Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

The Strikepack FPS Dominator by Collective Minds is a small, lightweight adapter that

attaches to a standard PS4 controller, providing a bevy of enhancements for only $40.

Take a look at the product and you'll notice the paddles.

These are similar to what you'd find on say, a SCUF controller or Razer Raiju, and

allow you to activate face buttons without lifting your thumbs off the analog sticks.

Switch the Strikepack from Tournament Mode, where only the paddles are enabled, to Mod

Mode, and you can take advantage of a variety of crazy exploits.

Now I'm not big into using these in public lobbies, so you'll have to settle for private

match gameplay here.

As you can see, the Rapid Fire mod is pretty insane.

On top of Rapid Fire, there is Jitter Fire, Anti-recoil, Quickscope, Auto Run, Drop Shot,

Reload and Slide, Easy Double Jump, Auto Hold Breath, Battlefield Auto Spot, and loads more.

Though you can simply just plug the Strikepack in and start playing, it is also possible

to tweak settings further using the included software.

There is a crazy amount of customization here.

If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button to let us know, and ensure you're subscribed

for the upcoming review.

This has been Mack, for PlayStation LifeStyle, goodbye.

For more infomation >> Strikepack FPS Dominator in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:15.


Toy Story / Oyuncak Hikayesi (1995) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Toy Story / Oyuncak Hikayesi (1995) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 1:32.


Aliens Earth's Future is Not Written in Stone - Duration: 10:25.

Aliens Earth�s Future is Not Written in Stone

by Edward Morgan

Extraterrestrial beings from other �realities� are reaching out to humans on planet Earth

in order to raise our consciousness to become a self-responsible civilization and save us

from self-destruction: Such is the basic premise behind Rahma, a contact group which says it�s

been communicating with aliens since 1974.

Rahma comes from the words Rah (sun) and ma (earth): the title is based on the group�s

main concept that with knowledge, the sun�s love will radiate on the earth and through

its beings.

In order to receive messages from more advanced civilizations, we must also become more advanced,

the group�s tenets argue.

And that means that we will need to become true individuals, and realize that all humankind

and life on earth is interconnected.

It is then that we will be able to perceive the divine light and higher consciousness

that is already within us all.

Rahma came into being in 1974, in Peru, in the living room of a young man named Sixto

Paz Wells.

The son of a UFO researcher who at a young age experienced a life-changing accident,

forever altering his perception of the higher power, Wells says he first came into contact

with extraterrestrials when he along with his mother and sister received a psychographic

message in their home in Lima:

�This home�s living room is adequate for communication.

My name is Oxalc and I�m from Morlen, which you call Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter.

We can have contact with you.

You will see us soon�.

Not your average after-dinner conversation.

Sixto and friends gathered the next night and were contacted again, telepathically � each

receiving the same message � that instructed the group to meet in the Chilca desert of


It was there, in February 1974, that the group first witnessed the presence of extra terrestrials

as a spaceship darted through the sky and all individuals received the same message

once again, this time stating that there would be more attempts at contact.

In the coming decades, the Rahma group asserts that it�s been in contact with a number

of extraterrestrials.

Beginning at first with a series of UFO sightings at designated spots that had been communicated

to the group, but then becoming more intimate.

Rahma Group continues to gain experience with contacting extraterrestrials, and adopting

more and more members each year � mostly based in Latin America.

However the group�s base is expanding across our globe.

In June of 1974, Sixto claims to have been invited aboard a spacecraft by the extraterrestrials

he�d been in contact with.

He says they took him to Jupiter�s moon Ganymede, just a bit larger than Mercury and

a satellite that has been proven to contain water, where he spent approximately five days

communicating with the inhabitants, humans who live within elaborate glass domes in order

to exist in the moon�s atmosphere.

The individuals say they are originally from the Orion constellation, relocated to settlements

on Ganymede.

Sixto has described in depth his experience with Oxalc in a number of interviews, from

his first moments aboard the spacecraft, to the messages received from the extraterrestrials.

He says the extraterrestrials have the technology �to dematerialize an individual, canceling

both his molecular cohesion and his atomic weight to project him to another place�.

This is how he came to visit a moon 373 million miles away in a seemingly short period of


�Oxalc showed me a series of images of what the future of the Earth could be like.

What I could see is that the world�s tension was such that it was attracting the perilous

possibility that an asteroid or comet would pass so close that it could be affected gravitationally�.

�The purpose of this journey was to alert others through young people willing to commit

themselves with the message about the need to change, beginning from within each individual

in order to generate a chain reaction that would revert the planetary future.�

In 2015, Sixto visited Washington DC to meet with the National Press Club, where he argued

that information leaked by whistleblower and former CIA employee Edward Snowden contains

proof that the United States government has for decades been covering up its communication

with extraterrestrials.

Sixto also has met with academic groups from the United Nations and has presented at Columbia


Musician Evaristo Infante is part of the Rahma Group�s Mexico chapter, which is in its

initial stages.

