Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

Hello guys and welcome to Python programming tutorials by Amuls Academy.

Today in this tutorial we are discussing about the properties in Python, so previously in

this series we discussed about the decorators in detail but in that we took all the user-defined

decorators that is nothing but we defined the decorators, we defined the decorator function

we defined the decorator class then we applied that decorator function or class on the another

function or method right?.

But there are some built_in decorators also so in that we are learning three basic important

built in decorators.

so the first one is called property decorator the second one is class method decorator and

third one is static method decorator.

so we are learning these three built_in decorators so today in this tutorial we will talk about

the property decorators, in the next tutorial we will talk about the class method decorator

and static method decorator ok so here in this property decorator i am dividing it to

part 1 and part 2 because, otherwise it will become very lengthy i need to explain how

we can use property decorator as well as i need to explain how we can use this property

as function also that's why i will divide this as part 1 and part 2 so today we will

do Part 1 in the next tutorial we will do part 2 and next to next tutorial we will discuss

about these decorators ok. ok so this property decorator is a built_in

decorator so we know that why we use decorator because using decorator we can change the

class method or attribute without affecting the client side code.

In the same way this property decorator also has some purpose.

So the first one is, it will allow us to use class method as attribute ok so in this tutorial

i will show you the example for this and we'll see how this property will do this and the

second purpose is, we can replace setter method and getter method by using this property decorator.

This we will discuss in the next tutorial along with the property function.

ok so now we will see how we can use class method as attributes in Python.

So first of all in python file, i will take a class because we will use this property

decorator on the class so i will take a class named Student, so next i will take initialisation

method, so self I'll take two attributes first one is name and second one is grade ok.

So here self dot name is equal to name, self dot grade is equal to grade and here i will

take another attribute as "self dot message", it will print a message

so this will print a message ok self dot name, got grade self grade ok.

So it will print like this if i give name as Amulya, so Amulya got grade, if i give

grade as "B" Amulya got grade B, it will print like that ok so next this is my class

ok it contains only one method that is the initialisation method.

Now i can create an object so I'll take like this you can take any object name right?,

now i need to pass the name and grade because here we can see in the initialisation method

we can see name and grade so i will pass name as "nia" and grade as "B" ok so now

if i want to print name grade or message then i can write like this, print ok student,

so grade, message ok. so now if i save this and run this we can

get "nia","B","nia got grade B" so if i want to print any message here like

name, here we can see name:"nia", grade:"B", nia got grade B.

This is fine, so now i want to change the grade so i can change like this, ok i can

mention student1 dot grade and i can mention some other grade like "A" ok, So now if

i save this and run this, it will print name as "nia", grade as "A" ok it is changed,

but here we can see the message it contains nia got grade B ok that's because if you

change the value of an attribute of a class other attributes which are derived from that

class won't automatically update ok so that's why here we can see the grade got updated

but the attribute message which contains the self dot grade is not updated ok it won't

automatically update it, that's why we can see grade "B" here.

so now if any client or any other person is using your class then they'll get the wrong

output right?, here we can see we are getting wrong grade here right ?,so we need to fix

it, so for that what we can do is, instead of attribute we can take this in a method

OK then we will get the proper output that is like this, instead of this here we can

see the attribute name as message so here what i will do is, i will define a method

called message, so here i will take self ok so next this will return this.

So instead of message attribute i took message method now ok so now if i execute it as a

method ok here we will get the proper output, "nia","A", nia got grade A.

so here we are getting everything perfect right?, but here we can see we did a change

here in the class ok in the class Student, we converted the attribute to method because

of that change our client or the person who is using this class need to change this message,

previously it was an attribute so we didn't use this parenthesis, we mentioned like this

but after converting it to method to call that method we need to use the parenthesis.

now imagine that many clients or person are using this class in their project or program

and their project or program contains thousands of lines then wherever they used this message

attribute now they need to convert it to method ok that's not the easy task and clients

won't be happy with that, it is the extra work right?.

the people who used our previous class where the message was attribute now they need to

convert that to method, if they didn't change that then we will get the output like this

OK we will get the object.

ok we won't get the proper output so now we need to make the change to the class otherwise

we won't get the proper output but we don't want to make our client unhappy we don't want

to burden them with the changes right?, that time what we need to do in this case we can

use the property decorator which will allow us to change the class without affecting the

client code.

so that's nothing but here if i use the property decorator here like above this message, we

will use property decorator like this at and property if you remember while explaining

about the decorator i said using decorator is very easy we need to mention the @ symbol

followed by the decorator function name or class name but writing decorator is tough

because here we are using the built-in decorator we just need to mention the name ok so i will

just mention property and here we can see i am using it as attribute ok i am not calling

this method now.

so now if i save this and run this here we can see it will give the output ok we are

getting the output.

This property decorator allow us to use a method as attribute ok this is the one purpose

of the property decorator.

so now one of the Other client came to me and he want to assign here message he want

to change the message, for example i will remove this he want to set the message, like

he'll give message like i will take Amulya my name got grade A, he will set this message

now he want to get name and grade as Amulya and A OK so now if i save this what will happen?,

we will get the attribute error here we can see can't set attribute we can't set attribute

like this.

now our client came to us, he want to do this changes and he is asking us to do changes

in our class, so we want to value our clients demand so we need to change in our class ok.

so here we want to set the attribute so for that we need to use setter method ok so the

Setter method is nothing but which will allow us to set the attribute values, so here what

i will do is, i will remove this property decorator ok because first i will show you

if i didn't use any decorator then how this setter method will affect the client ok so

here i am not using any decorator ok so i can give any name to setter here, so i will

give method name as setter, self and message because i want to set the message so here

I'll take message ok so now what i will do is i will take a variable, you can take any

variable i will take sent, so next i will split the message now so why because here

we can see client will give this message now to get the name and grade from this i need

to split this message right?, so that's why i am doing this.

message dot split space wherever you will get space split the message so it will contain

Amulya got grade A, so this split will return a list so sent will be a list it contains

Amulya in the zeroth index, got in the first index, grade in the second index, 'A'

in the 3rd index ok so if you want i will print and i will show you so i will just print

sent ok so you can see the output later.

now i need to get the name and grade so here i will write self dot name ok as sent the

list name and zeroth index because name will be in the beginning of the message and that

will be stored in the zeroth index that's why I'll take name as sent of 0.

