

the same music as this one.

At the beginning you start out as the NX-01 Enterprise

from the 2001 TV series, but all others

are represented as well.

Specifically, it takes place at the beginning

of the show's third season featuring the Xindi threat.

At least that's what Joe tells me.

I mean, I don't really watch Star Trek, so yeah.

You fly your ship around through rings

while you're blowing up radioactive asteroids,

which is cool, except for the radioactive part.

The control isn't too bad here,

except for judging your height.

Your height in relation to other objects

is determined by the little blue bar attached to them.

It's really weird, and I don't feel having to worry

about height in an overhead view adds to the game.

The Xindi attack a lot, and in this part I need to disable,

but not destroy their cruiser by taking out its engines.

If you blow it up, you destroy the ship

and fail the mission.

I don't know where its engines are!

I presume it's at the back where the thrust

is coming out of.

You know, I guess I'll destroy that area.


There goes the entire ship!

No matter what I target, the entire ship always blows up.

Maybe I should set my phasers to stun.

There's also the skirmish mode where you can choose

to have a fight with a lot

of different ships from Star Trek.

This could be better, but you know, it's not horrible.


- [Joe] This is Star Trek from the Xbox 360

from Namco Bandai.

It's also available for the PC and PlayStation 3.

This one is kind of, oh... these guys.

This isn't Star Trek.

Oh well, this game holds a lot of promise though

even if it feels woefully rushed.

This one is based on and takes place

after the 2009 Star Trek movie,

and it was released to coincide

with Star Trek Into Darkness, one

of the crappiest movies I've ever seen in my life.

And yes, of course I own a copy.

Some people call this JJ Trek or NuTrek,

or the Kelvin Timeline.

You run around as Kirk or Spock doing mostly actiony things.

Like I said, it has a lot of promise.

It's mostly pretty good actually,

just rough around some of the edges.

Here I keep getting blasted by the sun even though

I'm ducking behind cover to avoid specifically that.

I literally cannot crouch any further

and yet I still take damage again and again until I die.

But otherwise the game looks nice,

and it's also voiced by the complete JJ NuTrek

Kelvin Timeline new cast which is really cool.

- [Chekov] It is highly unusual sir, but I

believe it's some kind of rip in the fabric of space.

- [Joe] I want a game like this,

but with the original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine,

and Voyager characters, and include Icheb!

The weirdest part is that William Shatner

made a commercial for this game and recreated

the old 60's fights he had with a Gorn.

And I've got to say that's way cooler than the game.

(Spock yelling)

- [Kirk] Spock, you continue to surprise me.

- [Spock] Let us open the door together.

- [Dave] Star Trek Conquest was released

for the PlayStation 2 in 2007 and on the Wii in 2008.

Again, it's from Bethesda who really

got their money's worth on the Star Trek license.

And here we go again, it's basically

what you'd expect from them.

You control only the ships themselves in a combat arena.

However, this one has an interesting campaign mode.

You can select from a bunch of different races,

instead of just the Federation.

Yeah, you heard me right.

The Federation is its own race!

It plays out kind of like a turn based strategy RPG

where you move your pieces around trying

to conquer various areas of the map.

If you encounter an enemy at your location,

you have two ways to fight them, sim or arcade.

If you choose arcade, then you fly around

battling each other with basically the same controls

that Star Trek Encounters had.

If you choose Sim then the computer

does it for you right there on that screen.

Between turns you combine ships, fortify your defense,

upgrade your weapons and all that good stuff.

It's pretty tough though, as the game pounces you

right away from the beginning.

At least on the medium difficulty it does.

And, of course, there's the regular skirmish mode

you'd expect from Bethesda.

Still, it's an interesting take on Star Trek games.

- [Crew] Our shields are down.

This is for Earth!

Hull integrity is at 50 percent.

- [Joe] Finally, here's Star Trek Bridge Crew

on the PlayStation 4.

It's also on the PC and you'll want

to play it in VR if you can.

This is one of those Star Trek games

where it tries to be a super realistic simulation.

It needs you to issue commands, press all the buttons,

delegate repairs and all of that nonsense.

