Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 22 2019

Hello everybody, my name is Cara, and today I'm here with the Travel Book Tag.

You might be thinking that I have already done this tag and I have done a

different travel book tag so I will link that down below in case you're

interested, but today I'm doing the one that was originally created by

Bookish Paradise and I was tagged by the fabulous Steph from steph okay and I will

of course link both of them down below. Part One is Vacation Flashback: Talk

about one of your favorite places you've ever traveled to. Who did you go with,

what did you do there, why was it so memorable? And I love a lot of the

places I've visited, I don't travel a whole ton, um, I actually had never been out of

the country until a couple of years ago, but I really really loved my weekend

that I spent in Edinburgh in Scotland. Oh I just--it was so beautiful and I was

there with a couple of my friends and we were just there for a long weekend, we

couldn't stay very long, but I loved--I feel--I feel like the people were so

friendly there and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous and I really love

how there's like the kind of metropolitan area, like there's

definitely a lot of things you can do in Edinburgh, there's so many places to

go, but there's also like a really beautiful more... I don't know, kind of

rural area outside of that. You know, like there are definitely some places with a

lot of like natural beauty that hasn't been--hasn't been encroached on too

much the city, at least that we could see while we were there, and I just--

I just really enjoyed it. I would love to go back someday and actually spend more

time there. Part 2 is the bookish questions and #1 is Booking the

flight: An expensive book or edition you own. Was it worth it? For that one I think

it was either one of the two goddesses books that I showed in my last book haul

or it would be this Random House Book of Opera Stories retold by Adele Geras and

I don't know who the illustrator is...oh and there's a ton of different

illustrators, that's really cool. So I don't remember how much this book

was but I think one of the ones I got at that time, it was either this book or one

of the goddess ones or like a similar kind of opera/ballet book, I think it was

like 32 or 33 dollars or something like that, it was a lot, I never buy my books

full price almost and I never spend that much on a book but I really really

wanted this one because it reminded me of some of my favorite books from when I

was younger. And I just really enjoy reading about opera and ballet stories,

but I haven't read this one yet so I can't tell you if it's worth it yet.

#2: Packing your luggage: A book you felt had a busy but organized plot.

I'm going with My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante and this is translated by

Anne Goldstein. And I loved this, this is the first book in the Neapolitan Novels

series and it's historical fiction set in I think the 1950's, in

Italy and it is just so compelling and well-done and you--it's amazing how

quickly I got sucked into these people's like ordinary lives. And the reason I'm

calling it busy but organized is that there's a huge cast of characters,

and there's a lot of kind of relationship dynamics to keep track of and like who's

in which family and which family owns which business and like who's kind of in

a rivalry with another family, but something I thought that helped keep it

organized that I really liked is that there's a full index of characters at

the front and it's pretty extensive so that really helped me kind of keep

everyone straight but I think even in the narrative itself,

I think the author did such an amazing job of like describing these characters

so well that especially when I had the like the index of characters I didn't

have a problem keeping track of who was who because they were so distinctive and

so memorable, and I just think this was fantastic. I really want to continue the

series soon and I think even if you're not...even if you're not like a historical

fiction person necessarily, I think you could really enjoy this because it

almost feels like a contemporary, like the time and the place is so well

described that there's not this--there's not this kind of like leap of

imagination almost, that I think sometimes people worry about with

historical fiction, you know you have to kind of like put yourself in a different

time and place and get to know like the world and everything. So highly recommend!

#3: Airport security check: A book that you analyzed the most,

annotations, notes, etc. So I don't annotate my books, I just, I don't write in books but

something that I have definitely analyzed I think the most is Measure for

Measure, which is a play by William Shakespeare, and I must have written like

four or five essays on that play, at least, and it's so interesting, it's

interesting like too because in a way you could say that it's one of my

favorite plays because there's so much to talk about and I find it so

interesting, but I also hate some aspects of it so so much, like it enrages me, like

some things about that play just make me furious but I think they're supposed to,

like I think the point is that you're supposed to get angry about the way that

these characters are treated and everything. *pause* I just spent like so long

trying to describe the plot of that play and why it's interesting and important

and enraging and I think I'm just gonna have to do like a separate little mini

review on that play 'cause like there's so much to talk about but um yeah I have

analyzed it so so much and I still--I still come up with new things to talk

about and it still remains one of my favorite / least

favorite / most interesting plays I've ever read. #4:

