Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

- What happened ? you okay, son?

- yusuf is on fire

(Joseph): I'm burning burned seda sister.

- Oh dear

(Alp Kırşan): He will now emerge and do his performance.

dancing twill?

(Yusuf): yes, abi dance

(Alp Kırşan): Will this time?

(Joseph): I hope,

(Yusuf): If not already said alpine brother, I can not come here more :)

(Ali Taran): Yusuf?

(Ali Taran): are you okay?

(Yusuf): I can't speak

(Ali Taran): Do you want to drink water?

(Ali Taran): Something happened to the child!

(Joseph): I apologize, can I drink?

(Seda Bakan): of course

(Artifacts): No, you've done so much, apologize or be calm.

(No work)

(Ali Taran): What happened, son?

(Yusuf): very hot,

(Yusuf): I'm burning

(Yusuf): Hello, good evening Cyprus!

(Seda Bakan): Yusuf is on fire.

(Yusuf): tlahi burn seda abla

(Ali Taran): Are you coming from Konya?

(Yusuf): yes ali abi

(Ali Taran): What dancing did you do?

(Joseph): now I've done something complicated.

(Yusuf): Popping, especially lyrical,

(Eser Yenerler): He danced until he burned


(Ali Taran): yes

(Yusuf): An emotional piece,

(Joseph): slowly changing tempo, with the exchange of music

(Yusuf): I tried my best

(Yusuf): I wanted to make the final with the break dance but I hope you like it.

(Ali Taran): it was a nuisance, wasn't it? Did you fall?

(Joseph): normally I was doing the hat movement

(Yusuf): I worked here

(Yusuf): I wanted to take risks

(Joseph): you know in life, without risks

(Joseph): If you want, I can do it by removing the hat,

(juries): No, it was fine.

(Ali Taran): You're burning now, and we're in trouble.

(Eser Yenerler): Let's look at how the risks this past?

I think we should vote

(Eser Yenerler): What are you saying?

(Seda Bakan): Yusufcum, I say yes

(Yusuf): Thank you very much

(Artifacts): Ali abi?

(Ali Taran): I say no

(Eser Yenerler): I like to say yes I say yes with 2 yes

(Yusuf): Thanks

(Yusuf): Greetings to everyone, thank you very much

(Yusuf): take good care of yourself

(Joseph): my kisses; muah muah muah

(Joseph): Ali abi? pardon

(Ali Taran): sending me a kiss?

(Seda Bakan): Sent by mistake to you

He said: 'Let me humor my way.'

(Eser Yenerler): went to very troubled places.

For more infomation >> TELEVİZYON PROGRAMINA ÇIKTIM ( YETENEKSİZSİNİZ TÜRKİYE !!! ) - Duration: 5:43.


Bell icon intro||my channel intro ||techwall channel bell icon intro - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Bell icon intro||my channel intro ||techwall channel bell icon intro - Duration: 0:07.


Sinh Con Năm 2019 Ngày Giờ Tháng Này Bé Hưởng Vinh Hoa Phú Quý Phúc Lộc Cả Đời - Duration: 12:15.

For more infomation >> Sinh Con Năm 2019 Ngày Giờ Tháng Này Bé Hưởng Vinh Hoa Phú Quý Phúc Lộc Cả Đời - Duration: 12:15.


All About Utah Department of Natural Resources - Duration: 28:51.

Hello everybody welcome to The County Seat today I'm your host Chad Booth

every now and then we get somebody that has so much information packed into

their head that we need to take an entire half hour to talk to him today is one of

those shows but this is one that you are going to stay through all the way as there

are things that touch your life whether its oil and gas for your home the water that

comes out of your tap the forests you hike in it all ties in to the State Director Mike

Styler of the Department of Natural Resources, Mike thank you for being with us


Nice to be with you today, Chad.

Let's get into it you got 7 divisions within your department.

