Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

(The Everything Show)

The amazing show starts now!

Introducing the opening show!

They're the top show for 60th birthdays!

Feats of strength!


We've been practicing feats of strength for 10 years.

- I'm Gupal! / - And I'm Chilsip.

Gupal and Chilsip!


We are not here to sell things.

- Storybooks for kids for sale! / - Gosh...

They make a great gift for children!

Please buy one.

- Please buy one... / - Hey!

What are you doing?

Chilsip, it's not like that...

You fool!

It's a pop-up book.


For the feat of strength we'll show you...

We'll break this board

with a newspaper!

Impressive, Chilsip!

Gupal will do it?



Chilsip, I can't do this.


Do you want to break that with a newspaper

or do you want me to become your bride?

Then I'll do it.

Alright then...

Hey, hurry up and roll it up.

- Chilsip... / - Yeah?

It feels like all eyes are on me!

I'm ready.

Alright, good.

Please work.

I did it!

Radiant Gupal!

Now we'll make things harder.

He'll break marble with the newspaper.

Are you insane, Chilsip?

That's totally ridiculous!

Here comes the bride.

I'll make it work.

Alright then.

Gupal did it!

Hey, how did you do that, Gupal?

- We sell metal chopsticks too. / - Good job.

Introducing the next show!

Life starts at 100.

It's the 100-year-old Men!

1, 2, 3, 4.

Are you trying to break that?

You'll hurt yourself.

That's dangerous!

- Nice job! Good one. / - Hold this.

Bring it.

You're going to balance that on your head?

That's too hard.

Static electricity!

Nice one. You did it.

Take this.



You're going to kick that?



Not yet, not yet.

You're going to turn it inside out?

You did it.

The dartboard...

Bring it.

I'll hit the bull's-eye.

1, 2...


We did it.

♪ I'm full ♪

♪ I'm a picky eater ♪

♪ I'm full, I'm a picky eater, I can't have any more ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

♪ After turning a few times I get anemia ♪


My gosh.

You're heavy.

You almost passed out.

Are you okay?

♪ I'm full ♪

- ♪ Ribs ♪ / - ♪ Ribs ♪

♪ Ribs, he's so skinny ♪

♪ I'm a picky eater ♪

♪ The girl can lift me ♪

Put me down.


♪ I'm full ♪

♪ I'm a picky eater ♪

♪ I'm full, I'm a picky eater, I can't have anymore ♪

♪ No matter how they stuff their faces ♪

♪ It's way too much food ♪

♪ We can't finish these ♪

♪ Let's share these ♪

♪ Don't go, don't go ♪

- ♪ We'll eat those ♪ / - Give me that.

Give me that.

This is my favorite skit.

For more infomation >> Pigeon Magic Troupe | 비둘기 마술단 [Gag Concert / 2019.02.16] - Duration: 7:03.


🖤Playboi Carti - PSYCHEDELIC [Type beat] [IVASH BEATS] - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 🖤Playboi Carti - PSYCHEDELIC [Type beat] [IVASH BEATS] - Duration: 2:17.


নামাযের মাঝে দুনিয়ার চিন্তা আসলে করণীয় কি শায়েখ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> নামাযের মাঝে দুনিয়ার চিন্তা আসলে করণীয় কি শায়েখ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:15.


Spanish Shows for Learning Spanish Buena Gente S2 E5 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Spanish Shows for Learning Spanish Buena Gente S2 E5 - Duration: 4:12.


Vikramaditya's Parahitha @ Old Age Home | 2nd charity | Join Me In Serving The Needy | Vikramaditya - Duration: 10:12.

Anyone who indulges in helping others

Will become a greatest person to Pancha Bhuthas

Being helpful to others is the ultimate righteouness.

There is no match for a helpful person in this world.

I feel ashamed to say that I was born in this disgusting society

We think we have advanced both scientifically and technologically

but we are a huge failure as human beings

After watching the full video

A question arises within, do we still have goodness and humanity inside us?

Recently I've visited an old age home with 86 members

Randomly I asked 3 of them to tell the reason for them to join in this old age home

I was intolerable with our society when I heard what they said

there are sons who created a death certificate of their living father

sold his entire property and kicked their father out of his own house

After fathers death, a single mother despite of many struggle raised her children

but just by listening to their wives, they sent her to the old age home

There are sons who made their mother as servant at home

and left their father at the old age home.

won't you believe me. OK listen for yourselves in their own voice.

"Where are you ? you are not here, you are dead" said my son

they have given you death certificate

those bastards given me certificate of dead for money and drink

they sold your property, ok, but why weren't you with them

if I be with them, they drink and beat me no son

Did your children came to see you ? "No"

How many children do you have ? " 3 sons

Then how do you feel despite of having children to be here, like this in an old age home

Nothing would happen if my old lady is with me

My wife. nothing would have happened if my wife was alive

She's gone and now my life has become so miserable

still how many days i'll live this way I don't understand

My sons

they don't look after me

They straight away said they won't look after me on my face

One son was 6 and other son was 3 when my husband died

Few people asked to sell my sons. "Give us, we will give you 3 lacs" sell them

I won't sell, I'll keep them with me

Such a great person you are and they have done this to you

No father or mother wish to live in an old age home

First we have to look after our lives and our children's life

What happened ? everything in life is over for you

they spoke to you in such a rash way

huh, eat something, live somewhere

he spoke to me that way

there are many species living in this world, why can't we old people live.

thinking this I've joined in this old age home

My wife is alive sir, she's a asthma patient

They said, how many can we feed, if only one person then we can look after them

they separated you both, because of you both they have taken birth and now they separated you

Now a days it takes 15000 per month to look after 2 members

then they should have joined their children in an orphanage

No no, their children are gold for them, why would they do that

we are the bad persons to them

for giving birth to them

Daughter-in-laws are not accepting sir, they said "if your mother stays we won't live here"

their wives

their wives not accepting me to stay

I was so hurt for the way they spoke to me

I started crying after hearing those words


my health, its not good sir i have a broken arm

I wish for someone like you to come and help me

For more infomation >> Vikramaditya's Parahitha @ Old Age Home | 2nd charity | Join Me In Serving The Needy | Vikramaditya - Duration: 10:12.


