Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 20 2019

I gotta find the right instrument. Yeah.


Uh, honky tonk. Oh, I love honky tonk. Yeah

We kind of want to make a revamp on our channel.

You'll still be seeing the same stuff. Alex and Drew series, behind the scenes vlogs, all that kind of stuff.

But we want to try to do some more content, maybe some travel videos, challenges between me and Alex,

And I was thinking about music videos, too.

So I thought I'd get Ethan Van Sile here. Come on. Come on over here.

ETHAN: You want me to get closer to you? This is too close.

DREW: No...

Yeah, don't... Are you kidding me? You wanted me to be closer to you. You know what

Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry Ethan.

So we just wanna sort of branch out on our content more and do more things that people might like.

Feel free to leave in the comments down below your own thoughts on other types of videos we could do.

Because we all need ideas guys. Guys, guys, seriously, we're running out of ideas.

But basically today I thought, I had Ethan over, and I'm like, "what fun thing could we do"?

So we decided to just make some funny meme music, so...

We're gonna make some beats.

DREW: What what'd I do?

You just said it like you were like an 80 year old dad. Like, "let's make some beats!"

Why would you say that?

Tell me how much you love the honky Tonk?

I love it man. Mmmm.

It's really yummy

Do I love it?

DREW: Yeah.


Dude... If this was a breakfast burrito...

DREW: If this was a breakfast burrito...

I would eat it all with no sauce.

if there was sauce on this breakfast burrito, I would still eat it. But it's so good, you don't even need the...

What'd I say? The sauce on a breakfast burrito?

I don't even know what that means!

I mean, I think I know what we should do. I think we should just...

Play country roads, but sing the Mario music to it instead.

ETHAN: Do you know... is is that song acutally on here?

DREW: Yes, this song is on here! We are doing this. Okay guys, we're gonna sing this.

Oh my gosh, it's actually on here!


Let's a-go!

It's a-me!


Mushroom Kingdom!

Bowser's Castle!

Let's a-go!

Rainbow Road!

Go ahead drop it

Wow, that's actually a really clean cut!

Did you glue the head? Holy moly? That's...

It stayed on! Wow!

There we go...

I don't think this looks right. This isn't right. Did I put it in right?

That's it. Yeah. There you go

Aaaaah! Oh! That's scary

DREW: That "guh" is very weird. It's like a "guhh".

ETHAN: Oh, it's an a capella thing...

DREW: This is definitely an old MIDI keyboard right here.

Yeah because who does a bass drum like this?

DREW: I mean, you'd know you're a percussionist, so, I wouldn't know.

ETHAN: I don't beatbox though. (Beatbox noises)

I can't... I'm not gonna even try and do that. You better not try it either, I know you can.

You're welcome.

DREW: Thanks for that. How about we make something with a beat?


I dislike mac and cheese. I will never eat mac and cheese. That's the thing.

Yeah, people think that I'm weird, but that's like... I don't know why I don't like it

I don't know how I don't like it. I just hate mac and cheese!

Hey, I always mess up when I... No...

I always mess up on that song.

And other songs like BoHeMoDy Rhapsody that's easy to do. You just gotta do that. But with THAT?

That's difficult to do.

The zoom... I can hear the zooming in by the way. I can hear it zooming in. I can see it as well

Being behind the camera- being in front of it. That's...

Mr. Van Sile, thank you for joining us today.

We're signing off for now. If you liked, make sure to hit that thumbs up button, subscribe if you haven't already...

And I'll see you guys the next one. Peace!

You said it brother.

What was that?

I called you brother!

Hey you want to do the hand thing?

So, um...

If you like make sure to hit that thumbs up button

Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one. Peace. And you can do that. You wanna?

Oh. Oh, yeah.

DREW: Oh boy. I'm scared.

What the heck?

This is quite, um... Fantastic.

Sing it with me now!

Baby shark, doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo. Baby shark, doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo.

For more infomation >> Making Music With Ethan Van Sile - Duration: 6:18.


ŞANS TOPU FORMÜL MATEMATİKSEL ÇÖZÜM 25 02 2019 - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> ŞANS TOPU FORMÜL MATEMATİKSEL ÇÖZÜM 25 02 2019 - Duration: 11:43.


American Dad | Jeff Goes Full Demon | TBS - Duration: 3:20.

It says here, "To remove the demon,

the host body must be washed in the source

of the demon's power."

But what is the source?


Ah, the source of my power.

Whoa-- are you full demon now?

I was forged in this spicy habanero-mango infused queso,

the first element of all God's creation.

So it's good?

I can never know, for if I sip from the pool

it will destroy me, the Demon Fieri, for all of eternity.


For Jeff to come back, Guy Fieri has to die?

But I like you way better than Jeff.

You are a true G. Oh, I lust to taste this, the only flavor

I will never get down with.

Why can't Hayley love this Jeff?

The perfect Jeff.


But she doesn't.


Mr. Fieri, I have an idea.

May I taste the queso for you?

That, my friend, would put the shabba-nabba in ding dong.


I knew it!

Tell me how it tastes.

It's good.

Give me more than that, brother.

Well, it has a yellowy kind of melted taste.

Your words fail you, mortal.

Oh, I know now.

It doesn't taste like paint.

What the hell does that even--

get out of my way!



These spices are off the hook.

Habanero's totally unchecked.

Mm, now I'm getting big hits of that mango tango--

grease dripping down the chin good.

(HOLDING BACK TEARS) His beautiful words,

they'll be lost forever.

I've called things "money" before, but this (YELLING)

is money!


I've made a terrible mistake.




Mr. Fieri?

Guy? Is this you?

Hey, Mr. S.


He wasn't a demon.

He was an angel.

So your husband's a demon.

There are good demons.

There's that fellow from Boston, Matt Damon.

Speed demons-- they're rarely late.


Here's your stupid husband.


What are you covered in?

The cheese was a portal, babe.


And while I was traveling through the cheese portal,

I did some serious thinking.

I realized the only identity I ever need

is to be the man who loves you, and maybe

a little weed on the side.

Oh, Jeff.


For more infomation >> American Dad | Jeff Goes Full Demon | TBS - Duration: 3:20.


Exactly How Much Do YouTubers Make In January? - Duration: 11:24.

Hi, I'm Ryan and I'm a YouTuber.

Now, most of the time when I first meet someone and they ask me what I do for a living that's

the short version of my response.

95% of the time the follow up question to that is "How do you make money?"

And the short version is, advertisers.

But it's not a normal payment salary schedule.

You've heard it from the royalty of YouTube all the way down to the bottom feeders.

January income on YouTube is the same thing as being constipated on the toilet, a few

pebbles might come out, but it really wasn't the big load you were hoping for.

And you might be thinking "Wow Ryan, you're really complaining because your cushy comfy

crusty job gets a tinnie bit more difficult?"

Sorry, I really made you sound like a dickbag there, my bad.

But it's a good question.

YouTuber's are always complaining about the beginning of the year and how we are barely

scraping by, but we rarely provide you with any evidence to really back that up.