Yes, Water rights that the state engineer he oversees all the water rights in the

state. Then the division of water resources they coordinate water rights on the

Colorado River they help build projects there is the division of oil gas and mining

they permit oil and gas drilling they also permit coal mining and they cover and

take care of abandoned mines. The Utah geological survey they watch out and

report on geological hazards they do underground work looking for faults they

studies on underground water and they are involved in energy and wind power as

well they also have state paleontologist as a side note our state paleontologist had

probably found more new species of dinosaurs than anyone in the country. They

do a great job we have wildlife resources our biggest division. Our next biggest

division is state parks we have division of forestry fire and state lands and they are

the guys that put out all the fires.

So let's take few minutes and delve into the departments there are things that are

on everybody's mind and the questions all tie back to divisions within your

department of natural resources so I'm going to start with this imp getting notices

for my office property and my house a bunch of summons and notices and your

name is on them and I think am I in trouble over water rights should I be claiming

something. What is going on here?

That is an adjudication process which is a process of the courts and the state

engineer is told by the courts to do an adjudication a research of all the water

rights within an area. They are doing an area right now which is the Jordan River

Salt Lake Valley area there are over 30,000 water rights and what they do they send

notices to every titled property owner and say do you have a water right if you do

let us know it's not a gottcha thing they just want to know do you have a water

right we have a lists of water rights is our list up to date is it correct if so we need

verification from the property owner.

In response to that I have a couple shares in a canal company but I think the canal

company is handling that.

They would be.

I sign up for city water that's not a water right, that's water use.

That's right.

So who are the people that need to take this seriously and respond?

Well everyone needs to take it seriously but if you do not have a diversion on your

property out of a stream if you do not have an old well that you take water out of

you probably do not have a water right you probably get water from you city or you

may own shares in an irrigation company that is what we want to know if you do

have a well if you use it for supplemental irrigation on a big yard come and tell us

we have record of it we want to make sure that we have verification then when we

compile all of these water rights we take it to the judge and say these are the water

rights that we are aware of and you need to validate those. If you happen to have a

water right and you don't come tell us the judge may validate the list and leave

yours off. So we don't want your water right left off the list if you happen to have a

valid water right.

So while we are on the subject of water water rights for no water does not help

much we have been in a really serious drought you would not know by last week's

rains. What is going on in the water picture?

In the last week our prayers have been answered we have been hoping for a long

mild soft storm and that is what this pattern has been but our water year which has

ended October 1st I read in the paper this morning was the driest year on record

and I believe that it was a horrible winter there was some storm in the north

basically nothing in the south. I have a farm down in Delta Utah and our reservoir

started off the year at about 38% full it ended up a couple of weeks ago 4% full we

are just down to the bottom and many reservoirs in the southern end of the state

are in the same situation.

Where do you draw from?


4% not much water skiing going on there now.

No it's pretty sad but the storms look pretty promising right now. Hopefully the

weather pattern will change this year.

So is it water resources that tries to make the most out of drought vs. times of


Yes, water resources do the slow the flow program they encourage water

conservation they are the folks that lend money to irrigation companies that want

to line their canals and get what water they have to the end of the ditch.

I paid for all the mining in my ditch by myself. I did not know it was there.

Come and make and application and low interest loans they also pay for dam repair

we do dam safety and inspect all the dams in the state. We do not want another

Orrville. We put literally millions of dollars a year into refurbishing dams.

Great we are going to take a quick break here we will be right back with The County

Seat our conversation with Mike Styler Director of DNR. This is a great


Welcome back to The County Seat we are talking to Mike Styler who is the head of

the department of Natural Resources for the state of Utah we have covered water

now let's turn to fire because the 2 of them do not mix. Been a really rugged fire

season and people think the forest is the forest but most of these have been

federal forest fires but they have involved state lands how is the state on their

forests managing and how are you trying to keep ahead of those fires. There have

been complaints from lots of county leaders not enough road because of the

Roadless initiative we have too much deadwood how does the state manage the


Well unfortunately the state does not have any forests but what we do we help

communities manage when they are in the urban interface with the forests we go

in and do a lot of work to fire proof communities and homes and then we have a

couple of hot shot teams that when there are fires are called out and often our fire

