Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

Hey, before the video stars, dont hesitate to subscribe if aren't already subscribed

To turn on notifications, very important

If you're are already subscribed or if you're going to, you must turn on notifications

And second think, i was going to make a face-cam video, but OBS Studio and my camera dont want to

Lets go for the video!

*GameBoy Advance Boot.mp4*

*Sabrepulse - "Close To Me" playing*

Yes guys this music you're really earing it (or not of you can't hear)

"SabrePulse - Close To Me"

1250 views... 48 likes... 70 comments... All of it in 16 days...

This channel never seen better before


for its growth

it's really a pride

This video is really my pride

Same if i did some mistakes, some errors


This video still my future best video that will surpass "MDK-Finganbang"

...Who is really a ded ass boiii

Because i wanted that he promote my Lyrics video but he dont even viewed it and dont wanted to promote it

A stupid story

Well, little dedication to Sub Nero*

That took my video, i told him that he can take my video

To make like a collab video

With his Launchpad video

So go see his channel, he'll be happy to have more views, his video have only 21 views in 1 day

He'll be happy to have a bit more

Second things, subscribe and dont forget to turn on the NOTIFICATIONS

like i said in the beginning of the video, the notification, that's what make lives this channel

That's what is going to make your real Pleisers, make you confirmed Pleisers

Third things, i'm going to take a week of vacation and let the video grow up

quietly , for the video to makes views quietly

The 21th Spooktober the video will have 2 000 views for sure

We are the 15th, i'm going to try to upload this video in the day (DONE)

The 27th Spooktober i'll be at the "Paris Games Week" (PGW)

So people that want to meet IRL, i'll put a special Discord in the description

You go on the Discord link, we prepare something to can meet at the PGW or outside in the evening

For people that dont want to pay 20€ for the PGW entry (kinda expensive ikr)

We're going to prepare something for the 27th but it needs at least 2 or 3 subscribers

That are going to be on Paris on this day

So go on the Discord, we'll prepare something and so on

And last things

Justly *idk why i said that*

I have 2 collabs in peparation, one for the..

...for the 31th Spooktober, lmao for halloween lol

I hope that ... principal collab, the one with the other Lyricer boii

Is going to be uploaded ...

... that we'll can finish to edit it the 31th

To make the render, the upload *blablabla youtube stuff*

And the second collab is going to be justly, with, SUB NERO (i'll done one day to not thinkg of the game sub zero lmao)

I dont wanted to spoil but i talked of him and he made a launchpad video with mine...

... so ... his subscribers maybe goes watch my channel and all the stuff of some people viewed our videos of close to me

I prefer to say it directly , dont hide the spoil

i tell you directly , i'm spoiling you ;)

And little plus for people that are going to be here at the PGW are going to be spoiled for BIG project ;)

AND , i'm planning to create an other Discord for only the english community of my channel

For the lyrics community (that is cancer, sorry Yuki, Lenny leaved because of you >:c)

Or for my channel

But english guys, tell in the comments if you really want YOUR Discord server, only for the english part of my channel

Nothing more to say, so see you next time :) baii Pleisers uwu

Subscribe to PleisureUP for more and dont forget to turn on Notifications.

For more infomation >> WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? (SUBTITLES) - Duration: 4:12.


Alpinestars Faster, chaqueta de cuero TOP de entretiempo - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Alpinestars Faster, chaqueta de cuero TOP de entretiempo - Duration: 4:18.


I Made A Giant Cotton Candy Flower - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> I Made A Giant Cotton Candy Flower - Duration: 4:49.


Stream Highlights #1 - FalleN - Duration: 3:42.

Hey guuuuuu...uys!

Everything ok?

Let me put a screen here for you, wait a sec.

Here we are! "Hello MIBR.Fallen, do you want to know how to play on Gamers Club?"

Yes, I want to know how to play.

Are you kidding me Gamers Club? I'm your boss, God damn it.

Preguicinha, rfx, Smoke, vrs and mouz. Angry guys here.

There's only two premiums...

