Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 22 2019

They say being deeply loved by someone gives you strength

While loving somebody deeply gives you courage

There is always a little bit of madness and love

But there is also some reason in madness

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved

Loved for ourselves or rather loved in spite of ourselves

They say the four pillars of the good life consist of health wealth love and happiness

This part of my life is called love and happiness

Hey, thumper the reason I do all this because I love you, please be careful

I know that no matter what you're always in my heart and always on my mind

Music Playing

I'm hiding things

Music Playing

I'm Excited! I'm so excited

I'm Dying it's cold

We're having Seafood Alfredo. This is gonna your first time having seafood Alfredo together of our own.

But first we gotta do a trash run

I'm cold help...

I just didn't know why you kicked on the camera while we're going to put the trash in the dumpster

Cuz, you know why? Cuz you know why? That looks like an important email...

I get distracted really easily? Okay. No, you know why? Because we haven't filmed a lot lately and I want to film more of our crazy

cute, funny moments

I am glad, they're too important to miss

Music Playing

I'm wearing more pink than you are

I like pink

Music Playing

Whatever you do do not leave potatoes in your pantry for five months

It's bad, it's baaad

Music Playing

What are you doing?

My hair does not want to cooperate

Lol It looks like Johny Bravo

Is it shaking like a Chickens?

It's either Elvis, Johnny Bravo, or Conan O'Brien, yes! You just have to have the red hair


Conan, we love you Conan, we love you

no, man uses lipstick

No, but you may want to try it because the best way to become familiar with the product is to try it

You got a little crooked where everywhere? Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I see it now

It's like that thing we're in movies at cliche where a woman goes insane she's like

Why doesn't he love me?

He's gonna love me!

I'm normal, why do they say I'm not normal?

I'll make them all pay!

Insane Laughing

Jordan Singing

da da da da Something I Wouldn't do, I'm like the worst with lyrics, like I butcher every song it's bad

Can I can bust a rap?

Oh can you?


Oh come on, I was getting excited!

No, we don't have music to bust it too

Just put it on YouTube

We'll get copyrighted

Music Playing

See you could do free flow with us, oh, yeah, okay go bunny, free flow...

Things get tough. You know

But I keep going but until it starts snowing


Then I pull that Mother F*ckin Truck over yo!

You have to play it to the beat bunny. I will give you just an easy first on how it should be done, you go

Yeah, all right

Let's go


This is my life

Know how it is

Getting up tonight every time you look around

Never gonna be the same

So you got God take chances look for dream

See you can't do it like that that's actually impressive okay

That's equaling downside to Cuddy's

It gives you a belly shirt and messes up your hair

Welcome to my cooking show today, we're gonna make some really great food. First step is we got bread

Great, we got coffee great for the soil. We got

Crabs, you know, it happens every now and then everyone get some crabs. You gotta do it you guys I like

Just take my I

Love those just just like eco. That's why they be free

Or Defense chief

There's one. Oh

My god, I love the container. That's for later than you would take a nice soft hat

Slippies, I don't know

But see you've got sour

Pink there a

Special selection that is no love Italian side and now they were fine

You got different breads that are really common you even have chocolate

Few of you know the car and the bunny I

Want to get all of you, I want to share hot summer days and cold winter nights. I

Want to see hundreds of cities all around the world to see you by my side. I

Want memorize the shape of your hands and the way it feels holding me

I want to know you the dreams in your heart and help you make them

I want to live a thousand

Happy Valentin's got something really pink there a pan over here tour. I'm sorry about that. Just look this way out

As soon as we got a look through the layout buddy Tara got much okay now the pink box

Are you kidding is this that's a slushie machine?


He got me a slushy I've been talking I've been showing him pictures of slushie machines I've been like obsessed with slushie machines

For like so long and he's like really thumper really again

Oh my god, I love you

Yes, is your turn the one gift I put I think I logged 24 25 hours of

Work time into it. So I

Hope you'll like it. He would have helped me but he's

He's guarding the door. He's in my bag. He looks like he's tired and all asleep, but that's his cover

He jumps up and attacks

The tree

The reindeer wanted to be involved, but they're stuck to Christmas

So I decided to move them over there with the Christmas tree that that makes sense. But all the bunny's going to and bear

That's a I see a bear in the baggage and bunnies all he's gathered around

But everyone wanted to be a partisan

Let's do little thumper because it's her birthday. She's sitting on your gift

It looks it looks like a body feel okay, I like this play

It was supposed to be a lot smaller so she could carry it

This is to keep your heart warm every time I'm away

Is this a knife?

