Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

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For more infomation >> Julen Muñoz (Mrkpa Tattoo) - Tattoo Timelapse | Barcelona Tattoo Expo 2018 - Duration: 1:01.


Nightcore | Punks | Akito Nightcore - Duration: 3:22.

We were young, we were punks forever

Yeah, we thought we were fucking clever

Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh, You Know

Apathy like a suit of armor

Blow a kiss to the tragic glamour

Oh Oh, Oh Oh, Oh Oh, You Know

Sneakin ́ around to the parties

Taping my hands to the forties

Everybody gettin ́ faded, gettin ́ faded, celebrated

Mixing the Jack with Bacardi

Praying the bar doesn't card me

Everybody feeling weightless, get your feet back off the ground

Little cracks underneath the pressure

Cigarettes burnin ́ out together

You know

On the edge but we all knew better

Cause in the end nothing really matters

Sneakin ́ around to the parties

Taping my hands to the forties

Everybody gettin ́ faded, gettin ́ faded, celebrated

Mixing the Jack with Bacardi

Praying the bar doesn't card me

Everybody feeling weightless, get your feet back off the ground

Sneakin ́ around to the parties

Taping my hands to the forties

Everybody gettin ́ faded, gettin ́ faded, celebrated

Mixing the Jack with Bacardi

Praying the bar doesn't card me

Everybody feeling weightless, get your feet back off the ground

You and me, you and me

You and me, you and me

Yeah, we used to be punks

Cause back in the day

You and me, you and me

You and me, you and me

Yeah, we used to be punks


For more infomation >> Nightcore | Punks | Akito Nightcore - Duration: 3:22.


Ăn Thử Vú Sữa Bơ Ruột Vàng KHỔNG LỒ Đồng Tháp - Ẩm Thực Việt - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Ăn Thử Vú Sữa Bơ Ruột Vàng KHỔNG LỒ Đồng Tháp - Ẩm Thực Việt - Duration: 6:18.


How To Get Rid Of Heartburn In 1 Minute - Duration: 4:20.

If you experience heartburn, you know the feeling well: a slight hiccup, followed by

a burning sensation in your chest and throat.

It may be triggered by the foods you eat, particularly spicy, fatty, or acidic foods.

Or perhaps you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic condition with many

potential causes.

Whatever the cause, heartburn is uncomfortable and inconvenient.

In this video we share our top tips to cure heartburn.

Any extra resources or information will be included in the description so make sure to

check it out.

Our first tip is to try to Loosen clothing.

Heartburn happens when the contents of your stomach rise up into your esophagus, where

stomach acids can burn the tissue.

In some cases, you might be having an episode of heartburn because tight clothing is compressing

your stomach.

If that's the case, the first thing to do is loosen your belt — or your pants, dress,

or whatever else is holding you tight.

Our second tip is to Stand up straight.

Your posture can also contribute to heartburn.

If you're sitting or lying down, try standing up.

If you're already standing, try standing up more straightly.

An upright posture puts less pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

Your LES is a ring of muscle that helps stop stomach acid from rising into your esophagus.

Our third tip is to Elevate your upper body.

Lying down can make heartburn worse.

When it comes time for bed, adjust your sleeping surface to raise your upper body.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lifting your head with extra pillows isn't usually enough.

Instead, the goal is to elevate your body from the waist up.

If you have an adjustable bed, set it at a suitable angle to provide relief.

If your bed isn't adjustable, you can change the angle of your sleeping surface by using

a wedge pillow.

Our fourth tip is to Mix baking soda with water.

You might have a heartburn remedy at hand in your kitchen without even knowing it.

Baking soda can calm some episodes of heartburn by neutralizing your stomach acid.

To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it slowly.

In fact, you should drink everything slowly when you have heartburn.

Our fifth tip is to Try ginger.

Ginger has been used as a folk remedy for heartburn for centuries.

Ginger can help relieve nausea, so some believe it may be worth trying for heartburn, too.

Consider adding grated or diced ginger root to your favorite stir-fry recipes, soups,

and other foods.

To make ginger tea, steep raw ginger root, dried ginger root, or ginger tea bags in boiling


It's probably best to avoid ginger ale, though.

Carbonated beverages are a common heartburn trigger, and most brands of ginger ale are

made with artificial flavoring rather than the real thing.

Our sixth tip is to Take licorice supplements.

Licorice root is another folk remedy that's been used to treat heartburn.

It's believed that it might help increase the mucous coating of your esophageal lining,

which may protect your esophagus from damage caused by stomach acid.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is a supplement that contains licorice that's been processed

to remove much of its glycyrrhizin, a compound that can cause adverse side effects.

Eating too much licorice or DGL may raise your blood pressure, lower your potassium

levels, and interfere with certain medications.

Always talk to your doctor before taking licorice or DGL supplements.

Our seventh tip is to Sip apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy that some people use to treat heartburn, believing

that it may neutralize stomach acid.

