Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

- I'm Chloe West and this your Minute with a Mustang.

We are here at Redwine Wellness Center.

Did you know that as a current student

you have free access to the wellness center?

This includes weights, machines,

the aquatic center, and gym.

The wellness center is open Monday through Friday

from 5:30 a.m. to midnight and on Saturday and Sunday

from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Don't forget about the free fitness classes.

Classes range from spin to Zumba to yoga.

To see a full group fitness class schedule

go to and click on the wellness center

under the student life tab.

Men and women's basketball begin their home stand

Tuesday night at D.L. Ligon Coliseum

against Cameron University.

Tickets are free with a student ID.

I'm Chloe West with MSU Texas social media

and this has been your Minute with a Mustang.

(light music)

For more infomation >> Minute With A Mustang and the Wellness Center - Duration: 1:02.


The Boxer's Omen (1983) - Movie Review - Duration: 4:57.

Hello and good day to all you beautiful folk out there venturing into these darker parts

of Youtube!

I am Torstein from Cinema Terror and today I have....

I have...

I have no idea what this is.

Call it a fantasy horror action comedy film, that's as close as you will get to a description

of the 1983 Shaw Brothers production The Boxer's Omen.

Trying to explain the plot of Boxer's Omen is not an easy task.

Basically it is about a guy who is out to take revenge upon a thai boxer after the boxer

had badly hurt his brother in a martial arts exhibition.

On his path to getting his revenge match, he is drawn by the spirit of a monk into a

more important massive fight between good and evil forces as an evil wizard guy is using

black magic against the dead monk because of something.

He's evil.

I'm honestly not sure if there is anything more to it than that.

Not that I didn't pay attention, but this movie runs at a incredibly fast pace.

I don't think they let one shot stay for more than 10 seconds during the entire film.

It throws so much weird stuff at you that it's hard to pay attention to the storyline.

Much of that has to do with, besides the rapid way of putting scenes together, that the film

deals a lot with stuff that I know absolutely nothing about.

There's a lot of stuff with buddhism in it, but what it all means or where the weird stuff

comes from is beyond me.

The film tries to do action, horror, fantasy and even some comedy, all at once and it doesn't

all gel that well together.

The action is quite cool and we even have a young Bolo Yeung as the thai boxer, delivering

a beatdown that only Bolo can do.

The horror comes mostly from sequences that try to disgust you.

It's not going for any type of suspense or scares, so don't expect anything like that.

Even if you, like me, will struggle to understand everything, you can still have fun with The

Boxer's Omen.

All the craziness that is going on is entertaining and you will sit and wonder how the hell or

why the hell they came up with some of this stuff.

I do wish that the supernatural powers that everyone had was more logical or explained

as it was hard to get engaged when all rules are thrown away and they can do whatever they


I'm not even gonna go into specifics of all the bizarre things that are going on in this

film, you will get enough peek of it by the video clips I am using.

One thing is for sure though and that is that The Boxer's Omen has things in it that you

are unlikely to see in any other film.

Or is it?

One thing I did not know about this before after I had seen it was that this is in fact

a sequel to a 1981 film called Bewitched by the same duo of director and screenwriter

Chih-Hung Kuei and On Szeto.

Bewitched is supposed to also deal with spiritual monks against an evil black magic wizard.

I might just have to see that one someday.

Even if I haven't seen it, I doubt I would be less confused if I had before going into

The Boxer's Omen as even though they deal with the same things, the story in this is

contained and can be viewed as its own movie.

The best way to describe this film would be to call it a mixture of Rocky and Hausu.

If that sounds insane and impossible, then that's absolutely right as The Boxer's Omen

is a crazy movie that are unlike anything else I have seen.

I don't think the mixture of all the genres worked all the way and the film could have

been a bit shorter than its current 104 minute long running time.

I think that fans of Hong Kong fantasy films will have a blast with this film.

Casual viewers of Asian cinema might feel a bit lost in everything that is going on,

but even so I would say that you should give it a chance if the images passing by gets

you intrigued.

I had enough of a fun time with this to give The Boxer's Omen a cool 3.5 out of 5.

Have you seen this one?

What did you think of it?

And are there similar movies that you think are perhaps even better?

Go on and recommend some to me and others in the comment section below.

If you like weird Asian cinema then take a look at my review of the Godfrey Ho film The

Vampire is Still Alive, also known as Counter Destroyer.

As always, I hope this video was enjoyable for you, there are plenty more on my channel

and plenty more to come.

Thank you for watching Cinema Terror.

For more infomation >> The Boxer's Omen (1983) - Movie Review - Duration: 4:57.


taurus zodiac || koolkatyt - Duration: 10:53.

Skip from 2:30 to 4:40 if you don' want to deal with this

For more infomation >> taurus zodiac || koolkatyt - Duration: 10:53.


Social Democracy In Denmark | The Serfs - Duration: 23:58.