That is a little like magnesium

Flint starter thing that you actually strike it or not, and you can also wear it as a necklace

Okay start fires cuz I know how okay

That's this one, hang on well gonna start afar right now guys, hang on


I'm cooking me and my baby some breakfast and she said hey something wrong. He's popping

So I said yeah, she said something right I said I'll meet you there. Oh man. The building is on fire

No, I got my three kids that we bounced oh, oh we will be no fire



Is it gonna fucking blow

Love you

My life amazing. I could not imagine living one moment without you

You are truly my everything love


When you travel somewhere you take it and scratch off a little area of where you've traveled to and

It's a travel map for couples. Okay, so we can mark everywhere we've ever been together

And I'll always be together. That's really sweet hon. It smells it smells horrific. Oh god

I know what that smells like like mix of something decaying and rubber


Okay is here so we clean a scratch off things we can't really take this off but I will lift this up here

And so we can scratch off like yeah a little bit my scratch off here

We can scratch this whole entire thing off to show where we've been

That's gonna be so cool. That's I had a feeling this took so long

Get it


This is something I'm gonna personally like cuz I don't know how much the actually no last year

She made this I was super excited about it, and I've been bragging on up and bugging about her for the last year

To add something into this

like even Christmas elf like yeah would be a good Christmas goods that we could add something in here together and

you would not add a single thing in here and sucks like every time I wanted to do it like

Work would call me into work and it took 24 hours of constant work just to get this so

But that's one thing reason. I put my foot down so much lately. It's because I just personally wanted to do this

It's right there and for us

We got this up in here except maybe some of these stickers might be new. Mm-hmm. Okay, they all knew some okay

Now we get to here nothing looks too new

Something about

Are you spider-man todd has not spider-man look about the spidery that's Deadpool

First date I was so nervous

Gemma foofy don't feel that you

Belong there long fears our

Daughter named Pat fuckin. Sorry. I love you, Tom

Pull me out the map commercial it there

I'm was a clone. Yes Gold

LA and Montana

Invention of a phone. Hey

I do sucking for you today

Is where it gets updated yes

Where these kinds are so clean you

We view

For more infomation >> The Law of Attraction The Secret of How We Met | StoryTime - Duration: 17:49.


황미나, 뜨거운 관심..'연애의 맛' 김종민과 이별 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 황미나, 뜨거운 관심..'연애의 맛' 김종민과 이별 - Duration: 2:12.


Bizarre reason why people can't stop watching video of a man shaving his 'balls' - News Live - Duration: 2:36.

  If you've been on YouTube recently, you may have stumbled across something known as ASMR

 The letters stand for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and the phenomenon sees people make videos featuring certain sounds and movements that can create a pleasurable 'tingling' sensation

 These videos are often used to help viewers fall asleep, or relax during a particularly stressful time

  Jumping on board the success of these videos, men's grooming brand Lynx have created a range of ASMR tutorials to help men take care of their bodies - and hundreds of people have already given them a watch

   These ASMR 'shavetorials' specifically focus on three areas of the male form - the chest, legs and balls

 The quirky videos are intended to explore the "sensory experience of body hair removal" with a healthy dose of humour

 The series sees the host, Matthew, dressed in a white robe, before stripping down and taking people through the process of shaving various areas, using the brand's 2 in 1 shower foam

 Microphones are set up around the bathroom to capture all of the sounds made - including whispers, tapping, foam being squirted from a can, soap suds and water running

   In one video, Matthew uses a pair of coconuts to demonstrate how to shave your "bean bag"

 He instructs: "Depending on the fluffiness of your nut wig, you may wish to trim before you get started

 "These are some balls that I trimmed earlier, aren't they lovely?  "Pull gently on the bottom of your man sack, so that everything is nice and taught

