Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

do you want to be entered in a chance to win a new certified heatwave I'll then

go down and smash that like button and subscribe click the Bell notification

and turn on my post notifications I don't leave me some good feedback on the

video good luck to everybody who enters enjoy the video the beat and co-star is

down ok

guys it's Rachel here in today's video we are going to be queuing a thing for

my way zombozo we're gonna be seeing if people actually would sing for my way

down but we're going to get some reactions and I hope the reactions are

as good as last time was last time they were like like they were freaking funny

but yeah let's get straight into this video I mean like you can do whatever

you want you could sing whatever song you want shut about time you like a

popular song and if I need to turn off I'm gonna sub thanks man

I'm going to sing that shape with you I'm going to put the lyrics and the song

like this song goodness and light you

know you know I want your love love man days for somebody like me I'm not using

that okay the show honey please let's not talk too much Omaha is called please

if I'm in love you got party last night you in my room

I'm again she's my life in summer it's up to read I love you bud

I get in my heart I don't know what on my way Stefani owe me from now formally

can come enough I'm sorry I'm alone with the shaker just ten grand

I'm in love you bye while I was okay my baby I'll see my babies soompi my babies

I love you wanna give you some raisin bran

I love the shape

okay John Martin right did you stop isn't your call plan I like Drake

English me I don't hide where I'm rolled right now both yeah had a dick yes nope

yeah you think I did you but I don't go around you got my fault

over water whether it is remote I always let some junk gone hi but um bullaiah

now gummy talk about my life I should be reformed wrong oh hi butter balls right

now I usually do this from John oh hi little

balls right now HIPAA okay do the next okay

you know she played the fiddle an Irish bench and in love with an Englishman

Eastern neck and then let's go by the hands and baby here just wanna dance

little political where you go go away yeah it's also like a society okay okay

yeah I aren't here guys they look like a frozen Legos alright

here we go let me just get I'm gonna get background music for it the slurring my

is my don't answer tonight the other bridge everything a kingdom of isolation

and it looks like one Queen so let them through let them see be the good girl

you're ingesting it can still serve soon so let them know I know buddy

very good yo wait what that was the best thing


the club is in the best place to find a loved us of the bar is where I go me and

my friend got the thing with three shots Trickett passed around took slow you

come over and start up a conversation with just me just me I'll give it a

chance now I'll take my hand stop there the

metallurgic box and then we start to dance and sing like girl you know one

show lo you love with Henry for somebody like me coming now follow my lead and

maybe crazy don't mind me sit boy let's not talk too

much grab up now we stay put then a buddy of

me coming out follow my lead go now my leafy I can't remember the rest of them

okay I see you flower lay down some is and you just get the wins over vision of

a person hopefully do it no way I'm

going to let his dog go them oppose it be anyway hey yo hey yo no right no

wrong no rules for me my god the thing is the sad thing is I don't

even have to look at the lyrics let's do it it's so what song are you saying your

part you'll find out it is ABC yes g h i j k okay you are ass CU v w x

y z wait where did the y go though no

okay b that would have been the winner but you messed up saying and late one

job i said and it sounded like you're gonna say V is any when twos and sorry

but it was a beaut like best song in the world alright guys it's pretty much

wraps up my video if you raise you like this video make sure to smash that like

button down below and if you guys are new to the Channel please subscribe down

below and make sure to turn on those posted occasions to be up to date videos

like rocket League videos on the channel and if you guys really do want to see my

last time I made people saying it was it like it was actually for my mantis so

I'm gonna link that up in the top right corner right now so you guys can see

that video so this is Richie go I'll see you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> KID SINGS "Let It Go" FOR FREE WHITE ZOMBAS! *CRINGY* - Kids Sing For Free Items in Rocket League - Duration: 9:06.


Strikepack FPS Dominator in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:15.

The Strikepack FPS Dominator by Collective Minds is a small, lightweight adapter that

attaches to a standard PS4 controller, providing a bevy of enhancements for only $40.

Take a look at the product and you'll notice the paddles.

These are similar to what you'd find on say, a SCUF controller or Razer Raiju, and

allow you to activate face buttons without lifting your thumbs off the analog sticks.

Switch the Strikepack from Tournament Mode, where only the paddles are enabled, to Mod

Mode, and you can take advantage of a variety of crazy exploits.

Now I'm not big into using these in public lobbies, so you'll have to settle for private

match gameplay here.

As you can see, the Rapid Fire mod is pretty insane.

On top of Rapid Fire, there is Jitter Fire, Anti-recoil, Quickscope, Auto Run, Drop Shot,

Reload and Slide, Easy Double Jump, Auto Hold Breath, Battlefield Auto Spot, and loads more.

Though you can simply just plug the Strikepack in and start playing, it is also possible

to tweak settings further using the included software.

There is a crazy amount of customization here.

If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button to let us know, and ensure you're subscribed

for the upcoming review.

This has been Mack, for PlayStation LifeStyle, goodbye.

For more infomation >> Strikepack FPS Dominator in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:15.


Toy Story / Oyuncak Hikayesi (1995) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Toy Story / Oyuncak Hikayesi (1995) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 1:32.


MAY FAVORITES♡ Skincare, Beauty + 50K Giveaway - Duration: 15:17.

Hey guys! So today I am sharing with you my June Favorites.

You guys know


You guys know how these videos work

I'm going to be discussing everything that I've been absolutely obsessed with in the month of MAY

So my first favorite... Let's start with Skincare

This is the Pixi Peel + Polish

It basically gets rid of dead skin

I'm into physical exfoliants. I dont have a problem with them

I dont know if you guys can see but it has a very fine grain Sorry I can't find my words today

So it looks like that. So you cant really see the exfoliants.

So what I do is I put a layer all over my face. I wait about 3 minutes

and when I go to wash it off I go in with circular motions and those fine exfoliants

I know it has papaya in it. so they're these little exfoliants

it just helps reveal new radiant skin

and i swear it works after one use

I use it at night and when I wake up I literally have glowy skin. I'm obsessed with it!

