Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 18 2019

I present the television of Oman. I have a question for Mr. Lavrov.

What do you see as the effectiveness of cooperation between Russia and Oman on the Yemen issue?

Russia, like Oman, from the very beginning of the Yemeni conflict has advocated exclusively its political and diplomatic solution through an inclusive dialogue of all Yemeni forces.

We work with each of these political forces, encouraging them to resist the temptation to resort to military measures against each other and sit at the table, start a dialogue under the auspices of the UN

and in accordance with the ideas generated by the UN Secretary-General's special envoy of Yemen Mr. Griffiths.

In particular, both parties welcomed the stakeholder consultations held in December last year, and the agreements reached there.

Russia helped to ensure that these agreements were enshrined in the UN Security Council.

They assumed the redeployment of the forces of the opposing sides in the area of the port of Hodeidah, the use of this port for the needs of the civilian population, and the exchange of hostages and prisoners.

Oman, along with Kuwait - and we also welcomed this - volunteered to provide air transport in order to deliver to the appropriate places those persons who will be subject to exchange.

Unfortunately, as it happened before, the implementation process of the Stockholm accords stalled.

Now we are striving to bring the parties back to their implementation - together with our Omani colleagues, with other countries that are actively trying to help the political process.

In all circumstances it is necessary to do everything possible so that humanitarian aid will flow to all those who need it in Yemen without hindrance.

For more infomation >> Lavrov's Remarks on Russia-Oman Cooperation in Solving the Yemen Issue - Duration: 5:25.


Cómo crear un álbum compartido en Fotos – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Cómo crear un álbum compartido en Fotos – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:28.



Hi guys

As you know i prepare asmr massage videos for you

It's time to get myself also relaxed

I found a massage therapy center in Şişli, Bomonti


We have to whisper inside the salon

I will also whisper


As you see very lovely place


I am already relaxed inside here

Finally it's my turn

Let's begin

Enjoy it :)

Thanks for watching

I am a little bit sleepy now :)



Why Cartoon Network's FusionFall Died | A Look Back - Duration: 14:50.

- [Robo] In the past, I've talked about Disney MMOs

quite a bit because those were the games

that I played when I was younger.

Stuff like, wait hold on, if you've watched any of these

videos, you probably know exactly what I'm about to say.

Toontown Online, Monkey Quest, YoVille on Facebook

and of course Club Penguin.

Games like Toontown Online, Club Penquin

and YoVille on Facebook.

Games like Club Penguin, Neopets

and when I was really young, Webkins helped

to introduce me into multiplayer games.

Blah, blah, blah, these games were my childhood.

I think everyone understands that by now

and most of the people watching this

are probably in the same boat.

So my point in all of this is that I was really into MMOs

and especially kid themed ones

because, you know, I was a kid.

All of these Disney games that I played felt the same,

which is expected considering that they were all made

by the same company, Disney Interactive.

But sometimes I enjoyed changing it up a bit

and going to play something that didn't feel the same.

The problem was that all of these games required

a premium subscription and I wasn't made out of money.

So I couldn't afford all of these subscriptions

with my $5 per week allowance from doing my chores.

So, that's when taking advantage of friends came into play.

Very rarely, I would head over to one of my friends' houses

and play his games that I couldn't afford.

One of these was Cartoon Network's FusionFall.

A Cartoon Network themed game that was completely filled

with all of the beloved characters from their shows.

This game was amazing and I would get completely drawn

into the world every time I went

over to this friend's house.

I found it cool that you had to fight corrupted versions

of your favorite characters while teaming up

with the non-corrupted versions of the same characters.

It blew my eight year old mind and I couldn't comprehend it.

It sat up in my brain as a philosophical question,

along with the one that asked, why the Easter Bunny

in the mall had a zipper on its back?

And you know, I never really learned

the answer to that second question.

Anyways, it was a great time that I somehow

forgot about in recent years.

But it's kind of hard to forget entirely

when it's your most requested video topic,

so thank you to everyone who requested it.

Like all these other titles that I've covered in the past,

this game also ended up being tragically shut down,

leaving fans wanting more.

But this one's a bit different, and there are many more

factors that led to its demise that what meets the eye.

It's an interesting story and it shows the struggles

that can occur between a development team and a publisher.

