Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

all right guys whoa we thought we thought we was had a slow load anyway we

thought we had a so load right we were headed to San Francisco we'll be

there shortly but we wasn't rushing because we didn't want to get in San

Francisco and then had to go out to the 49ers after we unloaded because we

didn't have a load yet well they just called me and said hey guys can y'all

pick up a nose cone this is a seriously small thing and take it over to O'Hare

and I said well sure I can do that I'm a trucker I know right and I said

but you know Donner is closed right I said so it's a ALG they said snail geez

so I said well if it's a og how am I gonna get across Donner

I got no wings brother and they said hey that's alright you're gonna go down and

take the 40 cuz we're gonna make sure you get paid for the whole thing so

that's what we're gonna do come on let's go

well we just got unloaded in San Francisco all right I'm gonna let the

girl take over now those leaves I wore the hell

I must be getting really really old

yeah so I'm well carry this one tomorrow

y'all have a great

that's the view this morning a lava fields over here on 40 guess we're

getting close to Arizona good deal we got loaded up really late last night

and we're supposed to be there like for four o'clock or something central

time in Chicago yes Chicago where they kicked me out of

the airport you know that back in the day not very long ago I'll play that

won't happen again look energies that they're talking about

somebody turned daddy if it's one of y'all don't be offended she's just

telling me this yes we're going down the road I shouldn't be cooking breakfast

but I am because I'm hungry

but I'm cooking a steak cause our

still breakfast I don't think it matters what you need for any given meal longer

eat your food into nutrition

for some reason I keep winking that bit about

six in a hat for seven hours but I'm sleeping really good this mattress is

not as good as our old mattress actually but I'll take care of that

handily and getting more country so maybe I


something good he's making some coffee to him

I wish you guys consider I think Ella nobody else wants to eat well Alan Alex

Nate everybody probably thinks I'm gonna


you can cook in a moment rub you've never been on the ship frame then you

understand him better eliminate the row your legs are yes

yes he's a pirate whatever he problems

that's what I'm cooking

it's how I've Chuck


I'm finally buckets the coffee you know how that girl is she there she

only leaves me a little bit and I don't happen to take that little bit coffee

but I

I know I shouldn't have five cups of coffee today but this is the way I see

it this is just one cup


I got too much in there to drink a little bit get it down

just try it out

yeah me that's good

oh that's extra strong

build strong bones

I thought I was gonna drop it but I've caught it

the beds a mess and since the beds of mass and we ain't gonna be I mean we're

just gonna switch in your app switch and drive right close we got it we got to be

there so I ain't even gonna make the table up I'm gonna eat on the fly y'all

want to see Walter we got to sneak up on Walter

there he is the his special spot

all right guys there's what I cooked see the girl over there she's got that mean

look on her face I cooked the I cooked the Folgers coffee see I did it

Daniel good night it's just a little thing oh stop judging me don't be a jerk

yes all right see ya I did that guys somebody came in

here for a landing really hot really hot everything was sitting right here and it

went sliding over and stopped right here that's but it's it's just it's all right

she's putting on her heated vest our heated seat repeat after me girl

Coffee is very important but it's good they're very important don't oh now you

are this the hard way with the employees right it's just money if you get mad at

everyone fire them because I did something stupid

you'll never find a way to work for you my space now it's the same right it's

like when you mess up something you go I'm so she you just cute little girl

thing if she breaks something she can break some stuff let me tell you that I

don't get mad at her I'm like it's just money but if you burned up kidding

thousand bucks and threw it down the sewer and I couldn't get the serial

numbers off of it I still wouldn't be pissed off at you I'm pretty sure

smoking the crack got me burning up money and turned stuff up you know I

noticed them stupid gang guys I'll put a link in description to his

Duke gang guys alright they were pretty cool they didn't have no meth heads on

their posse they only had you know they were dealing crack and smack and stuff

like that



Bukhari Brot | HowTo | Delicuisine - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Bukhari Brot | HowTo | Delicuisine - Duration: 1:38.