Monthly Expense in Canada - Family on PR / work permit II Moving to Canada - Money talk - Duration: 25:27.

hello everyone

welcome to happy home happy life

Last when i shared my PR story

and life about canada as an immigrant

all of you have liked it so much

thanks a lot

and in case you have missed that video

I will leave the link in the description box

please check

it has all important information regarding canada

especially if you are coming on PR

I have received lot of questions

but the most frequently asked ques

was - what is the monthly expense in canada

definitely monthly expense

depends upon your lifestyle

which city you are moving to

it;s a big city or small city

I will try to share

the average monthly expense

to live in canada for a family of 4

I have been to edmonton for 4 years

so whatever cost i will share

it will be as per the expenses in edmonton

which is the capital city of alberta

If you are moving to some big cities

like toronto / vancouver

definitely your monthly expense

will increase

as toronto and vancouver

are one of the most expensive

city of canada

also please watch this video till end

as i will share few tips

on how you can survive in low income

during your initial months

after you move to canada on PR

so let's start

The biggest part of your monthly expense

is housing - rental

again rental depends upon where do you stay

if you are living in downtown rent will be more

and if you live little

away from the center of the city

rent will become less

there are many options of rent

the most affordable and budget friendly one

is basement

basement has some advantage and disadvantage

advantage is it's the most

budget friendly option

and disadvantage is

there is no proper light in basement

and also internet and phone connectivity

is poor

i personally don't like basement

but yes you will get

1 bedroom basement in 800 - 900 $

next option is


and i feel apartment is the

best option for newcomers

if you are staying in downtown

1 bedroom apartment you will

get in 1300-1500 $

and if you move far from

downtown towards residential area

you will easily get

1 bedroom apartment in 1200 - 1300 $

mostly apartments

has facilities of swimming pool and gym

in some apartments laundry is


sharing laundry means

in every floor there is 1 laundry

and everyone on that floor has to share that

you get a card and you have to refill

it time to time

only problem you have to wait

when laundry is free

then only you can wash your clothes

Next option is condo

condo is more expensive

as you have to pay condo fee

condo fee is something like

maintenance fee in india

and in condo you get

more facilities

but yes the rent is expensive

even if you get the condo in 1200-1300$

you have to pay

condo fee of 100-300 $

on top of your rent

so total rent will go higher than 1500 $

which is definitely

an expensive option

for a newcomer

Next is proper house

Here house is

like you have ground floor

upper floor and sometime even basement

A full fledged house

with all kind of facilities

like backyard and everything

is definitely expensive

and house always starts with 2 bedroom

and rent starts

from 1700 $

and even go higher than 2000$

depending upon the

size of the house

4 years back

when we came to edmonton

we rented 1 bedroom apartment

in downtown

and the rent was 1400$

including electricity and water

laundry was sharing

but there was swimming pool and gym

rent was high because of downtown

but if you stay

in residential area

you will easily get a decent

1 bedroom apartment

in 1300$

and for newcomers

this is the best option

but if you move to big

cities like toronto

or vancouver rent will increase

i thing starting rent will be

1700$ onwards

but again even in big cities

tehre are lots of small communities

little far away from the

main city

and rent is comparative less

and the best part

in these big cities

transportation is good

so even if you stay little

far from the city

it won't be a problem

once your travel to canada is finalized

and you know which

city you are moving to

search in

this is a great website to search rented

apartments around canada

you will get all the details

regarding rent, size and facilities

in this website

and once your ticket is done

do carry all the contact details

of these rented apartment

so that moment you come to canada

you have all the contacts handy

and you can contact them easily

and soon you

get your choice

of rented apartment

For more infomation >> Monthly Expense in Canada - Family on PR / work permit II Moving to Canada - Money talk - Duration: 25:27.


Why Do You Like Pop Music? - Duration: 10:39.

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "Without music, life would be a mistake."

He was probably on to something.

How many of you can remember the first song you appreciated?

When as a small child you started tapping your feet and realized a bunch of notes, a

catchy melody, could make you feel happy or even ecstatic.

This happens to us at a very early age, perhaps before we are old enough to really understand

what music is; before we cling to a genre as an identity or can fully respect the depth

of the music itself or the lyrics that sometimes support it.

It's as if we like music a priori, meaning our love of music was kind of built-in.

And today we are going to try and understand why we love our tunes, in this episode of

the Infographics Show, Why Do We Like Pop Music?

There are lots of reasons why we like music and it's not all about neurochemistry and

dopamine hits.

For instance, music can be tribal, it can symbolize how we feel at certain times in

life, represent our ethos, our club, so to speak.

The punk music of the 70s defined a clique, while you could say that classical music has

often been the favored music of the upper classes.

But first let's talk about the science of why we like music.

We warn you, our relationship with music is complicated.

Later we will also discuss why so many people like popular, or pop music.

In 2001, a study at Montreal's McGill university set out to find what happens in our brains

when we listen to music.

Those neuroscientists told us that they used something called magnetic resonance imaging

to see what happened in our brains when we listened to what they called "pleasurable"


They did not define pleasurable, so we can't say if the music was the Wu Tang Clan, Ed

Sheeran or Arcade Fire.

Perhaps different styles of music have different effects on the brain, but we'll get to that

later, too.

Ok, so the scientists told us that when we listen to pleasurable music parts of the brain

called the limbic and paralimbic areas are activated and these are connected with the

feeling of euphoria.

Yep, we get a dopamine rush from music, just as do when we make love, complete a jigsaw

puzzle or bite into a double-dipped chocolate lava cake.

But the problem is, we know we get that rush from making love so we make love more and

procreate and humanity goes on; we know we get pleasure from food so we eat and don't

become emaciated and finally dead.

But why does someone blowing into a saxophone give us this rush?

Well, the sad answer is that no one totally understands.

According to the BBC some scientists say it's all about expectation and pay off.

We hear sonic patterns and regular beats, and unconsciously we are predicating what

happens next.

We get emotionally involved, and when we hear what happens next and we expected it, we get

a thrill, possibly like that feeling when your hairs stand on end or you get that rush

up your back and neck.

That's the pay off, produced by dopamine.

This all goes back to how we evolved.

We listened to patterns as early humans, and those sonic patterns could signify danger

or joy, and music is a pattern that can induce fear or panic or joy.

Of course if you listen to very alternative tunes, or what you might call experimental

music, it's not predictable at all.

Maybe that's the stuff your parents call unlistenable.

But for the most part, most genres have melodies or predictable parts, they have crescendos

and blissful harmonies.

This gives us a buzz, while we might say extremely experimental stuff at least intrigues us.

Science goes further, saying in the past when we were hunter-gatherers we might hear sounds

of animals.

A lion's roar might produce adrenaline while bird-singing might induce calm.

"Nature's tendency to overreact provides a golden opportunity for musicians" said

one scientist.

What he means is that music manipulates us.

You have classical music that starts calm and then produces adrenaline when it climbs

to a crescendo.

You could say the same about post-metal bands such as Deafheaven, whose music often starts

peaceful and builds to something that sounds cataclysmic.

It manipulates our emotions, and this gives us a rush of adrenalin especially when the

crescendo comes.

Then you have genre music that represents how you feel in life, or at a certain stage

of life, and when the lyrics combined with the music tell you should hate the oppressive

police, or distrust the establishment, or just party, party, party, this enforces the

manipulation and encourages dopamine to spill into your brain.

It goes further, though.

We are told that music is culturally specific, so one culture might find a kind of music

jarring as what they expect to happen doesn't happen.

Remember we get off on what we can predict.

The BBC writes, "All of us develop a strong, subconscious sense of which notes sound 'right',

whether in sequence in a melody, or sounding together in harmonies."

An article in Vox stated this is why we can get bored of music when we can't predict

the patterns.

That might not last, as we've all had some point in life where it took us some time to

get into an album or piece of music.

We might have also said that we liked something initially and then got bored of it, possibly

because it was just too predictable and bland.

We are also told by the French Institute of Science that music is like language, and all

humans hears tones in others' voices that sound angry, sad, etc.

If someone with a high-pitched tone talks fast and with energy it can sound happy, like

lots of electronic dance music.

A low-pitched slow warble might sound sad, as you might feel when trying to get through

a full Bill Callahan album.

And music has far wider range than voice, so it can manipulate us more.