Airport meal: A book character you wish you could have lunch with. What kind of

questions would you ask? I'm going with Lou from A Sky Painted Gold by Laura

Wood. She is the main character and I would just love to spend time with her

and talk to her because I feel like we're very similar, and it kind of

surprised me that we were so similar because I don't tend to connect with

characters who kind of have like that wanderlust and they want to *dramatic voice* "do things

with their life [and go places]" and blah blah blah, like I--I don't know... Wanderlust is not something I

identify with basically *laughs* but I think with Lou I really do identify with the

specific kind of wanderlust or ambition that she has, like this--this feeling that

you want to be, you want to be more interesting than you are, and you want to...

you want to have your life be a more interesting story. I really just

connected with that aspect of her and I would love to talk to her about that and

kind of just....I think it'd be so fun to just, to talk to somebody who--who

like I had that in common with because I don't come across that very often in

fiction or I guess kind of in life, that very specific kind of like, like "I like

where I am, I'm comfortable where I am, but I want to be more exciting where I

am." As far as questions, I can't really think of particular questions I would

ask her. I think it'd be really fun to talk to her about favorite books but um other

than that I just would love to hang out with her and kind of just almost

commiserate in a way about feeling lost but not wanting to leave. #5:

Airport souvenirs: A book you have multiple copies of. I don't tend to buy

multiple copies very often but I'm gonna go with the Wrinkle in Time series by

Madeleine L'Engle and there's actually one missing from the box set right now

that I--'cause I have it pulled out, but I got these like fancy new shiny copies um

when I decided that I wanted to reread them because my old ones are really

falling apart and actually in my 10 Strange Bookish Facts video I talked

about how I got back into this series out of sheer spite *laughs* um,

I will link that below if you want to check that out [not posted yet!] but um I really really

love this series, it means a lot to me, and then my original copies are like so

beat up and like falling apart and they're like this weird sort of

mass-market paperback format and like three of the four books don't even match

and like they're--they're just falling apart but I don't want to get rid of

them because I have so many good memories

associated with these books, and I kind of like the weird haphazard like

mismatched set because there's history there so even though I like the like

beautiful...if I can show you...the beautiful um... if that will focus! the beautiful

colors and the like neatness of the new copies, there's something about the

history of these [old ones] that I just want to hold on to and I can't really see myself

getting rid of these any time soon. #6: Airplane turbulence: A book

with a plot that made you anxious or nervous. I'm going with A Winter's

Promise by Christelle Dabos, translated by Hildegard Serle. This was such a

stressful book to read but like in a good way because you really felt for the

characters and I could feel the uncertainty about how things were going

to turn out and I actually have a full spoiler free review for this book that I

will link if you guys want more information on it but I really really

liked this, I really like how you could feel how high the stakes were, although

that being said there were some parts that were like unnecessarily stressful *laughs*

but I guess in a way that's sort of like a point in the book's favor? #7 is

Landing: Your most anticipated release of the year. And I have like a whole video

on 2019 anticipated releases that I will link down below but I'm gonna go with--

I'm gonna mention two that I actually didn't include in that video that I meant

to, and the first one is Midsummer's Mayhem by Rajani LaRocca and I don't

actually know the date this comes out but I think it's in spring? summer?

It is a Midsummer Night's Dream retelling or inspired story with an

Indian-American main character and I think there's like

baking magic involved and it just sounds like just so many things that I love and

I'm so excited about it. And then the other one is the third book in the Red

Abbey Chronicles by Maria Turtschaninoff and the translator for that one is

A. A. Prime, and i think that one comes out in either May or June, I will put the

exact dates in the description, but I am so so excited for it, I think the English

title was originally Letters to Maresi but I think they changed it to

something else now [Red Mantle] but you guys know I love that series, I talk about it all the

time, I mentioned it in my feminist fantasy recommendations video and I just

really want it to get more love because I think the fact that it is translated is

one of the reasons it doesn't get a lot of publicity or attention but it's so

well-done, so powerful and well- constructed and just the characters and

everything and just the world and the setting, the themes of women

sticking together, I am just...I'm so excited for that last book but I am a little

afraid it's gonna break my heart, but you know. Such is the reading life. #8:

Baggage claim: A book or series that felt like a drag. And I'm gonna go

with Mistaking Her Character by Maria Grace. Um this was my first like official

venture into kind of the Jane Austen... like JAFF, like Jane Austen Fan Fiction,

kind of genre? which is basically what it sounds like, except that it is a published

novel, that's just kind of what the category is called, and I really didn't

like this! Um *laughs* I will link the wrap-up where I talk about it in detail down

below but um yeah, I hated seeing Lizzie and Darcy together and you know that's a

bad sign. #9: Destination: A book or series you could read over and over

again. And I had several answers I could have chosen for that one but I went with

the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. We're currently doing our Artemis

Fowl Readalong which I'm sure you guys are sick of me mentioning but I'm

still so excited about it *laughs* and I'm still like enjoying it so much. I can and have

reread these books over and over and over and I feel like every time I find

new things to notice and to appreciate and I just really love this series and I

think that in addition to being a fun series and an important series when I

was younger, I think that there are a lot of important issues it deals with with a

lot of depth and compassion, and I just really appreciate that, and oh,

the series meant a lot to me growing up and it still means a lot to me now, and

that's always wonderful when you come across a series that is like that, you

know, that's not just "oh it was fun at the time but I've moved on you know"; I

haven't moved on from these books, I don't think I ever will, and *happy sigh* I just love

them. Okay everybody, so that was the Travel Book Tag. I am going to tag Kazen

from Always Doing and anyone else who sees this and who would like to do this

tag. Thank you guys so much for watching, I will see you soon with another video,

and I hope you love the next book you read. Bye!

For more infomation >> Travel Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 10:15.


Harvestright GEODESIC DOME 🌿GREENHOUSE🌿-- Unboxing, Setup & Tour - Duration: 10:13.

hey bro come here


yeah you come here and give me a hand for a second no man I

got a lot of stuff to do right now come on

here take this what are you doing with this I'm gonna start some seeds and get

ready to plant

it's the middle of February why are you starting seeds the

FedEx truck is right outside it with a package for me huh you guys are funny

how did he get in here how did you get in here get off my computer

FedEx is here and they've got a surprise for me

hey guys it's retired at 40 this is my new harvest right geodesic dome greenhouse

I've been waiting for this for a couple days and I'm real excited to get

into this and see what's in here and get it together

well as you can see it's not

a very nice day out so I'm gonna take a this stuff inside and see what all

comes with this

looks like we got six boxes total these long ones I would imagine have the poles in them

we've got sixteen box with a star on it. I imagine this is probably the

cover and then the mystery box is not marked this is actually the cover all

right here's our instructions there's all the connections they're all labeled

different things so I would imagine they would coordinate with these boxes

alright so there's our big box of different styles of connectors

here's all the stuff we're supposed to have so let's sort this out and see if we've got

everything and also just so you know don't choose the guy with the X don't

choose the X man choose the guy that talks about ladders and tape measures

and then you get a check mark

alright so harvest right says you can put this

together in three to five hours I don't know if that's dependent on your

competency level hopefully hopefully not or it's gonna take me two days I'm

gonna start a clock right now I'm just so we know how long this is gonna take

me to put this whole thing together ready go

all right I want to make sure that I've got all these connectors that are

supposed to come with before I get started so all of them are labeled with

a different type of pole I'm guessing they're all different lengths to make

that that dome shape I counted all my fasteners, I've got all the fasteners so we're

gonna pop these boxes open

so these are all our poles some are color-coded these are kind of a brass color these are more bronze color

Some with red, some with black, and then these are all the same. There are 80 of these total.

it shows you which lettered pole goes to

what and then it shows you what you need on each page at the bottom

there's step two same thing

so I'm gonna start putting this thing together

so I've

already figured out that if you sort everything it definitely is helpful the

boxes I labeled again C,C, a and d in that box and B in this box

all my connectors are all separated so all I have to do is find what I need in

the picture and put it together alright so it goes together really easy it's

pretty much like a tent or anything else that you've used with this kind of pole

it just has a little spring-loaded clip-ee-do it slides under there and then

once it's past where it needs to go it clicks back up

alright I'm 20 minutes in that includes unpackaging everything we've got about

16 steps to go so I'm gonna go ahead and skip forward give me the quick version of