�We are beginning to collect our own evidence with the messages, sightings, dreams, visions

that we�ve been receiving from these beings,� Infante said.

�Comparing it to the group of Sixto Paz that started this whole experience, the new

group doesn�t have to go the same way other groups have.

We have observed that the communication with the guides (extraterrestrials) is more open

and fluid than in the times of Sixto�.

�Times are changing and accelerating and the interaction with the beings is evolving

and getting closer than ever�.

Rahma group believes humans are multidimensional beings, and that there is a cosmic plan in

motion, which has a destiny of great transcendence reserved for the human being.

�The awareness of this must start with oneself and then radiate to our neighbor,� Infante



In order to reach a higher level of consciousness, which according to the Rahma Group is required

to communicate with extraterrestrials, members around the world meditate.

They meet in public spaces, some of which are known to contain a hotbed of cosmic activity,

such as the Teotihuac�n pyramids outside of Mexico City.

There, they meditate collectively and hope to receive messages.

In some cases, Infante says, the group will take photos of the surrounding area after

meditation, only to look at them later and notice UFOs.

Positive thinking and creating our own reality:

�One has to believe it in order to create it�, says Sixto Paz Wells in an interview

on the Oscar Magosi website (a famed Canadian contactee).

�The human mind is powerful and if many of us agree with the same intention and with

faith, we can make it.

But what is important is to change our attitude before life.

We must be more optimistic, positive and constructive.� Being open to the light of knowledge and understanding:

�Old concepts that still permeate human society are no longer part of our thinking

due to the light of knowledge, understanding and experience of it that renders them obsolete,�

Infante says.

�And it would be no surprise that many people would go off the deep end or become frightened

once they know that what they had thought about Life, people, god, their religions is

not reality.

Existence is truly more infinite than we ever conceived possible.�

The Multidimensional Reality

Infante describes the basic beliefs of Rahma in terms of the multidimensional reality as


�The knowingness that we are and we always have been Eternal Energy Essence Beings (Spirits)

and we are having multiple simultaneous physical and Non- Physical existences.

Death is never an issue since in greater terms there is no �dead.�

The Knowingness that we were never alone in this multiverse.

That humanity will become an outstanding, peaceful, intelligent and powerful civilization

despite the seeming outside �evidence.� That we don�t have to go through our evolution

process the hard way alone.

That extraterrestrial Civilizations have been assisting us throughout the ages.

That becoming aware of these facts increases the probability of open contact directly with

their civilizations.

That we have multidimensional abilities that we have ignored either by ignorance or by


That we are aspects of what we on Earth call �God� experiencing itself through our

unique eyes.� In the four decades of Rahma�s existence,

the group has continued to explore its own truths and respond to its increasing vat of

knowledge and experiences.

�We don�t claim to know everything but we do have a piece of the puzzle and other

individuals and groups around the world that don�t have anything to do with Rahma are

doing similar activities as us,� Infante says.

�They are having their own experiences and coming forth with similar information with

different pieces of this cosmic puzzle�.

�In other words those groups are corroborating what we have come to understand in our experience

and we are doing the same thing for them, and at the same time we are complementing

each other with the different information that each of us are bringing to the foreground

of the consciousness of humankind.

�In the end, the more we know the less we know.

But now our traversing through life is clearer and full of true light

and meaning.�

For more infomation >> Aliens Earth's Future is Not Written in Stone - Duration: 10:25.


Stories von der ICBC Berlin 2017 | sens in.motion - Duration: 5:45.

Hello dear audience! I'm Rüdiger, we're at the International Cannabis Business Conference today in Berlin, which started today.

This morning there were some panel discussions about medical cannabis.

There have been over 600 visitors on the first day already. We're also happy to meet our audience here at the SensMedia booth.

We like the fair a lot, we will definitely come back and are looking forward to tomorrow, when there will be lots of big highlighs aswell.

Tommy Chong will drive through the city with us and we'll provide ourselves with medicine. You'll be able to watch that on SensMedia aswell.

Thank you for watching, I hope you will tune back in to SensMedia, bye!

For more infomation >> Stories von der ICBC Berlin 2017 | sens in.motion - Duration: 5:45.


NIOBONEWS - SONY A9 A ESCALDAR! - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> NIOBONEWS - SONY A9 A ESCALDAR! - Duration: 4:48.


Top 5 Main Series Pokemon Songs | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 3:51.

The music from the Pokemon games has to be some of my favorite of all time.

From the original 8-bit songs from generation 1 to the more realistic sounding tracks from

gen 7, there is something to love from every game.

That's why I am going to be counting down my Top 5 songs from main series Pokemon games.

As always, I'm Pokemon Insider, and let's get started.

As you begin your journey in Pokemon Black and White 2, you are greeted with probably

my favorite generation 5 track, Aspertia City.

This song evokes the feeling of an adventure about to begin perfectly, and it seems to

me like the perfect song to start a game with.

The upbeat tune makes me think I can take on the challenges that lie ahead and defeat

anything in my way of achieving my goals.