So I had a thought: what if I showed you exactly how much we made, but not just that, what

if I showed you how much the channel made per video, per view even, where it all comes

from and why we struggle to make it through the first couple months of every year.

The money side of YouTube is a complete mystery too for many people because there just isn't

that much information out there.

Let's face it, like the rest of YouTube, the corporate entity that secretly lords power

above us all isn't exactly open about the finances behind YouTube.

If you're not in the YouTube sphere how would you have any idea the range of income

a YouTuber can make?

Allow me to be your guide into the back end of YouTube, to show you just how crazy rich

we are.

Or not.

So without further ado, here's exactly how much Treesicle made over the month of January.


The line of money!

This line signifies every penny that was unceremoniously placed into the Treesicle coffers from you

wonderful viewers who are nice enough to watch advertisements on our videos.

And that line equals a total of...Yo, can you unblur that a little bit okay there we


Just over $4,000.

Now I would show you the exact number but I don't want our Google overlords to bring

the hammer down on us...since we're in the grey area disclosing this information.

See, YouTube doesn't actually allow us to tell you the exact amount we make.

In fact we're not allowed to say a variety of things we want to.

We can't disclose our estimated monetized playbacks and other stats that I was going

to go into in this video.

So here's the solution that hopefully won't get us screwed over.

We show you the first number so you have an idea, but not the whole number so our channel

gets indefinitely demonetized.

Sounds good?

But while we're on the subject it really sucks that we aren't actually allowed to

share this information...but, I get it.

From a business standpoint, there's good reasoning behind it.

Because a big thing to note is Adsense is not limited to ads on YouTube videos, but

ads everywhere on the internet.

And, while Google has a monopoly via Adsense on YouTube ads, they just hold one section

of the market via internet advertisements.

In a day and age where apps collect your personal information and are able to sell it to the

highest bidder, information is power, and I'm sure Google doesn't want their information

getting to the public if there's no real reason for it.

Still, it's no wonder people have such a skewed sense of the income of YouTubers when

we LEGALLY can't tell you what we make.

But as usual, YouTube wants to keep everyone in the dark about the behind the scenes analytics.

Now I could end the video right here.

I gave you the amount as close as I could, right?

But there's no context around it, nothing to tell you whether that's a good number

or a bad number.

It's like a dick pic without a watch or ring next to it.

You need something to compare it to before deciding if you want to jump on it.

So let's take a look at the month before it.

In December, we made about double that, hitting in the $8,000 range.

So as you can see, the jump from December to January is pretty harsh.

But I haven't even put it completely in perspective yet.

Our views in December were actually less than our views in January, so not only are we seeing

a 50% drop, but we're seeing that despite the channel getting more views overall.

So what does this all mean?

Well many of you might see a figure like $4,000 something dollars and look at me like I'm

an idiot to even mention that it dropped from $8,000.

It's still a hefty chunk of change right?

Even if that's all the channel made every month the channel is still making somewhere

in the $50,000 a year range.

A decent salary, better than a starting teacher's income.

But you have to remember one thing.

It's not just me on this channel.

That 4,000ish dollars is being split between four incredibly sexy people.

And when you take into account rent, car payments, cell phone bills, utilities, groceries and

everything else that goes into a month's worth of bills, well, to put it lightly I

can pay my rent and buy a sandwich and January's income would be gone.

And honestly, that's not an exaggeration.

Now obviously this isn't something I'm complaining about.

I love being a YouTuber and wouldn't trade it for the world, but it brings up some interesting

questions doesn't it?

If the channel was getting more views on January than December, why is the income so much less?

The answer lies in a stat called Monetized Playbacks.

If you've ever done some back end exploring on a monetized channel, you've likely checked

out the Revenue Reports.

YouTube is able to break down your revenue by video, date, country, as well separate

revenue streams by the type of ad that's played.

For example, you can see that the vast majority of ads played on our channel are skippable

video ads, those ads that have the 5 second skip button and are currently dominated by

Tik Tok.

But let's check out Estimated Monetized Playbacks.

This is where you can see exactly how many ads played on the channel per day and compare

it to views.

Comparing December versus January once again gives us a ton of information.

Regardless of the channel getting 400,000 more views in January, there were around 200,000

less ads played compared to December.

Again, we can't show you the exact amount, so you'll have to take my word for it.

But further down the column we can take a look at the CPM of each month individually.

In case you don't know what CPM means, it's the average income a channel makes per 1,000


So in December, every 1,000 views made 5 something dollars, whereas in January, it was only in

the 3 dollar range.

Oh and you might be wondering why the column for "YouTube Ad Revenue" has higher numbers

than our total income for either month.

That column shows the total income made before YouTube takes their cut.

I feel like a lot of people forget that YouTube takes a significant portion of the revenue

YouTuber's generate.

We're contractually not allowed to say the exact amount.

But many other people, not us, have said it's 45%.

We didn't say that though, they did.

The other question that comes to mind is how a difference in 200,000 ads played, or about

15% fewer ads, equals a 50% drop in income.

When we're talking about over a million ads played each month, you'd expect a proportional

drop in ads played in relation to the income drop right?

The reason this doesn't correspond is actually quite simple: January is a bad season for


In fact the first few months of the year are always bad for advertising.

Whereas we see a significant boost once Summer comes around an an even bigger boost once

we get into the last few months of the year.

As the year progresses those ad slots at the beginning of videos become more and more valuable.

People are more likely to spend money during the summer and the most likely to spend money

during the holidays.

Tis the season so to speak.

Whereas January is right after all the major holidays.

People are wiped from gift giving, from traveling, from vacationing.

Meaning they are less likely to spend money on what an advertisement shows them because

they already spent it somewhere else the month before.

Advertisers know this, so they're aren't willing to pay as much for their ads to run.

This is why we get discrepancies between CPM's month to month.

Advertisers are willing to pay more based on the time of year.

However, the drop at the beginning of the year is worse than the increase at the end.

I don't think we've ever doubled a regular month in december.

It'll get a bit better, but it won't exactly offset the halfling that happens in January.

I think a lot of this helps dispel the myth that YouTubers are these crazy rich people

who just got lucky enough to land an audience on YouTube.

On the contrary, I could easily make more money doing a variety of different things.

Before becoming a full-time YouTuber, I coded.

I got a degree in Computer Science.

And I was making more than double what I am making now as a YouTuber.

This idea that YouTube pays well only supports the upper echelon of YouTubers.

If you're getting 10 million views or more a month, you're making a good salary, but

no one would consider you to be crazy wealthy.

At least, not based off of our CPM.

A channel's CPM differs for a variety of reasons, a channel like ours won't get the

same income per 1000 views as say, a makeup channel.

It's different audiences, different companies that want to advertise.

And also the degree to which a channel is "family friendly" - which YouTube doesn't

seem to think we are.

It's why websites like social blade have such a massive range for monthly earnings.

But wait, we're not even done yet!

