Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

Emma: Uh, who are you?

Collins: Mr. Richard Collins.

Collins: My apologies. I see I have interrupted your meditation.

Collins: I have been a big proponent of reflection rituals

Collins: since my trip to Edmonton, Alberta - commonly regarded as the wellness capital of the Prairie Provinces.

Emma: I'm sorry, who are you?

Collins: I have the immense pleasure to be your new client.

Emma: No...

Collins: Yes!

Collins: And so I decided to leave my position as CEO and co-founder of Collins & Collins

Collins: confident Ms. Lu will be able to fill my figurative shoes,

Collins: despite their spaciousness.

Emma: So what now?

Collins: I am emphatically struggling to rein in my enthusiasm for this exciting new period in my life

Collins: Shall we begin?

Emma: Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Collins. We don't have anything prepared. We don't have anything on the calendar.

Collins: My sincerest apologies Ms. Woodhouse.

Collins: I must explain the reason for my premature visitation.

Collins: I was visiting the fine cultural establishment of Del Taco nearby

Collins: and saw the opportunity to meet you in person.

Collins: I must say this is a very fine workspace - or perhaps I should say, house.

Alex: We do work here. It's not just a home.

Collins: This workplace is significantly smaller than that of Collins & Collins.

Collins: Our square footage is unquantifiable.

Emma: Just say be clear, we didn't downsize - we just innovated our office space.

Collins: Oh and no doubt the result of your relocation has augmented profitability.

Collins: Am I correct, Mr. Knightley?

Alex: Yes.

Collins: Ah, the great Catherine De Bourgh herself encouraged me to invest in some promising innovative startups.

Collins: One which revolutionizes the pickling of kumquats.

Emma: Is he comparing Emma Approved to pickled kumquats?

Emma: So what can we do for you?

Collins: Right down to business Ms. Woodhouse.

Collins: I knew I was right to take the Eltons up on their recommendation of your services.

Emma: I'm sorry - the Eltons recommended us?

Collins: Absolutely!

Collins: I had the privilege of representing the great Catherine De Bourgh at a fundraiser hosted at the Eltons' fine residence.

Collins: I overheard them speaking highly of you and your services.

Both: Really?

Both: Them?

Collins: Indeed!

Collins: The Eltons demanded I employ the services of the great Ms. Emma Woodhouse

Collins: when Jamie and I began the planning of our nuptials.

Collins: Alas, things did not work out between my fiancé and I.

Collins: A story for another time.

Collins: But the Eltons assured me Ms. Woodhouse has a most unique perspective not shared by others.

Collins: And this is exactly the kind of unorthodox guidance I need to actualize my self potential.

Alex: Okay, look, I know that the mention of the Eltons might have thrown us for a bit of a loop there, but-

Emma: A loop?!

Emma: You said this imaginary real man would be a new start.

Emma: Clearly the Eltons have foisted him on us.

Alex: Why would they do that?

Emma: Because they were out for it.

Alex: Oh, no, here we go... Emma: Revenge!

Emma: Clearly he's another Caroline.

Alex: Really? Him?

Emma: He's presumptuous. He's pompous. He's pretentious and he doesn't listen to others.

Emma: Plus he compared our office to pickled kumquats.

Emma: Pickled kumquats, Alex!

Alex: Well to be fair, I do think he meant that as a compliment

Alex: Okay, there's not a disingenuous bone in that man's body.

Collins: Ah! Keen observation. Indeed it is not my first time in front of a video recording device.

Collins: Very observant.

Collins: Cognizance is an essential quality in a documentarian.

Collins: Ms. Woodhouse's discernment is once again demonstrated in her documentary crew.

Emma: I just don't think it's a good idea to take on clients who are clearly going through a mid-life crisis.

Collins: Ms. Woodhouse! Mr. Knightley!

Collins: Pardon the interruption. I could not help but overhear your conversation.

Collins: I must mention that as I am well under the age of 50 -

Collins: the widely accepted time at which the typical adult male undergoes the stage of development known as "middle age" -

Collins: The term mid-life does not apply to a man of my stature.

Both: [awkward laugh]

Alex: Oh man. This is gonna be good.

Alex: Hey look I think for all of his quirks, his outlook on change is pretty positive.

Emma: I hate that word.

Emma: Don't you think there's been enough change around here?

Emma: I mean with Harriet and Martin, and trying to incorporate that whole digital intern thing - that was a mistake...

Emma: Change isn't almost for the good, Mr. Knightley.

Alex: Look, Emma. Do you know why I thought Mr. Collins would make a good client?

Emma: Because Emma Approved needs the money.

Alex: Yeah. Emma: Yeah.

Alex: But, no, that's not what I meant.

Alex: I thought that Collins would make a good fit with you because...

Alex: You're you.

Alex: And you're passionate and you're fearless and you don't ever give up.

Alex: So who better to help a man through his not-quite mid-life crisis than

Alex: the most amazing woman I know?

Emma: Do you really think so?

Alex: I know so.

Alex: I believe in you and I love you.

Alex: You got this.

Emma: Okay.

Alex: Onto the fight. Emma: Here I go.

Emma: Mr. Collins, welcome to the Emma Approved family.

Collins: Ms. Woodhouse I assure you I will be your best client of all time!

Collins: I have the utmost confidence that we will uncover my true purpose imminently.

Emma: We are in agreement. Mr. Collins

Emma: In fact, let's begin right now.

Emma: Now tell me everything about yourself and what you're good at.

Emma: Do not leave anything out.

Collins: Well, Ms. Woodhouse...

Emma: That was a mistake.

For more infomation >> Emma Approved Revival - Ep 2 - Collins Indeed - Duration: 5:57.


CONTRACTOR (Episode 03) Action comedy Microseries - Duration: 3:38.

There he was

waiting for me

He looked like an 8 year old who was missing from her mother

but the kid was the best hacker from the agency

and He was offering my first mission

My superiors knew this?