Honestly, it's kind of been a while

since I've played this one and I

can't remember exactly how to play it.

It's not something that you can

just pull down from the shelf at random and have a go.

And it won't let you play at all

if you don't have an internet connection,

not even in single player mode.

That's extremely dumb.

I do not understand the reasoning for this.

Stupid Ubisoft!

But still, if you can get three friends

who kind of know what they're doing,

but not really, this game is a blast.

You form the galaxy's most incompetent Star Fleet Crew.

It's like you found the keys to a star ship

and suddenly you're taking it out

for a joyride when all hell breaks loose.

There is this one time where Billy from The Game Chasers,

and I think, 8-bit Eric and I

were all playing with this one guy,

and he couldn't hear our mics, but we could hear his.

He was grunting and cussing and getting

really pissed at our incompetence.

I mean, we sucked, and this guy wanted to do good.

And we could not stop laughing at how angry he was getting.

I think it's probably one of the best times

I've ever had playing something online.

Anyway, the main portion of the game

takes place in the JJ NuTrek Kelvin Timeline.

But what's cool is that you can

actually select the original TV show Enterprise.

You can also look around outside of your ship to truly

get a sense of how fricking gigantic these things are.

The scale is absolutely amazing.

I really wish they had more ships.

But I spend most of my time trying to hit

on the female crew members who completely ignore me.

- I will update the chart of our operational area.

- [Joe] Whoa!

Oh my god, what the hell happened to Spock?


Hey, Spock, what happened to you man, you poor bastard?!

I also like pressing all of these random, unlabeled buttons.

I guess in the future people just

know what unlabeled buttons do.

Oh, and Kirk has changed a little, too.


Overall, this is a fun game to play with friends

with lots of different missions to go on.

But you'll never leave the bridge.

- Alright guys, there you have it.

Star Trek in video game form, and thank god this is over.

- Oh, come on, I know you like Star Trek.

- How do you know I like Star Trek?

- I have video evidence, dude.

You standing like right next to the shelf

of like five VHS Star Trek 1 through 5,

and you're like proudly standing by them.

Roll the clip.

- [Dave] Oh okay, yeah, I don't know

where he has the keys or anything.

- [Joe] Dave White's awesome setup.

- [Dave] To tell you the truth,

I don't know where they went.

But, you know, I know they will be home this evening.

- [Joe] The end.

- I'm pretty sure I borrowed those from you Joe.

- No, sir, I never owned Star Trek 5 on VHS,

and you owned 1 through 5.

He even owned Star Trek 5!!

You are a closeted Star Trek fan, my friend.

- I don't, I don't think I am, bud.

- Oh, I think he is.

- Anyways, as far as these games go,

I thought they were just gonna be mindless,

boring old sims, but they turned out

to be a lot more fun than I actually thought they would.

So, whatever.

I might have to play some more of them, who knows.

How about you?

- Well, I thought some of them were good,

some of them were bad, you know there

were a lot of hit and miss stuff in there.

I don't know, what do you guys think about Star Trek games?

Let us know.

In the mean time, thank you for watching Game Sack.

Computer, end program.

Wouldn't that be so lame if like Game Sack as a series,

the last episode was a holodeck episode

and it ended on that?

- Yeah, that would be lame, man.

- Like the last line in the show

was "Computer end program".

That would be so lame.

- Anticlimactic.

- Time to beam out.

It hurts so bad!

("Sack Trek" theme music plays... again)

Alright Icheb, you ready to play

Star Trek The Arcade Game from Sega?

- My name is Manu Intiraymi.

I played the character Icheb in Voyager 20 years ago.

I'm Manu.

- Let's go, Icheb.

- Alright.

What is the object of this game?

- Well first you've gotta dock with the star base

- [Manu] What's the triangle?

- You've gotta blast the Klingon Warbirds.

- Oh, they're hitting me man.

My shields are down to 17 percent.

Reroute power to the warp core.

13 percent, what the?

Why do I suck so bad?

Ah, why do I suck so bad at this?

I should be good at this.

- Well you're probably not doing anything to the game

since it's a one player game.

- I'm not even playing?

That's you sucking?

Get out of here, let me play.

I got this.