Hey Dave! I'm going to Copenhagen!


[TV static FX]

Denmark, like Venezuela has stripped people of their

opportunities. Is that the direction we want to go in?

Well so long as we know what democratic socialism is.

And if we know that in countries in Scandinavia

Like Denmark, Norway, Sweden they are very democratic countries obviously their voter turnout

is a lot higher than it is in the United States. In those countries health care is

a right of all people. In those countries college education graduate school is

free. In those countries retirement benefits childcare are stronger than in

the United States of America and in those countries buy and large

government works for ordinary people in the middle class rather than as is the

case right now in our country for the billionaires.

But if you look at

countries like like Denmark for example there's still enormous private ownership

of business this is true in most of the most of the Nordic and Scandinavian

countries anyway.

We want improved and expanded medicare for all.

We want tuition free public colleges and trade schools. We want a green new deal to

address climate change...

[Incoherent jibberish]

And I think we should look to countries like Denmark

like Sweden and Norway and learn from what they have accomplished for their

working people.

[Incoherent jibberish]

My problem with socialism is is that it is

essentially somebody subjectively deciding the value of your own labour.

[Narrator] The Kingdom of Denmark is located southwest of Sweden and south of Norway.

It emerged in the 10th century as a seafaring nation struggling for control

of the Baltic Sea. Initially Sweden Norway and Denmark were all controlled

by a single sovereign ruler but eventually with Swedish secession

(my that's a mouthful) and Norway separating in 1814 it became the kingdom we all

know and love today. Thanks in large part by being ruled by a dark queen!

Actually the center-left socialist Democratic Party led a string of coalition governments in

the second half of the 20th century which introduced the Nordic welfare

model. Despite these decisions that would certainly enrage the Charlie Kirk's of today...

I live as a capitalist!

Denmark is considered one of the most economically and socially developed

countries in the world. It frequently ranks in the top five

country rankings for national performance, education, health care, and

protection of civil liberties.

I'm here in front of Grundtvig.

And I'm probably butchering that word terribly. It's a church in Copenhagen but I'm here

in Copenhagen home of Hans Christian Andersen and Bjarke Ingles to see whether

social democracy is alive and well in here. Or whether it's a democracy or

socialist or maybe some hybrid of the two. I want to find out if this is the

home of Bernie Sanders. Whether or not go Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders will

lay down their lives to die here and if the world of social democracy is

alive and well in this beautiful and stunning country. Join me and my frozen

nipples as we explore Copenhagen!

[Intro music plays]

[Folk song music]

[Narrator] My journey into the heart of social democracy first began with failed

attempts and trying to define it myself.

It's only thanks to the marvels of socialism

that we have things like the restaurant Porn-Sak.

We're about to ride the Metro. It's literally powered by socialism.

Socialism is art.

Well the streets are definitely paved. With socialism!

Extreme wealth, decadence, excess... not made possible though anything other than socialism!

[Yelling] What does it all mean!

It wasn't long before I realized that I would need to actually speak to a

Dane in order to truly understand how social democracy works in the country.

So I met up with an old friend Frederick Olufsen.

I'm Frederik Olufsen. I'm a co-owner of Copenhagen based record label ride Riotville Records which I operate

with Snavs and the man behind it all ,also known as the legend Sun

Minspa. I also work at a Copenhagen based advertising

agency as a motion graphics designer. And I have a sketchy background as a touring

DJ under "The Frederick".

Everybody should have the freedom to excell as much

as much as they can but they have to take care of each other and um that is also I

think in some ways you've born responsibilities as a Dane. If you want

to understand like how it works in Denmark is that even though Bernie

Sanders for North America would be considered like udder udder leftist by

probably the majority he would be considered a right-wing for the

right-wing parties in the parliament here. Which goes down to that we all more

or less basically agrees that we have to pay though roughly at least half of our

income salary in taxes then it's once again on margins and then you you have

like these levels if you earn more than your percentage uh it keeps keeps rising

accordingly so it's more like how much should it rise not whether it should

rise. In comparison to to um to socialism no it's still also super liberal

on some policies for for companies and stuff you can can deduct and it most of

the parties agree that a free market is a driver also for a socialist state or

else you're gonna be somewhere and status quo and never move on. But I don't

think that that a Dane would consider himself a socialist if you if you

asked a Dane are you a socialist he would or he or she would probably think that

you would be asking them "are you flagging red banners and throwing and

stuff inside the windows of the Parliament even though you would

consider so socialist. Like I think social democracy Democrats

and socialists are two very different things for us.

[Lance] So you would define yourself as a capitalist?

No I would...yeah maybe in Danish perspective but but not even real capitalist because I would

just acknowledge that capitalism is a thing. If you go the academic way of

course then you have gymnasium which is from 16 years to 20 or 19 that's three

years and then you start your if once again if you go the academic way you

will have three years of a bachelor and then two years as a masters degree. Or

three years if you are either spending longer time on it or you're starting to

become a doctor. And all of this is free of course unless you are attending a

private school which is both partially public and partially private you still

have to to follow some of the the public standards but you have to pay to go

there if school for instance has a particular focus on arts or crafts or

something but when you turn 18 you get paid to go to school yeah.