Guess who also takes a cut from every month of YouTube ad revenue?

That group of wonderful MCN friends.

Who, we kinda went into in a previous video.

So YouTube takes their cut, then the MCN takes their cut, and then we finally get paid.

And just a fun note, we also don't know what day we're going to get paid.

Since it goes through the MCN first it completely depends on them, sometimes we get it early,

or sometimes it's the day rent is due.

It's not nerve racking at all!

So there you have it, not only the kinda sorta exact amount made in the month of January

for the Treesicle channel, but all the backend stuff to explain how and why we made what

we did.

The monetization of YouTube has been a mystery to a large group of people for a long time,

but there's nothing to hide about it, and hopefully this has given you a better perspective

on what we and other creators go through during this time of year.

Especially for channels who have a team operating behind the scenes, like us, it makes revenue

sources outside of YouTube that much more important.

It's why we get sponsors, why we sell merchandise, why we have a patreon, and do Twitch streams.

Though the Twitch streams are more just for fun (every weekday at 3PM PST).

But all these "extra" things are what keep us afloat.

Speaking of ships, I'm going to go buy a yacht with all my YouTube money now.

Cuz that's totally a thing I can do now that you've seen our ad sense!

But before I go, let me know if you like deeper dives into more informative videos, like this


I really enjoying making content on these real life issues and questions.

So let me know in the comments.


We also have a super special surprise this coming Saturday, the 23rd!

So follow Twitter, come to the channel, set your phones, check your watches, do people

still even wear watches?


Thanks fos for watching everybody!

My name's Ryan, and we'll see you then!

For more infomation >> Exactly How Much Do YouTubers Make In January? - Duration: 11:24.


GAME MASTER Escape Room Challenge! (Husband Vs. Wife in Real Life) Rebecca Zamolo - Duration: 15:01.

hey guys what is going on as you saw in Rebecca's last videos she just spent 24

hours in a tiny room yes it was an overnight challenge and I went into the

tiny room because Matt at a secret meeting found out that the quadrant was

for some reason trying to trap me and I don't want to have to try to escape I'd

rather just them not get me at all and at the end of the video the game master

told us to come back to the cabin because it was time for a final test

yeah the event is happening February 23rd and we have no idea what's going to

happen but we need to be ready so no there's no footprints whoever put this

note here kind of like just went across there I guess it's on game masterpiece

it says final stage of training and this must be what he told us to come back

here for everyone needs to always have an exit strategy you have saved all the

clues I have ever given you now you must use them to track the other person like

you and me sound right okay the mission is to design an escape room and test

each other ten minutes to design and ten minutes to escape oh so I can escape

room in real life like I'm gonna design an escape room for you to get out of and

you're gonna do one for me so we just have to use things that we've had in

other videos that the game master has given us I guess whoever gets out the

fastest wins I don't know there's more okay spy gadgets in the garage okay well

let's go I'm gonna grab my jacket wait so the game master must have been here

while I spent 24 hours in the tiny space map cuz you're with me then exactly

and it snowed last night Matt look there's footprints both besides ours but

like look there's one that go over there ones that go around our cabin

did you walk out you see it's my knee hold on that's a different type of

footprint let's go the glass cool oh man these look like a lot of the things that

we use this is a compass Matt do you remember this we use the mirrors to

reflect the Sun concealed and then we found the next clue

oh why we need that the tree house remember you guys we figured out how to

get this out of here where these oh it was on me when I was in the abandoned

prison man we didn't keep those don't know how that

got here look there's puzzles but we've never had

these this wasn't the puzzle maybe in an arcade where Stephen chair found out

that the next target was the dobre twins oh my gosh okay comment below what spy

gadgets you would use if you are going to make an escape room look black my

pens okay you found this in why the first time we went do you remember that

exactly where are these we've never used oh.just are gone now watching that could

be a clue for you you have to figure out the clues now it's like we're used to

escaping stuff now we get a build the escape room the only one I don't remember is

this one over here this was with the ro pansino when we found this at the

bottom of the lake and I had to recreate and transform row into a giant princess

doll cake Zamfam comment below if you remember me making that video that video

is like such a big mess I'm not gonna die wise all right Rebecca so I think

what we need to do is divide up what like things we want to use for escape

rooms or you do you have a room in mind that you want to use for your safe room

I'll use one of the bedrooms that's good idea I think I'll probably

stay in the garage here I feel pretty safe in here teaser so you're just gonna

set up being yeah you just go ahead and pick what you

want yeah to the gamemaster use these boxes all the time you get this I'm

gonna use it okay we get Oh camera you guys comment below if you

have a Polaroid camera okay this was one of the first ones at the Hollywood sign

remember we had to take a picture absolutely I'm gonna take this right

here this is hard he's never been used before I'll take

those okay do we just take a box so a lock or anything like I'm gonna take

this guy too okay I'll take the dictionary so I've

been praying with dictionaries so Matt is gonna stay here I'm gonna go insight

into the room and we both have ten minutes to set up our escape room for

the other person and then you and I are gonna see if we can get out of the other

room in the least amount of time give us a thumbs up if you think man so Rebecca

is inside setting up her escape room it's time to set up this escape room

right now the best thing that I think I need to do is to start off at the end I

think with these escape rooms building them you need to start backwards so I'm

gonna start with the end result which I think it's gonna be these handcuffs

right here I'm gonna use this cabinet right here you open it up and the final

thing that she needs to get is that basketball when I tell you the backstory

pretty funny but she needs to get that basketball out let's go ahead and

handcuff this door shut okay so I'm now in the bedroom that I'm gonna be

transforming it into an escape room here are supplies I grab and then I was like

you know what I'll do something with like colors here found some markers and

paper and then I'm gonna use myrrh because look front drawers so I'm

thinking for one of the clues I'm gonna put clothes in the drawers and then put

a key in my zamfam hoodie we need to set up that final clue which

I think we're gonna put inside of this right here see this right here okay so

put the key inside of it all of these are pointing different ways so this

one's going left down and right let's use the backlight yes so you have your

backlight here you're going to start off maybe like from Easton let's go ahead

and walk it say she doesn't know his way to go there's a puzzle here and he'll do

the Black team and our so I thought what I would do is hide these puzzle pieces

all around and put a three-digit code on it because this is a three-digit code

and I'm not sure like what is cool yet but we're gonna put a three-digit code

we're gonna do like 8 3 2 so 8 3 2 then I'm just gonna like tear these up and

put them all over so I have this lockbox you use look at that all right in here

this is it it's been so that goes into there

okay second clue done so I'm gonna put different markers for the colors so

here's all the punch and now I just have to hide them in different places so

we're gonna put a couple of there you can see that I actually just went ahead

and set up a few more things I'm running out of time right now cuz it's almost

done we have one key right up there she won't be able to reach up there and get

that because it's too high and she can't really do a pull-up that key is gonna

have to go into this lock box right here inside of this lock box there's gonna be