Search on YouTube for 90's Rave clubs and you'll see what we're talking about, the

people looked possessed – of course there were sometimes added stimulants.

So, why do we like pop music?

In a book called "The Rest is Noise", the writer said, "Music may not be inviolable,

but it is infinitely variable, acquiring a new identity in the mind of every new listener.

It is always in the world, neither guilty nor innocent, subject to the ever-changing

human landscape in which it moves."

As we know, music sometimes defines who we are or at least we relate to it.

There are styles of music that help us to be part of a tribe, and we feel comfortable

with that music.

We can predict it, and it in turn gives our lives some meaning.

Whether you have ever defined yourself as a punk, a Hip-Hop devotee, a psychedelic psycho-naught,

a death metal fan or a lover of jazz, that music becomes part of what you are and you

receive pleasure in the form of dopamine when you listen to it.

For this reason, though, while you get intensely invigorated listening to Rage Against the

Machine your mother might not receive your kind of dopamine hit.

She might be more attuned to the Frozen tune, "Let It Go."

We are not all alike.

Another study asked 126 participants in Montreal to bring in all the songs they really liked.

They then tried to see how much pleasure a person derived from listening to songs of

different genres.

By looking at the brain they could predict how much time a person would spend, or was

willing to spend, on a certain song.

"Those areas included the amygdala, which is involved in processing emotion, the hippocampus,

which is important for learning and memory, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which

is involved in decision-making," wrote the scientists.

They concluded that people just listen to music that they have experienced already and

can predict, it's what they feel at home with.

They said we have a musical template, and even when we listen to something new, we are

using those templates to see if the music fits with what we are accustomed to.

The problem is that this study doesn't solve why we have such different musical templates.

We might grow up in the same household as someone and at similar ages and have very

different tastes in music.

This might just be because we have been around a musical style that the other hasn't, it

might be about tribe, but it might also just be about something we were born with.

Perhaps we are made with a musical template, that indeed there is something innate when

it comes to musical preference.

Now, with pop music it is usually very easy to listen to and it is very predictable.

It's usually not full of nuance and we don't have to be refined musical aficionados to

like it.

It's made that way so it sells and is liked by the largest audience.

In one article, a researcher wrote, "Pop music is actually getting more and more homogeneous."

The study as the Medical University of Vienna in Austria looked at 15 genres of music and

374 sub-genres.

They studied each genre's musical complexity and they found that the more complex the music

was, the less it sold.

The best-selling music was simple, it was what they called generic.

They wrote that, "music is becoming increasingly formulaic in terms of instrumentation under

increasing sales numbers due to a tendency to popularize music styles with low variety

and musicians with similar skills."

Could we cynically call this the dumbing-down of music?

The Great Big Sell-Out?

Well, business is business, and if producers can create something formulaic that we can

all easily predict and enjoy, that doesn't offend, doesn't cause fear, doesn't upset

even the most sensitive parent, perhaps they are just doing their job.

Pop music is also marketed well and it's what we are exposed to a lot.

It doesn't carry serious messages; it doesn't attempt to have a profound social impact,

and the majority of people just want something easy to listen to that they are familiar with.

That's not to say bands with serious messages haven't broken the charts, just look at

Kendrick Lamar, Nirvana, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and even our dear old The Beatles.

They all did extremely well and were not what you'd call simple pop (the later Beatles

at least) or trying to be something they weren't.

Researchers, however, told us that sales of Alt-Rock, Hip-Hop, Experimental, Folk, Alt-Folk,

are all down, although there are pretenders who come across as a certain genre but aren't

really that genre, that do well in the charts.

An example would be pop-punk, which isn't exactly what The Dead Kennedys, NOFX, or the

Clash had in mind when they talked about punk.

It's really just pop in disguise.

This kind of dressed-up pop is doing well, but it's also formulaic we are told, a pop-façade

imitating a former sub-genre.

Will more sub-cultures develop with less generic music that will become popular?

Are we destined to have homogenous tunes in the charts from top-to-bottom forever more?

Tell us in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other show Why Do So Many Scams Come From Nigeria?.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Why Do You Like Pop Music? - Duration: 10:39.


Sloppy Kung Fu | 쿵푸허술 [Gag Concert / 2019.02.16] - Duration: 2:58.

(Sloppy Kung Fu)

Amongst the most fearsome martial artists,

there is a true master.

It's Sloppy Kung Fu!

Chapter 1.


10 minute for $1.

You can relieve your stress by hitting me.

10 minute for $1!


What are you doing here?

My martial arts studio is about to go out of business.

I have to do something about it.

You two don't have to worry.

Just focus on your training.


How could I just leave you

when you're out here doing this?

I'd like to help.

Here's $100.

Thank you.

Me too! Me too!

Stop hitting him!

Stop hitting him! I want a turn too!

I want a turn too!

The next chapter.



Master! Get out here!

What's going on?

The moon looks huge!

That's a meteor about to fall on us, fool!

What the...

The next chapter.


Where did those scumbags go?

How dare they frame us as thieves?

- Get out here! / - Show yourselves!

So they won't show themselves.

- Then we have no choice. Suyeong! / - Yes.

1, 2, 3.

- There they are. / - We got you now.

Get over here.

The next chapter.


- Suyeong. / - Yes, master.

What's with the nunchucks?

I picked these up.

Take a look, master.

Pretty good, right?

You fool!

You have to make yourself stronger.

Don't rely on a weapon!

Just having this will make you rely on it.

I'm going to burn this!

Who threw the dynamite?

- Who was it? / - Where did you get those?

- Where did you get those? / - At a factory.

The last chapter.

Bonus footage!

Suyeong, this tire needs air.

I'll pump some air.

Why are you doing this to me today?

Where did you get that?

At a factory.

Don't just pick stuff up!

For more infomation >> Sloppy Kung Fu | 쿵푸허술 [Gag Concert / 2019.02.16] - Duration: 2:58.


'Tidying Up' sells Americans on the joy of decluttering - Duration: 3:56.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Spring is around the corner, which, for some, means it's time to clean

out the closets.

As the "NewsHour"'s Rhana Natour explains, a popular Netflix show featuring Japanese

organizing expert Marie Kondo encourages people to discard items in their home that do not

spark joy.

MARIE KONDO, Consultant: Chose item that spark joy for you.

RHANA NATOUR: It's the phrase that's sparking a nationwide closet clean-out.

In her Netflix show "Tidying Up," Japanese organizing expert Marie Kondo helps people

transform their cluttered home into tidy retreats.

Kondo's bestselling 2014 book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" first popularized her

trademark KonMari method.

The method tackles decluttering by separating items into categories like clothes, books

and sentimental items.

MAN: This was the mailbox on the home when I purchased it.

RHANA NATOUR: The fundamental idea after that is simple: If an item sparks joy, it stays.

If it doesn't, Kondo encourages people to thank the item for serving its purpose, then

out it goes.

WOMAN: Thank you for letting me wear you.

I like that.


RHANA NATOUR: The show's inspiring such a tidying craze that secondhand stores nationwide

are getting inundated with discarded items.

Following the show's premiere, one Goodwill store in Maryland reported a 367 percent uptick

in donations.

In New York, a popular thrift store that buys used clothing is seeing wait times double

for customers hoping to sell them their cast-off clothing.