[Lance] How much do you get paid?

You get paid umm...and it's been a while since I got this kind of allowance but at that

time it was I think five thousand two hundred each month Danish Kroners so you

can compare that to whatever currency your viewers have.


Only to go to school a month and some people might think that this is

utterly insane. Why would you be paid to go to school? So what I think and it's

also been up to debate some some some parties want to change that but the

entire idea is social mobility which is basically that you shouldn't have a rich

background that allows you to focus on school everybody should be able to excel

as much as they can. Everybody agrees on health care more or less. They have their

different views on some parties or things so should some part of welfare be

paid. And it's also weird because some parts of health care welfare already

paid by it by the user. Like you... I can get millions of Danish Kroners paid by

the state if I get cancer for my treatment but all dental work is not a

part of yeah

[Narrator in French] Just like in Canada.

[Lance]What about umm..the environment.

[Lance] And global warming? How do Danes do that?

What is that?

[Lance] Global warming?

Yeah what is that?


[Lance] Well that answered my next six questions.

Yeah no no.

I don't know if you know that Denmark is on the

forefront still. And we have some of the biggest companies producing a wind craft

crafted power and yeah.

[Lance] I've noticed there's a lot of electric cars.

Yeah but not enough.

But [sarcastic] ok...

Taxes on cars are a thing you pay

like 200% taxes on a regular person car or something yeah and they're so and

it's even compared to Sweden and I knew I know because I used to do commercials

for different car companies that I could look at the pricing for the same car in

Sweden and then like and the Swedish krona is way lower than the Danish so it

would be less than half in Swedish krona. Then in Danish kroners in Sweden and

then the Swedish krona would be like 70% of the Danish krone so it's really

expensive. Okay the thing that I thought they should do it they really want to do

something about this shit. Don't say that people have to be and they can maybe

conduct some time they also did some [expletive] stupid thing a couple of years

ago where they removed the deductible tax that people could get from putting

up solar power on their own roof. Probably because they realized that

people weren't buying as much electricity from the state and then what

the [expletive] do you want to go green or do you want to make yeah yeah all right so

So Denmark isn't socialist in the way that we think of socialism in the Karl Marx

and Engles sort of sense. The means of production are not owned by the workers.

There are some very strong and powerful unions here and there are some worker

co-ops that should be models for the rest of the world. There's definitely a great

sense of camaraderie. Powerful orgasms had by many not just by a few

but the same time it's not exactly the socialist utopia that Bernie Sanders or

Ocasio-Cortez might be thinking of. But there is a lot to admire here.

[Narration] Frederick gave me a deeper appreciation for the Danes and it was time to explore.

As a city Copenhagen is remarkably flat making biking the preferable way to

travel. Bicycles outnumber cars five to one in the city and the bike lanes are


[Jazz Music Plays]

The Nordic model was proving to be a powerful aphrodisiac.

I go to Denmark...

What is it like 99% white? I don't need any security the streets are incredibly

clean. Crime is virtually non-existent.

Nobody gets called a socialist!

[Narration] It wasn't all sunshine rainbows lollypops and

everything however. An article released by the National around the same time as

my trip painted a different picture.

"What's happening in this former bastion

of liberalism is the normalization of white hostility to immigration. Denmark

is building on Australian and Israeli tactics to form a new strategy to

disappear the refugee from society. Rejected asylum seekers are in legal

limbo. Some of them are stateless and deprived of what Hannah Arendt calls the

right to have rights. They are denied as citizens by their home countries and the

EU refuses to recognize them as refugees so they have no legal status anywhere. In

response to this opposition the Danish government has taken more aggressive

steps still. Adopting the Australian strategy of intercepting and offshoring

refugees on Nauru, it now intends to house failed asylum seekers on the

remote island of Lindholm. Denmark then is refining its psychological torture by

subjecting asylum seekers to isolation and exclusion."

[Narrator] However being a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist...

I knew it was necessary to hear the story from both

sides. So I met with Lena Rutkowski. A politics and society editor at the

Murmur. As an Australian living in Denmark she had some unique takes on the

problems inherent in the Danish social democracy model.

