Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

Merhabalar kanalıma hoşgeldiniz.

Ben MEK.


Videoya başlamadan önce aşağıdan kanalıma abone olun, like atın, yorum atın, videomu paylaşın, dostlarınıza gönderin, beni önerin.

Yani beni destekleyin.

Bugünkü videomuz dolu dolu olacak.

Birbirinden ilginç mevzular konuşacağız.

Hepsi birbirinden ilginç olacak.

İsterseniz şimdi başlayalım.

Dünyanın en büyük bankalarından J.P. MORGAN.


Bu banka paranın firavunları Rothschild'ler ve Rockefeller'lara ait.

Bu bankanın da bir CEO su var. Jamie Dimon.

Bu CEO ilginç bir mail alır. Bu mailde bir kızdan gelir.

O mali gönderen genç bir kızdır. 'Çok güzelim, tarzım iyi, kaliteli şeyleri severim.

Diye mail atan genç kıza ait mesajların satırları şöyle devam eder:

Çok şey istemiyorum şekerim, sizin çevrenizde yıllık geliri 500 bin dolar veya daha fazla geliri olan biri var mı?

Hepiniz evli misiniz? Bu konuları merak ediyor ve size soruyorum.

Sizin gibi zengin insanlarla evlenmek için ne yapmam gerek?

Bunu size alçak gönüllülükle soruyorum. Zengin bekarlar nerede takılır?

Hangi yaş kategorisine odaklanmalıyım?

Kimin karınız, kimin yalnızca sevgiliniz olabileceğine nasıl karar veriyorsunuz?

Benim hedefim evlenmek. Zengin bir adamla evlenmek için ne yapmam gerek?

Dünyanın en büyük bankalarından J.P. MORGAN'ı yöneten CEO Jamie Dimon kıza

cevap verir ve der ki : Yazınızı ilgili okudum. Yıllık gelirim 500 bin doların üstünde.

Kriterlerinize uyuyor. Ancak bir iş adamı gözüyle sizinle evlenmek kötü fikir.

Yapmaya çalıştığınız şey güzellikle para ikilisini takas etmek.

A kişisi güzelliği sağlar, B kişisi de bunun için ödeme yapar. Gayet adil.

Fakat burada ölümcül bir problem var.

Sizin güzelliğiniz ileride kaybolacak ama benim param bir sebep olmadığı sürece tükenmeyecek.

Benim gelirim yıldan yıla artarken, siz yıldan yıla güzelleşemezsiniz.

Bu sebeple ekonomik açıdan bakarsak, ben değer kazanan bir varlıkken, siz katlanarak

değer kaybeden bir varlık olacaksınız.

Eğer güzellik sizin tek varlığınızsa, değeriniz 10 yıl sonra çok daha düşük olacak.

Son olarak kapitalist bir kafayla cevap veren CEO Jamie Dimon sonucu şöyle bağlıyor:

yıllık geliri 500 bin doların üstünde olan insanlar aptal değil. Sizinle yalnızca çıkarız, ama evlenmeyiz

Bir profesör, elinde plastik bir kutu ve o kutunun içinde bir fare ile sınıfa giriyor.

Ve o kutuyu masanın altına yerleştiriyor.

Öğrencilere diyor ki: sakın ben yokken bu kutunun kapağını açmayın.

Eğer açan olursa onun sınıfta bırakacağım.

Tabi öğrenciler korkuyor kapağı açmıyor.

Profesörün 3 gün sonra bu sınıfa dersi var.

Profesör sınıfa geliyor, masanın altından kutuyu çıkarıyor ve bakmış ki fare ölü.

Kapağı açıp fareyi çöpe atıyor ve plastik kutuyu masanın üstüne koyuyor ve öğrencilere soruyor ki: bu fare neden öldü?

Öğrencilerin kimisi diyor gıdasızlıktan, kimisi diyor susuzluktan,

kimisi diyor havasızlıktan, kimisi diyor stres yaptı falan filan.

Profesör hepsini tek tek dinliyor ve en son diyor ki: bu farenin ölmesinin iki nedeni var.

Birincisi kararsızlık. İkincisi korkaklık.

Evet ilki kararsızlık. Eğer kutuya biraz daha yaklaşırsanız görebilirsiniz.

Fare kurtulabilmek için kutunun her yerini dişlemiş.

Eğer fare enerjisini bir noktaya sarf etseydi, oraya bir delik açabilir ve kutudan kurtulabilirdi.

2. nedeni korkaklık. Sizin korkaklığınız.

Hepiniz kendinizi düşündünüz. Hiçbiriniz gelip fareyi kurtarmadınız.

Eğer biriniz kapağı açsaydı, fareyi çıkardınız diye sizi de sınıfta bırakmayacaktım.

Birgün bir adam hamama gidiyor.

Hamamın içine giriyor, taşın üzerine yatıyor ve tam yıkanmaya başladığı sırada

birden kapılar açılıyor paldır küldür muhafızlar giriyor, burayı boşaltın,

burası kralın yeri siz yan tarafa geçin diyor.

Herkes yan tarafa geçiyor. Kral geliyor yerine yatıyor.

Üzümünden yiyor, armudundan, elmasından yiyor ve muhafızlara çıkın diyor.

O sırada kral gelmeden önce orda yatan adam görüyor ki, kral ona tıpatıp benziyor.

O da diyor kralı ben öldürsem, muhafızlara da çaktırmasam yerine geçsem çok güzel bir hayatım olur kral olurum diyor.

Sonra muhafızlara çaktırmadan bu içeri giriyor kralı öldürüyor sonra sürükleyerek

kendi tarafına bırakıyor Kendi de gidip kralın yerine yatıyor.

Biraz yattıktan sonra muhafızlar toplanın gidiyoruz diyor.

Güzelce üstünü giydiriyorlar ve saltanat arabasıyla saraya doğru yola çıkıyor.

Yolda giderken düşünüyor: orada ne güzel yemekler içecekler vardır.

Çok güzel kıyafetler vardır. Ha bide benim karım. Karım güzel midir acaba? diye düşünüyor.

Sarayın kapısına geliyor içeri giriyor bir bakıyor etraf yemyeşil.

Onun için duran hizmetçiler , bahçıvanlar herkes onun emrinde.

Diyor ki beni harem odasına yönlendirin. Onu yönlendiriyorlar.

Harem odasına doğru gidiyor. Kapıdan adımını attığı an sağlam sert bir tokat yiyor.

Gözlerini birden açıyor. Bir bakıyor ki başında hamamcı.

Hemşerim kalk uyuduğun yeter artık, hamamı kapatıyorum kalkta çık artık diyor.

İşte burada ne ortaya çıkıyor. Peygamber Efendimiz buyuruyor ki: insanlar uykudadır, ölünce uyanırlar.

İşte uyuyan adama böyle tokat atarlar.

Karı-koca iki profesör emekli olmuş şehrin keşmekeşinden karmaşasından sıkılmışlar.

Profesörün hanımı: Bey şöyle sessiz sakin bir yer bul da taşınalım rahat edelim demiş.

Profesör araştırmış etmiş, gezmiş.

Kayseri'de Erciyes Dağı'nın eteklerinde aşağısı şirin bir köy olan, yukarısı yemyeşil orman olan bir yer almış.

Oraya ev yaptırmaya başlamış.

Gel zaman git zaman ev yapımı sürmüş.

Profesör bu süreçte gelmiş kontrol etmiş falan filan.

Sonuçta ev tamamlanmış karı koca buraya nihayet taşınmış ve o gün huzurlu bir gün geçirmişler.

Rahat etmişler. Güzelce bir yemeklerini yemişler ve yatmışlar.

Ama profesörün bilmediğin bir şey var.

O köyün çobanı o köyün bütün koyunlarını sabah 4-5 sularında o evin önünden geçiriyor.

Tabi karı koca profesörü yatmış, sabah bir gürültü kopmuş.

Bunlar aniden kalkmış.

Profesörün karısı demiş, bey bu gürültü ne bu saatte çık dışarıya bak demiş.

Profesör kalkmış dışarıya bakmış bi koyun sürüsü, her yer toz duman.

Sonra çobanı yanına çağırmış demiş ki: Çobanbey bu her gün buradan mı geçecek,

biz hergün bu saatte mi kalkacaz? Demiş.

Çoban da evet beyim. Ben buradan bütün koyunların meraya otlatmaya götürüyorum demiş.

Sonra profesör düşünmeye başlamış.

Demiş çobanı dövmeye kalksam dayak yemek var.

Her gün bu saatte kalkmak da kötü deyip içeri girmiş.

Tabi içeride karısı isyan ediyor.

Bey bu ne bu ne böyle nasıl buldun niye hiç araştırmıyorsun.

Sat şurayı gidelim buradan falan filan. Profesör düşünmüş.

Tabi boşuna Profesör olmamış. Ertesi sabah çoban yine gelmiş.

Bunlar tabi gürültüden yine uyanmış.

Profesör çıkmış dışarı, çağırmış çobanı demiş ki : yav beyim senin sayende bu saatte kalka biliyorum.

Önceden kalkmak istiyordum, yıllardır kalkamadım. Sana çok teşekkür ederim.

Bunun bir karşılığı olmalı demiş.