I don't know and I don't care

Finally, I was gonna do what I love

I sent you the first target

Antonio Queralt , 56 years old. Company Owner

Receives government contracts and funds

for drugs and illegal guns trafficking

The first few missions were killing people

but only bad people, obviously

Did we get him? Did we get him? Sorry I was watching an episode of "Money Heist"

Ok second target.

Jaime Moret. 27 years old.

Finance Director and Mr. Queralt employee

He's Co-conspirator of illegal operations with Mr. Queralt

Good morning Mr. Moret.

This package just arrived. it's for you.

(Woman voice) Jaime Moret neutralized.

Jaime Moret neutralized. Next target

Are you listening?

Hello? Over. Are you there?

Are you binge-watching "Money Heist" again?

How are things at the "Call Center"? Do you like it?

Yes, Yes, Yes. It's going really well. Thank you

Liar! You're a goddamn liar. You've been killing people like a trigger happy maniac

What are you talking about?

Do you remember the 50 years in prison?

Ok, Ok, Ok. I'm not a trigger happy maniac.

I've been working in a top secret mission for the agency.

It's so secret that even you didn't know about it, right?

Oh really?

then whats this?

(Sr. Queralt security cam footage)

Well I like to climb buildings occasionally

Arrest him

Ok, Ok, Ok. I'm working with one of the best hackers from the agency

and he's giving me a few missions

Oh a hacker? Let me see

A young guy? he's short?

Button-up shirt and rolled sleeves?

eyeglasses? He listens Bad Bunny music too much?

Isn't that the guy that binge-watch "Money Heist" from Netflix

Yes, Yes ,Yes. Thats the guy

Thats the most wanted hacker in the CIA

No. Holy shit. I didn't know

And those guys you killed.

Antonio Queralt and Jaime Moret

They were CIA informants

Arrest him!

I was fooled by a kid. Thats embarrassing.

I think anyone in my situation would've run.

Well thats what I did

For more infomation >> CONTRACTOR (Episode 03) Action comedy Microseries - Duration: 3:38.


1 person taken to hospital after chlorine gas leak - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> 1 person taken to hospital after chlorine gas leak - Duration: 0:37.


Video Per Migliorare Il Feng Shui Di Casa Tua E Attirare Le Vibrazioni Positive - Duration: 1:03:05.

Video To Improve Your Home Feng Shui And Attract Positive Vibration

For more infomation >> Video Per Migliorare Il Feng Shui Di Casa Tua E Attirare Le Vibrazioni Positive - Duration: 1:03:05.


#165 MORE Liveaboard Sailboat Hurricane Damage?! - Duration: 15:19.


so we just got back from taking a tour Oriental to look at the cleanup that's been going on amazing job amazing

community amazing job - with the cleanup so take a look

ready captain yes here's to new beginnings together a

new season I love you and here's to all of our viewers survivors it's good it's

at the wine diet I'm on the wine diet now

in our last episode of selling nervous we took a drive down to Deatons boat

yard to see when they would reopen because we need to take the boat out of

the water and do the bottom paint I finally spoke to them on the phone and

they said that they would get in touch with me as soon as they were able to

haul the boat out but for right now they were putting boats back in the water

after the last hurricane so in anticipation of plotting our course

south I open up the waterway guide to see the status of the waterways and then

I heard the news there's a new hurricane coming it has happened officially at

1:30 Eastern and the winds upping to 155 gusts is 170

as you can see the damage from Hurricane Michael is just devastating and so my

heart is just broken for everybody in that area that's lived through that and

all the destruction to everything and so Vinny and I just want to send our

sympathy and our prayers to all of the folks that have lost loved ones during

this terrible storm so even though the hurricane hit Florida it still brought a

lot more of wind damage and rain to the Carolinas and so we are in the process

of still waiting because of having that more rain and wind affect the Carolinas

we are waiting now for the marina that is able to accept our boat to take it

out and to get the bottom paint done we are waiting for the Waccamaw River to

recede a bit so that the bridges can open we are waiting for the Socastee Swing

Bridge to be able to open so we can head south and we are waiting to get back on

the boat and head back south so thank you for staying on this journey with us

as we wait right now and soon we hope that you will be waiting with us that

you'll be adventuring with us on our journey ahead several of you have

written and asked me questions about what kind of book do we have and when we

get it well it's a moody 34 was built in Plymouth England i looked quite a while

for the right boat that i thought was right for us and what really sold me on

it was it was so well made and look at this layout so hard to find us rear

stateroom in a 33 a half foot sailboat we really loved the layout here's the

captains area where you can sleep at anchor here's the nav station here's the

rear stateroom which is nice we actually extended the bed even larger

than that that's the kitchen area or galley salon again this is the cockpit

now this sail boat sailed here all the way across the Atlantic so we know she

can do it this is another moody 34 these shots are not of our moody 34 this is

the Moody 34 and it came all the way to the Caribbean from England and up

to Annapolis Maryland and that's where we found her we found her just south in

Deale Maryland at 20 minutes south of Annapolis and bought her at a place

called Herrington Harbor North then we had her on the hard and did some work on

her then we moved our sailed her south actually my friend Terri and I sailed

her south to the place called Solomon's Maryland he anchored out and showed me

how to do that and then from there we sailed across the Chesapeake Bay to

place called Cape Charles where Amy met us and she came aboard and then the three

of us sailed while Terri was teaching us stuff down the Chesapeake to Little

Creek Marina Terry then left to go home and that was just Amy and I on the boat

you can follow along those adventures if you like we then came out alone for the

first time into the Chesapeake Bay and down through that really busy section

with all the naval yards and down the intracoastal waterway we had our little

encounter with the wake of a cargo ship which was kind of scary and we've got a

really peaceful marine on the intercostal place called Atlantic Yacht Basin

if you followed along with us you'll remember that we then headed south we

hit some fog and then we turned back to Atlantic Yacht Basin and they came again

after the fog lifted made it to Coinjock (marina) then we crossed the Albemarle Sound