puzzle pieces which she's gonna have to use undo this box right here this box

however you need to have a black light to see what's going on which I'm going

to give you she needs to check all the workout

equipment so that she's gonna find a black light right here once she has the

puzzle she can use then use the black light to open up this inside there's a

key that's gonna get her into here which will allow her to get the basket which

she will need to finish her challenge in time she only has ten minutes so it's

not a little long escape room I hope she can do it Tom it I think Rebecca will

escape if Rebecca can escape my escape so now that that is set want to get the

puzzle pieces together it will have a three digit code which I'm going to put

on this I hope I won this challenge all right we are both done with our

escape I'm so excited I'm really happy about mine feel super excited to see

what you come up with I don't even know if you're gonna get out I mean I don't

know if you're gonna get out of mine in the question is who goes first

Rock Paper Scissors shoot my room first and I will watch you in time you okay

okay that's the key yeah so this is the escape room over here this is it okay is

there anything I should know before you go in oh and this is the story

okay Matt so you wanted a relaxing a weekend alone in Big Bear so you rented

a room at an Airbnb now you went in everything looked cute and cozy all of a

sudden the door logically started getting warmer and warmer and you

realize that you're in somebody's trap not a weekend getaway and you realize by

doing the calculations that your body temperature would only last ten minutes

in here and you needed to escape or you would not make it out is it a timer

right here I'm gonna put it on wherever it's the safest place in set ten smash

the thumbs up button if you think I'm gonna escape I don't think this room can

hold me three two one time was started right there

oh there's a box right here I'm communicating with myself

perfect okay there's a code I can't

works making biography there's so much zinc fingers okay yeah it's a decoy

eight minutes left how many have to put the other a puzzle are you kidding me oh

come you can do and that you don't tell them before and do over your tweezing

the two pieces go here it goes that way maybe you can figure it out eight three

two it's week two the pressures on that can

we messing up the numbers yes yes okay

candy candy so I made three candy as you see it's color-coordinated so I need to

put it in the cup right color order which what this will be the first one

the second one will be this right here I'm Missy toons I have L and a he never

look for more candy

nice no I think wipes something in the lamps what you see lamps okay oh come on

this is the black backwards black liquor time is 3:00 a.m. time is 3:00 a.m. 3:00

2:05 2:05 755 755 and it was supposed to be here in the xanthium merge by the way

new Mertz in the store the Glitter March alright

Rebecca you ready for the escape I'm sure what's my story okay here we go

hi Rebecca's Imola the International Basketball Association the IB a now

needs your help they have seen how well you have worked with the gamemaster and

they are enlisting your skills someone has stolen the key basketball and they

need to play the championship match they believe that it's locked inside this

garage they fear it is a jealous fan of a team that did not make the playoffs

the only clue that they do have for you to solve this room is that you need to

check all sporting equipment look high and low and also everywhere in plain

sight retrieve the basketball in less than 10 minutes before the game starts

or all will be lost okay so of course Matt makes his escape

room first for yes you know they don't have a basketball

toughing it should be something cool like to keep VidCon going or something

cool not sport I'm gonna get that basketball so is the final clue a

basketball you have to retrieve the basketball you have ten minutes

everything is on this side of the room

oh here we go no but it's blank so this is gonna be a

lot of fun probably need a backlight which I don't have

okay you're moving I take these puzzles are like the worst just touch me I

thought people you

yeah yeah all right you guys if you commented that I was going to win in the

comment section below thumbs up your comment and just say Rebecca's bourbon

don't say that escape room challenge we need to go back inside okay okay okay

what is it he says all four areas of the quadrant are trying to trap Rebecca

right now me it's not safe right now okay come on I gotta get okay

it's not safe for Rebecca we have to get out of here time to pack up come on you

got hit in the car all right spread the word about the

event date it's February 23rd we


For more infomation >> GAME MASTER Escape Room Challenge! (Husband Vs. Wife in Real Life) Rebecca Zamolo - Duration: 15:01.






¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Randy Santel estoy muy muy

contento de estar aqui con me amigo Mandel Vs Food, it's a great day today

because Mandel is finally going to become a man! He has never done fourfood

challenges in a row, but as of today after he wins this one, he will have four

food challenge wins in a row, because he did one after we all went yesterday but

estamos in Valencia of Spain we are at Little Thai we're taking on their Pad

Thai Challenge! Now I've never done a pad thai challenge and I cannot wait

because it's one of my favorite foods but we've got one hour to finish

everything here in this bowl, it weighs about 2 kilos or about four and a half

pounds, only four people have tried this thing it's pretty new there's only been

one winner our friend Joe Burger Challenge but if we finish within the

hour we're going to get the 15 euro meal for free, we will get sweet caps to add

to our collections, we're going to get a meal for two to come back later, and

we'll also get as part of a deal a wine tour around Valencia for two so that's a

cool prize are you ready? All right let's get this challenge started!

All right thank you too Little Thai for having us take the challenge like

I said it's my first pad thai challenge so it's time to dominate, it's also time

to dominate this guy, he beat me during the last two challenges we've done

together, I got sick on that last one but I beat it today so I'm confident, it's

been quite a while a couple hours I've had time to walk around and get ready so

let's eat! my friend Joe Burger Challenge his

record was 44 minutes and 40 seconds! you ready? All right! Un, dos, tres. . . Boom!

We had to pick spice options we could have gone with, I went with the medium with two

peppers he went with the spicy with four peppers, so he's more of a man than me

but he used to live in Thailand so he can take the heat more than I can but

Let's eat!

Hey guys you got one hour there's no rush!

I have to go to the cinema later!

It's Spain vs USA! Fourth of July America's gonna win!

We're nine minutes 15 seconds in, we're sweating like we're eating a bunch of

fire, really hot ramen but it's all going down we still have over 50 minutes

Gonna dominate!

I'm not mad because I lost, I'm mad because now I can't say I'm getting old because he's

older than me! I got whooped but I'm still getting the win!

the pad thai was delicious! So thank you too Little Thai here in

Valencia of Spain! The owner he's handing us our hats go ahead and get on in here!

Thank you we appreciate it! This is mine and then he's about to

hand over Mandels. It was overall win number 638 number 2 of the day and

number 4 in four days for this guys if you haven't checked out his channel

already his editing style is very very interesting! He's done a few of our $20

value menu challenges to the theme of Mario or Super Mario Brothers which were

really coo!l Thank you guys all for coming to watch,

and thank you guys for watching too!

For more infomation >> MASSIVE PAD THAI NOODLE CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 6:37.


Top 10 People Who Visited Uncontacted Tribes - Duration: 10:37.

Top 10 People Who Visited Uncontacted Tribes Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing

Channel on the Internet!

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are visiting the most remote parts of the

world as we discuss the Top 10 People Who Visited Uncontacted Tribes.

Before we get right on into this video, I want to ask you guys if you have ever been

trekking through the wilderness?

If not, what is the most adventurous trip you have ever been on.

Let me know in the comments section down below!



Stick around to the end of the video where I will be reading out your comments from a

previous video.