Ok so Now next i want grade so I'll take sent -1 because grade will be present in the last

and it will be stored in the last index we know that the last index is always -1 if i

take the negative index then the last value index will be -1 ok.

but here to call this method what we need to use we can't write like this right?, we

need to write like student1 dot setter then we need to use this message inside that then

it will work we can't write like this so i will comment this ok so now if i save this

and run this ok so sorry because i didn't use parentheses and i didn't use the property

decorator also that's why here i am getting the object but here we can see the list, as

i said the sent list Amulya got grade A. So now name will be assigned to amulya grade

is "A" here we can see ok so we can set the attribute value like this.

But our client wanted like this right?, now he didn't want to mention like this, he want

it like this, student 1 dot message as "Amulya got grade A", he want to mention like this

ok he didn't want to call the Setter method, now what to do?

so in this cases we can use the property decorator which will help us ok so here client no need

to change anything he can set the attribute like this but for this here we will mention

the property right?, next here what we need to do is so this will be the Setter method

so if client want to mention like this then i need to change the name of this ok i need

to mention it as message because here we can see, so the method name where we apply the

property decorator is message so i need to mention this method name also message and

here i can mention so @ message dot setter ok message dot setter decorator ok so now

if i run this, here we can see in the client side we set the attribute like this, we didn't

call the setter method.

we just mentioned object name dot message as Amulya got grade A, now if i save this

and run this Here we can see we are getting the output

Amulya got grade A, it got updated and we can see the message.

We didn't get the attribute error.

so this is about the property decorator which allows us to use a method as attribute.

in the next tutorial also we will continue the discussion on this decorator so that's

it for now guys thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel i will meet

you in next class till then take care .

For more infomation >> Python Tutorials - Property Decorators Part 1 - Duration: 16:42.


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Japan Must Have Travel Apps - Duration: 4:39.

Japan is a country of modern wonders and ancient traditions of teeming cities of pristine wilderness.

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transportation and money system.

For today's connected traveler, though

There are some great Apps that will help you navigate Japan like a pro but first, please, like, subscribe,

Comment and share and don't forget to ring the notification bell.

Before you head to Japan,

You'll need a couple of things to get the most out of your smartphone. A local SIM card and a VPN or Wi-Fi hotspot.

Check with your mobile carrier to see what plans they offer for traveling in Japan.

If your phone is unlocked, it might be cheaper to buy a local SIM card with unlimited data.

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Convenience stores in Japan are a great place for inexpensive meals.

They're much better than convenience in the US but still fit into any budget

For more tips on traveling through Japan check out these videos

If you have enjoyed this video, please like subscribe

Comment and share and do not forget to ring the notification Bell til next time happy and safe travels.

For more infomation >> Japan Must Have Travel Apps - Duration: 4:39.


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Το "τελευταίο αντίο" στην ηθοποιό, Νίκη Λειβαδάρη: Δείτε φωτογραφικό υλικό | Top News | - Duration: 1:18.

 Θλίψη στον καλλιτεχνικό κόσμο από την απώλεια της Νίκης Λειβαδάρη. Η 33χρονη ηθοποιός είχε συμμετάσχει σε τηλεοπτικές σειρές, ενώ είχε ξεχωρίσει, τόσο για το ταλέντο της, όσο και για το προφίλ της

 Όπως έγινε γνωστό στην εκπομπή της Τατιάνας Στεφανίδου, «Μαζί σου», η Νίκη Λειβαδάρη δεν αντιμετώπιζε κάποιο πρόβλημα με την υγεία της, ενώ έφυγε από τη ζωή από έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου

 Το μεσημέρι της Τρίτης 19 Φεβρουαρίου συγγενείς και φίλοι, είπαν το "τελευταίο αντίο" στη Νίκη Λειβαδάρη

Τραγική φιγούρα ο πατέρας της άτυχης 33χρονης.  Η κηδεία της έγινε στο Α' Νεκροταφείο Αθηνών

 Δείτε τα παρακάτω στιγμιότυπα…

For more infomation >> Το "τελευταίο αντίο" στην ηθοποιό, Νίκη Λειβαδάρη: Δείτε φωτογραφικό υλικό | Top News | - Duration: 1:18.


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Yes!And...: Sound Healer Suntara - Duration: 13:28.


Damanhur is a living lab for the future.

People come here from all over the world

and exchange their research and ideas.

Yes!And... is a way to share their inspiring stories

so that we can build a more awakened world together

[Esperide] Con voi, Daniel and Rosarmy, Welcome!

[Daniel] Thank you so much

[Esperide] So traveling the world with sound healing

[Daniel] Yes.

Esperide] that's what you do.

[Esperide] It's quite a wonderful project you have

and more then only 'just' traveling the world

seems really your life is in the world at the moment.

You are following signs to see

where you're most needed...

and where you can bring your beautiful art.

It's great that you also came to Damanhur.

I saw people coming out of your concert yesterday,

really beaming and super happy!

[David] Good, thank you.

[Esperide] so can you tell us more

can you share with us a little more about

what you're doing and what is your dream

[David] Yes, so the project,

the music project is named Santara,

which to us means bringing light

to the earth through sound.

So it's my mission, it is our mission, just to share

sound, all over the world

for the purpose of clearing out negativity

and creating space so the mind goes still

and people's small voice within

starts to talk to them and tell them

what the truth is,

what they need to be doing

[Esperide] So you feel that there is too much confusion

in the world at the moment.

That it makes it hard to hear really the wisdom

that we have within?

[David] Yes, people have stress and noise and

a lot of people are stuck in their heads.

I certainly was, and the reason why I'm passionate

about sound healing is because it got me

out of my head and into my heart for long enough

to call my beautiful wife.

[Esperide] Yes, so that was really wonderful

look at her! She's really a beautiful light

and what is it that brought you to this path?

[Rosarmy] The main reason is

to see the person you love,

the person that you care for

following his heart.

Every time he comes home happy

and high and beaming from exchanging this energy

and this passion.

That's all you want, you want the person

you love to be happy.

But then, every time you start

I was blessed enough to to be able to see

the testimonials of people,

the phone calls, the emails.

That shows how the music and the sound that

he brings has impacted them positively

in remarkable ways; with tears and hugs.

For me that was; well it's not just making

him happy, it's not just making me happy,

that we have a dream and that we

can actually follow

but that it is also impacting people positively.