Take a clean shower razor, not one you would use on your face."  He adds: "You've got to be very slow and gentle, you don't want to risk future generations

"  Lynx claim their playful new campaign is designed to appeal to both young modern men seeking grooming advice and fans of ASMR

 Claire Fynn, Skin Cleansing Brand Specialist at Lynx, explained: "ASMR is a huge trend at the moment, with many people finding it relaxing and calming to watch

 "There's been an increase in men looking for tips on grooming, so we've created a series of light hearted 'Shower and Shave' tutorials

 "We hope that guys will find them useful, whilst giving them the confidence to feel great too


For more infomation >> Bizarre reason why people can't stop watching video of a man shaving his 'balls' - News Live - Duration: 2:36.


Rayman Origins (Wii) | Mundo 1 - 2 (Gameplay) - Duration: 35:50.

For more infomation >> Rayman Origins (Wii) | Mundo 1 - 2 (Gameplay) - Duration: 35:50.


雪の中、狼とじゃれ合う女性。キスをしたりお腹を見せる姿はまるで犬のよう! - Duration: 2:53.

 雪の中、2匹の狼 1人の女性を捉えた 像。  彼女は、ア リカ・コロラド州の 物保護団体『コロラ ・ウルフ・アンド・ イルドライフ・セン ー』のスタッフ"ダ エル"さん

 狼は、攻撃性が いという特徴がある め、近寄りがたいイ ージなのだが・・・   画像出典: ouTube(Co oradoWolf WildlifeC nter)   像出典:YouTu e(Colorad Wolf&Wild ifeCenter  画像出典: ouTube(Co oradoWolf WildlifeC nter)   とキスをしたり、じ れ合ったりしている ニエルさん!  怖 イメージとは全く違 て、犬のようにお腹 見せて遊んでいる姿 とても可愛らしい

 この狼たちは、 供の頃から育ててい ようで、こんなに懐 ているのだとか。 ダニエルさんも怖が ている様子は感じら ない。  互いを信 し合っているからこ 、こんなに仲良くで るんだね

 この動画を見た 聴者からは「狼がお を見せることは滅多 ないぞ」「なんて可 らしい」「彼女は狼 信頼してもらうため 全力を尽くしたに違 ない」などのコメン が寄せられている

   (※↓詳 くはコチラへ) 参 ・画像出典:You ube(Color doWolf&Wi dlifeCent r) (本記事は上 の報道や情報を参考 執筆しています) の中、狼とじゃれ合 女性

キスをしたりお腹を せる姿はまるで犬の う!

For more infomation >> 雪の中、狼とじゃれ合う女性。キスをしたりお腹を見せる姿はまるで犬のよう! - Duration: 2:53.


✅ Netflix | Conheça a série nacional Sintonia - Duration: 1:52.

Kondzilla já dominou o Youtube e agora é hora de alcançar o streaming

Produzida pela Losbragas, Kon dirigirá uma série de criação sua, chamada Sintonia

A primeira temporada contará com seis episódios e acompanha três amigos de infância são surpreendidos ao perceber quanto suas escolhas de vida os tornam dependentes uns dos outros em suas jornadas em busca do sucesso

Mc Jottapê, uma estrela do cenário funk de São Paulo em ascensão e conhecido parceiro da Kondzilla Music (o vídeo de seu single Ladrão da Noite possui mais de 8 milhões de visualizações no Youtube), interpreta Doni, um talentoso músico ansioso para voar além dos modestos sonhos que sua família planejou para ele

Seu melhor amigo, o ambicioso e ousado Nando, escolhe o caminho arriscado do crime organizado, mesmo indo contra seu senso de ética

O personagem é vivido por Christian Malheiros - cuja atuação no longa Sócrates, filme laureado com Menção Honrosa do Júri na 42ª Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo - lhe rendeu a indicação ao prêmio de Melhor Ator no Film Independent Spirit Awards

O trio se completa com Bruna Mascarenhas em sua estreia como atriz, no papel da rebelde e engenhosa Rita

Criada por Kondzilla, Guilherme Quintella e Felipe Braga, Sintonia está programada para estrear exclusivamente na Netflix em todo o mundo em 2019

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