10 - Bruce Parry Bruce Parry is a British presenter and documentary

maker as well as a former marine, an explorer, an indigenous rights advocate and author.

Parry fronted a BBC series called TRIBE in which he met with a load of remote tribes

in Africa, Papua New Guinea, The Amazon and Polynesia.

Generally Parry's policy was to leave the isolated tribes alone for fear of introducing

illness to them.

In the series he finds lost tribes and covorts with is a clip of Bruce

and the crew urm... fitting in with the locals.


In their follow up series, Amazon, the team did actually make first contact with a tribe

and they caught it on camera.


It seems that the tribe thought that the arrival of white ghosts in their territory was a sign

the sky would fall.

9 - The New Tribes Mission The New Tribes Mission were a fundamentalist

group of missionaries now known as Ethnos360.

It is likely they changed their name due to the bad press their previous one had attracted.

In the 1980s, the New Tribes Mission decided they wanted to convert Amazonian tribes to

Christianity as they took it upon themselves to decide that they were living in the dark.

They made first contact with the Zo'è tribe of Brazil.

First they dropped gifts over the village and by 1987 they made first real contact.

Sadly, like with a lot of first contact experiences, they brought disease with them and 45 members

of the tribe died from flu or malaria transmitted to them from the Protestants.

The ill health spread further and the missionaries hadn't the supplies to help them.

In the end, the government expelled the missionaries in 1991 and since then the health of the zo

e has been improving.

8 - The Russian Doctors It seems that Russian Physicians were the

first to establish contact with the Surma tribe of Ethiopia in the 1980s.

The Surma women have since been photographed and are known to wear huge lip plates made

out of clay, with the size increased each year.

The bigger the plate, the more beautiful the woman is in their culture.

It seems that the Russians gave the Surma people Kalashnikov rifles.

While they have shunned other eras of outsider culture and civilization, apparently they

liked the guns for protecting their cattle against predators.

7 - The Brazillian Government Employee In 2011, A Brazillian government employee

working for FUNAI stumbled across the Kawahiva tribe.

The FUNAI is the governments agency that looks to protect indigenous tribes and this particular

tribe hadn't been spotted in generations.

In the video, we see naked tribes people - men with spears and a woman carrying a child.


It is thought that this is the first time the tribe has had contact with a civilian

in decades.

Sadly the tribe is under threat from loggers and farmers.

6 - The Aircraft Flyover In 2008, one of the last remaining uncontacted

tribes was caught on camera from an aircraft flying in the region of the Brazillian Peruvian


It is thought that there are between 100 to a couple of THOUSAND small uncontacted tribes

living in the amazon.

It is not known which tribe was caught on camera here as it is thought this was the

first sighting of the tribe.

In the pictures taken we see tribes people have painted their bodies red,yellow and black.

5 - Scott Wallace and the Peruvian Ministry In 2011, Scott Wallace shared footage permitted

for release by the Ministry of the Environment of an uncontacted tribe in Peru.

Scott is a photographer with a special interest in small tribes.

He released a book called The Unconqured about his experience tracking tribes in the deep


The footage that he shot shows the moment the islanders spot the camera and their reaction.

Most of them seem to wield spears in self defence.

To be honest, what would you do!

This seems like a natural human instinct.

Next up, something that Scott Wallace talks about extensively on his website, we have

The Miners Who Murdered at number 4 Illegal mining has become a problem along

the Amazonian rivers in Brazil as the practice is massively disturbing indigenous tribes

as well as weakening the land.

It seems miners were overheard in a bar boasting about how they met an uncontacted tribe for

the first time and massacred them.

The miners were drinking at a frontier town and bragged about killing quote un quote wild


When some of the miners were apprehended it seems that clay pots and paddles likely made

by the tribe were found in their possession.

As the tribe they allegedly killed are uncontactable and a 12 hour boat trip away, it is unknown

whether or not their drunk boasts about the encounter are true.

3 - Michael Rockefeller You have likely heard of the Rockefeller dynasty.

The Rockefeller centre in New York is an enduring reminder of one of America's richest families.

Michael Rockefeller was the son of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, an oil heir, the 49th

Governor of New York and eventually the 41st Vice president of the United States.

In 1961, 23 year old Michael went on a trip to Asmat, New Guinea with the intention of

finding some of the lost tribes and collecting indigenous art.

Rockefeller wrote to his family to say that found the country wild and remote and exciting.

Michael's boat capsized near Otsjanep and it is widely suspected that he was killed

by a small tribe and likely cannibalized.

This is a very sad tale...

2 - Bishop Alejandro Lavaca and Sister Ines Arango

So Two Catholic Missionaries, a Bishop and a Nun, were making first contact with the

Waorani tribe and the Aucas tribe whom they were hoping to convert to Christianity.

Tales as old as time, isn't it.

Here is a picture of the bishop and sister Ines amid their mission.

Before they met with the tribe in 1987, they dropped them gifts to try and gain their friendship.

Sadly for the missionaries, it didn't work.

The Spanish Bishop and Colombian nun were brutally murdered by the tribe in a sacrificial


When the bishops body was found, it contained 67 spear wounds.

The pair had been nailed to the ground and their wounds were filled with leaves to stop

the blood.

Finally at number one we have 1 - John Allen Chau

The North Sentinel Island amid the Indian Ocean has been the home to an uncontactable

indigenous tribe for 60,000 years - the Sentinelese.

They do not want any interference from the outside world and until recently, the tribe

has been spotted only through far off images.

Those unfortunate enough to get close to them have been attacked and often killed.

The tribe have also been known to fire arrows at low flying planes.

It is hard to contact a tribe who have literally no interest in communication.

In 2006 two fisherman who were illegally harvesting crabs were killed by the tribe but in 2018,

John Allen Chau, a 26 year old American Missionary, was sent by the All Nations group to make

contact and live among the tribe, hoping to convert them to Christianity.

He kept a journal of his attempts to spread the word of Jesus - he sang songs and offered

the bible to the tribe...which was shot at and pierced with an arrow by a young boy.

He persisted to no avail and was met with a mixture of laughter and hostility.

It was last reported by the crew who went with him that he was dragged away and killed.

His body was spotted lifeless on the shore.

SO that was the top 10 people who visited uncontacted tribes.

These stories often haven't ended well....

I guess that is what happens when you pursue people that want to be left alone.

What do you think.

Should we be contacting the tribes?

Comments from the Top 10 Scary Massachusetts Urban Legends

Sean Petee said In Auburn, Alabama, there's an university


It's haunted by a Civil War ghost of the name of Sydney Grimlett.

He's from England and fought for the Confederates during the American Civil War.

He fought against Sherman during Sherman's march to the sea.

He died of his wounds in Auburn, near the university chapel.

His spirit appeared decades later when the theater group preformed in the chapel.

Later on, people found out he like M&Ms. orange and blue ones in particular.

Those colors are the university's colors.?

Shyra Stacy said: Please do Virginia.

I live near a place called flag rock...