Battles are a large part of any Pokemon game, and the significant ones are memorable not

only for the moment itself but also for the music.

Lysandre's battle theme from Pokemon X and Y jumped off the page as an incredibly memorable

song for me, because I felt that the track fit the experience perfectly.

Lysandre is a crazy madman on the road to complete world destruction, and it's up

to you to stop him.

This song sets the mood flawlessly, and it's by far my favorite battle theme of all time.

From the moment I first heard the Team Skull encounter theme in the Pokemon Sun and Moon

trailer, I instantly fell in love with it.

Even though Team Skull isn't really a very threatening evil organization, they have some

of the best music of any evil team in all of Pokemon.

The encounter theme for the grunts gives off the vibe that you are messing with the wrong

group of people, and that is exactly what I think an evil team encounter should feel


Excellent job to the music team on Sun and Moon, because this track was amazing.

Music from the Pokemon games has definitely made me feel strong emotions, but never as

much as the first time I heard Let's Go Home from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

I had wanted generation 3 remakes for such a long time, and when I beat the game, all

the feels hit me at once.

It was the culmination of 10 years of waiting for a game that I wanted so bad, and when

I completed it, I had the most intense nostalgia rush ever.

I remembered all the great times I had playing the game as a kid and how much enjoyment I

got out of them.

The song that played encapsulated my emotions so well, and I will always love the song.

Sometimes you can't rationally explain your preferences, and Goldenrod City being my favorite

Pokemon song doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.

I don't have any emotional ties to the place, and I don't have some artistic knowledge

of how much of a masterpiece it might be.

I just simply like the song.

In fact, I like it so much that I learned how to play it on the piano without knowing

how to read music.

I could listen to Goldenrod City's theme from Gold, Silver, and Crystal on an endless

loop if I had to.

It's definitely my favorite song from all of Pokemon, and I don't see that changing

any time soon.

Well, that concludes my list.

With any top 5 out there, this video is simply my opinion, and if you want to share your

favorite Pokemon songs, feel free to leave a comment down below.

If you enjoyed the video, be sure to leave a like and share it with a friend.

If you want to see more videos from me, check back on my channel every Friday or click on

one of the videos on screen to see more now.

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you with another video.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Main Series Pokemon Songs | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 3:51.


BOBBYCAR-TUNIG | Over the ramp with 6,5 PS! - Duration: 5:32.

Can you give us your bobby cars, please?

You will get some ice creame!

This worked pretty well already!

We got some help from Techtastisch to add some special effects

He brought some fire steel with him

For more information look at his channel

Pretty fast - our winch!

You can really have a lot of fun with simple things - like a tuned Bobby car!

Subscribe to see our next bathtub submarine video!

To see more crazy experiments, like our fire steel shoes or how to find uranium in the woods check out techtastischs channel!

For more infomation >> BOBBYCAR-TUNIG | Over the ramp with 6,5 PS! - Duration: 5:32.


Breaking News Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/2/17 , Happening Now , White House news - Duration: 26:53.

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today , President Trump Latest News Today 6/2/17 , Happening Now , White House news - Duration: 26:53.


The Untold Truth Of Mitch Hedberg - Duration: 6:09.

Mitch Hedberg was one of the greatest comedians of all time.

He might not be a household name like George Carlin or Louis C.K., but he'll always be

remembered for his signature style and one-of-a-kind delivery.

"I bought a two-bedroom house, but it's up to me how many bedrooms there are though,

isn't it?

This bedroom has an oven in it."

Unfortunately, before he could truly break through and claim the fame he deserved, Hedberg

died of a drug overdose in 2005.

Although his time here was sadly cut short, let's take a look at the life of the amazing

Mitch Hedberg.

Minnesota Nice

When you think of Mitch Hedberg's laidback, west coast stoner vibe, you might be surprised

to learn that he actually came from the Midwest — Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be exact.

Despite the fact that middle America is generally a pretty conservative region, Hedberg never

really tried to hide his liberal drug use.

"I used to do drugs.

I still do, but I used to to."

It was early in his life in Minnesota that he and his family discovered that he had a

heart defect.

His mother claimed his condition often caused him anxiety.

Although the coroner's report ruled that Hedberg died of a drug overdose, it's possible that

his heart condition may have contributed to his untimely death.

Target inspiration

It shouldn't be a big surprise that Hedberg's weird comedy was often created in odd places.

His wife, Lynn Shawcroft, said he loved writing in places like Target, where he could be around

people and overhear their strange conversations.

Shawcroft added that Hedberg was always on the lookout for new material, to the point

that he would sometimes document their fights in the hopes of eventually getting a joke

out of it.

He would sometimes even stop an argument to point out a potential joke.

"We fight, I come up with a new joke.

Lynn, that joke must be really funny as it's at the expense of my sanity and your pain."

Only a true comedian would take a break during a fight to explain how it might be funny later


The acting bug

Hedberg got his first big break on the Late Show with David Letterman.

This led to an appearance at the 1998 Just for Laughs festival, where he really made

an impression.

