Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 1 2017

It's a remote island nation of

twenty thousand people

and hundreds of rock islands.

Palau is quite unique because of its

geographical isolation.

It sits on a ridge hundreds and hundreds

of miles from the closest large land mass,

whether it be Indonesia or the Philippines.

Diving here is world-class.

A lot of people rate it best in the world.

The water was super clear.

It was amazing.

It was like a spacewalk.

Coral here is some of the healthiest

in the world.

The amount of coral.

Hundreds and hundreds of sharks.

Different species of fish.

It's the highest anywhere in the world

that you can go.

Of all the places I've traveled to,

this is by far the most beautiful.

But, Palau is in trouble.

We are living on the

front line of climate change.

The President of Palau has been one of

the pioneers when it comes to fighting

climate change, so we sat down with him to

find out why it was so important to him to act.

Sea level rises are already destroying our

low-lying atolls, our crops, our homeland.

The chemistry of the ocean is changing.

Weather patterns here are getting pretty crazy.

Palau rarely even saw typhoons at all,

but in just two years,

two super typhoons have hit.

And it just decimated the reefs

on the east side.

What used to be some of the most pristine

and spectacular reefs have just gone.

People have this apathetic feeling that

we'll worry about it when they time comes.

But actually, it's already too late to

just talk about it.

Our children will not inherit the same

world that we grew up in.

It's changed.

But, I think the question now is

can we create a world for them

that is habitable?

It's not a matter of whether

we believe it or not.

It's happening.

And, of course, we don't want to leave.

This is our homeland.

Rising waters around the globe have already

swallowed up other Pacific Islands,

forcing residents there to flee.

When we think about that possibility

happening to us, it scares us.

This eco-minded community is single-handedly

doing more to fight global warming

than the U.S., a country seventeen thousand

times its size in population.

Palau has done a lot and it has a long-established

history of preserving their marine environments,

going back hundreds, even thousands of years.

So, they're really at the forefront of conservation,

if you will, for the oceans.

Palau has decided to take a step forward

and create a marine sanctuary with our

entire exclusive economic zone.

They've also established a no-fishing zone

in eighty percent of their water, protecting

an area larger than the state of California.

Climate change is gonna affect everyone,

not just the ocean.

We're gonna see different weather patterns.

We're gonna see longer warm periods,

a melting of the glaciers.

We're gonna see species disappear.

What we hope is that the world will take notice

and make similar commitments.

We have to be more proactive.

We have to deal with it as a global community,

'cuz only then can we address it.

Some say we've already gone over

the tipping point.

Some say that we can

slow the rate of change down.

And the Paris agreements and everything

that have recently happened.

We have to try.

If we don't try, it's my children,

it's your children,

it's the children of the future that are

going to feel all the impacts of it.

For more information on how you can get

involved in preserving our oceans, visit

Nat Geo's Pristine Seas project and

For more infomation >> Palau: The Vanishing Nation | UPROXX Reports - Duration: 4:02.


Here's Why Baywatch Belly-Flopped At The Box Office - Duration: 5:16.

Going into the summer, Baywatch seemed like a surefire hit.

It had two huge stars in Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron, a great supporting cast, and a

director who knows how to sell big-budget comedies.

But the film did a massive belly-flop at the box office over its opening weekend, falling

way short of expectations, earning just $18 million in the US.

So what went wrong with the once buzzy Baywatch?

Here are some of the reasons the movie bombed.

Let's begin with the obvious...

Awful reviews

Baywatch immediately began to sink when reviews were released, with critics questioning why

it even existed in the first place.

Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter knocked the movie for unnecessary vulgarity, saying

that the movie's desire to push the envelope rarely works for anything other than shock


Entertainment Weekly said even Johnson's charisma couldn't save the film.

Rolling Stone's Peter Travers disagreed, saying the only good thing about the movie was Johnson's

performance, but describing the script as full of "sitcom leftovers."

It's no secret that awful reviews can drown a film pretty quickly, but for R-rated comedies,

reviews are especially critical.

For every successful edgy comedy like The Hangover or Deadpool, there are movies like

The Brothers Grimsby and Hot Tub Time Machine 2, which both took quick nosedives at the

box office after bad reviews hit.

There 's definitely still a market for adult humor, but viewers don't seem to be willing

to take the risk on comedies that critics pan, especially when they could just be walking

into two hours of gross humor and vomit gags.

"Hey, a foot!

That's good luck, pick it up."

And if you think reviews don't matter to the younger audience that Baywatch was depending

on, think again.

A study that Paramount conducted revealed that a majority of younger moviegoers regularly

rely on review aggregator sites like Rotten Tomatoes to determine how they're going to

spend their movie-going bucks.

Memorial Day crash

Baywatch's awful performance on its opening weekend wasn't entirely its own fault.

The movie was plopped down in the middle of Memorial Day weekend's worst box office since

1999, with the four-day total coming in at just $172.3 million domestic.

The box office hasn't dipped lower since the weekend Star Wars: The Phantom Menace premiered,

when the total haul was $142.5 million.

Some analysts predict the summer of 2017 as a whole could be a box office bummer, with

TV and streaming releases pulling viewers away from the draw of the big screen.