U can see 5 states from there and it's said to be the home of a "Bigfoot" that our area

calls the WoodBooger because he lives in the woods... (yes it's a horrible name.

No, these ppl can't come up with better . Fred Jones said: You missed the Hoosac tunnel,

Spider Gates cemety and the SK Pierce mansion.?

Plenty for

a part 2 then!

For more infomation >> Top 10 People Who Visited Uncontacted Tribes - Duration: 10:37.


What If SCP-1981 Was Real? - Duration: 8:12.

In this era of information, in this mass sprawl and endless digital stream of algorithmic

data - truth has become a very rare and important commodity.

When we are confronted with an overabundance of fact - that fact either needs to be founded

or unfounded - consistent, never changing.

But what if there existed an object - that didn't exist in either of those realms.

What if, every time you observed its record - a new stream of information was presented,

a new dialogue - a new allusion to something a little bit more sinister than the last?

And what if that record was something historically renowned - a momentous political speech in

a fearful bygone era that was recorded and witnessed by hundreds of millions of people.

Well - it certainly sounds confusing, but one thing remains the same - it's terrifying.

And well - more importantly, what the hell has it got to do with US President Ronald


All will be revealed shortly.


Hello Internet and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions - as per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch

- as today, we curiously ask the question - What If SCP-1981

Was Real?

Roll the clip.

Now, let's not beat about the bush - because there is a lot to this particular anomalous

object that may get watered down in translation - but when we really look at the bare bones

of SCP-1981 - its concept is incredibly unnerving.

In 1983, US President Ronald Reagan took to the podium at the National Association of

Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida - to address the nation on his hard-line stance against

the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War.

He referred to the their continued geo-political escalation as the march of An Evil Empire

- and depicted nuclear warfare as a righteous extension of the age old struggle between

good and evil.

This speech was incredibly important, and served to reshape the public's reserved

stance toward nuclear warfare.

But - well, the SCP Foundation has a particularly differing set of circumstances surrounding

this event - to say the least.

As the record states, SCP-1981 is a standard Betamax tape - with the words, "RONALD REGAN

CUT UP WHILE TALKING" handwritten on an adhesive sticker in felt tip pen.

Laboratory analysis indicates that SCP-1981 is made of ordinary material, and serial numbers

seem to correspond with home cassette tapes produced in September of 1980.

It was initially encountered by a filing clerk in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

in 1991 - who upon watching it immediately alerted local police - with the intent to

find the tapes creator to press obscenity charges.

A low-level police investigation was conducted, at which point the Foundation was quickly

alerted and secured SCP-1981 into their possession.

But - it's just a video tape, right?

Of Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire Speech.


What's so scary about that?

Well - SCP-1981 appears to be a home video recording of former United States President

Ronald Reagan delivering his Evil Empire speech to the National Association of Evangelicals

at Sheraton Twin Towers, Orlando, Florida on the 8th of March 1983.

However, in this instance - at 1 minute 10 seconds in, the speech begins to deviate heavily

- eventually resembling no known speech ever made by Ronald Reagan.

Beginning at approximately 5 minutes, multiple incisions, lacerations and penetration wounds

can be seen being slowly inflicted - though no corresponding source of these wounds are


Despite suffering bodily harm that would likely incapacitate an ordinary person, Reagan will

continue to deliver his speech until either his vocal cords are severed or the tape degrades

to static at 22 minutes and 34 seconds.

Uh - yeah.

Erm - are you guys seeing this?

However - upon rewinding SCP-1981 and hitting playback, Reagan will deliver an entirely

new speech - often radically different from the ones previously observed.

Topics have included torture, human trafficking and ritual sacrifice.

On top of that though - the trauma inflicted upon Reagan also appears to be divergent - with

impalement - and - uh - well - some stuff that we can't really describe being observed.

And erm - it kind of also gets worse.

In roughly one in seven viewings of this tape - a figure clothed in black robes with a conical

hood will emerge as a random member of Reagan's press detail - referred to as SCP-1981-1.

The last known sighting of this figure was during a routine observation of the tape sometime

in 2005 - where the strange hooded figure stood at Reagan's podium for roughly 20

minutes before a single frame flashed with the words I SEE YOU colored in red.

That's a quick way to ruin anyone's day, right?

But what does it all mean?

Why is US President Ronald Reagan referring to future catastrophic events, such as 9/11

and an encroaching global cataclysmic event - way back in 1983?

What if this whole thing was real, and Reagan wasn't referring to the Soviet Union - but

a much more terrifying Evil Empire.

In one instance of SCP-1981's observation - Reagan states, QUOTE - For the first time

we have risen, and I see we are being consumed.

I see circles that are not circles.

Billions of dead souls inside containment.

Unravellers have eaten (this) country's moral fabric, turning hearts into filth.

I'm from a kingdom level above human.

What does that yield?

A hokey smile that damns an entire nation.



That's some pretty heavy stuff.

But when we boil this concept down, philosophy often confronts the exact same idea.

If we accept that our reality is one of many conduits of an infinite universe, a mass sprawl

of multiverses - where in some cases, humanity is a fairly decent, honorable civilization

- that often tries to do the right thing - but very often also does the wrong thing.

We can also accept that there equally could exist a reality of complete and utter, pure


Where every choice and divergent path was based on hatred and pain and violence.

A truly evil empire.

In his 2014 book - Our Mathematical Universe, renowned cosmologist and physicist, Max Tegmark,

confronts a very similar phenomena.

His model isn't anchored in that of quantum mechanics and string theory - but instead

in modal realism - a doctrine proposed by philosopher David Lewis - that every possible

way that things COULD have gone - every consistent, total history of a universe - is just as real

as our own universe.

In this reality, you may safely make the train on your morning commute - but in another reality,

you missed it - and then you lost your job, and your spiraled into a very different lifestyle.

Imagine that - but times infinity.

If we accept this model - then, I'm sorry to break it to you - but SCP-1981 IS real.

If that was the case - then the occurrence of an anomalous video tape is the least of

our problems - because it would only serve to herald the emergence of a much more Evil

Empire for humanity to contend with.

Let's take some comfort in the fact that it's just fiction then, right?



Well - on that note, I'm pretty terrified - so that's all we've got time for in

today's video.

Why don't you let us know your thoughts about SCP-1981 in the comment section down


Before we depart though, let's read out some of your more entertaining comments from

our recent SCP-based-video.

First up - the … the erm …. The SCP Foundation says -- Stop letting civilians know this kind

of information.

--- Uh.

Oh, crap.

I'm in trouble again, aren't I?

Erm… next up, Gryphon says -- Is Jack Finch part of the O5 Council?

-- Hah … hah.



Guys, seriously - you need to stop.

And finally - Mark Taylor says -- If the SCP Foundation were real, how do you think someone

would go about seeking employment with them?

-- Well, Mark.

What a - what a ridiculous question.

The Foundation isn't real.

It's completely fictional.

I promise.


Well - on that note - I better head back down to the memetics lab.