One researcher suggested that drinking diluted apple cider vinegar after a meal may help

alleviate heartburn for some people.

However, these effects didn't reach the level of statistical significance so more

research is needed.

If you decide to try this remedy, dilute the apple cider vinegar with water and drink it

after your meal.

Our seventh tip is to Chew gum.

According to 2014 research, chewing gum for half an hour after meals may also help reduce


Chewing gum stimulates saliva production and swallowing.

This might help dilute and clear stomach acid from your esophagus.

Our final tip is to Avoid cigarette smoke.

You probably already know that smoking is bad for your health.

But did you know that smoking can contribute to heartburn?

If you're a smoker and you get an attack of heartburn, don't light up.

Smoking might be a go-to coping strategy when you're uncomfortable, but it's not going

to make that burning feeling go away.

So that sums up our top tips for curing heartburn.

If you found any of it useful then hit that like button and if you're new here feel

free to subscribe.

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Heartburn In 1 Minute - Duration: 4:20.



looky here everybody mr. Rudy has stopped by with us

how you doing Rudy I'm doing pretty good you fabulous bad girl you know you're

enjoying this snow heck yeah I like me some snow as long as the roads don't

close yeah that's the one worried but I heard up in Wisconsin they already got

about three inches of snow up there is what I heard and we don't want to go

that way no this is probably number two you right this is chickenshit for me you

always have your snowshoes on oh yeah for sure yeah well we're gonna cook up

some dinner you guys are welcome to stick around and meet with us all right

all right dinner is ready we're gonna eat this

dinner up y'all want to see you it's pretty good-looking yeah and then we're

gonna do a video video for you guys say hi girl

okay everybody let's talk to Rudy for a little bit you know what's up guys where

are you headed today well we're heading to Thunder Bay Ontario on our wait that

way anyways but right now we're in Chicagoland

Thunder Bay that sounds like fun water it is pretty close to water yeah yeah I

go all the way up to oh Claire Wisconsin I head to 53 and go up to Duluth

Minnesota and then I took believe it's highway 2 it goes all the way alongside

the lake up there and that goes right up to Thunder Bay up

there that's pretty cool you're an international player

yeah I am definitely an international crossing the border yeah no we're just

down here regular aisle boring people I'm not wearing Chicago I'd like getting

out of here safely yeah don't worry it is a lot of fun it's kind of exotica in

a way right yeah it is yeah like if you have ever seen me cross at International

folds mm-hmm you have yeah yeah there's a basically we cross on the same bridges

with the railway goes over oh that did it yeah

do they make your check and like you can things are cheaper to purchase down here

in America right that used to be true but it's not so much anymore there is

still a few things that might be cheaper but because the dollar is so high right

on the US dollar it's like 1:30 Canadian compared to the US right now so that's

like 30 33 percent difference so if you if you consider all of that and you

factor all of that into it things aren't so cheap anymore yeah I guess that look

at yeah I know but in the past I've talked to people that said that was a

big difference for certain items yes for certain items that might still be but

for pretty average things that you might be shopping for it really isn't

much of a difference anymore and you look at snowing out there right this is

just like baby steps for you oh yeah exactly for us this is this is nothing

especially if you drive up in Ontario and stuff like that way worse up there

or no Manitoba like or you saw the video where we did he was in Fargo there

mm-hmm that was that was much worse than what

we have today I think you win over 5000 subscribers other day you're hot you're

burning it up streaks out we try we try well you do some really good content

you're filming and takes your work is just fabulous oh thank you appreciate

that we do try our best we we have some good plans lots of plans for this summer

we planning on going to the truck show and Louie well if nothing goes wrong and

then it's summer we want to do some camping already got some plans for our

trip plans for camping and stuff so hopefully we'll get some good footage of

that get the drone out yeah I'm good drone flights out there

and hopefully you can get some good nice pictures again like you seen my sunrises