which was a big accomplishment for us into the Alligator River Marina after

that we had an awesome time down the alligator river that was the sea of

glass episode it was so beautiful we went down made it to a place called

Dowry Creek Marina in Belhaven and that was also one of my favourite marinas

really nice people they're welcoming liveaboards and it was had a great

lounge area it was really felt like home then we headed south this was our first

overnight anchorage first time we ever anchored out and had no problem droppin

the hook and raising the hook although later we did have some difficulties in

the future but that was a great anchorage no problem we continue headed

south we just bypased the whole Oriental (NC) area because we wanted to make

time and we got down at Morehead City which was the first area that started to

feel a little tropical the water was a lighter shade of blue and was just real

beautiful it was a very difficult area to dock into it was very tight and there

were some cargo ships very busy area right here and then we headed out

Southwest down the Bogue Sound the Bogue Sound is an interesting body of water

it's can really get stirred up but we had great conditions when we went down

it and that took us to our all-time favorite place (well, one of them) which

was Surf City and this marina you could walk to the beach and we just loved that

it was just like living at the beach one of our favorite things that was just an

awesome time we met some friends there and then we headed on south and then

this is kind of a hairy area Cape Fear River there's a trim its really this

it's just the currents real strong just gotta time it right we didn't go to the

South port marina this is Southport North Carolina beautiful little town

instead we went to Deep Point Marina cuz South port marina was booked we spent a

lot of time here we met some friends here we also have some patreon

supporters I'm sure that we're really appreciative

of I know the Southport also got hit real hard in the hurricane Florence as

well well after we're done there we made our journey south and we hit our first

grounding and it's truly just my fault I didn't check because it's heavily marked

in all of the you know in the Active Captain(website) it was marked it's a problem

stretch and so we went aground there and then after we were pulled off we went on

our merry way and here are we passing the Osprey marina one of the best

marinas very inexpensive marina on the beautiful Waccamaw River and we

headed south to our next anchorage which was Butler Island Anchorage had a really

nice time at Butler Island headed south that's Georgetown (S.C.) we were gonna anchor

out here in place called Minim Creek but the conditions were very stormy and it

was loaded with crab pots so we passed on that one well heading south we came to

our very favorite place and that's Isle of Palms Marina and it was just gorgeous

here beautiful beautiful area you could walk to the beach which we did every day

and we just had a great time here from there let's go back and just take a look

there's this Leland marina place that they packed us in so tight remember and

then we had to leave in the morning to hit the right tide (High Tide) because these are

very shallow areas and you got to go at high tide and there was nobody there to

help us so had to get out my captain Tom Tursi Docking Book and figure out how

to basically kind of get out when you're hemmed in on both sides and that was an

exciting episode you can check that one out if you haven't seen it already

well we headed across Charleston Bay into Charleston itself and this was so

neat because we were able to live right next to a really really cool city we

could walk to a lot of places and we could also take UBER

(is that how you say it? Uber?) Uber anyway Charleston was a beautiful city made a

lot of fun there we met a lot of friends a lot of fun stuff and instead of coming

out because the vote was not ready we're not experienced enough as sailors yet

and they say that outside coast of the Carolinas is very kind of difficult a

lot of Shoals and the inlets coming back in can be really tricky you need local

information so that's something for our future at this point we don't have the

rigging to even sustain that nor the nor the skill or experience

so our goal at this point is just to be able to raise the sails and start

sailing in some of these Bays and Sounds as we head south well head south we did

and we stopped in at a place called st. John's Yacht Club this is the next

anchorage we went to was really pretty had a nice time there although it was

cold we do need to get a diesel heater in our sailboat we do like sailing and

boating in the winter and finally down here to Lady's Island Marina just a great

place Beaufort South Carolina very very beautiful town we really had a great

time here we were here quite a while and we did take the boat out

raise the sails we did some anchoring we did get into some anchoring trouble

because we drop the anchor in a very peaceful night the next morning it was

really stirred up which is very difficult for some reason for us to get

that anchor up and now our goal is to head up to Annapolis Maryland where a

friend of mine was gonna help us fix the rigging so we could actually start doing

some sailing and so we headed north trying to get up there before hurricane

season and we made really good progress but if you followed along we went aground

right up here outside of Oriental and so we wound up in River Dunes marina just

in time for hurricane season and in fact our sailboat was completely protected

during Hurricane Florence and a lot of the other marinas were destroyed so now

hurricane season is over we're heading to a new base a new home you want

a new base that's really close to a lot of places a lot of great places and it's

right here in that northern part of Florida and first we're gonna take the

boat out haul her out wait for the Wacom aw river to clear so the Socastee Swing Bridge

spring bridge can open up and we can head south don't forget to click the

bell to get subscribed and then you can get updates all the latest episodes


For more infomation >> #165 MORE Liveaboard Sailboat Hurricane Damage?! - Duration: 15:19.


2ème Viennoiseries - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> 2ème Viennoiseries - Duration: 8:13.


Mon mémoire #2 : Corps et voix marginalisé·e·s au théâtre - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> Mon mémoire #2 : Corps et voix marginalisé·e·s au théâtre - Duration: 11:54.


Top 10 Scary NASA Pictures That Should Have Stayed Hidden - Duration: 10:43.