So there's no question,

there's no question about that this is

what we have to do and that we happy to do.

[Esperide] So that also became your dream

and your mission.

[Rosarmy] ...and that of my children.

It's an energy thing.

when you have a dream and when you follow it

I think this is what we're here for

to first find that and that makes you happy

and then follow it.

Our children, all they care about is

that he's happy and when he's happy

and following his heart and so am I

and that's the best thing for us

to teach our children this.

That you can follow and trust your heart.

You can listen and follow that voice.

that's what we do.

[Esperide] Beautiful, and I'm sure that

you found some correspondence

also here in Damanhur

with your ideas and your ways of feeling.

[Daniel] Oh definitely. We feel very connected to

the people here and now we've only been here

for two days so far. But we definitely feel very connected

to the place and love the people.

[Esperide] Hopefully it's only your first visit.

[Daniel] Yeah, yeah, that's it!

[Esperide] since your are continuing to travel

around the world.

[Daniel] Yes, totally!

[Esperide] So can you tell me something about sound.

You said sound that heals.

Where does this sound comes from?

Where did you discover it?

What it is that you bring into your work?

[Daniel] So to me sound is an incredible space creator

and what I mean by that is; it's from the element ether,

no air, no fire, no water, nor earth.

So sound is of the element ether,

which is space. So to me...

[Esperide] Space?

[Daniel] Yes, space.

[Esperide] Space.

[Daniel] Yes, so what sound does

sound healing is a little bit inaccurate.

It's more like the sound,

the vibration of the sound.

We are vibration, so the vibration of the sound interacts

with us, moves things around, shifts and shakes things

and clears things out and creates a space

and into that space can come almost anything.

You can have healing come into that space

you can have revelation about something or a decision

about something come into that space .

Many people can have a physical healing

coming into that space not all the time,

but it definitely has happened.

People at my events they say they got taken on

a journey to realize something. That can happen.

So sound creates a space

and then what comes into that space is

what's needed for that person and that's where

the healing happens.

whether it's a direct physical healing or

whether it's something that they receive as an idea

or a next step for them.

[Esperide] ...and where does this sound come from you?

[Daniel] For me?

[Esperide] For you.

...from and for... do you use instruments?

you use your voice

did you study with teachers or specific traditions?

[Daniel] For me it's just been a journey.

It's mainly voice. I'm a what's called a vocal channel.

I allow sound to pour through me

and so I use instruments to support my voice

but it's mainly vocal. There's a vibration that comes

through on my voice that I've been developing for about

12 years now.

I did have a teacher briefly in the beginning,

but most of my learning has come by just doing it

and not being afraid to get some people together

in a group and sing over their bodies.

It started very basic but then over time

different voices started to emerge.

The opening of the voice is a lifelong mission

and it's always opening into new areas

the more that I do it.

[Esperide] You also teach people to do that right?

[Daniel] I do workshops.

Like I am doing tonight in Damanhur.

It's a voice liberation workshop.

so really helping people to get through

what's blocking them from using their voice;

either for singing but also for speaking up in life as well.

So just for using their voice.

A lot of people maybe...

have had an experience when they were children

or something that may have caused them

to hold their voice in or is blocking their voice.

So the workshop aims to help people to liberate and

clear away those blocks so that they can use their voice.

At its highest potential.

[Esperide] I think this is really very very needed.

[Daniel] Yes.

[Esperide] together with the clarity to

hear the inner voice...

[Daniel] Yes.

[Esperide] and the ability to express it.

[Daniel] Yes Sure.

[Esperide] Yes these two elements are really

very very important.

[Daniel] Yes.

[Esperide] Do you feel there is more like an increase

in sensitivity for this kind of work ?

[Daniel] Absolutely!

When I started doing this in Australia.

I started 12 years ago.

We had the kids so there wasn't much time

and then after that in 2011 I started in Australia.

It was really new for people,

but then when we left Australia

earlier this year in 2018

There's so much of it happening.

Everywhere we go, we've been to Portugal

we've been to the UK,

we've been to Scotland,

we've been to Asia on this trip.

And the events have been really well attended

because people are really interested in this.

It's like a ancient calling.

They want to come to experience this.

[Esperide] This is really wonderful.

[Rosarmy] We have felt for years before the decision

of traveling around the world was made.

We have always felt that there was this need

of sharing the sound, of doing this.

For me it's a great example and reminder of

what you want, wants you. That we are co-creating.

Yes, we left everything behind and

got a car and let's just do this.

but it's because people are ready for this.

So to answer your question; we do feel that people

are thirsty and are appreciating it and

the more we do this, the more they want it.

It's this beautiful example of what you want, wants you.

[Daniel] Yes.

[Esperide] This is another step in the direction of

feeling more hope for our future

and the awakening of humanity.

[Daniel] Yes, we have a lot of hope.

We trust and I trust, we have hope.

I trust that we do all have that inner voice

and that inner guidance.

All we need is more instruments to get us

into the voice to then have the promised life.

[Esperide] Wonderful.

[Daniel] Yes.

[Esperide] I know that it is maybe a lot to ask you

but do you think it's possible to share just a little bit

of this with the people they are watching

now on video?

[Daniel] Yeah sure.

I'll just do something vocally.

[Esperide] Wonderful.

[Daniel] Everything that I do is

improvised in the moment

I just allow sound to pour through me,

so I'll just do some vocal chanting.

[Esperide] Wonderful, we are here in the

Open Temple in Damanhur,

so I hope there is enough inspiration

[Daniel] Yeah, I am sure there is.


[....Vocal chanting....]


[Esperide] Thank you.

I have one last question to both of you.

If you could tell us what it is that has touched you

the most here in Damanhur?

What is inspiring you,

for the continuation of your journey,

of what you found here.

[Rosarmy] It's definitely been the

connection with nature.

When we first found out about Damanhur,

was through a friend who was here singing

and he showed us a video of how you get to connect

with plants and actually devices that

can bring the sound of the plant.

And my children just knew in that moment:

oh my god we have to go there

and being here is just a reminder,

a constant reminder through the paintings,

through the names of people that are loved

that nature is our best spiritual teacher.

It is, if we connect, if we tapped into the spirit,

or the energy of nature.

We are guided.

[Daniel] For me it's the people.

The people that we have met,

have all been so lovely,

so beautiful.