I feel like my skin has been so good

It says to use about 2-3 times a week. So that's what I've been doing

but I'm obsessed with it and i'm including this in a giveaway

so stay tuned until the end so you know how you can win this baby

so moving onto another favorite. i'm not going to talk too long about this because I've already included it in two other videos

This was a new launch in May

They launched this product in May

For more infomation >> MAY FAVORITES♡ Skincare, Beauty + 50K Giveaway - Duration: 15:17.


Aliens Earth's Future is Not Written in Stone - Duration: 10:25.

Aliens Earth�s Future is Not Written in Stone

by Edward Morgan

Extraterrestrial beings from other �realities� are reaching out to humans on planet Earth

in order to raise our consciousness to become a self-responsible civilization and save us

from self-destruction: Such is the basic premise behind Rahma, a contact group which says it�s

been communicating with aliens since 1974.

Rahma comes from the words Rah (sun) and ma (earth): the title is based on the group�s

main concept that with knowledge, the sun�s love will radiate on the earth and through

its beings.

In order to receive messages from more advanced civilizations, we must also become more advanced,

the group�s tenets argue.

And that means that we will need to become true individuals, and realize that all humankind

and life on earth is interconnected.

It is then that we will be able to perceive the divine light and higher consciousness

that is already within us all.

Rahma came into being in 1974, in Peru, in the living room of a young man named Sixto

Paz Wells.

The son of a UFO researcher who at a young age experienced a life-changing accident,

forever altering his perception of the higher power, Wells says he first came into contact

with extraterrestrials when he along with his mother and sister received a psychographic

message in their home in Lima:

�This home�s living room is adequate for communication.

My name is Oxalc and I�m from Morlen, which you call Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter.

We can have contact with you.

You will see us soon�.

Not your average after-dinner conversation.

Sixto and friends gathered the next night and were contacted again, telepathically � each

receiving the same message � that instructed the group to meet in the Chilca desert of


It was there, in February 1974, that the group first witnessed the presence of extra terrestrials

as a spaceship darted through the sky and all individuals received the same message

once again, this time stating that there would be more attempts at contact.

In the coming decades, the Rahma group asserts that it�s been in contact with a number

of extraterrestrials.

Beginning at first with a series of UFO sightings at designated spots that had been communicated

to the group, but then becoming more intimate.

Rahma Group continues to gain experience with contacting extraterrestrials, and adopting

more and more members each year � mostly based in Latin America.

However the group�s base is expanding across our globe.

In June of 1974, Sixto claims to have been invited aboard a spacecraft by the extraterrestrials

he�d been in contact with.

He says they took him to Jupiter�s moon Ganymede, just a bit larger than Mercury and

a satellite that has been proven to contain water, where he spent approximately five days

communicating with the inhabitants, humans who live within elaborate glass domes in order

to exist in the moon�s atmosphere.

The individuals say they are originally from the Orion constellation, relocated to settlements

on Ganymede.

Sixto has described in depth his experience with Oxalc in a number of interviews, from

his first moments aboard the spacecraft, to the messages received from the extraterrestrials.

He says the extraterrestrials have the technology �to dematerialize an individual, canceling

both his molecular cohesion and his atomic weight to project him to another place�.

This is how he came to visit a moon 373 million miles away in a seemingly short period of


�Oxalc showed me a series of images of what the future of the Earth could be like.

What I could see is that the world�s tension was such that it was attracting the perilous

possibility that an asteroid or comet would pass so close that it could be affected gravitationally�.

�The purpose of this journey was to alert others through young people willing to commit

themselves with the message about the need to change, beginning from within each individual

in order to generate a chain reaction that would revert the planetary future.�

In 2015, Sixto visited Washington DC to meet with the National Press Club, where he argued

that information leaked by whistleblower and former CIA employee Edward Snowden contains

proof that the United States government has for decades been covering up its communication

with extraterrestrials.

Sixto also has met with academic groups from the United Nations and has presented at Columbia


Musician Evaristo Infante is part of the Rahma Group�s Mexico chapter, which is in its

initial stages.

�We are beginning to collect our own evidence with the messages, sightings, dreams, visions

that we�ve been receiving from these beings,� Infante said.

�Comparing it to the group of Sixto Paz that started this whole experience, the new

group doesn�t have to go the same way other groups have.

We have observed that the communication with the guides (extraterrestrials) is more open

and fluid than in the times of Sixto�.

�Times are changing and accelerating and the interaction with the beings is evolving

and getting closer than ever�.

Rahma group believes humans are multidimensional beings, and that there is a cosmic plan in

motion, which has a destiny of great transcendence reserved for the human being.

�The awareness of this must start with oneself and then radiate to our neighbor,� Infante



In order to reach a higher level of consciousness, which according to the Rahma Group is required

to communicate with extraterrestrials, members around the world meditate.

They meet in public spaces, some of which are known to contain a hotbed of cosmic activity,

such as the Teotihuac�n pyramids outside of Mexico City.

There, they meditate collectively and hope to receive messages.

In some cases, Infante says, the group will take photos of the surrounding area after

meditation, only to look at them later and notice UFOs.

Positive thinking and creating our own reality:

�One has to believe it in order to create it�, says Sixto Paz Wells in an interview

on the Oscar Magosi website (a famed Canadian contactee).

�The human mind is powerful and if many of us agree with the same intention and with

faith, we can make it.

But what is important is to change our attitude before life.

We must be more optimistic, positive and constructive.� Being open to the light of knowledge and understanding:

�Old concepts that still permeate human society are no longer part of our thinking

due to the light of knowledge, understanding and experience of it that renders them obsolete,�

Infante says.

�And it would be no surprise that many people would go off the deep end or become frightened

once they know that what they had thought about Life, people, god, their religions is

not reality.