CINDY WHEELER, Co-Owner, Beacon's Closet: I think at first we didn't really know what

was happening.

People were waiting in line, and you heard people talking about it, and they're like,

oh, were you watching that show?

Is that why you are here?

Did you clean your closet out?

RHANA NATOUR: In Chicago, Ravenswood Used Books manager Barbara Strangeman says they're

getting three times the number of books these days, nearly 30 boxes worth a weekend.

BARBARA STRANGEMAN, Ravenswood Used Books: I noticed something was different because

generally people are either moving, and they're not happy to get rid of their possessions.

But people were happy.

People were like, yay, I have got a clean shelf.

Yay, these don't spark joy.

And that's when I thought, oh, spark joy.

I know that.

RHANA NATOUR: The show's tapped into the cultural zeitgeist in a major way, as illustrated by

this "New Yorker" cartoon, and has propelled Marie Kondo into a household name in the U.S.

STEPHEN COLBERT, Host, "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert": I don't understand anything

you're saying when you say it, but I would follow you to a cult compound and never...



RHANA NATOUR: As to why the show, with its petite star who speaks very little English,

has become such a sensation, professional organizer Jenny Albertini, who was trained

by Marie Kondo in 2016, thinks it may be a form of stress relief.

JENNY ALBERTINI, Declutter D.C.: Going about our business in times of strife is just draining

and stressful, so, like, how can we address on a daily basis things that will make us

feel that we're more connected to our lives?

RHANA NATOUR: But is throwing things away a sustainable approach?

When we watch the show, we see people throwing out just mounds of things.

That seems to some people wasteful.

JENNY ALBERTINI: Oh, I would really start five steps before then and say, I think the

waste starts when we purchase those things.

What I say to clients often, when we look at these piles that they have created, when

we look at the bags of things that they're going out -- saying, this is the last time

you have to look at something like this.

Like, you can choose from here on out that you don't have to live like this.

RHANA NATOUR: And you may want to get moving on decluttering that messy work desk, because

Marie Kondo's next book, "Joy at Work," takes tidying up to the office.

It is scheduled for release next spring.

Consider yourself warned.

For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Rhana Natour in Washington, D.C.

For more infomation >> 'Tidying Up' sells Americans on the joy of decluttering - Duration: 3:56.


Why we should think differently about classical music - Duration: 2:38.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Over the years, researchers have explored classical music's impact on

memory, creativity, productivity and even blood pressure.

It's almost as if the music genre is suspected of having superpowers.

And that's got industry producers trying to figure out how to market classical music to

the American public.

Tonight, musician and critic Jennifer Gersten shares her Humble Opinion on why this new

sell is selling the music short.

JENNIFER GERSTEN, Writer and Musician: Take some time to relax.

Rise above it all.

Calm and refreshing.

These taglines could be advertisements for a Caribbean cruise, or at the very least an

ambitious boxed wine.

They're actually examples of how radio stations and streaming services across the country

sell classical music.

Classical, this advertising suggests, isn't really for listening.

It's for chilling out, tuning out, zoning out.

Thus, an over-500-year-old art form is being reduced to a spa day soundtrack.

This marketing sort of makes sense.

Classical music is perceived as inaccessible, elitist, incomprehensible to anyone who isn't

wearing a monocle.

Perhaps the logic goes that framing the genre as lyrical Ambien might usher people into

expensive auditoriums, even if just for a nap.

But this rhetoric is failing the music it's supposed to support.

Like any other musical genre, classical offers innumerable sounds and triggers as many emotions.

Some of it indeed might calm you.

Other types seem primed to get you skipping down the block.

If we think of classical music solely as relaxing, we deny its ability to move us, shake us,

twist us in knots.

We feed the idea that this music is somehow more elevated than pop or rap, and that its

practitioners are more enlightened.

This reinforces the implication that classical music is for the rich white people filling

opulent concert halls, which is increasingly not the case.

I'm a music student with many years of classical training, and I also write about music.

I love some things I play and hear.

Some things, I'm just OK with.

A few things, I despise.

For best results, we should learn to think about this music for ourselves, instead of

outsourcing our opinions to strangers.

We can do this by listening deeply and intentionally.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And it was worth it just hearing her play.

For more infomation >> Why we should think differently about classical music - Duration: 2:38.


Hello | 안녕하세요 [Gag Concert / 2019.02.16] - Duration: 3:20.


So... Face-reader...

Something sounds strange.


I have a vocal cord nodule.

Lose it.

I said to lose it!


I'm on a diet.

Why can't you talk?

Why can't you talk?


I'm a parrot trainer.

Gosh, don't worry about that.

I've been doing this for years.


I'm wrestling champ Lee Mangi.

♪ What's your name? ♪

♪ What's your number? ♪


I'm investigating someone.


I'm good at responding.

♪ It's time, let's get together ♪

♪ Ring the bell, ding, ding, ding ♪


I'm Bosingak bell.

Don't cross this line.

I noticed you tend to cross the line.


I'm a referee for a track meet.

Gosh, time to check out my intestines.


I'm going for an endoscopy.

Yeah! There's a soccer game today!


I own a fried chicken restaurant.

Why do you keep calling?

I told you not to call me!


My phone battery is at 1%.


I got my nails done!


I can't go up any further.

Get it together!

Just a bit farther up.

The elevator is broken.

Why do you live on such a high floor?

The view is great.

Too many stairs...

For more infomation >> Hello | 안녕하세요 [Gag Concert / 2019.02.16] - Duration: 3:20.


Nắng Có Còn Xuân - Hoàng Tuấn Minh - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Nắng Có Còn Xuân - Hoàng Tuấn Minh - Duration: 4:46.


Jokes and Riddles for Kids Week 039 - Duration: 1:55.

Hey everybody MTK here, welcome back to the channel. Today I've got another riddle

for you. What can you hold in your left hand

but not in your right your?

[clock ticking]

You're right elbow.

Hey everybody do I have a joke for you today.

Why did mama pig leave her husband?

[clock ticking]

Because he was a boar (bore). [snort snort]hi

Hi my friends, CA here and how about a little riddle today.

What is at the center of gravity?

[clock ticking]

The letter 'V'. G-RA- V- I- T-Y.

Hey everybody MTK here, welcome back to the channel. Today I've got another riddle for you.

What do you sleep on, brush your teeth with, and sit on?

[clock ticking]

You sleep on a bed. Brush your teeth with the toothbrush. And sit on a chair

Hey everybody do I have a riddle for you today.

There are two monkeys on a tree and one jumps off. Why did the other jump off too?

[clock ticking]

Monkey see, monkey do.

Hey everybody MTK here, welcome back to the channel. Today I've got a riddle for you.

What is made entirely of wood yet cannot be sawed?

[clock ticking]


Hey everybody do I have a joke for you today. What did sushi A say to sushi B?

[clock ticking]

Washabi (What sup B)

Those are our jokes for the week I hope you guys enjoyed. Remember to leave a

thumbs up and subscribe if you are already haven't. And press the bell icon

so you can be notified when more jokes are uploaded on this channel and some of

our other videos. And as always one to beam out. [whooo]

[end music]

For more infomation >> Jokes and Riddles for Kids Week 039 - Duration: 1:55.


