Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

hi my name is Marthyn Jovanovic I'm a drum teacher and in this video I'm gonna

be reacting to and analyzing a live drum cam video from Mario Duplantier from

Gojira playing the song toxic garbage island

yeah let's start off first thing he hits really really hard he got a basic metal

setup so 2 kick drums 1 snare drum 2 rack toms one floor tom it's actually not

a big Tom setup nowadays you see a lot of drummers who use 3 rack toms and

two floor toms so this setup is pretty basic not that big

hi-hat ride two crashes in the front to China's one extra crash to the right

side so pretty basic setup Tama drums and he uses DW bass drum pedals

you can see he's using a French grip with right and left hands his thump is facing

up he's using a full arm motion so he's using his shoulders his upper arm and

his forearm to hit the crash with the right hand his crash cymbals are placed really

high so if he would be using the German grip it would be even harder to crash to

cymbals since he's using the French grip it's a bit easier that way to

crash the cymbals that are placed that high

he's playing lots of ghost notes on the snare but unfortunately during the verse

you can't hear them because of the crash cymbals being so loud they disappear in

the mix

now you can hear the ghost notes

he's playing some tasty stuff there so it's too bad that you didn't hear them


all right let's talk about his foot technique for a bit as I said before

he's using DW bass drum pedals he is burying the beater he is leaning forward

and what's really interesting is that his foot is placed really far to the

front part of the foot board and he's using a classic heel up motion mix of

hip flexors and calf muscle and basically what he does is he's running

on the pedal so if we would remove his bass drum pedals I think he would still

be able to play the same stuff that he does here now his bass drum technique

looks basically like this mix of hip flexors and calf muscles he's running on

the pedals lots of ghost notes

you can see when he's playing double bass at these tempos

he's not getting a big beater swing out of each bass drum stroke but he still

hits really hard and the reason for that is that he's sitting number one he's

sitting really close to his bass drum pedals and to his bass drum so a lot of

his the weight of his upper leg is placed above the bass drum pedal so it's

easier to really put in a lot of power a lot of extra weight and since

he's hitting with his hip flexors and calf muscles all the time he's able to

get a lot of power out of each bass drum stroke without

getting a big beater swing out of it

as you can see here his crash cymbals are really really high so again it's

hard to hit them he's using French grip this makes it a bit easier

the big advantage he has that there's a big distance between the crash cymbals

and the Tom's especially the microphones from the Tom's so the crash cymbals

don't blend into the tom microphones that much it's easier to mix that way

the disadvantage is that you have a bigger distance to cover from the snare

drum or from the Tom's to the crash cymbals

again the food is placed on the front part of the foot board all the time

not getting a big beater swing but still a lot of power he's not using a bass drum

trigger leaning forward

let's talk about his ride cymbal for a bit he is playing zildjian cymbals and his ride

cymbal has this extra Big bell he's playing lots of accents on this ride

and especially on the bell which sounds great he also likes to use some paradiddle

patterns paradiddle with the hands along with the feet inverted paradiddles and he's

playing the accents mostly on the Bell and the bell just sounds amazing

his toms are tuned really low this means you have to hit them hard to

get a good sound out of them he's using French grip- using this wrist turning

motions there's a lot of forearm involved a lot of muscle groups involved in there

he gets a lot of power out of each stroke if you would just use finger technique

like this it would be very hard to get a good sound out of those toms

now he's leaning forward when he's playing double bass every time he plays

double bass he's leaning forward if he's playing just even faster eighth notes

with one foot he doesn't lean forward because his other

foot works like his human kickstand so it's easy to keep the

balance there as soon as he starts to play double bass he's leaning forward

like that and he's burying the beater what you can see here that's also really

interesting is every time he starts a bass drum pattern or shortly before he

starts the bass drum pattern he leans forward he pushes the bass drum beater

against the bass drum head this is like his ready position so now he's ready to

play the double bass part and then he starts playing with this tempo if you

count like

he's leaning forward at there four and one and two and three and four and one and two and

three and four and pay close attention it's really interesting

one and two and three and four and one and two

yes like that he's getting ready for every bass drum pattern

really nice drumming from Mario great drummer great band

amazing band alright that's it for this video don't forget to comment below if

you want a certain drummer to be next and to be precise please post a youtube link

of the video you want me to comment on also don't forget to leave a like thank

your for your support cheers from Vienna bye

For more infomation >> Drum Teacher Reacts to Mario Duplantier - Drummer of Gojira - Duration: 9:02.


