Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

so there's this dumb by the name of Matt what it is and he's going on a

personal crusade against YouTube over the predatoring that some channels are

running on the platform essentially people are uploading questionable

content of children which let me just say from the beginning if you Matt wants

to run the community that's goal is to take down these channels I'm completely

fine with that here's where my irritation stems this guy is trying to

reach out to advertisers of YouTube and have them pull out completely creating a

ad pocalypse 2.0 which will force YouTube to tighten their already firm ass

grip on all the creators they've cut the head off a mumkey and held it up in

front of us I don't know how much tighter YouTube's grip can get outside

of doing like some precognition we think he's gonna upload this type of content

from past data analysis so we're gonna take them down now and this is the

reality of the situation you dumb (redacted) do you understand what you're asking of

YouTube you guys know I'm not a company man by any means here on the channel but

there's a system in place already on the platform I will acknowledge there are

individuals that slipped through the holes but that's where we as a community

can point out these things and get them dealt with which has happened in the

past when you look at individuals like pyrocynical and others with uploaded

videos exposing these tactics the Predators use the fact that Matt does

not get that people can care about two things simultaneously either shows me he

has an ulterior motive or he's a idiot because again if you want to make a

community that goes around and protects children by reporting this content

that's completely fine hell you could even work with keemstar

and share the content your community finds so he can reach out to his YouTube

connect to make sure these channels are removed but that makes too much sense

and Matt is an idiot he's developed the mindset that either you do it his way or

you don't care about children getting exploited

keemstar status what's up Wow for real

yeah well you know what dude I guess what that shows is that you don't care

you care more about your money Wow you care more about your money this guy

I don't like this dude you know you care more about money than you do about

protecting people you know so what if it affects you go work at KFC bro

yeah damn that's that's that's bull (redacted) you know get a part-time job my guy you

know uber uber looks good for you I just

thought dude saying he has a point well what is the point here you know in other

words it's like oh this is an issue that YouTube needs to do something about but

it's gonna affect it's gonna affect me and I don't know any of those kids so

you know what I'm not gonna do anything about this because it's gonna affect me

but it's not gonna it's not gonna affect let's for let's keep it real what does

he say here he says the whole community he's talking about himself he's talking

about himself right that's his bottom dollar and it's not it's not a kid that

he knows it's not his little sister it's not his daughter he doesn't care a lot

of people are like that sucks hey you know mind this really bothers me it

reeks of there being more to this guy than what we're seeing because when you

do a google search on him it brings up a lot of nofap subreddit which tells

me as a guy that did nofap content in the past that he was originally in the

manosphere when he made videos catering to men and

you can see that his videos help men because they wrote positive things about

him one the nofap subreddit then there's the

second channel where he had skits and some of it has to do with picking up

women men go their own way and redpilling so to me when I look at his

track record I see someone that has one channel and it looks like they tried it

for a couple of months and then stopped for whatever reason then they had a

second channel which was producing nofap content which I would say is

somewhat successful I don't know what other style content he did on his main

channel but before this big subscriber boost and the branding change that he's

did he had 15,000 subscribers I don't know man there's just some red flags

popping up every video he's deleted or he's put

them all on private after his newest video hit a million views and he did the

crusade against YouTube which he's currently on and you know why Matt is

also dumb as bricks because here's a channel we covered six months ago in my

mind of youtubers video where it's a mother and her daughter from France who

run a mukbang slash ASMR channel I've critiqued the mom because she's eating

food in a sexualized manner on video while having her daughter and the other

videos eating by herself and it made me ask what type of community are you

trying to build if you want to upload videos of your children and send the

family members that's fine no problem just make it unlisted so other people

can't download it and send it off to Grandma and Grandpa but let me get to

the point if I'm gonna start a new channel called kids eat and download

every single one of her videos also while grabbing other videos of children

eating and created compilations or just do raw uploads and I were to send

this off to a community of predators that what can you do to stop it what

Matt wants is literally Minority Report that's what he wants he wants youtube to

step in before the person even thinks about making the video and that is not

possible what we can do with the system that we have is we see and report it

Matt doesn't want that and let's be real if YouTube were to implement some

Minority Report we're like you know based off of older style videos he

uploaded he's gonna make a video like this in the future let's ban him now my

channel would be going it would be a wrap because I love race related jokes

but I know Susan is not playing with that on the platform anymore so I'm just

gonna wrap it up here I don't like Matt I think Matt is full of (redacted) I think