Fox jumped on the Hedberg bandwagon and signed him to a $500,000 development deal to try

to come up with a TV show.

Unfortunately, Fox and Hedberg never found a project that worked, so he was dropped from

his deal.

But the next year he went on to write and star in his own movie: Los Enchiladas!, a

film about workers at a Mexican restaurant in Minnesota.

Jay Chandrasekhar of Super Troopers edited the film and said on a podcast that Hedberg

was great, but...kind of hard to work with — because he and his co-star would get too

high to remember their lines.

"By take four, they're kinda looking at each other 'is it your line is it my line' you

know you're being recorded, right?

By take six the two are just literally just standing there looking at each other."

The film premiered at Sundance in 1999, but that was about the end of it.

Los Enchiladas! was never released to DVD, and it's only been shown a handful of times

since its premiere.

When his movie failed to gain any interest, Hedberg's acting career kind of fell apart

as well.

After being cast as a stoner on That '70s Show, he made a small appearance in the film

Almost Famous and later took a small role in Lords of Dogtown before his death in 2005.

Comedy Central blow-out

Mitch Hedberg's first Comedy Central Presents special was a big deal, but he struggled to

win over the audience.

His material was just too different from what they were used to at the time.

"I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard

me say that."

The edited version of the special makes it look like Hedberg nailed the set, but the

unedited version is totally different.

At one point, he just sits down on stage, looking defeated, but keeps going.

In the end, he won the crowd over, but it was hard work.

"And Pringles is a laid back company, they said f--- it, cut 'em up!"

A helping hand

Even though his Comedy Central special was disappointing, Hedberg still had plenty of

success on the road.

TIME magazine even went so far as to call him "the next Seinfeld."

But even in the midst of his growing fame, he never forgot the underdogs.

When Mike Birbiglia was still early in his career, Hedberg went out of his way to help

the new comedian out.

Hedberg performed at Birbiglia's CD release party, but he didn't just perform: he flew

himself there and refused to be paid.

And when Hannibal Buress was just starting out, Hedberg did him a huge favor, too.

When Hedberg played a weekend of sold-out shows in Chicago, he let Buress and few other

inexperienced comedians go on stage during his set.

As Buress put it, "That's unheard of.

Comedians just don't do that."

But Hedberg was apparently happy to give any stand-up a chance.

That one act of kindness kick-started Buress' career as a stand-up comedian.

Never say no

Toward the end of his life, Hedberg was constantly touring.

He'd do three shows a night, then go to the next place and do another weekend of shows.

His wife said Hedberg never passed on a job.

He'd been rejected so many times, he felt like he had to accept while he had the chance

— or else all the rejections could start coming back.

Even at the peak of his fame, he never seemed to feel like he'd been accepted, so he relentlessly

traveled and performed until his last days.

Arrest and hospitalization

Hedberg's drug problem was never a secret, though most people didn't realize how serious

it was.

Although he was open about smoking weed or doing acid, he kept his heroin addiction out

of his act.

Then in 2002, he was arrested for heroin possession, and soon after, he wound up in the hospital.

His leg was so infected from injecting heroin that the doctors almost amputated it.

"It was 13 hours of surgery.

They took um.. muscle out of..

Out of his back and transferred it to his leg."

Once he recovered, Hedberg returned to standup — and sadly continued his drug use.

In 2005, he died of a drug overdose.

"This morning we've learned a popular comedian from St. Paul has passed away.

Mitch Hedberg died in a hotel room in New Jersey on Wednesday.

Though he had a tragic end, Hedberg was one of the most interesting comedians of his time

and will be remembered for his exceptional delivery, timing, and creative one-liners.

He might not have been the new Seinfeld, but he never needed to be.

He was Mitch Hedberg.

"I like to take a toothpick and throw it in the forest and say, 'you're home!'"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Mitch Hedberg - Duration: 6:09.


The Government Hates Boobs - Duration: 3:19.

Hello internet!

I'm primarily Andrew Heaton,

and you're watching Mostly Weekly.

And I'll bet you clicked that headline because you wanna see boobs.

Well what if I told you that was click-bait, pervert,

and we're actually going to talk about the FCC.

No, I'm just kidding, we're going to talk about boobs,

and, to a lesser extent, the FCC.

Now I could show you side boob, inner boob, under boob, or quantum boob,

but I can't show you a composite of all four

because that would be "wrong"

The FCC, for example, considers female nipples a sexual organ.

What makes the areola a sexual organ?

The gender of the person it belongs to.

Which brings us to America's favorite game show:

Name that Nipple!

Is this nipple Salma Hayek's

or Paul Giamatti's?

And censorship is a weird to begin with.

For all the thought the FCC puts into nippledom,

they don't bother regulating violence.

So I could show you this:

But I couldn't show you this:

We should be able to show both.

Now if you were offended by that,

note that that human female was my head writer Sarah

who both wrote and approved that joke.

Isn't that right Sarah?

Thanks Sarah.

Now there's one group of people that aren't afraid of boobs

and that's babies.