ПАПА Я ЕДУ К ТЕБЕ! НА ПОХОРОНЫ К ПАПЕ/ 11.10.2018 (рус. субтитры) - Duration: 14:29.

Now I am going to Cairo. Now we are in New Giza. Cairo

Time 22:10

By the way did not show. As a sign. On a billboard was depicted the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and something written in Arabic

Well, we arrived at the airport. Now we will take the bus to the desired terminal.

And this man accompanies me. Helps find the right terminal

All I'm going to control now. Will check.

Something I froze. Apparently because I did not sleep. All I'm at the airport. I went inside.

Check-in will begin soon after 30 minutes. So now I have some coffee and sit.

I took a pie and coffee

Registration will begin in 30 minutes. So i'm waiting

Periodically talking with mom and Dany

With all who can talk, I'm talking.

well, i'm waiting

I drank coffee and ate a pie. Now I look like and see the chir here.

Well, everything I passed control. 2 times took off her shoes and belt. Now entered the duty free

I passed the re-check.

It is 1:25 at night and I am waiting. Airplane at 3:30 in the morning.

So how I did it and how we figured it out. My husband Mohamed came up and took the girls

Then Denis and I went to my mom to say goodbye.

And then Denis walked to the bus. When we arrived at the bus station, the bus was already gone. When we drove up, the bus just at this time left.

Put the phone on charge. Because the phone is dead. Charging left somewhere 20%.

I sit, sleep terribly hunting. The plane takes off at 3:30 in the morning.

And then it lands at 7:30 in the morning in Rome. 3 hours will be in Rome.

At 10:30 in the morning the plane will depart from Rome to Moscow to Sheremetyevo.

Such a situation and such information

Well, in Moscow they will meet me.

I wanted to show Denis where the planes are. They are on that side. Here there and there. And there is a plane there. From here it is not visible, he stands there.

Well, all the people started landing. Gate number 3. All going to board.

Not so simple. I thought we went immediately to the sleeve. And here is the sleeve.

Well, that's it.

Well, we are all on the plane. Climbed. Everyone already speaks Italian. We will now departure

The plane is quite small. On each side in 3 seats.

There is no one besides me and the man.

We were given to eat. These are the Italian buns and such. Gave dry wipes and wet

We flew to Rome. They brought us here from the plane. Written welcome to Rome.

By the way is a very strange thing that no one wants to speak English. Everyone speaks Italian.

Very strange. I need to find where to go.

By the way there are a lot of good shops. Here you can go and see something.

Present the most famous Italian brands.

Here is ice cream, clothes.

Here pizza is sold, it costs 5.50 euros.

Different drinks.

I'll get some coffee and something to eat.

By the way I wanted to say that the Italians are very funny. Between themselves are very fun to communicate.

Here is my coffee. This is a cappuccino. The difference is felt.

and took a croissant

Their buns are not very bad. You have already seen what they gave me on the plane. I ate one bun.

Now eat croissant

It is very surprising that the driver Malyak and Ei got on the phone when I was already in Rome.

I do not know how he got through, since I am now in Rome.

For the first time in many years, in 11 years, I saw Jews.

Because in Egypt they are not. And there are a lot of them.

In general, I am very glad that I had such an opportunity. No matter how much further it is and what's next. I am glad that I had such an opportunity to fly to Moscow and generally move off.

The reason of course is not very good. But I'm still very happy.

Behind my back is Armani's shop. Here shop Diesel.

Accordingly, all brands are present.

The air is very fresh. For a long time already this did not feel.