HDOCraft Ultra Op Skyblok Server #7 | Fener Spawneri Geldi, Spawnerler İçin İpeksi Kazma Eklendi - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> HDOCraft Ultra Op Skyblok Server #7 | Fener Spawneri Geldi, Spawnerler İçin İpeksi Kazma Eklendi - Duration: 8:37.


[Eng sub] 강아지도 베개를 베는 게 편한가요?|강형욱의 소소한 Q&A - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> [Eng sub] 강아지도 베개를 베는 게 편한가요?|강형욱의 소소한 Q&A - Duration: 2:26.


Need a Justice full Rap song | Pulwama attack | Vishal Samaddar | Saurabh Samaddar | Indrajeet - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Need a Justice full Rap song | Pulwama attack | Vishal Samaddar | Saurabh Samaddar | Indrajeet - Duration: 4:51.


【ENG SUB】 아서스가 빠따로 뚝배기 깨는 영상 - Duration: 19:50.

(KyoCha, Gondar, Rich, Good, Frankle) VS (Viewers 5 mem party)

I think it's good to pick a character that can win 1:1 in top

? Huh?

Hey, I thought the map was Sky Temple

I chose Arthas, thinking the map was Sky Temple... Jeez...

Damn, what a bad pick then

You guys should've told me!

Why on earth would I pick a character that wins 1:1 in top?


- TL, 5 Ex Pro party -

Eternal Hunger!

Why are you missing every healing~!


(In Game Chat) Gondar : I only missed one..;;

(In Game Chat) Rich : Perhaps only gave me one healing

Quite persisting lol

(In Game Chat) Gondar : Seriously?

(Rich opening something...)

Just one hit!

(Still failed to open it)


Medic's healing overwhelms my damage..

Heal me~


Why are they all here?

(In Game Chat) Rich : I just checked. No healing for 4s, pal

You're dead


I'm getting stronger and stronger...

Stop it!!!

Are you mad? Are you mad??!!! kkkkkkkkkk

He's even alive lol

It's fine

Let's wait till late game

Choose D cooldown reduction too?

How much will that make me stronger?

(Twitch Donation) Is sword master Arthas build good? Why are you going with AA build now?

Because I have to win 1:1 with Samuro

I wanted to save my Ult!

(Goddamn it, Jimmy)

Let's play~ kkkkkkkk

Play with me~ lol

After lvl 16, I'll get two bats

This quest has no limit, I'll get stronger and stronger

That one's real, kill him!

Your... head!


Jeez, Medic and Medivh, they never die lol

You surprised me!

I can restore mana twice!

It's infinite power, pal

Stop pushing it, Samuro!

This is really annoying

At least be my stacks

But you must know this

There's limitation in that annoying play,

but there's no limit in my strength

My damage can increase to 1k

Guys!!! What were you guys doing~!

Why are you boosting him lol

(In Game Chat) Rich : Not bad, tier Gold tank

(Twitch Donation) Can you play Iron Fists-Kharazim? or is ₩ 10k not enough..?

I'll play, don't worry

Head shot!

He's here! Kill him!

Your head!!

I can't go near to Raynor

But my mana and health is an infinite power

Self healing with Q, Rune Tap

and restore mana with D

This is infinite power

No need to recall or hearth

Why the hell are they all pushing us

Was that real one?

Even Ghouls! Do everything we can!

(In Game Chat) KyoCha : Using even Army of the Dead was way too much, bro

(In Game Chat) Gondar : Stop summon Oreoman...

I'm not in the screen again!

Only me... Why..

For more infomation >> 【ENG SUB】 아서스가 빠따로 뚝배기 깨는 영상 - Duration: 19:50.


Vi prøver å knekke YouTube-koden // NRM #061 - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Vi prøver å knekke YouTube-koden // NRM #061 - Duration: 9:56.


Herbal Remedies To Prevent Travelers Diarrhea - Duration: 5:09.

Herbal Remedies To Prevent Travelers Diarrhea

Travelers visiting many tropical, sub-tropical and developing countries run an increased

risk of suffering a gastrointestinal illness.