I feel so comfortable with everyone here you know

and that's so beautiful.

So it's through the people for me.

It's the top thing.

[Esperide] Thank you very much.

Looking forward to your concert!

Daniel & Rosarmy] Thank you, thank you so much!


In this episode:

Daniel Coates "Suntara" and Rosarmy Coates

with Esperide Ananas

Theme music: Patrick Djivas

Video Editing: Celastrina Calea

2018 Damanhur Foundation

For more infomation >> Yes!And...: Sound Healer Suntara - Duration: 13:28.


Analysis of Qualcomm: Semiconductor monopoly - Duration: 7:14.

This 3G phone has a Qualcomm chip in it

This 4G phone has a Qualcomm chip in it. This iPhone on which I'm filming this has a Qualcomm chip. My computer has a Qualcomm chip

Do you ever look at Qualcomm. If it is a good business and if it is a good investment

If your channel please consider subscribing I make one new video every day about the stock market about investing in a path of ownership

Qualcomm is an American multinational

Semiconductor and telecommunication equipment company it designs

Telecommunication products and services for the wireless market the company was founded in 1985

but the real boost the company happened during the boom is mobile technology when people

Started using mobile technology and so far Qualcomm chips have been dominating the 3G and 4G markets

And right now they want to end the fight rim of this. So what so what are these Qualcomm chips?

Actually, these are murders modulators demodulators

this is the chips that help you to connect to the internet and

Every mobile for me to have the chip in order for it to connect to the internet in death

But they don't make an emergency make other chips, too and they have over

130,000 buttons they don't make the triplets are actually the only licensed the chips to all the manufacturers welcome

Right now has full of the new segments the first one, excuse me Qualcomm CD and a technologies

This is 76% of revenue. The second one is due to a part of technology licensing

23% or revenues and us I park on strategic

Initiations. This is one percent about one percent of revenues

So what is qct quad commerce DME technologies?

So, like I said, they don't make the chips

So they just design it and then they have their own manufacturer which is going to make the chips when the chip is ready now

Parker can use the ship and sell it to other companies and that's how company search such as Samsung they

Use the cheats the bad the chips are designed by welcome

This is 76% of the revenue the second reminisce you like I said QTL Falcon technology licensing

Now this is another part of the business where they don't have to

Make someone else make the chips for them. Actually. They just have the design they have the packets. They just license the patent sensor

So the license the patents to Apple and Apple will use this license even after they don't make their own phone

now our real license this to its own the

suppliers and the suppliers will make those ships according to the patterns of

Qualcomm and of course Apple has to take one home for this and

Any company, which is using the license or the chips of Qualcomm?

They have to pay and we can say that father. They have some wonderful

monopoly understand conductor

market in this particular space the third part of the business QSI is actually only when you're buying

Acquiring regal investing in the new companies. So let's say there is a company making a type of

Chip that could possibly compete with quantum condom. We'll just buy the company

So this is one way for them to make money one important thing to do from the revenue segments. Is that since

2004 in the revenue of Qualcomm have not been increasing it actually fell and it has recorded even

Larger compared to two years ago. The revenue has been falling. So unless we got phenomenal

This is at the stock price of 49 US dollars per share

It has a market capitalization of 66 billions

The p/e ratio is 13 for 8. The price per book ratio is 16 4 5 the returns on equity is a

15.8% the profit margin is

10.2% the dividend yield is 4.9 zero percent. Actually we look at the dividend yield

you will see that up in board design a technique for the dividends that the appeal is more than the

fresh air and

The debt to equity ratio is four point five three the correct ratio is one point five so looking at these fundamentals

I have the price of welcome right now

I will say that this expensive but now let's look at the future of car come because it's reported

Maybe if part of is has important birdie on this market and they are moving into 5g

Maybe it's possible for us before premium on this stock, but there is a major problem with Qualcomm

And that is they have many lawsuits against that especially from Apple and from the FTC the Federal Trade Commission

Apple has been a major source of revenue for Qualcomm for years when I don't do that

The revenue have not really increases in 2004 it is because since 2004 it might have been actually using other

suppliers apart from Qualcomm such as also the NASPA revenues have been going down because after a certain food that part of their business

But now that we do other companies such as Samsung

Samsung Mobile other companies are using the chips made by Qualcomm

But still after was very important for them in 2008 in Apple say that they will stop using welcome chips

now they don't use any Qualcomm chip support instead use Intel chips and

Possibly in 2020. Apple will be making the objects barakamon

Apple have been in an ongoing war because according to them each one is blaming the other party of

patent infringement, but that's infrared in the

Electrical has a part that and phantom is using this but that without the permission without the inga

Apple and also a police cell that Qualcomm has monopolistic behavior that

they may charge exorbitant price on their programs even that's why the FTC is

Has no suit against a Qualcomm because of this parabola sticky havior

And it's not just in the United States even in South Korea even in Taiwan even in China even in the you

Don't have to pay fines because of these monopolistic behaviors

If I look at the stock today

I will say that it has a great prospect because of Tai Chi but it is too expensive and because of those rules

Comparing ampere with phantom uncle has the money to pay the fine

It can pay anything

Even if the point is 2 billion US dollars, it can't be that Qualcomm cannot afford to pay such big fines

So that's why I am unbeliev you that's important at such a price

The other strategy is too much the risk is too much

If for me a good price to look at Malcolm right now with the supernal roster here, but of course we all know


Highly unlikely that chorim will move through this price point so that's why i'm not going to invest in qualcomm

Do you have investment in Qualcomm? What do you think about Qualcomm? Let me know in the comments

Thank you for watching this video

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For more infomation >> Analysis of Qualcomm: Semiconductor monopoly - Duration: 7:14.


Karen Crashes Will's Mock Trial - Will & Grace (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Karen Crashes Will's Mock Trial - Will & Grace (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:22.


Rob Kowalski - My Testimony - Duration: 22:53.

I'm getting ready to introduce it.

A great friend of mine,

a dear brother,




personal road dog.


we've been through a lot the last five and a half,

six years,




became best friends.


but he,

he depicts that statement.

That transformation happens when your vision is greater than your pain.

You See,



won't tell you,

but he's actually had to sleep on a couch for the last like year.

He won't tell you that he's been driving someone's car for the last two years.

He won't tell you that he budgets his monthly budget under $1,500 a month.