By the way, I did not have time to wash my hands. And then a napkin. All the way now I thought that I had not washed my hands, but there was no napkin. And that when we eat in the plane, they will give a napkin. And the napkin and only me. On the other seats there.

I have no Internet. A young man is sitting next to me, and he shared his What's Up with me. It turned out to send mom a message. Now we will take off

In 20 minutes we will landing and will be in Sheremetyevo

Thank God landed. Landing was very difficult. Turbulence is strong. Well we are at Sheremetyevo

For more infomation >> ПАПА Я ЕДУ К ТЕБЕ! НА ПОХОРОНЫ К ПАПЕ/ 11.10.2018 (рус. субтитры) - Duration: 14:29.


Grandma Mugger (does an npc mugger have free will?) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 2:09.

Yeah where did you get that jacket from anyway?

I mugged someone for it! Oh that's what I'm talking about yeah

Yeah or we'll mug ya yeah watch out yeah nice

Hey hey hey we should mug that old woman over there

Yeah oh no no not her

What why not?

Well that's my grandmother

What's that got to do with anything?

Well she helped raise me. She taught me everything I know about mugging

Well precisely she's already in the game. She knows what's up lets go mug her

Oh no come on she's a small helpless frail old woman

As if to prove my point: She's helpless, she's frail, she's probably got lots of money...

Oh yes she's very wealthy from a lifetime of mugging people

Well then let's go mug her!


I love her

Oi oi oi what?!





What are we?

We're muggers...


And what...

And what do muggers do?

They mmmmmm


Ooooo they mmmmmmmm

They mug people!

They mug em!


Hello dears! I'm grandma mugger

And I've been trying to teach the boys how to mug

But they're a bit slow on the uptake so they still rely on kind donations from people like you through Patreon

So please check it out. Now excuse me I have to go find some rasberries

Oh come on you F*** C***

For more infomation >> Grandma Mugger (does an npc mugger have free will?) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 2:09.


Five Little Monsters | Halloween Cartoons For Toddlers | Spooky Kids Songs | Kids Baby Club - Duration: 41:57.

Five little monsters jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monsters jumping on the bed.

Four little monsters jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monsters jumping on the bed.

Three little monsters jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped her head..

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monsters jumping on the bed.

Two little monsters jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said!

No more monsters jumping on the bed.

One little monsters jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said!

Put those monsters right to bed.

For more infomation >> Five Little Monsters | Halloween Cartoons For Toddlers | Spooky Kids Songs | Kids Baby Club - Duration: 41:57.


THE KINDS - PROD 7 [with Aboubakry Seck] - Duration: 4:16.

I could dive and disappear my friend

Like the cowards on the other side

In fear about the dominance

Making do with the arrogance

Yeah I could but I've learnt

Over my time

I try To feel other's pain and sorrow

Leave it all, let it all out he says

Leave it all, let it all out today

My Friend's got stories and tells no lies

Some of them know

Leave it all, let it all out he says

Leave it all, let it all out today

You think you're too busy, but you're blind

Can't you see me now?

So tell me now what's going on

When will you stop and step back

Just turn around and get on board

Do you hear me now?

Honestly we all shine

One day you'll see

What it is to be dumb and sorry

Leave it all, let it all out he says

Leave it all, let it all out today

My Friend's got stories and tells no lies

Some of them know

Leave it all, let it all out he says

Leave it all, let it all out today

You think you're too busy,

But you're blind

Can you see me now?

How many things have to burn

it's a game

How many lives sacrificed till they feel the pain

it's a game

When are we gonna trust

And feel other's pain and sorrow

For more infomation >> THE KINDS - PROD 7 [with Aboubakry Seck] - Duration: 4:16.