But if they're allergic to formula, they're in trouble.

Because it's hard to buy breast milk.

And breast milk is incredibly healthy for infants.

And even body-builders are trying to use it for growing muscles.

Because who's more jacked than a baby?

But between one and five percent of women in the US

don't produce enough breast milk to feed their kids.

In fact, when I Googled 'breast milk'

one of the top suggested searches to pop up is 'for sale.'

Now despite the huge demand, it's incredibly difficult to buy breast milk.

Even though there's more than enough supply.

There are only two dozen donation based milk banks in all of North America,

and they don't have enough milk.

And even when they do it'll set you back up to four dollars an ounce

which is about six hundred dollars a week for most mothers.

Breast milk doesn't have to be the cognac of body fluids.

We can compensate women for their milk,

that'll increase the supply while making it cheaper for needy mothers.

And that's exactly what the internet did.

This amazing site offers breast milk for as low as fifty cents an ounce.

They even have different categories,

there's organic, gluten free, and vegan.

If you want your baby to grow up to be a commie.

But for now businesses like this are operating in a gray market.

Which means it's the about this legal:

The FDA sees breast milk marketplaces as a liability

and local lawmakers see it as exploitative.

So let's turn the gray market,

into a great market!


So I see only two solutions

One: breast milk exchange companies

coat the exterior of their building with female nipples.

That way they'll be obscured from view and can operate privately and securely.

Or we can update the way we see breasts as just another beautiful part of the human anatomy

and women can do whatever they want with their own bodies.

And look, I'm all for being ashamed of our bodies

because I'm a WASP.

But I think we should be ashamed of every part of our body,

not just the breasts.

Well thanks for watching Mostly Weekly,

I'm somewhat Andrew Heaton...

or am I?

For more infomation >> The Government Hates Boobs - Duration: 3:19.


May 2017 Trailers That'll Blow You Away - Duration: 9:40.

Summer blockbuster season is here, and new trailers are being released nearly every day.

It's hard to keep up with the constant influx of epic footage, so we've compiled a handy

list—here's a rundown of all the trailers released in May that will absolutely blow

you away this summer... and beyond...


Snowpiercer director Bong Joon Ho partnered with Netflix for Okja, a movie with an all-star

cast and a deep message about environmental protection.

The studio finally released a full trailer earlier this month, showing off the movie's

gorgeous visuals and its absolutely bizarre plot: a young girl attempting to rescue her

pet super-pig named Okja before an evil corporation can turn it into food.

Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Tilda Swinton, and Giancarlo Esposito also show up in the

trailer, which promises a unique thrill ride from start to finish.

Check it out on June 28.

The House

Starring Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler as two parents who open up an underground casino

to fill up their daughter's college fund, The House makes an early bid for the summer's

raunchiest comedy.

And if the film's Red Band trailer is any indication, their quick-money scheme doesn't

go as smoothly as they hoped.

Look for all the high-octane hijinks on June 30.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

The final trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming really sets this reboot apart from the previous

Spidey films.

We get more glimpses of the cool tech that Tony Stark built into Peter's suit, including

his own version of JARVIS.

"You have 576 possible web-shooter combinations."

Like past trailers, this footage highlights how much Tony wants Peter to quit crimefighting,

but it also offers some fun glimpses of Tony as a mentor.

This dynamic will prove crucial once Spidey gets started—Michael Keaton's Vulture is

a terrifying villain for young Parker to start off against, so he'll probably need a lot

of help from Iron Man.

Finally, it gives us our best look yet at Donald Glover's mysterious character.

Swing in to see it on July 7.

War For the Planet of the Apes

The final trailer for War for the Planet of the Apes proves the movie isn't pulling any

punches in the escalating war between man and ape.

There's a heavy emphasis on the differences between Andy Serkis' Caesar and Woody Harrelson's

ruthless Colonel, setting up the humans as savages, rather than the apes.

The trailer also also features a heavy dose of Steve Zahn's Bad Ape, a new character who

seems destined to become a fan favorite.

The trailer promises no mercy and no peace—and an epic, violent showdown to take the franchise

to the next level on July 14.

The Big Sick

This isn't your typical rom-com.

The Big Sick stars Silicon Valley's Kumail Nanjiani, who co-wrote the script alongside

his wife, Emily V. Gordon, based on the true story of how they met and fell in love.

But their biggest problem is one most couples never have to experience: shortly into their

courtship, Emily falls into a coma.

It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and the movie's early reviews suggest Nanjiani and

Gordon hit them in all the right places.

The Big Sick has a June 23rd release date


Christopher Nolan is a master of suspense, and he's proved it again with the second trailer

for his upcoming war thriller Dunkirk, starring Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Kenneth Branagh,

and former One Direction singer Harry Styles in the story of the 1940 evacuation of the

French city of Dunkirk, where thousands of soldiers were left stranded on a beach surrounded

by enemy forces.

The trailer definitely gets viewers' pulses pounding, successfully ramping up anticipation

for an intense, fast-paced experience unlike any war film you've seen before.