Existence is truly more infinite than we ever conceived possible.�

The Multidimensional Reality

Infante describes the basic beliefs of Rahma in terms of the multidimensional reality as


�The knowingness that we are and we always have been Eternal Energy Essence Beings (Spirits)

and we are having multiple simultaneous physical and Non- Physical existences.

Death is never an issue since in greater terms there is no �dead.�

The Knowingness that we were never alone in this multiverse.

That humanity will become an outstanding, peaceful, intelligent and powerful civilization

despite the seeming outside �evidence.� That we don�t have to go through our evolution

process the hard way alone.

That extraterrestrial Civilizations have been assisting us throughout the ages.

That becoming aware of these facts increases the probability of open contact directly with

their civilizations.

That we have multidimensional abilities that we have ignored either by ignorance or by


That we are aspects of what we on Earth call �God� experiencing itself through our

unique eyes.� In the four decades of Rahma�s existence,

the group has continued to explore its own truths and respond to its increasing vat of

knowledge and experiences.

�We don�t claim to know everything but we do have a piece of the puzzle and other

individuals and groups around the world that don�t have anything to do with Rahma are

doing similar activities as us,� Infante says.

�They are having their own experiences and coming forth with similar information with

different pieces of this cosmic puzzle�.

�In other words those groups are corroborating what we have come to understand in our experience

and we are doing the same thing for them, and at the same time we are complementing

each other with the different information that each of us are bringing to the foreground

of the consciousness of humankind.

�In the end, the more we know the less we know.

But now our traversing through life is clearer and full of true light

and meaning.�

For more infomation >> Aliens Earth's Future is Not Written in Stone - Duration: 10:25.


KOREANS reacting to Anitta - Paradinha(w/ DKDKTV)(Eng sub)ㅣWooLara - Duration: 5:41.

Hello everyone~ This is WooLara from Korea

Today I and my friends will do a reaction video together

I'll introduce you my new friends~

Hello~ Oi!

Can you tell us your channel? - We're Danny and David from DKDKTV

Today we're going to react to Anitta

Anitta is a Brazilian singer and she released a new song recently! (DKDKTV told me :D)

So let's start the reaction!!


Very... - The fashion!

A lot of... yeah... exposure

Oh my god!

This is Brazil!

Oh is that a same person? - yeah

calm down calm down! - Hahaha what's that sound?

Ah it's not the same person then!

No it's a same person - she's a back dancer!

Ah the grandma's so cute!

Parading"ya" (sound)

It's H but it sounds like Y

So what does it mean?

..... Paradise...?

Really?? - I'm just guessing!

It's almost not a cloth

That's like a bra

Ohhh very catchy!

Ah hahaha that grandma!

so pretty!

So have you been to Brazil?

Not yet... T-T

I think it's a set item with a bra before

See? This is why we need a girl!

We have no clue - We would have no clue on that!

Oh is that a subway station in Brazil?

But she's dancing in the most random places

Supermarket~ - very public places

Subway~ Laundry~

Are they a group? Or maybe just back dancers?

No she's a solo. - She's a solo artist

How can she....

the butt dance?

Oh my god

But it's really short! (the video length)

Yeah. Kinda short

So what do you think? Is this the first time to see Anitta?


So what do you think about her?

She's really sexy!

Yeah definitely!!

Maybe too sexy?? - Too sexy?

Ah you didn't like it? - No I liked it

But David didn't like it - Personally, not my style

I kind of like slender person

When I heard you saying "uhhh....." I thought you were really into her!

So I said 'calm down calm down'

No it was just a shock - I don't know he was like "HA~"

No no!!

It was just a shock!

I really liked her but I think it was too short

I think music should be longer than 3 minutes?

Even though it's short, she showed enough

But I'm kind of used to this now - very strong!

No no... no....

I watched her videos too many times! X2

So I'm like... - I'm not used to her yet

But she's like, really different from Korean stars

Everything is very different


Like, fashion style, dance move - yeah

And how much..... flesh... is revealed... - skin!!

A lot of skin!

How much flesh we can see... yeah

What would you think if kpop idols dressed like this

She's gonna be so popular, but I don't know if it's a good way popular or a bad way popular

She's gonna get some, I think, a lot of criticism - Criticism

A lot of people won't like it, right?

I liked the part when she goes like, 'paradinha'

It's kinda catchy - yeah it's very catchy

And it sounds cute to me! I like her voice

Video Oficial~

It's not English - You know how to read?

No! - She knows how to read~

All you Brazilian subscribers here~

Subscribe to her channel! - To her channel and our channel

yeah and our channel

We'll put the link in the description

Do you think you'll listen to her afterwards?

That's a NO

Well it's not easy for Koreans to listen to Brazilian music - I'm sorry!!! T-T

I really like EDM songs so the rhythm is not my style

ah she's very honest!

I don't know if I will listen, but I will watch

Ok there you go!

That's why there are so many views!

People like you

You are watching maybe... 10 times?

Yeah 1 million people like me watched it for 10 times

So anyway that was Anitta!

If you liked this, please like and subscribe to her channel Woo Lara~

And our channel DKDKTV~

We'll see you guys next time!

Bye bye~


Your laptop is just amazing!

New technology

let's go!

For more infomation >> KOREANS reacting to Anitta - Paradinha(w/ DKDKTV)(Eng sub)ㅣWooLara - Duration: 5:41.


Star Wars Lore Episode CLXXIV (174) – The Backstory of Jyn Erso - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Lore Episode CLXXIV (174) – The Backstory of Jyn Erso - Duration: 7:16.


Bachon Ki Dimaghi Nashonuma Ko Kese Barhaya Jaye, How to Enhance Brain Development in Children - Duration: 10:34.

Welcome to health tips by umar

At birth, a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons.

During the first few years, a child's brain undergoes an amazing period of development—

producing more than a million neural connections each second.

This development of the brain is influenced by many factors, including a child's relationships, experiences and environment.