So, we're gonna be finishing up our videos on browser MMOs

and reminiscing on what this game was like

and what caused it to die in today's video,

Why FusionFall Died.

So FusionFall was a cool and unique game.

It had all the Cartoon Network characters

from shows such as Ed, Edd n Eddy, Codename: Kids Next Door

and almost every other show that was popular at the time.

Plus, unlike its competitors, it actually had

a full storyline and a lot of thought was put into it.

So the story pretty much goes like this.

There's a planet in space known as Planet Fusion

and it's ruled by a dude named Lord Fuse.

This planet travels through space

and destroys everything it comes across.

Over time, it's grown stronger and has come

into contact with Earth, which is filled

with the Cartoon Network characters.

Luckily these characters run into you in the past

and teleport you to the future to help them

fight off Lord Fuse and all of his alien minions.

And that's the gist, but I promise you,

there's a lot more to it.

In fact, there was an entire Manga comic

that explained the back story and it was written

and handed out by the content designer

of the game at Comic Con 2007.

Plus there are tons of pages of lore and information

that can be found on line and I could make

an entire video just on the story.

As for the gameplay, it was pretty fun back in the day,

buy playing it today, I can definitely see

how it's geared towards younger audiences.

You start out by creating and naming your character

in a customization screen.

The character customization was fairly decent

and while it wasn't crazy, it felt sufficient

for the game that you were playing.

Traveling could be done by warping, walking across the map

or by using temporary vehicles

that gave the player a quick boost.

It felt a bit tedious to walk around,

but these other forms of transportation made up for it.

A positive aspect of walking around, however,

was that you could explore the world and come across

some of the enemies in the wild.

There are countless unique enemies

and finding new ones is actually pretty exciting.

I found them to be creative and it added a lot of charm

and it's actually one of my favorite parts

of the entire game.

There are also loot boxes and shops and power ups

for your weapons and all sorts of cool mechanics

that make FusionFall different from its competitors.

The number one thing that defined this game were the Nanos.

As you kill the tainted versions

of Cartoon Network characters known as Fusions,

you unlock their counterpart which is known as their Nano.

These Nanos each have special powers and unique abilities

that help to aid you in battle.

You can collect all types of them and each little Nano

is a tiny pocket size version of the character you defeated.

As you progress through the game, you can mix and match

these Nanos to assist you with whatever you need help with.

Now, if only the developers could have used these things

to help them keep the game alive.

Cartoon Network's FusionFall was announced

on July 19th, 2006 by the channel themselves.

They partnered with a developer known

as Grigon Entertainment which was a Korean based developer.

They were previously known for their popular title

Seal Online which was a point and click Anime RPG

released in China and other markets near China.

And in interview, the producer Chris Waldron said,

"We wanted to work with a Korean partner because we wanted

"to take the best of both American and international

"gaming markets and try to build something that could be

"an international success."

So this game was aimed at more

than just the American market.

The game was set to release in 2008

and it was geared towards younger audiences

of the Cartoon Network fan base.

At this time, a full character list was not available,

but the names Ben 10, Mac, Bloo and The Kids Nextdoor

were thrown around quite a bit.

And in interview with IGN, Grigon Ceo Byung-Kyu Cho,

anyways, he stated that, "When I look at the globally adored

"characters of Cartoon Network getting together harmonically

"with the renowned strength and uniqueness of Grigon,

"I have all my confidence that we will proudly present

"an online game which will astonish the world."

Even today, I still find this an amazing claim

and I wish more present day developers could act

with this same type of confidence towards their creations.

But he was right and this game would go on

to astonish the world, or at least

the Cartoon Network fans who played it.

In 2007, Chris Waldron appeared in another interview

with IGN revealing more information about the game.

He said, "The game will have all the character development,

"open ended exploration and multiplayer elements

"you would expect, but with more of a platformer style

"combat system and puzzles spread throughout the world,

"complete with moving platforms, slides and ziplines."

When questions were asked about the revenue model,

he refused to answer and said that there will be

a free aspect of the game but that no further information

could be given at the time.

As time progressed, development continued

and everything was looking good

for Cartoon Network's newest project.

By GDC 2008, considerable progress had been made

and discussion related to the game picked up quite a bit.