this but I'll keep the time rolling I'm also running of room real fast so I'm

going to take this party outside step 3

step four

Step five we're at 30 minutes

step 6

that was a tricky one I got a feeling it's gonna get tougher

after this round even more tough than it has been because

you're combining so many different colors we're at step 7

we're at fifty-six minutes

this is rough on the thumbs so quick sidenote this where neighbors start to

think you're crazy if they don't already think you're crazy

so we're getting down there on poles I've only got about one and a half boxes

full these aluminum poles get really really cold when it's cold out so if you

can do this when it's warm or sunny out

Step 8 we're at an hour and 22 minutes

step 10 we're at an hour and a half this things getting big

we're on step 11 we're at about an hour and 44 minutes just over right now and

the last part to do with the frame is to cut out a hexagon so we can put the door

shape in so any of these gold sections on the entire globe you just take this out

take the poles out leave the bottom in and that's where your door frames gonna

go in

okay one hour and 54 minutes and our frame is all done and now we're on


all right we are all up look how cool this is it's already getting warm in

here believe it or not just from the Sun setting

I had it came up this morning to check on the greenhouse it's still there and

I've got a friend out here today Wiley the coyote

one of many let's go see what the temperatures like inside the green house

it's about 25 degrees outside but inside here it's actually quite a bit warmer already

just because the sun's out and I haven't even attached any of this stuff to the

ground so there is still airflow they can move through here but really looking

forward to getting some stuff in here so part of step 13 is just connecting

all these after you get everything adjusted to where it needs to go all the

way around and then part of that also is making sure that your vents are lined up

inside that triangle there's the other side there's two vents in this

to all right so step 14 is basically

fifteen left step right so these are where your clip to come into play

it says to tuck this underneath, and then you're going to put a white clip on

clip on one of these aluminum clips on they give you 30 mm so I think that

should be enough to do two on each

final step is just to secure this with some sort of stake similar to a tent

stake Harvestright does not give them to you they say account for different soil


the soil here is super hard so we need a real thick stake similar to this

but you're gonna need about 15 to 20 of them and you might want to make sure

that you put them in when the zipper is closed and everything is all fastened

well our total process took

about two hours and 20 minutes I would recommend also putting some dirt along

the outside just to kind of fill some types of gaps if your ground isn't

perfectly level you can see I'm in a t-shirt in here it's about 25 degrees

outside so that'll give you an idea what it looks like in here there's already

condensation building on the inside of here which is really cool

I can't wait to get started on this I can't wait to make more videos on this

question of the day is do you have a harvest right greenhouse if you do let

me know what your experience has been like with it smash that subscribe button

if you like what you see ring the bell to get notifications on new videos and

give me a thumbs up if you found this content helpful this is retired at 40

remember to live life simple we'll catch you next week

For more infomation >> Harvestright GEODESIC DOME 🌿GREENHOUSE🌿-- Unboxing, Setup & Tour - Duration: 10:13.


2 killed, 2 injured in Elizabethtown shooting - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 2 killed, 2 injured in Elizabethtown shooting - Duration: 1:31.


[內建字幕] 英國製平民靚黑膠盤!專訪Rega老闆設計師Roy Gandy - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> [內建字幕] 英國製平民靚黑膠盤!專訪Rega老闆設計師Roy Gandy - Duration: 7:35.


Driving Accounting Professionals Forward With The Association - Duration: 0:58.

The new Malaysia office for The Association of International Certified

Professional Accountants brings together the global business services as well as

the markets team into one roof and one umbrella. Asia is a great market and to

service the needs of our members and students but also to understand the

changing dynamics of the market and how can we respond to those changes how can

we be proactive in looking at opportunities how do we enable greater

competency development not only formulas instruments for the market large now and

will be facilitated by this office here. It makes us feel excited it's a greater

community of team members coming together and that will feel and propel

great opportunity, prosperity and trust from all of us. Thank you

For more infomation >> Driving Accounting Professionals Forward With The Association - Duration: 0:58.


2 Yoga on the road on youtube helptips66 - Duration: 8:10.

2 Yoga on the road on youtube helptips66

2 Yoga on the road on youtube helptips66

For more infomation >> 2 Yoga on the road on youtube helptips66 - Duration: 8:10.


[FREE] Lil Keed Type Beat 2019 - "Remedy" ft. YNW Melly x Roddy Ricch - Duration: 3:10.

lil keed type beat

ynw melly type beat

roddy ricch type beat

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Keed Type Beat 2019 - "Remedy" ft. YNW Melly x Roddy Ricch - Duration: 3:10.