Part of the reason that

I moved to Scandinavia six years ago was because I was really fascinated with the

Nordic welfare model and the societies and the heavy investment in social

infrastructure and I wanted to see it up close and hopefully take lessons for

that back to my home country Australia which at the time in 2013 was swinging

massively back towards the right and starting to see all kinds of cuts in

social infrastructure. What I think is fantastic about Denmark is it does

invest heavily in the social infrastructure here. I the fact that it

offers universal health care the fact that it offers free education and

subsidizes its students to study translates to a society that is

incredibly safe, has incredibly high levels of social trust, routinely tops all kinds

of OACD outcomes on on health and high employment rates. It's a very

high-functioning society and people are also able to because there's a strong

emphasis on work-life balance here people are also able to chase identities

that are not just work. I think that in general like Denmark is a society

with many many layers of xenophobia attached to it which is something that

isn't often discussed in the anglosphere when the International gaze is applied

to Denmark because I think with all the focus on everything that these the the

Scandinavian and and welfare model does well people don't look into the

experience of all the people living in this society. I think rooted at the idea

of Danishness is this is this idea that to be Danish is to belong to a Scandinavian

ethnicity. And this country is really coming up with is really meeting

with challenges as it becomes as its borders become more open in in this era

of globalization and it's seeing migration from people from cultures that

are non-European. Everyday Danish people would not like to think of

themselves as xenophobic but I think what's missing here in the discourse in

Denmark is this idea that whiteness is something that needs to be unpacked and

that systemic racism exists and Denmark isn't an innocent bystander to that.

It isn't even an innocent bystander to the colonialist history that a lot of

European nations have because Denmark too was a part of the slave trade and too

colonized Greenland. That it still has a super problematic relationship.

Now the the government policy is shifting from one around focusing on integration

to one around hard line assimilation. There's debates in Denmark about whether

like pork should be enforced in school because pork is a big part of the Danish

diet and I suppose in some traditionalist sense the Danish identity.

And now it's they they want to introduce that as some kind of forced assimilation

measure because it it confronts I guess certain Danes and the government that

there are parts of their population that don't eat pork.

It has never really had to confront ideas like white privilege and what

different kinds of identities mean and then that's coupled with the fact that

in general there's there's a cultural concept here that's incredibly popular

around the world it's called hygge. And it's taken the world by storm it's

launched a thousand books in the english-speaking world about like

how to hygge. How to and it basically translates to cozy its lifted from this

Danish cultural philosophy about making the home and every setting you're in very

comfortable and very very cozy and lighting candles and hygge I mean what I

think a lot of those books miss is is how much hyggi is embedded in the

mentality here. In Denmark when you meet somebody on the on the street you

say that was hyggelit it to meet you. It was cozy to meet you. And what comes

with that idea of cozyness is also that you don't rock the boat

Everybody is alike and everybody makes everything comfortable and everyone

makes spaces comfortable.

[Sexy music plays] Welcome to Hygge lifestyle.


Yeah that's pretty hyggi.

Oh that's real hyggi.

Yeah that's ... that's hyggilit right there.

That's pretty hyggi too.

That's not so hyggi.

Yeah now that's hyggi. Hyggi.

And that's born of a communitarian philosophy that in one

sense I think is incredibly beautiful. This idea of of not thinking about

yourself as an individualist as our hyper capitalist countries would dictate.

And where you're only thinking for yourself and your own individual gain.

It is a beautiful thing to think about yourself as a cog in a wheel and part of

an ecosystem but what's problematic is that it is based on the presumption that

everybody has the same starting point. And everybody has the same advantages

and disadvantages and effectively the same identity and that doesn't account

for the reality of the world we live in where your gender and your race and your

sexuality can play a part in how you were

perceived and come attached with all kinds of disadvantages. When I first

moved to Denmark I was completely under the impression that I was moving to one

of the most gender progressive countries in the world. Denmark did have a feminist

sorry not feminist... I'm not sure if she's a feminist or not but it had a woman

Prime Minister. And what I encountered was that there was a lot of push back

against feminists in places that I wouldn't expect.

So obviously sexism runs rampant in sort of every country and where I'm from in

Australia that's completely true and a right-wing commentator in one country

will sound the same in another. But I think what was interesting was look if

you move in a certain sphere in Australia one that's made up of like an

educated middle class, people who are artistic and cultural work within

journalism and media, anything related to the arts... in those circles it is absolutely

acceptable to be a feminist if anything it's almost had to burn out to at least

not pay lip service to it. You know and you know it's another discussion how

actually feminist those spaces are but the language exists to have a

conversation about feminism in general. That same language

didn't really exist in Denmark. When I first moved here people started and I

would mention that I was a feminist people I would meet would say 'oh you hate men!'

Or they would say I'm not a feminist I'm a humanist because I believe in equality.

So immediately I learned that to be feminist here is something that was seen

as synonymous with being anti men. Something synonymous with being

anti equality even. Something that was rocking the boat and not hyggi.

[Narrator] Hyggi.