These are usually caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses.

The microscopic bugs at the top of these rather gut wrenching (for all the wrong reasons...)

charts are E Coli, the staphylococci, shigella and salmonella species, campylobacter jejuni,

cryptosporidiosis, and hepatitis A.

Infected food is the biggest culprit, with water coming in second.

Ice cream, cocktails served in re-used coconut shells, raw seafood, ice, and food from street

vendors are potential risks that can interrupt your adventure with less salacious memories

to pass on to family and friends.

The nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea from such acute infections usually sorts itself

out after a few days (unless of course you have contracted hepatitis A, or something

like giardia).

Certainly, if you are unlucky enough to be sick after a few days, you should see a doctor.

Fortunately, there are remedies you can take that will strengthen your immune and digestive

system and hopefully give your body a better chance at dealing with its new environment.

The herbs I describe below would make an excellent travelers mix.

The best form to take them in would be as a tincture, which can be made up by going

to a local herbal dispensary if you have one in your area, or alternatively, a local herbalist.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)

Astragalus is a good anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial.

The polysaccharides in it support the immune system.

Astragalus increases the activity of phagocytes, natural killer cells, and the levels of antibodies

in the blood.

Picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa)

This is an Ayurvedic herb that is best given in low doses, as higher doses can cause diarrhea

and flatulence in more sensitive people.

Its a bitter herb, so it stimulates the digestive system.

It is also anti-malarial, supports the immune system, and protects the liver.

Picrorrhiza encourages all aspects of the immune system, such as B and T cell activity,

and the activity of phagocytes.

This herb is used in Ayurvedic medicine for liver related problems and immune problems.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)

Goldenseal is a gut antibiotic, which for example helps reduce adhesive e coli, and

encourages some immune functions of the body.

For example, berberine, which is one of its active constituents, has been shown to increase

the activity of macrophages, which digest bacteria and viruses.

Barberry also contains berberine, so more information on this very valuable constituent

is below.

Goldenseal, being a bitter herb, it is also good for the digestive system.

If you are pregnant or suffer from hypertension, however, you should not take goldenseal.

Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris)

Berberine, one of the active constituents in this herb is an anti protozoic, which helps

protect travelers against giardia, leishmania, and treponema pallidum.

Other notable effects of berberine are its activity against giardia, dysentery, and candida,

as well as the cholera vibrio.

The active constituents berberine and palmatine are also anti-bacterial.

And berbamine, which like berberine is an alkaloid, is a strong anti-bacterial which

seems to work by increasing white blood cells and platelets.

The constituent palamtine is a uterine stimulant, however, and as such pregnant women shouldn't

take this herb.

Barberry is another gut antibiotic, but it is also anti-malarial (though no self-respecting

herbalist would recommend anything other than doctor's treatment if you do contract malaria).

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea or augustifolia)

Echinacea is an immune stimulant.

Its main active constituents are the polysaccharides and the alkamides (especially the isobutylamides),

which are both immune stimulating, and the polyaceytlenes, which are antibacterial, anti-viral,

and anti-fungal.

Echinacea supports the activity of phagocytes, which are part of the immune system, and is

also considered anti-viral and anti-microbial.

One of the ways echinacea appears to work is by inhibiting the action of the enzyme


This enzyme is used by micro-organisms to break down the connective tissue that prevents

them from entering and spreading through the body.

For these reasons, it is excellent as part of a travelers remedy mix.

These remedies are not designed as a prophylactic, like a vaccine.

They work on the principle of giving your body an increased chance at staying healthy.

But nothing replaces common sense.

Wash your hands before eating.

Don't drink ice or from water bottles where the seal has been broken.

Drink cocktails in glasses, not cute but probably old coconut shells.

Don't eat anything fresh that you can't peel.

Don't eat ice cream or drink unpasteurized milk.

Be wary of eating from street vendors.

Some people do, and are fine.

But they are a risk factor with gastrointestinal upsets.

