-You got -- you got a start early, as well.
We were talking to John Oliver tonight.
-Yeah. -He played an orphan.
You did some orphan work early on.
-I did. I did early orphan work.
-Yeah. -I was 9 years old,
and I did my first orphan work.
-And then you went on to be one of the most famous orphans
in television history. -The titular orphan, right.
-So this is "Oliver!" -Yeah.
-Are you down there? -Yeah, that is me.
-Wow, so how -- -I'm popping a squat
as I tend to do.
Again, totally fine 'cause you're wearing a dress.
-Wearing a dress. It's fine. -Doesn't matter. Yeah.
-This -- Paul Nolan is actually like, a huge Broadway star.
-That's fantastic. -And we grew up together
in Regina, Saskatchewan. -Wow.
-Yeah. Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ]
-Wow. Oh, my God. -That's the entire population.
Regina, right there. -By the way, like,
we only had one England for John.
-Oh! -Yeah.
That's a hot night for Regina.
[ Laughter ]
And so this was a Regina production of the show?
-It was "Oliver!" -Okay, great.
-With the exclamation point. -Yeah.
-And I played orphan with pipe cleaners in my hair.
-Great. -So, my braids --
that's all you need to know. -And was that --
Was 9 about when you got bit by the bug?
-That was the start. -That was it. Gotcha.
-That was literally the first performance I did.
-And as soon as you did it, did you think to yourself,
"Oh, yeah. If this a profession, I want to do it."
-Yeah, I was hooked. I was like, "I got do this."
-That's great. -I was addicted.
-Did you have in those early days, do have any bad auditions,
or did it come to you naturally?
-I think all the auditions at that time were probably bad.
I think they still continue to be.
I did a really bad audition recently -- very recently.
-Recently? -Yeah.
It was a cartoon.
For some big cartoon.
I won't name it or the company that is behind it.
But it was a musical, which I'm, like, cartoons,
musicals, love them, can't do them.
So I went in, and was, like, expecting to be in a booth
where you do animation. -Sure, right.
-So you kind of have, like, space to be a goof
and kind of, like, let go.
But it was basically a couch like this with two chairs
where the two execs were sitting that close to me,
and it was like a fluorescent-lit room,
and they're like, "Okay, so let's hear your song."
And I was like, "I think it will be really funny
to sing this song." Won't say what the song was.
"Part of Your World" by "The Little Mermaid."
[ Laughter ] And I was, like, so nervous
to be sitting that close to them.
-Close singing is the worst. -It's horrible.
-Yeah. -So I stood up and just, like,
sang to them, and then looked up,
because it was so uncomfortable.
And I just stared up and I got progressively more embarrassed,
and ran to my car and cried.
[ Laughter, audience "Awws" ]
-Picked up a newspaper. -Put it behind your butt.
Walked out of the room. -Yeah, yeah.
Put it on face or on my butt. Yeah.
-Is it nice now to be doing a show --
I mean, there's the repetition of doing it every night.
Also, you get to play one character every night,
as opposed to -- what was the total in "Orphan Black?"
-I don't know. 13? -Yeah, so ---
-Lots of them died, early. -Lots of them died early. Yeah.
I mean, there were the ones where we were like,
"That's not your best one, Tatiana."
[ Laughter ] -"We'll get rid of them."
-Kill 'em off. Yeah. -The one that sang,
they killed her almost immediately.
-Oh, they killed her fast. She died fast. Yeah.
-Is it nice, though, to just get to play one part?
-It is, and it's, like, such a different experience
to be doing the same piece every night.
You know, the same -- following the same trajectory.
But what's so beautiful is I'm working with,
like, Bryan Cranston... -Yeah.
-...and Tony Goldwyn, and Bryan, you know, they all --
everyone in the cast does this amazing work every night
where they're just navigating it differently, finding new things.
And I feel like, whatever is in the news resonates,
you know, with us because the piece is so prescient.
We're talking about fake news.
We're talking about, you know, the way that news
and entertainment have been fused.
All of it is so alive now
that I can feel the audience respond differently
depending on what crap has happened that day.
You know what I mean? -Well, that's great.
-And we sort of do the same onstage.
So, it's -- it's always very alive,
and Bryan's just unbelievable. -Yeah. He's something else.
-He's unbelievable. -The entire cast is.
-Yeah. -And congratulations on the show
and thank you so much for being here.
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