I think in a in a sense it stems a little bit from this idea in Denmark that

feminism was something we fought for in the 70s and we've achieved it and and

there's this idea here that people are living in a post feminist society. So if

you're trying to point out more invisible elements of sexism like the

way there's that women mansplained to or the implicit biases that might stop

women from getting hired or moving into roles or that make women feel hyper

sexualized or that make women targets for sexual harassment in a workplace...

you're immediately kind of dismissed and gaslighted as being crazy and trying to

be dramatic because the work of feminism has been won because we have

women in public life and we have women in work. We might, but actually Denmark

performs really really badly in women in top leadership roles partly because

it doesn't have quotas and what's also really problematic is that there is a

lot of internalized misogyny here so I think women have been almost conditioned

here to - because men holds so much sway and so much power in institutions in

public life they've been conditioned to appeal to men and say like "oh I don't

need a quota". I want to believe that I'm the right one for the job not thinking

about and there isn't that discourse here to talk about why there's all kinds

of reasons that would stop women progressing. I mean I do not think for a

second that the reason Denmark is lagging behind on women in senior

management roles has it all to do with a lack of women's confidence or even lack

of education because women are outnumbering men in education and yeah

we're not seeing that reflected back in jobs.

Women make up half of film graduates and they only make 13% of the feature films

made in Denmark. That these are all explained by gender but Denmark doesn't

have that framework. I think that inevitably as Denmark gets more

multicultural more diverse as it gets more and more voices creeping up in in

all kinds of aspects of this society... I basically think that it's a

responsibility of everybody in Denmark to elevate voices that we otherwise

don't hear.

The most important part of any narrator is to walk towards the

camera. It's how you establish authority and by doing so I've established that I

am an authority on the subject I'm talking about. Unfortunately I'm not.

[Narrator] So while the Nordic model offers some of the most comprehensive social safety nets of any

government it's still riddled with problems. Something we also didn't

mention is that because the system operates within the frameworks of

capitalism it's still adherent to its pitfalls. But all that being said there's

still a lot to love about the Danish model and the Danes themselves.

Have you heard about the Law of Jante? Okay so though roughly translated you shouldn't

think you're anybody. You shouldn't think you're better than anybody and you

shouldn't think that you amount to anything. [Laughs] Yeah yeah but but that is

actually beautiful but but it's still so deeply rooted in a lot of things that

even though you go more venture into the liberal or capitalistic well you still

kind of have this belonging that you are not in that sense raised above other

people. You're all human beings. And it's also provocative because of course it

drives you to do something more something more if someone tells you that you are

not amounting to do anything.

[Narrator] The cities ancient architecture fused with

progressive tax redistribution makes it a unique experience even if it's still

struggling with issues of xenophobia and entrenched sexism. I was feeling hyggi from

my trip and I can't wait to return. Hopefully next time I'll convince Dave

to come with me.

Hey Dave I'm going to Copenhagen!

For more infomation >> Social Democracy In Denmark | The Serfs - Duration: 23:58.


Don´t Ask For Too Much - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Don´t Ask For Too Much - Duration: 8:36.


Kids on winter break experience 'snow as it should be' - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kids on winter break experience 'snow as it should be' - Duration: 1:09.



Dream of me!

Hello, we are Dreamcatcher!

Hello, I am Dreamcatcher's queen! SuA!

Hello~ I am Dreamcatcher's cutie Gahyeon!

Hello, I am Dreamcatcher's Siyeon

Hello, I am Dreamcatcher's Handong

Hello, I am Dreamcatcher's Yoohyeon!

Hello, I am Dami, nice to meet you!

Hello, I am Dreamcatcher's JiU and Hola School's class president!

First of all, we're very excited to be the next students in Hola School!

And of course, thank you to our Latin American Insomnias for making this possible!

A round of applause!

We've already done a Latin America tour, right?

Do you remember?

Of course! Yes!

I remember the concert we held in Colombia the best

Because of the air it was really exhausting

We were out of breath all the time

But from the moment we arrived at the airport

the fans cheered for us and were so welcoming

We won't ever forget them

And then there is this

A! A! Argentina! (T/N: Lyrics of a Korean rock song)

This song was pretty famous


I've always said, I have to visit Argentina at least once in my life

Do you also remember Panama?

We were the first K-Pop group to ever hold a concert in Panama

Yes, they said we were the first K-Pop artists

So even people from the embassy came to our concert

We also went to Chile - Brazil, Peru

Quite many countries

And before we went to the other five countries, we went to Brazil


We really went to many countries, so far away

The Brazilian Insomnias even sang our fanchant!

We were on the plane for more than 30 hours

But thanks to our fans, our tiredness disappeared right away

Now that we entered Hola School, we should study.

What is the first thing we have to do?

You know how we get nicknames in kindergarten or elementary school?

So now we will create special!


Spanish nicknames for each of us

Oh, I feel like a kindergarten child now!

So, uhm, I~

I am Siyeon from the Moonlight class!

We have namecards with Spanish nicknames on them

And as I am the class president I will pick names for you!

As I please!

So first, SuA. Her name is SuA, so...

This sounds similar

Oh, that seems to fit her

A naming ceremony!


Pick the longest one for her!

The longest one? How about this one?

What does it read?