Çobanda profesöre: ne demek beyim bir iyilik yapıyorsak ne mutlu bize demiş.

Profesör şu karşıdaki büyük kaya varya onun orada bir kovuk var.

Ben kalkamazsam oraya paranı bırakacağım, sen oradan alırsın demiş.

Ertesi gün çoban yine gelmiş kuzularını koyunlarını otlatmış gitmiş kaya'nın oraya.

Bakmış kovuğun orada bir taş var, kaldırmış taşı mesela çoban 1.000 lira alıyorsa

orada 6 aylık 6.000 lira maaşı var.

Tabi çoban buna çok sevinmiş, ertesi gün 15 dakika erken gelmiş.

Ertesi hafta kovuğa tekrar bakmış 500 lira var.

Demiş 500 lira olsun bu da yeter.

Ertesi hafta bakmış 400 lira, ertesi hafta 300, ertesi hafta 200 , ertesi hafta 100 lira,

ertesi hafta bir bakmış para yok.

Demiş herhalde profesör maaşını almadı haftaya koyar.

Ertesi hafta gelmiş yine yok.

Ertesi hafta yine gelmiş yine yok.

Çoban haliyle sinirlenmiş demiş seni ben her hafta sabahları ben seni bedavaya mı kaldıracağım demiş.

Koyun sürüsünü köyün öbür tarafından dolandırmış.

Profesör ince siyaseti ile başındaki beladan kurtulmuş.

Bir gün bir adam pazara satışa gidiyormuş.

Ama havada o kadar sıcak ki.

Önüne bir yılan çıkmış. Yılanda haliyle çok susamış. Halinden belli oluyormuş.

Hemen bakracından su çıkarmış, avucuna dökmüş ve yılanın ağzına götürmüş.

Yılan diliyle o suyu içmiş ferahlamış.Tabi hikayede bu ya yılan birden konuşmaya başlamış.

Demiş çok teşekkür ederim efendim, sen benim bu sorunumu giderdin.

Tabi ki bunun bir karşılığı olacak demiş ve hemen orada bir deliğe girmiş.

Delikten çıkmış bir bakmış yılanın ağzında bir altın var.

Yılan demiş ki : bu altın benim sana hediyem olsun demiş.

Sen benim bu ihtiyacımı giderdin.

Ben de bunu sana hediye veriyorum, ne zaman para sıkıntın olursa bana gel ben sana altın vereyim demiş.

Sonra bunlar ayrılmışlar adam pazara satışa gitmiş.

Akşam dönerken yılanla tekrar karşılaşmışlar.

Yılan demiş ki satışlar nasıl geçti bakalım, adam da biraz düşük geçti ya demiş.

Sonra yılan hemen deliğe girmiş bu sefer çıktığından ağzında 2 altın varmış.

Adam teşekkür etmiş almış altınları ikisinin bir dostluğu olmuş, adam evine gitmiş.

Adam her başı sıkıştığında yılandan altın alıyormuş.

Tabi yılan da buna her zaman veriyormuş.

Adam yılana yemek götürüyormuş et götürüyormuş.

Bunlar sağlam bir dost olmuşlar.

Bir gün adam ağır hastalanmış, yataklara düşmüş, kalkamayacak hale gelmiş.

Sonra oğluna demiş ki: oğlum ben çok kötüyüm yerimden kalkamıyorum,

filanca yere git yılan kardeş diye seslen oradan bi yılan çıkacak.

Ona ben falan falanın oğluyum.

Babam hastalandı senden altın istiyor de o sana 3 tane altın verecek onları al getir demiş.

Çocuk tabi inanmamış.

Yılan konuşurmu ya falan demiş içinden.

Sonra demiş ki : bu adam benim babam kırmak ayıp olur.

Tamam baba gidiyorum demiş.

Dediği yere varmış. Seslenmiş yılan kardeş, yılan kardeş demiş.

Sonra birden yılan delikten çıkmış. Buyurun demiş.

Çocuk tabi o an şaşırmış. Aaa babamın dediği gerçekmiş demiş.

Ben falan falanın oğluyum.

Babam hastalandı gelemedi, beni gönderdi senden 3 tane altın istiyor demiş.

Yılan hemen deliğe girmiş 3 altını çıkarıp çocuğa vermiş.

Çocuk eve gelmiş. Babasına altınları vermiş.

Baba dediklerin doğruymuş demiş.

Sonra birkaç gün sonra çocuğun aklında kötü planlar ortaya çıkmış.

Çocuk düşünüyormuş.

Yılan demek ki deliğin altına girip altın çıkarıyorsa orada bir altın kuyusu var.

Ben yine babam istedi desem.

Tam altından alıp çıkarken kafasına taşla ezsem sonra orayı eşip, altınların hepsine

sahip olurum diye düşünüyormuş Çocuk dediği gibi gitmiş yine babam istedi demiş.

Yılan girmiş deliğe altını tam çıkarırken çocuk kocaman bir taş fırlatmış.

Yılan bir hamle yapmış, ama taş kocaman olunca kuyruğunu koparmış.

Orada can havliyle çocuğun bacağına yapışmış, çocuğu ısırmış.

Orada ölmüş çocuk. Babası meraklanmış. Akşam oldu çocuk yok.

Her yerde aramış en son demiş yılan kardeşin yanına gideyim belki oradadır demiş.

Gitmiş bakmış çocuk ölü, yılanın kuyruğu kopuk.

Yılan kardeşim ne oldu burada ya demiş. O da başlamış anlatmaya.

Senin oğlun benim başımı taşla ezmeye çalışırken, ben bir hamle yaptım ama

kuyruğumu kurtaramadım. Kuyruğum koptu.

Ben de o can havliyle çocuğunu ısırdım öldürdüm demiş.

Adam orada demiş benim çocuğumu yaptığı çok ayıp olmuş. Özür dilerim.

Senle yine dost kalalım demiş.

Yılanda; bendeki bu kuyruk acısı, sendeki bu evlat acısı varken biz dost kalamayız,

bizden artık dost olmaz demiş.

Yılanla insanın dostluğu o gün sona ermiş.

Bir profesör elinde bir cam kavanoz, 3 tane de karton kutu ile sınıfa girmiş.

Cam kavanozu masaya koymuş, karton kutularıda yanına koymuş.

Sonra çıkmış elinde 2 fincan Türk kahvesi ile tekrar gelmiş.

O iki fincan Türk kahvesini masanın altına koymuş.

Sonra 1. kutuyu açmış, çocuklar görmüş içinde pinpon topları var.

Pinpon toplarını alıp cam kavanozun içine boşaltmış.

Cam kavanoz ağzına kadar pinpon topuyla dolmuş, ve öğrencilerine sormuş.

Çocuklar kavanozda doldu mu demiş.

Çocuklar hep bir ağızdan dolduuuu demişler.

Sonra ikinci kutuyu açmış.

Onun içinde de çakıl taşları. Çakıl taşlarınıda kavanozu içine boşaltmış.

Çakıl taşları pinpon toplarının arasından süzülerek içine doldurmuş.

Çocuklara yine sormuş. Çocuklar doldu mu? kavanoz demiş.

Çocuklar yine hep bir ağızdan dolduuu demiş.

Profesör 3. kutuyuda açmış. İçinde kum var.

Kumuda almış kavanozun içine boşaltmış.

Kumda çakıl ve pinpon toplarının arasından süzülerek kavanozun içine yerleşmiş.

Yine sormuş öğrencilerine. Çocuklar kavanoz doldu mu? Demiş.

Çocuklar yine bir ağızdan dolduuu demiş.

Profesör çıkarmış 2 fincan Türk kahvesinide kavanozun içine dökmüş.

Kum bu kahveyi emmiş.

Çocuklara yine sormuş. Çocuklar kavanoz doldu mu? Demiş.

Yine hep bir ağızdan dolduuu demişler, ama çocuklar hiçbir şey anlamamış.

Profesör başlamış anlatmaya.

Çocuklar bu pinpon topları hayatımızdaki en önemli şeyler.

Ailemiz, annemiz babamız, akrabalarımız vesaire.

Çakıl taşları hayatımızda kullandığımız araçlar.

Araba, para, iş, gayrimenkul falan.

Bu döktüğümüz kumda 1. derecede önemi olmayan şeyler.

Yiyecekler, içecekler yiyeceklerimiz, ayakkabımız, çatalımız, sandalyemiz, pardüsemiz falan filan.

Peki bu kahveyi neden döktüm.

Hayatınızda ne kadar meşgul olursanız olun, dostlarınızla bir fincan kahve içmeye zaman ayırın.

İşte bu kavanoz bizim hayatımız.

Birgün şeytan bir ağacın altına oturmuş etrafı süzüyormuş.

İleriye bir bakmış, yere çakılmış bir kazığa bağlı küçük bir buzağı.

Ve onun ilerisinde de ineği sağan bir kadın.

Şeytan gitmiş küçük buzağının ipini çözmüş.

Buzağıda ipten kurtulunca annesini emmek için heyecanla annesine doğru koşmuş.

Oraya gidince kadının sağdığı bir bakraç sütü devirmiş.

Kadında hayli sinirlenmiş emeğimi boşa götürdün diyip, bakraçı alıp buzağıya vurmaya başlamış.