Lenny Williams teaching Life Lessons - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Lenny Williams teaching Life Lessons - Duration: 2:51.



Hey Aries what's up this is your reading for the Full Moon in Virgo coming up on

the 19th of February this will be for Aries Sun Moon and Rising signs

check your Venus or any other planets that call this is a general reading so

you know some messages may resonate some might not you take what you know

does and leave the rest so thank you to any new subscribers and any viewers and

always thank you day ones ok so let's see what's happening for Aries for this Full

Moon in Virgo spirit guides assist me in channelling a message for Aries Sun Moon and Rising

signs what messages do you want me to share with Aries for this full moon in

Virgo what's the message spirit guides that you want me to share with Aries


okay Aries there's a lot of earth energy on here

interesting bottom of the deck for you Aries is Two of Wands so this is the only fire

energy on this table interesting enough so it looks as if you are making plans

looking at your long term looking at what you have the gifts you have the

potential you have ahead of you there's some real opportunity being handed here for

you Aries and some real creative energies but a lot of grounding earthy

energy it's very interesting so you Aries is The Empress so very

creative that's where I can see it's like you guys are looking ahead and

making you're in planning stages there's a lot of planning energy here alignment

feeling creative very inspired connected grounded energies as well that's being

influenced by The Hermit which is the card associated with Virgo interestingly

enough so I don't know if you Aries in particular this Virgo Full Moon will

be really beneficial energies for what you for where you guys are in your lives

at the moment Hermit energy this is solitude and many times in solitude is

is where we are inspired where we get that creative spark it's really telling you to

look within go within seek solitude and stillness so that your creative energies

can flow so you can clearly receive the energies that are

there for you there's a lot of loving energy in here as well Aries The Devil

reversed so cutting some attachments freeing yourself perhaps even reaping

inspiration from that shadow self you know understanding that from the

darkness that's where the life happens that's where creativity can come

flowing through as well so that's interesting

Aries seems to be a lot more settled and focused energies at the minute

energies coming in Page of Pentacles so this real opportunity I don't know if a person

it's going to if this is energies coming from outside of you or if this is where

you feel like very much focused on where you're going you know this Virgo Full

Moon this is perfect for refining Virgo energy is perfect for refining

procedures organizing taking what works and leaving the rest refinement at its

best so that's the perfect type of energy you somebody's coming to you or there's

this new opportunity it's still quite immature energies so I can see this is

where I see the planning stages but this is something substantial that you're

working with your conscious mind is Three of Cups reversed I don't know if

you guys have in the recent past have found that collaborating and I see another

collaboration card here as well with your Hopes and Fears Three of Pentacles

so it's interesting in your conscious mind there's this sense of three is a crowd

or in some kind of collaborative

situation possibly might not have worked or panned out the way how you would have

hoped or somebody was like drowning somebody else's suggestions opinions

there wasn't a flow of energy happening within this group dynamic and it's in

your conscious mind in your Hopes and Fears here is Three of Pentacles which

is about collaboration possibly apprenticeship people looking to you for

your expertise and your gifts and that's in your Hopes and Fears so that I

feel like there has been some kind of past situation where you might be

feeling perhaps this person who's coming along is offering you an opportunity

but it's quite possibly in a group dynamic and because of something that's

happened in their past you might be feeling a bit like nervous or unsure

about it because it may not have flowed the last time so you're a bit like hmm not

really I'm convinced and your subconscious - Five of Swords reversed

so I get the feeling that there was some kind of real either a verbal

confrontation or a meeting of the minds just wasn't happening so this is floating around

in your mind and you're not

certain if a potential project can support you or potential partnership or

a collab with other creative minds can support you and your dream where you see

yourself going but it's still quite new all of this so don't judge a book based

on you know the past that you take your experiences of course and you use it

to your

your advantage obviously but don't miss out on a great opportunity because of

things might not have worked out in the past now you have more wisdom to use you know to make

make a more solid judgment Word of Advice is Six of Swords so I

feel like it's really telling you that you need to let go of your worries and

don't paint a new situation with an old brush this is why i'm finding this combination

really interesting because you have your creative creativity pouring out there's

a fruitful energy surrounding you you know real divine flow of energies and

that's being crossed by The Hermit so this is he's all about wisdom like

divine inner wisdom wisdom that only you only the wisdom that can only be found

within your own spirit your own soul excuse me it's like nobody can give you

those answers but yourself it's all about how it feels you know and

oftentimes it takes going still to feel and to be put in the right or to feel

connected to the right path I mean the fact that The Empress is here it shows

that there's some real connection also the way how the cards are laid out on the

table it's like The Hermit is shining a light on The Devil reversed there's

almost as if the answers you seek are in

the what you feel is your dark self your shadow self

your fears and anxieties so you really need to go within to determine where

this new opportunity is putting you I feel like it's something lucrative and

something solid and this Six of Swords you wanting to get in that boat and move on

carry on and the Word of Advice is to move on to new shores new situation

deal with it in a new way so let me clarify for you spirit guides can you

clarify this Six of Swords for Aries for their Word of Advice Eight of Cups

walking away from what no longer serves what no longer makes you happy The Tower

at the bottom so it's change time to deal with things in a whole new way it's

Queen of Cups reversed so it's like tapping into your

intuition to determine where the situation is going but to be honest I

feel like it is a positive bottom of the deck The Chariot you're going in the

right direction

okay so Aries External Influences Five of Cups so wherever this you know too

many cooks spoil the broth or three three is a crowd type of vibe

this energy this sense of defeat or some kind of verbal confrontation there

somebody's still sulking there's somebody still harping on you feel like

you're ready to move on you're ready to do things differently

but there's somebody that's still full of despair regarding this spirit guides can

you clarify the Five of Cups for Aries what's this external energy this Five of

Cups give us more information about this Five of Cups spirit guides Eight of Swords

so I get the feeling like it was somebody somebody's pulling the

strings in the background pulling strings making decisions but they're still

making a big deal out of what what has happened in the past you ready to

move on from it

incomplete situation The Universe reversed Six of Swords so

again Six of Swords showing here again

you're ready to move on and this person still hanging on still holding on to the

old and you can see that there is still life even though some tea was spilt some

kind of like some kind of realness happened some kind of real dialogue

happened but you ready to get in the boat and move on walk away make things

change you looking to like keep it moving

you know you see an opportunity here but somebody on the outside of you is

still crying over spilt milk still trying to pull still trying to manipulate the

situation behind the scenes and refusing to let this situation fall away I

don't know is it possibly a Taurus The Hierophant is at the bottom of the deck

Taurus energy another earth an earth sign energy that you might be dealing

with okay Aries your Hopes and Fears like I said is Three of Pentacles so

there's you have an idea or you can see how bringing creative minds

together can create something really beautiful and solid but at the same time

like I said you might not be - you might be a bit weary of

collaborations and I don't know if it's because somebody's in your ear like

saying well you know what happened last thing so you really think you want to be

trusting people kind of vibe spirit guides can you clarify the Three of Pentacles

please for Aries Hopes and Fears what's this Three of Pentacles energy

The High Priestess reversed so just a matter of trusting your gut feeling

about the people that you're working with but honestly I feel like the energy

here is actually quite positive but only you would know for yourself Aries what's

happening here Ten of Swords reversed so you again don't paint a new situation

with an old brush I feel like that's the general energies of this reading your Final

