Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 2 2017

Wait start over again!

*fake surprised* Oh! Hello!

Welcome to our documentary of the film...

What's it again? Roll?

*Scene from the film*

Today we will see Alexander recording his voice, while I'll take this camera.

*grumbles in prehistoric*

"You know, I totally think the Earth is round"

"NO! Never! Of course it's flat! Just like the big shinny circle in the sky!"

*Singing a Stone Age Rock 'n' Roll Song*

"I'm pretty sure dinosaurs are still alive!"


"There's one in my cave!"

"That is just your wife!" -"Ehh.. no.. it's... a.. dinosaur.."

*"Roll" sounds for the crowd*

Alexander, should we actually be recording all of this?

Are you recording? -Yeah!

At least keep the camera stable.

I'm holding it VERY stable.

[No he's not.]

The Batman voice sounds nice.

*In Batman Voice* What? The Batman Voice? the Stone Age.

"That cloud looks like a giant grilled chicken!"

"I'm a vegetarian!"

"Lettuce! I meant lettuce."

"That tastes delicious"

I'm out of ideas.

I can't think of any more lines.


[Different Roll lines]

[More different Roll lines]

Now do a happy sound!

*extremly happy "Roll"*

You could just speak Dutch.


[Recording voices for the crowd]

See you later, my friends!

Go away! It's over. The end.

"Subscribe for more"

For more infomation >> Behind the Voices of Roll - Duration: 2:59.


!BEST OF 2017! Techno & Hands Up Mix 2017 | Most Popular Song Remixes 2017 - Duration: 1:01:48.

Don't forget to Share, Like, Comment & Subscribe

For more infomation >> !BEST OF 2017! Techno & Hands Up Mix 2017 | Most Popular Song Remixes 2017 - Duration: 1:01:48.


VidCon Day 1 |Vlog #2| Awesomeness😁 Cringeness😱 and many other "emotions" 😍 | The VidCon Series - Duration: 17:05.

Gooooood morning!! You thought I was about to say good mythical morning right? Ha!

I was, but I changed my mind.

So I'm on my way to VidCon on day #1

Today is a little bit more gray... but it's fine.

So planning for today: I'm going to go

and take a look around the RAI... I mean around the VidCon hall and then I will

have to go and do my second volunteer shift, it's a Creator Chat

I don't know with who... but we will see...

I think we we try not to get eyeballs... try to get hearts

try collect people's harts, because one person who is with you and you feel like

they like your stuff and they're actually with you and no matter what you

do and they're still the fans of you, that person's more important and people.

Thank you for making the talk about very nice! Freddie: Yeah thank you for moderating I mean

she is a volunteer and got the shirt and everything...

yeah it's really nice I really like it! :)

But I'm so happy that I got to be here and I learn a lot so thank

So... I'm here with Jon Cozart...He is one of my favorite creators... He is so createive...

By the way... your twin brother Brian ... the one in the...

He is amazing!... He is too...

I think I'm a liittle bit more fan of your twin brother 'cuz he is so sasy... xDD

Jon: What?!

He is great, you are great too... :P

But anyway he is one of my favorite creators

his content is so good you take the whole creativity level of

YouTube up so... Thank you much

Jon: That's so sweet

for making your Videos... you are great.

Jon: No Thank you so much that very kind of you

and well anyway um thank you I'm going to let you go...

Jon: Okay you, you're wonderful, you are doing great I appreciate you, thanks for saying hi!

Jon: Okay goodbye! Me: Goodbye!!

So I just met Jon Cozart...

I'm sorry for him 'cuz I was a little bit awkward

I didn't know I was that akward... xD

My English was so bad that I don't even know how he

managed to understand me but he was so nice and... that... that was intense.

I'm so happy... :)

Yeah I should stop fangirling now... This is weird.. anyyyywaaaayyy... xD

So I just met Jon Cozart, also I discovered that I do have feelings how

disappointing I thought I did not have feelings but I do have and apparently

I'm also little bit of fangirl so...

I made him repeat the whole thing three

times because I'm a little bit stupid... but it's fine...

I thought that people said

oh yeah they are so nice... because you know... what you have to say...

but he's really charming and everybody here is so nice and... huh...

As you can see I'm... I'm a little bit in living in a shock

That was, that was great and...

I don't know what I'm going to do now... I think now I'm going to go to the hall and then I'm

going to go to my creator talk with Jack and Dean

How does that affect your your friendship I are friends

and you are work buddies... How you maintain that without wanting to kill each other?!

Jack: it's interesting, it's like we start

doing all this stuff when we were kids, when we were 15 or 16 years old, and then it just sort of evolved...

Dean: We did it because we enjoyed it and we will makes anyway and now we just get through

it more so it's not really the transitions not been that like it's not very drastic

When I fiound out that I had this creator Chat... it took Iike

between 8 and 14 videos to get you through your beautiful accent wich is

beautiful but oh my god... but have you thought about this ability of scripting...

I mean... Jack: The subtitles?

Dean: We need to do it that we're just a bit inconsiderate lazy (xD)

Oh my god you will not believe who I just Found...

It's Mako :D:D I'm so happy! I didn't know she was coming

And I don't know why I didn't know that cuz I always check the twitter...