Miasto po katastrofie nuklearnej - Iitatemura - True Fukushima #4 - Duration: 26:50.

For more infomation >> Miasto po katastrofie nuklearnej - Iitatemura - True Fukushima #4 - Duration: 26:50.


Топ 5 Самых Популярных Схем Мошенничества на Ebay. - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Топ 5 Самых Популярных Схем Мошенничества на Ebay. - Duration: 10:06.


High School Sweethearts Get Married | Stone Hill Barn | Kansas Wedding Video - Duration: 5:05.

it's crazy to think that this is finally happening but it's not the end this is

the beginning of something new and something beautiful thank you for always

being there by my side through thick and thin

Kyle we made it the day we've been dreaming of for nearly eight years

you're the best thing that has ever happened to me so honored the Lord

handpicked me to be your wife I feel so blessed to spend every day of the

rest of my life with you

eight years y'll it's taken us eight years to get here

Kyle you've got the most beautiful bride in the world you're a lucky man

I'll never forget the day that she met Kyle I went to pick her up from Northwest

after she transferred all she could talk about with this boy she meant

well the tricky part is that there was two of them she couldn't tell 'em apart

from birth the present people have struggled to tell us apart

being a being a twins a lot of fun

sure enough they found each other on facebook and they started talking and

started hanging out well she still couldn't tell them apart so every

morning she would wait for Kyle to greet her in the hallway so that she knew what

he was wearing that day

God has blessed me far beyond what I deserve I can't

wait to do life with you every day it won't always be easy but I promise to

always be by your side to help you take on whatever life we'll throw our way I

promise to always be the man you know me to be and I promise to give you the man

that you deserve

you're the happiest part of my days the calm to all my storms and the answer to

so many of my prayers I have never once questioned that you

are who God intended me to be with I'm certain that the desire that the Lord

has placed in my heart to love you and to commit to you will never go away

promise to love you as a son of God first and my husband second pray with

you and for you daily and to always try my hardest to be the wife that you so

deserve the Lord has blessed our lives so much that I can't cannot wait to see

what he has in store for our future you are my greatest blessing Kyle Lee and I'm

so honored to become your wife

I can say it proudly with the fullest heart and the biggest smile that today I

get to marry my best friend

you may kiss the bride

my great joy to introduce to you mr. and mrs. Kyle Lee

you both look really great tonight I'm going honored to be a part of your big

day love you both could not be happier seeing how happy you both are and how

far you both have come

she knew from the very first day that there was something special about that

boy there still is you were it Kyle you were always it through the ups and the downs the good

times bad we've always been there for a little Maddie I'll never be able to thank

you enough for loving her the way that you do the love that you guys have is

absolutely admirable I'm not losing a sister today I'm gaining a brother I'd

say welcome to the family Kyle but you've been a part of our family for

years now I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you guys when

everyone please join me in a toast for these two lovebirds I love you guys


For more infomation >> High School Sweethearts Get Married | Stone Hill Barn | Kansas Wedding Video - Duration: 5:05.


Phần 14: Phép màu đến với gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai - Duration: 57:48.

For more infomation >> Phần 14: Phép màu đến với gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai - Duration: 57:48.


Matrice 200 Series V2 - How to Activate - Duration: 1:25.

When you get a brand-new Matric 200 V2 series aircraft,

you need to activate it.

Before the activation,

please connect the mobile device to the Internet.

Then connect the mobile device to the remote controller

Turn on the remote controller,

and power on the aircraft.

Launch DJI Pilot,

and then log in with your DJI account.

When the activation page pops up on the app,

tap "Next" on this page.

To ensure a smooth activation,

you need to authorize DJI to access your DJI device hardware information.

Tap "Authorize",

and carefully read and agree to the DJI UAS Products Terms of Use

and DJI Privacy Policy.

Then you can name your aircraft,

and set a stick mode suitable for you.

The default setting is Mode 2.

Continue to set up your Parameter Unit and Video Output.

After verifying that your account information is correct,

tap "Activate" to finish the activation.

Now you can start your flight mission.

For more infomation >> Matrice 200 Series V2 - How to Activate - Duration: 1:25.


El Rumañol - Pentru mama, pentru tata - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> El Rumañol - Pentru mama, pentru tata - Duration: 3:19.