He survives off of that.

He won't tell you the sacrifices that he does every day.

You see transformation,

not just within your life.

What in other people's lives happens when your vision is greater than your pain.

He won't tell you the hard times,

the lonely times,

the times where he wanted to throw in the towel.

I'm getting ready to read his bio here in a second,

but no one how I've walked beside him.

I had the comfort of,

of you know,

having a job while he literally walked by faith every day and he believed that

something great was going to happen through city fan.

I remember he went all in and he's been going all in for the last five years

towards this vision.

When Laurie coached him and said,

you can have this life,

he says,

I can have that line.

He goes,

I'm going to do everything I can to get to where I need to go.

Stop Drinking,

stop doing whatever was holding him back.

He's been living out his vision every day.

When I'm saying every day,

I'm not saying,

you know,

three hours at a day,

I'm saying 12 to 16 hours a day.

He lives,



sleeps city fam,

and those that live in Baltimore and that are around him can testify.

That's what he's all about is seeing lives changed and he's just a great friend

of mine.

He challenges me and so many different ways.

I'm going to read now,

read his bio.

So rob quasi is a self proclaimed,

reformed bad boy once the biggest stripper and nightclub promoter in his

hometown in Baltimore,


He had a radical life changing counter with Jesus and turned his life around

Rob's life of excess,

taught him many lessons and his mess has became his message.

He's the CEO and founder of CityFam,

a Baltimore based nonprofit organization that advocates for the power of

community to transform individuals,


and even the world is the author of why waiting works,

how fast sex prevents us from finding true love and longterm happiness.

Can we just give it off from Mr Rob?




I can find,

you know a market,

thanks guys.

Appreciate it.

Let's give it up for Bill.

Thank you guys

common for invest in a,

your weekend to be here.

It's really awesome.

Really humbling to be honest,

to hear about people from all over the country,

even other countries.

It's crazy.



this was a dream of mine and Lori's actually probably early on,

six years ago,

we would dream about,

you know,

coaching big groups of people and really helping them find a vision for their

life back when we were on road avenue in Dundalk,

if anybody's from Maryland and knew where it's at.

It was a long,

long time ago.

So this is really,

really cool to have this come to fruition.

And I really just wanted to Kinda share my,

my testimony I guess for lack of a better term,

Lori asked me to tell you about it.


my story because,


I think it's easy to see the highlight now,

you know,

but it's better to hear the origin cause it,

it might look like I have it all together and you know,

I got it going on,



there was a long time that I did.

So kind of just want to give you my background a little bit,

want to talk for about 20 minutes and now I want to share really what city fam

is the heart behind it and kind of how we came up with it.

So I was born and raised in Baltimore.

My mom was pregnant,

got pregnant with me at the age of 14 years old.


her and my dad actually did get married but didn't last long.


surprise I say.




my grandmother raised me till I was about four or five years old and my dad,

my mom took custody of me back over I guess when she was about 19 years old.

And my dad was never in the picture.

He was never in the same state as me,

never pay child support.

So I really didn't have much of a relationship with them.



you know,

my mom was working,

she had an eighth grade education,

so she was kind of just trying to pay the bills,

was a waitress mostly.

And uh,

I just ran the streets a lot,

raise myself,

taught myself how to be a man.

And you know,

from the time I pretty much hit puberty,


I just kinda learned from television and movies,

you know,


what a man was supposed to act like,

or at least what I thought he was supposed to act like.

And I thought if I could sleep with a lot of women that are validated me.

And you know,

I remember when I was about 14 or 15 years old,

I found a video tape that my mom and her friends had rented up some male

strippers and popped it in the VCR.

And I watched it and I was like,

I didn't even know that that existed,

but I thought that's what I want to do for a living.

So from the time I was 14 or 15 years old,



I think it's funny now,

but I wanted to be a stripper.

That was my,

you know,

I remember it distinctly and I told my friends about it.

So when I was 19 years old,


my five year dream of becoming a male stripper became true.

And I started dancing.

I started working for all the entertainment agencies in Baltimore,

was working with a review group,

you know,

and I guess I was,

like I said,

19 for about eight years I did that.

I became the,

the most,

the biggest smile,

the busiest stripper in Baltimore.

Like I've worked for every entertainment agency.

I was in the phone book and,


life was a party,

you know,

it was everything that you think,

you know,

if anyone's seen magic,


y'all shouldn't have seen magic Mike if you did.

But if anybody did,

it was like that.


but I,

I kind of became a transition to that voting nightclubs and in Baltimore,

and that just increased the debauchery.



you know,

when I,

I didn't really think much about God to be honest.


I had limited exposure to them when I was younger.

My uncle put me in a couple of Christian schools,

which I,

which I got expelled from.


but thank you all.


Can you hear me better now?




but when I was 27 years old,

I was in Cancun,

Mexico with a group of about 15 friends.



God called me.

It was the first time I heard God's voice in my life.

First Time I felt his presence and I,

I heard it.

He said he had a plan for my life and he asked me,

ask me to trust them and to follow him,

which I did.

And I did the most radical one 80 a person could do.

From that point on,



I quit stripping.

I quit promoting,

I broke up with my girlfriend,

you know,

that I had been having sex with,

I call my friends and I started going to church on Sunday.



what makes my story different,

I always have to share is,

is when God called me,

he told me that he had a girl form of,

of why for me,

you told me you she loves,

actually it was a girl who lived in California that I knew that I never really

thought of that way.

I mean,


I thought she was pretty,

but that was about it.

And um,

but he told me that,

you know,

this is your soul mate and I've tried to contact her.

She didn't reciprocate.

So I thought,


well if this is God,

you know,

he'll make it happen because you know,

everything that I read about him,

he knows the end from the beginning.

So I said,

I'll wait.

And I thought it would happen fast,

to be honest.

I thought it was going to be a couple of weeks,

maybe a month or two.

And I remember praying,

I said,


I said,


I'll wait.

I mean,

cause I was,

I had a lot of sex before that if anybody suddenly genuine nuvi back then.

But I,


I was like,

oh wait,

I said God,

but you better hurry because you know,

I can't wait long.

And um,

I waited and it turned into six years and it was the loneliest six years of my


I would,

you know,

went to church on Sundays and you know,

the six and a half days a week besides work,

I didn't really do much else because I was dying.

I started die like quickly within a couple of weeks.

