Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 20 2019

hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is Lea also known as travel Lea and

today I'm sharing with you my bucket list destinations for 2019 these are all

the places that I hope that I can make this year and that I'm gonna take you

guys along with me so stay tuned before I start please subscribe to my channel

give this video a big thumbs up and also hit that Bell notifications so you get

notified every time I have a new video that would really help me out and my

channel out right now I'm on the road to 10k by May I'm really excited I'm pumped

and we're gonna make this happen today I'm telling you all my places my bucket

list places for 2019 where do I want to go so I have a couple of bucket list

places so for 2019 my biggest bucket list is to hit every single continent

yes every single continent so I still have to go to Australia Central America

South America and Antarctica other than that I have also already been to the

other continents I'll give you my top five bucket list places so these are not

in order these are just jumble number one is Australia so Australia I really

want to do Australia New Zealand together I will probably do like a month

where I'm going to both but that is one of the continents I'm gonna have to go

to and I'm really excited I want to see the Kangaroos I want to see all the

wildlife wanna see the Great Barrier Reef I want to see all of that so

Australia is very very big on my list first I was gonna do it throughout the

Southeast Asia tour but I realized like I want to have a good chunk of time

there I don't want to rush or be drained so that'll be its own separate trip will

be Australia and New Zealand so the second thing on my bucket list is

Guatemala and Costa Rica I just all the pictures that I see from Costa Rica and

Guatemala and I love Latino culture Spanish culture I love that culture so

much I mean I grew up in New Mexico so I've always been surrounded by that

culture I understand it's different going throughout different continents

and countries I understand that but it still has that little Latin Flair

regardless of where you go if you're in a latin country it's just oh it's

amazing and I cannot wait I love the I'm just excited I don't know what the food

is gonna be like but I love rain forest and jungle I just love that environment

so I'm really excited to cross that off my list the third place that I really

really am dying to go is Brazil and actually Bolivia but Libya

I didn't even know what Bolivia was until I went to Switzerland and I met

these twin girls I actually worked with them and they're from Bolivia you might

remember Yanis from my vlogs of Switzerland she's

boliviana she went to Bolivia I saw her pictures it just I was like wow yeah I

totally want to go there I mean she's really nice and if all Bolivians are

that nice then yeah I'm trying to go there so I really want to go to Bolivia

and also want to go to Brazil because Brazil I'm a little bit apprehensive

about Brazil being a solo traveler but we'll tackle that when I get there but

definitely those were on my top list or its big place on my list the moment you

guys have all been where I am waiting for that is Africa yes yes yes yes yes

2019 is going to be Africa in the fall I am planning to go to Africa for an

extended period of time I'll probably do like two or three months touring around

as far as the countries that I really want to visit in Africa I want to go to

Ghana the Gambia Mozambique and Kenya those are like the top places I want to

go of course there's so many countries if you have a country in Africa that you

would recommend that I would go comment down below in the comment section let me

know and I will definitely research it and look into it but yes everybody

always asks me when I'm going to Africa I am going but I'm just going

chronologically around the world also keeping in mind the seasons the best

time to go to Africa would probably not be in the center so I will be going in

the fall winter ish times I will be in Africa and I am so excited last but not

least I am keeping this for the very last part of my 2019 bucket list and

that is drum roll so Antarctica is part of my 2019 bucket list

I want to like I said go to every single continent and on tardicaca is a

continent I am hoping to make it by 2019 but if not I will go at the beginning of

2020 2020 January of 2020 might actually be a better time to go because I read

online that that's like when because the polls when you go below the equator the

seasons flip so then the winter there is like the summer if that makes sense but

also I was reading and that's when the Penguins hatch and all of the babies

hatched in January in Antarctica so I would be able to see baby penguins and

all types of Wildlife hacked in their little babies so I'm actually would be

kind of happy if I don't make it there in 2019 and I'll just have to make it a

month later in January of 2020 and I ain't mad about that that's it I hope

that you guys enjoyed my butt list for 2019 and maybe one of those

locations is on your bucket list for 2019 so like I said comment down in the

comment section if you have any recommendations for Africa and also I

want to know your bucket list for 2019 comment down below in the comment

section I really want to see it alright well thank you guys for watching today

again please comment and like and subscribe and I'll see you guys in the

next one bye

For more infomation >> Where am I going in 2019?!? | Solo Trip Bucketlist - Duration: 6:44.


Snow piles take up parking spots, eat up business - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Snow piles take up parking spots, eat up business - Duration: 1:00.


How to Get Glitter Lips: Best Lipsticks Tutorial & Lipstick Hack Compilation - Duration: 10:10.

How to Get Glitter Lips: Best Lipsticks Tutorial & Lipstick Hack Compilation

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoy this video!

For more infomation >> How to Get Glitter Lips: Best Lipsticks Tutorial & Lipstick Hack Compilation - Duration: 10:10.


Fabian Gonzales finds out his own cousin turned on him - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Fabian Gonzales finds out his own cousin turned on him - Duration: 2:14.


Good Trouble | Zuri Adele and Sherry Cola on Implicit Bias in Dating | Freeform - Duration: 5:26.

If you think online dating sucks,

try doing it as a black woman.

Based on data from sites like OkCupid and Tinder,

black women are more likely than any other demographic

to get rejected!

And if we do get matched,

we are often subjected to sexualized stereotyping

from people trying to pass that sh*t off as flirting.

Like, my character, Malika, calls out in Good Trouble.

[Davia] Oh, he's cute.

"I like my women like I like my coffee ...

black and bitter."


Sorry, I did not see that.

It's true.

While we've seen some progress for diversity

and inclusion in the streets,

we haven't really seen it in the sheets.

Which Malika experienced herself.

Last call. You want anything else?


Your number, please.

Yeah, I don't think so.


You remember when you swiped left on this?