İnekde annelik içgüdüsüyle hayli sinirlenmiş, kadını takmış boynuzuna o yana bu yana,

aşağı yukarı sallamaya başlamış.

Kadının çığlıklarından, kayınpederi kapıya çıkmış.

Bir bakmış bizim inek almış kadını boynuzuna o yana bu yana sallıyor.

Kadında bas bas bağırıyor.

Adam girmiş içeri almış silahını gelmiş ineği vurmuş.

Tabi kadında ağır yaralar almış, darbe almış.

Kadında ölmüş, inek de.

Silah sesinden karşı evden kocası kapıya çıkmış.

Bir bakmış karısı yerde cansız, ineği yerde cansız ve babasının elinde silah var.

Adam demiş: sen benim hanımımı vurdun, ineğimi vurdun.

Şimdi bittin sen deyip içeri girmiş silahını almış, o da babasını vurmuş.

Sonra şeytan da demiş ki : insanlar her yaptığı şeyi benim üzerime yıkıyorlar.

Ben bu olayda ne yaptım sadece buzağının ipini çözdüm.

Çin'in Quanzao kentinde bir banka soygunu.

Soygunculardan biri bankadakilere bağırır: kımıldamayın !! para devletindir ama hayat sizindir.

Herkes sessizce yatar.

Bunun adı "Zihin değiştirme kavramıdır".

Alışılmış düşünce tarzını değiştirmek.

Bu arada müşterilerden bir kadın bankada masanın üzerine yatmıştır. Ama bacaklar ortada.

Soyguncu hemen bağırır: edebini takın, bu bir soygun, ırza geçme değil.

Bunun adı "Profesyonellik". İşin neyse ona yoğunlaş.

Soyguncular parayı yükleyip eve kapağı atmışlar.

Soyguncuların en genci, hadi paraları sayalım der.

Soyguncuların en yaşlısı da çok aptalsın be bu kadar para oturup sayılır mı?

Zaten akşam televizyon haberlerinde ne kadar çaldığımız öğreniriz.

Buna "Deneyim" derler.

Günümüzde deneyim, kağıt diplomalardan çok daha önemlidir.

Soyguncular bankadan kaçtıktan sonra şube müdürü hemen şube şefine polisi aramasını söyler.

Şube şefi de der ki: dur hele müdürüm, zaten alacaklarını aldılar.

Biz 10 milyon daha alalım ve önceden iç ettiğimiz 70 milyona ekleyelim ne dersin.

Buna "Dalgayı yakalamak" derler.

Berbat bir durumu kendi lehine çevirmektir bu.

Müdür der ki : yav her ay bir soygun olsa olsa ne harika olurdu. Ne eğlenirdik.

Buna "Sıkıntılardan kurtulmak" derler.

Kişisel mutluluk, işinden çok daha önemlidir.

Akşam televizyon haberleri bankadan 100 milyon dolar çalındığını açıklamış.

Çaldıkları paranın daha az olduğunu bilen soyguncular oturup saymışlar parayı.

Tekrar tekrar saymışlar ve bir bakmışlar ki topu topu 20 milyon dolar.

Çok kızmışlar bu işe.

Biz hayatımızı tehlikeye atıp 20 milyon çalabildik, banka müdürü bir el hareketiyle 80 milyonu götürdü.

Galiba soyguncu olmak yerine doğru dürüst eğitimi almak daha iyiymiş.

Bu "Bilgi altından daha değerlidir" demektir.

Banka müdürü çok mutludur.

Özellikle de bir süre önce borsa'da kaybettiklerini geri alabildiği için.

Buna "Fırsatları kullanmak" derler.

Kazanmak için risk almak gerekir.

Bu duruma çok sinirlenen soyguncular, polisi arar ve soygunu kendilerinin yaptığını

ihbar ederler ve çaldıkları 100 milyon dolar değil sadece 20 milyon dolar olduğunu söylerler.

Bunu duyan polis olaya el koyar ve bankada sıkı bir araştırma başlar.

Bu araştırma sonucunda soyguncuların dediklerinin doğru olduğunu, sadece 20 milyon dolar çaldıklarını

ve geriye kalan 80 milyon doları şube müdürü ve şube şefinin çaldığını ispatlamışlardır.

Buna "Yalancının mumu yatsıya kadar yanar" derler.

Sonunda yakayı ele verirler.

Şube müdürü, şube şefi ve soyguncular mahkemeye çıkarlar.

Mahkeme sonucunda şube müdürü ve şube şefi 20'şer yıl, soyguncular ise ikişer yıl hapis cezası alırlar.

Shakespeare'in bir sözü var : "Doğruluk altın gibidir dünyanın her yerine geçer."

Yavuz Sultan Selim'e yahudinin biri 8 sene hizmet etmiş.

Ama o kadar güzel hizmet etmiş ki ancak o kadar olur.

Bir gün Yavuz Sultan Selim hizmetçini çağırmış ve demiş ki : seni azad edeceğim, sana para da vereceğim,

padişah sözüde veriyorum. Bana doğru söyle en ufak zarar görmeyeceksin.

Buyur sor padişahın diyor.

Yavuz Sultan Selim de bir yahudi veya bir hristiyan size hizmet ederse fırsat buldukları an size hıyanet ederler.

Sende hiçbir hainlik görmedim ama bana yaptığın bir ihanet varsa ben bileyim de

Peygamber Efendimizin mucizesini gözümle görmüş olayım.

Söz veriyorum ki zarar görmeyeceksin.

Padişahım diyor. 8 senedir sana getirdiğim abdest suyuna küçük abdestimi yapmadan getirmedim.

Yani her getirdiği abdest suyuna işemiş.

Yavuz Sultan Selim de diyor ki : Allah'a yemin olsun ki senin getirdiğin abdest suyu ile hiç abdest almadım.

Haydi serbestsin git diyor.

Rabbim hiçbir zaman yahudinin getirdiği suyla bizlere de Sultan Selim Han gibi abdest almamayı nasip etmesin. Amiiiin.

Nasıl mevzularımız güzel değil mi?

Hepsi hayatın içinden şeyler.

Beni izlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.

Videoyu burada kapatmak istiyorum.

Videomuzu kapatmadan önce kanalıma abone olun ve videoya like ve yorum atmayı unutmayın.

Beni dostlarınıza, arkadaşlarınıza tavsiye edin. Bana destek olun.

Hoşçakalın, Selametle kalın !!!

For more infomation >> HAYATA DAİR İLGİNÇ MEVZULAR_(EĞLENCELİ VİDEOLAR) - Duration: 30:01.


Wat is de oscillerende functie? | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Wat is de oscillerende functie? | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 0:51.


wig wigo - (Hamdi Güner Remix) - Duration: 2:46.

Welcome To

Subscribe new video

For more infomation >> wig wigo - (Hamdi Güner Remix) - Duration: 2:46.


Новые КУКЛЫ #ЛОЛ ЛИЛС 5 серия 2 волна Малыши Питомцы, Сестрички и Мальчики LOL LILS 2 Wave Nika Kid - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Новые КУКЛЫ #ЛОЛ ЛИЛС 5 серия 2 волна Малыши Питомцы, Сестрички и Мальчики LOL LILS 2 Wave Nika Kid - Duration: 2:48.


STALIN SAID WHAT??? | Russian History Rap Battle - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> STALIN SAID WHAT??? | Russian History Rap Battle - Duration: 6:04.


Мультиварки BOSCH: максимум функций, минимум хлопот ✅ Обзор | COMFY - Duration: 3:36.


Few people know, but the progenitor Multivarki was a rice cooker.

Her abilities were limited just cooking rice, actually.

But in the 90s the devices started actively complement functions

like cooking porridge steamer, stewing ...

And as a result: in the 2019th year we can use here

so not afraid of it the words "devices" in which

fifty automatic programs.

Also on the example of data models I will tell in what

Unlike the multicooker from pressure cookers.


Look stylish devices and elegant.

The materials of their buildings durable plastic protrude

and steel.

For carrying provided pens.

By design, models different caps.

The upper one has a swivel lid lock knob

and pressure release, but to you must open it

on the button in front.

The younger one has this button top which by the way

collects fingerprints.

Separately, I will note the viewing window of this model, through

which can be observed behind the cooking process


Control in both devices implemented by mechanical

buttons, otherwise everything functions and programs on

mind starting from standard: warming up, extinguishing and ending

non-standard: cooking beans, yogurt or jam.

Total in this device 48 automatic programs

and there are 50 of them.

And if you have your own "branded" dishes then you can take advantage

multipair function and manually set the parameters

cooking and then save them in two memory cells.

Everything is cooked in bowls of 5 liters. they are with non-stick

Teflon coating, therefore even when frying at maximum

the temperature of the dish does not burn to the walls.

But it is important to know what to stir products in the bowl is desirable

complete and silicone paddles and wash exclusively

soft sponge, or even easier - in the dishwasher.

Both 1200 models W, with induction heating.

Its advantages over tenami obvious: first, it

energy savings.

Secondly, the opportunity uniform heating


Third, precise control temperature which, in

both options can be adjusted from 40 to 160 degrees, in increments

in 5 marks.

Fourth, the cooking speed ...

And the older model in this the plan stands out

as this is a multi-cooker-pressure cooker.

Unlike less she can cook under pressure.