Hello and welcome back to the most amazing channel on the Internet, I'm your host Rebecca Folgate

And today I'm talking about the top 10 scary NASA pictures that should have stayed secret now

I love me some space chat space chat is my favorite chat

That being said space is a pretty terrifying place

it is the complete unknown and there have been a number of terrifying pictures taken in space which

Kinda need to stay out of public domain

although I don't actually really believe that I think all the pictures on this list are pretty cool before we get into this list do

Let me know what your favorite planet is. I also love Planet chat

Let me know in the comment section down below or so

Do you make sure we're always leaving a thumbs up on our videos and sharing them with a friend cuz you love us

We're most amazing coming in at number 10. We have a ghost in Cepheus. This looks like a ghost in the ether for sure

It's actually a rather mysterious dusty curtain featuring a very faint reflection of nebula VDB

152 the reddish tinge you see is ultraviolet light from a star

Causing a rusty looking luminescence in the nebula dust

Described as a cosmic phantom

This picture was released by NASA on Halloween in 2012 and titled a ghost in seppius. This intergalactic ghost is

1,400 light-years away so arguably a safe enough distance for us to deal with

Who knows how fast this ethereal dust can travel though? Also, who knows what this dust is like up close

I don't trust it dust it come in under the nine. We have telescope ghouls

Whoa. Whoa look up at the top of the James Webb Space Telescope. Do you see what I see?

And these the ghosts of dead astronauts or technicians or maybe their alien operations

this photo by NASA's Chris gun is

Incredible and he has aptly titled it ghosts and mirrors for obvious reasons

So it turns out that the picture taken in the Goddard Space Flight Center

spacecraft system development and integration facility

Cleanroom is taken with a super long exposure all the while

Ultraviolet lights were being shown over the telescope to look for contamination

Now the result is this spooky picture sounds like a reasonable explanation, right?

Some may say to reasonable joking, but this telescope may well capture some spook the images of it's very own in the future

It's the successor to Hubble and it's off to explore the universe in March

2021 any Lord of the Rings fans out there stand up

how much does this EXO solar planet looks like the Eye of Sauron at number 8 like creepily so did

J.r.r. Tolkien know about the formal Hut when he wrote the Lord of the Rings in

1937 if he didn't perhaps he foreshadowed it get a load of this picture

This is formal how to be in orbit around formal halt

the exoplanet is also known as

Dagon's an extrasolar object and it orbits the star that gives its name how far away is is terrifying eye formation?

only 25 light-years

The 2012 images from the Hubble Space. Telescope are

Terrifying the name Dagon in mythology is a Jewish deity that represents a half-man half-fish

Just a side note there for you coming in at number 7 did NASA capture an alien moon base?

And also could they accidentally release pictures of it? Hmm according to some conspiracist then? Yeah

They did have a look at these and tell me what you think. Is this alien evidence

conspiracies YouTube channel secure team 10 claimed that these images were proof of an alien base on the moon the YouTube channel has

1.7 million subscribers. So a lot of people are watching their content their channel is filled with moon conspiracies

And they think that these images are a smoking gun for NASA UF ologist and hoax busters Scott

Brando said that the images used by secure Team 10 were low quality and low resolution

He seemed to think that the images are just an optical illusion

Who knows though? Another classic from The Daily Express?

We have alien astronauts caught on camera number 6 some think that Mars rover Curiosity

Captured aliens other things that it's a widespread

Conspiracy that humans are already on Mars. The first manned Mars mission is set to begin within the next 10 years

but some are saying that the photos taken by curiosity and published by NASA

Already show that there are humans on the red planet

Some people think that these shadow images show astronauts working on the rover to repair it others say that the droids show humanoid-looking


Now the conspiracists say that NASA didn't realize how much they were showing when the images were released into the public domain

So is it aliens or are humans already up on Mars?

If so, why would that be hidden from us or do these pictures have a more logical explanation?

UFO conspiracies good old Scott see wearing said that this just goes to show the public that the rover is being maintained by humans on

Mars and then there are other spacecraft kept secret from the public that can carry piss to Mars in just a few minutes

You know what Scott? I don't know about that one

Hey these Death Eaters living out there in space terrifying me at number five

The Harry Potter fans in this video will probably be jealous just freaked out by this as I am

I like them get a load of what is lurking in the mists of the Carina Nebula to me

These are straight-up Death Eaters waiting to suck out my soul, but actually they're supposed to be knots of dark molecular gas

Not surf dog molecular gas waiting to suck up my soul


these clouds of gas surround the great Nebula and Carina which used to be one of the brightest stars in the sky in the

1800s but now it's significantly faded this maybe lends credence to my whole sucking very bright

Okay, fine. They probably aren't Death Eaters, but still they're spooky. This picture freaks me out coming into number four

We have the hand of God. NASA released this x-ray image of light detected by NASA's Chandra x-ray Observatory in

2014. Can you see why they called it the hand of God, it kind of looks like you know

So this is actually a pulsar wind nebula stellar corpse that spins rapidly

Firing a particle wins NASA themselves are mystified by the shape alongside the image on their website

They wrote one of the big mysteries of this object is whether the Polestar particles are

interacting with the material and a specific way to make it look like a hand or if the material is in fact shaped like a

Hands. Now a lot of people do genuinely believe that this is God's mark in the universe like the eye that cropped up earlier

No, I'm not too convinced. But I'd love to know what you think


We have a famous Mars picture that caused a stir at number three we have Bigfoot on Mars Mars is now defunct robot Rover

spirit captured this image in late

2007 who this Rudy knew da in or Bigfoots either way aliens, right?

this image boosted the life on Mars discussion with many conspiracists saying that this image was proof NASA explained the image is

Simply the pareidolia phenomena. This is where humans see faces when they aren't there

Analyzing spirts image if this was an alien. It'd be pretty small according to Phil Platt of Bad Astronomy website

Anyway, nASA says it's nothing more than a Martian rock

Although NASA would say that wouldn't they probably because it is just a rock right coming in to number 2 we have this screaming

Skull it's pretty terrifying. This screaming skull was another of NASA's Halloween releases this time from the year

2000 the haunting image was taken from the orbiting Chandra Observatory and is one of the cluster of galaxies known as

Perseus you can see Perseus right here in x-ray vision, the Perseus cluster contains thousands upon thousands of galaxies