I've played videos on GC to make you guys turn into premium, only two guys did.

You are kidding me.

The website went down?

It can't be. The site is off.

People sent on the chat ''it can't be''.

The site will return later, there's too many people opening it at the same time.

It could not stand it, it is not used to, it's been a while since I last streamed.

They are not used to this amount anymore.

"The tribe dropped the site", exactly, Gaules' tribe dropped the site.

We have to give a name to our tribe too. Let's be real.

Which name? If Gaules has its tribe, what do we have here?

It is a joke, I never got to name our tribe here.

Gaules has two months streaming and has a name and stuff, a shirt... everything's rocking.

The marketers?

Yeah, the tribe against the marketers!

Yeah, yeah! That's it! Tribe against the marketers. We are the marketers.

The joiners.

Or would it be the joiners?

Oh God, I can't stand it.

I can't stand it, we are very retarded.

"Read the donations", true, it's been a while since I've read them, wait a sec.

"I live in Acre and the freight is too expensive"

"Lula Livre" sent here.

You have to look on the site, Lula Livre. Lula livre!

Hurray the marketers pack!

Exactly. Hurray the marketers pack. It is missing the howl.

"Pack is only adequate for foxes in portuguese. Wolves have another word"

Oh guys, you broke me there.

It entered here. Oh, there is some good players here, guys.

Levels 12, 18 and 20.

Hello guys...

(dick on your ass)

Let's go.

Let's go, let's play Mirage, let's go Mirage.

Let's go, let's go, the thing is serious here, guys.

I will play with a ping of 200ms, probably. What don't we do for love?

Triple box, triple.

Died on triple.

There's one more on short, I think.

One more on short, still. Wait for the plant.

Short died.

Plant for us.

Forest, one.

One on forest.

Damn it lag!

I've missed an easy shot, man! Two, even.


Forest and behind the site, for now.

Good job, team.

Thank you for the game, guys, you played great.

See you guys.

That's it, guys.

That's it.

On Gamers Club the spray control is smooth, even with high ping.

Well, we are together guys.

A hug for you, bye bye!

For more infomation >> Stream Highlights #1 - FalleN - Duration: 3:42.


Tori Kelly Explains Why She Made A Gospel Album - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Tori Kelly Explains Why She Made A Gospel Album - Duration: 8:58.


梓凜超可愛翻唱【小埋-中文填詞】 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 梓凜超可愛翻唱【小埋-中文填詞】 - Duration: 1:39.


Sergey Lavrov's Remarks at Book Launch The Presidential Protocol - Duration: 5:31.


This is a remarkable day.

We have gathered here for the book launch of Vladimir Shevchenko's The Presidential Protocol.

You can see it here.

I hope everybody will get a copy after this event.

Vladimir Shevchenko is a true legend.

He worked with Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin in an area that required the utmost responsibility.

He spoke to the media about the difficult fate of the protocol service.

Yesterday, I had the great pleasure watching the programme based on his interview.

There have been serious incidents and small mishaps that inevitably happen to diplomats and during the work of protocol services.

The experience of these people is invaluable for those who are involved in foreign policy and diplomacy.

Although performing a seemingly auxiliary function, protocol has great significance and plays a very important role.

First, protocol is an area directly related not only to relations between states in the area of protocol itself but also to the principles of inter-state communication,

because protocol embodies respect of the states towards each other and equality of countries, a principle formalised in the UN Charter.

In order to maintain high respect and for a state receiving foreign guests to demonstrate its ability to be hospitable and respectful towards its partners,

it is important to know the cultural, religious, historical and civilisational traditions of the visiting countries down to the subtle nuances.

Second, there are no insignificant details in protocol.

It must be flexible, especially considering the turbulent development of forms of inter-state communication, which, along with official receptions and conversations at negotiation tables,

under banners and national coats of arms, have expanded to include such forms as casual and one-on-one meetings.

These formats appear to allow more freedom; however, it is always important to understand the rules, the outcome and further impact of such meetings on subsequent official procedures between the states.