Its a good idea to pack some oral hydration salts as a precaution.

For more infomation >> Herbal Remedies To Prevent Travelers Diarrhea - Duration: 5:09.


Sporten als goed voornemen? Jesper stelt je hier 3 producten voor! - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Sporten als goed voornemen? Jesper stelt je hier 3 producten voor! - Duration: 2:46.


Tanja Herrbrich näht sich glücklich - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Tanja Herrbrich näht sich glücklich - Duration: 4:26.


(รีแอคชั่นเกาหลี) คนต่างชาติดูโฆษณาไทยที่ตกตะลึง [ซับอังกฤษ] - Duration: 6:41.

just now...

what did i just see?



wow again...

Hi, this is unusual Korean boy. And this is GaryParkTV.

I am an unusual Korean boy GaryPark.

Umm, I heard that

I heard that

The advertisements in Thailand are unusual too.

So what do I mean by unusual? I mean it is so awesome.

Thai ads are very very famous.

Many people know that Thailand is leading in ads.

Very unusual and interesting and awesome.

And lots of sad commercials.

Yeah, Thailand is so good in creating it.

They make commercials like movies.

Okay, I will be reacting once more.

Thai advertisement.

They are so good.

This one, I don't know what commercial it is.

As I see the title, is this a Waffle commercial?

Waffle Chocolate. I guess this is a snack ad.

Okay I will watch now. one, two, three!

I am so nervous now.

Because I was very shocked on the previous one.

The previous one was too shocking.

First, I thought it was

a love story between two lizards. a drama of lizards.

But suddenly changed to SHERA commercial.

Yeah, so now I will watch...

okay... I am so nervous worrying how this one will go like.

Okay, so! One, Two, Three!

Okay~ so

everything is fine till now.

If I guess at this point,

I think this advertisement is a

sad advertisement

which will make me cry.

Because the sound...

Did you hear that?

The background music sounds sad and serious.

The sound makes me to predict

that this is a sad story.

Heart-touching advertisement.

Because I've heard that there are lots of

ads in Thailand that makes us to cry.

Lots of heart-touching ads.

I guess this is an ad like that too.





Tears are coming out from the middle eye.

... !


........... !




Just now...

What did I just see?


Very shocking...!

Very Very shocking.




Can you see this?

My hands are shaking.

So shocked.




Eye was on the forehead.

And tears were coming out from there.

And mouth was at the back of neck.

Eating snack with it...

I am shocked.

How did they think like this?

Very smart.

If it is a Korean Advertisement,

nothing will be out of frame in such degrees.

Nothing so unpredictable like this much.

But Thai ads are so creative out of the frame.

Nothing caged in formula.

Always creative out of frame.

So good and creative.

So creative making me to be shocked.

Like, "WOW!"


So creative.

You know what?

I am so shocked.

I don't have any strength now.

I think can't watch anymore.

I am already too shocked.

But I would like to say that Thailand is so good in creating ads.

For more infomation >> (รีแอคชั่นเกาหลี) คนต่างชาติดูโฆษณาไทยที่ตกตะลึง [ซับอังกฤษ] - Duration: 6:41.


Pitabrot | HowTo | Delicuisine - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Pitabrot | HowTo | Delicuisine - Duration: 1:30.


Ces 3 produits vous aiderons à tenir vos résolutions sportives ! - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Ces 3 produits vous aiderons à tenir vos résolutions sportives ! - Duration: 2:00.


Trénuj střelbu jako profík s Nike PhantomVNM - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Trénuj střelbu jako profík s Nike PhantomVNM - Duration: 2:30.



For more infomation >> MI VIDA SE HA TRANSFORMADO: TESTIMONIO DE LARA - Duration: 6:27.


Schlumpf-Weltrekord: Lauchringen feiert sein blaues Wunder - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Schlumpf-Weltrekord: Lauchringen feiert sein blaues Wunder - Duration: 4:05.


BIG Opportunity to Settle in Guyana And Visa Free Entry 2019 - Duration: 6:10.

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