Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

good morning good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome to the truck

Rudy show you this fine morning we're getting a little bit of drizzle so I'm

having to use my wipers again a little bit this morning but that's okay right

but we have just gotten offloaded here a little bit ago and now we are on our way

to be called Illinois ax to grab a reload and then head back to Winnipeg

yeah everything goes according to plan I could possibly be home tomorrow night

and then leave out again I guess on Thursday but we'll see how that goes

according to the load offer I'm supposed to deliver that on Wednesday but I don't

think that's gonna happen probably we'll be dropping it at the yard tomorrow

night or maybe even at the customer who knows I don't know I keep wiping my

windchill and it keeps giving me like this layer of I don't know like a

brownish layer or whatever so it's like dirt or whatever on the windshield but

no well just going to have to constantly use the

windshield wipers that's all yeah looks like it's gonna be another miserable day

today very expecting another snowstorm or something coming through a year so

the weather is definitely not cooperating with us today in yesterday

my new yesterday morning it was pretty bad but then later on it started getting

much better at least I wasn't running in the snow was still cloudy but I wasn't

running in the snow right but yeah we filled up this morning after

I took off from the Iowa 80 truck stop only about 10 miles down the road there

is a love-struck stop there so I pulled in there real quickly and topped off the

tanks because I was down to a quarter of a tank already and so now I'm going to

go see if we can find another love's out here somewhere before we get to decomp

if not after I leave D called paranoia I'll be going to work so deployed right

and I know there's a lot there but I always stop in and

get me a shower I need one definitely today is the mandatory shower take one

yesterday but didn't really find a good place and didn't want to pay for it

either so today we filled and now we got a free shower at least up the love right

Tod's go down to d call to get our reload it's supposed to be ready to go

and make our way home just did our trailers switch ladies and gentlemen

that's right I'm really really happy about that

that means I can get out of here yes I'm looking forward to that that's for sure

continue on this world

I am trying to get out of here because there's another storm I don't know if

storm really but another system that's coming true right so I want to try and

get out of here as fast as I can and as far as I can so yeah I might go a little

ways before I make me a bit of a pit stop I got 5 hours and 13 minutes of

drive time remaining why not take full advantage of that right so that's hammer

down and go down the road a little ways and then we'll take us a break and

probably thinking they're close to portage Wisconsin there is another loves

up there I'm thinking maybe I'll just go up to there and then take a shower over

there but it's still fairly early in the morning right it's only 1046 Central

Standard Time so we still have lots of time in the day left so yeah I should be

able to make it down to Winnipeg tomorrow no problem that's what I'm

thinking unless the weather is going to be pretty bad but other than that I

think I should be just fine here we go guys

up to this love truck stop up here and we are finally

gonna go inside and sick as that much-needed shower but just before I got

here I started having some issues with my head

I don't know what's going on it just son started crackling

so I restarted it

that might be shot so I just got my padow was right to connect to that

I won't work on that one either but I am able to connect my phone to the radio on