- [Computer] Welcome aboard, Captain.

(cool upbeat music that makes you enjoy being alive)

- [Director] Okay, go for it.

- Oh what the?



Okay, what am I, the Enterprise?

- [Joe] Yeah.

- Star Trek games suck.

- Hey guys we've got a cool interview with Manu, Manu,

what the hells your name, Manu?

- Manu Intiraymi.

- What kind of stupid name is that?

- Star Trek games suck!

- Alright, we've got a cool interview with Man-Manu, pff.

- This game sucks!

Star Trek games suck.


Fire pho-photon torpedoes!

Goddammit they suck!

Manu Intiraymi.

- Intiraymi.

- Intiraymi.

Game Sack, oh god.

- We got a cool interview with Manu Anti,

why do I keep saying anti?

- I don't know, I think you're anti-Manu.

- I guess so.

Everyone we've got a cool interview

with Manu Intiraymi here, who played Icheb

on Voyager for two seasons.

- Put in some Icheb next time.

Take that Activision.

Put Icheb in next time.

Put in some Icheb next time.

Oh, take that Activision!

- Do you like video games?

- I think I just screwed up the continuity

because in the other shots my arms aren't like this.

- No one cares.

- Game Sack?

Oh, that's even worse!

- Okay, tell me Manu, do you like video games?

- Huh?

- Oh, Game Sack?




Game Sack?

Uh, they suck even worse.

Is that the second question you're asking me?

- Yeah, that was the second.

- Okay.

- So.

- But I was in Voyager.

Oh cool, Game Sack.

- Hey guys, we got.

- Manu Intiraymi here today.

Icheb from Star Trek Voyager,

and he's our special guest.

No Icheb in the arcade game.

No Icheb in the 1983 game.

I mean, he wasn't alive then.

They should have just called the show Seven of Nine.

- Dude, she was hot.

- Yeah, she's hot.

- Dude, was she like hot in real life?

- Mmhmm.

So, um, what do you think about video games?

Joe and Dave, yeah they might take me on.

That's pathetic.

Screw those guys.

Do you have the sack to be in a game called Game Sack?

So, Manu, what do you feel about video games,

do you like 'em?

- You're Manu, I'm Joe.

- Game Sack.

Yeah, Joe and Dave might take me on.

That'd be cool.

No, that'd be lame.

Those guys suck.

My life sucks.

- And first question I've got to ask you, Manu.

- No, yeah, I'm happy to be here.

- Do you like video games?

- No, I think video games, actually I hate them.

I don't play them.

- Jesus Christ.

- What?

Take that, game nerds!

- This is a show about video games, dumbass!

- I'm sorry, I can't be.

- Screw you.

- I guess I can't be on the show then

if I don't like Donkey Kong or whatever.

Get out of my way, I'll get this.

Engage player one.

For more infomation >> Star Trek Videogames - Game Sack - Duration: 39:42.


ওমরা ও হজ্জ করার নিয়ম || Omra O Hajj Korar Niyom || Sheikh Mukhlesur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New - Duration: 16:49.

For more infomation >> ওমরা ও হজ্জ করার নিয়ম || Omra O Hajj Korar Niyom || Sheikh Mukhlesur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New - Duration: 16:49.


Top 10 Most Viewed Channels on YouTube 2018 - Top YouTube Channel - Top Viewed Channels - Alif Info - Duration: 2:58.

Top 10 Most Viewed Channels on YouTube 2018 - Top YouTube Channel - Top Viewed Channels - Alif Info

Top 10 Most Viewed Channels on YouTube 2018 - Top YouTube Channel - Top Viewed Channels - Alif Info

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Viewed Channels on YouTube 2018 - Top YouTube Channel - Top Viewed Channels - Alif Info - Duration: 2:58.


Một tuần làm việc... - Duration: 15:58.

For more infomation >> Một tuần làm việc... - Duration: 15:58.


Lava lamp and balloon rocket experiments | FINDING CLUES FROM THE GAME MASTER | Kicles Lab - Duration: 5:55.