teams they are nomadic they start in the south where the fires might start and they

follow the fires from state to state and then get to Utah about the time the fires

break out here and then end up in California or Montana and we have some really

great and dedicated fire fighters but we work with the forest service on prescribed

burns we council with them when they want to do a prescribed burn we are

brought in and part of the team and sometimes there are differences of opinions

this year we had a very unusual year when some prescribed fires got away we had

some managed burns that were on forest service property where the forest service

said this fire is doing a lot of good let's let it burn and then a red flag situation came

up and the red flag situation allowed for the fire to get away. It may be of interest

to know on both a prescribed fire and a managed burn if the forest service has

made the call that we want to let the fire go then if it happens to get away all the

costs put in that fire are forest service costs. Now there are secondary costs like if

it messes up a communities water shed if it impacts their water of course the

community has that costs. The costs of air quality everyone puts up with that we

have had a pretty good relationship with the forest service and in most cases they

listen to us if we way the time has come to put out that fire they do and they are

even several prescribed fires they were looking at in northern Utah at the end of

the fire season and we said please do not do those the fuel moisture is so low we

wish you would not and they listen to us and they did not do those prescribed fires.

Excellent now we have a reclamation problem on your hands. Is that something

the state has to involve in?

Yes. Absolutely and we partner with the BLM and the forest service in reseeding

those areas. I met with the Governor's office this week and gave them what we

believe our share of fighting the fire deal is and the number I shared with Kristin

Cox and The Lieutenant Governor was 19.6 million dollars but of that 19.6, 6.2

million is going to go for seed and we are geared up and ready to start getting seat

on as fast as we can and in fact we like to put seed on snow so on some of these

areas we will be flying in seed right on top of the snow.

That works?

Yes that works very well. The other out in Box Elder County where more of a low

altitude area where we really need to draw a chain across the seed and we will be

doing that in those lower BLM areas but in the higher areas it works great to put

the seed right on the snow.

Okay while we are on the subject of reclamation let's move onto to oil and gas

mines. They are kind of in competition with BLM on the permitting side yet there is

always that comparison why can't we get an oil drilling permit on state land in 60

days and it takes 5 years with federal blm but on the reclamation side you are

across the board explain that.

We have an agreement with the coal mining interests and with the bureau of mines

that we have primacy over permitting coal mines so when the coal mine shuts

down we will do the reclamation of course the mines sign a bond they end up

paying for the costs of it but we contract and help do all of the reclamation after a

big mining coal mining project or a hard rock mining effort we will go out and if

need be call on the bond and reclaim that I been out on the west desert and have

seen areas that were reseeded and the seed did not take so they we asked the

mine company to reseed again and finally after about 2 or 3 times it looks really

good where the reseeding has been done.

Alton coal mine they have some areas that they are finished with that they have

reclaimed have you been back on some of that reclaimed land?

In fact, the Alton coal mine is right in the middle of a sage grouse area and I am

confident with the reclaimed reclamation that has been done there the sage grouse

will move right behind the scar of the mind and pick up right where they left off

and it will be a better sage grouse habitat because of the reclamation.

Isn't it true that reclamation always works a little bit better?

We are creating sage grouse habitat where there has been intrusions of Juniper

and Pinion especially up in Box Elder county we have Utah state collaring hundreds

of sage grouse and their monitoring sage grouse that are moving into areas that we

have reclaimed and nesting there in places that they were historically not sage

grouse breed areas.

Excellent we have to take another quick break and continue our conversation with

Mike Styler from the Dpt. Of Natural Resources when we come back on the County


Welcome back to The County Seat we are talking with Mike Styler from the Dpt. Of

Natural Resources with 7 divisions under him we have covered a lot of them and

we have a few to go in just a few minutes so let's move on. I want to talk about the

geological survey because they have been playing a big role in development of

thermal energy what has been going on there?