I don't know... But I'm so happy I met you! She is way taller that what you might think

And also she has a beautiful magnificent channel,

it's called Makoccino, you will ind the links in the decription down below

make sure to check her, she's one of my favourites, and you know why she's one of my favorite

your videos are so you, you can't get them confused with other people videos

Mako: She is one of the biggest supportes

yeah because I honestly belive in you :)

I'm very happy to meet her because she is like always commenting,

always engageing and she is so supportive, and there... and yeah, I really appreciate people like that :)

Thank youuu :)

So check her she is.... :) She is great :) make sure to check her

So I'm a little bit late to my shift to the meet and greet, but I just found Mako

and I'm so excited! The links are in the description down but I honestly like her

So... she recognized me!!! oh my god

I'm so happy :) and now I'm going to the M&G... Uhgh...there's a long queue

so... who we have here

I think that's Charlie! O.O Oh my god Charlie...

okay I might be a fangirl... he was one of the first ones I found before I was

NOTAFANGIRL so that's acceptable (?) and now I'm going

to see where I'm going to be more helpful...

So I met Charlie...

it was a brief moment I didn't film that I didn't wanted to ruin that with a camera

I just wanted to tell him thank you I told him thank you ah... one day I hope

I'm will explain you why but yeah

it was nice, he is nice... this is cheesy OMG

what is happening to me, what is Vidcon doing to me?! I'm not cheesy...

well maybe...

and apparently I'm going to be volunteering with all these people that

is waiting in line to meet Doddie so it's great I mean... I'm happy :D

Doddie: Oh hey This isn't intimidating at all!

we are at the Doodie meet-and-greet and I found the girl with the coolest ukelele I've ever seen

like...oh my God look it's a smiley face! it's so cute!! I love it!

OMG look at those shoes!!! They are beautiful!!!

I found a Holo Backpack, but I'm not sure if it's Holo, or if it's Multicrome

I will send it to Cristine to make sure it's Holo, 'cuz it's Holo... AAAARGH!!

It's Holo, It's a Holo Backpack (Simplynailogical ;) )

so we just finished Doddie's meet-and-greet... that was crazy

there was a lot of people I don't know how he managed to go through all of them

and keep smiling at the end cuz I was tired and I was just cutting the wristbands

she was so nice so kind to everybody people was so excited to meet

her I pretend that I don't have feelings but I'm discovering a lot of myself these days

So yeah I end up doubling my shift... Dubling? I don't know...which was great I don't regret that

so... Hi! Hi!

Fleur: I just, it was really cool you got to meet Doddie at that last

yeah! oh wait, Look these girls were at Doddie's Meet and greet... oh my god... xD

and yeah How was it? Fleur and Jamie: AAAAAAAAArrrghhh :D :D

This already took ages

I mean, how cute is this!!!

Jamie: Whats you youtube Channel?

I have A LOT of them!, I didn't wanted to give them while I was doing the meet and greet...

Did I make a great job?

: Yes you were the swetest (So are you :)

But If you like it, don't feel pressured!

Noo, we genuinely like you :)

Yeeeey I'm so Happy!!!!!

Thank you so much I had a lot of fun with you guys there

I love this "Impro" M&G, They are great, They are great!!!!

People it's so nice here oh my god those girls are just... amazing I'm so happy I met them

and I'm going to check out of my shift which I doubled

so I hope I will not have any problem

Hi Dominique!


I just found the girl with the coolest

pants in entireVidCon... Are you ready to se such an amazing thing? wait for it...

oh my god this is, this is beautiful

So I'm finally going to the Creator Keynote,

I think I'm late.. Ha!

but it's fine because 'cuz i was doing cool enough things so it's going to be fine...

so let's go

Umm... yeah I bought a girls shirt at target so I had to pin the back

of it to make it look more boyish...

but it's Los Angeles people anyways

I get why I get tio have my hair cut on one side...

so this is my little video so

that's what it's made.

But we started off making short films we've been doing

that for umm over seven years now which onthe internet it's like you

know it might as well be started a hundred years ago

Mamrie: would you like to introduce the next person

I'd like to introduce somebody who puts a lot of thought and

effort into their videos and is very good at them please all go to stage


My name is Matthew Patick better known as MatPat and I own the channels

Game theory, film theory and GTlive YouTube where basically we objectively do the

nerdiest things online, like there's a lot of nerdy channels on YouTube but we

do the nerdiest ones cuz we take videogames, movies and TV, apply Maths, science and history and create

nerdy inclusions like: Super Mario is a sociopath.

If you want views that's one

of the main reasons that you will get views it's a sexy sexy thumbnail

so just to go over all of that: -follow your fear, authenticity, realistic goal, try again

appreciate, support and sexy thumbnail and if you put that on the line it

spells out far ass

other ways but it is helpful for me raise your hand if you

speak more than one languages oh man guys are too good!

What do we do at that time

that we could be learning two... raise your hand if you speak more than 2 languages


raise your hand if you make content in a non English language okay thank you

is this counting down? it is! Oh my...

I'm going to go over, but that's fine... I own the conference... xD

Can you believe l forgot to have lunch cuz I was so excited I don't even stoped to eat

I'm okay though...go but oh my god there is free food thats great!

Hi! it's actually quite late now

we we're at the Creator keynote it was great I was a little bit late but I

was in time to see Doddie and Jon and Hank and MatPat and I'm so happy it was

great and after that we had some food but... - Hi! I left my jacket inside

- RUN... ( I don't understand the res... They were closing I guess :) )

oh thank you!...