Big mistake.


Wait a minute pretty woman.

What are you talking about?

You're on Shipper.

I swiped right on you and yet we never matched

because you didn't think I was worthy.

I would have never swiped left on you. Nope.

I bet none of the matches on your phone look like me.

Let's see.

[Isaac] You wanna see? [Malika] Yeah.


Well, let me just ...

You said it yourself, you're more of a Kate Hudson guy.

Hold on, this is not really—

You seem like a nice guy.

But I just don't feel right giving my number to somebody who,

subconsciously or not, wrote me off without a thought.

But that's just one end of our racially divided dating pool.

Because we have a history of segregation

and racial division across the board,

it's unlikely that anyone would want to date someone

who doesn't look like they do.

Which is partly why, when we look for a partner

to start our own family with,

our instinct is to replicate those bonds and who we made them with.

Which plays into why Asian men are less likely

to be deemed desirable by non-Asian women.

Listen, how many times have you seen an Asian man

cast as a heart-throb in a Summer blockbuster?

Actually, I can answer that for you.

It was exactly once.

August 15th 2018.

AKA Crazy Rich Asians day.

So, what's going on?

Well, it could be a couple things.

One is that people tend to be attracted to what they know.

To what's familiar.

And for reasons that range from economic status,

to education level, to cultural heritage,

our circles are still pretty segregated across racial lines.

So, you head out as a mono-cultural girl,

into a multi-cultural world, and the media fills in the blanks for you.

We don't just see this happening in dating apps.

Experts say that these trends mirror

what we see in the dating world in real life.

This is despite most people saying that they are

super open to an interracial relationship.

This also helps explain why women of African descent get no love.

Since we're almost always portrayed as angry,



The opposite of what's considered conventionally feminine.

So, whether it's because of sh*tty representation in media,

or our country's racist track record, or both,

it's clear that there's something rigging the dating game

to be much blander than it could be.

And that something is implicit bias.

Implicit bias is a snap judgment you make about a person

based on your preconceived notions.

And you don't even realize you're doing it.

That's the implicit part.

And sometimes, implicit bias leads us to decide

a person's desirability based purely on race.

And from there, the cycle of rejection perpetuates itself.

Dating apps use an algorithm

that ranks your desirability based on how many people

swipe right or left on you.

If everyone is swiping left on your profile,

you'll get buried under people who are supposedly more desirable.

So, your implicit bias, that causes you to swipe left

on people who don't even look like you,

is screwing everyone over.

Now, we know what some of you are thinking ...

"I'm not racist, I just like what I like."

Sure. And yes, that's okay!

But, make sure you're actually seeing what's out there,

not just what's fed to you by an algorithm

driven by our collective biases.

Which brings me to the good news.

Although the OkCupid study gave us a pretty grim outlook

for anyone looking to dip their toe into interracial waters,

another study from the year earlier found something else.

Something hopeful.

It found that, once a user got a message

from someone of a different race,

meaning, once initial contact had been established,

interactions with other people of that race

went up by 115%!

What that tells us is our implicit biases

really can be eroded.

They're not set in stone.

So, keep that in mind.

Next time you fire up your thumbs

for another round of swiping ...

you never know who you might find.

Share this video if you think it's time

to diversify date night.

For more infomation >> Good Trouble | Zuri Adele and Sherry Cola on Implicit Bias in Dating | Freeform - Duration: 5:26.


Jackson murder suspect captured - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Jackson murder suspect captured - Duration: 0:28.


AAF gets $250M investment, dismisses report of financial difficulty - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> AAF gets $250M investment, dismisses report of financial difficulty - Duration: 1:20.


Searching For Purpose in Life (3 LIFE CHANGING Tips) - Duration: 5:20.

We've all been lost at least at least one point of our life. This video is about searching

for purpose in life and I will provide you with 3 life-changing tips to

help you feel excited in the morning. If you are watching one of my videos for the

first time, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Our career is our job

and source of income. Our purpose is why we wake up in the

morning, inspires us to keep on going when we don't feel like it and provides

us with direction. Without it, we are lost. I was fortunate enough to find

my life purpose early on in my life. It was 5 years ago, the summer of 2013.

The summer before my fifth year in college. I was going through a rough patch in my

life and I didn't know what I wanted to do after I graduated. I picked

a major that I didn't really like. So my sister handed me a book. It's called the

Success Principles by Jack Canfield. The book completely changed my

life and my viewpoint. It's a book about providing principles

of finances, relationships, business, leadership and I went from chasing a job

to creating a life I wanted. If you want to check out the book, I provided a

link in the description of the Success Principles by Jack Canfield.

I highly recommend you reading it. It's a life-changing book. Jack Canfield

is an international speaker. Here are 3 life-changing tips that helped me

discover my life purpose which is to improve the lives of others by improving their

confidence, providing personal guidance and helping people achieve real

happiness through the fulfillment of their personal mission statement.

Tip number 1: Dig into your past. Everyone has a story.

Jay Shetty who is a viral video expert. He has billions of social media views and

followers all across the board used to be a monk and got into a lot of trouble

as a child. Now he uses his experiences to help other people find peace. Everyone

has a story and use that story and personal experiences towards your

advantage. You might not want to dig into your past but it's going to help you

create a better future for yourself and drive you when times get tough.

Tip number 2: Choose your gifts. Gifts is an intimidating word because it

makes us think that we don't have a natural talent. Which is why Marie

why Marie Forleo says we should reword gifts to strengths. What are we good at and

what comes easily to us? List out all of our strengths. We all have it and

if you don't then don't be afraid to explore what you are good at.

I know for me I am not naturally good at public speaking and communication but

what I was naturally good at was I was good at inspiring people and helping

people see the positive and every negative people say follow your passion

but just because you are passionate about something doesn't necessarily mean you are good at it.