Check it out July 21st.


The final trailer for the upcoming sci-fi thriller Valerian and the City of a Thousand

Planets doesn't give away much of the plot, instead focusing on the film's incredible

visuals, teasing a feast for the eyes when the movie hits the big screen on July 21.

Valerian won't just be all visual thrills, though.

Based on a French graphic novel—which also heavily influenced the visuals of director

Luc Besson's The Fifth Element—Valerian tells a hell of a story, following two time-traveling

agents tasked with saving the planet Alpha from a mysterious, all-consuming threat.

Clive Owen, John Goodman, Ethan Hawke, and Rihanna also pop up in the project, which

promises to be another hit sci-fi action film for the Fifth Element director.

The Dark Tower

Inspired by Stephen King's bestselling saga of the same name, this adaptation's been many,

many years in the making, but the first trailer suggests that time might have been just what

filmmakers needed to get the story right.

The trailer is almost all action from start to finish, starting with an intense dream

experienced by young Jake Chambers—one which foreshadows a journey into a visually stunning

world grounded by impressive performances by Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey.

The Dark Tower's trailer doesn't give much away—instead offering just enough to leave

viewers champing at the bit for the film's release on August 4.

Wind River

Avengers stars Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen play very different kinds of heroes

in the upcoming thriller Wind River when they're tasked with hunting down a killer in the icy

wilderness of the Wind River Indian Reservation.

We're ready for a thrilling, intense ride when Wind River arrives on August 4.

Good Time

From A24, the indie studio behind Get Out, Good Time stars Robert Pattinson as Connie,

a man on a mission to get his mentally handicapped brother Nick out of jail after their attempted

bank robbery goes awry.

Pattinson is electric in the trailer, and early reviews are calling this his best performance

yet in what looks to be one of the most intense—and beautiful—thrillers released in recent years.

Good Time hits studios August 11.

The Hitman's Bodyguard

The first trailer for The Hitman's Bodyguard gave us a lot of action and swearing, but

the newest preview goes deeper into the film's story and gives us a glimpse of Gary Oldman

as the ruthless villain.

It also teases more of the bickering partnership between Ryan Reynolds' and Samuel L. Jackson's


"27 times.

That's how many times he tried to kill me 28!"

Putting these two together promises the potential for one of the summer's most explosive comedies.

Look for it August 18.

Logan Lucky

Helmed by acclaimed writer-director Steven Soderbergh, Logan Lucky is an action-comedy

starring Channing Tatum and Adam Driver as brothers who decide to rob the Coca-Cola 600,

one of the biggest races of the year...with the help of inmate Joe Bang, played with gusto

by Daniel Craig.

"I am in-car-cer-ate-ed."

This fun, '80s-inspired trailer uses bright images, an upbeat score, and a lot of one-liners

to convince viewers to race out to the theater on August 18.

It Stains the Sand Red

Horror thriller It Stains the Sand Red follows a woman stuck in the desert pursued by an

untiring member of the undead, and the trailer promises a picture that flips the genre on

its head and make tired tropes actually scary again.

Leave the lights on when you check out the trailer, and prepare to be left on the edge

of your seat waiting for this indie thriller to scare its way into theaters this summer.


If you're scared of clowns, the second trailer for Stephen King's It is definitely not for


The terror ramps up quickly with a tiny, horrifying glimpse of Pennywise the clown.

Bill Skarsgård plays Pennywise, and he's scaring an impressive cast of experienced

child actors, including St. Vincent's Jaeden Lieberher and Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard.

As the trailer shows, It isn't short on suspense or all-out scares, and seems like a safe bet

to be the horror hit of the fall when it hits theaters on September 8.


Another potential hit from the studio behind Get Out, Woodshock stars Kirsten Dunst as

a woman who tries a drug that triggers hallucinations.

The trailer uses haunting music to show the inner workings of Dunst's character, who appears

to be hiding a dark secret.

This trippy clip opens on a typically dramatic note but quickly moves into the insane, getting

stranger as it goes on.

Get ready for a trip on September 15.

Blade Runner 2049

If you've been nervous about the upcoming Blade Runner sequel, this trailer should calm

your fears.

The trailer offers a glimpse of a world entrenched in the culture of the first film, and the

results are so gorgeous and action-packed that it's impossible to look away.

Even more impressive: it does all this without giving away too much of the movie's plot.

So feast your eyes, and don't worry about the spoilers.

Chances are we'll get quite a few surprises when the film finally arrives on October 6.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> May 2017 Trailers That'll Blow You Away - Duration: 9:40.


What The Cast Of Roseanne Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:19.

It's been two decades since Roseanne ended its impressive nine-season run, and still

the show sticks with us.

From teachable family moments to all-around lower middle class relatability, Roseanne

reruns still hold up with the best of 'em in terms of sheer watchability.

But the central cast of the show has moved far away from the colorful quilt and mis-matched

couch that served as such a steady backdrop for each episode.

Here's a look at what the cast of Roseanne is up to now.