Welcome back to kicles Lab

I really love lava lamps

They were invented in 1963

But I can't find a lava lamp in stores

Luckily there's a way to make a lava lamp using science

Take a look at this

For this experiment you will need

Plastic mason jars


Vegetable oil

Food coloring

And fizzing tablets

Start by filling the Mason jar with water

Quarter of the way up

Add some drops of food dye

Fill the rest of the Mason jar with vegetable oil

Add a fizzing tablet I'm using a vitamin C tablet

And watch your lava lamp react

You can also place the lava lamp

Over the flashlight of a phone

For a very cool effect

Experiment using different colors

And enjoy your lava lamps

you can place them anywhere in your room

To reactivate your lava lamp

Just add another fizzing tablet

And there you have it your own homemade lava lamp

For our second experiment

We are launching balloons rockets

Take a look at this

For this experiment you will need

Two chairs

A yarn ball


A balloon pump

And balloons

Start by spacing your chairs apart

Cut off the bendy part of the straw

And thread the string through the straw

Tie one end of the string to a chair

Tie the other end of the string to another chair

and pull the chairs apart to make the string tight

Blow up a balloon

And hold the neck closed so that it doesn't deflate

stick the balloon to the straw just like this

Release the balloon and watch it fly

You can also hold the neck of the balloon closed

using a rubber band

You could set up a second line

and attach another balloon

now you can race them with a friend




Now what's going on

As the balloon deflates it

pushes out the air inside the balloon.

The air pushes the balloon away from the chair

and along the string in the opposite direction

scientists describe this with a rule

every action has an equal and opposite reaction


Why did that happen?

The strings are tangled

Wait what's that?!

There's a paper taped on to the balloon

How did that get there?

Let's see there's something written on it!

Do you think this is from the game master?

It says

In the forest you will find

answers and the truth behind!

With like three dots after behind

So, behind what?

what do you think this means?



There's this forest that's not far from here

Maybe he wants me to go there?

Comment down below what you think this means

I guess I should go there

For more infomation >> Lava lamp and balloon rocket experiments | FINDING CLUES FROM THE GAME MASTER | Kicles Lab - Duration: 5:55.


📌Building a pop caps dart missile 💥🚀 - Duration: 5:15.

WARNING. The following experiment can be dangerous, perform only with adult supervision!

Hello all, welcome to a new video on my channel.

Today we will be making a really cool pop caps dart missile!

I'm ready for it, so see you after the intro.!

Okay. Today we need some paper, a M3 bolt with two nuts, a pair of scissors...

pop caps like the ones you use in a toy cap gun.

Glue or a glue gun.

1st we get the paper and cut it in half as we need this to make a paper blowgun dart.

This needs to become a paper dart. As I have an injury on my hand I asked the cameraman to make me one.

Here is the dart. The cameraman has also put some extra tape around the dart to make it a bit stronger.

Now use the scissors and cut off the tip of the dart. Make sure that it is not to much!

Make sure that the bolt fits tightly through the hole.


Remove the nuts from the bolt.

Now put the bolt into the dart like so.

Use a pencil to push the bolt all the way down.

Make sure that the bolt is all the way in...

and put both nuts back on the bolt again.

We are almost done now!

It only needs some glue inside the dart.

Okay. This is what we have till now.

I have already made a blowgun. This is the diameter of it.

We need to cut the dart so it will fit inside the blowgun.

Put the dart inside the blowgun and use a pencil to mark it where it needs to be cut.

Use the scissors and cut the dart just below the mark.

Now we are going to put some glue inside the dart to keep the bolt in place.

Perfect. Now it needs to dry!

You can also use normal glue to do this, but it will take more time to dry.

Okay. The dart is finished!

I'm sure you recognize these things. They are pop caps from a toy cap gun.

You will need to cut them loose.

Now put a pop cap on the dart like so.

When done you can drop the dart on the floor!

Be aware that some people might get scared of it!


But the best way to use this is to use it with a blowgun.

For instance. You can shoot against a wall. Do NOT shoot against windows, people of animals!

Well people this is it again for this video.

It was fun to make, and it worked well!

Please like this video, and make sure that you are subscribed!

Also make sure that the bell is enabled so you will get notified when I put a new video online!