Tip #3: Listen to what your heart is telling you.

We are going to have a lot of people our loved ones, family members, teachers, and

friends always give us advice on what we want to do. I am a firm believer of

listening to people's advice but somewhere deep inside, we already know

what we want. The reason why we haven't pursued it yet

is because we are afraid of what our loved ones will think of us. Sometimes

you have to listen to your gut and take that leap of faith of what your heart is telling

you. So, to search for your life's purpose you

need to #1 dig into your past, #2 list out your strengths or

that one gift, and #3 follow what your heart is telling you. Sit down, think

about it. Take out a journal and start writing.

Stay tuned for my next video on Thursday where I will talk about exactly how to

formulate a purpose statement. If I inspired you to start searching for

your life's purpose and you enjoyed this video, don't be afraid to give this video

a thumbs up. If you haven't done so, go ahead and read the Success Principles by

Jack Canfield. It's a life-changing book and it digs deep into some of these tips

that I have talked about in this video. I have provided a link in the description.

Thank you for watching Purpose Creates Impact TV the best channel to prepare you for success so you

can make a more powerful impact.

For more infomation >> Searching For Purpose in Life (3 LIFE CHANGING Tips) - Duration: 5:20.


Not following parking rules? You're exacerbating the problem. - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Not following parking rules? You're exacerbating the problem. - Duration: 1:26.


The New King of Comedy/新喜剧之王 Movie Review - Duration: 8:51.

The only reason anyone ever wins any sort of

Best Actress award in a Chinese movie

is because Aaron Kwok's not a woman.

Hi! Welcome to The Silver Spleen.

My name is Rupert Pupkin

and this is my review of

The New King of Comedy.

My first visit to Hong Kong was in 2001.

I was lucky enough to watch Shaolin Soccer

in a cinema in Hong Kong,

and it's one of my favorite memories of that trip.

In 2005, I watched Kung Fu Hustle

in a cinema in America.

When international stardom

didn't call Stephen Chow back,

he looked north, to China.

By 2008, after I'd been living here for three years,

I got to watch CJ7 in a cinema in Hong Kong,

during Chinese New Year.

I tried to watch Journey to the West,

but I only made it through the first... scene,

y'know, the one with the fish monster.

Speaking of which, I haven't watched Mermaid...


mostly because I watched the trailer,

which is also the reason I never watched

Journey to the West 2.

Comedy is extremely contextual,

and by extension cultural.

Its kinda similar to, y'know, curse words.

If you tell someone in English,

"Go fall in the road!"

they'll look at you funny,

because that's not a bad thing to say in English.

It doesn't even work in Mandarin:

If you say [shuai dao],

they're gonna look at you like "What's wrong with you?!?"

Now in Cantonese, obviously it has meaning.

Which is usually me yelling at Aaron Kwok

for overacting, but that's not our story.

So comedy also has what we could call different

'cinematic styles.'

Some movies have jokes in them,

and the jokes just happen.

Some movies telegraph jokes:

The movie sort of lets you know

that a joke is about to happen.

Or is happening.

Some movies...

make sure that you know there's going to be a joke.

And then they show you the joke,

and they make sure you know it's a joke.

And then they make sure

that you know that there was a joke.

And then it happens... again.

It's just not my thing.

I'm not saying that its a bad,

or it's a wrong approach to comedy, or any of that.

It just... doesn't work for me,

I actually just find it kinda off-putting.

However, it should come as no surprise to you that

I'm not the intended audience

for Chinese comedy films.

And those films definitely work

for their intended audience:

When I sit in the cinema,

surrounded by people who the movie is intended for,

they laugh, they enjoy themselves,

they have a great time and they love all the jokes

no matter how many times they may have heard them before.

So I knew that The New King of Comedy

really wasn't made for me.

But I watched it anyway.

I wanted to see it in Mandarin,

the language that it obviously was originally filmed in.

But when I was in Foshan over the holiday,

there were no English subtitles in the any of the screenings.

So I watched it in Hong Kong,

where its dubbed into Cantonese,

which is the language that, y'know,

helped make Stephen Chow famous.

Now it's been a very long time since I watched

1999's King of Comedy,

and so I'm not going to mention

all the nods to that film in this new film.

But they're definitely there.

I don't want to talk about that aspect of the movie,

as much as I want to talk about the story in the movie,

and a little bit about the movie itself.

The New King of Comedy tells the story of a young

(but not getting any younger)

woman, played by newcomer E Jingwen,

who's harbored a decade-long dream

of becoming a real actress.

Shes worked as an extra for ten long, demeaning years,

getting nowhere and

testing the patience of friends and family alike.

The early part of the film makes clear just how difficult

and soul-destroying life can be as a

small potato in the film industry.

But she never seems to let it get to her

and always picks herself up and tries again.

The New King of Comedy was co-directed

by Herman Yau Lai To,

and to be honest,

if the humiliations heaped on this poor woman

made her snap and the movie suddenly turned into

The New Untold Story,

you probably would really be on her side,

I mean the people she deals with are awful.

And that sort of brings me to the central point of my review:

That as much as I did enjoy a lot of the comedy in the film,

what I really appreciated the most

was the serious side of it.

E Jingwen's performance

is really impressive for a number of reasons.

You might say its easy for her because in real life,

this is what she'd already been doing;

y'know, being an extra,

and working real hard to get into movies at all

for about the same amount of time as her character.

But it can also be pretty intimidating

to have your dreams come true.

Now she has to carry a major motion picture,

a sequel to an iconic film,

and be directed by not just one but two

legendary directors,

But she never let that stop her,

and her performance is really, really impressive.

She was believable, engaging,

and showed a degree of... dramatic maturity

that I wish was more common.

Wang Baoqiang's performance as Marco,

a washed-up has-been, is really fantastic.