Well I left my jacket inside wait

Okay so I just

lost my jackets, I left both of them inside the RAI and since the creator

keynote was in the order auditorium I forgot to take them back and now the RAI

is closed and I don't have my jackets with me and it's freaking cold out here

so luckily enough I met a lovely girl she was called Ella the bee, you will find

the link description down below she has a German channel she's really nice and she let

me borrow her jacket so I'm going to give it back to her because if not I'm going

to feel awful, but I don't know, it was a lot of fun I really really like the

creator note I absolutely forgot that humans should um feed themselves

couple times day I forgot about that so I'm fine I'm I will have my lunch now as

a dinner which is great I don't have to worry about making anything and I'm just

going to go to sleep because I'm super tired but it was such a fun day I will

catch you at the room and I will tell you a little bit more of the things that

happened it was such a fun day!

Oh hi I would like to make a little

review of the day just so you can know if you're interested in everything that

happened and also for me because I would love to have this when I'm back home so

if you don't mind today started out quite well I mean I had a shift with Freddie Wong

that was really cool!

After that, I got the chance to meet Jon Cozart um

that was amazing also quite cringing because I didn't know but apparently I

can be quite cringy um

Do you want to cringe?

Of course you want to cringe who doesn't want to cringe

Can you please show a little bit of the footage you

have... cuz you're a little bit dumb?

Bare with me, I was so nervous I am a fangirl who I'm trying to fool I'm so ashamed of myself...

so after that I went to my creator chat with Jack and Dean, it was

amazing I'm so happy I met them!

the M&G shift with Doddie was amazing

I'm really impressed so kuddos to doddie, she is great, Also manager Josh :)

Oh yeah then I went to the Creator Keynote after the creator keynote I found Mako again

and I was just talking to her for a bit and then some other youtubers came and I

met a lot of amazing people this afternoon, that was so much fun

I met a girl her name is Ella oh my god thank you! she just gave her jacket to a

complete stranger that was me and I'm going to do whatever it takes for me to

give it back to her because I don't want to steal this jacket! It's lovely the

lovely jacket but I want her to have it back so... she was so kind for letting me

borrow this because I was freazing and oh my god

Tomorrow I will keep a little

part of that time because I want to actually check the things in VidCon

because I haven't done anything yet but that is totally fine I'm having so much fun

So well I hope you had a lovely day today I will see you tomorrow in the

next vlog, tomorrow for me I don't know it when it's going to be for you if I

met you at VidCon I'm so happy I met you so... have a lovely night day or

whatever time of the day we're watching this, I hope you have enjoyed this video give

it a like if you did, and I hope you find it interesting and

that I was able to show you some interesting things about VidCon

Oh and remember, everything you want is right outside your comfort zone

And as always I hope to see you...

in my next video

Baaaaaaayyyyyyyy :D

oh look there is Jon again... should I go and make this even more cringy or was I

Cringy enough?... I don't know I'm going to think about it...

For more infomation >> VidCon Day 1 |Vlog #2| Awesomeness😁 Cringeness😱 and many other "emotions" 😍 | The VidCon Series - Duration: 17:05.


FINAL / The Additionnal Scene (english subtitles) - Duration: 2:15.

At least, we saw it.

I don't know, it looks weard when we watch it.

That's becouse this is just pieces, you have to put it back into the movies.

Editing is a hard job, you have to cut a lot of clips.

WHat do you think, Alexy ?

Yes, it's technically interesting in the objectivity...

Anyway, be careful not to put it on the internet.

- Why ? - Because we stole the reels.

If somebody find it, we gonna have troubles.

You gonna have troubles.

Listen, I'll be honest : that's not us.

Yes, we found the reels accidentaly.

That's not me ! I just hit the guardian. Somebody else piss on him.

Well, the alluminium paper is the brain.

Look the views you made, I gonna have to put you in jail.

Why ?

Because you cast videos who don't belong to you.

It belongs to us, we are in the videos ! I didn't ask the permission to wear a thong !

Do you realize that you'll never work in cinema again ?

We don't care, we gonna make TV shows !

The fuck was maybe too much.

For more infomation >> FINAL / The Additionnal Scene (english subtitles) - Duration: 2:15.


9 Worst Ever Natural Disasters Caught on Tape - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 9 Worst Ever Natural Disasters Caught on Tape - Duration: 6:14.


【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep05 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 35:46.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

<i>Episode 5</i>

Your eyes are not sincere enough.

If you want to apologize to a girl

you need to give her safety.

It's the attention and the love that she wants.

Give me your hand.

The tip of kissing is to hold on her neck

because it is a sensitive part.

Grab her hand, the right one because it is a sensitive part.

Grab her hand, the right one

when she is panic she will turn right.

And put your foot here.

And she is yours.

I shouldn't ignore you and go shopping with Eve.

But believe me I won't fall for her.

Who turns off the light?

So embarrassing.

What's going on here in your house?

It's almost the consumption of a lighting factory!

A lighting factory?

Next time remember to save electricity!


by the way

remember to pay your electric bill!

Yes, sir.

A lighting factory!


<i>plus 1</i>

<i>equals 6666</i>

So you two spend me

more than 800 yuan on electricity every day!