Down in the Millford area the federal government has been looking for a good

geothermal site to do some experimentation on so our folks went down there and

did a lot of studies course we have the Glendale geothermal plant already in

existence but they have this idea if they go down into the hot rocks about 7 or 8

thousand feet down and utilize the new technology that has been utilized in the oil

and gas industry which is fracking what if we went down and fracked those hot

rocks and we drill a well and we inject water and let it go through that cracked rock

and then provide another well site for it to come up so you take that water down it

flashed to steam and it comes up the other well you run your turbines you

condense the water and then you run back down and have a closed loop it's almost

like perpetual motion. This could be great in changing the energy outlook.

Not just talking about doing the seismic research to find the rocks, right?

Right. They have the right kind of rock in there and the thing I like about it will be a

closed system it won't take a lot of water to create the energy it will be a closed

loop there will be some loss but it will not take near as much water as a coal fired

power plant or a natural gas fired power plant it will be a returning cycle of heated


How many geothermal areas in the state that we can tap for something like that.

Well that geothermal down around Milford runs from Milford to Delta.

That's big.

It's a huge area there are other areas in the state but our Utah beat out a similar

area over in Fallon Nevada so we are going to be recipients of about 140 million

dollar grant going through the University of Utah to do research on the geothermal

potential in Utah.

Excellent alright while we are out in that part of the state lets touch on Snake

Valley water.

That is one of my favorite things as a young county commissioner in 1989 I signed

protests against southern valley water filing on the water in snake valley I was

afraid it would damage Millard county where I was a county commissioner. I have

been involved with this since 1989 one of the great things legislature did they

appropriated over 2 million dollars which geological survey has gone out and drilled

a series of 22 well they are monitoring wells and springs out in snake valley to see

what is happening right now with the current usage of water. I can tell you the

water tables are going down and southern Nevada water has not even entered

into the picture we are already using more water on our ranches and in our homes

out in snake valley than is available.

How are we going to fix that?

The locals want to do is get the state engineer to start a water management plan

and start limiting the use of water in the snake valley.

Okay we need to talk about watershed restoration or we can talk about yurts in the

state part.

Those are my 2 favorite children. Our state parks are doing great our visitation is

increasing by double digits every year we are planning on investing 19 million

dollars of the money that we have earned at state parks next year to make them

better. People want to bring their motorhomes they want water power and they

want wifi we are going to try and make them all available. My favorite thing that

we do in the state is improve water sheds. We have a great set of partners with

BLM, forest service, sportsman groups and counties we go out reseed, replant the

landscape into what should be growing there and we want healthy landscapes.

We have touched on this for an entire half hour but that makes a significant change

in ground water if you can get all those straws out of the ground.

Absolutely remember the pinion and juniper and getting and aspen stand growing

the aspen put 30 to 40 percent more water into the ground than pinion juniper

which pump water out of the soil 365 days a year and they kill off all the


Okay you can go back to parks for one more minute, let's talk about trail system for

a second and finish the show on that. How active are we trying to make that off

road expertise better in Utah?

As you know we have folks dedicated to trails and parks not only for safety training

getting our young people out safely on the trails teaching them how to use off road

vehicles but we are maintain a list of the trails that are there that is an online list

people can get access to to know where can I go ride where is a good safe place at

which level of expertise and I think you have some new information that area that

will help us to encourage people to be out having more experiences more times.

There you go thanks for the plug that will be with At Your Leisure just keep

watching this week. Mike thank you so much for taking the time appreciate it.

Thank you for tuning in remember local government is where your life happens

these issues that happen with DNR are probably the closest interface with our

counties and we will see you next week on The County Seat.

For more infomation >> All About Utah Department of Natural Resources - Duration: 28:51.


Spider-man Death scene but Peter is an edgy teen - Infinity War meme - Duration: 0:29.

Mr. Stark...

I feel so good

you're alright

I don't-I don't know what's happening

I don't-

I wanna go. I wanna go. Mr. Stark please

Please I wanna go

I wanna go

I'm sorry...

*becomes sandman*

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