The summer 2008 release was delayed, but an open beta was

initiated on November 14th, 2008 where players could sign up

on the Cartoon Network website to get access to the title.

This beta went very well and what was shown of the game

received a lot of positive reception.

Some things were tweaked and launch day

was on January 14th, 2009.

The game launched and the reviews were extremely positive

and some of the best reviews out of any of the MMOs

I've covered on this channel.

It got a 75 on Metacritic and people were

generally happy with what they received.

A lot of the praise came from the heavily anime inspired

art style and the seamless integration

of cartoon characters into a video game.

It was pretty much a massive success.

As for the revenue model that was hidden in mystery before,

it wasn't too bad.

Unpaid players of the game could only collect

up to four Nanos, create two characters

and play the game until they got to lever four.

After this point, they would need to create a new account

or purchase a subscription plan to keep playing.

There was a one month option for $5.95,

three months for $14.95, and one year for $49.95.

There were also two other options.

First, there was the family plan which was a discount

if you for some odd reason wanted to play the game

with your entire family on four accounts.

I mean, my family barely knows how to use technology

so I could never imagine playing a game with them.

But hey, I guess some people aren't like that.

Then there was the, I'm cool and wanna flex

on all my elementary school friends

package known as the victory pack.

This insane flex of a deal gave you access

to four months of a subscription,

a comprehensive game guide, two character outfits

and weapons not available online and a super cool shirt.

Honestly, back in the day, the only kid who would own this

was the one who sat in the corner of the room

with his 45 Silly Bands on his arm trying to finesse

and make trades with all the classroom hoes.

My point is that probably nobody bought this one.

Back to the revenue model, all of this

sounded like a good deal.

A fun game with a cool aesthetic

and a reasonably priced membership package.

It performed well right after release

and people seemed to enjoy most aspects of it.

There were quite a few major updates during this time

with one coming around once every three weeks.

Grigon was doing a good job at keeping everything up to date

and it seemed as if everything was going well.

But it wasn't.

By the end of 2009, the studio went bankrupt

and had to stop development of the game.

Apparently it wasn't selling as well as it should have

and a considerable amount of money was lost because of it.

With their main developer going out of business,

Cartoon Networks was now tasked with keeping up with

and developing their own game, which is something

that they weren't necessarily experienced with.

From this point on, updates slowed down

and player accounts began to fall off a bit.

As these numbers decreased, the team over at Cartoon Network

began to get worried and somehow needed

to recoup the lost players.

So, on April 19th, 2010, the game went free to play.

With these changes, everything that was previously locked

behind the subscription paywall was now unlocked.

At first, excited to access these new

previously locked features, player counts spiked back up.

The Cartoon Network needed to act fast

to find a new way to keep these players playing

for a longer period of time.

What they needed was a big update.

This update was known as the New Beginnings update

and it would go on to haunt longtime players of the game.

It was hyped up as being the biggest FusionFall update

to date and people were excited to see what it was about.

First of all, it added a foundation for new Nanos

to be added in the future, but it didn't

actually add new Nanos.

Second of all, it added an area known as a training academy

which was used to fine tune a player's skill

in preparation to fight the boss Fuse.

Plus, there was some new mechanics that were suppose

to make the combat a little bit better,

but these only irritated longtime players

and didn't really help much.

This update undoubtedly had a major effect in killing

FusionFall as a whole and it created

a lot of irritation and outrage in the community.

The training academy changed nearly everything

that was loved about FusionFall and made it feel

like an entirely different game.

People in the community hated it and complained

constantly for Cartoon Network to revert the update.

They begged and begged, but nothing happened

and it was set to stay for good.

At this point, fed up with what they were witnessing,

longtime players of the game began to leave the game

and it all went downhill from there.

It felt as if everything was being rushed

and that Cartoon Network was just merely trying

to milk the last bit of money out of the platform

before it closed down.

New Nanos were added but they had terrible rushed animations

and half of them had no sound.

The endgame chat system began to break and players

were cursing and using a ton of racism

in a children oriented game.

Plus, the world was becoming overrun by hackers

and problems were coming up everywhere.

Cartoon Network acted as if they were oblivious

to these problems and they took the easy

and lazy way out of all of them.

More players were leaving, everything was progressing

into a downward spiral and Cartoon Network

was losing a ton of money.