To do this, on her pen is special valve.

It is believed that food cooked in a way more useful

as less exposed heat treated.

This multicooker can cook under pressure in two modes:

low and high for solid and soft food.

As for the configuration, then in both cases it is the same.

There are standard ones: recipe book, spoon, spatula,

measuring cup and the one which can be met

far from every model namely two-level

cooking container steamed tongs and basket

for frying.

And finally, three very useful features of these devices.

The first is a lock. control panels for children.

The second is the memorization function. settings in case of interruptions

in the diet.

And the third - delayed start. till 12 o'clock.

So you can throw in the morning in the bowl all the ingredients

select program, enable deferment and on arrival with

the dish will work only cooked.

Write in the comments, could you completely

give up your kitchen plates and enjoy only


Like, subscribe and press the bell.

And also see the review Bosch's powerful meat grinder and find out

what can be cooked from pomelo


For more infomation >> Мультиварки BOSCH: максимум функций, минимум хлопот ✅ Обзор | COMFY - Duration: 3:36.


Classical Musicians React: Davichi '8282' - Duration: 10:16.

Fiona: Those harmonies! She's SO good.

Lindsey: Okay, OKAY, okay, okay…

[Rossini's Semiramide Overture plays]

Rachel: [whispering] Hello. Hugo: [whispering] This is K-Pop react ASMR.

Rachel: [laughing] We're just like: [whispering] Wow. He's sharp.

Hugo: [whispering] Wow, the technique… (R: [laughter]) H: …they used there, for that particular motif.

It's really… fantastic.

Umu (off-camera): So now you're reacting to a female duet, called Davichi. "8282" is… (Collin: she's cute, man…)

Umu (cont'd): …from Davichi's first EP, "Davichi in Wonderland," released in 2009.

In Korean, the numbers 8282 are pronounced similarly to the Korean word for "quickly,"

and is used as text slang to tell someone to hurry. So, like, yeah. Fiona & Lindsey: Whoa!

Lindsey: That's really actually super interesting. (Fiona: I want to steal that…)

F: …and then everyone will be like "what?"

Umu: There is actually a music video, but it's actually… it's shot like an actual drama, so it's very distracting.

The story, and it will take your attention away from the music, so…

So we can focus on the music, you are reacting to a lyric video. James: Cool.

Fiona: Sounds like Christmas, with those violins. Lindsey: I just think it sounds like… it sounds like fairy…

…fairy land. You know what I mean? Like… Fiona: Yeah. Yeah.

Rachel: I always love the string… electro string sound. Hugo: Yep, the MIDI strings. Yep.

Rachel: They really brought it back for the verse. Hugo: Got a lot of breathiness in her voice.

R: Yeah. H: They both do.

H: Going for that emotional feel that, like… R: Wow, this language looks so cool transcripted.

Kevin: Ahh. Isaac: They have such similar timbres. Huh… Kevin: Yeah.

Melissa: Okay, it's very, like, piano has the chord progression, and it's all about this piano chord progression, but it's, like, repetitive.

Ooh, it changed. I love that it changes! James: Okay.

Melissa: Now we're at a dance party! James: We can work with that, okay! M: …does my hair flip yet?

H: Oh my god. R: Yeah, okay, this is just the most K-Pop thing ever.

H: I know, this is the most K-Pop song I've ever heard in my entire life.

L: It's not double time, it's just a COMPLETELY different tempo, we're just like [snaps fingers] (F: [imitating song] baby, baby…)

Collin: What? Dude, this is…

…actually really interesting.

Kevin: [singing along with instrumental] Isaac: [joins in singing]

K: [laughter]

R: It's not even like it's mixed meter. It's just… H: Nope.

R: …they don't try to do any constant anything. H: I know, it's just like [vocalization]

… back to the rock/pop ballad.

K: Even without the tempo change gimmick, the melodies are just great.

I: Yeah. K: It's catchy, it's not stale…

…and it's got that early-era K-Pop light production.

It's not like, you know, the overwhelming electronica type of production.

F: Ooh, yes, they're singing together! I like that.

L: Yeah, their harmonies are very nice. F: Her voice…

L: Ooh! F: How do you say her name? "Hay-ree?" L: "Hay-ree?" "High-ree?"

F: "High-ree?" "Harry?" She's great. L: "Harry?"

F: I really like her.

Collin: [laughter] Jarod: This went a direction that I had no idea was coming, but like, I am totally okay with.

J: Wow. C: Jesus.

C: This is, like, good DJ music. J: Yeah, I know, it's like…

R: I love the break. [sings, imitating song]

L: So this is the same tempo as the chorus was, it just feels slower. But it hasn't changed.

F: [singing along] Tell me… L: We're still moving at the same pulse, except it's just like…

F: Those harmonies! She's SO good.

Lindsey: Okay, OKAY, okay, okay…

H: That key change was so, like… R: It's so… it's so abrupt… everything about this.

H: See, now every time they say, like, "give me a call", I'm going to expect it to go up.

R: Yeah, you could make one of those meme videos.

"Gimme a call", but every time they say "call", it… speeds up and goes up a key.

Melissa & James: [bopping]

J: [imitates high note from song] M: I love… they sound good! (J: Yeah, yeah they do.)

M: Like, they can sing, man.

C: It's the usual ending, right? When they layer things on top of each other.

It's good, though! J: Yeah, I dig this! C: It's like, super entertaining, man.

M: Nice. J: Cool. M: That was so cute.

J: Mmkay. M: That was fun, and cute. J: So, there are people who can sing.

S-I-N-G. Then there are people… M: How do you spell that again?

J: S-I-N-G. M: Thank you.

J: Then, there are people who can SANG.

M: [laughs hysterically] J: s-A-n-g. These two verbs are very different.

M: [laughing] James… J: These two girls… participate in the latter.

M: [continues laughing] J: Just like listening to their voices, they're very seasoned vocalists. They know what they're doing.

[imitates vocals from song] That little… like I can't even… like, I can't do it. I'm a man.

M: [sings in faux-operatic style] …just kidding. [laughs] J: Not quite. Wrong genre.

M: Am I "sang-ing" yet? J: [laughs] But, like…

There was one bit when they had this little riff, where they were just, like, switching

in between chest and falsetto. And it was like SEAMLESS. It was so…

…so great. And then, like, the belting, y'know those really high notes… (M: Yeah!) …was really cool,

and their vibrato was great. There was a lot of power in their voices. They're… they're… they're great!

M: I could not think about vocal timbre until like the very last couple seconds of the song,

because I was just too SHOOK by those tempo changes!

H: Why? R: That was extremely produced.

But the vocals were not extremely produced. So I kind of enjoyed that part.

H: That juxtaposition of not-produced vocals against produced soundtrack.

R: The background is very, like, tinny, but… H: Very 2009.

R: …it worked for the [mimics beat of song] nature of the whole thing.

J: That was fun. C: That was a surprise… what else is new?

J: It was like a roller coaster, man. C: Yeah.

J: Ayy…

C: They combined it really well, yeah? Yeah, the like ballad thing was like…

…pretty trite, and you're like "oh, come on…" J: Yeah…

C: …but it actually was, like… actually, the lyrics were good. They lyrics were, like, better than usual, but umm… J: Yeah.

C: I don't, like… how did they come up with, like, those two different, like, genres? That's…

…THAT was really convincing, yeah. Wow. J: I mean, you almost picture like the composers being…

C: These composers are… they're strange, dude. So weird. J: It's like "hey, I bet you can't fuse this and that!"

C: [laughing] Yeah! J: And just like "I'll show you!"

C: And then they do this. J: And then we get things like this. It's AWESOME.

F: Their voices sound, like, mature to my ear, because… L: Yeah, no, I totally agree.

F: …because it's from earlier. It's from, like, the 2000s. So…

L: And their voices both sounded very mature though. So like when they were harmonizing, it just sounded…

…super pure. F: Yeah, very rich. In when they harmonized, it was like…

It was like a special treat. Like their voices are some of the best that I've probably heard in K-Pop.

I would have to say, like, it's just… (L: Well…) F: Their beautiful sound coming from their mouth.

L: I agree with that, in terms of, like, straight-up like pop purity, 'cause I mean we've heard a ton of

really incredible, like, jazz vocalists, but I feel like that's almost a whole different genre.

Like it's a whole different section, category.

Performing that live has to be such a challenge. And I know, like, we've seen it, so obviously they do it and it's possible…

But to get those tempo changes exact… (F: Yeah.) L: And to get like that modulation exact…

F: They know the song really well. L: Like that's… that's very challenging to make that kind of thing happen with more than one person.

I: Oh my goodness, that was so satisfying. Wowwwwwww.

K: So… I: It was like borderline, like, euro beats.

But like soft euro beats. K: Yeah. I: And the melodies, yeah, they're SO enjoyable.

'Cause it's just like very basic, and then they would just, umm, you have one inflection that's going up…

…for, like, just for suspension and just like ambiguity, and then the next one you come back down.

That heater is very loud. The second phrase would come down to resolve it,

so it's like very… very period-like, in classical form.

Man, the two times, it's like I never expect it, because the way they climb up with the synth that it's just like

the rising synthetic sound. You just don't know. 'Cause the… (K: Mm-hm.) At the moment,

you're not focusing on time with the beats, but then they come back for the two times.