Outcome Aries is Knight of Pentacles I told you it's very earthy energies very

earthy energies it goes perfectly with your Two of Wands

if you look at them together actually is more like this you'll see that

they're very much in planning mind

looking you know scoping observing weighing considering it's that

type of vibe I feel like Knight of Pentacles this is very much very

grounded energies so Aries where you are very much usually very much fired up and

ready and going I feel like the energies of this Full

Moon is really bringing you down to earthy level to where you can really take

stock of what's happening around you so spirit guides do you have any other

messages for Aries regarding their Final Outcome Knight of Pentacles any other

message for Aries with this Full Moon in Virgo a nice clear message for Aries

Two of Wands so yeah again this is the card at the bottom of

the deck Two of Wands so Aries I feel yup definitely observe there's no need to be

in a rush at the moment this is like I said this is very immature

energies you're still with very much in planning stage still trying to put the

pieces together still trying to determine who you're working with and

how what's the best steps to go forward watch out for people whispering in your

ear possibly pushing you off track go with your gut feeling and make solid

practical plans as you move forward but really you know the answers like you know

what it is you know

where you going spirit guides what other message do you have for Aries

for this Full Moon in Virgo a nice clear message for Aries Sun Moon and Rising

signs for the Full Moon in Virgo Prosperity Lies Ahead

New Moon in Taurus and at the bottom it says The End of a Tough Cycle Approaches

so Full Moon in Capricorn so like I said it's time to go within you need to connect

your own divine knowledge your own wisdom to get the answers you're seeking

you are really connected very creative fertile and bursting with creativity

inspiration imagination and feeling very you know like you

are you are that you know that type of so revel in that energy so Aries that's

your message for this Full Moon in Virgo drop a comment below if the messages

resonate if you haven't subscribed hit the subscribe button like share all of

that good stuff

For more infomation >> ARIES | FULL MOON IN VIRGO | THIS COULD BE A DREAM TEAM... - Duration: 20:52.


【衝撃】国税庁が出した漁師の年収・給料wwwwwwwww - Duration: 1:18.

年齢、平均年収、月手取り 20~24歳 456.0万円 38.0万円 25 29歳 568.0万円 47.3万円 30~34歳 624.0万円 52.0万 35~39歳 712.0万円 59.3万円 40~44歳 800.0万円 6.7万円 45~49歳 896.0万円 74.7万円 50~54歳 960 0万円 80.0万円 55~59歳 952.0万円 79.3万円 60~65 648.0万円 54.0万円 カニ漁師(遠洋漁業) 1000万円~1500万 マグロ漁師(遠洋漁業) 800万円~1500万円 カツオ漁師(遠洋漁業) 00万円~1200万円 イカ漁師(遠洋漁業) 年収900~2000万円 ホタ 漁師(養殖) 年収300~450万円 157: >>1 養殖は雇われだから 師じゃなくてサラリーマンだろ(´・ω・`) 命をかけて海に出てその程度かよ

燃料代で吹っ飛ぶレベル。 115: >>6 手取りだぞ 一般なら30 稼いで手取りが22万になるレベル じゃあ漁師やるか!とはならない 中間おすすめ 事 俺は船酔いが凄いから漁師は絶対無理 10 >>24 同じく あと 外線も生ものも嫌い よそ者は入れてくれないから独占状態だしそらそうなるわ 6 これは平均だから、1億円の奴が1人いれば後は10人は 200万円以下になるの カニ漁師はめちゃくちゃ稼ぐって聞くな なんでサラリーマンでもないのに年収が 齢による右肩上がりがきれいになんよ 農業並に労働災害多そう 餌売るのがくそ儲 るらしいな リスクもないし良いらしい ホタテ養殖安いんだな 北海道の一部で 年ほぼ全滅とかいってたけど大丈夫かね ギャンブル要素が強すぎてちょっと これ 船の維持費とか払えるとは思えない もっと貰ってるか脱税してるだろ 親が漁師と じゃないとやってられんな

給料安くて金ためて船買って漁業権買って独立とか無理じゃん 適当に魚釣りしてるだ で高年収とか、漁師いいなー 21 昼夜ない生活だから身体ボロボロになる 収 なのか所得なのか たぶん経費を差し引いた所得だよね 24 何度もテレビでド ュメンタリーやってるけど ドカタの三倍以上のキツい仕事だよな これぐらいもら てても不思議じゃないわ 興味本位で転職すると地獄を見るという代表職 263: >>250 ノウハウとか業界のコネクションとかあるからな 足の下に地面が無 とか恐ろし過ぎて金額なんて関係ない… 外国の漁師は日本より高給だというじゃない

こういうリスクの多い職業は高給でいいんだよ。 「大卒で大手企業に入ったのに 奴らのほうが高給なんてひどい」 てな勘違い野郎はいないだろうけど、もっと儲けて 然の職業

イカが意外だわ イカなんて楽に採れそうだし美味しいな 287: >>2 5 いや、密猟者との奪い合いがめんどくさくないか? 最近魚介類ホントに高価に ったもんなぁ 3 遠洋いいかもな 全然帰って来れないから金すげー貯まるだろ 実際にはこれの2~3倍だろうな ブラック企業自慢してるツイッタラーは転職すり いいのに どこも後継者不足だし 上手く行ってる人は儲かるけどな、ほぼ自営業だ らいろいろ大変 おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:0 :00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果w wマジかよwww 引用元:

For more infomation >> 【衝撃】国税庁が出した漁師の年収・給料wwwwwwwww - Duration: 1:18.


He's a God? - TOP 20 Marvel's Telepaths RANKED (2019) - Duration: 16:35.

Hey guys, it's Jaekins211 here and today. We're gonna be ranking Marvel's telepaths

This is gonna be a shorter list only around 20 characters this time

I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible and I know I just came out with a Star Wars video

But I'm not rushing through these I'm still taking time on the lists. I'm just really backed up

I have a lot of lists that I have yet to make videos about

So this is just gonna be the next one

This idea was partially inspired Braxior 11 when we were talking in the comments section again

Make sure to leave a like on this video if you enjoy it subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell now

Let's get right into

Marvel telepaths ranked

Starting off this list at number 22 is Maximus the mad max mister. The mad isn't actually a traditional telepath. He's extremely intelligent

However, his raw intelligence and brainpower allows him to perform mind kind of tricks on the weak-minded such as making them

Feel physical pain and making them go kind of crazy for a little bit. He is the brother of Black Bolt

His main quirk is intelligence, but he also does have a bit of a mind-control aspect to him

So that's why I slid him right on this list and when he comes in right here at number 22

Psylocke rolls onto this list at number 21 now

I know that she seems a little bit low on this list

But let me explain silac is an actually traditional telepath either she is powerful

but mostly her psionic energies used in to making projection weapons such as her

Iconic purple blades that are strong enough to kill the likes of Wolverine because high Anik energy can cut through adamantium

She's extremely powerful but not quite in the way you would think so when it comes to fighting standard telepaths

She's not quite at the bar. That's why I ranked her right here. Just above Maximus

Who's the other not normal telepath at number 21?