Cheers for sticking around all the way until the end.

If you were a fan of this video, make sure to hit that thumbs up button - as well as

that subscribe bell - and I'll be seeing you in the next one.

As per usual, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been

watching Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time.

You take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If SCP-1981 Was Real? - Duration: 8:12.


Galaxy Unpacked 2019 live stream - Duration: 2:22:32.

For more infomation >> Galaxy Unpacked 2019 live stream - Duration: 2:22:32.


What's Really Driving The 'Vilification' Of Meghan Markle? | Prince Harry - Duration: 10:13.

What's Really Driving The 'Vilification' Of Meghan Markle?

Opinion promoting his new streaming series

Catch 22

George Clooney could have used last week's moment in the global Limelight

To turn attention to any of the 30-plus develop

Human rights and anti-poverty programs


Instead he used his profile

To call out the horrendous treatment meted out to his friend Meghan Markle

Duchess of Sussex

She is a woman who is 7 months

Is pregnant and she has been pursued and vilified

Enchanting the same way

That Diana was

And it's history repeating itself

He told entertainment Journal

And we've seen how that end

I can't tell you

How frustrating it is to

To see that

Such as the appetite

4 brutal coverage of the former suits star in gender equality activist

Within hours of Clooney's statement

British media personality Piers Morgan was prophet

From Mordor

A standout line in his Daily Mail hit piece

Is George Clooney a real friend

Or just another famous person Megan's latched onto at the expense of those who until recently

Cheap profess to care about most

Those words in the paper

Data cleared after last year's royal wedding

Just 20 years ago the Monarch you seem to be struggling for its very survival

How different the picture look

What's today

Prince Harry's wedding to the glamorous

And Thoroughly Modern actress Meghan Markle

Symbolize the monarchies Evolution into a contemporary Institution

At ease with itself

Outward-looking and fat

For the 21st century

Megan was permitted to identify her strong feminism on her official Royal bio

Observers such as Andrew.

A culture and Communications


Say the turn taking in the narrative around

37 year old woman with her own track record of community Act

Division with sadly


Among the drivers for the Tabloid idea we made you

Now we have the right to tear you down

And there's also a kind of nasty

Jealousy in the neck

There is also a gender element to this

She is seen as a role model for young women

An African American

She is a kind of totem for change

And has become the vehicle through which people can hatefully depict women than the monarchy

It is been much more rapid than I've even seen it

The fairytale art that was a nightmare for Diana over 15 years is happening to Megan over 15 months

It's almost like there is an impatient

To get to the next narrative milestone

Before anyone else does


Who heads the center for advancing journalism

Melbourne University

There is also a sense this person is so far removed

Food from the person writing the story this violin negativity won't affect

But Macquarie University media and Communications

Professor and gender commentator Professor Catherine Lummi says the outrageous and sexist coverage of Megan is most

Definitely personal

Megan has been subject to a steady flow of negative headlines since late last year

Which have set her up is brittle demanding and difficult

Rumors include two of Megan's staff and one of Harry's quit due to the duchess's unreasonableness

Of all things

Rising early and expecting her staff to be available

And what she reduce the Duchess of Cambridge

Two tears during a bridesmaid dress

And a messy Rift


She has been branded the New Yorker

So for allegedly causing problems

Is between princes William and Harry

And a social climber for having ghost

Did former friends

Piers Morgan claims to be among them

Despite the fact

That old friends have spoken up about Megan's loyalty and generous

Perhaps the most pointed allegation is that Megan is a bad daughter

Hence a bad woman

Blanking an ailing father

Who Sold stage pictures of himself to Papa Razzi in the lead-up to her wedding

He was originally coming to the wedding

Lummi says there is a demon play it is completely gender

She is a second princess

6 duchess

So she's got to be cast as somehow the evil or the bad princess

As part of the contest

Between her and Kate Middleton

It is a fairytale basically

Built into deep psychological

And literary stereotypes about women

Being in contest and women who have privilege

She says

Clooney was completely on the money

What happened to Diana was a travel


She encouraged media attention

But she couldn't avoid media attention

Indian Mart near me

She was pursued by the high-tech dogs

The same the paparazzi

And we have not learned from

Let me says Megan's mixed-race background is another factor in her Target

There are some deep social and cultural archetype

Stories you can fit people into

A narrative

And Meghan Markle is easily cast as The Outsider

Cheese of mixed-race heritage

And she's proud of the

And we also have archetypes about a woman

When she comes in as old


Morgan reference Megan being much older than Harry

She is 3 years older

Some tabloids are looking for a story

The Kate Middleton is the perfect princess and Meghan Markle is inappropriate

The evil stepsister is a very old Naruto

Unfortunately it is usually women who are dragged into it

Sarah Ferguson

The former wife of prince Andrew

Made a similar observation and an open letter this month


In particular

Are constantly pitted against and compared with each other in a way

That reminds me of how people tried

Portrayed Diana

Tell me all the time as rivals

Which is something neither of us ever really felt

Says law me this has gone to another level

The reality is Megan is a human being

And this will be having real life impact

We know nothing about her as a real person

It's a Persona constructed in the media and its outrage

Incredibly archaic insects

Cape Topix

Western Sydney University sociology associate professor

Agrees this stuff is usually reserved for women

Women are always subject to the public gaze in ways that men aren't

I think Diana and Megan have been a particular Focus

Because of their role in the creation of national identity

They embody an idealized femininity

That is an Avenue for the creation of national desire

6 habits

Also editor of the Journal of sociology

Added to this

Meghan is a woman

The color which is a point of Interest

For the media is the royal family symbolize

And continues to symbolize whiteness and Colonial is

The star qualities of both Megan and Diana and the fact they both have had a publicly difficult relation

Diane is with Charles and Meghan with her father

Has contributed to the soap opera built around them

Jane Mary Mother

Melbourne University social sciences

Is Professor

Goes further

Describing it as a particular type of vitriol amounting to abusive trolling

And this idea

That when a woman's

Succeeds it's at the expense of another woman

Neglects the evidence of women supporting and taking care of each other

Which they do all the time

Given the truth of the cat

Fight never goes out of style

Sydney University academic Caitlin agrees the coverage about Megan

Was bound to go the grumpy way it has

She also names class snobbery

Which was also

After Kate Middleton arrives on the Royal scene

And Megan transgressing Expo

Affectations of Royals

Wa political listings held against

Lonely highlights Princess Margaret famous quote about the way she

And young Queen Elizabeth

We're treated as evidence of the enduring appeal of targeting one woman to tear down

It was inevitable

When there are two sisters and one is the queen

Who must be the source of honor and all that is good

Well the other must be the focus of the most creative male

The evil sister

Has the Royal hunting pack gleefully tearing Megan apart may even acknowledge

I'm very unchanged the picture looks today

What do you think

Share your thoughts in the,

Terian Williams

To split their Royal household within weeks to ease tensions

Between Meghan and Kate

Wills and Harry are due to form separate courts before the birth of the Sussex is first child towards a