I was like really lonely.

I went from having a very active social life to having nothing to do on the

weekends and no one to do it with.

And I was like,

all right,


where did the cool Christians hang out?


Cause that's what I was trying to find them.

And so I started and I,

they just,

I went to some Christian coffee houses and there was just nothing out there.

And so I ended up just kind of going to the movies,

you know,

on the weekends and trying to avoid trouble.

That was my strategy.

I'm like,

I'm just going to try to avoid sin because eventually he's going to bring her to

me and that will solve this problem.

So after about six years,


I was starting to run out of gas.


but my determination was starting to wear off and I've been abstinent that whole


Sheltering myself from the world for the most part.

And um,

I had this idea though,

cause I started to see my old friends lives starting to fall apart from the bad

decisions that,

that I was making previously also.

But there were,

their lives were starting to fall apart.

And meanwhile,

you know,

I'm trying to get them to get sober and go to go to recovery or come to church

with me because I feel like that was that what's,

what they need it.

But I could not get on the,

come from the life of me.

And here I was,

I was the leader of the pack.

You know,

when God called me up,

I was the guy that,

you know,

pretty much said I was a promoter.

So it was the one that was saying,


this we're party here this night here this night.

And pretty much people came,


and I could not get them to come to this,

those places.

And I'm so I thought I prayed a lot about it and I can,

I'm sorry if you guys aren't believers,

but I can't help not talk about God because it was such an integral part of the


But I,


I really felt led back into the club scene.


like God was giving me the green light to go back to promoting,

which was shocking to me because I,

I didn't think that I'd ever do it again.

And I got back into it.

I started promoting.

It was,


it was summer of 2006.

So I've been out of the scene for six years.

Nobody even really knew who I was anymore when I got back into it.

But I had the hot,

like within about three months,

I literally took over the nightlife scene in Baltimore and I had the hottest

club in the city on Saturday nights.

It was a place called CAS boss.

I mean you all might remember,

but on Thursday nights I had a smaller group and the nightclub and we were

reading purpose driven life and we would go out to homeless park and we would

feed the homeless people after the small group.

And anybody that came to the small group on Thursday,

I would let it in for free to the nightclub on Saturday.

Didn't make them wait in line,

treat it like the Ip and it was awesome.

And all of a sudden my small group blew up and went from like eight people to

like 50 people.

And I had drug dealers and strippers come into my small group when I was like,

this is awesome.

These are my vehicle.

And um,

but it was so edgy.

It was right when I met Laurie and pastor Chris.

I just started going to church.

And it was so edgy though and I,

because I didn't have good,


accountability and I hadn't set good boundaries,

it just,

it sucked me in.

I slept with a girl,

I was still drinking at the time.

I slept with a girl,

I broke my six year streak and then once I lost that badge because it was a

badge of like,

almost like that is pride.

Once I lost that,

it became easier to make mistakes.

So about a month later I slept with the second girl and some people in my group

found out about it and they judge me fairly,


pretty harshly and rightfully so.

So I stepped down from leadership and once I did that,

it was like stepping back into the shadows and my life started the spiral

because here I was now it was the biggest promoter in the city again.

I was making all this money,

I was popular.


it was like the perfect storm,

you know,

came together and the devil got me and I just,

for the most part over the next five years,

I ended up right back to where I was when I started,

before I met the Lord,

except now I just was really guilty because I knew I was,

I was wrong and he was disappointed in me.

So it was,


toward the end of 2011 and my dad got diagnosed with cancer and,


through a series of events,

God brought me to my knees and I rededicated my life to him and that's when I

started meeting with Lori.

And if is unnatural as it felt for me to go back to that life cause I tried,

I've given it everything.

I had to be a good Christian boy and I couldn't do it,

but it was better than the alternative because I had made such a mess.


and I just didn't like the way that I felt about myself.

So I read dedicated and uh,

you know,

Laurie and I,


I remember she offered to coach me.

She said,

you know,

let's meet up and you know,

life coaching or whatever.

And I remember how cynical I was driving to that first meeting because I was


what's a life coach?

What does this,

this is going to be a waste of time.

Literally I thought that as like this is going to be a waste.

So we,

I got there and she,

you know,

she told me about the six areas of my life and she broke it down for me and she

asked me several questions for each area of my life and I answered them


And the next time we got together she said,

I want you to close your eyes.

And she said,

this is your vision statement.

And she read it to me.

I think I have it with me.

And she read it to me and it was the most perfect life because it was based on

my answers,

but it was the most perfect life that you could imagine for me.

And I was too.

It was almost too good to be true.

It was just like,

I don't know if that could actually happen,

but she helped me believe it enough that I said,


if it's even possible,

I'll do anything to get there.

So I quit drinking.

A few months later I broke up with my girlfriend,



not long after that so I could be abstinent.

I quit promoting,

which was my only source of livelihood.

And you know,

I just,

I did everything basically that I could,

everything that I have been ever since for the last six years.


I don't even look at my notes,


I really want to share.

I want to share the,


I want to share the ladder of city family,

kind of where that came from.


I guess the point that I really wanted to make was if you,

if you look at my life,

you know,

first when I started coaching,

when I found,

when I discovered the vision for my life,

I was,

I was an alcoholic at the time.

I was a Christian.

I was just very backslide.

But I was an alcoholic.

I was using drugs.

I was probably a sex addict.

I was an old promoter,

which is really bad.

You know what I mean?

It's too old to be doing no idea what I was going to do with my life for my


You know,

I had some vague ideas,

but the vision is what propelled,

push me through.

It's like really sad.

It pushed me through all the pain.

And that's why I'm really excited about this weekend because I know that each

one of you here has been created for a purpose.

And when you find it,

it's gonna Change your life and it's going to change the lives of the people

that are around you.

So when we started city fam,

we kind of had this idea,

and this is,

this is pretty much what we operate by for the ladder.

So what we believe is

we put fulfillment at the top that everybody wants to get to this point.

Everybody wants to wake up,

excited to get out of bed,

living their best life now,


What we believe is you don't get there without this community.

It's possible for you to reach your full potential unless you have a group of

people around you to inspire you,

encourage you and support you.

Because if you don't,

sooner or later you'll run on the gas.

Like I bet you know,

I white knuckled it for six years.

I want you to,

I was the most permission was person.

I knew it.

No sex for six years.