At number 20, we have Captain Kamen now captain Kamen isn't actually that well-known of a character

But essentially he's a superhero who controls energy manipulation a super-strength all the works except

He also has a psionic power

He doesn't use it very often

But when he does he's vastly powerful able to take on the likes of Thor and other extremely powerful characters. However, he's not

Insanely ridiculous, like a lot of the Marvel telepaths have grown to become like Professor X or moon dragon and stuff like that

He's still kind of on a normal scale. He can dominate one person's mind at a time

And that's pretty much it occasionally rising to a small group

So that's why you ranks in just above the likes of Psylocke and the other irregular telepaths at number 20

At number 19. We have Saturn girl now Saturn girl is a character that was introduced to Marvel Comics back in the 80s

And she was meant to be an Avengers counter thesis - moon dragon by this

I mean she's weaker than moon dragon in nearly every way but she was kind of an Avengers telepath if that makes sense

So she had all the correct powers of a telepath and all that stuff

But compared to any other telepath you later saw Marvel Comics. She was always getting beaten

So the fact that I that she was just always getting beaten, but she is an official telepath

I put her above the three other that are below her on this list

so that's where she comes in right here at number 19 of

Course just above Saturn girl at number 18 is moon dragon moon dragon is actually the daughter of Drax the destroyer

Well back when he was a human. She was given these powers by I believe it was the stranger

Correct me if I'm wrong in the comment section below, but I believe the stranger gave her her powers of telepathy. She's extremely powerful

She was able to control multiple leaders on this one planet and influence the entire planet at once and she was originally not anymore

But she was tended to be almost on the level of that of Professor X

So she's just extremely powerful and she's just more powerful than Saturn girls. That's why I placed her right here in a beret teen

coming in at number 17 starting off the

more known telepaths and the children of Scott Summers and Jean Grey we have Rachel summers now Rachel Summers was

introduced to fill Jean Grey's shoes when she left the x-men for a little bit and

Her powers were revealed to be not as strong as Emma Frost

When they had their first battle it started off with Emma Frost

dominating it looked like Rachel was about to get the upper hand as she began to grew and saw it grow in size on the

Astral plane and Emma started to become like really really morbidly obese, but then Emma still pulled the win and beat Rachel

People it is heavily suggested

She's more powerful than Emma now

but she has never shown this it's just suggested and since the only

Canonical fight we have to go on is the one where she loses I made her weaker than Emma on this rankings

That's why she comes in right here at number 17

At number 16 we have the Sentry now the century is a character who is mostly Superman ripoff


he goes into depth of more powers other than the comics Superman ones such as a minor scale reality-warping and


Prowess the void the alter ego of Century was beginning to corrupt the Robert Reynolds mind and Emma Frost tried to tap into his mind

To try to help Robert out. The voice power was so strong that it was separating Emma from

Robert Reynolds, and it was starting to fry her mind

She did overpower the void just barely it was even closer than her fight with Rachel summers

Which is why I placed the century just above Rachel simply because he was just ever so closer to beating Emma in their one-on-one

Predictably coming in at number 15 is Emma Frost now Emma Frost as a

character who was introduced to be a counter thesis to Charles Xavier and

The whole deal with her was that on top of being a powerful

Telepath that at the time who could match him she could also turn her skin to diamond

She came in as the White Queen and was able to face off against almost the entirety of the x-men team

She was extremely

Powerful and her history through the comics and her continued and growing feat base is what earns her the spot at number fifteen on this


Coming on to this list at number fourteen is mr. Sinister now, mr

Sinister Morton earns his place on this list here for a multitude of reasons

But the main one where I put him right here is because of his battles with Jean Grey now at the time in her x-men

Days, Jean Grey was just more powerful than Emma Frost. However when she met at both, mr

Sinister, he just barely beat her in a fight, of course at the end of her days

She would easily be able to beat mr. Sinister

But at that time using the rule of transitive relation, we can see that if Jean is just as powerful or more than mr

Sinister and she's much more powerful than Emma than mr. Sinister stronger than Emma. So that's what I put in right there

And that's why he earned his rank just above Emma and number fourteen

Number thirteen on this list is Quentin choir now if you're wondering why Quentin choir is above mr. Sinister on this list

I'll tell you why

Jean Grey was able to beat Emma Frost

It wasn't an easy battle, but she could still do it and then she was just almost as strong as mr. Sinister


There's still someone close when Emma Frost directly fought Quentin choir she stated when she lost she stated that his thoughts moved at light speed

Which is absolutely insane and then he loses to Xavier. Of course

But he's a potential host here in the Phoenix force and that crazy stuff. It just shows how immensely powerful he is

And so I feel like he really earns a spot just above mr. Sinister and number 13

Coming on to this list at number 12 his base level Jean Grae

This should seem a little bit off as Jean Grey is commonly regarded to be died to the first or second most powerful

Telepath and all of Marvel publication, but don't worry

I'm not gonna go too into it and when I'm talking about her, I'm just gonna tell you who's passed her

Basically, I'm gonna explain why she's here when I'm talking with the other people

So just for now become Jean graves right here at number 12 coming

In just above his mother at number 11 is cable

Now the reason why cables on this list isn't actually that great

The reason why is this high and it's because strife?

His identical clone with the exact same amount of power as he does

But - the techno-organic virus was able to completely shut down Jean Grey

which if his clone is that powerful in cable can

Sometimes beat his clone that suggests that cable would be on that level of power. So that's kind of the logic

I used I said that because his clone is that powerful. He's likely that powerful

I know the techno-organic virus kind of stunts him

But he's so shown to be almost as powerful or even just above his mother and that's why he comes just above her base form

at number 11

Reasonably at number 10. We have strife the identical clone with slightly greater power than cable

he comes onto this list simply because he was able to shut down Jean Grey's mind and

Because compared to the other people further on this list. He's not really that much. He's extremely powerful

He's from the Days of Future Passed timeline. And that's really all there is to him. So strife number 10

Hope Summers comes onto this list just above cable strife and her base-level mother

Simply because cable stated that Hope Summers was so powerful that she could take down strife

Easily with her vast telepathic abilities and that her telepathic abilities far surpassed his own

To admit that first of all is insane and that he knew that when she was a baby

I mean Hope Summers is vastly vastly powerful

And so she easily would outclassed the likes of strife and all that stuff but compared to some of the really crazy

Characters that come on this list later on she doesn't stand a chance

So that's why she comes in her base level right here at number 9

Speaking of characters that hope so can't beat at number eight. We have Legion

Now Legion is the son of Charles Xavier

Who exhibits many personalities that are all?