I wonder what it means

This one is for Gahyeon

Because Siyeon is wearing brown, I'll pick this one, starting with 'B'


That sounds a lot like a ballerina. She should dance ballet


This word reminds me of "Diamond"

This one is for you


Will receive this one


Something with a simple feel

And I will pick the first one here for JiU

Because she is first and best!

Kanari Aegjeot? (T/N: A fish sauce)

The 'yo' part is important

Hello! I am Sueño

And it means?


She dreams a lot!

I am your dream!

Dream of me!

I am Cosita Linda!

You knew it already!

That's me, definitely me!

Change it!


Hello, I am...


PD: A person who dances well

Of course! Because ballerinas dance well!

Please show us your dance skills!

I shouldn't...

Hello, I am...


What does it mean?

Someone who sleeps a lot

A sleepy head!

We have a lot of these in our team

Handong sleeps for a very long time once she falls asleep

I sleep often for short amounts of time

Sleep is important!

You're right!

Hello, I am...



And the meaning?

PD: Darling

I knew it, this is why I chose it!

It's a pet name!

Hello, I am Cuerpazo Yoohyeon

What does it mean?

PD: Someone with a great body

And here I am, being the weakest

This is too funny!

Hello, I am Floja

I am Floja

And it means?

A lazy person

Nooo, no no, that doesn't fit

Dami isn't lazy



Cutie, choose a new one!

So I changed my name

Hello, I am Pesadilla

PD: Nightmare

Oh, she's not a nightmare!

But she does have spiderlike fingers!

Yes, it's okay, I take it!

Now that we have our Spanish names

We have to present our comeback!

We made a comeback with 'Piri'!

Our fourth mini-album "The End of the Nightmare"

is the last part of the nightmare story

Instead of explaining the MV, summarize its concept in one word


All of us ran

Right, right

We fled



Wasn't it kind of cute?

Maybe only because we are one group?

I thought so, too

I was like "AAAAAH, CUTE!" when I saw it

Yes, all the time


I think it's a music video that highlights the points of the concept

that we also showed in our debut music video


There are kind of unsettling parts

Where you would get suddenly scared

Good choice of word!

For me it's "Repeat"



In the end we are all an aspect of one person


Our previous MVs focused a lot on story

This one showcases our acting and the choreography more

We did act a lot

As this is the last part of the nightmare

You should find out together with us what the MV is about

What kind of song is the title track 'Piri'?

The title song expresses the feeling of individuals in modern society of being left alone

It mixes the topics of hardship and loneliness in a way, that explains both these aspects very well

And if we're talking about Dreamcatcher, we can't forget the choreography

Let's see the main point of the dance to our new song 'Piri'

Well done!

We prepared a lot for this comeback

Dear Latin American Insomnias, show a lot of love and support!

The first episode will end here

Did you have fun?

Yes, teacher!

In the next episodes we'll try to cook Mexican style

and we'll also dance Samba!

So exciting, everyone!

Look forward to it!

We'll see you in episode 2!




Wie du die richtigen Mitarbeiter findest - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Wie du die richtigen Mitarbeiter findest - Duration: 4:14.


Man accused of beating girlfriend, battering officer - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Man accused of beating girlfriend, battering officer - Duration: 1:40.


Toast Responds To Janet's Wholesome Message | Lily and Albert Plays Super Smash Ultimate Theme - Duration: 10:25.

Like it either please take this off, please take this off cheese

Whole team

What was he thinking he didn't know he's in the ring with goal


I think I'm done. You like it

Your camp like dinner all my crap wait

Thanks Jim, you're awesome they can't hear the sound what sound

Snacktime dad the team's gonna push this on the outside you guys to upstairs

Okay, it's the you team that's gonna system

Is mowed them down look at the killer

Who that who that oh, I see cream cheese in there. Yeah

Anyways, yeah

I was saying I think moving hates me because MooMoo used to like a stream of the ice cream you like best friends with and

like some bullshit and I know this person has like said also shit about me that's not

Balanced and I know that's I know some people


God what them

Why am I being like targeted by like a bajillion people

What but I

Don't get it

Wait what you

Know I wrote to Gerry like yesterday I was like


Was like I had a great Valentine's Day

You make me laugh and smile every day and every time I talk to you smiley

Smiley smiley emoji heart of our heart as hero a hero

Why you being gay?