Finally, on August 23rd, 2013, Cartoon Network announced

that FusionFall was gonna be closing in one week.

They barely gave any notice to players

and a lot of the community honestly saw it coming.

Thus, seven days later, on August 29th, 2013,

FusionFall had officially closed down for good

and a few years of mine and many other people's

childhood were simply deleted.

There were various reasons for this, but it all stemmed

from the closing of Grigon and the lack

of direction caused from it.

I feel like if this game was still headed by Grigon

instead of Cartoon Network, it would still be around today

and people would still be playing it.

Unfortunately, this closure happened only a month

before the closure of the other

kid's games that were popular at the time.

So, by the end of 2013, FusionFall, ToonTown Online,

Pirates Online and Pixie Hollow were all closed down.

It was the most depressing time

in America since the Great Depression.

But obviously, people were pretty upset with the closure

and Cartoon Networks didn't do

a good job at handling the situation.

They provided no closing remarks or explanation

and kind of just brushed it under the rug.

This honestly seems to be a reoccurring pattern

when games like this close and I don't understand

why these developers do this.

Do you guys think it's right

or should people get more of an explanation?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

A few months before the closing of FusionFall,

Cartoon Network released another game

known as FusionFall Heroes which was a free to play game

based off of FusionFall but with a twist.

In this game, you played as the famous Cartoon Network

characters and fought battles against the same enemies

found in the original FusionFall.

Some people definitely enjoyed it and it performed

fairly well, but it couldn't really even be compared

to the original game that everyone grew to love.

But, like some stories that aren't Final Destination,

there was a happy ending.

A devoted team of fans began working on remaking

the entire original game and by late 2018,

the full game was restored to it's former glory.

It's known as FusionFall Retro and it's what I used

to get all the footage shown in this video.

Believe it or not, even though the game was geared

towards kids, it's still pretty fun even today.

This video isn't sponsored by them or anything,

guys, if you wanna sponsor me,

email me, my email's in the description,

but I would definitely recommend checking it out

if I were you and I'll put a link in the description below.

I have a ton of respect for people who take their time

to do this and it shows that when people have a similar goal

and put their minds together,

great things can be accomplished.

Anyways guys, that is gonna be it for today's video,

so I hope you guys enjoyed.

I do wanna apologize, it's been a while since I've uploaded,

actually it's been like a month and a half,

but that's kind of depressing

so we're not gonna mention exact numbers.

I've been super busy with college and I had the flu

and a bunch of other stuff was happening that made me

hesitate to upload and I do apologize about that.

But, I will back and better than ever and I'm gonna try

my best to consistently upload from here on out

because I really should considering that there's now

260,000 of you guys following me.

The number just keeps growing

and it's honestly amazing to me.

So I just want to spend my time to thank

every single one of you who subscribed

and I apologize for the lack of uploading.

And I promise I'll be uploading more from here on out.

If you guys wanna watch any other videos,

there will be links in the description below.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter.

I'll put a link to that and also,

a link to my Discord Server.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for watching,

I will see you guys next time and peace.

For more infomation >> Why Cartoon Network's FusionFall Died | A Look Back - Duration: 14:50.


How to Be True to Yourself and Avoid The #1 Regret in Life - Duration: 4:07.

Hey, it's Marie Forleo, and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

and life you love. This is not Q&A Tuesday. No, no, no my friend. It is more exciting

than that because it's... It's time for You&A Tuesday. It's You&A

Tuesday where the answers come from you. Now, the question I want you to answer today

that I'm gonna get to in just a moment is inspired by a profound insight from one of

our past guests. Personally, I gotta tell you, I come back to this idea again and again

and again. I use it to make sure that I am not living my life on autopilot or living

in a way that's dictated by other people's expectations of who I should be. This idea

is from Bronnie Ware, who's not only a B-School grad, but the author of the incredible book,

The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying. Now, if you haven't seen our interview Bronnie, you

need to watch it right after this one. I'll put a link below.

The short story is that Bronnie was a palliative nurse who sat by the bedsides of the terminally

ill for years. And she discovered that the number one most common regret of folks who

were on their deathbed was this. "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself,

not the life others expected of me." I gotta tell you, every time I read that or say it,

it gets me in the gut. It's one of those truths that I think is worth revisiting to make sure

that we're really living the life that we want to live, not the life others expect of

us. So, the Q I want you to A today actually has three parts.