Extremely vastly powerful putting him on the multiversal level by the way

Just a little bit of side notes when I'm ranking all the Marvel mutants. I actually made a big mistake

Well, I mean the Marvel cosmic entities I put him too low. He actually has more personalities that make him even stronger

So he's just vastly vastly powerful

But in the shocked twist of the century in the newest x-men run x-man Nate gray

Overpowers his mind and traps him in a mental prison

Which just baffles me as x-man Nate gray was never shown to have this kind of power

And so that's why Legion kind of got boosted down the list and it was now residing right here in number 8

the x-men Nate gray rubber Ives on this list for two reasons a

He was able to overpower legions mind, which is absolutely insane legions like a mutant

God, okay, and he just completely overtook his mind. He made him his prisoner and

It's that first of all, that's just insane in addition. He also

warped the mind of everyone on planet earth and

Made them forget all about all of their religions erased every temple and made himself God

What like like that's just insane stuff

like absolutely insane stuff like no one does that oh

My gosh and y'all and he overpowered apocalypse mentally, but that's not that hard. So oh

my gosh, dude

Like I'm surprised he's not higher on this list until you see who's after him and you still might debate with me

Please do in the comments by the way, so he's just insane. So that's why ranks in right here and number seven

Coming up in number six is the mental parasite Cassandra Nova now Cassandra

Nova is a parasite that resides in the astral plane who latched on a Charles Xavier she sense that the well of

Telepathic power inside of him would be the greatest that would ever be and so she latched right on to him and tried to form

An identical clone inside his mother's womb Charles fought her as she was pretty much pure evil

And I believe he actually ends up beating her but she comes back and that's why she kind of looks like some weird female Charles

Xavier that's because she is she's insanely powerful more though than gray with telepathic ability

she was almost as powerful as Charles Xavier and I mean almost

She almost dominated his mind

but in the end with the help of some other people

He was able to finally lock her out and send her back into the astral plane until recently

She has recently come back, but we haven't really seen anything from her. That's super impressive just yet

So I'm gonna wait on moving her up and down the list depending on what happens, but for now she stands here at number six

Coming just above cassandra nova on this list. Is that number five the shadow king?

The shadow king is the ruler of the astral plane

he has dominated human consciousness for millennia and he arose when the first thought arose he's

Insanely don't take that out of context. He's insanely powerful

Okay, he's insanely insanely powerful

He dominated the mind of legion and other powerful telepaths, and it stated that the only person or entity to ever

Overpower his mind was Charles Xavier. So that's why he comes just above Cassandra, Nova

It's because even Cassandra Nova who resided in the astral plane would be subjected to his rule

So that's why comes in just above her at number five

Finally coming in at number four is Charles Xavier now before you click off the video and start writing in the comments section

Oh my gosh, you're so dumb. How is Charles? Not number one? Let me explain

Charles Xavier is the most powerful human telepath of all time

besides one other

Without help if that makes sense. Oh he'll get into that later. But for now you just gotta trust me

Well plus he's the first one to directly challenge the shadow king and win and he beat the parasite known as Cassandra

Nova and he overpowered Legion in the mental battle and all this different stuff an

X-men has nothing on Charles. Charles feats go out the roof and that's what Charles comes in right here at number four

Coming in at number three is Gabriel Sheppard's now

The reason why Gabriel Sheppard's is so high on this list isn't because of anything. He did regarding fighting Psylocke psycho

saw Colossus or pixie and overpowering the minds of anyone the deal is is

Charles Xavier used his maximum power and

That's insane. Plus cerebro and Jean Grey and all the other telepaths all the same time

We're trying to find Gabriel shepherds and they used every type of detection as well. And what he did is he said?

Oh, I just created a little bubble around myself that blocked all their psionic energy. None of them could find me

nonetheless hurt me and

He could have easily at any point just reflected back and overpowered each one of them effortlessly as he did with Psylocke

So well that's implied. He never actually does this and it's just insane. He's kind of a one-off character. He's actually a proto mutant

He's the most powerful proto mutant and he in its for a reason

He's absolutely insane. And that's why it comes in right here at number 4

Coming in just above Gabriel Shepherds at number 2 is Hope Summers now. The reason I hope Summers is on this list a

She had the Phoenix force and can use it just as well as Jean Grey. Well slightly less well than Jean Grey

She never truly achieved the white Phoenix of the ground levels of power

But she came really close and at that point you can dominate anyone's mind effortlessly

The other reason she's here at number two is because of her other power besides her innate telepathy

Is that she can if she sees a mutant and she knows what their power is she can copy that power to the greatest extent

Okay, which means if Charles Xavier tried to subdue her with his with her with his mind because she already has some innate telepathy

She could put up a defensive barrier for literally it would have to be like a coin to second

That's all she needs and all of a sudden

She's a more powerful telepath than Charles Xavier and the same thing can be said for Gabriel shepherds

She's just so incredibly broken and that's what she's at number two

Finishing off our Marvel telepaths ranked at the number one spot is Jean Grey with the Phoenix force

this should come as no surprise to any avid movie Watchers or comic book readers as we've already seen Jean Grey do insane acts of

Power with the Phoenix force and she's nearly godlike in that regard and telepathy would just be the tip of the iceberg

There's no one that could stop her Professor X he's screwed

Gabriel Shepherd's hope that bubble works against a god like

The only person that I could even think that would stand up to her is

Hope Summers with the Phoenix force in the terms of telepathy and Hope Summers isn't even as good as using the Phoenix forces genus so

It still wouldn't be fair gene would just take this telepathy battle in every regard even if everyone on this list fodder at once

Gene would probably still win. So that's it

For it again. Thank you guys so much for watching

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For more infomation >> He's a God? - TOP 20 Marvel's Telepaths RANKED (2019) - Duration: 16:35.


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 Aπό την Γεωργία Τσίντζα  Ευχάριστα νέα για την πρώην τραγουδίστρια των Otherview

Η 32χρονη τραγουδίστρια που τα τελευταία 6 χρόνια βρίσκεται σε σχέση με τον σκηνοθέτη Δημήτρη Πλατανιά φαίνεται πως είναι έτοιμη να κάνει το επόμενο βήμα στην προσωπική της ζωή

 Το ζευγάρι βρίσκεται αυτές τις μέρες στη Ρώμη όπου πήγαν να γιορτάσουν τα γενέθλιά της

Εκεί ο αγαπημένος της, της είχε ετοιμάσει και το καλύτερο δώρο. Ένα δαχτυλίδι θέλοντας με αυτό τον τρόπο  να επισφραγίσουν τον έρωτά τους

 Το χαρμόσυνο γεγονός έκανε γνωστό η ίδια η Κρυσταλλία μέσω ενός instastory στο οποίο απεικονίζεται αγκαλιά με τον αγαπημένο της, δείχνοντας στον φακό  το δαχτυλίδι που της χάρισε

 «Τα καλύτερα γενέθλια» έγραψε πάνω στη φωτογραφία ενώ δίπλα έβαλε ένα δαχτυλίδι

 Το ζευγάρι γνωρίστηκε για πρώτη φορά το 2011 στα γυρίσματα για το video clip της τραγουδίστριας στο τραγούδι «Κάνε με»

Τότε βέβαια και οι δυο βρισκόντουσαν σε άλλες σχέσεις οπότε η γνωριμία τους έμεινε σε φιλικό επίπεδο

Δυο χρόνια όμως μετά, το 2013 ήρθαν πιο κοντά και από τότε έχουν γίνει αχώριστοι

 Το επικοινώνησε με την τραγουδίστρια η οποία εμφανώς χαρούμενη αρκέστηκε να πει : «Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ

Μη μου το κάνετε αυτό, δε μπορώ να κάνω ακόμη δηλώσεις. Όποιος κατάλαβε, κατάλαβε

Όταν έρθει η ώρα θα τα μάθετε όλα».  Εμείς ευχόμαστε τα καλύτερα στο ζευγάρι!

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