So we can't really truly comprehend this picture

It's just much more than a spooky picture than what looks like a skull it's the lot going on there while the image is already

Pretty spooky. It gets scarier when you realize that the bright spot in the x-ray is a black hole

Not to worry though. This scary skull cluster is

320 million light years away finally at number one

We have a truly iconic and somewhat infamous picture the Viking one faces on Mars

this is one of the most famous NASA images out there and has been used as absolute fuel to

Conspiracy theorists fire over the past 40 years. That was since the picture was taken in July

1976 this snap was taken by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft and seemed to show the shadowy likeness of a human face

Only this face is two miles long taken in this Cydonia region of Mars

The image was sent back to mission controllers at the Jet Propulsion


At the time there is one wild saying there was evidence of an ancient civilization on Mars

And the image did quite looked like an Egyptian pharaoh

After all NASA explained that the image was just a Martian meso with the sunlight playing tricks NASA later went back with the Mars orbiter


but people simply explain the lack of

Face that time by saying that was a cloudy day and the alien detail couldn't be seen. I don't know

I'm thinking it probably was just a trick of the light. So guys that was the top 10 scary NASA pictures

That should have stayed secret

I honestly once again don't think that any of them should have stayed secret people need to know the mysteries of the universe

But do any of these pictures creep you out

I'm glad they're in the public domain

But I have to say the Death Eater e1 and the I of sour on one just made me think whoa

Spaces you didn't call them scary, but I like that

So before I go gonna read some comments from the similar video, they took turns scary alien pictures that should have stayed secret

This is what you guys had to say

Say Bob amid said first like I love aliens now for a second guys everyone take a moment to appreciate the alien emoji

I love it Kirsti fairy row. I'm back. So ready to binge your guys videos. Thank you

Happy binging royal milk tea said I believe that we are not alone in this galaxy let alone other galaxies that are out there

Most UFO sightings are reported when Venus is closest to Earth. I don't know. What do you think?

I didn't know that maybe I should do some research on that

I'd have heard conspiracy theories about aliens living on Venus's moons, but I don't know once again

I think my thoughts are that they're deafening is life out there

But maybe not in our solar system or if it is it's kind of me deep in an ocean somewhere

Actually if there is civilized life out there, it's probably quite far away

But I do think that the day that we find it and it is like absolutely irrefutable

Proof, then I it'll be the best day of my life. So there we go

That's the happy way to end this video do make sure you give it a good thumbs up share with a friend and stay subscribe

for more most amazing lists

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary NASA Pictures That Should Have Stayed Hidden - Duration: 10:43.


NOOB: PUBG MOVIE - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> NOOB: PUBG MOVIE - Duration: 6:15.


Coone - Evolution Is Here (Official Video Clip) - Duration: 3:56.












































For more infomation >> Coone - Evolution Is Here (Official Video Clip) - Duration: 3:56.


Another succulent from Craft Foam - Duration: 11:08.

Hi everyone! With you Catherine and Obustroeno

And today we continue to create succulents.

To create a succulent we need templates in 3 sizes

They have the form of a very elongated drop without a leg.

Petal number 1. There we will need 4 of them.

Length - 5.5 cm

Width - 1.5 cm

Template number 2. There will be 5 such petals

Height is -5,5 cm. Width in the widest place - 2 cm

The last will be 9 pieces

Length - 6 cm

Width - 2.5 cm

To create succulents I need: 1) light green zephyr EVA foam; 2) a thick thread; 3) PVA glue; 4) dry pastels; 5) synthetic winterizer; 6) acrylic paint

On each petal you will need 2 parts, which we will glue together

We circle in pairs, as we did in previous workshops

Circle 4, then fold in half, and only after that cut out

I fold the EVA foam in half

And cut off

I immediately lay out the leaves in size

In pairs cut the petals with nail scissors

Fold them in pairs so as not to confuse

Cut leaves put off

Take the most common PVA glue

I have Moment Joiner, but not necessary to use only it

Slightly diluted it with water, because it is thick

Take the usual thread, it is desirable to take a thicker

If there is no thick thread, fold the usual one in several layers.

From the thread we will form a tail on the top of the leaf

Pass through the glue

And give dry

Send the thread to dry

PVA impregnated thread is cut into pieces

We will need 18 pieces

By the number of leaves in a flower

Heat the iron

Heated 2 petals


Trim the top slightly.

Put a thread

And warm up the second side

On the one hand and from the bottom you need to leave a gap

So that we could fill the leaf with padding polyester

Align the edges

According to this principle, we harvest the petals

Go to tint

Using dry pastels, paint the upper part in dark green

We tint from two sides

I take a sponge

A bit wet

Do not forget to paint over the leaf ribs

Give dry

Take sintepon

Put it inside each leaflet

Edge heated and pinch

On a toothpick we wind a tail

Cut off the excess

Take white acrylic paint

Collect it in the syringe

Put on a needle

I shortened the needle with pliers

Begin to set dots

A little push on the syringe and set

And from the back side

Go to the assembly

I laid out the leaves in size. We take the smallest

A piece of 2 mm wire, length about 10 cm

I will glue on Cosmofen, you can use hot glue

The remaining 3 small petals are placed at equal distance from the central

The following 5 we glue in a circle

Sticking not overlapping, but next to each other

Big 9 petals are also glued in a circle.

For more infomation >> Another succulent from Craft Foam - Duration: 11:08.


Салат с пекинской капустой, курицей и кукурузой - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Салат с пекинской капустой, курицей и кукурузой - Duration: 1:55.


ALEX PANDREA | Interview - Duration: 26:14.

For more infomation >> ALEX PANDREA | Interview - Duration: 26:14.


Wertetabellen erstellen - So wird's gemacht! - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Wertetabellen erstellen - So wird's gemacht! - Duration: 6:16.