the truck no problem there so

I'm pretty sure it's my headset some odd reason it's dying on me put let's go

take us a shower and take my half an hour break and continue on right I'm

telling you guys that shower was awesome and now we're back in the truck

and I went and got out my iPad out here because I kind of wanted to check to see

if my Bluetooth would connect to that and no luck and I got my laptop out here

as well I was just finishing updating my my website and all that and now though

he that's a good song right there I just finished heating up some lunch

right here so let's go ahead and that was a good lunch and continue on with

our journey guys time to get out of this loves truck stop guys yeah we had our

half an hour break and all that good stuff we had our half an hour break

earlier too but you know I needed another one to get a few extra hours

right but yeah we took and we taken our good shower and all that good stuff I

went and scheduled my video so this way you guys can watch my video today

updated my website and all that fun stuff and now we're good to go

had me a bit of a lunch or whatever you want to call it that was definitely nice

I like that man this is hard to try and keep this windshield clean it just does

not want to stay clean oh boy oh boy that's a it's a job and a half trying to

keep this windshield clean I'm telling you guys it really is but here we go

let's make our way closer towards Minneapolis I'm not sure exactly how far

we'll give tonight yet I didn't really look at that yet cuz I figured well it's

quarter after two right and I still have five and a half hours

remaining a drive time so I can you're a good little while yet before I need to

worry about finding me a parking spot somewhere right

so it's a day out I'm just gonna go ahead and hammer down it once I decide

it's time to quit and we quit right that's usually how I operate anyways but

I feel much better now after a a good shower and had me a bite to eat it just

gives you that energy you know and all like you you're dragging and you're

dragging and then you take a shower and have a white tea that just gives you

that little energy right and you know that's hammer down and get on down a

road and see what happens for the rest of the day

right all right guys it is the next morning and I hurried her as far as I

possibly could and that was Clearwater Manasota

and the reason being is because we are supposed to be getting some sort of

snowstorm and what you can see right now we got quite a bit of snow on our

windshield here already so yeah I'm just getting up here this next morning here

and getting ready to leave getting all my files out of the GoPros and all that

fun stuff right and then we're gonna go ahead and get out of here right so with

that being said I appreciate you guys watching and we'll look forward to

seeing you guys back here tomorrow so don't go nowhere see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> That's My Disappointed Face Blue Tiger Elite Problems Trucker Rudi 02-11-19 Vlog#1681 - Duration: 9:22.


[Devlog #2 - Feb 2019] 🖋 Updates + Creative Journey - Duration: 4:37.

Hey friends it's me Jenni here happy to bring you a new video. At the start of

2019 I made a goal to post a dev blog update once a month to let my channel

know what I'm up to in case you're new here, welcome! I'm Jenni

I'm an avid streamer on Twitch who's learning Unity 3d and other skills

related to game development. My background is in art modeling, fire dancing,

performance arts but more recently I'm obsessed with learning how

to make games and yeah sharing the journey with my friends here on Youtube & beyond.

First thing I wanted to point out is that my voiceis in this cartoon Smash on the

Planet of the Congos" it's a Smash Brothers collab that I found out about

through Newgrounds, which by the way for anyone who's curious about getting

started in voice acting I definitely recommend the forums on Newgrounds they

have all kinds of collaborative opportunities I also submitted some

lines for an upcoming cartoon by the BEAR trap

I was in this one right here - I got to play the giraffe. This animator is really

cool I can't believe it's not famous yet because he put so much effort into his

cartoons, humor is on point sometimes, sometimes vulgar, but I liked it I

thought it was really fun to be a part of his cartoons in the past and I can't for the next one.

I even recorded my lines for the bear trap while live on Twitch, so that was

really fun too. Another cool thing is that I got to be a part of two podcasts

in January the first one was a podcast by Beauty Gamers hosted by @Coolkat_Terri

The BeautyGamers are a Gwitch community and team and it was so much

fun to be on the podcast. The other podcast I got to be a part of was with, a really cool site where they do reviews,

industry news, and they even made me their featured streamer on the front of

the website so there I am I'm on episode number 34 for this one so I

definitely recommend this website and check out that episode if you can.

As for game development updates: I got a programming lesson on improving

my indie game that I started a while back we did a live stream programming

lesson on how to make the inventory system for this game so let's let you

see right here. I was also able to put the granny character in my

project so she'll be the one delivering the quests in the game. I'm still working

on the actual storyboard for the game but trying to decide if I want to make

all the assets by hand or if I want to use some asset packages

so it looks good, or what. I even 3d modeled my first car from when I was a kid, a

1971 Chevy Nova and that's going to be in there as well. This game will definitely take

quite a while I'm not sure how long before it'll be out or anything but I'll

keep you posted it's an exciting challenge to try to

learn how to make video games because it's hard it's hard and it's fun and

it's a good challenge it's a good mental challenge and a creative challenge as well

one thing I did was finally make a second best clips compilation from my

Twitch channel I wish I could make these more often but yes finally got this

video done. As for other games that I've been playing on stream recently I

played quite a bit of Spider-Man but haven't finished it yet .. I played

through Alan Wake the action horror game, I downloaded and tried Omikron which

has David Bowie in it but I can't stream it yet because it's so old it kind of

messes with my gaming laptop's video driver so I need to figure out how to

get it to work well for streaming. Now that I'm local to the Seattle area

I was curious to see what types of opportunities they might have available

and yeah I saw that there was a talent agency around here so I signed up and

got these awesome headshots believe it or not I used to do quite a bit of our

model in San Francisco I even found this little card for when I got to model at Lucas Arts. pretty cool huh

last piece of news is they I updated my Patreon page and I just wanted to say

thank you very much not just to you my Patreon supporters but to everyone else

who has been following along on my journey whether it's here on YouTube

Twitch Instagram &beyond. Thank You so much everyone for

being here and I really appreciate the opportunity to share my experience I

hope to see you all again soon bye!