First time I listened to it, I thought it was completely separate.

K: Uh-huh. I: But then as soon as I clicked it, I was like "wow… they're related. By two times. And that's it."

K: It's not really two times. (I: Is it?) No, no, no, it's a separate… yeah. Umu: No, it's completely… it's not double time.

I: It's not completely… K: No, it's a separate tempo completely.

I: Wow. Well, that being said, it's like… yeah, it's still like, it's still cohesive, and it's still nice.

K: Mm-hm. I: And it's just like, well, it has the two different character changes, and it still overall made it…

Very enjoyable to bop to.

K: So I gotta paint a story: I got… "Paint a story." I gotta tell a story.

So, we're at KCON LA 2018, night one, and Davichi was one of the featured guests.

We were sitting… standing up front, me and the producer from Form of Therapy.

And PD was like, "oh, are they gonna do '8282'?" Right as it started, they were like:

"I bet… Kevin, there has not been a single K-Pop song that sounds like this." And so I got the hype. I: That is…

And then, when it happened… it's like, the world just changed, and…

because it was live, the bass was so much heavier… I: Oh yeah.

K: …and it was just a complete bop, and the lighting was going crazy with the tempo changes… I: Epilepsy…

K: …and man, that was a great first experience. And listening to the track again,

that's when I picked up on how good the melody is, how good the… (I: Mm-hm.)

K: …just the song is beyond the tempo change and the key change, and so it's a great song.

Umu: Hello everyone, I'm Umu, ReacttotheK channel creator, and I'd like to thank you for watching this video.

I really hope you enjoyed or learned something from it.

If you'd like to support us or help ReacttotheK grow, you can do so by visiting our Patreon, and help us out by pledging any amount you can.

BIG tip of the hat to our Superstar Idol patrons — thanks for the love. 'Til next time.

For more infomation >> Classical Musicians React: Davichi '8282' - Duration: 10:16.


Kaip pakeisti tepalo filtras ir variklio alyvą VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [PAMOKA AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Kaip pakeisti tepalo filtras ir variklio alyvą VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [PAMOKA AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:10.


Полезные товары от Сяоми / Топ гаджеты Xiaomi 2019 / Электроника из Китая / Покупки с Алиэкспресс - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Полезные товары от Сяоми / Топ гаджеты Xiaomi 2019 / Электроника из Китая / Покупки с Алиэкспресс - Duration: 6:45.


Swing Trading Strategies - ADX Indicator Trading Strategy & Moving Average Strategy - Duration: 39:01.

- [Instructor] Welcome to the

Swing Trading Strategies video series.

In this video we will learn about

ADX Indicator trading strategy

that combines ADX Indicator and moving averages.

I've covered swing trading in great depth

and in case you landed directly on this video

do watch the remaining parts of

Swing Trading Strategies series.

Link to all of these videos is given

in the description box below.

So by the time you've finished this video

you will have learned how to use this simple

ADX Indicator trading strategy for swing trading.

And how to apply this strategy to identify

high probability trades and time your trades to perfection

with well defined stop-loss.

So what I'll do is I'll take you through

some basics of ADX Indicator,

And will then show you how to combine

ADX Indicator and moving averages together.

This trading strategy was first given out by

Linda Bradford Raschke who remains

one of the most influential trader of our time.

And this particular setup works exceptionally well.

I will also show you some modifications

that you can implement in order to enhance your return.

In the end, I will show you how to trade this setup

by defining risk, entry, stop-loss and exit.

So let's get started.

So let us first begin with the basics of ADX Indicator.

Now ADX primarily is a trend strength indicator.

It's mainly used to determine strength

behind a trending move.

On a standalone basis as such,

ADX Indicator does not indicate the direction of trend.

Now remember this important point here,

that ADX Indicator only highlights

the strength of the underlying move.

I hope this point is clear.

So ADX is calculated based on

moving average of price range extension

that is taken over a period of time.

If you're interested in learning

about ADX Indicator construction and calculation

there are plenty of resources free and available on Google

do refer the same for calculations segment.

So default parameter for ADX Indicator is 14.

However, traders can experiment

based on their own preference, and on experiences.

Now when you plot the ADX Indicator on a chart

you'll find two more lines along with this,

that is the positive DMI and the negative DMI.

Now DMI hear stands for directional movement indicator.

So positive DMI represents positive direction of price,

whereas negative DMI represents

negative direction for price.

Now when positive DMI is above the negative DMI

prices typically move up.

And when negative DMI is above the positive DMI,

price usually moves lower.

So I'll just explain this to you on a chart.

So this chart that you see in front of you

has the ADX that is plotted in blue,

I hope it's clearly visible.

Positive DMI, that is

directional movement indicator positive,

that is highlighted here in green.

And the negative DMI is highlighted in red.

I hope this much is clear.

So here you have price

along with 20 period exponential moving average.

And this is the NIFTY IT index.

So in some instances you're seeing that positive DMI

is greater than the negative DMI and ADX is rising.

Whereas in some instances you are seeing

that negative DMI is greater than positive DMI

and ADX is rising.

So there are times when ADX does not rise at all

and hence that indicates weakness of trend.

In the chart in front of you

whenever ADX is greater than 30,

I have marked this 30 level with the horizontal line,

this is black line.

So whenever ADX is greater than 30

and positive DMI is above the negative DMI,

that suggests positive momentum in price.

Now if you look at this point where ADX is above 30

and positive DMI, in green,

is clearly above the negative DMI,

look how price trends upwards.

So this is just one of the application of ADX,

and I'll be coming to the detail aspects of ADX

once we start covering this particular strategy.

So before we move forward it's important to classify ADX Indicator

into measurable parameters.

That is, what qualifies as a strong trend

and what qualifies as a weak trend with respect to ADX Indicator,

and how to interpret the same.

So this chart that you see in front of you

is the ADX Indicator and DMI trend strength chart.

If you want you should take a screenshot

of this particular chart

as it will help you understand this concept better.

So when ADX is below 30, that is between zero and 30,

and positive DMI is above the negative DMI,

trend is naturally up,

but the strength of the trend is weak.

Similarly, when ADX is below 30,

that is between zero and 30,

and negative DMI is above positive DMI,

then trend is down but the strength of the trend is weak.

So trend is typically strong when ADX is between 30 and 50,

and it is very strong when ADX is between 50 and 80.

I hope this particular point is clear.

Now once ADX starts rising above the 80 mark,

that is between 80 and 100,

avoid considering it and wait for it to cool off

as it suggests excess in trend over short-term.

I hope this point is also clear

because this is extremely important.

So the regions that you have to target

for this particular strategy is between 30 and 50.

And you have to hope that you catch on to such a trend

where ADX moves from 30 to 80.

That is when you will make maximum money

in this particular strategy.

So let us know quickly move to the ADX system

suggested by Linda Bradford Raschke.

From here on I'll be referring to her as LBR.

So again this trading strategy based on ADX

that I am going to explain

is that of Linda Bradford Raschke.

And I will suggest some changes as well to this

once you understand the trading strategy,

but this I will take up towards the end.

So this is an extremely simple trading strategy

which works exceptionally well for swing trading.

Now LBR recommends using ADX Indicator 14

and 20 exponential moving average

for this particular trading strategy.

The timeframe that she recommends is daily timeframe.

And for swing trading she recommend selecting only

those stocks whose ADX Indicator 14 is greater than 30 and rising.

So let us now move to how

the trading strategy is setup on charts,

and what are the rules for this particular trading strategy.

So this chart that you see in front of you

is the daily time frame chart for Yes Bank futures.

On the chart we have a 20 period exponential moving average.

The rules for this particular strategy are as follows.

Rule number one, ADX Indicator 14 on daily timeframe

has to be above 30 and rising.

Rule number two, look for a retracement of price

towards 20 day exponential moving average.

Now while retracement is happening

ADX Indicator (14) may experience some dip,

that is, you see here ADX Indicator is heading down

while being above 30.

Now, this is totally fine.

Rule number three, when price touches the 20 EMA,

look at this candle here, it is touching the 20 EMA,

buy next day or on the following sessions,

where high of this candle which was touching the 20 EMA,

is crossed.

I hope this particular point is clear

because it's a very simple rule.

Again I'll repeat.

Rule number three is wait for price to pull back

to 20 day exponential moving average,

and once a candle touches this

20 day exponential moving average,

take the high of the candle, draw a horizontal line,

and wait for this high be crossed in subsequent candles.

As soon as this high is crossed you enter the trade.

With stop-loss, that is rule number four,

being the recent swing high.

Now the stop-loss section I will be covering up

later in examples, because it is kind of subjective.

But this is what LBR recommends.

So again these are the four basic rules

for this trading strategies.

These are really easy to understand,

and you will be amazed with how this works

for swing trading.

Now I'll explain this a bit more on price charts,

and then I will walk you through with a complete example

for this particular trading strategy.

So this is the price chart of the previous example,

I just expanded the price section and removed the ADX Indicator part

for ease of understanding.

Now I have marked out two trading setups

based on this particular strategy.

So each time that price that it's candle touches 20 EMA

go long in the subsequent sessions if

high of the candle is crossed.

So these two candles that are marked here,

these are the ones that touch the 20 EMA.