Watch this

See ya loser. Oh

Shit oh my god. Damn I missed him

God I'm good

Where's your nutty I know damn she hasn't played in more than a year stupider than Matty asked

Oh, bye guys west of me

Jan Jan still human

It was a red lit, how am I think she was wearing red

Is it red not black you should

Yeah, why are you streaming the album streaming hahaha glad back

Because I can you relate to what you're saying

Wait this sniper just to do that. What the fuck these is

Hey, I'm good deeds I didn't see you again you're doing backflips over here for fun

What the hell is happening need, alright nice nice tricks nice alright

Fuck the fuck is happening bead

Didn't film. Oh he's gonna do it again. Maybe this guy's just doing multiple trick Steve. Okay, this is so random

Imagine me in a park or do you know handed front flips? I

Would get down see it Jesus Christ

Fred Zilla five months you got to the ring for the ring


That's what I'm saying, I'm really gonna hit firing all this out of the why I don't know why

Dad the team's gonna push this from the outside you guys to upstairs

Okay, it's the you team


Winslie the AWP Goddess, crabBASS HYPERCLAP, fuslie sub dance, AngelsKimi new ASMR video is out!, List of games that Lily has voice acted in?, Mother and Son enjoying a night out, Toast goes full Mike Tyson, She's insane Pog, Lily and Albert Plays Super Smash Ultimate Theme - Twitch Clips, Lily's artist interpretation of Aria, Toast responds to Janet's wholesome message, paid actor LULW, JakenBake meets a Police officer In Romania, MoonMoon and Jakenbake, Super Smash Ultimate Theme Played by Albert & Lily, Lilypichu & Albie playing music., Albie Gets Targeted, Toast goes full Mike Tyson, X Pog Bars, thats wat shes saying, lol toast, practicing for twitch rivals

For more infomation >> Toast Responds To Janet's Wholesome Message | Lily and Albert Plays Super Smash Ultimate Theme - Duration: 10:25.


YOU LAUGH ► YOU LOSE !😂 - Duration: 10:26.

I see you I see you I see his little eyeball in between the two leaves

hey honey want a beer you dolls in the cocktail this one's on me maybe later I

can get on you would you like a nice cold beer it's ladies night bitches

drink free

I have to check your ID though I'm just kidding year old were you in the war sir

to kill any crowd good I don't know it you're some chunk you didn't know there

you going head for the mountains literally this guy good you started no

I'm serious tho head for the mountains you know you're just like your dad you're

not mad at me no you're sure I'm fine okay cool top of the line baby you're

gonna love it

nice 25 to go five more to go

relax no but I can put you on a treadmill

we're a team we're a dynamic duo she's my side chick chick happy

Valentine's Day because you're hot and steamy why can't you be more like

Jimmy's wife what I said Oh hi I'd like to order flowers for my wife

Hazara cousin undergo dr. mundo can get a man

in my suit

too much awareness how much never thought about could you filter shop my

face to first day sure hey James can you make it look like

I'm fighting the goose one minute hey James can you make my

face smaller than my boyfriend's done can you make me taller than my dad

please of course can you make me look less like a child

yes sir hey James can you please remove that plastic thing from my photo shop

hey James can you please kiss my girlfriend's eyes in this picture thank

you hope this helps hello James greetings from Russia can

you make my mummy ah of course hey man can you remove the lady at the

back and make the pickup nor ever you are ever

can you please make my head look lessened okay hey handsome can you

photoshop my ex-boyfriend out of this your ex-boyfriend is out of this high

can you erase the trash can from the picture shop

hi Janie can t make my boyfriend wrench show and if they bring the director

class this is our turn

he's a naughty beer

yuchun-ah Leah


pretty sweater he's not yet bad to be mean oh Jesus we need to kill them

you're in danger I'm in danger bomb them and bomb them again a chicken has been

arrested attempting to cross the street in Dundee faces police please give me

cock oh please give me cock I wanna cock please give me cock cock nigga nigga I

have been in my niece another nigga and another nigger ugly I love the way you

love me

this Somali language is so bloody to say I love you Booga nigga nigga birds at


I am in our place and I'm your freestyle dance teacher

can I ask you if you want all the money what would you do with it a bunch of

hookers and cocaine we were hoping for a different answer probably not the answer

that we're looking good how are you

what is your personal philosophy of rehabilitation so my personal philosophy

of readability


For more infomation >> YOU LAUGH ► YOU LOSE !😂 - Duration: 10:26.


Daily Rasi Phalalu 20th February 2019| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope| Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 35:40.

Please subscribe, like & share

For more infomation >> Daily Rasi Phalalu 20th February 2019| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope| Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 35:40.



For more infomation >> ASMR COUPLE PIZZA TACOS & DORITOS 먹는 INTENSE CRUNCHY EATING [BINAURAL SOUNDS] | ASMR-Duo (2019) - Duration: 12:24.