The first time we see him, his expression,

which lasts just a few seconds,

says more than a ten-minute monologue.

It might also be the weirdest

Boogie Nights homage ever.

Wang Baoqiang handles this multi-faceted character

with remarkable skill,

being very, very funny one moment

and very, very serious the next.

Now, like so many other things in this movie,

its easy to see how Wang Baoqiang's character

is infused with the actor's own real-life history.

In fact, a lot of this film reminded me of Derek Yee's

I Am Somebody,

a film about people who make a living as extras

while chasing a dream in Hengdian Studio.

Like that film, in The New King of Comedy,

the line between the movie and the making of the movie

is just constantly being blurred.

Everyone you see in The New King of Comedy

who's playing an extra... is an extra.

Even that woman who was a contortionist.

She was terrifying!

For about one second I thought

"I wonder what it would look like if she was naked,"

but that scared me even more!

Speaking of which,

I'm going to be 53 this year,

and I think that may be

why my favorite performance in this film

is from Zhang Qi, who plays Ru Meng's father.

He's not in very much of the movie,

but he makes the absolute most out of

every second that he's onscreen,

and I was sincerely touched by his acting.

Like I said, I mean,

probably 'cause we're near the same age,

but that's not my point.

He plays the kind of father that we've all seen before in the movies,

but we rarely if ever have seen it played this well.

And I would be very happy to see him get

at least a nomination for this performance.

You'll have to watch the movie to see what I mean,

but of course that's what I want you to do anyway.

Chinese New Year movies are traditionally about family,

and The New King of Comedy is a great

Chinese New Year movie.

It's full of broad humor and familiar faces,

and at the heart of it is a

very sweet story about family

and not giving up on your dreams.

I enjoyed those aspects of the movie the most,

but the comedy, if you like that style of comedy,

is also very rewarding;

like I said, everyone around me seemed to laugh quite a bit.

I enjoyed the scene talking about how

Chinese New Year movies can't have bad language

because children are gonna be watching the film,

so you cant say words like


Well, the kids in the cinema

that were sittin' in the row in front of me

thought that entire scene was f@#$in' hilarious.

And if that's not enough for you,

there's a Chang Cheh reference in this movie!

The New King(s?) of Comedy even gets meta on itself.

E Jingwen is the protagonist of the movie,

arguably, she's the star of the film,

she's the center of it,

she's the person the story is built around, right?

But Wang Baoqiang gets top billing.

Because he's a star...

...she's not. It's... reflecting life.

I think most of you would enjoy this movie,

and I think most of you should watch it.

It's a great Chinese New Year movie.

Quite frankly, from what a lot of people tell me,

it's the best Stephen Chow movie in quite a few years,

and it is!

It's a lot of fun to watch,

there's people to look for,

there's funny things in it,

there's good serious stuff in it,

there's great acting in it,

So definitely watch this movie.

But you know how you need to do it:

go to a cinema or pay for a streaming service.

Don't download this movie, don't steal it,

don't watch it on a phone, 'cause that stinks.

I'm not sayin' anything. It's just... it's just there.

I'm not gonna say it, okay?

But, y'know, hmmmm...

I think we understand each other.

If you enjoyed my review please let me know,

and if you didn't...

...please let me know.

If you enjoy the channel, please subscribe.

Thank you for watching, and I'll see you again soon.

For more infomation >> The New King of Comedy/新喜剧之王 Movie Review - Duration: 8:51.


[FREE] Kevin Gates x Moneybagg Yo Type beat 2019 "MAN DOWN" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER) - Duration: 3:25.

[FREE] Kevin Gates x Moneybagg Yo Type beat 2019 "MAN DOWN" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER)

For more infomation >> [FREE] Kevin Gates x Moneybagg Yo Type beat 2019 "MAN DOWN" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER) - Duration: 3:25.


Video: Timeline for next winter storm - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Video: Timeline for next winter storm - Duration: 2:22.


Bernie Sanders' Plan to Win, Revealed by Thom Hartmann - Duration: 5:53.

I'm going to reveal the most important thing you need to know about Bernie

Sanders campaign for president. Enjoy the clip and subscribe for more updates on

Bernie Sanders and progressive news and opinion. This is historic, you know,

whether Bernie wins or not. This time Bernie is up against, I mean, last time it

was Bernie versus Hillary. And you know, we need not revisit that. But there

were clear differences between the two.

This time Bernie's got some people

running as Democrats. Well, actually one in particular, Elizabeth Warren.

And others who are picking up other pieces of his platform, but you know, this

time around it's not just gonna be you know Bernie. It's not

gonna be one of these binary choices. But that said that what's truly historic

about Bernie Sanders and what he has done up to this point. And, we'll

see how this you know if you can pull together a million people over the next

couple of weeks to say yes I'll give an hour to your campaign or here's 27 bucks

or whatever. We'll see how that shakes out we'll see how much juice he

still has I think it's considerable I think it's huge.

But we'll find out right I mean you know it's all gonna be out there but you know