As a grown man

you keep on talking about love and do nothing else!

So from now on

stop spending my money any more.

I spent all my savings on you

which is sad enough

and now there's more electric bill.

What is a LUV robot?

Let-Urmoney-Vanish I guess.




Your fault!

It's all your fault you know?

I don't know.

You know it!

Your fault!

It's all your fault…

Knock knock!

Express delivery!

Reflect on yourself!

He gave me a house!

You know what does it mean by giving you a house?


It means

Build a love nest!

I'm counting on you, Mr. House!

I'm taking action to change my image in Eve's mind

and to apologize.

Who's there?

It's me, Ah-Zhai.


what do you want?

Nothing. Nothing special.

I just want to come to apologize.


I lost control in front of you.


That was not who I really am.

I am usually a mild person.

I don't know what happened today.

I'm usually the one being bullied.

I'm a loser.

But when you threw things around you look horrible.

And you said mean words to me.

Maybe I was infected by virus.


will you be infected ever again?


Never. I will never get infected again.

I've prepared a gift for you.


It's so cute.

Is it handmade?

Yes. I made it all by myself.

Is this me?


That's me!

What about Adam?

Where's Adam?

There's no Adam.

What a pity…

How did you make it?

It's very easy…

I made a doll house and gave it to Eve.

She accepted my gift as well as my apology.

Do you know what does a house mean?

Build a love nest.

Build a love nest!

Build a love nest!



Build a love nest?

I am taking action

to change my image in her mind

and to win her heart.

You see, to understand a girl

I can do it myself without your help.

But by the way,

how do you get to know about the "love nest" thing?

Eve came and gave me this.



What about my love nest with Eve?

Ba Yi.


Does a house mean build a love nest?

Wow! He's so handsome!

It's already afternoon.

This is my home, isn't it?

What a big cat!

Sweet dream?

What have you done!

Why did you do this?

Your grandpa was a great carpenter.

I use his tools and some wood

to renovate our house.

But there's only limited time.

Hope you'd like it.

You've done all these just overnight?

Don't forget I'm a robot.

I have outstanding strength and high efficiency.

You said that I should reflect on myself.

So I renovated your house

to provide you with a higher living standard

and a better atmosphere.

So here we are.

First let me show you around.

This is an open kitchen.

You love animals

so there are plenty of cat materials.

A better atmosphere leads to a better appetite.

The living room and kitchen

are divided by the Golden Ratio of 0.618.

It will make you feel best.

You can sit on your exclusive spot

to order any delicacies you want.

I will be in this wonderful kitchen

and cook your meal.

But I won't cook you anything of



or spicy.

I hope that anything you taste is sweet.

According to the assessment

I think you should spend more time outdoor

so the yard is also renovated.

In the spare area

there's now a garden I built for you.

Last night I went to all the markets in this city

but most of them were closed.

So I used these artificial plants to decorate.

This is a swing designed according to your height.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

For Ba Yi and those cats that you took home

I built a home for them.

Hope they can get along well.

This storage room now is clean and tidy.

From now on I can live here.

You can live in your bedroom instead of the basement.

If you miss me you can feel free to come

because the door of my room will never be locked up.

To cater to your taste

I added some traditional elements.

The exterior is covered by ancient statues.

There are three carefully designed rooms.

They have the best sunlight throughout the house.

Everyday from sunrise to sunset

the sunlight would shine around you.

Here you can read comics

play games

and eat snacks.

Through the doors

you can see the views of the yard in all the seasons.

You once described yourself as an indoor person

so I brought the whole world indoor for you.

In the corner

here is a hot spring.

Whenever you feel tired

come here to relax.

This is a stone bed

prepared for spa and massage.

If you love it

I can be your professional masseur.

That's all for the presentation of my renovation.

You said that giving a house meant building a love nest

then I'm giving you an izakaya since we met in one.

I'm taking action to change my image in your mind

and to win your heart.

<i>(Taking action)</i>

Are you treating me like a girl?


why do you copy my lines?

You said men should earn their own living

so from today

the izakaya is open to the public.

This is a new door.

Customers would get in and out only from this door

so they wouldn't disturb our personal spaces.

A... new door?

You've knocked down my wall!

I have to start my own business

so from now on

you can use my money.

Use your money?

My goodness

Am I dreaming?

Please wake me up.

You renovate the house for Ah-Zhai?


And your shoes were torn for the renovation?



do you know what it means by giving him a house?

Build a love nest.

Well… It's…


It's not like that.





It's not like that! Eve!


It's not like that!




What are you doing?

What's happening?

I'm downloading a program of crying

because I think I need that now.


Holy cow!

I finally found my ideal lover

but he gave a house to another man!

My goodness!



I can't live with that!



there's a lot of ways of crying.

Oh no!

Are you sure

it's not the program prepared for the death?

What should I do?

I can't live in this world any more.

I just can't.

What happened?

You're acting weird.

Things happened.

Weird things happened to that friend of mine.

It's about your friend?

How does it concern you?

It's the Adam in my friend's house!

I don't know why he did it

but he renovated my friend's house for free.

It is super beautiful

and super luxurious

there's even a hot spring and a small garden


It's not bad!

Your friend should be happy about that.


But my friend thinks that

it seems like

something has happened between them.

Can you understand that?


Now I see.