Reports the Sunday Times

Royal courtiers reportedly hope the formal split between the two couples

Cody's tension

It's between the two couple

The princes are said to have been in talks since October

To formally divided Kensington Palace

Harry and William have shared the household for 10 years

But now have differing Royal responsibilities

The two reportedly had a falling-out which then spilled over into reports of

The feud between Kate and Meghan

William and Harry have reportedly held meetings over the past few weeks

To finalize the

Royal staff for the brothers

Who have been working together for 10 years

Will take on separate roles

Prince Charles has reportedly insisted the split be finalized at no extra

The cost of the Royals

The heir to the throne pays for his son

Staff and work from the duchy of Cornwall

A source said

Now they have their own family

They no longer rely on each other as before

They have become different people with different outlaw

Look son life

They added William and Harry are working to make sure the Sussex is having office

They can support their family

When they move to Frogmore this


This work has been underway

Since before last year's wedding

Another source said

When William becomes the Prince of Wales

He will take on a lot of extra responsibilities including the dutchie


Harry and Meghan have none of that

Handsome ambitious about forging their own path

If you have one private office trying to manage both

Things get difficult

Rumors about a royal Feud of rain over the relationship

Between the two brothers

Harry is said to have thought William wasn't making enough effort to welcome Megan into the Royals

It was fueled by confirmation Meghan and Harry were moving to Frogmore

Rather than into an apartment

Next door to Kate and William

Sources also claim Megan left Caden tears over her demands ahead of the wedding last year

We dated saying they are very different people

Pictures and videos of the duchess's unengaged

However show them appearing to get on well

What do you think

Share your thoughts in the comment box below and don't forget it

Subscribe to get instant news

For more infomation >> What's Really Driving The 'Vilification' Of Meghan Markle? | Prince Harry - Duration: 10:13.


Big Australian summer BBQ - Duration: 16:41.

Hi guys welcome to Mandy's life thank you for clicking on that thumbnail today

we are going out to the park to have a barbecue and Horatio has just got a new

scooter and he's really excited about it it lights up and it's got like a rocket

at the back of it. Do you want to show them your new scooter? yes


now push the button whoa you're gonna get fast on your scooter?

my mother-in-law is here and Ray's got her on the back of his esky, that's so funny this is cool

woo hoo are you having fun? yep


there you go

hello sweetheart

shit she is heavy


alright there you go

turn that off H


alright how you feeling mum?

yeah alright thank you

that's not even hot yet

no this one is warm

now I have to go back to the car because Grady forgot to bring the bread in

let's go get some water for Colt as well

I can, I can, not really not really fast, I can do it faster

yeah do it

Mummy, my hats about to fall out

Mummy when is Granma and Poppy coming?


ahh I see spinny things


I don't like doing that

Mummy? what are those things up there?

What a beautiful day

Ray's over here cooking on the barbecue while we are waiting for my parents to get here

good try darling

I'll do it on those ones

come on


That was a close one

try those ones

Can you try those ones?

No I can't reach, oh there higher are they?

yeah, oh that's alright

show me your tricks on the monkey bars

Do you think I can do it?

Do you think I can do it?

ok I'll try

hahaha Oh my gosh

I did it

that's because your taller than me and you can reach



well that was fast

no it wasn't

so Horatio and Grady have gone for a walk so me and Delinda I'm gonna go and

get them because lunch is almost ready so let's go do that Hey so your hand

so your hand hurts does it?

she has a blister from the monkey bars but at least she had fun

did you have fun?

it's melting yeah from my hand

well one reason is it's warm day and plus your warm

so it will melt quicker



Hi poppy were are you stationed? over there

poppy I have a blister

way over there? yeah

sorry you have to walk that far

you've got a blister?

yeah from the monkey bars

oh dear

and that red thing there

poppy follow me


poppy follow me

alright, you go with that girl

alright mum


so I still gonna find the boys I don't know where they are where do they go?

and where's my mum

Excuse me lady can I help you yes I'm looking for some people to sit with okay well

there's um there's only a few tables left but there's a nice family at the back

there if you want to go visit them alright I can do that over here

no around the back there, alright then I can go there, alright then ok

How are you today?

alright thank you

I like kissing everyone who walks in

oh ok

there is a doggy

I could of bought George

oh yeah

we would of left that dog by now, no we wouldn't


alright, lunch is ready buddy

what? lunch is ready


he is off

he hasn't been fed in a while


what's in there?

What's in there?

are they the things for the chess board?

I want to play with them

oh no we can't now we are having lunch

we're having lunch, when we have had lunch

come on

why is it locked?

I don't know

because you need a key


ok, hello Granma

hello A.J

what would you like?

hello Paul, Jayne

sausage 1, 2

is that enough or do you want more?

did you make that?

no that


hang on

1 or 2


2 do you want chicken?


a piece of bread, yep

here's this man that we met earlier

H do you want a sausage?

it's Ice

I know people say eating Ice is bad

but my son loves ice so I hope that's ok

is that ok?



How is your lunch?

ask me when I'm finished

oh okay i'll wait wait

where are you sitting?

I made a hot dog but it's falling apart


Do you want more?

sausage 1, 2?

2, chicken? yes

bread? yes

There you go, thank you

Do you have your holly communion dress on?

yes,I've got Nexba


is that her holly communion dress?

yeah that's the one she wore to her holly communion

is she making her holly communion today?


we're doing it straight after lunch

no put it on here, put it on your plate

it looks like he has horns

yeah that's what I thought when I first saw it

I was like haha he has horns

are you The Devil's child?

no your a good boy aren't you?

are you a good boy?


hey will you answer your son?

I do several times over and all he says is dadda dadda dadda

hi cutie you having your sausage

mmm you sitting with nanny

we have this drink called nexba

and it has no sugar no artificial sweeteners no artificial ingredients no

preservatives it's sparkling infusion and it has erythritol and stevia in it so no

sugar it's really good it's it is Aussie boys certified

so if you ever come to Australia make sure you get some it's really nice

you going to have a swing?

yep, ok

hey Delinda?

Do you want to push one of your brothers

no mummy!

you can't hop on that one

no that is for wheel chairs

mummy can you push me? Hello

push me, wait a minute

That boy went on there and both of his thongs (flip flops) came off


push me

I have shoes on

yeah I do

push me

I'm ready to be pushed

push me mum

look that is ours

that's my maiden name

he is trying hard

he will get there yet

nearly there

oh look he has his foot up

oh the wheel

oh gosh he's done it

he made it

hi yay

yaaaay good boy

you go play

where's poppy?

yer put it down

stay there

off you go

we are back home after a great time at the park and a yummy lunch barbecue

lunch with all the family and now we're just going to relax in the lounge and I

hope you guys enjoyed this video I enjoyed this video and we're gonna play

Minecraft and through we played Lego batman bye

don't forget to like this video leave me a nice comment down below don't forget

to subscribe to this channel if you haven't already and click that little bell icon

so you don't miss anything until next time guys bye

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