Matt is an opportunist that tried nofap then he tried skits that directly

contradicted the nofap content aka how to pick up chicks which you can see on

his Instagram via tinder then he had the cam girl video that's getting him called

a pedophile by a lot of people in the community

I you're interested in shooting in that

adult video

and now I think those things didn't really pan out so he's trying this

virtue signaling bull (redacted) dealing with the issue that is already being handled

behind the scenes I'm sorry it feels fake to me the guy really comes off as a

shyster but that's all I really got so I just wanted to make this quick video to

gather your guy's opinion on it I'm sorry I haven't really uploaded too much

this month I'm working on my Kingdom Hearts 3 video

is taking a little longer than I thought so I wanted to put up something to have

a discussion also I've recently started my podcast channel which you can check

out on my channel page or in the description below and that's all I

really have to say I'll catch you guys on the next one everybody have a great

day and I will talk to you soon

so I just finished editing this and I don't want to specify why this really

angers because honestly boy I was listening to a lot of Chief Keef before

I started recording this video that's how much it pissed me off just the story

by itself it's because as a person that used to do nofap that content right as a

person that was on the nofap train as far as video creation wise before

people are in it is a moneymaker now the manosphere you can make money if you're

a good-looking guy here in shape go ahead and fire up that channel and start

saying are you depressed are you lonely do you want to look like me well I got

something for you click my affiliate links in the description the fact that

this guy was doing I'm not saying he was doing that affiliate links he was trying to

sell a product the fact that he was making something and when I look at some

of the thumbnails obviously if you just type in Mattswhatitis with nofap

at the end you can see some of his old thumbnails like the truth I failed a

hundred and twenty days like the why why my mindset has changed what no fat you

start seeing this and it reminds me of a lot of channels not that possibly are

out or doing this thing where they just monetizing this they're being hope

dealers I hope you I hope you can change but I hope you can't change because

you're my product and when I when I see this you know my brain thinks huh it

just thinks why stop man you're you're not proud of the nofap anymore I want

to know your story now videos is it possibly because it's a cult

there's no one think about this why did he stop that there was some positivity

he was trying to change it help me now even though on his side channel he was

running a whole different thing with the little skits and it just seems like it

meshed and did something completely different than the message on his no

staff Channel which I'm assuming this is the main channel s you know but he's a

savior he's the savior this niggas gonna save YouTube at the

expense of us all that's what he's going you know he's Griffith I thought I was

Griffith I thought I was the one that supposed to sacrifice everybody but he's

Griffith he's sacrificing us all for what because he thinks his justice is

the right justice

you're on the list Matt you're on the list you're on the list right next to

sexy sexy sniper I can never look at a piece of your content cuz you are

affecting my health at this point my chest is tight Matt I'm never watching

you're not that I did to begin with

For more infomation >> This Man Wants to Start Adpocalypse 2 #YouTubeWakeUp - Duration: 10:46.


Top Comment ✔️Lỡ làm bạn gái có bầu phải xử lý thế nào đây mọi người? - Phần 49 - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Top Comment ✔️Lỡ làm bạn gái có bầu phải xử lý thế nào đây mọi người? - Phần 49 - Duration: 5:09.


भौजी होलीया में भतार गइले दिल्ली हो // खेसारी लाल का सुपरहिट होली गाना 2019 // Bharat Gaile Dili Ho - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> भौजी होलीया में भतार गइले दिल्ली हो // खेसारी लाल का सुपरहिट होली गाना 2019 // Bharat Gaile Dili Ho - Duration: 3:27.


How to Make Matchstick House Fire at Home - Duration: 2:46.