that that's like going forward but the thing that is so astonishing to me and I

alluded to this sort of you know in the in the beginning when I was you know

when Bernie first called in and and I was setting up the the interview and I

want to go a little deeper is that I mean just a couple of years ago you were

hearing things like oh yes we're all about hope we're all about change we're

all about you know I'm with her I mean so you know some of these slogans but

they didn't have the depth of policy associated with them that Bernie brought

into the race a couple of years ago

quote normal Main Street stream Democrats

we're unwilling in unwilling to endorse for example Medicare for all in fact I

remember Bernie was on this show for you know as you'll recall

every single Friday for 11 years and over and over and over again Bernie

would be supporting John Conyers bill H you know HR 676 or he started talking

about Medicare for all when he when he joined the Senate and this was I think

five years ago there abouts and he was on this show and this happened he

introduced a piece of legislation that was a medicare-for-all bill right the

the just the whole the whole enchilada right here it is Medicare for all you

know how many Democrats co-signed that co-sponsored that legislation in the

United States Senate with him zero it was all Bernie all alone it never got to

committee it never got a vote nothing because no other Democrats were willing

to say uh Medicare for all that makes sense

works in Canada it'll save us ten trillion dollars over the course of the

next decade no Democrat was willing to say that Bernie was talking about how

every American should be able to go to college or trade school for free because

we know fit you know this isn't an expense it's an investment we know that

from the from you know our experience with the GI Bill that for every dollar

we invite we invest in educating young people at the college level or trade

school level we make back over the course of their lifetimes seven

additional dollars we wouldn't have had we be in the federal government in in

increased tax revenue because they're earning more because they're educated

now this is a no-brainer and you had four or five years ago when

Bernie was talking about everybody in America having the right to have a free

college education and how it wouldn't be an expense I mean you've got it would be

an investment that will pay a larger return than the cost of the investment

same with health care by the way you got a healthier country

you got more productive workers you have lower mortality cost you have lower

health care costs you have more productive work force I mean there's a

reason why of the 34 OECD countries 33 of them have national health care

systems there's a reason why of the 34 OECD countries 31 of them have free

college education these are

simple I mean this is just like not even rocket science this is just common

friggin sense and you had five years ago there wasn't a single Democrat who would

say yes I'm in favor of these things and that has all changed now because of

Bernie's historic candidacy breaking up the big banks nobody was willing to talk

about that out loud free tuition at public colleges lowering

drug prices yeah that would get some lip service but then people would say but we

can't have too much government regulation come on new labor laws to

encourage union formation this is a list from Jeff Stein in today's Washington

Post by the way of the things that Bernie is running on and has run on

these are all things that are now parts of the normal conversation in the

Democratic Party curbing corporate spending on elections rolling back

citizens united or overturning a paid family and medical leave gender pay

equality increasing Social Security benefits raising the cap and making it

making it making Social Security solid and a few of the new things that he

didn't run on last time that he's running on this time ending cash bailed

throughout the United States legalizing marijuana throughout the United States

heavy taxation of wealthy estates corporations and the richest 1% and

closing offshore tax havens

For more infomation >> Bernie Sanders' Plan to Win, Revealed by Thom Hartmann - Duration: 5:53.


Daily Rasi Phalalu 21st February 2019| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope| Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 31:07.

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For more infomation >> Daily Rasi Phalalu 21st February 2019| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope| Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 31:07.


Travel Makeup & Skincare | MORGAN MULLINS - Duration: 9:46.

Hello friends and welcome back to my channel

So I was just told by the title of today's a video

I'm going to show you very quickly how I get ready for the airport

Traveling so essentially this is the look that I do whenever I don't want to wear a bunch makeup

Especially if I have to be on a flight like I am today in just a few hours

I don't want a whole bunch of makeup caked on my face while I'm stuck in on a stale air

No, this doesn't break out waiting to happen

So whenever I travel I never put on a copious amount of makeup

If anything I put on a copious amount of skincare, which is basically what I'm gonna be showing you guys today

so I'm gonna go ahead and get started because my face is so dry like it feels

Corrupt, so I've already applied matenda

The one that you guys know that I love so much the lush tea tree water

I've already sprayed that all over my face and it is dry. So it's time to move on to the next step

So something that's very very very very very very very very very crucial

Its hydration, I always put on my under eye lotion moisturizer first

I don't know why it's just how I do it and the one that I'm gonna be using today is the no reason to hide

Your sircle transforming eye cream by philosophy. I've had this for a while

It's nothing magical, but it definitely comes out little yellow in color as you can see right there. Yep self-tanner on my finger

Still not good at that. Okay, so I just took it like this and I put it underneath very gently

I look insane

So we're gonna give up just a second to soak in and while that's soaking and I'm gonna show you the face

moisturizers that I use on days like today

So I am a very soft hand because I just put it on last night and I just showered it off



Products that I'm going to be using on the top of this today because you all know. I like to look and

The first thing is this belief the true cream believe the true cream

Moisturizing balm. This is the actual like cream consistency. Not the gel consistency one that I love. This one also works very well, too

I'm going to mix that with the fake bake cell renewal with apple stem cell

face anti aging soft hand lotion

this guy

so I'm going to mix the two of those so I can have

Self-tanner still technically on my face because my face does not tan as dark. Oh


I can do it. Oh my gosh, my whole body is covered in the rash

Oh, this is unfortunate, so I

Guess since we're here living in person. I'm gonna begin the shower again

Great. I just put this all over my body


So janeiro, whatever the Coco Cabana cream and I have broken out any rash all over

My body, oh my god that explains why it kind of burned what everyone's putting it on

I just thought like I don't know. I just thought it was like a weird cream

I've never ever in my life broken out like this from elosha. Oh

Please cuz I've gotta get back my doctor


Let's try again

t-shirt water toner eye cream

I don't need too much of this because I really didn't get my face wet coz thankfully. I never put body lotion on my face

Alright anyway back to where we were

So and what I was trying to explain to you guys were indeed two lotions that I use on my face

So I'm gonna be going in with this soft tanning one and this regular lotion

This might get kind of benefits of both take

Fixing my hair I just hopped straight out. Okay, and then we're gonna take about

How much of this one kind of look like a dollop of poop in my end, but that's okay

so then I mix it together and

go to town and

I'm careful to go right up to the hairline because when you're putting a self-tanning product on it is

Obvious if you miss your hairline, like there will be a line of demarcation

No, but I have that one on I'm going to grab the base white just because of that. It's a self-tanning product