In a positive environment, the brain's neural connections and pathways have a better chance of becoming wired together.

This in turn ensures rich language, reasoning and planning skills – right from childhood.

As a parent, you can take several steps to ensure

that your child has a strong start in life and enjoys good brain as well as physical development.

Here are the top 10 ways to enhance brain development in children.

1. No Smoking during Pregnancy

To give your baby a physically healthy start before he or she is born,

you must not smoke at all as well as ensure that you do not expose your unborn child to secondhand smoke.

Smoking is the number one cause of adverse outcomes for babies.

The harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke can be destructive to your unborn baby's brain.

When you smoke during pregnancy, that toxic brew gets into your bloodstream,

which is your baby's only source of oxygen and nutrients.

A 2015 study published in Acta Paediatrica reports that smoking during pregnancy negatively affects fetal brain development.

Alterations in brain structure and function have been seen in children exposed to prenatal smoking.

This can lead to learning disorders, behavioral problems and relatively low IQs in children.

2. Breastfeed Your Baby

Breast milk is very important for newborn babies. Apart from building a baby's immunity, it's also good for the brain!

The fat and cholesterol found in breast milk ensures proper brain development.

study published in 2016 in the Journal of Pediatrics

found that preterm babies who were fed more breast milk within the first 28 days of life

had larger volumes of certain regions of the brain at term equivalent

and had better IQs, academic achievement, working memory and motor function.

So, here is another good reason why you should consider breastfeeding your baby.

Breastfeeding in the first few weeks of your baby's life contributes to notable gains in intelligence and motor skills.

3. Introduce Music Early

By introducing music into your child's life as early as possible, you can enhance their brain development.

Music promotes cognitive health. In fact, it leads to dopamine release, which spurs motivation to keep learning.

Music can make studying fun and help children grasp things in a much better way.

Taking music lessons at a young age can also make a significant difference in a child's brain development.

A 2006 study published in Brain shows a strong connection between musical training and brain development.

Researchers found that young children taking music lessons have better brain development

and improved memory over the course of a year as compared to children not receiving musical training.

Another study published in 2013 in the Journal of Neuroscience reports that musical training before age 7 helped brain development.

Children who started taking music lessons early

had better connections across the corpus callosum, which connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum.

4. Strictly Limit Screen Time

No matter how busy you are, do not use it as an excuse to add more screen time to your child's day.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no screen time for children under age 2.

Even for older children, limit screen time to just a couple of hours a day.

Too much screen time is linked to impaired academic performance,

less time for creative play and contributes to problems like obesity, violence, sleep problems and behavioral issues.

Also, increased screen time means less interaction between you and your child.

Such interaction is important for a child's overall development.

As a parent, it's important to spend more time with your child

rather than keeping them busy watching TV, playing with your mobile phone or other gadgets.

5. Read Books to Your Child

As a parent, you must ensure that your child starts reading books at an early age.

To do so, you must read to your children every day, beginning when they are babies.

Make it a bedtime ritual and read something interesting to your child.

This will help build an interest in books and reading.

According to a 2015 study by AAP, reading to young children is associated with differences in brain activity.

It can help with language acquisition and literacy skills.

AAP encourages parents to begin reading to their children from birth

to foster early learning and create connections in the brain that promote language development.

6. Exercise is Important

Whether it is a small child or an adult, exercise is important for everyone, even including babies.

In fact, regular physical exercise is a simple, yet important, method

of ensuring better cognitive development in your child at an early age.

Exercise also helps improve circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain.

This ensures improved nerve functioning that enhances your child's overall physical, cognitive and psychological health.

A 2008 study published in Educational Psychology Review reports

that systematic exercise programs may actually enhance the development of specific types of mental processing

known to be important for meeting challenges encountered both in academics and throughout life.

7. Feed Your Child Healthy Food

The habit of eating healthy food should be ingrained right from childhood.

Growing bodies need good nutrition not just for physical development. It is important for mental development, too.

To provide the right nutrients for your child's growing body,

feed them spinach, berries, apples, oatmeal, broccoli, dark chocolate, oranges, kale, watermelon, milk, legumes

and all sorts of nuts and seeds.

Avoid fast food, junk food, processed food and beverages loaded with artificial sweeteners.

Such foods do not provide the necessary nutrients to your child and can even cause great harm to their health.

Also, allow your infant to eat with their hands (make sure they wash their hands properly before eating) to help develop fine motor skills.

8. Say No to Caffeine

Caffeine can be found in energy drinks, soft drinks, and chewing gums marketed to children and young adults.

Too much caffeine can hamper your child's brain development.

Caffeine disrupts the formation of key connections in the brain.

Keep a close eye on your child's caffeine consumption and limit it to ensure healthy brain development.

9. Invest in Creative Toys

There's an endless number of toys in the market.

But to ensure good brain development in children, it's important to be selective and buy some creative toys.

Playing with the right toys helps

a child develop skills that include coping, language and communication, emotional regulatory, cognitive flexibility and social skills.

Creative toys do not have to be expensive.

The objects of play must be simple and safe, and allow imagination to flourish, freedom of movement and range of complexity.

Invest in simple toys that can keep your child engaged and make him or her more constructive and creative as an adult.

Be sure to get some toys that involve the hands, as small children respond well to learning simple sequential games.

10. Spend Time with Your Little One

Last but not least; you must give your valuable time to your child to ensure proper brain development.

Speech development begins at birth, so while breastfeeding talk about something or sing a song to your baby.

When you go outside, point things out and name them.

Enjoy your child's early years by talking with them, taking walks with them,

going to the park together, enjoying meals together and reading together.

These little interactions add up and contribute to a child's brain development as well as emotional and speech development.

Thanks for watching this video...! Please like, and share this video. And don't forget to subscribe our channel...!