For more infomation >> [Devlog #2 - Feb 2019] 🖋 Updates + Creative Journey - Duration: 4:37.


S. Korea's defense chief meets with various nations' defense ministers - Duration: 2:06.

in other news South Korea is looking to boost its arm sales to the Middle East

supporting those efforts Seoul's defense chief has been attending an

international exhibition and conference in the UAE to rub shoulders with his

counterparts from around the world and hold talks naturally can he'll new

reports the 2019 international defense exhibition and conference opened in Abu

Dhabi on February 17 local time with some 1,500 defense firms from around 70

countries taking part in the biannual event the exhibition also brings

together top military officials from the Middle East region this year south

korea's defense minister hong jong-du went to the exhibition to support the

nation's defense firms at first to build networks with not only the host nation

united arab emirates but also its neighboring countries when it comes to

the development of weapons systems no matter how good they are they cannot be

exported unless there is cooperation among countries that's why the South

Korean government is fully backing our firms efforts to export arms to the

region on the sidelines of the event Minister Jang sat down with his UAE

counterpart Mohammed Ahmed Edoardo and discussed ways to strengthen bilateral

cooperation by improving exchanges in terms of military personnel training and

cyber security minister Jeong also held separate meetings with delegation

leaders of Middle East countries including Oman and Egypt to discuss

bilateral arms industry cooperation Seoul's defense chief also met with his

counterpart from Greece Evangelos opposed Turkish and the two sides agreed

to put more efforts to strengthen their military exchanges by pledging to work

towards signing an arms industry's Memorandum of Understanding in the near

future around 30 south korean defense firms including hana defense korea

aerospace industries and lig next one are participating in this year's event

slated to continue until February 21st local time Connie mo Arirang news

For more infomation >> S. Korea's defense chief meets with various nations' defense ministers - Duration: 2:06.


Đã tìm ra truyền nhân của XB đi mid cực kỳ gắt và cực phẩm được thể hiện - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> Đã tìm ra truyền nhân của XB đi mid cực kỳ gắt và cực phẩm được thể hiện - Duration: 12:41.


Best Minecraft Memes On Youtube PART 4 😱 Warning ! Extremely Funny 😂 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Best Minecraft Memes On Youtube PART 4 😱 Warning ! Extremely Funny 😂 - Duration: 4:53.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Triggers Amazon Exec - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Triggers Amazon Exec - Duration: 5:40.


Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) | Cap 1 - #4 (Gameplay) - Monado - Duration: 56:44.

For more infomation >> Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) | Cap 1 - #4 (Gameplay) - Monado - Duration: 56:44.


自然老去最美 19個「拒絕整形反而更有女人味」的明星名人 - Duration: 3:45.

在如今這個整 形風氣非常 風行的年代, 醫美似乎 已經變成了 再普通不過 的事,

許多明星是不 是都會進行 一些「微整 」。

可是國外有著 許多已經年 過50的女 星, 卻選擇 了勇敢面對 自己的模樣 ,

大聲地對醫美 診所說「不 」!以下就 是19位美 女在不同歲 數時所拍的 照片,

雖然相隔了幾 十年, 可是 她們看起來 仍然一樣美 艷動人!

▼伊莎貝拉羅 塞裡尼。

▼布魯克雪德 絲

▼莎瑪海耶克 。

▼莎朗史東 。


▼茱蒂佛斯特 。


▼艾瑪湯普遜 。


▼勞倫赫頓 。

▼蜜雪兒歐巴 馬。

▼茱莉安摩爾 。

▼辛蒂克勞 馥。

▼西西史派克 。

▼梅麗史翠 普。

▼伊莎貝雨蓓 。

▼蘇菲瑪索 。

▼茱麗葉畢諾 許。

▼維多利亞魯 弗。

以上這些都是 超有自信, 有勇氣面對 自己真面目 的大美女, 大家覺得哪 一位如今的 樣子最令人 驚艷呢?。

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