50+ Best Halloween Door Decorations - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> 50+ Best Halloween Door Decorations - Duration: 8:54.


Sophie Francis - Weekend Love (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:56.

Will you come find me when the lights go off?

Will you come around for that weekend love?

when the lights go off?

I wanna know will you come find me

when the lights come on

I wanna know if there's nobody

Will you come around for that weekend love?

Will you come around for that weekend love?

Will you come around for that weekend love?

Will you come around for that weekend love?

Will you come find me when the lights go off?

Will you come around for that weekend love?

when the lights go off?

I wanna know will you come find me

when the lights come on

I wanna know if there's nobody

Because you came around for that weekend love

I like the way that you're not sad when you leave

I like that you don't kiss goodbye

I like the way you look with no clothes on

Will you come find me when the lights go off?

Will you come around for that weekend love?

when the lights go off?

I wanna know will you come find me

when the lights come on

I wanna know if there's nobody

Then you come around for that weekend love

But if you hate being alone on a Sunday

This was never love for real

We were never friends on a Monday

Will you come around for that weekend love?

If we can't find anywhere out there

Baby, let's make a deal

Talking 'bout things, going nowhere

For more infomation >> Sophie Francis - Weekend Love (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:56.


Who Are You | 후아유 EP.9 [SUB : KOR, ENG, CHN, MLY, VIE] - Duration: 59:31.

To be honest,

I got my memory back

a while ago.

Eunbyeol, do you remember?

You promised to

grant me a wish when you get your memory back.

Whatever I ask next,

you have to say "Yes."

You are

Go Eunbyeol, right?


My wish isn't so difficult.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

No, not "Sorry." I said say "Yes."

Why are you doing this to me?

Why are you not Go Eunbyeol?

Then was everything you said to me a lie?

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Who are you?

Let's go.

Taegwang, let go of her.

I said, let her go.

- Taegwang. / - I told you not to do anything.


I have to do it now.

I'm sorry.



not Go Eunbyeol.


I think

I'm confused about something.


Let's talk later.

You already...

know it now.

When I lost my memory,

it was so nice.

I had never received

so much love before.

So I made a wrong choice.

Back then,

I didn't know it would hurt you so much.

I know it's too late,

but I'm really sorry

for lying to you.

I have no idea

what you're saying.


I need time to think.

(Episode 9) You all know that we are

switching to a new uniform, right?


Get measured and submit your request.

Do you have something to say?


Everyone, do you know the homepage has been updated?


Gosh. It's so gross.

Hubby, isn't she so lame?

My baby is so excited.

There is an anonymous comment page for each teacher.

Please leave many, many messages for our teacher

that you've always wanted to say.


Sister... I mean Miss Jeong,

is it really anonymous?

Can't you trace the IP address and...

Never mind.

Hey, Taegwang!

Come to school on time.

That will be all!

Everyone, have a great day! Happy, happy!

Our school turned into a kindergarten since she came.


- "Quack, quack!" / - Dean!

Bring the hammer.

- Student teacher! / - "Everyone, happy, happy!"

Snack bar. Go, go!

- Hello. / - Hello.

Were the students behaving themselves?

Yes, they sit as soon as I step into class

and they respond loudly, too.

I have a class to get to, so...


She has no idea the kids are mocking her.

Shouldn't you tell her, Mr. Kim?

I already did.


She says she believes in the innocence of the kids.

Ian is absent today.

I guess he's human after all.

It must have been quite a shock.


Don't tell me

you thought he'd shield you after

finding out you're not Go Eunbyeol?


Poor thing.

Every time others call you Eunbyeol,

how will Ian feel?


Get rid of me?

You should know that you being here

itself is painful

for him.

Aren't you Minjun's mother?

Hello, sir.

How have you been?

I'm as well as can be.

You are always busy, aren't you?

Yes, I am

but I had to come all the way here.

Please, have a seat here.

I'd like to speak with Minjun's English teacher.

Minjun, your mom is here.

- What? / - She went to the teacher's office.

I'm not good at beating around the bush.

I heard it happened when

Soyeong was alone in the classroom.

And she even lied about being there?

So why are you penalizing the innocent kids

and trying to cover this up?

Is that what Minjun said?

He's too nice to tell on others.

I heard from another student's mom.

I heard everyone in class knows it.

You didn't know?

It is true that Soyeong was in the classroom,

but there is no proof that she was responsible.

Then find the proof.

Or give Minjun

his full marks.


Five points?

Why must he suffer such an injustice

when he is not to blame?

It isn't fair to the others who submitted it on time.

I have to dock points. I'm sorry.

I see.

I didn't want to do this since this is a school,

but since you can't resolve this,

I'll have to call the police for help.

The police?

Ms. Shin,

please calm down and have a seat.

- I'll see you later. / - Ms. Shin.

Ms. Shin.

This is J Entertainment.

Your audition has been scheduled. Give us a call.

Did you hear from them?

My uncle is busy but I begged him to make time.

You have to do well.

Let's go eat. It's lunch time.

What? It's lunch time.


I don't feel like eating now.


Okay then.


Hi Ian, it's been a while.

What brings you here? Did you tell Eunbyeol?

I came to see you.

You did?

Give me a minute.

How have you been?


It's okay. Tell me.

You're here because

you want to know about Eunbyeol, right?

- Taegwang. / - What?

Why are you here instead of the cafeteria?

You're so presumptuous.

I don't feel like eating either.

Mister! Over here!


Our country is the nation of deliveries.

Are you "the handsome guy in the Segang school yard"?

Yes, I am.

- How much is it? / - 14 dollars.

- Here you go. / - Enjoy.

- Have a nice day. / - Hey, Taegwang.

Black bean noodles are the best

when you don't have an appetite.

This place is super good.

Do you know to mix it like this?

You don't, do you?

What could you possibly know?

Here, take this one.

Hey, Taegwang.

Don't you hate me?