For more infomation >> Bachon Ki Dimaghi Nashonuma Ko Kese Barhaya Jaye, How to Enhance Brain Development in Children - Duration: 10:34.


The Fantastic Forty Four | Fallout 4 Mod Highlight #3 - Duration: 15:45.

for all you Cowboys out there the 44 magnum revolver is probably a weapon you

have become very familiar with the 44 Magnum has featured in every fallout

since the beginning of the series however is probably most memorable from

either fallout 3 or for our new Vegas and we were fortunate enough to see its

return in Fallout 4 packed with a load of mods to plow through our enemies in

true western style however as with most vanilla weapons the texture and level of

detail can be lacking this is usually due to Bethesda ensuring the game is

optimized and playable on most systems but a mod by D pillory so if I'm

pronouncing that wrong called the fantastic 44 aims to improve on the

vanilla texture so the mod a couple of things and most noticeably the normal

map so this is the lighting and detail on the weapon check out the video in the

description if you're unsure what a normal map is because I had to look it

up myself the mod also adds a new wood grip

reworks the rubber grip and fixes an animation bug which enables the bullets

to shine I really enjoy this mod especially when you compare it to the

original texture you can see a massive improvement when playing in first-person

the texture isn't as noticeably different but it still makes a great

change one thing I love are these little details like the small brand on the side

of the barrel it shows to me that the model that really took care in improving

the 44 Magnum I'm not sure whether this is the pillories first mod but with how

well the Magnum has turned out I would love to see them retexture some other

weapons or even create something unique once you've clicked on the link in the

description you will be greeted with the fantastic 44 Nexus mod page and if you

head down this mod is stupidly easy to install head over to files there's

literally only one file so click download with manager once it's

downloaded head over to Nexus mod manager it should be in models and

textures so double-click the mod and a yo it is installed and similarly

if you want to install it manually click download manually and add it to the data

folder so just extract it to the data folder and you're done

so here we are just outside backstreet apparel and we are going to clear out

some raiders that need sorting out so here we go we have our trusty new

revolver which is there another 44 very very nice texture but I save it we did

it really good even they can't notice it as much in first person but in third

business pretty nice ok write em I've got two with me got one with a scope ok

let's take this out first nice ok we're going in ding ding ding

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding I like I know I don't want to use with

others that much and I show then there's that there's a whole there's tons of

there's tons of them evolving myself though oh my god okay I mainly a level

child please don't hurt me oh my god okay

oh whoa whoa whoa okay now hold you use all the jeez how many is that is it so I

got I will blow your head off nice whoo-hoo-hoo okay is this the air

is the area secure can we go in here no we can't go in here that have been a

great little hiding spot I think there's another there you are pretty powerful

this come especially with the damage modifier my is a revolver 44 is quite

large rounded it added a pedalo is it mmm backstreet a power I was spending it

wrong I thought it was back straight as in battery as one word oh I think my

arms broken yep but something is definitely broken

I've never actually tried any of the way of getting in this building and the

maybe well I know there's that thing on the roof but can you get in another way

nope and I'm not gonna run out okay super Sneaky time I keep saying okay

I've noticed this I say okay a lot a lot a lot a lot I'm gonna drive up that's

not to say it into backstreet a per Ola we go sneaky sneaks

I got a grenade look I got I need what dynamite

hold on Mike hey gal they said oh my god that's a trap no slow wound Oh what ha

ha ha I was like I was shot myself in the head

that was oh my god oh no oh no did it save oh it did look a luckily now we're

just gonna get murdered again um big with dough there's another nicely done

nicely done nice shooting there was that that was the other day ok not taking any

not taking any prisoners this time let's try again it began for take number 2

take number two books now I haven't got any more stories die dad

Wow Wow I can't see that's blinding me that

light is gonna turn off your stupid light I can't see I can't see good start

out he's got a minigun rail it sound like a railway gun very little bear oh

my god and be very vocal

because it seems to that's where that rappin is a we definitely blew up about

10 million nines Oh

that was very close I did not notice that who liked you all guys are having a

very good week I'm trying to get ahead with recordings because I am away this

weekend but I will post that on the youtubes plot

nope I'm definitely not use all we can open up and then in here no let's open

this door no no this lock oh no nope god yes

got it got it cat eye that is from there's loads of stuff that Mojave and

it's not called Mojave imports anymore used to be I don't know why they had to

change the name and now we might be be using yourself as Salas after by

terrified yes remember George establish

your sorry ass

yeah that's it yep try and shoot in through the wall me yep

very clever I have dynam no I dare you Oh Oh nicely

done little vast that's that's everyone slow motion but it's it also changes

suppressed farming rival Oh downright stimpack yes please all those

tons of stuff in here lightweight are not really bothered

about that car Carla see typewriter desk fan safe and terminal our work then oh

okay keep saying did you damage that okay all the time it's good that's just

mean processing my dog disengage luck I know if we'd have got the XP from

locking the safe but ain't nobody got time for that

calibrating pipe Vista pre-war money yayyy well unless all there's always

some nice stuff in here turpentine I'll just talking to those elves would run

with them let's do the commentary of something hmm oh look it's the teddy

bear read in the papers what you reading mr. Ted tonight do you want to come with

me mr. Ted's come on we got some we got some book kicking to do I will throw a

Teddy at you be warned and they'd be very afraid of mr. Ted's he takes no

prisoners to do where did you go find out it was mr. Ted's book mr. Ted who me

yeah it looked as a teddy floating in me down I'm using my mind Oh

going steady do your job dammit

dynamite that doesn't get their attention I don't know what will okay

I've seen good

yeah but cowards live talk to them no my god yes hahaha nice is anybody else

bottle-cap mines okay empty radio okay now we don't want a copyright strike fix

that should netiquette in will dude you should eat well it looks like having a

fun time in the bus car said toaster you know what taste it alike if you

played fallout new vegas you'll know how evil lisa growl anything anything

everything should be stupid in this bed cuz I am on survival mode all let's even

get in the set all grown up the Barbarian with an eye on the app shame I

don't ever use me Mel over often safe must all we can detonate it what we got

what's powerful explosives can we you okay can I do it just tonight oh god oh

my god oh no no no no no oh that was lucky

oh we got it open nice this is from cars lockable it's differently that overhauls