Harvesting Ducks - What it's like - Duration: 8:40.


feel like this is very appropriate death is literally at our doorstep since the

day I ordered the ducks and decided to get a mix of both males and females I

knew it was an inevitability that I was gonna have to call him so I'm not

exactly excited about this though but at the same time this has been a part of

the farm plan this feels like sort of like a rite of passage of sorts I guess

and so we're going to call most of the male ducks

good morning cats Hey Lil hey Pablo we had a successful duck

harvest yesterday in a text message to me last night my buddy Jeff described it

as a connection with another living being that he had never felt before and

he found the whole experience humbling I

know a lot fewer Ducks right

now I'm sure you guys are wondering how did I end up processing the ducks well

the way it worked was like this once I finally separated the males from the

females i herded all the males over to the portable duck tractor

I kept the ducks inside here for oh I don't know was about 16 hours or so

Allyson decided to feed them the last meal of some canned peas hey guys so I

had four people helping me out yesterday I had my friend Nick who's a chef I had

my friend Geoff who's a brewer I had my friend Leslie who's just this super

helpful homesteading type lady and she brought along her father John none of my

friends had ever processed ducks before so I decided it would be a good idea to

have them watch a couple of YouTube videos to see how it's done I'll make a

playlist so you guys can watch how to harvest ducks if you're curious about

the more technical how-to side of it watch that playlist you'll be able to

see how it's really done this video is gonna be more about the emotional and

mental side of it all I thought I was gonna have a harder time than I did with

killing the ducks it was you know once I got the rhythm down and once I got the

feel for where the vein that I needed to hit was and went pretty quickly and

pretty smoothly each time that I killed the ducks here I would pick them up out

of the duck tractor settle him down and hold him close to me like this and they

actually seemed to calm him down pretty quickly and then I bring them over the

cone drop them in and flip them upside down when they're in the cone they don't

flap and fight and struggle they're they're actually pretty sedate and chill

what we would do is you know smack him upside the head with a 2x4 to stun them

and then cut their throat veins like alongside his own throat and they would

bleed out they always talk about you know ducks and chickens flapping around

from you know the reaction of the nervous system shutting down I actually

found it soothing for me personally to actually hold them and comfort them as

they were dying it might not have done anything for the duck but for me as the

human we bled them into the buckets and then once we had them bled we actually

hung him on the clothesline to just kind of sit for a few minutes while we went

through and killed all the Ducks it was tough but it wasn't as tough as I

thought it was gonna be the hardest thing about harvesting the Ducks I found

actually I had this little propane burner that I had traditionally used for

making maple syrup we tried to keep the temperature around 130 degrees and we

would dump the birds several times vigorously you know we put a bit of dawn

soap in the water when we scalded them I find the packaging for the dawn soap

very ironic we hoped that it would break down the oil and their feathers so that

the hot water could penetrate and loosen up the feathers

only kind of worked and then we would bring them over here which is where we

had the chicken plucker a friend of mine actually was really

nice enough to loan it to me and so I really appreciate that

so thank you to him we used the plucker we would cut one sometimes two at a time

in there and it would just spin them around and the rubbing nubby fingers we

get the feathers off but there was still a lot of hand plucking we had to do and

I gotta admit we didn't even do the move the best job at plucking it does not

look like it came from a grocery store there is an occasional pin feather or

two still stuck in the bird when I do this again sometime in the future

figuring out a better plucking system is one of the things on my to-do list so

after the plucking happened my buddy Nick who as I mentioned earlier is a

chef an amazing chef that he went to work and started gutting the birds

pulling out the organs we cut off a lot of the fat when we created a bag of fat

that we were just collecting for all the duck fat we're gonna process that

sometime in the future we also saved all of the livers which we're gonna make

into something as well pretty soon we also collected all their feet as well

the goal was to use as much of the birds as we possibly could we did have a

bucket of organs and entrails though that I tossed it far far back once we

had the Ducks gutted we put him in these plastic heat shrink bags shrunk the bags

bagged him up and then we tossed him in the freezer so that was it that was the

process we went through to harvest the Ducks I'm hoping that this is giving you

guys a better sense of how we approach this I'm sure I'm leaving a lot of

information out if you have any questions leave them down in the

comments and I'm trying to make a follow-up Q&A video it was it wasn't

easy but it wasn't as hard as I thought I

thought I was gonna have a really hard time I can remember showing up at this

very spot right from the post office with a box of baby ducklings in my arms

you know I sprinted and took them right over there to that room right in that

spot right there by and beyond the clothesline that's where I've routed

them for four weeks and then from right here that's where they first put him in

the duct rafter move them all the way back there until they ultimately were

out in the pasture so they led this life that I think was pretty good here on our