It doesn't taste good cold, so eat up.


How did the talk go last night?


Are you happy you got caught?


I guess

I didn't want to get caught more than I thought.

Stop talking.

Have a dumpling. You look like a dumpling yourself.

Are you okay?

She's still a kid.

It broke my heart to think how hard her life was.

Back then,

she and I had

no one else to turn to

but each other.

I hope you don't get the wrong idea.

I won't.

You must have been shocked.

I still

can't believe it.

I think

I was selfish and held onto her.

When I came to my senses, my heart just dropped.

Even if I give her all my love,

how painful must it be to live as someone else?

So, we're going to move and

transfer her to another school.

Can you not let on until then?

About the laptop incident,

let's not suspect anyone based on assumptions.

I hope you will all wait

until we resolve this.

That will be all.

- Have a nice day. / - Thank you.

Have a nice day. Good job, everyone.

I went to the computer repair store yesterday.

One was broken

and two were intentionally reformatted.

Did you know that your team's laptop

was broken?


I did it.

I knew our team's laptop was broken

and reformatted

the other teams' laptops.

If I said that,

what would happen to me?

Our laptop was fine before gym class

and I did not touch anything.


When you tell a lie, it is very difficult to fix things


Yes, you may lose many things.

and others may scorn you.

But if you ignore it because you're afraid,

it becomes more difficult to fix

and you become a coward.

The past doesn't disappear.

I hope you wouldn't do such things.


- Cha Songju? / - Yes.

Show us what you've prepared.


♪ Soul is gone and I believe ♪

♪ That in my life I will see ♪

♪ An end to hopelessness or giving up ♪

♪ Or suffering ♪

What about me? Why don't you think about me?

My mom will be gone in two days.

Don't you feel bad for me?

I'm alone too now!

I won't let you go!

You're good.

Have you received training elsewhere before?


This is the first agency I've auditioned with.

Is that right?

We are lucky then.

Good job.

Thank you!

Thank you.

Taegwang, what is it?

You never answered my calls

so I was checking to see if you blocked my calls.

I wouldn't do that.

Yes, you would.

What on earth?


Soyeong is

on cloud nine

that you're leaving.


I said I'd leave after I get rid of her.


you better get rid of her quickly

so I won't have to see this face anymore.

- Geez... / - Geez!

So, we're going to move and

transfer her to another school.

Can you not let on until then?

Tongyeong, please.

Thank you.

Tongyeong, please.

(Lee Eunbi)

I miss Eunbi.

We're going to see her now.

No, the real Eunbi.

She isn't in there.


What's the point in bringing my award to her?

She can't see it anyway.

Eunbi is in there.

We can't see her,

but if she heard Seungmin won an award,

Eunbi will be so happy.

She always was.


She would compliment me and make me spicy rice cakes.


Are you crying?


If I cry,

Eunbi will be upset,

so I won't cry.

Let's go.



Are you okay? I'm sorry.

Oh my gosh, are you okay?

I'm fine.


- I'll put it on for you. / - Sure.

Of course, these factors are not

solid proof that Minjun did it.

And the same applies to Soyeong.

I understand what you're trying to say.

As you said, there is no solid proof,

so please leave my son alone.

I hope

you would do the same.

I'm home.

It's not true, right?

Your teacher is mistaken, right?


Answer me.

They don't have proof yet,

so keep your mouth shut.

Wash up and study.

My son.

How is it going?

Did you drink a lot?

Just a little.

When will you grow up and

have a drink with your old man?

I'm much bigger than you.

You smart cookie.

You think being tall means you're grown up?

You don't even know the joys of drinking.

What are the joys of drinking?

Let's see.

When you feel empty no matter how much you ate,

just one shot of this and...

Do you want to try one?

After the competition in two days,

pour me a drink then.

Let's see if it fills the void like you say.

You're such a good boy.

Okay. After you win a medal,

have a drink with me, okay?



Yes? Do you feel better?

I'll call the school that you're staying home.

No, I'm fine.

Did you stay up all night?

Hey, Eunbyeol.

What's wrong?

Are you sick or something?

No. I am okay.

I went to my audition.

You did?

Nothing you expected happened.

I think they're going to sign me up.

- Songju. / - Eunbyeol.

Do you know how much I wanted to

brag to you and have you support me

as I prepared for my audition?

Why did you

tear us apart like this?

Songju, I...

I know you're all concerned about the laptop incident.

We've looked at the security videos and other factors,

but we don't have any conclusive evidence.

Kang Soyeong. Cough, cough.

It isn't her. It isn't.

She's the worst.

Didn't I just say

there is no conclusive evidence?

Don't suspect your friend and attack her.

When multiple people do that to one person,

that is an assault.

I hope that will

not happen in our class.

Quiet! So what I'm saying is

the only way to resolve this is

for the person to come forward.

I'll give you two days.

If anyone wants to talk about the laptop incident,

come to my office by 9 p.m. tomorrow.

You may call or text, too.

I'll work with you to

find the best way to handle this.

That will be all.



Are you okay?

Are you sick?

You're burning up.

Get up. I'll take you to the infirmary.

Let's go, okay?

You should have said something if you were sick.


Are you really sick?

You're not faking it?


Stop talking to me and get back to class.


I'm sick, too.



Is everything okay?

I... I am okay.

If you have a problem, come talk to me, okay?

I will.

Eunbyeol, cheer up.


What are you doing here, Mom?

(School 2015 Who Are You)

- This is difficult. / - Right?

They said I need to answer one every minute.

Are they kidding me? I mean...

- Hey. / - You're all better. Let's go.

Hey, Eunbyeol.

Hey, Taegwang. Taegwang! You punk!

I'm going to call the police!


What are you doing?

Let's just go. Please?

Let's go.

Come on.

Isn't it awesome?

Do you remember?


Hi, Eunbyeol!

Hi, Eunbyeol!

Should I redo my greeting?