I had the pleasure of seeing Mr Shevchenko in action when Boris Yeltsin visited New York.

I was Russia's Permanent Representative in the UN at the time.

I watched Vladimir Shevchenko in various official and informal situations, and I can say that this person never performed substandard work that could damage political negotiations.

Mr Shevchenko's accuracy in performing his duties has already gone down in history.

Many guests here have seen him at work and can confirm this.

It would be impossible to write down everything; the rest needs to be passed on by word of mouth.

I am certain that this book is an excellent teaching material for the modern protocol service that continues to develop and enrich our traditions and practices.

I want to sincerely thank my friend Vladimir Shevchenko for being with us, for assisting the current staff of the Presidential Protocol Service and the Foreign Ministry Protocol Service in building on the legacy of their predecessors.

Congratulations on this event.

Congratulations on this event.

For more infomation >> Sergey Lavrov's Remarks at Book Launch The Presidential Protocol - Duration: 5:31.


The story of a teenager discovering his gender identity 19 (Multiple subs) - Duration: 3:59.

They have been trapped, good.


Yes, it's a luck. The girl caught them quickly.

They had been reported earlier, so it was easy.

The problem is that I have to call Tomás and Sofía

And I didn't want to see her again now that I'm okay with Emma

I don't want to hurt her

I understand you

Well, you have to separate things.

One thing is identification parade.

and another thing is if you feel something for her

Do you feel something for her?

with Sofia?



Do yo like her?

Yes...I don't know..


I can't believe it

I was thinking a lot about you. how are you?

Everything is fine

It's nice to see you, I'm glad you called.

Tomorrow I have to make the identification parade and they need witnesses.

I need you to come. Tomás comes too.


Thank you and sorry

Don't worry, idiot. Bye!


What's up?

How is your grandfather?

Let's go?

No, I have to go to the police station.

For the identification parade.

Oh, but I'm going with you.

No, my mother comes

Well, let me know if you need anything


Well take it easy

See you later

See you

It's going to seem strange to you, but I'm glad you came back


Are not you going to greet me?

Yes of course

Well ... what good

For me it is important to stay close to you in some way

Even for this

What's up?

Are we going to teach those guys a lesson?

Thank you very much to you two

I am very happy that you are friends with my son

Let's go

You call me with whatever

I didn't really want to see her again because I didn't want to confuse her

But I think it's me who is confused

I think I still feel something for her

And I don't know what to do, or what to feel

It will be fine wherever we go, if we go together.

Yes, it's fine, yes

We'll be together

I will miss you

How cute

I go to the bathroom

Can I borrow your lipstick?

The pink one, that you lent me the other day.

Ok, I'm going to make up too.

See you later

I spoke with Diego

Do you remember that he was going to find me an endocrinologist?


Well, the doctor has returned from her trip

And I already have an appointment to go see her

To solve the doubts I have about hormone therapy

He is male if he identifies himself like that.

Regardless of how his body is

What are the risks?

The risks are minimal

When it comes to people in good health, there are no risks

And it is also important to know that this procedure

will bring changes in your ability to procreate

Well, I never thought about that possibility

I always imagined it was my partner who gets pregnant.

So, could I also have a child in my womb?

Of course

The most important thing is that you give yourself time to reflect

I'm fine with my body for now


Yes, maybe later I want to have surgery

or start with a hormone process

Or maybe never, I don't know

I have realized that I am comfortable with my body

More than I imagined or what I thought ...


I think that I will be the person that I choose to be

with the body that I feel most comfortable

This is all that happened this week. In the description you have some full videos of this summary.

For more infomation >> The story of a teenager discovering his gender identity 19 (Multiple subs) - Duration: 3:59.


Lal Dupatta HD Song-Mujhse Shaadi Karogi-Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra-MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 4:50.

Lal Dupatta HD Song-Mujhse Shaadi Karogi-Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra-MusicBoX 18

Lal Dupatta HD Song-Mujhse Shaadi Karogi-Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra-MusicBoX 18

Lal Dupatta HD Song-Mujhse Shaadi Karogi-Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra-MusicBoX 18

For more infomation >> Lal Dupatta HD Song-Mujhse Shaadi Karogi-Salman Khan-Priyanka Chopra-MusicBoX 18 - Duration: 4:50.