Ford Everest Titanium 3.2 Premium -is it better than the Fortuner 2.8v? -Philippines - Duration: 10:02.

this is the Ford Everest titanium premium it is the top-of-the-line model

in the ford everest lineup is it worth its 2.2 million peso price tag let's find out

as far as looks go I think the Everest is the most imposing

looking of all the locally available midsize SUVs it shares the same front

end as the very handsome Ford Ranger which i think is the best-looking pickup

available locally the front is mostly dominated by this large chrome grille

with the Ford logo emblazoned at the center the headlights are relatively

narrow but not so narrow that it looks like it's squinting like a lot of other

cars nowadays just enough that it seems like it's looking at you very intently

while saying you don't talk to me without saying sir

the sides are pretty simple there aren't a lot of deep creases like on the

Montero but the sides are not as featureless as the fortuner what

immediately draws the eyes are the bulging fenders they give the vehicle a

pretty muscular look the car comes with 20-inch wheels no other ppv in the

segment and in this price range comes with 20-inch wheels they look pretty

sharp and they give the vehicle a more sophisticated look the Everest also has

four disc brakes on all four corners the Everest doesn't have a bad angle

everything looks cohesive it looks aggressive and masculine

without trying too hard it looks rugged yet classy like a

bodybuilder in a tailored suit

if you want technology the Everest has it in spades it is the most feature packed

of all the locally available SUVs at this price range

perhaps the show stealer is the parking assist the vehicle can parallel park

itself with the driver only applying the brakes to control the speed

and then it has active noise cancellation which as the name suggests

cancels out exterior noise through speakers inside the car

it has plenty of driver aids and active safety features like adaptive cruise

control collision mitigation electronic stability program Lane keep assist blind

spot monitoring aside from being convenient features to have features

like adaptive cruise control collision mitigation Lane keep assist and bind

spot monitoring also make the Everest safer to drive by minimizing the chances

of accidents happening in the first place the dashboard of the Everest looks

very similar to the Ranger compared to the Fortuner's dashboard the Everest's

dashboard has more straight lines and curves leather is almost everywhere the

top of the dashboard is covered in stitched leather also the seats the door

sidings and the arm rests

both front seats are power adjustable the Everest has dual zone climate

control it has an 8-inch infotainment display which you can operate either by

using the touchscreen or by using voice commands it has a 10

speaker system a panoramic sunroof is standard for both the 3.2 and the 2.2

titanium with Premium Package there is no shortage of outlets the Everest has

four twelve volt outlets It has USB ports and an AC plug the Everest is powered by a

3.2 liter diesel engine which produces a class-leading 200 horsepower and 470 Newton

meters of torque while power is best in its class it also has the largest

displacement combined fuel economy is 8.2 kilometers per liter the engine is

coupled to a 6-speed transmission suspension at the front is independent

double wishbone while at the rear it has a solid rear axle with Watts

linkage approach angle is 29 degrees while the departure angle is 25 degrees

if I had to pick one PPV right now and if I would base my decision on looks and

features alone I will choose the Everest in terms of features it makes the

Fortuner V look like a base model in comparison the Fortuner doesn't have

adaptive cruise control it has no collision mitigation no blind spot

monitoring no active noise cancellation no panoramic sunroof and of course no

parking assist

the ride quality of the everest is also better than the Fortuner and the

steering of the artist is lightest in its class like I said if I had to get

one right now I'd choose this model but Ford is probably about to release an

updated model it'll probably come with the Ford Ranger raptor engine which is

a 2 liter bi turbo engine coupled to a 10 speed automatic it

produces 10 more horsepower than the 3.2 so I would wait for that if I were not

in a hurry Ford is offering large discounts for these models the 2.2 million

peso price tag will come with a hefty discount just talk to your local

dealership about it also worth noting is that most of the features available in

this model will also be available on the 2.2 titanium premium which is almost two

hundred thousand pesos cheaper in terms of features The ford everest titanium

premium package is ahead of the pack the everest wins in most objective and

subjective categories so this now becomes a question of which brand you

want to entrust your hard-earned money to Ford or Toyota

For more infomation >> Ford Everest Titanium 3.2 Premium -is it better than the Fortuner 2.8v? -Philippines - Duration: 10:02.


Starco // Comeback MEP Part 6 - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> Starco // Comeback MEP Part 6 - Duration: 0:14.


[고칠레오 6회] 조선일보의 빅픽처! - 정철운 미디어오늘 기자 - Duration: 33:57.

For more infomation >> [고칠레오 6회] 조선일보의 빅픽처! - 정철운 미디어오늘 기자 - Duration: 33:57.


The Youtube Algorithm Has Big Problems #YoutubeWakeUp - Duration: 11:10.

when i heard this i wanted to make sure that you all knew so you could double check what your kids were doing on youtube #youtubewakeup

For more infomation >> The Youtube Algorithm Has Big Problems #YoutubeWakeUp - Duration: 11:10.



Hey guys! Welcome back :D

These are Korean mini doughnuts!

Today, we're going to put Mozzarella cheese inside them :)

[ Adding Mozzarella Cheese ]

All done.

Coffee tastes better than Sprite with doughnuts :)


YUMMY! The sweetness of the dough / sugar coating mixed with the mozzarella tastes so good!

Somehow, there is oil trapped inside these cheese balls.. brb...

HAHA I had to 'pop' all the balls, I guess the inflated from cooking?

This is my first time making these, I need help.

Thanks for watching! <33 See ya next time!

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