are you do other things or locks and you can like try and begin it doesn't stop

you from picking master locks like it but obviously just harder and no

anything else aren't worth worthy of being taken about a log you guys got

nothing important onto the roof then better keep our wits about this because

I'm not sure cooking I think we should use our large toolbox novice lop I'm

obviously too bad if we go gran come on come on come on

yep yes the lock is open oh whoa he did not mean to do that

little beer right let's use our stealth for now shall we don't you stumbled upon

is they don't last very long in this game

whoop-whoop fens

defends all those friends of diamond city lives anybody sign up to your vault

shelter today oh it's a bit a bit laggy interface

I had a mother fix you some of the lod cheating asthma

slow down another caddy how did you get appearance to tell you one I do

Herbie Oh ready go we'll find him fragmentation

grenade okay okay this I did I gal I can't a viable mod that increases the

amount I myself boy works we're gonna have to try and get down the quick way

mmm Oh get rid down read delve Oaks and I think we have officially cleared out

the back street of peril with this new weapon which I could do with sherry gob

since this is the BOD that we're reviewing today come on go on we're out

let's just see if we can go and get ourselves murdered walking here I can

hear gunfire oh there's a bank let's see what's in

the back so our stealth boy runs out in the bank

we go open bridge wait work through the Little

Neck bridge way trust let's see if we can find anything exciting in here

dialog we can see it now they say oh I don't think I've ever been in here which

is really bad it sits right next to Dharma city requires to master good

dammit dammit okay well we've got our weapon matters everything out in now

let's just go outside get a nice little shop okay okay can'tcan't keen seafood

look we're getting the sun's we get a nice shot here we go

love what if you could just do that for me Olga laughs okay Lydia awk okay here

we go okay guys well I hope you enjoyed this a

mod highlight thank you very much to the pillory for for making this mod it's

very very nice indeed I hope you do some more but other than that I hope you

enjoyed guys and I shall see you next time remember to like me on Facebook

follow me on Twitter at redhead gamer 16 and I shall see you next time leave a

like or comment if you enjoyed okay thanks guys

bite bite

For more infomation >> The Fantastic Forty Four | Fallout 4 Mod Highlight #3 - Duration: 15:45.


Stories von der ICBC Berlin 2017 | sens in.motion - Duration: 5:45.

Hello dear audience! I'm Rüdiger, we're at the International Cannabis Business Conference today in Berlin, which started today.

This morning there were some panel discussions about medical cannabis.

There have been over 600 visitors on the first day already. We're also happy to meet our audience here at the SensMedia booth.

We like the fair a lot, we will definitely come back and are looking forward to tomorrow, when there will be lots of big highlighs aswell.

Tommy Chong will drive through the city with us and we'll provide ourselves with medicine. You'll be able to watch that on SensMedia aswell.

Thank you for watching, I hope you will tune back in to SensMedia, bye!

For more infomation >> Stories von der ICBC Berlin 2017 | sens in.motion - Duration: 5:45.


NIOBONEWS - SONY A9 A ESCALDAR! - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> NIOBONEWS - SONY A9 A ESCALDAR! - Duration: 4:48.


WONDER WOMAN「ワンダーウーマンのコスプレしてみた」ユリコタイガー - Duration: 0:56.

Hi guys! I'm Yuriko Tiger

Today's I cosplayed Wonder Woman. (Or at least I tried)

Hope you like it!

For more infomation >> WONDER WOMAN「ワンダーウーマンのコスプレしてみた」ユリコタイガー - Duration: 0:56.


About laziness and activity. - Duration: 4:05.

This video has English and Russian subtitles

for better understanding of what

Master Tszi is saying about.

Please use this option

in the lower panel of

the video.

Put your mouse pointer on the right lower corner of the video,

choose "Settings", then choose "Subtitles"

and language that you need.

Just a few words about how the states of laziness and tiredness

are connected.

- Better if you ask a question, ok?

- How energy is connected with our life forces?

- We said that the more energy means the more


We've said lazy and not lazy, is the question?

- Yes.

- Laziness, of course, means low energy.

But also our Masters have different forms.

The Master is staying still and not moving.

It doesn't mean he's lazy.

On the contrary, he has very powerful energies not to move at all.

Does the Master want to move while standing?

He doesn't want to move, does he feel good in peace?

- He is alredy like natural: when it's necessary,

he moves a lot, when no he can stay still

for several hours.

Strong people can do so.

weak people, it's impossible not to move and sit for

several hours.

It's impossible.

- You've also said when the child is hyperactive,

very active it means that he

has little energy.

- Kids are active – it's good.

But when all the body is calm he can also sit calmly.

So he can sit calm for several hours without moving,

calmly reading books.

If so children are strong.

If without control, crazy – it means a weak


Jumping everywhere – ill child.

Can it seem so, if we don't know that,

if the child is active he

has lots of energy.

But sometimes it's not so.

- It means – energies are not equal.

It happens so that the child never stays calm,

all the time he's active – it means he's ill.

Someone said that his children are very active, sorry,

your children are ill.

Because they move a lot, get wet, can't control


Children are life, bright.

If they are active and calm, it's good.

If, like many parents say, super active,

it needs to be studied.

In most cases it means the child is ill.

- But there are these people, adults who say:

«I have a lot of energy.

I'm very active.

I don't know where to spend my energy».

- It's impossible.

He doesn't have enough mind.

A person can't have extra energy.

It can't be so.

A person has energies Chin, Chi, Shen – necessarily

physical, then energetical, then to the mind, to the brain.

If he has a lot energy it means he doesn't have enough

mental development.