and sunsets I think that video were you and Chuck a jukebox was chasing each

other with the drones that was fine yeah we need to do that again now that would

be kind of fun to do yo we got a gremlin dog over here yeah that's just his

nature you know it's like that old adage about the the turtle and the support

beam you know whatever and at the end the tree

you know turtle saves the Scorpion and the Scorpion kills it anyway yes

yeah so that's kind of what we have planned for this summer hopefully we can

make good on all of that hopefully everything will work out that way and

even got Rudy on our mast just the ends right Rudy's gonna feel left out the

heaven map it's at home another home yeah that one goes up at the Canada yeah

he's just took the part of America that is yeah it is

well I'm looking forward to to summer again that I can't wait well you know

you'll see it before your your people's will up there yeah I will yeah

I always get the wife jealous Peschel if we get a nice hole going south I always

make sure I send their pictures it's nice and warm down

when does spring and why come on say spring I mean like typical spring

windows bud start coming on the trees usually May yeah

by May long weekend usually oh that that's not so far different you know

that our weather yang story she minute yeah I mean the snow is usually all gone

by by end of March maybe April mid-april usually it's most at time it's all gone

I mean we have time to where we still get snow and June these it is the

weather the same as when he was a kid well see I didn't grow up in then Canada

what I was you when you moved I was actually already married

I was 19 when we moved to Canada well that's been a few years ago yeah I was

in 2001 and so you might tell me where you grew up some people may not know

yeah sure I can do that I was born in Bolivia and shortly after

I was born my parents moved to Paraguay so for for most of my

young girl years I was living in Paraguay until I was 10 years old and

then we moved back to Bolivia for 4 years and then we moved back to Paraguay

again and so then you know I started working and stuff and then shortly after

that I got married moved to Canada 2001 just after 9/11 yeah yeah we were

actually delayed a little bit because of 9/11 I'm I didn't know the flights were

all shot down right only airports were shut down all in the world and that was

that was interesting Rudy speaks high German and Spanish and a little bit

France but he won't talk about it no no I don't speak no French but I do speak

Lord German High German a little because he can say partly Lou fronts like that


not really but no if you can speak German you speak French though because

there's so much Carlos Spanish as I should closer to that's what I mean

because it's got elements of both yeah yeah yeah like like especially the

numbers like keen says is very close to close to the French 1,500

I found it there with me this is weird because I'll try to communicate with

anybody right sure with whatever I got to use and when I go to Mexico or

something that look at me like that's not how you say it you know what I like

did you understand close enough yeah I insulting your mom or something yeah

yeah but no so that's that's how I grew up and I'm always been living in Canada

since 2001 we I'm married and we have two kids

our daughter is his handicap so she's in the wheelchair so she did okay yeah

she's doing okay yeah because she actually likes them videos and all she

loves the attention like any woman does yeah and so yeah she loves she loves it

when she can be on camera so we you know we make daily vlogs pretty much every

day anyways the all day we've limits a day here and there but you've had mom

out on the truck with you a little bit ago

night sure did she enjoyed it she enjoyed it that's good oh yeah we had a

good time and we got lucky that we got the nice trip going to tax

one way I always always nice yeah it was that was like summer weather for Canada

oh yeah everything artic blast wasn't it what Sun that was during the artic blast

wasn't it I'm not sure I don't remember I just remember it was really nice down

there we didn't she said it was being really cold and snowing up there in your

last day that day where's the spring flowers there yep yeah it was green

grass when we were in debt and Heaston last time mm-hmm that was the

same with us look at the greenery mm-hmm I saw a trucker jukeboxes videos today

and he was up in North Carolina the same thing it's all green no they're in the

same 72 degrees that's a really nice area I like North Carolina not a lot

y'all sure do don't get over there enough yeah kind of

been getting shorter trips here the last couple of weeks but hopefully they'll

change how do you maybe noticed a break volume that's of difference going on

with Canada I mean I think we're heading into a recession and yeah

and that you will too if we do yeah for sure that that will definitely happen so

far I haven't really noticed too much like we I've been getting loads every

time I want to go and I get a load right away it just not been super long trips

but it seems like I get a little right away so it might take longer for it I

didn't think about that but for you guys to feel it because as far as Frank

coming into Canada yeah brother plenty of it going to Canada I'm not sure if

there is usually it's the opposite usually there is lots of freight going

to the US but not so much coming back you manufactured goods is that what you

did not at all yeah yeah just just anything that goes in a dry drive van

and I will put you down over there but yeah so that's pretty much what we do is

anything that goes in a drive and is pretty much more evolved I mean we do a

little bit of liquid stuff but for a most most part that's dry goods

all right well we'd better let you guys go y'all

say how to roadie and go over and check out his channel if you would please yeah

definitely you know you might not regret it right

hey this is my cup of tea yeah yeah we we go down a road and we

travel Canada in the United States so you get to sequel to the countries and

and some nice scenery is up in Canada it's for sure also here in the US but

that's like a it both countries that's like I'm gonna ask my pop yeah so you

guys be safe out there I will catch you on the flip side well there goes Chuck

or Rudy everybody

For more infomation >> TWO SHIPS PASS IN THE NIGHT - TRC AND TRUCKER RUDI - Duration: 11:35.



For more infomation >> TUẤN M TROLL TẶNG QUÀ CHO SƠN SẤM SÉT VÀ CÁI KẾT - Duration: 13:47.


【あるある】ぼなーるちゃんねると野球コラボ!みんな共感の珠玉のあるある完全再現!【野球】 - Duration: 4:56.

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For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy S10 / S10+ /S10e 快速動手玩|最喜歡的三大優點|發表會沒說到的AI智慧應用 - Duration: 10:06.


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the nykaa femina beauty awards 2019

For more infomation >> Sara Ali Khan Stuns In A Pink Dress At "Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2019" - Duration: 1:18.


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