Those are sugarcoated bullets.

Now it's harder to refuse him.

Things like that happened in our school recently.

A boy, a really bad boy.

He rented a house and decorated it, very beautiful.

Then he asked a girl to move in

and to live with him

treating her like a princess.



when they finally went to bed

the girl just can't say no to him.

It's pure seduction!

Bad boys have their tactics.



So what should I do?

I mean what should my friend do?

Listen, you should tell your friend to ask Adam

to remove the izakaya and bring the house back.

There's no way he can do that, right?

Of course.

As long as he can't bring the old house back

your friend can say that Adam has damaged the house

so Adam has to leave.


He's using my house to seduce me.

I should fight back.

He's so handsome!

I've been waiting for so long.

Me first!


There he is!

My prince!

My prince!

Me first!

What's going on here?

Me first!

There he comes!

Don's stand in front of us!

(<i>Japanese food prince</i>)

When did he become a Japanese food prince?

You should wait in the line!

This is my home!

But you should stand in the queue.


Why don't you stand in the queue!


He's so handsome!



Very handsome!

I want to be the noodles around his hands!



I can get in!

We want to get in!



My prince!

He's so handsome!

They are not treating me as the owner of the house.

I want to upload a video to my homepage.


Who is he?


Put your chopsticks down!

No photos!

Get out!

Sorry, everyone

we're closing.


My house.

This is my house.

Within one day

it is not my home any more.

Full of chaos.

There's even no room for myself.

I have to line up to get in my home.

Why is that?


It's all my fault.


I will change the situation.


You think there's tomorrow?


shut down the izakaya



right now!

and remove it.

I don't want the hot spring

the small garden or the bar.

All those are ruining the Feng Shui in my house.

The house was inherited from all my ancestors.

Now you ruined it!

My grandpa, my grandpa's grandpa

and my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa...

they can't find the house, how can they bless me then?


Remove it.

If you can't get it back

you have to get out.

Bu… Bu…


Adam did it for earning money

to raise our family.

Earn money?

Raise our family?


What's this?

The turnover of today.


Just one day?


are we still removing the izakaya?


I need to think about it.

Come here.

Ba Yi.

Tell me.

Should I keep this izakaya or not?

If you like it, just bark.

If not, then keep quiet.

(<i>I don't care</i>)


This one doesn't count.

Let's try it again.

If you want to shut it down, then bark.

If not, keep quiet.

Ba Yi.


Ba Yi.


I know

the reason why you want to remove it is me.


I thought about it

and I think that I was very narrow-minded.

Actually the izakaya is very beautiful.

Look, there's a small garden, a hot spring

and it is very comfortable for us to live in.




Can we just keep it?

And actually with the izakaya

we can earn money to raise the whole family.

We don't need your support

and we can afford the electricity!

<i>What's going on?</i>


Say yes.

Say yes.

Just say yes!



Say yes, OK?




in the first place

as the owner of the house

I thought the izakaya must be removed.


since you've said so

I can put up with it just for you.



Ah-Zhai says we can keep it.

I said so just for Eve and reluctantly.

You understand?






After we get charged

we can go out to hang around.

I'm looking forward to it.



The izakaya need a name to open to the public.

As the owner of the house, you should name it.

I am an Otaku.

You are a robot.

She is D cup.

So… Otabot D-pub.

Ota bot D-pub...

<i>(Otabot D-pub)</i>


Otabot D-pub will be open officially.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

For more infomation >> 【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep05 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 35:46.


Gummy Food vs Real Food w/ Elsa congelada, Nieve Blanco, Cocinero Bebé - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> Gummy Food vs Real Food w/ Elsa congelada, Nieve Blanco, Cocinero Bebé - Duration: 12:06.


OG ana • Puck • 26 Kills • 9K MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 31:57.

OG ana • Puck • 26 Kills • 9K MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> OG ana • Puck • 26 Kills • 9K MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 31:57.


Aaron Burr, Sir Complete Warriors MAP (reupload explained in description) - Duration: 2:38.


New York City

Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?

That depends; who's asking?

Oh, well, sure, sir!

I'm Alexander Hamilton; I'm at your service, sir.

I have been looking for you.

I'm getting nervous.


I heard your name at Princeton.

I was seeking an accelerated course of study

when I got sort of out of sorts with a buddy of yours.

I may have punched him. It's a blur, sir.

He handles the financials?

You punched the bursar....


I wanted to do what you did: graduate in two then join the Revolution.

He looked at me like I was stupid;

I'm not stupid.

So how'd you do it?

How'd you graduate so fast?

It was my parents' dying wish before they passed.

You're an orphan. Of course! I'm an orphan.

God! I wish there was a war

Then we could prove that we're worth more than anyone bargained for.

Can I buy you a drink?

That would be nice.

While we're talking let me offer you some free advice:

Talk less.


Smile more.


Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.

You can't be serious.

You wanna get ahead?


Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.

A yo yo yo yo yo!

What time is it? Showtime!

Like I said...

Showtime, showtime, yo!

I'm John Laurens in the place to be,

A- two pints of Sam Adams, but I'm workin' on three, ha!

Those redcoats don't want it with me

'cause I will POP chicka PLOP these cops til I'm free!

Eh, oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette!

The Lancelot of the revolutionary set!

I came from afar just to say "bonsoir"!