There is no extra energy, lots of energy.

- When the person has a lot of physical power it

means that he can't transform

it into mental power, right?

I believe that Yin and Yang are not on the same level,

here mind and physical level are not equal.

It is impossible that it can

be extra energy,

no, it can't be so.

- Thank you very much Master.

For more infomation >> About laziness and activity. - Duration: 4:05.


Mutzine Magazine Photoshoot & Seoul Jazz Festival Korea 2017 | DTV #23 - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Mutzine Magazine Photoshoot & Seoul Jazz Festival Korea 2017 | DTV #23 - Duration: 7:59.


Play Doh Lollipops Learning Colors for Childrens|How To Make Giant Play Doh Lollipops|PlayDoh Guides - Duration: 1:56.

Play Doh Lollipops Learning Colors for Childrens|How To Make Giant Play Doh Lollipops|PlayDoh Guides

For more infomation >> Play Doh Lollipops Learning Colors for Childrens|How To Make Giant Play Doh Lollipops|PlayDoh Guides - Duration: 1:56.


How to rotate photos in Lightroom - Duration: 2:58.

Rotating photos in Lightroom

In general, the rotation options in the Library module are faster and simpler.

Using these options you can rotate your images in 90 degree increments both clockwise and counterclockwise.

If you are using the single photo view in the library view, there are left and right rotation image buttons.

Each click will add the 90 degree rotation to your image.

You can choose to use keyboard shortcuts to do this job. On the Mac it is: ⌘ + [(key) to rotate clockwise

Windows equivalents are Ctrl + [and Ctrl +].

You can also rotate multiple photos at once in the Library module using the same tools.

With a right click you can also access a menu where you can rotate your photos in 90 degree increments.

If you are already in the Develop module and want to change the orientation of the photo from landscape to portrait (horizontal to vertical) or vice versa, you can, but there are some small differences in how to do it.

The slider starts by default in the middle. Drag the marker to the left to rotate counterclockwise and drag to the right to rotate clockwise.

You can still use the same keyboard shortcuts I explained above to do this service.

You can still use the main menu by Photo> Rotate Counterclockwise (CCW) and Photo> Rotate Clockwise (CW).

Rotating the photos this way is really cool when you need to make small adjustments to your images.

If you just want to mirror your image, the famous flip, Lightroom also has a resource to help you.

This is it for now! Show your love and subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> How to rotate photos in Lightroom - Duration: 2:58.


CORN FESTIVAL! - Daily Vlog #11 - Duration: 6:02.

Did your fork break as well?

It just brok.... here.

I broke mine as well, look.

I just broke my plastic fork...

...eating pamonha.

Guys, starting this vlog at the festival...

I was about to say "Pamonha Festival".

Starting this vlog at the Corn Festival,

Which is happening at the mall,

I'm eating a sweet pamonha with cheese,

Which is... yummy!

Just broke another piece of my fork.


Soon you'll start eating with your hands, dude.


Mommy asked for a pamonha with cinamon,

I mean...

...they went out of salty pamonhas, so.

You can notice the fork problem is not Túlio's fault...

...this time.

This plastic fork is very fragile.

'Festa Junina' season is almost coming,

Is almost June! *I know is June already, we record this some weeks ago*

This Festival is really nice,

There's a lot of products made of corn here!

So tasty!


I love corn,

So for people who loves corn...

...this festival is the bomb.

There's also some weird stuff,

Like there's Gourmet Brigadeiro made of corn.

There's Cachaça made of corn as well.

- Oh yes. - Never seen it before.


- If corn is from Minas. *Brazilian state* - Nope.

- I don't think so, right? - I think it's not.

I mean, its origins.

Of course there's corn in the whole country,

- But, like, 'pão de queijo'. - Yea, I don't know.

- Pão de Queijo is from Minas, right? - Yep.

- Corn is from Minas as well? - Nope.


Daily Vlog!

Episode 11:

Corn Festival!

Guys, look how cool:

This corn is just like that ones in the beach, you know?

But they ask if you want to eat it directly from the cob,

Or if you want to eat it on a plate.

So I choosed the plate to see the experience.

And it's so yummy!

It comes with butter, right?

It's not so hot as the original corn cob,

Because I like when the Corn cob is really hot!

So good.

Also, when you bite the corn cob,

- You get that salty corn broth. - Yummm.

True, I kinda regret it now.

This festival,

It's in the rooftop of the mall...


And it was a great idea to make it in here,

Because the view here is beautiful!

I'm gonna try to show you,

Not sure if I will succeed, tho.

The city view.

And we have this big building too.

In the end, I couldn't...

*Nina sneezes* - Talked that much in there...

- Bless you! - Geez!

Bless you!


I ended up not talking that much in the festival,

Because it was very loud there, right.

We just left the corn festival,

It was the first Corn Festival!

It was very nice!

There was lots of food made of corn there,

There was even Corn Brigadeiro! *Nina sneezes again*

Bless you!

Actually there wasn't corn brigadeiro anymore.


I mean... there was!

There was, but they ran out of corn brigadeiro.

- We tried to buy some, but it was sold out. -Yep.


Today was the last day, actually.

Yep, today was the last day of the festival.

Hey mom.

...they were so fresh, right?...

What we came to get at the supermarket?

We're here to buy...

- err... some juice... - uh.

*Nina already dying*

And a snack that Túlio...

"...that Túlio"?!?

- That Túlio ate it one day... - "that Túlio"?...

- uh. - Then you said it was very yummy,

Then I taste it a little and I liked a little too.

But only Túlio??

That's why we came.

Only Túlio said the snack was very yummy?

- Nina said it too. - That's a lie, you two!

- Who said.... - No, look!

Who guided us to this corridor?

"oh, let's get that yummy snack!"

- I did! - So!

But I'm sayi...

I don't even like snacks! *Mom clearly doesn't know how to lie*

But let me tell you!

It was very cold these days!