And now I'm going to end this video with a BIG bang :-)

For more infomation >> 📌Building a pop caps dart missile 💥🚀 - Duration: 5:15.


Trees - SNL - Duration: 3:27.

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Cuban Vacation - SNL - Duration: 4:16.

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Bayou Benny's Liberal Lagniappe - SNL - Duration: 5:19.

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【特別編】僕が、YouTubeを始めた理由。- The reason why I started YouTube.【RyuTu部-リューチューブ-】 - Duration: 8:20.

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『あれから暫くして・・・(;´Д`)』2018年10月14日14時11分頃のケムトレイル - Duration: 0:52.

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Zungle Viper Bone Conduction Music Sunglasses! - Duration: 5:16.

Hey guys.

We are constantly surrounded by new tech every single day and every company hopes to create

the next smart product that actually improve our lives.

And today what if I told you that you can listen to music and make phone calls with

just your sunglasses?

The Zungle Viper is that product.

It's created by the company Zungle that aims to redefine wearable devices.

It uses bone conduction technology that transmit sound waves to the ears via vibrations.

So in short you can listen to music while allowing you to still hear the environment.

Pretty crazy isn't it?

I'm sure you guys are as curious as me so let's get started.

In fact, the Zungle Viper is actually the successor of the original Zungle Panther.

Zungle took the feedback from customers and fixed issues encountered in the Zungle Panther.

Presentation is pretty nice, with a egg shell box that holds the glasses in place.

Inside you will also find a charging cable, warranty papers and a manual guide.

The sunglasses look really funky with the yellow polarized lenses.

Initially I was a little worried about how it's going to look on me, but actually I think

it looks pretty good!

There are more colours to choose from even for their lenses.

The arms of the glasses are pretty thick, that's to accommodate the technology that's

in there.

Each arm has a battery so you will need to charge them individually.

The Zungle LED logo lights up in red when it's charging and cyan when it's full and

it takes around an hour plus to charge to full.

It uses Bluetooth 5.0 and pairing it is pretty easy

look for Zungle with the emoji and connect to it.

The buttons on the left controls the volume and the AI button.

The AI button interacts with Siri on iOS and Google Assistant on Android.

The buttons on the right controls the music player and to accept and reject incoming calls.

Button placement is good and easy to identify with the fingers as well.

To power it on, hold both power button at the same time or else it can't be detected.

You can hold any power button to turn it off.

There are rubber paddings at the end of the arm to keep the glasses snug while wearing it.

But for me, the length of the arms is a little long

so the arc of the arms does not rest on my ear.

But when adjusting it to rest nicely on my nose

the bone conducting pads actually help to keep it in place.

Talking about bone conduction, initially my first impression is that it will be totally

silent, only using vibrations to transmit sound to the ears.

But at higher volumes, the music can still be heard without wearing the glasses.

Tested indoors and I could listen music at low volumes without much sound leakage and

my wife couldn't hear what I was listening.

Using it outdoors on the other hand, I had to increase the volume to compensate for the

ambient sound.

And this time my wife could hear what I was listening when standing beside me.

The Zungle Viper is IPX4 certified so it's good for sweat and splash resistant when using

it for gym or running.

The sound quality isn't too bad.

Clarity was quite good but I feel the bass is a little too weak.

Definitely can't compare to real earphones.

As for taking calls or using the assistant

it feels pretty futuristic accessing it directly on the glasses.

Calls were clear on both sides and the microphone picked up words clearly for the AI assistant as well.

As for battery life, I got about 3 and a half hours as opposed to the advertised 4 hours.

There wasn't any discomfort when using it

even when listening to music for longer periods of time.

What I love about the Zungle Viper is that without pulling out my phone, I can talk on

the phone, use the assistant, listen to music, and still be aware of the surrounding.

Using the Zungle Viper has been a fun experience

and I can see myself using it but in specific situations.

If you're someone that minds what others can hear and prefers privacy

then these glasses are not for you.

Other than that, the people that can benefit the most are outdoor people that needs to

hear what's going on around them.

That's it for this video.

I hope you enjoyed it and if you did, feel free to leave a like.

Thanks for watching and see you guys in the next one.

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