farm they were outside most of the time they always had plenty of space and so I

feel good about the experience that I went

through to raise them I mean is it fun to kill a duck no is it

fun to pluck a duck most definitely not but at the same time I feel so good

about what I've just done to 13 ducks from a egg-laying breed got to live full

lives that you know in the conventional egg producing industry birds like that

would have never existed so yeah all in all it was a good experience harvesting

with ducks yesterday I had a great learning experience and I feel like I've

got a closer connection to where my food comes from had a great bonding

experience with several of my friends as we processed all those ducks and on top

of it all a whole bunch of meat in the freezer

For more infomation >> Harvesting Ducks - What it's like - Duration: 8:40.


Advanced English Speaking Vocabulary - Study Behaviour & Feelings Words - Learn English @ Michelle - Duration: 14:33.

For more infomation >> Advanced English Speaking Vocabulary - Study Behaviour & Feelings Words - Learn English @ Michelle - Duration: 14:33.



For more infomation >> MOMENTUM NEDİR ? NASIL KURTULUNUR ? | PES 2019 MOMENTUM - Duration: 10:11.


MasterBox MB510L, MB511, MB520, MB530P - Duration: 4:41.

Hi everybody, welcome back to another Cooler Master video. Today I don't have one,

I don't have 2, but I have 4 new chassis to show you and all 4 of them are part of the MasterBox

line. As you may know, the old generation of MasterBoxes were already super popular and all of these chassis they basically improve

upon all of the features that made them so successful.

Starting from the left, we have the MasterBox MB510L, then we have the MasterBox

MB511, the MasterBox MB520 and last but not least we have the MasterBox MB530P

So now, let me run down through all the features starting from the left, from the MB510L.

So the new MasterBox

MB510L sports a carbon texture front panel that makes it look sleek and unique at the same time. On the side, we find

An edge-to-edge transparent side panel with very nice-looking 45 degrees cut perimeters and on top we find completely open ventilation

Speaking of ventilation water cooling support is huge in this case

We have 360mm radiator support in front, 280 up top, and 120 in the rear.

Of these chassis, multiple colors may be available—it depends on the vendor or region you're in.

So, for further information check the link in the description

But if all you need is a very nice chassis to build your next system in you have nothing to worry about because with this

Case you have maximum GPU clearance super easy cable management

even with PSU extensions and a 100% tool-less mounting design for both SSDs and HDDs

If you want to learn more about it

You can check the H500M video where we explain this concept for the first time and also another cool thing

That is 100% tool-less is the fan mounting system

Thanks to the special peg design as you can see with this new generation of MasterBoxes

We have improved the ventilation a lot

And actually everything is filtered and super easy to clean

And speaking of ventilation one fan is included out of the box

So you can add your own favorite fans to get from this to this

Now, we all know that powerful hardware needs powerful cooling so here is the new MasterBox MB511

The new MasterBox MB511

keeps all the features from the 510L but is even more aggressive in terms of design and ventilation for maximum performance.

Also in this case you can find multiple colors available. So check the link in the description

and what is special about this design is that the mesh in the front acts as a dust filter as well for completely unrestricted ventilation

Of this chassis there is also an RGB plus tempered glass version available, again all the links are in the description.

Now, here's a bit of a throwback to the beauty of the old MasterBox line, the MB520.

In this chassis we find a beautiful DarkMirror front with much improved ventilation over the last generation. And this time, we also have a full length

PSU cover with a front radiator opening for a beautiful system both outside and inside.

Again, in this chassis we have maximum radiator support and maximum cooling support and

there is also an RGB plus tempered glass version if you're into extremely clean looks so again—if you want more information

Check the link in the description.

Now, last but not least,

here is the big guy: the MB530P. The MB530P is dedicated to users that are in search for something truly unique.