Roseanne Barr

After Roseanne, the show's lead largely stepped away from the sitcom scene, but didn't stop

naming shows after herself.

She went on to star in The Roseanne Show for two seasons and returned to her original role

as a stand-up comedienne.

She also starred in a short-lived reality show about her new passion running a macadamia

nut farm in Hawaii, appropriately called Roseanne's Nuts.

And perhaps most unexpectedly, she ran for President in the 2012 election on the Peace

and Freedom Party's ticket.

"Here I go, here I go, here I go running for President."

She went on to document her experience in the political game in 2015's Roseanne for

President! and continues to be a regular political voice on social media.

Sara Gilbert

There can be only one Darlene Conner, even in the fictional world.

With recurring roles in series like 24 and ER under her belt, Sara Gilbert's had little

trouble earning a living.

But it's been her long-lived role as one of the co-hosts of The Talk that's really informed

a career revival for Gilbert.

Through the show, Gilbert has successfully repositioned herself both professionally and


She revealed in 2013 that while she was dating her long-time on-screen love Johnny Galecki,

she realized that she was a lesbian.

Galecki was reportedly very supportive of her discovery and has remained her friend

all the while, even offering to hold her hand when she came out to the world on The Talk.

"He said 'You know, if you want, I will be there and I will hold your hand.'

And I just thought that was so sweet, and this story really makes Johnny look good."

They've since re-teamed on-screen in his hit series The Big Bang Theory, and Gilbert married

musician Linda Perry in 2014.

Johnny Galecki

In addition to being a notable beacon of support for Gilbert, Galecki has also successfully

shed his basement-dwelling David Healy persona in favor of the bespectacled fan favorite

Leonard Hofstadter in The Big Bang Theory.

While his career was moseying along rather slowly in the late '90s and early aughts with

small roles in movies like I Know What You Did Last Summer and a burgeoning Broadway

presence, it was ultimately the CBS series that revitalized his career and made him a

household name.

He's since gone on to star in a few films like In Time and Rings.

But it's pretty clear that he's a born small screen star.

With Big Bang Theory scheduled to run through at least its 12th season, he doesn't have

to worry about staging another career comeback any time soon.

Lecy Goranson

A lot of child stars in her situation might've postponed a college career for some cold hard


But for Lecy Goranson, an education at Vassar College was more important that continuing

her starring role as eldest daughter Becky in the hit series.

She left Roseanne in its fifth season to pursue her education and was replaced by actress

Sarah Chalke.

Ultimately, she would come back to reclaim her role as Becky part-time in Season 8 — with

the constant star switcheroo move musically punned by the show, as a fourth wall wink.

"Meet Lecy the one you used to see / from '88 to '93

But Sarah came and took her place / because she had a similar face."

And although her post-Roseanne career started out on a strong note, with a role in the acclaimed

true story-based movie Boys Don't Cry, she's since been relegated to supporting roles at


Sarah Chalke

As come and go as her work was as Becky 2.0 on Roseanne, Sarah Chalke has been doing just

fine since leaving the show to make room for her predecessor.

It took a while of taking on minor parts in throwaway projects, but eventually Chalke

earned a starring role in her own hit — TV's medical dramedy Scrubs.

She starred as Dr. Elliot Reid for all nine seasons and subsequently became a regular

of the small screen, with recurring roles on series like Cougar Town and How I Met Your


Michael Fishman

The former D.J.

Connor has long since abandoned the terrible haircut that plagued his youth, but Michael

Fishman had little luck shaking off his intrinsic association with the show.

He's still steadily doing his best to break back into the entertainment business by taking

whatever roles and behind-the-scenes work might come his way.

But he's yet to replicate the successes of some of his former co-stars.

As his Twitter feed indicates, however, his career struggles haven't taken a toll on his

personal life.

Laurie Metcalf

As Roseanne's sister Jackie, Laurie Metcalf was nothing short of sensational, and her

subsequent credits certainly reflect that.

The actress has gone on to enjoy a fruitful career in both TV and movies, with memorable

roles in movies like Scream 2 and the Toy Story animated franchise.

She's also had TV turns in shows like Desperate Housewives, The Big Bang Theory, and Getting


She's also an accomplished stage actress, having appeared in a Tony-nominated role as

Annie Wilkes in the Broadway adaptation of Stephen King's Misery.

Estelle Parsons

Looking at a recent image of Estelle Parsons and one of her as Roseanne and Jackie's mom

Beverly Harris might just give someone a case of whiplash — because she doesn't look all

that different than she used to.

The Oscar-winning actress has certainly experienced a career slowdown since she ditched her character's

closet of terrible hats, but she's still working often enough to keep her Screen Actors Guild

card current.

Although her roles have tended to be short-lived, Parsons has been seen on-screen in shows like

Frasier, The Good Wife, and Grace and Frankie.

She also had a brief run in the Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway play August: Osage County.

"I didn't think of myself as an actor until much later in life.

I never wanted to be famous I just wanted to be left alone."