Gabbie Hanna is a Genius - Duration: 7:46.

This video is going to be about another YouTuber and how I believe this

YouTuber is a genius.

And if you've seen the thumbnail and everything, you'd know I'm talking about Gabbie Hanna.

Gabbie came from Vine.

This website pretty much shares video that was like 10 seconds long, six to 10 seconds

long, I forgot what it was.

And what's interesting is the amount of people she got on YouTube alone, that's six million

people subscribed to her.

That's a big achievement when it comes to YouTube.

Not only having a lot of subscribers, sometimes that doesn't really work, but a lot of people

watching and engaging with your video, that's important.

And Gabbie Hanna, I got to give her credit for that.

Somehow she makes it work.

Good job.

All of her videos have millions of views, like ... Hold it, she has millions of views

on her cutting her hair.


Anyway, she released a New York Times best seller ... and she's got not

one, but two songs under her belt.

Okay, I can't shake the fact that all these views she got when she cut her hair.

Is that what I'm going to have to do?


Get a lot views, I can get, cut my own hair.

hmm...Cut my own hair.

Door... door....

I first started to noticed Gabbie ... Probably that time she had unfortunate

incident with that guy who assaulted her, basically.

But I also remember seeing a video that she talked about a classmate of hers that passed

away during school hours.

I forgot if it was in class, or I don't know.

She got a little flack from the parents of her classmate, and her heart's in the right

place, but it ... optics, PR kind of thing, it just didn't look right, and it was almost

the anniversary of her death, and so it was look like, yeah.

But enough about that.

Let's do this.

Oh, and she also made a very good rap roast of herself which leads into

something that's very impressive.

I mean, first off, she was being very comedic, kind of everything else like that.

That was great!

But then it got serious.

It got real.

It felt like she was talking, she was baring her all.

Not in that sense, but I'm just saying baring her soul.

You've got a sick mind, people, you've got a sick mind.

Gotta turn around, yeah, gotta turn around.

I can't do it.

I can't- I can't-

I can't do it. i can"t.

I'm gonna ... I'll go to the stylist, but I just, I can't do it.

No, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

This is from this, I don't know how to cut my own hair!

Stylist, now.


I'm sorry.

I chickened out.

And on August 15, 2018, she released Honestly, and it was about toxic

relationships and how abusive they can be mentally.

And I have to say, that's pretty powerful stuff.

I got her, a sense of raw fury she has, and it's ... It had to be very cathartic for her,

and it really showed how damaging someone can be if they're not careful.

So here is what this video's about.

What Gabbie did, or maybe her business manager, I don't know.

Let's give her the credit.

It was a good design of marketing genius.

(when) she released that "diss track".

She also hinted that something was gonna come out two weeks in advance.

Brilliant move.

That way she could hype it up.

Like I said, she's got millions of followers on YouTube.

Millions of followers on Instagram, I think it's three million.

So yeah, that's a brilliant marketing strategy.

You think the genius stops there, does it?

No, it doesn't.

The whole song is universal.

It could be from anybody.

Anybody that suffers from a toxic relationship.



You want to know what happens if I got a hair cut or not, huh?


Huh? huh?

Not bad, huh?

I like it.

It looks pretty good on me.

Like I was saying, this song is universal.

It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, man, woman, whatever.

A lot of people went through this.

a lot of people have had a relationship where the person was a liar and made them feel inferior.

What I really got out of this was not just the song, but what Gabbie went through this

whole year.

She has transformed herself into a person that may be the kind of person she wanted

to be.

I'm currently going through a lot.

I may not look the most healthy, the most slim or fit or buff. (obnoxious grunt)

I know that.

But I'm working at it.

So Gabbie, talking to you.

I think you're doing a fantastic job, and you are an inspiration to everybody, including me.

So thank you.

Until next time ...

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