Lee Eunbi.





What is this?

What is this?

- A hand phone. / - A mobile phone.

What are these?

- Sneakers. / - Shoes.

See? What you call it doesn't matter.

The same goes for you.

I don't care whether you're Eunbyeol or Eunbi.

So when you're with me,

be whoever you want.

Do whatever you want.

(Segang High Swim Team)

Hey, Ian.

At her old school,

there was someone who tortured her so much

that she decided to do something very drastic.

Aren't you going to thank me?

For what?

I don't know about anyone else,

but I thought you would understand me.

Isn't it upsetting having some random girl

pretend to be Eunbyeol?

I heard you're the one that made her do it.

Well, you can say that I guess.

But there is a lot more to unravel

so you just wait and see.

Hey, New Girl.

That's enough.

You look pitiful.


(Comments for Class 2-3's Teacher: Kim Junseok)

(This is embarrassing, but thank you)

These kids...

(Tongyeong N Girls' High School suicide's bully)

(is in Class 2-3)

(After she committed... Transferred into Class 2-3...)

(Internet article)

(A Student Commits Suicide After Being Bullied)

(Miss K's identity revealed)

(Kang Soyeong, who are you bullying now in Segang?)

(Why aren't the demons taking away Soyeong?)

Here comes Tongyeong's Miss K!

Hey, Songju. You said we were making it up.

What's this? What? Don't say

it's someone with the same name at a nearby school.

Why did she have to come to our school?

How annoying.

Annoying? It's disgusting.



Eunbyeol, have you eaten?

Let's go to the snack bar.

You buy. I bought last time.

- Let's go to the snack bar. / - Sure.

What's going on?

Did you do it?

It wasn't me.

Are you okay?

I think it's for the best.

What is? What's for the best?

You'll get rid of Soyeong and then what?

You'll transfer out and that's it?

But then again,

you must be happy. You have no good memories here.

You don't have any good memories with me?


I was very happy here.

You're one of the reasons why.

You're not going anywhere yet.

You better be strong.

The high school men's 400 m freestyle

finals will begin shortly.

Competitors, please make your way in.


I'm going to expose Eunbyeol for who she is.

Too bad, you're going to miss a good show.

Good luck on your race.

She's here.

- Hello, Miss K. / - Hello.

Miss K, hello.

- Who cares if she does well in school? / - How evil.

- Hello, Miss K. / - Hello.

Oh no.

He looks badly hurt. Are you okay?

Are you okay?

- He's hurt. / - Are you okay?

- Call 911. / - Are you okay?

Call the ambulance. He's hurt.

Are you okay?

- Is he okay? / - He's moving.

He looks badly hurt.


You've been enjoying bad-mouthing me lately,

haven't you?

You're quick.

- We are enjoying it so much. / - What a thick skin.

She is disgusting.

That's good.


The N Girls' High in the article is

Nuri Girls' High School that I went to.

And I am that Miss K.

- See? / - Wow. Insane.

She is not normal.

- Did she just admit it? / - She has some nerve.


about that outcast who supposedly died...

Don't you want to know

what she looked like?

Do you want me to...

show you?

(School 2015 Who Are You)

How much are you involved?

Your name is all over the investigation.

Was it really Minjun?


This happened because

you didn't raise him with love.

We can't let Soyeong and that girl

go to the same school.

Rock, paper, scissors.


Then I'll take care of it myself.

For more infomation >> Who Are You | 후아유 EP.9 [SUB : KOR, ENG, CHN, MLY, VIE] - Duration: 59:31.


Diese Woche bei der LATELY SHOW [3/07] | Die LATELY SHOW mit Florian Strzeletz - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Diese Woche bei der LATELY SHOW [3/07] | Die LATELY SHOW mit Florian Strzeletz - Duration: 1:00.


[URGENT]- You Should See This -[URGENT] - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> [URGENT]- You Should See This -[URGENT] - Duration: 0:54.


Tanaka Farms Hello Kitty and Friends Sanrio Pumpkin Patch in Irvine 田中農場凱蒂貓南瓜補丁 - Duration: 3:56.


Hello Bloggineers. We're at Tanaka Farms for the pumpkin patch with Hello Kitty.

This annual event features a lot of fun activities for the family.

First we're going to go on the wagon ride.

[Brother] All aboard!

On a count of three, scratch yourself. One, two, three.

This tractor is taking us on the tour around the farm.

I wonder what they're growing here.

And now I'm taking the tractor out for a spin.

Next we're doing the corn maze.

I hope we don't get lost in here.

[Brother] We found Hello Kitty.

[Brother] It's time for the petting zoo.

Let's go see the goats and sheep.

Hey there, Billy .

Brother thinks the goats are going to bite him.

[Brother] I'm getting surrounded by a lot of animals.

Now we're going to play some games.

First up, Duck-a- Palooza.

We're pumping water to race our ducks down the track.

[Brother] I get to keep a ducky.

Next we're going to operate the bulldozer crane.

This is harder than it looks.

Hey Brother, do you dig this activity?

Time for the ATV ride.

Look at brother go. I'm gonna see if I can catch up to him.

Watch out here I come!

Yay! I passed Brother!

Now we're going to launch some pumpkins.

The man is loading a pumpkin

and putting in some gunpowder.

Here's my ticket, sir.

[Man] Ready. Three. Two. One. Fire!

Brother's watching from a far because he is scared of the cannon blast.

Now we're gonna pick our own produce and first up is radishes.

We're allowed to take 4 per person.

Brother is running away because they're launching another pumpkin.

Next we're picking some cilantro.

Lastly we're collecting some onions.

Our final activity is picking some pumpkins to take home.

Brother still worried about the canon blast even though it's so far away.

Is this one too big?

[Brother] I want this white pumpkin.

We had so much fun at Tanaka Farms.

Please hit the subscribe button and say hi to Hello Kitty!

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