It sports 3 tempered glass side panels and 3 front addressable RGB fans out of the box.

But don't worry because we include an easy-to-use controller that, wait for it, does not require you to pay a premium

Do you want to get even more sophisticated?

You can hook up the fans to your motherboard using the included splitter and unleash the true power of addressable RGB

Even the power button is lit. The tempered glass right side panel hides all the cables coming from the PSU

thanks to the unique silk print design. And to help you even more during cable management

We also include high quality rubber grommets and smartly position

Zip tie points. Is this not enough?

Included, there is also a handy dandy cable cover that helps you achieve the perfect cable management without any effort.

Of course, this case is 100% water-cooling ready and packs all the awesome support and features of the other "smaller brothers."

Do you still want to learn more? In the description

you will find all the links to all of the chassis and also the RGB plus tempered glass


If you have any questions again, write me in the comments, I will reply as soon as possible. And for now

Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> MasterBox MB510L, MB511, MB520, MB530P - Duration: 4:41.


Kohli's for ever - Single - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Kohli's for ever - Single - Duration: 2:41.


Tutorial Membuat Cover Highlight Atau Sorotan Instagram Keren Dan Kekinian - Duration: 6:52.


For more infomation >> Tutorial Membuat Cover Highlight Atau Sorotan Instagram Keren Dan Kekinian - Duration: 6:52.


Vĩnh Vớ Vẩn | Cái kết khi coi thường người nghèo - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> Vĩnh Vớ Vẩn | Cái kết khi coi thường người nghèo - Duration: 12:13.


[神州穿梭.深圳]#134 君尚3019|深圳南山優質商場|好近深圳灣口岸|顏值超高咖啡店|DIY聖地, 有得滑雪|深圳南山一日遊優質選擇 - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> [神州穿梭.深圳]#134 君尚3019|深圳南山優質商場|好近深圳灣口岸|顏值超高咖啡店|DIY聖地, 有得滑雪|深圳南山一日遊優質選擇 - Duration: 6:24.


Malumup - G U C C I - Duration: 4:37.

Malumup - G U C C I

For more infomation >> Malumup - G U C C I - Duration: 4:37.


FIAT TORO realizando sonhos no dia das crianças - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> FIAT TORO realizando sonhos no dia das crianças - Duration: 4:15.


"Namaste England" Ke Promotion Par Arjun-Parineeti Ki Masti | "Arjun Kapoor" | "Parineeti Chopra" - Duration: 2:29.

"Namaste England" Ke Promotion Par Arjun-Parineeti Ki Masti | Arjun Kapoor | Parineeti Chopra

For more infomation >> "Namaste England" Ke Promotion Par Arjun-Parineeti Ki Masti | "Arjun Kapoor" | "Parineeti Chopra" - Duration: 2:29.


She Couldn't Board The Airplane - Duration: 7:01.

all right so I went and dropped teyla off of the airport and I drove like

across the street it's maybe like half a mile away and I found this parking spot

to sit in just to make sure that Taylor actually left because it was gonna be

about two hours or like an hour and a half before she

actually flew out so I wanted to make sure I didn't start driving to another

town or something before she got off the ground so I've been sitting here and

she's been kind of texting me and she's just texted me that her flight is

delayed and then now she texted me to come pick her up so I'm not sure what's

going on but we're gonna go pick her up hopefully she'll be able to make it to

the event in time still I think she will I think she has like an extra day so hi

long time no see okay all right so tell us all what happened so my flight it was

supposed to leave at 5:45 just like right now and so I was sitting in there

for like an hour and a half waiting and we just got a text that said flight

delayed until 6:20 so flight leaves at 6:20 I would get to my connecting flight

when it was taking it off like the exact same time so there's no room for me to

go to that flight like I would have missed it completely and so and it was

delayed this the flight coming in right now was delayed because of weather

turbulence so they had no control over it

and they didn't give me a hotel room they skipped out on the flights today

and they rebooked me for early tomorrow morning

bye they in huh so we got to find a place to stay probably pop up the tent

and then come back here early in the morning yeah all right let's do it

let's let's find a place to go we could go to the place that I was just at it's

just like a little parking lot and there's like trees and stuff all right

I'll go check it out see if the people are okay it's like a it's like a vet

hospital so we might have to go in and see if they're okay with us parking

there but I'll let you guys know all right so I just went inside this place

is like a it's emergency veterinary clinic and they're open 24 hours so I

figured since they're open 24 hours they they probably let you know a truck be in