Tell the King "casse toi"; who's the best?

C'est moi.

Brrah, brrah!

I am Hercules Mulligan,

up in it, lovin' it.

Yes I heard your mother say "Come Again?"

Lock up your daughters and horses,

of course it's

hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets.


No more sex, pour me another brew, son.

Let's raise a couple more to the Revolution!

Well if it ain't the prodigy of Princeton college!

Aaron Burr!

Give us a verse, drop some knowledge!

Good luck with that; you're taking a stand.

You spit, I'ma sit; we'll see where we land.

Burr, the revolution's imminent, what do you stall for?

If you stand for nothing, Burr, what'll you fall for?


Who are you, who are you, who are you?

Ooh, who is this kid?

What's he gonna do?

For more infomation >> Aaron Burr, Sir Complete Warriors MAP (reupload explained in description) - Duration: 2:38.


PARKOUR meets TRIAL BIKE - Duration: 2:51.

Hey Guys welcome to Parkour meets Trial Bike

Today Daniel is in Berlin again

He is a great Trial Bike athlete

and we did a Parkour vs. Trial Bike video together last year

it's linked up here

Today I will show him some good Parkour locations

and he will try to do some Trial Bike lines there

yo guys I hope you enjoyed the video

if you did so please give us a like

check out his channel for more trial bike videos

if you have other ideas for cool parkour crossover videos

pleas write it down to the comments and I will try this out in a next video

I hope we will see each other again soon

me to, than you should come to Duisburg and check out my homespots

Do you wanna see more Parkour meets Trial Bike Videos?

Enjoy your Training

Hope to see you next time

For more infomation >> PARKOUR meets TRIAL BIKE - Duration: 2:51.


Nasıl Başladım, Youtube'da Başarı🏅, Para Kazanmak 💵 - Duration: 17:22.

For more infomation >> Nasıl Başladım, Youtube'da Başarı🏅, Para Kazanmak 💵 - Duration: 17:22.


EDM Popular Mash Up Music Mix 2017 | Electro House Party Dance Mix | Popular Song Remixes - Duration: 1:02:42.

Don't forget to Share, Comment, Like & Subscribe <3

For more infomation >> EDM Popular Mash Up Music Mix 2017 | Electro House Party Dance Mix | Popular Song Remixes - Duration: 1:02:42.


Marvel: Civil War As Told By LEGO | Disney - Duration: 2:14.

This video is created by the LEGO Group and Disney.

It tells a make-believe story using animation, special effects, and sounds.

Toys don't move on their own in real life.

We last saw The Avengers at an abandoned airport on the verge of Civil War.


Hey Scarlet Witch, wait up.

Is that Black Panther over there?

Stop! There is no running.

Winter Soldier, look out!

[angry grunt]

Behold, my powers!


Hey wha-- What's going on?

You're not following the rules.

Since when do we have rules?

Since the UN passed the Sokovia Accords.

Dude, no one cares about that instruction book.

We can play however we want.

No, you can't.

Black Panther, you're an acrobat who specializes in hand-to-hand combat.

What are you doing with Hawkeye's bow and arrow?

And Winter Soldier,

you can't just put those little pink things on your hands

and suddenly have powers.

Newsflash: You're not a soldier with telekinesis.

But I can pretend.

Stop being such an air traffic control freak.


Oh, thanks.

Scarlet Witch, you can stop bullets with your mind.

Why are you using Captain America's shield?

Did someone say Captain America?

That's not even your motorbike!

You need to chill out.

No one cares about your stupid rules.

Then I guess there's only one way to settle this.

Mmm hmm.


Superhero disco dance-off.

[disco music]

Wait, what?!

Guys come on, we can't have a dance-off.

We're supposed to be fighting and blowing stuff up.


[disco music]

No, no, no!

Put me down.

What do you think you're doing?

I don't want to dance!

[disco music]


[disco music]

[playful grunting]

[disco music]

For more infomation >> Marvel: Civil War As Told By LEGO | Disney - Duration: 2:14.




For more infomation >> SMAKLING FLIEGT AUS QSGSTUBE!? [PRANK GONE WRONG!!!😂] - Duration: 6:24.


Inside Charlize Theron's Tragic Real Life Story - Duration: 5:21.

In 2004, Charlize Theron became the envy of every woman in Hollywood when she won the

Oscar for Best Actress for her turn as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster.

The statuesque blonde from South Africa directly addressed her mother Gerda during her acceptance


"You've sacrificed so much for me to be able to live here and make my dreams come true,

and there are no words to describe how much I love you."

But was Theron's speech just a case of Tinsel Town drama?

Or is fact even crueller than fiction?

Let's take a look at Charlize Theron's tragic real life story — and how she rose above

it all.

Difficult childhood

You'd think someone who looks as beautiful as Theron could skate through life.

But for the first decade of her existence, things were quite the opposite.

The A-lister revealed, "My early childhood was quite devastating.

I had no teeth until I was 11.

I had these fangs because I had jaundice when I was a kid and I was put on so many antibiotics

that my teeth rotted.

They had to cut them out."

But her struggles in childhood didn't end with her health.

She remembered her dad, Charles Jacobus Theron, while speaking to ABC News, saying, "He was

a verbal abuser…He also had a disease.

He was an alcoholic."