And then turn the palms orange

I mean, they're already like barely not crappy looking as it is, okay

So the next thing that I do it for my skin is I will apply a thin layer of this

This is the milk makeup blur stick

And technically a blurring primer

but I like to use it on days and I don't wear makeup because it really helps my skin look very

smooth and airbrushed and oh, I just

Draw it on

They made my t-zone because that's my problem area as far as pores


Then I just do my whole forehead cuz it's full of wrinkles

Mouths where I'm 20 smile lines and then applied I will just very gently like massage it

Okay. The next thing that I do is browse

Spoolie brush I brush them into place

And then right now I'm taking essence making me brow. It is a gel brow. It's a tinted brow

Gel, and I just put some all through the brow

We're gonna let that dry and then we'll go in with clear brow. Gel after Wow the brow gel is drying

Let's apply a little bit of this. So this is the hourglass bail retouching fluid

I use this on days where I don't want to wear makeup to kind of conceal the darkness underneath my eyes

This is a dark shade for me. So I really only use it whenever I tan because otherwise it just kind of looks weird

So this is the shade


Right there

Usually just put a tiny bit on my lids just to kind of help conceal the veins that I have up there

They're very blue. I mean my favorite way to apply this

they're gonna sound weird is with a dry and

usually dirty Beauty sponge

I'll just take it and kind of just Pat it

I found that if I apply it with the dry sponge it seems to

It seems to almost set that product


So now we're going to go ahead and put some clear brow gel in the zip brows because they are dry enough to do so


Getting close to the end here I take my eyebrow I eyebrow curlers eyelash curlers

And then a product that I've recently discovered and fallen in love with not necessarily this particular one

But just the product in general this one just so happens to be by Dior

This is the Dior show Maximizer 3d base mascara primer

I've heard there are plenty of other good ones that aren't probably as expensive as this one

This just happens to be the one I have I'm gonna put a coat of this all through my lashes

And then once that's dry, I put on a layer of mascara

I'm gonna use the true that I just have sitting out because I don't want to dig out the ones that I have in my

vacation bag so I have the

Lancome Hypnose drama I use this in my last tutorial

I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's not the worst I've ever used the ones pretty cool

You only don't love about this. Mascara as it makes your lashes clump together

And I hate that typically what I use after I use a clumpy mascara is all going with this one

this is the Estee Lauder sub twists and knockout defining lifting fan as

Essentially, it just has a very wiry and plastic spoolie that I use to help separate my lashes when if I choose not to wear

A full face of makeup. I typically don't wear lower lash mascara because it usually

transfers because my face is so oily and then I'm stuck with like a little black dots all underneath up here and it just does

Not look good. So I stick to

Just upper lash mascara. That's just what works for me and then the very last thing that I do before I call it a day


This is literally the look that I wear a lot

When I don't want makeup to work whenever I don't want to wear makeup, but still like have to kind of look not dead

Whenever I travel

This is it, so just skin care and a little bit of brows in mascara

That's pretty much it. It's enough to make me look like I'm alive, but really not more than that

That's it for this video guys. I hope that you enjoyed it

I tried to keep it short and sweet except for that little intermission would be you know, allergic reaction that was

Please do not forget to subscribe to my channel before you go the button to do so, it's located right down there

it's nice and red and big and

Click on it

Also click on that notification bar right next to it. So you get notified every single time that I upload get this video

I like if you did enjoy it comment down below. What is your no makeup routine, silly

This is it less than this isn't worth on this. I think that's gonna be it for this one guys

Thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Travel Makeup & Skincare | MORGAN MULLINS - Duration: 9:46.


"Die Tür ist jetzt auf" - Die Reaktionen nach #LFCBFCB - Duration: 1:37.

This result keeps the door open and that was our goal.

Nonetheless, this is not a result that eliminates all danger for the second leg.

We will have to show another very good performance in Munich

in order to progress to the quarterfinals. But the door is open now.

It's certainly a good, a decent result. We recorded a draw at Anfield Road in Liverpool,

we didn't concede a goal and we prevented Liverpool from bringing their offensive force to the pitch.

Everyone joined in and that was important today. For this reason it was obvious and apparent that we lacked power in offence.

However, we had a few good chances in the first half to score the first goal.

Generally speaking it was a very good defensive performance.

I think we did a very good job as a team today

We were positioned well and we tried to play patiently. The 0:0 is certainly not the worst result for the second leg.

I am very happy with how we performed tactically in defense today. We played with great responsibility today.

The boys gave it their all and now we're halfway through. Let's see what's possible in Munich.

That's going to be another very heated affair because they really have a very, very good team.

We have to be careful because Liverpool will probably wait for counter attacks.

Those three guys upfront are always dangerous and we need to control that. I hope

and I am sure we will have a very good day. We will do it.

The lesson about Bayern Munich today is that you should never underestimate Bayern Munich.

For more infomation >> "Die Tür ist jetzt auf" - Die Reaktionen nach #LFCBFCB - Duration: 1:37.


Aww Yian is doing a good job feeding his sister [The Return of Superman/2019.02.17] - Duration: 14:07.

The Return of Superman, episode 264.

"A Superhero Just for You."

(Excuse us.)

- Is this a new family? / - It seems like it.

(A rainbow-colored living room)

I can tell they have a baby at home.

They have a soft mat on the floor.

(There are unique artworks.)

The kid must be old enough to draw.

There are drawings.

(Are you curious who it is?)

(Who's the owner of this comfy place?)

(Right then!)

He's very tall.

He's slender as well.

(Daddy woke up first.)

You're right.

He has to bend at the sink.

How good is his proportion?

- Ten-head figure? / - Ten?

Wow, he's very well-proportioned.

Unbelievable. Who is he?


(Is that bean sprouts?)

(He's cooking breakfast as soon as he wakes up.)

He starts cooking even before he washes his face.

Is he a chef?

He's washing them in vinegar water.