And what I've done is I've expanded this section here,

and I have expanded this section here

so that you can understand this better.

So once we have this criteria,

that is candles touching the 20 EMA,

what we have to do is just draw a horizontal line here

right across the high prices.

And when price crosses it in subsequent session

we just enter keeping the recent swing as stop-loss.

Now for this particular setup, this would be the stop-loss.

And here, this is the same candle as this one,

which touches the 20 EMA,

and once this happens you draw

a horizontal line across the high.

And when the high is crossed

you enter the trade with this being your stop-loss.

So in the slides ahead I will explain one example

as it plays out on a daily timeframe chart.

So this is the exact same setup

on the short side of the market.

Now rules for this trading strategy,

as a short selling strategy, are as follows.

Rule number one, ADX Indicator 14 has to be above 30.

Rule number two, when price is below

the 20 exponential moving average,

wait for the retracement to happen

till 20 exponential moving average.

Rule number three, when price touches

the 20 exponential moving average,

short sell next day, or in subsequent sessions,

if the low of the candle that touches 20 EMA

is crossed on the downside.

And rule number four is the stop-loss,

that stop-loss for short selling would be

the recent swing high that is formed.

So if you take this particular case here

there are three, four setups that are formed on the chart.

If you look at this particular setup,

this is the candle that has touched

the 20 exponential moving average,

so what you do is you draw horizontal line

across this candle.

And as soon as next day,

the low of this particular candle is breached,

then you enter the trade

and put a stop-loss at this particular swing high.

Now if you're a conservative trader

you can use this particular swing high.

And if you're an aggressive trader

you can use the major swing high.

Again, I'll explain these concepts

in the particular example.

So let me show this on price chart alone.

So as shown on the chart

each time candle touches the 20 exponential moving average,

mark out the low point of the candle that touches

the exponential moving average.

And if on subsequent days low is crossed,

open a short trade with the recent high as stop-loss.

So if this seems confusing do not worry,

just stay with me as the next few slides I will show you

how this is done with a particular example

on a daily timeframe chart.

So let us now understand the rule

of exponential moving average in this strategy.

So this ADX Indicator trading strategy by LBR

uses a exponential moving average to identify the trend.

I would actually recommend the same thing

because exponential moving averages

stay closer to the price.

Now prefer only those stocks

where 20 period exponential moving averages

is moving up, that is if you want to trade on the long side.

And prefer only those stocks where

exponential moving average is moving down with price

if you wanna go short.

So if you wanna experiment with moving average parameters

you definitely can.

Now there are traders to prefer

something like a 21 period average,

or a 34 period average, and this is totally fine.

However, I would strongly recommend that do not use

a 50 EMA or a hundred exponential moving average

as this will result into fewer trades

by this particular strategy.

Now remember one thing that you are essentially

looking to trade the pullback in this strategy.

And number of time stock pulls back

to a 50 or 100 exponential moving average

is far less than number of times

a stock typically pulls back

to a 20 period exponential moving average.

So I hope this particular point is clear.

Now as far as timeframe is concerned,

only use daily timeframe.

On daily time frame use a 20 day exponential moving average.

Now these were the parameters

that were given by LBR herself.

So avoid using this particular strategy

on a shorter timeframe as this would lead to whipsaws

on long or short side.

Now as a golden rule I would suggest that

avoid stocks where trend is not clearly visible.

This would actually include those stocks

that are clearly in a well-defined range.

So best time to trade this strategy

is when stock is breaking out into a trend,

after a period of consolidation.

I'll again come to this part towards the end of this video.

So let me now come to stock selection

for this particular trading strategy.

Now LBR recommends stocks

that are exhibiting uptrend or downtrend,

that are clearly identifiable with ADX Indicator 14 greater than 30.

Now this is the core selection criteria

for this particular trading strategy.

Now remember one thing, you are swing trading here

and you want to maximize your profits

with the next swing in market.

Therefore, I think it makes sense to select stocks

that are more prone to swings in the market.

And in my opinion, these stocks would be high beta stocks

with beta value greater than 1.3.

Now high beta stocks are more prone to swings

making them an excellent choice

for any swing trading strategy.

If you recollect, in this particular

Swing Trading Strategies I have highlighted

the importance of high beta and swing trading

many a times in my videos.

So you can get a list of high beta stocks

if you are using a software like Amibroker or Metastock.

In case you don't have these softwares

I have posted the beta code for

in the comments section below.

And you can use the same to identify high beta stocks.

So let me now take you through an example

of executing this trading strategy

where I will be showing you how to

approach this on a daily basis.

So before we move forward in this particular strategy,

keep two specific things in mind about the candle structure

that I'm going to show you for this trading strategy.

This that you see here, these are long wicks of candle.

Now whenever you see long wicks on the upside

think resistance.

Now this that you see here,

these are long tails of candle.

Whenever you see this think in terms of demand.

Now these two basic concepts will come in handy going ahead

as lot of price action analysis

with respect to this strategy

depends on wicks and tail of a candle.

So this chart that you see in front of you

is of JSW futures.

Now based on the ADX Indicator trading strategy that we have discussed

let me now show you how this strategy

needs to be implemented on a daily basis.

I have handpicked this perfect example for you

that played out in October 2018.

Such clean structures don't exist always,

but to give you hands-on experience

of how to think in this strategy

I will have to use this example.

I will also acknowledge that while explaining you things,

I have the benefit of hindsight.

So ADX Indicator for this particular stock is above 30,

this signifies trend strength is strong.

Also note negative DMI here, that is in red,

is clearly above the positive DMI.

and therefore trend is strong on the downside.

I hope this categorization of ADX Indicator , negative DMI

and positive DMI is now clear to you.

You also need to see that price

is below the 20 exponential moving average.

And the candle which took price below

the 20 exponential moving average

is a wide range candle

with fairly negative closing for the day.

Now based on the entry method that we discussed,

we will now wait for a candles high to touch

20 exponential moving average,

and will then wait for the low of this candle

to be breached.

I hope this particular point is as clear as well.

Now stop-loss again would be the recent swing high.

So in this chart we see that second day gets completed

with price below the 20 exponential moving average.

If you look at the candle here that has got

completed again selling pressure

at higher levels is clearly visible,

look at the wicks, that is long wicks,

of this particular candle.

Also it's clear that price found it difficult

to get past the 20 exponential moving average.

If you see ADX Indicator is sloping on the downside,

but that is fine.

Negative DMI is still above the positive DMI

clearly reflecting the bias of the market.

One important point I want to make

is that always keep track of individual candles

that are printed on a daily basis.

Keep a record of these candles in terms of

bullish, bearish, or neutral candles.

This will always help you know who is in control,

that is, buyers or sellers.

So this is the third session where price is below

the 20 exponential moving average.

Again, a supply candle is visible.

At higher levels you can again see

long wicks of a candle here.

So as of today's price action no entry is available

to short sell the stock.

Price broke down below this 20 exponential moving average

with a wide range, bearish candle.

And after that, out of the three candles that are formed,

two are bearish and one is neutral.

Again, no signs of any strong buyers

present in this system yet.

So one more bearish candle forms

with range extension on the downside.

Also we have formed a new low for this particular down move.

No signs of entry yet on this day.

Also all of these long wicks that you're seeing here,

these now become strong resistance region

along with the 20 exponential moving average

acting as resistance.

So I hope you're understanding how to think this through.

So in this particular day what you see

is you do get a strong candle.

But you have to remember one thing that

this candle is strong, there is no doubt about it,

but this region that is of long wicks

will act as a resistance, or you should anticipate

that this would be acting as a resistance,

along with 20 exponential moving average.

So even as of today nothing changes.

Negative DMI is about the positive DMI.

ADX is clearly above 30.

Price again, is below the 20 exponential moving average.

No signs of entry as no candle has touched

the 20 exponential moving average, yet.

So this marks the sixth session

where price has broken down decisively below

the 20 exponential moving average.

But still there is no definitive sign

of buying emerging yet.

Apart from this particular candle here,

there is no strong candle formation on the chart.

Now sellers, as per what we have seen till now

are in total control.

There's no sign of any entry as well.

Remember one thing for an entry condition,

first we need high of a candle

to touch to 20 exponential moving average.

And then the low of this particular candle

has to be breached on the downside.

So in this session we almost have a candle

that is touching the 20 exponential moving average,

but still there is no decisive entry point here.

Now some bit of supply is again visible

at higher levels in terms of these long wicks.

But the important thing that you have to see

is that this is still a borderline case.

So this session was again negative.

Fresh low is seen for this down move.

Price for now is drifting away from

20 exponential moving average.

Again there is no sign of entry.

If you look at the negative DMI,

it is also moving near the 30 mark.

So this is the 30 mark here,

this negative DMI is hovering around the 30 level.

Now this also suggests that the trend

is extremely strong on the downside.

Now you have to keep seeing these subtle little signs

suggest candle strength, negative DMI

or positive DMI structure, along with the structure of ADX.

Now LBR recommends that ADX should be above 30,

that represents strong signal,

so naturally when negative DMI, or positive DMI

moves near 30, or above 30,

that actually signifies extremely strong trend

on the downside or upside, depending on which,

that is negative or positive DMI,

is above or near the 30 mark.

I hope this particular point is clear as well.