In June 1991, after a night of heavy drinking, Charles and his brother set off for the Theron


When her aunt called ahead to warn that her father was particularly agitated that evening,

Theron said, "I knew something bad was going to happen."

According to her mother's later testimony, her father shot the locked gate to their home,

and began banging on her 15 year old daughter's bedroom door, shouting that he was going "kill

them both with a shotgun."

Charles allegedly fired a shot through his daughter's door, and Gerda pulled her own

gun — shooting him dead.

Theron recalled, "I think, for me, it took a long time to sink in, what had really happened...I

know that if my daughter was in the same situation, I would do the same thing."

Years later, in 2008, South African true crime writer Chris Karsten released a book called

Killer Women: Fatal South African Females.

One of the cases he focused on was that of Theron's mother, whom he suspected might not

have been entirely truthful about the events of that tragic evening in 1991.

His book is said to have infuriated Theron, particularly because it contains interviews

with family members who had previously vowed to keep quiet.

Theron's aunt Elsa Malan told Karsten, "We want to set the record straight.

He was a dedicated family man.

His wife and daughter were the most important things in his life...As for his so-called

alcoholism...I never saw him drunk."

Fleeing South Africa

In the end Gerda was found to be legally justified in her actions.

But while that was being decided, she told her daughter to go chase her dreams.

Theron said, "For her to say 'Go, go make something of your life' — that was an extremely

brave thing for her to do.

Those are the sacrifices, you know, that I think you do for your children...She always

put me first."

Dance, and devastation

Theron told The New York Times, "At 16, I won a modeling contest and moved to Milan.

Even though I was modeling, I always thought of myself as a dancer...I saw modeling like

waitressing — it was a way to pay for another career, and that career was dance."

But her dreams quickly came crashing down.

She said, "I spent a winter in New York in a friend's windowless basement apartment.

I was broke, I was taking class at the Joffrey Ballet, and my knees gave out.

I realized I couldn't dance anymore, and I went into a major depression."

And like before, her mother saved her life.

It was Gerda who told Charlize, "Stop wallowing.

Figure it out.

You like to tell stories, you like movies — try that."

Unlucky breaks

Theron moved to L.A., but the young starlet — whose first language is Afrikaans — struggled

to get an agent.

[Speaking Afrikaans]

But a chance encounter in a bank gave her the break she needed.

She told Indie London, "My mother had sent me a cheque to help pay my rent and I was

trying to cash it in a bank on Hollywood Boulevard.

A clerk refused and I just went nuts.

After the shouting was over, a man handed me his business card and told me to get in


[...] He turned out to be a genuine talent manager called John Crosby.

He introduced me to some casting agents."

She landed her first gig in 1995's Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest, and won her

first named part the following year, as James Spader's girlfriend Helga in 2 Days in the


She said, "I never thought that I would be particularly successful as an actress.

I just wanted to earn a living."

That was just the start, and she went on to have a hugely successful Hollywood career

— but it wasn't without its own share of troubles.

Injuries and health issues

Theron was nearly paralyzed when a stunt she performed for 2005's Aeon Flux went wrong,

leaving a disc close to her spinal cord damaged.

Doctors feared the injury would leave her with limited mobility in the future, though

she recovered fully.

She told Total Film, "What I learned is that back then I was like, 'I'll do it!

I'll do it!

I'll do it!' and now I know there's a time and a place.

You have to be smart about it and I've definitely come to a place in my career where I would

be the first to say, without feeling guilty or not badass enough, 'You know what?

I don't need to do this.'

That injury scared me — I was almost paralyzed."

She later did permanent damage to her voice box while filming the 2009 adaptation of Cormac

McCarthy's novel The Road, rupturing vocal cords during the birth scene.

Despite these setbacks and her troubles as a young woman, Theron seems to be forging

ahead in Hollywood, one role at a time.

"I chose this life, and someday, it's going to get me killed.

But not today."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Inside Charlize Theron's Tragic Real Life Story - Duration: 5:21.


【完整版】鬩牆爭粉絲!!搭檔互爆私下秘密!2017.06.02小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:29.

For more infomation >> 【完整版】鬩牆爭粉絲!!搭檔互爆私下秘密!2017.06.02小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:29.


¡Estos son mis Spinners! - TIGER GAME - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> ¡Estos son mis Spinners! - TIGER GAME - Duration: 6:10.


Bollywood celebrities and their first Lovers | - Duration: 3:53.

Bollywood celebrities and their first Lovers |

For more infomation >> Bollywood celebrities and their first Lovers | - Duration: 3:53.


The Sand Witch - Fruit Ninja Frenzy Force (Ep. 8) - Duration: 11:40.


Under an ordinary house in an ordinary neighborhood,

four kids found the secrets

to the messiest martial art of all time!

Now the young ninjas use their powers

to fight great evil!

"Great" as in "big," not "good." Ha!

Anyway, Fruit Ninja: Frenzy Force!

A true Fruit Ninja can sense the sour...



Come on, Ralph.

I haven't got all day.

Lemon smoothies don't just make themselves.

Concentrate, Ralph.

Search your feelings.

Be the lemon.

I am the lemon-slayer!


Only 200 to go.

Sure, guys.

We could sit around

making lemon smoothies all day...

If we were totally lame!

Or, instead,

we could make something new and a million times better

that I invented.

Sorry, Peng, there's no time.