How to Make Matchstick House Fire at Home

For more infomation >> How to Make Matchstick House Fire at Home - Duration: 2:46.


Cách Xem Youtube Khi Màn Hình Tắt Đơn Giản Nhất | Xóa Lịch Sử Youtube - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Cách Xem Youtube Khi Màn Hình Tắt Đơn Giản Nhất | Xóa Lịch Sử Youtube - Duration: 6:54.


Anh chàng thợ xây cầm Grakk đi mid cực kỳ chất và gắt đừng bao giờ coi thường Bé Chanh - Duration: 23:05.

For more infomation >> Anh chàng thợ xây cầm Grakk đi mid cực kỳ chất và gắt đừng bao giờ coi thường Bé Chanh - Duration: 23:05.


I Know What I Saw - Chicago Fire (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> I Know What I Saw - Chicago Fire (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:39.


5 Things YOU can do to grow your Twitch community - Duration: 5:19.

Oh hey yeah I'm Teg and my shirt is backwards. welcome to my streaming

series today I'm going to be talking about community on Twitch as it's super

close to my heart creating a strong community is a great

way to get people talking about your channel so I'm gonna go through a few

tips that have helped me grow my twitch channel and my little community

called team teg. so my first tip is don't always host your friends this is

something I get stuck doing on my channel and at the end of the stream I

try to think about who I hosted over the last few streams was it someone that I

know if it was then I'll try it I search for someone new either through the

directory of streaming in the tags I was streaming under or I will even ask chat

for someone that they recommend I will never not raid someone so if you

consistently just host your friends you're only gonna grow a community and a

streaming network of people around you you need to find channels that are above

your view count that you're currently averaging and also new people who you

think might be a good fit for your community if you're a channel that plays

mostly single-player games have a community night once in a while maybe

once a month play some Jackbox games hey hey this

is something I've seen streamers have a lot of success with and I think it has a

lot to do with reminding people that they're part of something together with

others hosting mini events like this encourages people to get together at a

certain time and they will be more encouraged to do so if other people are

doing it too another great thing to do is to look at

the camera when replying to chat now this might seem obvious and maybe

you're already doing this

but it is one of the best ways to form a connection with

someone if you struggle to look at the camera and you find yourself just

reading chat and talking to or at chat try and start small just reply to one

comment increase it to two comments by looking

at the camera specifically as if you're making eye contact with the person who

has written a comment remember you want to engage people because the more

involved they are the more likely they will be to stick around now we've spoken

about mods before and something amazing that they can do is hype you up and ask

you questions so ask your mods to come some questions or maybe it can be about

the game that you're playing or the topic that people are talking about or

just ask them to bring in something if maybe chat is going a bit slow or ask

them to think of ways that they can hype you up and bring your energy up 10% more

than it already is ask your mods and chatters to greet

everyone else so say there's people in chat and then a new person comes in

whether it's a regular or a completely new person encourage everyone to greet

everyone else if you can get this ball rolling then people will feel welcome

encouraged to chat and like they're getting direct some value out of your

community right away the moment they come into this stream another great tip

is to remember things about people the great way to show people that you care

about them plus it builds a connection that's engaging that makes people feel

valued and supported and appreciated remember that Twitch is a type of social

media so the more you can build your people skills the more connected your

community will feel good branding is amazing you think about a good branding

right like I think about the color orange and there's someone that comes to

mind I think about the color purple and there's a streamer that comes to mind

don't Branding can seem overwhelming especially if you're just starting out

but just pick a couple of colors maybe even one and stick with those for me

make sure your name is on everything and make sure that everywhere where you have

a banner say you twitch banner your Twitter banner YouTube it has a call to

action people need to know where you are and they need to know where they can go

to find more about you I have a tonne of other twitch videos coming for this

series so please if you haven't already hit that subscribe button below

hopefully I'll see you when I'm live on Twitch make sure you head over there and

give me a follow. If this video helped you in any way please tell me on Twitter or

in the comments below good luck everyone with your community

growth I believe in you I believe there is so much room for everyone on Twitch

and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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