So in this session we've had a strong candle

where high of candle has almost gone past

20 exponential average.

Now again and this is a borderline case,

but LBR suggests that one should wait

for a well-defined entry,

instead of chasing such partial ones.

So ADX is still above 30.

Negative DMI is still above positive DMI.

And remember one thing, the long wicks that you see here

all of these will be acting as resistance

along with 20 exponential moving average.

So this session I will again consider as a bullish session,

though the candle is not that strong.

And some sort of selling has emerged at higher levels.

Now despite of some sideways session

and the two bullish candles that you see here,

there is no meaningful pickup happening

in the positive DMI.

So this session is still relatively fine

because price has managed to stay near

the highs of this candle,

which was the previous session for a whole day.

Although in terms of strategy, again,

there is no sign of entry

as candle did not touch the 20 exponential moving average.

So in this session we finally have a candle that moved

above the the 20 exponential moving average,

and then closed below it.

Now long wick again suggests supply at higher levels.

So based on what are the rules we have discussed

we now have a perfect setup as per this trading strategy.

Now the low of this candle needs to be breached

and we will then have the entry on the short side.

So on this day one would have entered the trade

at 372 where the previous day's low was breached.

So based on the rules illustrated by LBR

this is a perfect setup for short entry

for this particular trading strategy.

Now recent swing high now becomes the stop-loss,

I have marked it on the chart.

In case you are an aggressive trader

you can also take this swing high as stop-loss.

So nothing significant to report for this day.

Price opened lower but moved up during the day.

Again selling emerged at higher levels

and formation of long wicks is seen.

Now violation of setup only happens

when the recent swing high is breached.

Now until then any form of random noise has to be ignored.

As a rule of thumb always remember

that as markets head lower

counter trend reactions are always swift and with momentum.

This is the nature of down move

and you will have to embrace this.

So in this session we've got a weak candle.

This session the candle has actually engulfed

the body of the previous session.

And again the highs have not surpassed

the high of the previous candle.

Also note that this particular candle forms

a new low for this particular down move.

So again I hope you're seeing how at times we are using

tails, or wicks, or engulfing patterns

to analyze price structure better

in order to determine who is in control,

whether the buyers or sellers.

So for the down move of you've seen

in this candle price has now come down

from 372 to 348.

Look at how consistently negative DMI

is trading near the 30 mark,

while ADX remains above the 30 mark.

This clearly signifies that strength of trend

on the downside is really strong.

So very similar session to what we had a day before.

Narrow range candle is formed

where the range of the current candle

is completely inside that of a previous candle.

This is also known as an inside bar pattern

and it still signifies volatility contraction.

Now this is another session where range of this candle

is within the range of the candle I'm showing on the chart.

So now we have two back-to-back candles in a row

that are very narrow range in nature

and forming a double inside bar pattern.

Now remember when volatility contraction happens

you will see that range gets violated on either side

and that typically happens with momentum.

So now in the session you see a wide range candle forming

which is very natural once you see two or more

back-to-back inside day bar patterns.

So volatility as such was contracting,

that is why range was moving lower.

And whenever you see this happening

you will have volatility expanding on the upside

and price will either begin to move up

or begin to move lower.

So note how negative DMI is continuing to trade higher

and this is happening when ADX Indicator is again starting to move up.

Again, these are subtle signs

that you always have to watch out for.

So this is not a significant session

except that price has not shown willingness

to move down further.

This current candle is more or less in line

with the long tail candles that we saw before

we started taking up this example.

And such patterns typically mark pause in the current move.

Just keep this thing in mind,

that whenever you see a long wick forming

or a long tail forming,

always remember that these patterns have to be confirmed

and they cannot be viewed on a standalone basis.

So another session where we get a long tail

suggesting sort of a pause in down move,

or reluctance of price to move down.

But with respect to trade, and overall trading strategy,

you have to note that nothing significant changes

as price is moving down,

it is below the 20 exponential moving average.

ADX Indicator is still above 30.

And negative DMI, while being above the positive DMI

is trading close to the 30 mark.

Again, emphasis here is to ignore the random noise

that is generated while being in trade,

and focusing on the rules that you have in front of you.

So in this session price has moved up.

Candle is visibly strong.

And it has come on back of two candles

which were clearly depicting long tails.

However as I mentioned earlier

do not forget that while trading short sale trades

you have to be prepared for candles that scare you

and counter trend moves as such are always fast and scary.

In this session we get a candle where

price has crossed the 20 exponential moving average.

And then we see long wick forming

which actually represents selling at higher level.

Also if you look first-time,

it is that positive DMI has moved towards upside.

But in terms of overall strategy

always remember that these moves

within the trade are random noises

and you have to ignore these.

Now there're two key things that you have to remember here.

Number one, long wick,

that is representing selling pressure ahead.

Number two, trend is down as suggested by

this particular trading strategy.

Price is below the 20 exponential moving average.

ADX Indicator is clearly above 30.

And negative DMI is clearly above positive DMI.

In this session you again get a candle

that has moved above the 20 day exponential moving average

and then it has faced supply at higher levels.

Again the concept of long wick's at play here.

So for this strategy long wicks and long tails,

again I will repeat,

give subtle clues about shift in demand and supply.

So for someone who has not taken a trade

at this particular level,

a second entry is now available.

And you have to wait for breach of low of these candles

that have crossed the 20 day exponential moving average.

So in this session we again get a supply candle

with a long wick clear indications that on

higher levels selling is appearing on a consistent basis.

So this is turning out to be very similar to what we saw

between October first, if you see,

and October 15th, where lot of long wicks were being formed,

suggestive of the fact that there is

selling pressure at higher levels.

Again there is no fresh entry signs though.

Low of all these candles need to be breached.

In this session we have seen the lows

of previous two or three candles have been breached

and hence someone who could not have taken trade earlier

can take it now.

So entire process, if you see, is very simple,

and it only takes some practice

to execute this strategy perfectly.

So what I will recommend is that you can

practice this strategy on historical charts.

And the best part is that you don't require

any advanced technical software for this.

So I hope by now you can see how on a day-to-day basis

you have to look for signs of demand and supply

with candles within the context of this trading strategy.

You will have to keep a tab on candles, ADX Indicator , and DMI.

You can also use candles volume charts

so that you get an idea about candle strength.

But this particular subject on candle volume

and this strategy

I have taken up towards the end of this video.

So remember one thing, that this is

a very simple trading strategy,

and do not add more variables to complicate it.

Focus on keeping things simple

and attempt to master this simplicity

of this particular trading setup.

So this is the entire chart of JSW futures.

We had only seen till of this particular point.

And after the first and second entry

price actually steadily moved below.

So in this entire chart you can spot

at least four entry points.

That is at this particular place,

this one, this, and this particular entry point.

However the important question here is

which entry point is the strongest and why?

And which entry points you should target for a trade.

See the thing is, if you wanna become a successful trader

start thinking in terms of probability

and not certainity.

What I mean by this is that odds of trade being a success

at first point is high.

At second point odds reduce as price has already fallen.

At third point if you see odds reduce further

because price has now been in a consistent downtrend,

and at any point a substantial counter trend rally

can develop.

At point four if you see odds greatly reduced

for the reasons I have just stated earlier.

So therefore, the probability of trade

reduces with each entry you take.

This applies more for short selling

as price falls for a limited time

when compared to the time that price can trend higher.

So as a rule of thumb,

the reason why I have shown you this particular chart,

that as a rule of thumb always target

the first two trading signals that you get

while you are short selling.

After the second signal is complete

or the second trade is complete,

reduce your position size by 50% at least

for the third and subsequent signals.

Again, this is only until when you don't see

a major retracement playing out.

But underlying message is very clear,

do not chase every signal on the downside.

So let me now come to a section of improvements

and some key points for this trading strategy.

So one of the improvements I thought of

was using relative strength

to filter strong and weak stocks.

So if you get a buy signal

and relative strength of that stock is strong,

then that would become a high probability trade

and vice versa.

Now I have made a three part series on relative strength.

Those of you don't know about comparative relative strength

should check out these video.

This is completely different from the RSI indicator.

Link to all the girls will show up

at the top end of your screen.

Let me just show you this point that I have mentioned

on a chart.

So this is the relative strength chart

when compared to NIFTY.

This is the standard price chart of JSW futures.

And this is the relative strength line

of JSW against NIFTY.

So as price has moved lower,

relative strength versus NIFTY is also moving lower.

So clearly this is indicating under performance

with respect to NIFTY,

making it an ideal candidate to short sell.

So if you're interested in short selling

you need to look at weak relative strength stocks

where RS line is clearly moving lower.

And if you're looking for buying,

based on this particular trading strategy,

you should look at strong relative strength stocks

where RS line would be clearly moving higher.

So this way you stick with weak stocks

when you want to short sell,

and you stick with strong stocks when you want to buy.

Also one more recommendation that I have

is that you should be viewing price action

with candle volume charts.

So this would actually help you visualize

demand and supply candles better.

Let me again just show you on chart.

So this is the candle volume chart for again, JSW futures

that we just saw as an example.

So look at how strong volumes are on the downside.

Now this is something that is not visible

on a standard candlestick chart.

So when you combine this strategy with candle volume

you will again increase odds of success.