the parking lot but the lady talked to the doctor and the doctor said no since

we're technically camping he said he can't have people camping in the parking

lot so we gotta find a place to go she said there was a park that's like five

minutes that way so there's two places that actually there's three places that

we go when we're typically looking for a free camping spot when is app called I

over Lander 2 is a website called like free camping net or something like that

and the third place is we just look on the map and we look for like BLM land

places where it's just open for the public to to camp anytime and that's

typically where we go and we find places to camp that's free a lot of other

places it's like 20 to 30 bucks to camp per night if we were doing that

throughout this whole trip that would add up pretty quickly and the whole

reason we got the tent is so that we could avoid you know paying for hotels

or anything like that and so we need to make the tent you know worth it I

believe we already have for how much we've already camped in it oh there is a

Walmart that's not too far away and a lot of people on those apps and

and stuff have parked in Walmart parking lots that's something that we have been

open to but we haven't done it yet so I'm not sure we're trying to stay close

to the airport because you have to be back at 5:00 yeah that's what we're

thinking I think this guy in the van behind this that's probably what he's

done really yeah that's good we might I guess yeah there's a Motorhome right

over there so yeah it's growing everywhere is just growing the town I

grew up in had one stoplight when I was born and now there's too many yeah

yeah so we're here in the Walmart parking lot which we've never done

before but I think we might try it out we just talked to a guy for a while he

grew up here and there's like a bus here there's a van behind us there's a couple

cars that the guy said there's some people that I've been sleeping in the

cars for a while so he said that they're totally okay with it I don't know it

just doesn't feel the same when you don't have trees around you but we just

drove around for a while and we're a little bit farther away from the airport

then we would want to be and it's getting late so I think we're gonna try

it out this will be our first time trying the Walmart parking lot or any

parking lot really so we tried sleeping at a Walmart

parking lot last night for the first time and neither of us could fall asleep

it was just too noisy too many cars driving around and so we ended up

driving a little bit closer to the airport and there's like this

development area where it looks like they're gonna build a bunch of homes in

here but it's just like some roads right now and some and some parking spots and

so we were able to park here there's no lights or anything so it's dark and

quiet and we actually slept really good for the three hours that we slept so

we're about to head to the airport Taylor's going to hop on the plane

all right I hope you have a fun time you know your best

I'll uh I'll wait around and make sure that your flight love you love you so


well no it's just chief and me and our one windshield wiper alright just got a

text from Taylor she's on the plane and they're good to go so Taylor is

officially gone it's just chief and I and I think we

have we have like five days or so just chief and I to figure out what we're

gonna do

For more infomation >> She Couldn't Board The Airplane - Duration: 7:01.


How to get started with HeavyM - [Tutorial] - Duration: 10:36.

Hello and welcome to this HeavyM introduction tutorial.

In this video, you'll discover the basics of the software in just a few minutes

and you'll learn how to create a mapping simply and easily.

To do so, we simply need a computer with HeavyM, a projector

and any kind of volume to project on.

(Here, we'll use an Olga kit.)

Let's start with a quick overview of the interface.

When first opening the application, you'll be greeted by a welcome window,

with resources to help you get started, like example projects,

or help and learning materials.

Here, we'll start with an empty project.

The central part of the interface is the work area,

it's the artboard on which you create your mapping.

The darker rectangle in the center corresponds to the projection zone.

At the top, the toolbar contains the main features that you need in your workflow.

For example, the shapes and creative tools help you draw your mapping easily.

On the right, the panels allow you to add and set effects in your mapping.

From top to bottom, the categories are: Outline, Filling, Transformation, Transitions et Post Shaders.