Part number one: What's one thing you're doing right now, not because it's true for you,

but because you feel it's expected from you? Part number two: What's one courageous change

you'd like to make to be more true to yourself? Part number three: What's the first action

step you can take now? Now, don't just think about this in your head.

I want you to leave a short comment below because it will help you actually make that

change happen, promise. Now, as always, the best cover-

Whoa, whoa. Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. That's it?

I mean, no funny sketches? Yeah. Wait, we're not going to do any dancing?

And I wore this for nothing. Well. I mean, not for nothing. That outfit

is quite something, but yes, that is it for today.

But this is MarieTV. People expect dancing. And mankinis.

Nope. I don't do what other people expect of me. Today I'm keeping it tight and right,

and true to me. Seriously, though, the best conversations and mankinis happen at

So go there and leave a comment now, and once you're there, be sure to subscribe to our

email list and become an MF Insider. You'll get some exclusive content, special giveaways,

and personal updates from me that I just don't share anywhere else. Stay on your game and

keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

Hey, are you ready to bring your dream business to life? Is it finally time to make the difference

you were born to make? Good, because we can help. Get started now at

Oh, shit. I think it's time to get started. Don't you?

And Eric, you should be standing in your mankini. You know that, right?

Yeah. Yes, of course. Mankinis for everyone. You

get a mankini. You get a mankini. You get a mankini.

Subtle. Subtle pelvic thrust. Very subtle. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.

For more infomation >> How to Be True to Yourself and Avoid The #1 Regret in Life - Duration: 4:07.


Cómo crear un álbum compartido en Fotos – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Cómo crear un álbum compartido en Fotos – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:28.


How the first Javelin was created? Anthem Lore | Myelin Games - Duration: 11:24.

"In the beginning, we were slaves to the violent chaos of this world.

But there was one among us who rose up.

To lead us out of darkness.

The ones who followed became the legion of dawn."

Welcome back Freelancers.

Today's Anthem Lore video is sponsored by EA Game Changers and in today's Anthem episode

I want to talk about how the very first Javelin was created by Arden Vassa.

The lore of Arden Vassa and the first Javelin is intertwined with lore of General Helena

Tarsis and the resistance she led against the Urgoths.

I am going to keep this video relatively spoil free, however, towards the end of the video

we will discuss the post credits cutscene.

If you would like to support this channel, channel memberships are available, click the

join button or link in the description for iphone uses.

This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy this latest Anthem Lore episode.

[intro] To understand how the first Javelin was created

we need to go back to when Arden Vassa was an apprentice of an arcanist known as Idris.

According to the Cortex entry, Vassa and the Runes, Arden Vassa and Idris' were both

enslaved by the urgoth, specifically one named F'Kark.

The entry reads, "Grey-eyed Idris and his apprentice, a young

Arden Vassa, were won in battle by loathsome F'kark, whose urgoth temper was written

daily on the hides of this servants.

The beatings continued until Idris secretly planned to join the free people, for Idris

knew the secret signs."

Within the game, we have not faced an Urgoth yet, in-fact, some believe that the Urgoth

are just myth.

Have a listen to the Urgoth Cortex entry, it reads,

"Urgoth are believed to be creatures that enslaved humanity for generations until they

were defeated by the Legion of Dawn.

There is little direct evidence to support their actual existence.

Said to stand taller than a Colossus javelin, most details about the urgoth are taken from

Legion folk tales.

There has been no confirmed urgoth sightings in centuries."

Despite, some claiming the urgoth do not exist, there are numerous references to the urgoth

and their impact on humanity.

For example, humans not enslaved to the Urgoth use to live underground.

The Solarium Court Cortex entry reads, "In the time of the urgoth, free humans

lived underground, and with the urgoth defeat, humans sought to live above ground, in the


Now, whilst we do not know much about the urgoth, and it is hard to separate truth from

folk lore, there is one hint to why the urgoth enslaved humanity, and it relates to a material

known as ember.

Ember is a by-product of the Anthem, the Anthem of creation being the thing, that created

the world and everything in it, the Shapers used the Anthem to create this world.