Like that's hell of a lot of determination.

Thank you.

So you have to have that cheering section.

You've got to have a group of people around you just to do life with.


But the way that we see it as well,

first off,

everybody wants to be here.

Everybody wants to reach their full potential.

And it takes healthy community,

not just community,

but that takes healthy community.

People that bring out the best in you.

We believe that,

you know,

the way it exists now is this is what we ask people to do.

We ask people to take this huge first step.

Churches do that are the worst people with us.

We're like,


And that,

that was the same thing for me.

I was trying to get my friends to come to church so they can become better

versions of themselves,

but it's too big of a step for people.

It's too,

a lot of times it's too big of a step for people to get sober and go to


Nobody gets sober until shit falls apart.

You know what I mean?


or your court ordered and that's a terrible strategy to wait until you hit rock


People don't go to church until they're in crisis a lot of times.

So did city fam.

We did.

We said,


let's do this.

Let's just meet people where they're at.

Let's do something social.

Let's do something fun together.

We call it fun without regret.

And then let's follow it up with something followed up a service because,

so when I went,

when I rededicated my life in 2011 and I started meeting with Lori,

I was staying home alone every night by myself.

I was renting redbox movies.

Now if I wasn't committed to waiting,

my story would be completely different because I would have Netflix and chill.

I would've called up a girl when he got on Tinder or whatever and I would have

had sex.

You know this,

if I were to spend time alone with a girl,

I knew that would happen.

So that wasn't an option for me.


and that's what people do when they hit that point and loneliness is that the

date they date out of loneliness and then they end up having sex and then they

get a baby's Mama or baby daddy or they get broken.

You know,

somebody leaves him in this cycle.

So it's a bad strategy if you're dating that a loneliness.

So we,

it takes community to make it through that,

that wilderness period.


Cause it got will take,

wants to take you through a process before he brings you into your promised land

because he wants to prepare you for,

but you can't get through the wilderness by yourself.

You know,

I talk about it in one of the videos I made about the truth about sex is like if

you look at wagon trains back in,

you know,

the 18 hundreds like when people wanted to cross the country,

they didn't try to go alone.

They wanted the wagon train because it was safer and it was probably a lot more

enjoyable to trek across the country with,

with some people.

It's the same way with this.

You got to go through a process.

You've got to have to go through some ups and downs and emotional emotional

roller coaster.

And if you don't have a group of people,

you ain't making it.

But the thing is is like,

you know,


people don't go to these fine,

seek out these healthy communities typically until,

like I said,

until things hit rock bottom and sometimes they never get to that point.

Sometimes they just kind of teed her along the bottom and they never hit their


They never had.

They never,

you know,

really touched down to the point where I'm like,


I need to quit doing drugs or I need to stop bouncing from relationship to


So what we did,

we do is we started doing social events and that really started out as just

selfish reasons because like I said,

I was,

I was rambling,

but then what we realized was like,

this is easy.

Like I said,

it's easy to get this person a lot,

let's just say it's a lot easier to get them to a social event than it is to get

them here.

Wherever here is,

maybe if it's recovery,

maybe it's church,


whatever healthy you identify as a healthy community,

it's a lot harder to get them to those places.

But these,

these people that are members of this community are living in their law,


their board.


they're renting dolphin tale on the weekends.

So if you start organizing fun events,

fun without regret,

they'll come down.

And this is where the magic happens when those two people me,

because you know what they always say when it comes to city family.

That's it man.

Everybody's so nice because like billing and I talk about the culture of a

healthy community is what can I do for you,


The culture of what they're used to is what can I get from you so when they feel

it's like,


that's refreshing.

I it feels good.

I want more of that.

And we're like,


everybody is really nice.

Guess what we're doing next week we're going to go feed some homeless people.

You want to come?

And I'm like,


I've always wanted to do something like that.

I just know how to get started and then take another step and by the time they

get up here,

they start feeling different about themselves.

They made some healthy friendships.

They have something to do on Friday night besides the wrong thing and you see

him walk right up the ladder and they get off of drugs.

They quit,

they break up with that crappy boyfriend or girlfriend.

They leave that dead end job to pursue.

A dream cause now they have,

they see other people that are going after it.

But that's the magic.

It's community.

It just changes people and it makes the process of becoming the best version of


So much easier and so much more enjoyable.

So that's really what city,

fam is.

That's where our heart behind it.

And I'm gonna wrap it up here in a second.

I guess the one point I really wanted to leave you with is just,

you know,

trust God because there were so many times that when I was going through this

and I just,

I didn't understand what was going on in the first six years.

I was just,

I was so lonely and,

and like I felt like an alien in the world,

but I just kept trusting them.

I just kept kept them in the first place.

I was like,

he knows something that I don't.

So even if you're not a believer here,

trust that voice inside because that's how he speaks to you.

You know,

it's that gut instinct.

You know what feels right,

not your,

not your head or what you think or were hard even cause that will lie to you,

but your gut,

you know.

So I don't think just because you don't believe in God that he stops

communicating with you.

I still think that if you lead you,

but I would just say continue to trust him because that to me is the greatest

gift that you can give.

And it's really the only thing that you can hold back as the trust.


but when you,

when you give that to him,

he'll honor and he'll write a beautiful story with your life regardless of where

you were.

Cause I'm living proof.

So thank you all for being here.

Give it up for Mr Rob Walsh.

You one more time.

For more infomation >> Rob Kowalski - My Testimony - Duration: 22:53.


Exclusive interview with Yakuza's Kazuma Kiryu & Producer [] (Eng sub) - Duration: 17:32.

For more infomation >> Exclusive interview with Yakuza's Kazuma Kiryu & Producer [] (Eng sub) - Duration: 17:32.


Best Mac Apps 2019: Top 9 Free MacOS Apps - Duration: 5:25.

Hey friends!

I'm Tasia and this video features my updated favorite free Mac apps for 2019!

Be sure to hit that subscribe button for more content just like this.

I'm running through this top 9 list in alphabetical order, with a bonus honorable mention at the


First up: Alfred.

Making its debut in 2011, Alfred is an oldie but a goodie.

Think of Alfred like your Spotlight search but a million times more powerful.

A very very quick highlight for you is that you can of course search your Mac, but also

search the web, complete currency conversions, calculate equations, customize your searches,

launch applications, use hotkeys and keywords, and even perform system commands.