John Goodman

Finally, of all Roseanne's full-time stars, John Goodman has enjoyed the most meritorious

acting career.

He's enjoyed recurring roles on prestigious programs like HBO's Treme and The West Wing

as well as the cult-hit Community.

Goodman has also established himself as a central figure in many charitable efforts

and kept his A-list status over the years thanks to appearances in films like The Big

Lebowski, Blues Brothers 2000, and 10 Cloverfield Lane.

And, perhaps most impressively of all, he's become one of the most popular and frequent

guest hosts in Saturday Night Live history…

As of the making of this video, he holds the third-place record for guest hosting duties

— lucky thirteen.

"Thirteen times.

yea.. right right

It's a Goodman's dozen!"

Thanks for watching!

Click The List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What The Cast Of Roseanne Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:19.


$5,000 Loan Announcement - Southern Nevada | DLC YouTube - Duration: 0:31.

Hey Las Vegas, after nearly 20 years Dollar Loan Center is turning it up a notch!

We are excited to announce we're now offering Signature Loans up to $5,000!

Everyone knows we're the best spot in town when you need a quick and easy signature loan!

But, what if you need more money?

You can now get up to $5,000 at Dollar Loan Center.

We've also loosened our lending limits to make it easier for you to get funded quickly!

Dollar Loan Center

For more infomation >> $5,000 Loan Announcement - Southern Nevada | DLC YouTube - Duration: 0:31.


部屋の掃除が部屋の紹介になってた。 - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> 部屋の掃除が部屋の紹介になってた。 - Duration: 9:04.


Colección de rimas infantiles | Canciones infantiles | Canciones preescolares | Música de niño - Duration: 1:06:18.

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Mix it and prick it

and mark it with B

And there will be plenty for baby and me

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Roll it up, Roll it up,

throw it in a pan,

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Mix it and prick it

and mark it with B

And there will be plenty for baby and me

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Roll it up, Roll it up,

throw it in a pan,

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake, Bakers Man

For more infomation >> Colección de rimas infantiles | Canciones infantiles | Canciones preescolares | Música de niño - Duration: 1:06:18.


Asp Fishing on Lures/ Rapfen Angeln mit Köder/ Aspio a Spinning/ Риболов на распер - Duration: 9:03.

- It' an asp!

- Good.

- You will release her.

- I'll take her out over there.

- I have to get there!

- OK.

- She has spawned already.

- Nice!

- Hope she stays alive and healthy!

- She is huge!

- A big one! Well done!

- Let's see how I can take her out now.

- Come on! Start swimming away!

- She swallowed the lure very deep!

- How should I take her out on this spot?

- I have no idea.

- Have to go there.

- Do you want me to take your rod?

- No.

- Good job, Tsetse!

- Great!

- Let's see the lure!

- The one that caught the catfish.

- There is no single hook hooked.

- She's barely hooked.

- How are you going to take her out now?

- I have to catch her.

- Not that she unhooks.

For more infomation >> Asp Fishing on Lures/ Rapfen Angeln mit Köder/ Aspio a Spinning/ Риболов на распер - Duration: 9:03.


SPED 600 - Duration: 0:37.

Teacher: Say January

Students: "January"

Teacher: February

Students: "February"

Teacher: March

Students: "March"

Teacher: April

Students: "April"

Teacher: May

Students: "May"

Teacher: June

Students: "June"

Teacher: July

Students: "July"

Teacher: August

Students: "August"

Teacher: September

Students: "September"

Teacher: October

Students: "October"

Teacher: November

Students: "November"

Teacher: December

Students: December

For more infomation >> SPED 600 - Duration: 0:37.


Now Offering $5,000 Signature Loans - Northern Nevada | DLC YouTube - Duration: 0:30.

Dollar Loan Center is now offering Signature Loans up to $5,000!

That's right, while banks and other lenders are still afraid to lend money; we've made

it easier than ever.

There are no application fees, no prepayment penalties, and you only pay interest for the

time you keep the loan out.

Go to and apply online or stop in one of our 11 convenient


Don't waste your time elsewhere!

Dollar Loan Center now offering Signature Loans up to $5,000.

For more infomation >> Now Offering $5,000 Signature Loans - Northern Nevada | DLC YouTube - Duration: 0:30.


Glorious Gallan | Super Singh | Diljit Dosanjh & Sonam Bajwa | Jatinder Shah - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Glorious Gallan | Super Singh | Diljit Dosanjh & Sonam Bajwa | Jatinder Shah - Duration: 3:12.


Now Offering $5000 Signature Loans - Southern Nevada | DLC YouTube - Duration: 0:30.

Dollar Loan Center is now offering Signature Loans up to $5,000!

That's right, while banks and other lenders are still afraid to lend money; we've made

it easier than ever.

There are no application fees, no prepayment penalties, and you only pay interest for the

time you keep the loan out.

Go to and apply online or stop in one of our 31 convenient


Don't waste your time elsewhere.

Dollar Loan Center now offering Signature Loans up to $5,000.

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