Below, the groups panel lets you create groups of shapes with different effects.

Then, you can divide a project in sequences and organise them in a timeline.

Each sequence can contain different effects, sources, or even shapes.

Finally, the tempo and audio modules give you the tools to match sound & visuals.

First of all, let's open the projection.

You have 2 options: windowed or fullscreen projection.

The windowed projection allows you to get a preview on your computer.

And the fullscreen mode allows you to launch the projection on one or more projectors (or screens).

(Be careful, your displays have to be in "extend" mode in this case.)

Here, we're going to launch a fullscreen projection on one display: our projector.

(these options are also accessible from the "Projection" menu.)

Now we can start drawing shapes and see them appear in the output.

At your disposal, you have predefined shapes, that you drag & drop,

or you can use the "draw mode" to create faces with a pen tool.

The creative tools will also help you in the drawing process:

for example, use the Magnet tool to make points snap together and thus place shapes more easily.

You can also enable the Cursor to see the position of your pointer in the projection.

Now, add the right shapes to map your volume.

Here, our Olga kit is entirely made of triangular faces.

We add them on the structure in order to cover it completely.

We can adjust precisely by observing the live rendering on the real volume.


We can start adding effects in our mapping.

In the Outline category for example,

we can remove the default white Border effect and add a Line effect instead,

by using the ON/OFF toggles above the corresponding tabs.

The Line tab has a few modes, which define the different types of effects: Normal, Boomerang and Yoyo.

You can then vary the many related parameters,

Like the thickness of the stroke,

its length,

the number of dashes,

the speed,

the phase offset, that desynchronizes the movement of the lines,

or even the direction of the movement.

You can also add multiple effects in the same faces.

Here, we simultaneously turn on the Repeat effect, which duplicates the outline animations.

This effect also has numerous parameters, like the number of duplications or the depth,

which allows for interesting combinations.

By altering the parameters of both active effects, we easily get new visual animations.

Afterward, you can also activate different effects in different faces, by using groups.

By default, newly created faces are placed in the white group.

To put faces in another group, select them,

then click on the "+" button associated with a group in the panel on the right (here, the green one).

In the work area, the faces take the corresponding color.

And in the projection, they go back to their default state with a simple white border effect.

So now you can add different effects in the green group, like Filling effects.

Let's add a gradient for instance, of which we set the colors and motion.

In the timeline, we can then create a new sequence,

which will be like a new scene in the mapping.

In it, we can add different effects or content than in the first sequence.

In addition to the built-in effects, there's another type of content: multimedia sources (image, gif, video, shader, text).

These are contained in "player" shapes, which can be inserted from the top toolbar.

(Resizing : [Alt] + drag)

In the player settings panel that appears, we use the "+" button to choose a media.

To display the video in the faces of the mapping, we first give them a Filling effect,

then we click on the play button of the player.

We can also choose to only display the player in a specific group.

Players can also be combined with effects from the library.

Here, the Hypnotic effect is applied on top of the video.

Let's add a new sequence to showcase the Transformation effects.

This category includes Rotation and Structure effects, like the "Wire Frame" variant, displayed here.

As for other categories, these effects have a lot of customizable parameters.

They can also be combined with effects from other sequences.

There are two types of effects left to present.

The effects from the last 2 categories apply on the whole content of a sequence, not only in faces.

First, there are Transitions between sequences.

It's possible to active a Transition effect at the start and at the end of a selected sequence.

As for other effects, there are many variants.

To see them in action, Pour les voir en action, simply start the playback of the sequencer.

Lastly, we can end with Post Shader effects.

They are organized in a drop-down list, accessible with the "+" button.

Once a shader has been added in a sequence, you just need to turn its switch on to activate it.

It is then applied on the whole output of the sequence.

Afterward, you can adjust its intensity and activate multiple Post Shaders at once.

That's it for the basics of video mapping with HeavyM!

You are now ready to create your first project.

Afterward, don't hesitate to check out our other tutorials to fine-tune your skills,

or discover the many other features of the software!

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