- He must be very experienced. / - I'm sure.

(Now he cleans the spring onions.)

(He uses his muscles to clean them.)

Oh, my gosh.

He's using those muscles to clean them.


(Have you seen a spring onion this clean?)

He's skillful.

(Keeping the leftover spring onion)


(He's not all that perfect.)

Okay, he's not perfect.


So who is he?

Who are you?

(The Superman behind the mug)

- Oh, my gosh. / - Who is this?

Hello, I'm an actor, Sim Jiho.

He debuted in 1999 in "School 2"

and instantly became popular

thanks to his clean-cut looks and lean body.

He suddenly appeared on the scene.

I loved how upright his character seemed.

You should promote people quickly

to share your workload.

Because of his smart image,

he often played a rich man.

It's actor Sim Jiho.

I didn't know he is already a father.

(Two children are sound asleep.)

He has two children.


One child is up.


Babies are adorable around that age.


Hi, Yiel. Are you awake?

Are you awake, Yiel?

Are you in a good mood?

(It's Daddy.)

- She doesn't cry. / - My gosh.

(Let's do some stretching.)

He's stretching her legs.

He's a sweet dad.


(Let me go outside.)


Well done.

(She suddenly stops.)

(Who are these people?)

Who are they?

- Water. / - Water?

- Goodness. / - Let me get you some water.

I just made some barley tea.

Come here.

(You're the best, Daddy.)

(Barley tea is the best on an empty stomach.)

You're so cute.

I think Yiel takes after me completely.

- Unbelievable. / - My goodness.

(Baby Jiho and Yiel)

I'm worried that

she's greedy over food. She eats a lot.

"I'm Sim Yiel."

"I never hesitate when there's food."

(Give it to me now!)


(She's the happiest when she eats.)

"I'm happiest when I eat, and sad when I don't."

"I'm 15-month-old Yiel who loves food."

Who else is here?

- He's the oldest. / - Hi, Yian.

(Sim Yian, six-year-old boy)

Yian spoke since he was ten months old. He's eloquent.

He can explain and he shows interest in things.

You become food if you go on the table.

If you go through here,

- you'll bang your head. / - Be careful.

Practice makes perfect.

- Oh, my gosh. / - If you keep practicing,

you can be perfect.

Since we didn't publicize our wedding,

some people didn't know I had kids.

Some even mistake me as their uncle.

I am a father of two kids.

Today's breakfast is bean sprout soup.

Onion peels, spring onion roots, and anchovies

are used for the broth.

I thought you just put water and bean sprout.

(He uses fish sauce to season the soup.)

He's an expert.

It's good.

(Jiho's bean sprout is done.)

Yian, it's bean sprout soup for you.

Eat up, Yian.

Have a spoonful. There you go.

- He eats well. / - He does.

He doesn't seem picky.

(This tastes good.)

It's the food-loving Yiel.

- Daddy. / - "Daddy".

Let's sit here with Daddy.

Sit down, please.

(She flops down.)

Let's pray.

- Thank you, Lord, for the food. / - She's praying.

My gosh, an angel is praying.

She prays before her baby food.

- This is new. / - Helps us be healthy.

Please be with us today.

(I'm hungry.)

- She's an angel. / - She's licking her lips.

Okay, here.

(Come on already.)

(She finally gets a spoonful of her food.)


Is that her sign?

You love food too much.

Is it yummy?


(It's tasty.)

It's tasty.

Yum-yum. It's yummy.


Yian, you eat well by yourself.

Look at your brother, Yiel.

May I have some gatkimchi?

- More gatkimchi? / - Yes.

Okay. You can't eat it yet, Yiel.

Only Yian can eat it.

I'll get you more kimchi.

- Be careful. / - Wait.

Blow on it.

(I'll give it to you instead.)

Good boy.


(You're too slow.)

Yiel needs it faster.

She's approaching it.

(It's still slow. Be quicker.)

Are you doing a good job?


He's doing a good job feeding his sister.

What a good boy.

She's going on the table.

- She wants to be closer. / - No!

Yiel is on the table. No.

You'll become food if you go on the table.

Things that can go on the table are

dishes, vegetables,

- meat / - Oh, my gosh.

and so on. Do you understand?

(You're talking too much.)

Here's your food, Yiel.

(Calm down.)

Why do you want Yian's food?

This is the last spoon.

- You're a good girl. / - She's already done eating.

She sure eats well.

(Now Daddy gets to eat some food.)

That's how it is in reality.

(In the meantime, Yian wants to watch TV.)

It's you, Daddy.

He's here.

(He found a re-run of a drama his dad is in.)

(His face hardens.)

(Yian sees his dad kissing another woman.)

Oh, no.

What do we do?

He's shocked.

(He gets on his feet.)

Is he going to tell his mom?


Dad, who did you kiss?


- Who did you kiss? / - Who did I kiss?

You kissed some woman.

It must be awkward for actors.

You're right.

(Oh, gosh. You saw the kissing scene.)

- How will he explain? / - I know.

"Some woman".

It's over.

(What is this sound?)

(Come on.)

(Love like it)

It must be his favorite song.

I can tell he's sung it before.

(Yian knows the ending song.)

He can sing well.

- He can even sing. / - I know. He's clever too.

(I loved you)

He's only six, but he's singing about a past love.

(You're the only one who makes me live)

You know how to have fun.

(You're the best singer.)

(The doorbell rings.)

Someone is here.


Who is it?

(The guest doesn't answer.)

Let me see who it is.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- Hello. / - It's Seungjae.

How have you been? It's been a long time.

Seungjae came to visit.

Jiyong and I worked around the same period

in the 20th century.

1999 KBS Drama Awards for Best Young Actor goes to

Sim Jiho and Kim Raewon. Congratulations.

- Congratulations. / - You both won the award.