БОЛЬШОЙ НАРЦИСС из фоамирана/BIG NARCISS from Foamiran - Duration: 15:05.

For more infomation >> БОЛЬШОЙ НАРЦИСС из фоамирана/BIG NARCISS from Foamiran - Duration: 15:05.


Why does FRANCE want MULTILATERALISM? - KJ VIDS - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> Why does FRANCE want MULTILATERALISM? - KJ VIDS - Duration: 14:04.


Ivan B - I'm Sorry (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Ivan B - I'm Sorry (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 4:00.


Так отдыхают аргонавты в День рождения Компании. Большой банкет «Кабаре АРГО». - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> Так отдыхают аргонавты в День рождения Компании. Большой банкет «Кабаре АРГО». - Duration: 13:21.


Part 2 - Jadu Ki Haqiqat Aur Elaj - Dr Farhat Hashmi - Duration: 17:56.

Subscribe our Channel. Like & share Videos. jazakallah.

For more infomation >> Part 2 - Jadu Ki Haqiqat Aur Elaj - Dr Farhat Hashmi - Duration: 17:56.


Codzienne Obowiązki 2019 w 4K ||GR Józefowicz|| 200 sztuk bydła rasy Limousine + VLOG - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Codzienne Obowiązki 2019 w 4K ||GR Józefowicz|| 200 sztuk bydła rasy Limousine + VLOG - Duration: 3:01.


How to make Easter Box - Duration: 16:01.

hi thanks for joining me this is angie at chicnscratch this is the easter

box we're making today isn't it cute okay let me give you the supplies and

all of these will also be listed on the free inspiration sheet over on my

website we've got thick whisper white and this

measures eight and a half by five then we've got another piece of thick whisper

white that measures five by three and nine sixteenths flirty flamingos and

this is just like a three by three square

we've got whisper white like five and a half by four and a quarter that's not

really the right size but it's just gonna be for our images here okay next

we've got all my loved is on our series paper so we're gonna have let's see what

is this five pieces so this piece measures four and a quarter by three and

three eighths three and a quarter by two and a quarter two pieces that measure

two and a quarter by one and a quarter and then a scrap for our flower and

again these measurements will be on the screen there and on my free inspiration

sheet I'm going to start with the simply scored scoring tool and I'm going to

place it on the portrait side which is the five inch side and I'm going to

score it at one and two and a half I'm going to turn it on the landscape side

which is the eight and a half inch side and I'm going to score it at one and two

and a half and then I'm going to turn it and do the exact same thing so score it

at one and two and a half okay I'm going to fold on the score lines

somehow I got pink on my whisper white cardstock it'll be okay

okay so now we're gonna do some cutting I'm gonna take this section here and

remove that entire piece okay and I can tell I did not cut that very straight

let's just try to clean that up a little bit there we go okay same thing here I'm

going to cut up to the score line except I'm only going to remove this section

here okay over here on this side I'm going to remove or cut up to that score

line cut up to this score line I'm just repeating what I did on the other side

okay now what I'm going to do is trim these just a little bit

I can tell my cutting is not very straight today okay now let's get all

this scraps out of the way what we're gonna do is put adhesive on these two

tabs and we're gonna fold those in just like that okay so I'm going to start

there this video is going to be a little bit longer because this project it's not