A very nice cold weather, I mean,

Wonderful, because I love cold weather, right!

Even more because it's always very hot in here!

Very hot!

And now that winter is almost here,

I'm gonna use all the opportunities I have,

To use all my scarves,

Look at this one.

Actually Nina did this style for me!

She taught me how to use a scarf in a different way,

What do you think?


Did you see where it came from?

This is italian chocolate.

Is it italian?

It is.

Did you like it?

Mom bought

This chocolate here.

And it's like... the best chocolate...

...I've ever had.

Nah, I'm overreacting.

But I mean, geez guys...

It's really really good!

I think it's italian,

I'm not sure, tho.

Sunday evening...

...on this cold weather.

Just stole Nina's bed.

I always thought Nina's bed is comfier than mine.

I always thought that.

- Geez. - He always says that.

It's true!

I lay on Nina's bed and...

- Maybe because you're heavier.





What was this again, Nina?

Do you remember?

Oh, a random thing me and Túlio won to...

- What was this, dude? - To sit on the floor, right?

This what?

Because this thing is soft.

- Oh! This was from Disney, right? - Yea.

Geez, I really don't know.

I still don't know for what this was made.

I think it was made for sit on it, because it's soft,

So you don't need to sit on the cold floor.


And this two here are cleaning some stuff.

I almost threw a gold pin...

She was your Great-great-grandmother, right?

Because if she was the mom of my mother...

Yea... no, she was my Great-grandmother.

You came to help us, right Nancy?

Nancy always show up when we are doing something,

Then she always put her face into a random plastic bag.

"Aww I like to participate, guys!"

"Because I think plastic bags are so fun!"


She's eating a random elastic now.

I have a very important mission for both of you.

That's so sweet, dude!

This was from the time I was a teacher.


You two...

Will need to... end this vlog.


So, guys...

Let's find a cool thing here.

Can I end the video whistling?

I'm gonna end this in a very gym teacher way.


Look, what's this?

This may be expired since I don't know when.

Oh, this is a shell from Pacific Ocean.

...from that time we went to California.


2 cruzeiros.

And some cruzados.

*The cruzeiro real was the short-lived currency of Brazil in the 40's*

That's cool dude.

For more infomation >> CORN FESTIVAL! - Daily Vlog #11 - Duration: 6:02.


わざと・わざとらしい #21 DICAS DE NIHONGO (ATIVE A LEGENDA) - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> わざと・わざとらしい #21 DICAS DE NIHONGO (ATIVE A LEGENDA) - Duration: 8:55.


Room 104: Official Tease (HBO) - Duration: 0:51.

MAN: It is crucial that you focus on the music you hear.

♪ You've worked hard And you've saved and earned ♪

Have you ever had any strange encounters?

-Click, click. -(SCREAMS)

You're so sexy.

Joseph, wake up.


Relax, Jared. Relax.

-MAN 2: You ready? -Absolutely.



-MAN 3: Everything okay? -Yeah!

For more infomation >> Room 104: Official Tease (HBO) - Duration: 0:51.


Top 5 Main Series Pokemon Songs | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 3:51.

The music from the Pokemon games has to be some of my favorite of all time.

From the original 8-bit songs from generation 1 to the more realistic sounding tracks from

gen 7, there is something to love from every game.

That's why I am going to be counting down my Top 5 songs from main series Pokemon games.

As always, I'm Pokemon Insider, and let's get started.

As you begin your journey in Pokemon Black and White 2, you are greeted with probably

my favorite generation 5 track, Aspertia City.

This song evokes the feeling of an adventure about to begin perfectly, and it seems to

me like the perfect song to start a game with.

The upbeat tune makes me think I can take on the challenges that lie ahead and defeat

anything in my way of achieving my goals.

Battles are a large part of any Pokemon game, and the significant ones are memorable not

only for the moment itself but also for the music.

Lysandre's battle theme from Pokemon X and Y jumped off the page as an incredibly memorable

song for me, because I felt that the track fit the experience perfectly.

Lysandre is a crazy madman on the road to complete world destruction, and it's up

to you to stop him.

This song sets the mood flawlessly, and it's by far my favorite battle theme of all time.

From the moment I first heard the Team Skull encounter theme in the Pokemon Sun and Moon

trailer, I instantly fell in love with it.

Even though Team Skull isn't really a very threatening evil organization, they have some

of the best music of any evil team in all of Pokemon.

The encounter theme for the grunts gives off the vibe that you are messing with the wrong

group of people, and that is exactly what I think an evil team encounter should feel


Excellent job to the music team on Sun and Moon, because this track was amazing.

Music from the Pokemon games has definitely made me feel strong emotions, but never as

much as the first time I heard Let's Go Home from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

I had wanted generation 3 remakes for such a long time, and when I beat the game, all

the feels hit me at once.

It was the culmination of 10 years of waiting for a game that I wanted so bad, and when

I completed it, I had the most intense nostalgia rush ever.

I remembered all the great times I had playing the game as a kid and how much enjoyment I

got out of them.

The song that played encapsulated my emotions so well, and I will always love the song.

Sometimes you can't rationally explain your preferences, and Goldenrod City being my favorite

Pokemon song doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.

I don't have any emotional ties to the place, and I don't have some artistic knowledge

of how much of a masterpiece it might be.

I just simply like the song.

In fact, I like it so much that I learned how to play it on the piano without knowing

how to read music.

I could listen to Goldenrod City's theme from Gold, Silver, and Crystal on an endless

loop if I had to.

It's definitely my favorite song from all of Pokemon, and I don't see that changing

any time soon.

Well, that concludes my list.

With any top 5 out there, this video is simply my opinion, and if you want to share your

favorite Pokemon songs, feel free to leave a comment down below.

If you enjoyed the video, be sure to leave a like and share it with a friend.

If you want to see more videos from me, check back on my channel every Friday or click on

one of the videos on screen to see more now.

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you with another video.

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