They debuted around the same time,

and they both worked actively in 1999.

- I'll work harder. / - They got close then.


Back then, we crossed paths often and became friends.

After 20 years, I happened to talk to him,

and we had both become dads.

It turns out Seungjae is the same age as Yian.

I thought it'd be good to spend time together,

so I've invited them over.

What's your name?

Sim Yian.

Ji Mian?

No, no.

(It's not Ji Mian.)

Yiel says it's not.

- Yian. / - Yian?

- Yes. / - Yian.

It's nice to meet you.

- Are you six years old, Yian? / - Yes.

- So is Seungjae. / - Seungjae, this is...

- She's Yiel. Sim Yiel. / - Yiel.

- She's three now. / - She's three?

He spotted the dinosaur.

You have a lot of cards.

This and Chasmosaurus

(They found what they like in common.)

are dinosaurs.

(You're quite knowledgeable.)

- What's its name? / - It's Kronosaurus.

Everyone acknowledges Seungjae as the dinosaur genius.

He was unrivaled when it came to dinosaurs.

(He knows everything about dinosaurs.)

(I'm on a different level.)

I think he's met his rival.

Will this become a big match?

This is Pachycephalosaurus.

(He attacks Seungjae first.)

This is Velociraptor.

It's called Velociraptor,

which means a swift seizer.

Oh, my gosh.

This is T-Rex, and so is this.

This is T-Rex too.

- This is... / - It's Allosaurus.


(Even Seungjae is flustered.)

T-Rex, Triceratops.

(I should say many names in a row.)

Plesiosaurus, Parasaurolophus...

Let me get the dinosaurs.

It's in my room.

Come here.

All of these are dinosaurs.

- What is this? / - This is T-Rex.

What's your favorite?

I like mammoths.

- Do you have a mammoth? / - Yes.

Where? I found it.

(Here it is!)

It's their common interest.

Do you want to see something cool?

- What is it? / - He has a mammoth too.

But you don't, Seungjae.

Seungjae couldn't get it.

We tried a few times, but we failed.

You became friends through dinosaurs.

We're friends. Let's do our handshake.


Show me how you do it.

- Bump it. / - Here.

(He bumps hard.)

- It must hurt. / - Bump.


(They complete their handshake.)

- It's done. / - Yes.

(Seungjae and Yian have become close already.)

Yiel, what is this sound?

Daddy is grinding coffee.

She's sleepy.

The sound of the coffee grinder became a lullaby.

Do you always grind your coffee?

I played a barista in the drama "Family".

So I learned how to make coffee.

- What are you doing? / - This is...

The beans are called Buku Abel.

They are naturally-processed beans.

The beans are picked after they matured and fell off

without the use of machines.

The reason why Yian is good at explaining

is because he takes after his dad.

It's fascinating how you take after your parents.

Natural beans tend to have a strong fruity taste.

- Excuse me? / - The fruity taste.

- I see. / - Like berries.

- I think he's a bit bored. / - Coffee and wine

are similar.

It'll taste a little sour since it's natural.

It's good.

- I haven't had this coffee in a long time. / - Really?

(Yiel fell asleep in the meantime.)

She's a beauty.

My daughter will grow soon, right?

You must be very careful.

Look at her nappy.

(Sweet dreams, Yiel.)

For more infomation >> Aww Yian is doing a good job feeding his sister [The Return of Superman/2019.02.17] - Duration: 14:07.


Duck Dynasty: FULL EPISODE - CEO for a Day (Season 1, Episode 2) | A&E - Duration: 21:21.

For more infomation >> Duck Dynasty: FULL EPISODE - CEO for a Day (Season 1, Episode 2) | A&E - Duration: 21:21.


BLUE SPAN DIVINE 4 DOTA 2 STREAM - Duration: 9:46:14.

For more infomation >> BLUE SPAN DIVINE 4 DOTA 2 STREAM - Duration: 9:46:14.


Blackpink Performs DDU DU DDU DU (On Good Morning America) - Duration: 4:04.

Good Moorning Amerca to be Blackpink

The song DDU-DU-DDU-DU are 6000 millons views on Youtube

Very good, right?

So right now the performs the first time ever on you

Every one

Here is Blackpink


Aye aye


Aye aye

착한 얼굴에 그렇지 못한 태도

가녀린 몸매 속 가려진 volume은 두 배로

거침없이 직진 굳이 보진 않지 눈치

Black 하면 Pink 우린 예쁘장한 savage (Blackpink)

원할 땐 대놓고 뺏지

넌 뭘 해도 칼로 물 베기

두 손엔 가득한 Fat check

궁금하면 해봐 Fact check

눈 높인 꼭대기

물 만난 물고기

좀 독해 난 Toxic

You 혹해 I'm foxy

두 번 생각해

흔한 남들처럼 착한 척은 못 하니까

착각하지 마

쉽게 웃어주는 건 날 위한 거야

아직은 잘 모르겠지 굳이 원하면 test me

넌 불 보듯이 뻔해

만만한 걸 원했다면

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye



지금 내가 걸어가는 거린

Blackpink four way 사거리

동서남북 사방으로 run it

너네 버킷리스트 싹 다 I bought it

널 당기는 것도 멀리 밀치는 것도 제멋대로 하는 bad girl

좋건 싫어하건 누가 뭐라 하던 when the bass drop it's another banger

두 번 생각해

흔한 남들처럼 착한 척은 못 하니까

착각하지 마

쉽게 웃어주는 건 날 위한 거야

아직은 잘 모르겠지

굳이 원하면 test me

넌 불 보듯이 뻔해

만만한 걸 원했다면

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye


What you gonna do

When I come come through with that that uh uh huh

What you gonna do

When I come come through with that that uh uh huh

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire



Aye aye aye aye

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire (hey)


뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire (fire)

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

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