And so, ember is by-product of that, and as such, is a very powerful material for technology.

Have a listen to the Ember cortex entry, it reads,

A naturally occurring, dangerous by-product of the Anthem, used as a foundation for human


While active ember can be found throughout Bastion, it is most bountiful around the Engineer

city of Heliost.

Legend has it that the urgoth enslaved humanity because the urgoth could not manipulate ember,

whereas humans could.

Ember is necessary to create the gateway between the human mind and the Anthem and, while excessive

exposure to ember can be dangerous, it is often applied to cyphers during their training.

If you should find ember in the wild, it can be harvested to craft remarkable weapons and


So this cortex entry hints at, the Urgoth enslaving humanity because we could manipulate

ember and incorporate it into technology.

This I believe is the beginning of creating the Javelins, understanding how to use ember.

There is also more evidence that the Urgoth wanted to discover how to use ember in the

The Gateway cortex entry.

If ember is the raw material emitting power, the Gateway is the tool to access it.

And it appears that Idris had discovered this knowledge whilst enslaved.

Have a listen to the gateway entry from the Cortex.

It reads, "An interface that acts as a buffer between

the human mind and the Anthem of Creation, making it possible for humans to channel their

will into ember-based technology…

Upon this discovery, he knew what he must do.

The urgoth, hungry to use the Anthem for their own purposes, must never know that humans

had discovered the buffer, the gateway they sought.

He feigned ignorance to his master, yet whispered his findings to his apprentice, and they to

their own kin.

From settlement to settlement, and through many years, it carried, until it was whispered

to Vassa, who possessed the clarity to use this knowledge for the liberation of all humanity."

So, as you can see, it seems like Idris had discovered this gateway technology, a way

to allow humans to access ember-technology.

Idris passed this information onto his apprentice Arden Vassa.

Pretending that they did not have this knowledge, feigning ignorance to his master as the Cortex

entry read, Idris planned to escape the urgoth.

The free humans of the world, used secret signs to direct other humans to their hideout.

So, Idris creates a distraction by setting fire to the urgoth's vault, and both Idris

and Arden Vassa escape the urgoth.

Eventually, Idris and Vassa discovered the free people by following the secret signs.

The Vassa and the Runes Cortex entry reads, "Through the canopy and over many waters

they sped, seeking shelter in caves and crevices too small for urgoth to enter.

F'kark pursed them upon his foul best, but the runes revealed secret plans that no urgoth

would think to go.

At last Idris and Vassa came to the haven, and upon its entrance was the declaration

"All are safe within these walls."

After joining the Free humans, Vassa would eventually meet General Helena Tarsis.

And at this point, Vassa is considered a master of ember manipulation and has been well taught

by Idris.

Now the details are scarce however the Cortex suggests that using the teachings from Idris,

most likely understanding the Gateway and understanding how to manipulate ember, Vassa

was able to create the very first Javelin.

The cortex entry Vassa and the Runes reads, "Years turned over, and Vassa followed the

teachings of Idris and the Emberlings.

Tarsis worked to thwart the urgoth, freeing all in her path, relying on runes to aid their

flight until that day when Vassa crafted suit of armor, plated in ember and hope.

This would make General Tarsis, stronger than the urgoth, than the ursix, than the titan.

This would be humanity's salvation."

I am not too sure what Emberlings are, it could be a group of people who studied ember,

but we cant be quite sure.

So to summarise… originally captured by the urgoth, Vassa learned the Gateway technology

and how to manipulate ember from his teacher, Idris, allowing him to creat javelin's infused

with ember and using a gateway to allow the human mind to control the technology.

Vassa's journey doesn't actually finish there, he would go to assist General Tarsis

to recruit and train Lancers, lancers piloting javelins that would form the legion of dawn

and free humanity from the urgoth.

And as if creating the first Javelin wasn't enough, Arden Vassa has been attributed to

building the Fortress of Dawn, the Arcanist academy Velathra, the Watchtower of Arath

and the defenses of Antium (the capital and home to the emperor).

It is said that Arden Vassa passed on his knowledge to his children, one of which became

the emperor of Antium.

Have a listen to the Arden Vassa Cortex entry, it reads,

The Legion of Dawn divided into three, Vassa led a group to Antium.