These are just some of the features the free version of Alfred can do.

Getting familiar with Alfred will definitely show you why this is an award winning efficiency


You can also upgrade to the Powerpack for between about $25 to $40.

Next up is Bear, offering a suite of apps for iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Think of Bear like a souped-up version of Notes.

I was a big Notes user before finding Bear.

The biggest differences for me are the customization options that Bear offers, the markup options,

as well as the organized tagging system.

For example, with Bear you can use searchable hashtags within the body of your notes to

help you quickly find your other content relating to that topic.

PS - you can also use Bear for to-do lists and so much more than I can cover in a quick


Now, if you want to sync your notes across all your devices, like the notes app does

automatically for example, you will have to upgrade.

Third on the list is CheatSheet, all one word.

This app is all you'll need to become a master of keyboard shortcuts.

With CheatSheet, just hold down the command key on your Mac and and you'll instantly

get a list of shortcuts customized to whatever app you're in.

Next on the list is my new best friend, my favorite password keeper, Dashlane.

Think of Dashlane like a free lastpass, but prettier, and I think more user friendly.

With the free version, you can manage up to 50 passwords and autofill any personal information

on a device.

It's the perfect app for my Mac.

Now if you want to sync all your passwords across multiple devices, and manage unlimited

passwords, you can upgrade to the $5 a month version.

Coming in at number 5 on the list is Day One.

If you're into journaling, you'll love this free iOS app.

You can setup daily reminders to journal and document big milestones in your life.

You can add pictures, see a map view of where that memory took place, and categorize entries

by tag.

Even cooler is that Day One will remind you of things that happened back on this day.

The next app to make the cut is a message manager called Franz.

With a Z or Z, depending on where you're from.

Franz allows you to manage all your messenger services in one spot.

We're talking What's App, Messenger, Slack, Gmail - that's right your emails, Skype,

Google Cal, and more.

Forget signing into multiple clients, just continue numerous chats from one central hub.

Yes please!

I'm obsessed.

The next app on my list is a fun one, Giphy Capture.

As you might imagine this is a gif-making app.

All you have to do is drag and re-size the window box over the area you want to capture,

and hit the record button.

You can edit the GIF and either publish it to Giphy or download it.


Okay this next app is for all you music lovers out there.

Use Odio to stream your favorite radio stations.

When I'm not editing, I like to listen to music and Odio is a really cool way to find

and listen to stations around the world.

There are a few ways to find stations, like by country, language or tag, and once you

have your stations added, you can easily flip through them with very little lag time.

I live in a place where radio isn't the best and we're ofter behind new music by

months, so Odio is a great way for me to add my fave stations from back home and keep up

with what the cool kids are listening to.

Plus I can listen to my news back home too.

Last, but certainly not least is Todoist.

This is a really tough call between Todoist and Wunderlist, but I just love the interface

and some additional features of Todoist so much.

Todoist is the ultimate task manager for Mac.

You can easily setup recurring events just by typing a little reminder like 'pay visa

bill the first Monday of every month'.

You can easily get a birds eye view of upcoming tasks.

You can also organize your tasks with filters and tags, and create subtasks and headers.

And Todoist even integrates with your Amazon echo device and other apps.

So those are my 9 favorite free Mac apps for 2019, but I did promise you all an honorable

mention and here it is: Chrome.

That's right.

I still use Chrome as my go-to number one browser.

Let the hate comments begin.

Now I really do want to hear from you!

Let me know what free apps you use in the comments below.

You can click right here to subscribe to my channel and right here to watch another video.

See ya next time!

For more infomation >> Best Mac Apps 2019: Top 9 Free MacOS Apps - Duration: 5:25.


Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools - Excellence - Duration: 0:19.

In the sports, or in the music industry

where you see black excellence,

you don't see any affirmative action.

You don't see any lawsuits.

What you do see is excellence.

For more infomation >> Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools - Excellence - Duration: 0:19.


Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova I Jive I Superstars 2019 - Duration: 2:10.

subscribe now

dancesport video

ballroom dance



panache star video

subscribe now

For more infomation >> Artur Tarnavskyy & Anastasiya Danilova I Jive I Superstars 2019 - Duration: 2:10.


Laity - Spirit Come - Duration: 3:19.

Spirit come, have Your way In every heart, breathe life again

Spirit come, have Your way In every heart, breathe love again

Let Your waters fill the earth

Spirit come, have Your way In every heart, breathe life again

Spirit come, have Your way In every heart, breathe love again

Let Your waters fill the earth

The earth

Counselor, intertwine In my bones, in my mind Comforter, Your love invites again

For more infomation >> Laity - Spirit Come - Duration: 3:19.


Voltamos para a Finlândia - Duration: 5:08.

My name is Alysson Soares, and welcomer to Finland

we are back!!

today video I will show you

what we can do in the snow, have been snowing to much

the snow is like this, because the tractor

clean the way, where people walk

thats why have this "mountain" of snow

this is outside of the apartment where we live

I will show also the street

if not clean , is almost impossible to drive

Finland have good plan , when snow so much

this is the sidewalk , there is the street

the tractor push the snow

and make this snow mountain between sidewalk and street

there also have a "mountain" of snow

lets walk around and see the city

how look like in the winter time

we go out play with Milan

there is Iira

Hi , Milan!!

this toy is like a soapbox car that we have in Brazil

but in Finland

is without wheels

but you can have funny with it

lets go and play

and see how look like the finnish winter

we are almost there, where we gonna play

Iira that is 100% finnish , she get used with this cold weather

but even her , It takes a few days to adapt , we were in Brazil

in Brazil was plus 40C

Iira checked in the phone its feel like -8C

so , from plus 40C to -8C

Its a chock to our body

slowly we get used with it

soon we go down the hill

this we see everywhere

this yellow snow

the Dogs mark the area everywhere

dog: where I gonna pee them? :D

We see everywhere

see how much snow the tractor push

we arrive in the hill

nice view

everything so white

we gonna go down the hill , with the soapbox car

have another video i will put in the card

somewhere here

If you didnt saw yeat I show the "soapbox car" in the snow

this one look like we have in brazil but without wheels

here its call STIGA

Iira is ready


thats it subscribe in the channel

say Hi to my friend Jheferson , that is Fan of the channel

I will end the video making a Angel in the snow

subscribe and see you next time!!

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