hard but it definitely has a lot more detail to it

I'm looking at my hand and it's like I'm peeling

it's like evidence that I went to Aruba a couple weeks ago is and I swore I

didn't get burnt but I guess maybe I did that's too funny

okay let's peel the backing off of these I should have put some lotion on before

I turned the camera on okay so fold that in fold that in now this is gonna go

those are gonna go in and this is gonna go over but I don't want adhesive on

this part because that's the inside of my box so I'm just gonna place tear and

tape on this section right here okay

well goodness gracious I just ripped my card stop

it's okay though it's all going to be covered up so you won't see that okay

same thing and take the backing off and then I'm just gonna fold this over now

you want to make sure that you don't go past the sides okay

there we go yeah so it's gonna be straight looks

good right okay so now that this is assembled what

we want to do is take the back piece this is the one that measures five by

three and nine sixteenths and then we've got our designer series paper we're

gonna take the detailed trio punch and we're going to round the corners of the

top of both the designer series paper and the thick whisper white now I have

to give you a tip here you want to make sure that you punch the hole or you cut

the hole for the handle with these two attached but you can't use adhesive yet

because you want your designer series paper to go on the inside of the back so

this is gonna go in there like that and this is gonna go like that okay so it's

gonna work just like that so you can't see the inside I filmed this whole video

and I assembled it wrong so that's going to show you how it looks if you don't

add the designer series paper to the inside of the box okay so I'm showing

you how I messed up so Big Shot make it fat for the cozy pad and then I'm just

gonna place it here just like that preferably straight I can tell it's a

little crooked and it's easier to make it straight up here in my face versus

down there okay that looks pretty good so now I'm

gonna put the Oval there and you could use a circle punch if you want to make

your handle or if you have one of our old retired oval punches I still one day

hope that we get oval punches again okay so now your next step we've got our box

here we're going to attach it to this okay so let me get my chair and tape

again and we want to put the tear and tape on this part not this yeah I

couldn't believe I messed up the box in my video it's like I knew better - I've

made these boxes for years so the fact that I messed up is like a girl okay I

got a little piece of fuzz there that's what's giving me the grief not sure

where that came from okay so now I'm just gonna take the back and line it up

down here at the bottom and before I press too hard I just want to make sure

it's lining up and it does yep looks looks good you might want to use a

little bit more adhesive than what I did since mine is the sample I didn't have

to use a lot now we're gonna attach this right over top see so I'm going to turn

that over and add my snail and you could use liquid glue because if you'll notice

we're not going to have any adhesive they're at the top where the handle is

the ribbon should hold it in place or you can just add a touch of liquid glue

okay so I'm adding that in there and there it is let's add the rest of the

panels and I just had an idea that little oval that we cut out with the

oval layering ovals framelits you could use that to cut out I got fumble fingers

today I have adhesive here so it was confusing me you could use this to cut

out your your flower that's right here instead of this extra scrap that I have

here so yeah good idea okay let me stop talking and put your piece of on these

oh there's the culprit I have adhesive there okay so I'm going

to be using memento ink with the fable friends stamp set and I'm gonna warn you

guys I have stamped a bunch of projects using the bunny and if I already said

this in the video sorry I'm repeating myself I did have to start over because

I messed up earlier but anyway I'm gonna try to try to use some of the other

images but um I love him he's so darling okay I'm gonna take light flirty

flamingos and light soft seafoam hey say that three times and the way that I got

the soft seafoam is it's here on in the designer series paper so that's how I

pulled that color out so I'm gonna color his ears inside with

the flirty flamingos and his buttons and I do have a project coming up that I did

color him a different color well I haven't colored him he's just white so I

do have I do have a crumb cake one coming I made a card last night it's

really cute simple but cute if you guys don't have

the step-in blend yet you really should order a couple especially right now

during celebration I promise you're going to love them okay so I'm going to

take that oval and cut out my little flower set that aside for the moment now

we're going to get the Big Shot and we're going to cut out the bunny with

the stitch shaped circle the greeting with the stitch tape shape circle and

flirty flamingo with the layering circles okay here's the big shot I got

it platform in a cutting pad I'm gonna start with a flirty flamingo okay next

we'll start our next we'll do the greeting looks like I got a little bit

eat on there and now we'll cut the bunny so I'm just gonna Center it but yet I'm

still cutting off part of his body

I do have a project coming up though where I don't cut the body so just in

case you're worried about that okay so now I'm going to take my snail adhesive

and add some adhesive to this and I'm going to take the box and I want to just

put it he Civ right down here at the bottom okay so just like that it's

pretty good for the Easter greetings I'm gonna take a dimensional and I want to

add it to this bottom right corner okay because I don't want to attach it to

this I want to attach it to the box otherwise it would be a little wonky see

and now we're gonna add our little flower and I'm just gonna use a glue dot

okay I'm going to take my paper piercer I really do use the paper piercer every

single time i paper craft every time so if you don't have one I don't know how

your existing without it okay so there's the largest frame stone we have put my

paper piercer back in my chicks and and now I'm gonna take the white flax ribbon

and add the bow okay

don't forget head over to my website and leave a comment to enter to win my

current chick candy I think we're on number 10 right now okay all you have to

do is leave a comment I love this wax ribbon I'm kind of hoping it carries

over to the annual catalog

okay so here's my original one and here's the one we just made so stinking

cute right okay don't forget free inspiration sheet with

all the measurements and the picture over on my website have a great day bye

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