He invented Antium's fortifications and created another safe haven.

Vassa continued to pass this knowledge down to his children, as he continued to make more


His children Fortuo and Dell continued to teach their own children, and Dell would be

the rulers of the Antium.

Dell should sound familiar, Dell is the last name of Dax, or her full name, Lady Adaxia

Miravala Dell.

She is third in-line for the throne of Antium.

So if the history is correct, Dax is the descendant of Arden Vassa who created the very first


It is almost too much to be true, and in-fact the Arden Vassa Cortex entry suggests that

maybe Arden Vassa was not a single person, but a group of people.

Have a listen.

"The feats of design and engineering attributed to Arden Vassa are too improbable to be believed.

Are we to accept that one man invented the javelin while hiding in a cave somewhere in

the Bastion wilderness?

It seems unlikely that the same person could have designed the walls of Antium, and the

gardens of the Academy, and yet both are attributed to Vassa.

It is far more likely Arden Vassa was a group of Arcanists and Engineers whose work has

been misattributed."

Ok.. so now I want to go into spoiler territory.

If you have not finished the campaign, I recommend leaving now.

So, the Cortex questions the historical correctness of Arden Vassa, so much so to even say that

Arden was not a single person, and that the urgoth are not even real, which would debunk

the very beginning of this entire story, the enslavement of Vassa and Idris by the urgoth,

likely the very catalyst to why they created the javelins in the first place.

This is why the ending of Anthem is so great, the post credit cut scene, shows a body of

urgoth, proving that they do exist and giving credit to the creation story of Arden Vassa.

If the urgoth are real, then we must assume that they are still after ember technology,

the by-product of the Anthem, a powerful material that can be used in technology.

If I was to guess about future DLCs in Anthem, it would be about the Urgoth trying to access

ember technology.

And with that, that concludes, this latest Anthem Lore episode.

If you would like to support the channel, and cannot think of a comment, you can leave

the word, ember, the material that started the enslavement humanity by the urgoth.

As usual, it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.


For more infomation >> How the first Javelin was created? Anthem Lore | Myelin Games - Duration: 11:24.


Cómo crear un álbum compartido en Fotos – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Cómo crear un álbum compartido en Fotos – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:28.


Por Dentro do Novo Exército Popular das Filipinas (Parte 1) - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Por Dentro do Novo Exército Popular das Filipinas (Parte 1) - Duration: 11:13.


Resident Evil 2 Remake - G Boss Fight! #7 (Resident Evil 2 PS4 Gameplay!) (Leon Kennedy) - Duration: 12:46.


For more infomation >> Resident Evil 2 Remake - G Boss Fight! #7 (Resident Evil 2 PS4 Gameplay!) (Leon Kennedy) - Duration: 12:46.


[ENG SUB] SHOW ME THE DAY6 (쇼미더데이식스) - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] SHOW ME THE DAY6 (쇼미더데이식스) - Duration: 7:38.


LIÇÃO Resistência e precisão mão da palhetada [77-TLS.20] - Duration: 3:00.

Hey folks, everything good? In today's video I bring an exercise

for endurance and accuracy of the picking hand. The exercise consists of playing

the tablature that appears right here above the screen. It's a very simple

tablature, just for us to focus on the picking hand and not

to worry too much about the neck hand. But although the tablature is quite simple,

it is all performed with the picking down stroke and at 180bpm, approximately.

Which makes the execution of the exercise very difficult, demanding the endurance of the

picking hand and the accuracy that is so that we can maintain the constancy in the

execution of this tablature. In order for us to perform this exercise, I will

bring here the music of Mr. Big, Daddy brother lover little boy, which is

where this piece of the tablature was taken, so that we can practice along. Paul

Gilbert, in this song, performs some variations over this excerpt.

But for our exercise we will perform this stretch throughout the entire song

and then, we will see that the complications of endurance and accuracy

begin to appear. I'm going to play the backing track here to show more or

less the idea of the exercise.

Well... I hope you enjoyed this

exercise. I'll leave two videos next to me. One of them is where I brought

another exercise to the picking hand, also using for example Mr Big's song,

the so-called Take Cover, and the second video is where I got my

e-book. If you have not already downloaded this

e-book, just enter this video because the download link is there.

Thank you so much for watching and see the next video!

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