This summer could see a number of other huge flops joining Baywatch.

All of them will be looking to recoup their budgets overseas, where the waters may be

a bit friendlier.

Tough competition

It's going to be a tough task for any movie to find a way to stop the box office juggernaut

that is Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2.

The film was in its fourth weekend in theaters when Baywatch hit, but it still managed to

top the comedy, adding another $25 million to its nearly $800 million worldwide haul.

Baywatch also had another battle-tested enemy in Pirates of the Caribbean, returning after

a six-year break for Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Add that to the likes of Alien: Covenant, Snatched, and the surprising rom-com hit Everything,

Everything, and it's clear how Baywatch had some stiff competition when it came to grabbing


And there's even more competition on the horizon, with Wonder Woman bursting onto the scene

during Baywatch's second weekend, and Tom Cruise's The Mummy joining for its third.

Baywatch isn't a big deal

Having Efron and Johnson on board for Baywatch definitely helped get audiences out to the

theaters, but the studio dramatically overestimated just how much people cared about, you know,


Yes, the TV series was a minor hit during its run, and has become a small cult hit since.

But it isn't currently available on any major streaming service as of the making of this

video, making it unlikely that young people would have discovered it like they've discovered

some older series.

Baywatch also shot itself in the foot by alienating fans of the original TV show.

This probably isn't a movie hardcore Baywatch fans would actually want to see.

The Baywatch movie is full of all of the shock value an R rating will allow, but the Baywatch

TV series never took things past basic cable levels of vulgarity, which isn't much.

"I thought we were lifeguards."

"Everything that you guys are talking about sounds like a really entertaining but farfetched

TV show."

Ultimately, fans of the original series wouldn't be able to recognize the movie, while young

audiences were expected to pick up on an unfamiliar brand and head out to theaters.

Without a solid approach to any demographic, very few people were interested in giving

the movie a chance.

And for anyone who did actually head out to see the beached whale that is Baywatch, the

film's thinness ultimately made it forgettable for viewers — despite the surprisingly high

user review score the movie's earned on Rotten Tomatoes.

No matter how high that user review score climbs, it probably won't be enough to provide

the word-of-mouth necessary to carry it through choppy box office waters.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Here's Why Baywatch Belly-Flopped At The Box Office - Duration: 5:16.


The Most Toxic Live Stream Playing Battlefield 1 - Duration: 1:49:42.

For more infomation >> The Most Toxic Live Stream Playing Battlefield 1 - Duration: 1:49:42.


Cartoon Hook-Ups: Sonic and Amy Bloopers - Duration: 1:16.

God, I'm excited! Are you? Cuz I am! This is gonna be so much fun.

Alright, let's shoot this! Oh boy! Here we go! Hey, do you want a drink?

Um... Hungry?

Sonic, get that off the bed! We're rolling! Yeah, that's kind of my thing! I don't

know what you want me to. You want to do it again? Huh? Yeah?What do you think? You think so?

How the *bleep* are we going to do this scene? Sonic, she has lines in-between your lines.

You have to slow down! Oh yeah yeah, sure!

Well that **Twitch** Yeah, that's **twitch** kind

of my **twitch** thing? No, but I mean, that was...

No but I mean, that was like, really fast. God *Bleep* Sonic!!!

Cut the Cameras! Cut the Camera! Sonic! Give Amy her bra back!

For more infomation >> Cartoon Hook-Ups: Sonic and Amy Bloopers - Duration: 1:16.


It was initiated provided in Japan beginning the way of "YouTube Kids" - Duration: 2:42.

It was initiated provided in Japan beginning the way of "YouTube Kids"

Hello everyone

This time, we will explain how to begin providing in the country has been the start of the "YouTube Kids"

"YouTube Kids" is an application service was made, et al. For the sake of children

App has been distributed for Android and iOS

Or are in the "YouTube Kids" icon is large, such as the menu is in Hiragana / Katakana, has adopted a UI that is easy to operate even in children

The "YouTube Kids" is a maximum of features is that it does not Inappropriate content and channels are displayed against children

For this reason their parents will be able to safely get to using the "YouTube Kids" to your child

Since the basic same specifications as the "YouTube", it implements the search function in the cast function and text / voice to the Chromecast

Also in consideration of the fact that the big screen, is always a feature also point at which the horizontal display

"YouTube Kids" will be available if you install an app, but the first year of registration and the Google account of the registration of birth,

Then, the search function on / off setting, is further consent of the parents (activation) is required

After you install the app to launch the "YouTube Kids" app, and set the on / off of the search function to register the birth year

When you turn off the search function, in addition to not be performed a search for video content, because the videos are also limitations associated with the video content was viewed,

Will be less likely to Inappropriate is displayed

And specify a Google account

Then, because the "activation code" is e-mail that has been described is delivered to the email address registered,

Do the activation by entering the "activation code" to "YouTube Kids" app

"YouTube Kids" will be available in this

"YouTube Kids" or limit the circulation time of the moving image content guardian In addition to this is to set the timer,

It is also possible, such as carrying out the report and block harmful channels and video content

How to use after activation I will also be happy to again introduce

Above, it was the description of the first side of the start provided by the domestic "YouTube Kids"

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