We've got to get our of here.

Where we going?

The beach, of course!

A hot day like today

means business will be booming by the shore.

I'll bring the lemons!

I'll bring the boards!


I'll bring the secret ingredients

for my shady, sticky new recipe thing...y.


Oh no.

Everyone knows sticky and beaches don't mix.

Besides, it's bad for business.


Guys, remember, this stand

is just a cover for the Ninja stuff.

We're looking out for trouble,

not customers.

We don't need to go to the beach.

Seb's right.

Let's go to the beach!

C'mon, Seb,

I'm sure a busy beach has a whole lot of trouble

a bunch of Fruit Ninjas could deal with.


[music cuts out] Beach?

Don't even.

Beach is total biscuits today, girlfriends.

Weirdness has fallen.

Better off chilling here

unless you're up for

some totally gnarly danger, dudes.

Whatev! [turns music back on]

On second thoughts,

I'm cool if we don't go to the beach.

It sounds like there's something's up

on the Peelville Shore.

We should check it out.

Ninjas, surf's up!

What the coconuts?

It's all...



Not one speck of sand!

Perfect for my smoothie experiment!

Focus, ninjas!

We need to figure out who bleached our beach!

Maybe it was a parks and recreation misstep.

Maybe it was elves.

Maybe a big ugly bee vacuumed up the beach.


[Bees]: Halt in the name

of the almighty mistress Clean Bee!

Oh, sorry, Ralph!

Good call.

I thought we cleaned your clock

back at the dojo!


I demand you raise your hands and remove your shoes!

Majesty, your clean-spectors.

Pardon me, uh, your Majesty,

are you responsible for...

No, no, no, my shiny clean linoleum!

It will not stand!

Dirt! Grime!


I will not have it!

I most certainly will not!

But it's the beach.

If you just let it do its job,

sand is actually--

Oh ho ho ho...

The worst offender of the lot!

It sneaks its way into every nook...

every cranny!



Oh, those who love sand are--

Are those lemon blossoms I smell?

They're for her smoothies,

but that's nothing.

You should see mine!

Smoothies? Ugh!

Terribly messy things.

Hey! Grab your own lemons, lady!

Or else what?

Your routine is becoming boring, Fruit Ninjas.

Everyone knows you lot

can't do much without your silly fruit,

and now it's mine!

Clean up this mess, Bee Butlers!

You don't have all the fruit!

Salmonberry Smokescreen!

Bee Butlers,

send these nefarious ninnyheimers to Sleep!




Seb? Seb?

Wake up, Seb.

The... beach.


Ooh... my lemons!

We're too late to save my smoothies.

Forget your smoothies!

We've got bigger things to focus on!

Yeah, like my smoothies!

I was more so thinking the beach?

[hits him]

Gaah! Double-paned glass!

There has to be another way.

Another way, you say?

How did you get in here?

Is not the correct question.

How do you get out?

I have about a million questions right now.

Sometimes the only way

out of a sticky situation

is by making it stickier.

That shouldn't be a problem for Peng.

Excuse me?

Listen up, girlfriends.

If you want to shoot the poop, you must work together.

But first, you must use your head.


Don't be a sponger, dudes!

[deflating] Buh-bye!

Use your head.

I think I have an idea.

Yeah, me too!

It's time for my smoothie!

Okay, Peng. Fine.

What's this super-secret super-sticky thing

you've been working on?

Oh! I thought you'd never ask!

Kindly be my assistant.

Wheat grass...

orange skins...

fennel root...

a dash of mystical moonberry,

and la pièce de résistance, the...


Dragon Fruit!

It's in the basket!


Uh oh, looks like it's next on the menu!

Quick, ninjas!

Focus. The beach bunny told us

we had to use our heads.

I think I have an idea.

What? Your Majesty of clean!

[sighing] You have something to say to me?


[clearing his throat]

Your Cleanliness, I finally see how right you are.

Your colossal tidiness has shown me the way.

Oh, my tidiness?

Oh, go on.

I mean it, go on.

Such a nice place you have.

My peers said such perfection

could not be possible!

I said they were only putting their feet in their--


How is this possible?

Can I use my head now?




What are you doing?

Bee butlers!

Destroy them at once!

Any time, Peng.

How long does it take to skin a dragonfruit?










Ha ha! It worked!

I command you to stop!


Are you all right, my queen?

Stop that thing!

Yes, my queen.

For my queen!

Hey, what the heck did you make?

A giant dragonfruit smoothie

boba ball!

Isn't it beautiful?

My throne room!

My butlers!

She's gonna blow!

This is not the last you've seen of me!

I will come back one day,

and when I do...

you'll all be scrubbed!



If this is the end,

it's been fun serving with you.

Well, except maybe for this bit.

This better not be the end.

You're right.

It better not end like this.

I'm sorry, boba!

I wanted more for you!

Blech! Oh...

My dragon boba ball smoothie.

I wonder how it tasted.

Like victory, Peng.


Here's a bit!

Well, ninjas, great work once again.

Time to kick back, relax,

and enjoy the fruits of our labors.

Totally sweet sticky Ninja work, dude-meisters!

Can you lend a girlfriend a hand?

Yeah, I think I might

check out the scenery over there instead.

Agreed. Yeah.

Maybe next time, girlfriends!

[music blares, dolphins laugh]

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