So case in point for this chart if you see

major volume across candles is present

whenever price is attempting to move down.

And look at the candles where, candle volume,

that is where price is attempting to move up,

there is hardly any volume in that particular move.

So what I'll recommend here is that first

practice this concept on long only trades.

On equities.

Futures should be avoided in the beginning.

Timeframe again is very important.

Preferred daily time frame only.

For improving odds of system

be mindful of broader market trend.

So if broader market trend is up prefer long trades.

If the trend is down prefer short trades.

Golden rule of trading is to align with trend

and then trust it fully.

The key here for this particular trading strategy

is to practice this on historical charts

and then to take notes.

You need to practice long trades on at least 10 stocks

with a time span of five years of data.

Do not skip this process.

You will learn so much in this practice phase

that you will be able to handle all the situations

that come up in real-time trading.

Now too many traders actually commit the mistake

of learning something and then trying to earn money off it

on the following day.

This just does not work this way.

Trading is a long-term game,

and you need serious practice to survive in this business.

Now whether it is position size,

stop-loss, exit, or stock selection,

you have to focus on all these elements

while practicing on historical charts.

So let me know in the comments section below

if you have any doubt about what I've shown you.

And if you have some suggestions to improve this further

do let me know in the comments section below.

So all credit to Linda Bradford for this highly effective

yet simple trading strategy.

So thanks a lot for watching this video guys.

In case you have liked what I have shown you

do share this video and hit the like button as well.

So let me know in the comments section

if you have any doubts, take care and be safe.

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For more infomation >> Swing Trading Strategies - ADX Indicator Trading Strategy & Moving Average Strategy - Duration: 39:01.


Lili Teraz wiem (Official Video 2019) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Lili Teraz wiem (Official Video 2019) - Duration: 3:07.


EL EMBARAZO CONTADO POR EL BEBE💝 Anmum [en español] 👶🏻 1 TRIMESTRE. MUY TIERNO!! ✔️Te sorprenderá - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> EL EMBARAZO CONTADO POR EL BEBE💝 Anmum [en español] 👶🏻 1 TRIMESTRE. MUY TIERNO!! ✔️Te sorprenderá - Duration: 1:52.


Silhouette Logo - Duration: 7:51.

hey welcome back to nother accidentally video we have a little bit different

video today I'm gonna show you how to make a silhouette logo in Photoshop so

let's go ahead and get started so basically what I did was I took two

different photos one of them myself in one of chief because we're building a

logo for our dog training channel and I selected the quick select tool up there

on the left side and went through and selected all of chief so it was easy

because he's black and then I had him against a white background and then that

red mat and then if you look up at the top there's a plus and minus of the

select tool and you can go through you can go through and you can add to part

of your selection or you can subtract from part of your so then I went and I

found this spot right here I just used the brush tool and added some black and

then I used the eraser just to smooth out the edge and as I went through I

realized that he wasn't completely black and so I selected all of chief and I

went through and just kind of painted black over him the next thing I did was

I added a stroke to the image and basically what that does is it adds a

border around the outside and it helps you to see when things are uneven so if

you look like that's increased that's lower and I'm just kind of adjust in

there so now you can really see where it's not smooth and so then I'm going to

use just the eraser tool and the marker tool to go through and smooth everything

out which it's nice with the silhouette because it's you know you're just making

it all black and then the background this is white and so makes it simple

just to make it smooth there's a lot of bumps on this leg

and sometimes when you're selecting items to paint them all black it doesn't

it doesn't select it correctly or sometimes it just doesn't look

right and so I'm adding little pieces to just kind of make it you know look more

cartoonish or more professional finished it might not be completely realistic but

in the end product it's gonna look it's gonna look really good and I did take a

lot of time with this you want to you know take your time and the more detail

that you focus on the better the final product is gonna be and so now that I

got chief all finished then I have to do the picture of me so I went through and

selected and myself with a quick select tool there are a couple of spots like on

a knife clip there and my hand was thinking out I didn't want to include

that so I just used the plus/minus select tool to figure out what I wanted

once you get it all selected then you just copy in and paste or you can right

click and select inverse and delete whatever is outside of it and I did the

copy and paste just so that I always have the original layer and then I

increased up the exposure there just because I wanted to save a color copy

and if you look on the down on the bottom right I copied another layer and

then I painted it all black so now I have a silhouette and then I have the

original cut out in color and have a completely original photo as well so

this is the same process going through and smoothing it out and the eraser tool

with the sharp edge on it is great for silhouette and as you can see I'm just

adding in on my boots there try to make it look a little bit more realistic I

had to do the boots a couple different times just to kind of figure it out so

it does take a while to figure it out and to make it look the way that you

want it

so once you kind of get the basic shape that you want that's when I go in and

add the stroke oh I almost ran out of the battery you can see I plugged in the

computer so that's when you had this stroke and how you add this stroke as

you right click on the layer down there on the right and then you select stroke

and you can set the size and everything you see all those little dots I'm

deleting those were dots that were there but I couldn't see them because they

were so small and so when I added the stroke I made them show up so I'm just

going through right now and deleting all of them and I put the stroke back down

trying to figure out what the good balance is I think I add the stroke on

again just to just to see yeah and I put outer glow' on so that's

another another tool technique trick that you can use to just make sure it's

all smooth so the outer glow as well as the stroke I think again pretty close

here there's a couple final cleanups so now we have the image of myself and I

right clicked on the layer and select it all pixels and copied and then put it

into a new project and pasted and then I did the same thing with chief and if

you're adjusting the size make sure you hold the shift button if you select a

layer and you hit command T this is on a Mac you can adjust the size and location

and then if you hold shift it will keep it to the right ratio that you had it

before so there's moving chief around and then adding in the box I tried a

couple different ideas for the box and I just finally got that figured out so I

did want to say real quick that as I just zoomed it out to make sure that it

looks good it's at a distance how I got that circle in there is there's a shape

tool on the left and I did a custom shape and then at the top I selected the

circle so if you go back and watch that you can see how I did that but yeah once

you got it you want to zoom out because that's how it's gonna look on like

Instagram and YouTube so this is gonna be a profile picture and then now that

we have this we need to make a banner for YouTube and so do the same thing

copy and pasted myself and chief in the box and just moved it around change the

sizes a little bit trying to make it look good I wanted to add a line here at

the bottom so I used to go to the shape tool again and selected line and there

you go that's basically what I came up with so that's gonna be the banner and

you saw the logo if you're new to the channel we are going through a series of

videos there's a playlist down in the description on how to build a youtube

channel and so I'm taking you step-by-step through the process of what

it takes to build a youtube channel so definitely check that out push the

subscribe button all the way in click the bell so you get notified when we

post new videos hit that thumb where button down below see you in the next

one hats off to you

For more infomation >> Silhouette Logo - Duration: 7:51.





PES 2019 Efsane Ol Emiliano SALA Kariyeri - Duration: 19:47.

For more infomation >> PES 2019 Efsane Ol Emiliano SALA Kariyeri - Duration: 19:47.


Jimmy Celebrates 20 Million Subscribers with Epic Domino Fall Thank You - Duration: 2:44.

-Hi, guys. It's Jimmy Fallon,

and we just hit 20 million subscribers on YouTube.

20 million!

I'm so excited. I'm so thankful.

I'm so grateful to everyone, all of our fans,

everyone who subscribed, everyone at YouTube.

And not just the United States. It's global. It's giant.

Everyone around the world -- India, Brazil, Australia,

the U.K., the two people in Antarctica that subscribed.

Those two subscriptions got me here at this moment,

so I just want to say thank you so much.

We love what we're doing. We want to do more.

Here's to many, many more years of sketches and songs

and fun bits that you like.

We love doing it, so thank you so much.

It makes us feel good that you subscribe and you watch us.

And now, I'd like to do one more thing.

This is for you.

[ Cranking ]

[ Party horn blows ]

[ NBC theme plays ]

Thank you. 20 million subscribers!

Click here to subscribe.

I'm sorry. It's here?

Oh, how long is this set up? Can we do it again?

For more infomation >> Jimmy Celebrates 20 Million Subscribers with Epic Domino Fall Thank You - Duration: 2:44.


MYSM & Wade Graves - Always | CC Lyrics - Duration: 4:03.

I fell for your eyes

On the day that they met mine

And what I'd do to make you smile is not confined to where you are

I saw you're doing fine

On the newsfeed storyline

But I know how to fake it too

I ain't mad at you

When you say you're fine

But if I read minds you'd say

That I need you always

And I'm holding on

I still hear that song we played

And I need you always

Cuz girl I ain't mad at you

I hope you don't hate me too

We had a lot to lose

We had even more to prove

Cuz girl I ain't mad at you

We had a lot to lose

We had even more to prove

I saw you with me

In the most unnerving dream

We were overlooking California

And you had a wedding ring

I assumed it wasn't me

After all it was a dream

But then you looked into my eyes

And it felt like the first time

When you say you're fine

But if I read minds you'd say

That I need you always

And I'm holding on

I still hear that song we played

And I still need you always

Cuz girl I ain't mad at you

I hope you don't hate me too

We had a lot to lose

We had even more to prove

Cuz girl I ain't mad at you

We had a lot to lose

We had even more to prove

Girl I ain't mad at you

Baby I need you too

But i still need you always

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